Upgrading Knuckles To VENOM KNUCKLES In GTA 5!

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I've been in love with Amy Rose for years but she only wants to date Venoms that's why it's my goal to become a Venom Knuckles so she can finally become my girlfriend there she is guys Amy Rose but oh my God she's with Venom Sonic oh Venom Sonic you're so pretty I'll go on a date with you right now all right Amy follow me it's time for our date anything you say Venom Sonic I'm going to make her mind guys but how do I become a Venom E I can help you oh snap tails to upgrade you have to touch other symbius here you can touch this Venom holy snap that makes so much sense thank you so much for the help deals let me touch it holy snap guys it actually worked I'm half a Venom right now and there she is Amy Rose hey Amy do you think I'm pretty um you're ugly Knuckles and Sonic Venom is way prettier I think I might make him my boyfriend oh no guys I need to become a full Venom Knuckles if I want to date her guys we really need to find more Venoms that we can touch help somebody call an ambulance oh my God it's a Venom laying under a broken plane yo Venom are you okay no can you help me please it's on top of me no worries I can help you guys go in the comment section right now and type super punch and we're going to buch the plane together holy snip it actually worked the plane is gone thank you so much I thought I'd never get out of there no worries Venom but I'm going to touch you right now and look at me guys I upgraded further into a Venom Knuckles and oh my my God there's a huge Megalodon Venom right there and if I touch that big venom I will definitely upgrade a lot and then I can impress Amy where's my next pre I'm starving for lunch holy snap guys he's very dangerous I can't approach him from the front cuz then he's going to eat me any humans on the beach over here megga on Venom wait who are you huh uh I'm a Venom knuckles I see a very beautiful human behind you swimming wait really behind me are you sure yep I'm 100% sure I'm going to cat buddy I'm going to Swip it right now guys perfect perfect perfect let me hop on the jet ski where the heck is he though oh he's right there just a little further up ahead okay ahead okay I'm going to swim really fast I'm going to eat him right now where is he huh he's a little fur he's right there stop stop he's right there I'll see anyone man let me freaking touch him oh my God yes guys my Phenom meter is full again look at me guys I'm fully covered in Black right now and there's Amy hey Amy I look much more like a Venom now do you want to be my girlfriend you look better I guess but Venom Sonic is taking me on a second date today I'm so excited yeah oh snap she doesn't like me yet guys I have to become a full Phenom Knuckles wait a second there's Knuckles he can help me Venoms just invaded this restaurant and they're going to turn innocent people into symbiotes oh my God guys there's a Venom right there let me grab my shot gun I'm going to make you look just like me please don't man please save me please piece of one stop with what you're doing right now put your hands up in the air Venom oh gosh I was just turning this guy into a symbiote like me wait a second guys if Venom turns the innocent people into symbiot I will actually upgrade more you know what Venom just keep going really yep awesome wait what no please don't do that please don't do that man no don't do it man don't I feel like a Venom holy snap let me freaking touch him I look at my Venom meter guys it's already going up hey uh Venom there's another uh innocent human over there I'm so scared please don't please don't turn me into Venom I wouldn't live I have a husband and two kids at home oh it's too late for you lady I'm going to turn you into a right now my God this one looks insanely huge let me touch you and look at my Venom meter guys is going up again oh no I'm trapped inside by office I don't want to become a Venom oh my God Venom did you just hear what I heard let's go to this guy's office and let's turn him into a symbiote as well so I can touch him but you're not going to eat this one right I I want to get more SYM no worries no worries I won't I have a gun okay step back step back all right I'll shoot it I'm not afraid to shoot it okay Venom just do it just do it there's a gun I can't do it it's scary bro there's not even bullets in the shotgun just go I promise you promise yeah and three two I'm going to shoot you I purple I love that yes it works now let me touch this Purple Venom my Venom meter went up guys look at that hey Venom got to stop eating Venoms okay I worked really hard on turning them into Venoms you know what you got to do what disappear and yes guys my Venom meter is full and look at me guys I became a buff Venom Knuckles right now go into the dojo and touch every Carnage ninja in there just watch out that you don't get slashed by them all right the gnage Ninja Temple guys that sounds insane let's go in there and touch some freaking symbios the first one is right over there oh hello I'm going to slash you new Target wait who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wo chill bro chill chill chill chill chill I'm here for the training man oh the training ah okay what do you want to train maybe some cool tricks or something maybe you can show me one first oh okay yeah I can I can show you a pretty good trick okay perfect guys let me touch him look at my Venom meter guys it's already going up again there's another one right over there I heard you're here for training right yes I am wait let me quickly climb up the stairs over here come up here I want to battle you in a classic sword fight how about that huh oh sure thing man let me quickly grab my sumarized sword look at this oh yeah let's go to the Dojo over here okay perfect make it official huh guys I'm going to touch him while we are fighting with each other okay he's right there uh so what do we do exactly I'm going to beat you up with my sword that's what I'm going to do H are you sure about to let me touch you and look at my Phenom meter guys it already went up it's so freaking easy okay let's find another one hey wait a minute I just saw you slash that Carnage ninja now it's time to slash you wo wo wo wo wo chill out bro I was just practicing with him okay it went a little wrong oh I guess that makes sense yeah I always make mistakes during practice do you want to practice with me now uh yeah that actually sounds very good guys this is so freaking easy these guys are so dumb let me oh my God guys we actually did it we got that gnage as well and I fenom met going up again hey loser come outside holy snap I am the Gest ninja of dragons I have this special lava sword that I'm going to slash you with you're trying to kill her tribe aren't you that's insane hey you big mouth Mr Big Redman you want to do a One V one with me oh yes cuz I'm the best ninja out the world has ever seen you won't be able to beat me are you sure about that yes I'm very very sure about that all right here I am are you ready yeah just come to me boy and then I'll slash your head off for real oh is that so guys I'm just going to do it immediately time to slash you subscribe right now and we're going to touch him God guys we did it my Venom meter is full look at me guys I look so athletic right now as this Venom Knuckles yo Amy I'm becoming more and more like a Venom do you like me now yeah but I'm going to go on a third day with Venom Sonic in 10 minutes I think he's going to ask me to be his girlfriend it'll be so romantic oh no guys I only have 10 more minutes to become the ultimate venom Knuckles but luckily Knuckles is here this is the Venom only gate at the airport Venoms will come through here to get checked so pretend to be a security officer and touch them oh my God I always wanted to be one of these people guys let's freaking take this job and do it oh man can you let me through I'm running late for my flight holy snap there's already a Venom no sir I quickly have to do a security check on you I've got nothing man I've got no bags no nothing can you just let me through please that's what everyone says bro just turn around and let me quickly check you okay okay but please make it quick I'm really late yeah no worries it will be very quick guys go in the com section right now and type touch and my Venom meter already went up guys this is so freaking easy and there's another Venom right there I need to get through the security right freaking now oh is that so well where the heck are you going I'm go to Amsterdam all right oh you're going to Amsterdam huh yeah pass inity on Earth I promise I'm not going to do anything weird over there or something are you sure about that cuz I hear a lot of tourists come there to just uh I don't know fool around there a little bit I've also heard that uhhuh and you're going to do that without any suitcases or anything or any clothes or anything yeah I don't have any bags on me all right you want to check me out or something yes I do cuz I find this very suspicious check me all right oh my God guys look at her okay let me touch her oh yeah my Venom meter is going up again guys I love this job I can touch Venoms and be a little security guard there's Lego Venom oh gosh I have to go all the way to Denmark and I really really late oh is that so Mr Lego F and why are you going to Denmark huh what is the reason of your visit uh because that's where Lego is made I have to go check out my brothers and sisters you know a that makes a lot of sense but don't you have any other bricks on you as well cuz people smuggle bricks to den Mark do you know that no I've got nothing on me I swear I swear all of it's in my luggage it was already checked oh is that so h i find that kind of weird and uh your smile on your face on your big Lego head also is a little bit suspicious I want want you to stand there right now and turn around cuz I need to feel you I need to touch you come on man I just smile when I'm nervous okay bro I said stand right there come on stand right there all right all turn around good boy good boy good never had to do this before this is not fair you oh yeah look at my flipping Venom meter guys it's going up again oh hey there that's a gold fenom all I want to go through right now I got this massive laser gun with me is that all good or what are you stupid you're taking a flight with a really big laser gun yeah of course I have a permit for it I promise bro let me see that perit right now because this is highly illegal you're on an airport with a freaking laser gun man that's kind of weird well I I have a problem cuz I I forgot the per at uh at home at my grandma's house yes mhm at your grandma's house okay guys I actually find this guy very suspicious I'm not even joking uh sir I need you to stand right there uh right now and turn around right right there right over here hey stand right there because you're acting very suspicious sir I'm trying my best man I need you to turn around right now towards that wall come on come on come on okay okay okay who's your big boy now let me touch you a yeah my Phantom meter is going up again I'm going to date Amy Rose soon wo this fellow flesh wo wo wo wo wo stop right there fast boy hey man I'm trying to set a world record of getting through security super quickly cuz I'm super fast oh yeah I can see that but that's not going to happen man bro you're messing with my time and you're messing with my mental health so stop right there because you're acting suspicious oh come on man come on man I'm going to lose my world record I was I was making such good time I was win I don't care about your records this could also be a disguise to do something very awful at an airport so just stand right there right now and turn around and let me just check you if you have anywh fine fine fine but make it quick make it quick okay I have I'll make it very quick oh my God guys I can't believe it my Venom meter is fool and look how buff I am guys I look so freaking cool and there's Amy Rose come on Amy look at how beautiful I am already will you please be my girlfriend sorry Knuckles but you don't look as pretty as Venom Sonic I'm going on that day with him in 6 minutes I can't wait he's taking me shopping oh my God guys we're running out of time I have to upgrade so I can impress her but luckily here's Knuckles that will help us this is the Symbiote lab they fused a bunch of superheroes with symbiotes here try to touch them oh my God guys look at this there's so many freaking symbiotes right here I make this beautiful Hulk venom fusion with my scientific capsule now it's time to put it on the van and sell it it's going to be worth millions I can't wait to be rich finally I can buy that Lamborghini I always wanted he's not going to sell it cuz I'm going to throw grenad right over there and he's going to go right there move wait what the heck was that bro over here yeah what the heck was that let me quickly touch the Venom yes guys we touched him and my Venom meter is going up and here's another symbiote that I can touch okay let me hide behind the car cuz there's a freaking scientist right there I developed this Venom Flash to sell to the government they're going to use this so well and not for bad things at all yeah yeah of course cuz the government never does anything bad right Mr scientist okay guys let me just distract him a little bit you know what maybe I can just throw a ball in that corner over there come on come on I hope he sees it in the corner on the left why why are there balls over here that's not very good for the laboratory someone can slip on these exactly okay perfect he's right there let me touch the Symbiote oh my God guys it worked look at my Venom meter okay there's another one right there my stupid stupid experiment it all failed this sucks I wanted a normal fenom Sonic and that was a baby bird I'm done bur you stupid I'm going to bur you down I don't care anymore I hate my job I'm done with science oh my God he just burnt baby Sonic F I'm going to go home I'm going to be a YouTuber or something it's way more fun yes you should come on come on maybe you can join simply Chris loser and here's baby Sonic Venom let me touch him yes yes yes yes yes guys look at my Venom meter going up all right there is egman Phenom now that I've handled those balls I can go back to protecting these lovely specimens that I will sell to the government for the military okay you know what guys he doesn't fall for the balls anymore let me just grab some gas and let me gas him up come on come on let me throw some gas and let him fall asleep what a curious combination of gas o it's making me sick how funny oh well uh that didn't work out for him but it did work out for me let me touch acman Venom yes guys I can't believe it look at my Venom meter and that is the final Venom I need to touch in order to upgrade again hey there y y yo y you're an escaped science experiment aren't you huh yes I am I'm I'm sorry Mr uh John Kosinski you're a superhero Fusion yourself you should be in the capsule how the heck did you escape from it your other scientist friend over there he let me out because I I needed some fresh air man oh stupid Johnny you should never listen to you again that's so dumb okay well anyway I'm going to put you in a capsule right over here right come with me come on in here in here right wait I'm going to go in this capsule yep in here come on oh my God that sounds perfect guys let me go in with ski Venom oh I'm in here let me touch him wait what are you doing what I did is that I touched your freaking skiy and my fenom meter is full look at how buffed I am guys I have four arms and I look so muscular yo Amy I love you I'm trying my best here can you please please cancel your date and be my girlfriend it's really sweet what you're doing but it's time for my date I'm going to go to Venom Sonic's house now bye oh my God guys we only have a few more minutes we got to hurry yo knuckles I need your help urgently you need to touch one final symbiote to become the ultimate venom Knuckles and I have an idea if you touch Venom Sonic he will disappear and you can become Amy Rose's boyfriend we're in front of his house oh my God Knuckles you're so fre freaking smart okay guys I'm going to touch him but we have to be very careful cuz Sonic Venom is very muscular and he will just eat me when he sees me it's right there it's time to go for a little swim to prepare for our date with ay Rose it's going to be so good when I finally asked her to be my girlfriend okay stupid Venom Knuckles won't have it I cannot wait to see his face when he knows that it's going to be me yeah it is not going to be you buddy it's going to be me wait a second you're a voice behind me or something let's lay down in the com section right now and time sh be very quiet when you're watching this on the TV guys don't say it work cuz Venom Sonic is right there that you no no I hope he doesn't see me I guess no oh my god it worked thank you for the comments guys your comments really help me that'll be crazy right okay perfect I got to go upstairs real quick into the bathroom to put on some makeup and then I'm going to go on the date oh yeah right behind him okay let's follow him up upstairs okay I just went upstairs I saw his big buddy who I hear footsteps or something uhoh let's hope he's not coming back down what's going on snap he's right there oh I must be hearing some weird stuff again yes you must be maybe you should think better all right into the bathroom now let me prepare myself for it you can do it Phenom Sonic you can ask AB Rose to be your girlfriend she's got to say yes all right he's in the bathroom right now guys let me just sneak up on him yeah I can do it I believe in myself okay it's time to go on that date now let's go snap St St snap he's coming he's coming he's coming oh God God God God God God God God God oh let me lay down let's hope he doesn't see me time to go downstairs yes it is I wonder where Amy is she's taking very long to arrive at my house oh Venom Sonic I'm here there you are Amy my love oh my God what Amy Rose is here come on in all right come on in of course I'm so excited for this date f Sonic oh slap so am I it's going to be so awesome I promise you that Amy all right it's going to be great I love you I love you so much before we hang out I need to go to the bathroom really quick uh where can I find that guess that's perfect oh of course it's right around the corner over there okay all right thank you guys this is perfect goad when Amy Rose goes to the toilet I can just sneak up on Phenom Sonic and touch him from the back he not suspecting me right now go in this comment section right now and type touch and make sure to subscribe and we're going to touch him oh my God guys we did it look at my Venom meter it's full look at me guys I'm the ultimate venom Knuckles right now I'm so beautiful and there's Amy Rose wait you look so pretty where did Venom Sonic go uh he left to take a swim at the but I'm here right now and I have a question for you Amy yeah of course would you want to go on a date with me and be my girlfriend yeah you're so pretty of course oh my God guys I can't believe it Amy Rose is my girlfriend right now and I went from Knuckles into the ultimate venom Knuckles thank you so much for watching guys make sure to watch the next video bye-bye
Channel: Bloo
Views: 1,408,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloo, gta, gta rp, kwebbelkop, gta 5, rp, grand theft auto, roleplay
Id: rYOW41lrdSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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