Updated for Season 4 - 10.2 Frost Mage Guide - Rotation, Talents, Stats, Trinkets

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hello welcome to my dragon flight season 3 Frost Mage guide don't get confused by the transmon we're going to start like any good Frost guy just remind you all that shatter exists kind of have to balance between people that already know the class and don't reminder always great to read your passives basically this just means that any spell you use against the Frozen target has a bunch of crit chance and then the next logical question is what is frone either through an actual freeze you see they got some weird Frost visual on them that makes them Frozen for a short period of time but more commonly in your rotation is going to be from a debuff that's applied from flurry if I flurry this mob he has something called winers Chill on him which just takes damage from the major spells as a Frozen and you can see it has two stacks so every flurry after it you're going to follow with you know like two abilities that are going to have a massively increased chance to shatter which gives you a lot of good chance aside from your freezes which which you know we can go over later um but you'll be able to identify them pretty easily for instance it's ice Nova and frost Nova mainly um we also have one other mechanic which allows us to shatter and that's Springers of frost this however is only applied to iands one the procs I get is going to be the ones on the sides so this and all that does is makes my icelands treat my targets as if they're frozen so by icance you see it just has a higher chance to crit um I'm not in for Fross gear at the moment so it's not critting because I have very low crit but still has a massively increased chance so let's just start with our single Target talents nothing's changed since our rework this is our single Target talent tree on our spec tree this is never going to change um over here the only important point is temporal warp your stat nodes and then um like in can flow overflowing energy and shifting power you can take anything else you want on this tree you don't need you know any of this right um I do recommend taking ice cold and cryofreeze because this causes you to heal 80% of your max HP over 6 seconds which is pretty strong especially for frost since we have cold snap but none of the other talents are are needed at all um Master time's really nice because it resets the cool down of Shimmer blank so you can use alter in ways that you know let you blink multiple times I blink reset this and then blink backwards you know that's nice if you don't want just use alter as a defensive tool and then Shimmer ver ice flows is largely personal preference I will say people kind of take Shimmer too often I think people should take ice blow more so moving on from that let's take a a quick look at the the single Target priority um I have the opener listed here but I'm just going to show you a graphic for it which will probably make it easier to understand in a bit um and here's our our eight line single Target priority if you're familiar with frost tier rework the only thing that's changed is uh if you don't have brain freeze you're actually going to hold your natural flurries for three icicles and then glacial spike is just you just send it regardless of if you have flurries or winter chills we can actually cut this down a lot because shifting power is only once every minute Frozen orbs only once every minute red Frost is only once every minute combat storm is only once every 30 seconds so your core rotation is actually this um this IC lance frostbolt thing and then glacial spikee and then your flurry and this is your your major rotation it's just these four abilities um with like frozen orb you're just hitting that on CD shifting power you're hitting that on CD R Frost you're essentially hitting on CD you just have to get into Winter's chill which I'll explain in a second and Comon storm again it's very structured you're only ever going to use Comon storm right flurry so it comes up cool down you wait till you press flurry then you press C Storm you don't have to worry about it for 30 seconds um um the major thing that we want to be concerned about is this when are we flurrying when are we glacial spiking when are we ice Lancing and when are we Frost Boling to help with that here's this stepped up graphic I want to give you an idea of our Winner's chill combo I mentioned earlier that after you flurry you have two winers chill that cause you to treat the target as if it's frozen flurry actually has three projectiles however and you can kind of see them fly through the air each one of those applies Winter's chill so if you have a a casted spell before Winter's chill it actually benefits from that or before your flurry it benefits from Winter's chill and has that increased crit chance so a lot of times we try and cast something before flurry um so you know like a an ideal Winter's chill sequence would be like a glacial Spike into flurry into Comet storm into icance into R Frost right something like this um and so this is listed in priority for what you're going to focus on for each of these like Winter's chill slots if you have glacial Spike you always want to do a glacial Spike into flurry right that's just ideal um and if you glacial Spike into flurry you're only have one icicle so you can't glacial Spike again so you know you would just iance and if you don't have R Frost up you already glacial spiked here so you obviously can't do it again so you would ises so this is just one of your Combos and then let's say you're starting with three icicles right so it shows you three icicles you have frostbolt which gives you one icicle you have flurry which give you another icicle so now you've gotten five IAL so your top priority is just to glacial Spike as soon as possible and then you're going to Iceland because you are glacial spiked right so we're just kind of looking at these and I don't want you to memorize this the core function of this is you want a glacial Spike into Winter's chill if you can and you just fit it in as the soonest one you can if you're not going to then the default like flurry combo is just frostbolt flurry and then ice Lance ice Lance right um so yeah all you need to know is you want to glacial Spike into Winter Chill as soon as possible unless you have R Frost on the third one because you can see that's a higher priority for this slot hopefully that makes sense and here are the example combos again I don't want you to memorize these what you really need to be doing is just kind of understand the fact that we want to pre-cast something in where's chill we want to follow it with abilities right told you I also show you something for the opener and this is what it is quick reminder it's you know pre-cast Frost flurry into Icy Veins you're going to use your on use you're going to Comet storm then icance and R Frost there's actually a section after this R Frost but because of the splintering cold that I pointed out earlier and this frostbone flurry there's a 51% chance for you to have gotten at least Le one extra icicle during this combo um and that will change what you do after the ray of frost which is technically just an extension of our single T priority you don't need to memorize this um but it can be helpful for you to understand if you have it written out so let's say you don't proc any sping Colts so you get one icicle here one icicle here one icicle here and then you R Frost rear Frost if you don't know generates two charges of fingers of frost over the course of its um duration so those are the ones that are on the sides that cause your Iceland to shatter right icance generates an icicle when shatters So You Yet two icicles now so here we generate one icicle one icicle one icicle and then we R Frost again we've only generated three icicles so we go here and we have our two fingers of Frost from R Frost so this guaranteed you just IC Lance twice to get rid of your fingers of frost and now you're at five I schs and I mentioned how you know if you can you just want to glacial Spike into the soon Winter Chill you can and right now we have glacial Spike available and we have flurry available so we just glacial Spike follow it with a flurry to get it into this first when's chill slot and then uh you're also just going to cast like frozen orbit shifting power un go down here um and then you would be done and you would be going into your rotation which I'm going to do a gameplay example for you right after this let's say you do proc a splintering cold at some point here doesn't matter which spell either Frost bow or flurry but you end up with four ICL by the time you start casting re Frost then you only need icance once to get to glacial Spike if we look at the priority list glacial spike is above Iceland so even though we could isance again as you saw in this combo we're actually not going to we're just going to go straight into our Glacier Spike flurry um we're isance once here that's because we don't want to overcap fingers Frost from our Frozen orb and then we do the Frozen orb shifting power now this is almost never going to happen um but if you somehow crck you know spun during cold on both your Frost bowl and your flurry which is is you know like3 time3 chance then say you 9% chance of this ever happening um then you're just going to go straight ahead with the glacial Spike into flurry and then do some ice lances to get rid of your fingers of frost before you frozen orb because you remember Frozen orb we don't want to do it at two fingers of frost and especially for this opening one we don't even want to do it with any fingers of frost because we're going to shifting power right afterwards so otherwise we would overcap if we did it with some fingers Fross this is what our opener looks like hopefully that's understood I'm going to do a gameplay example for you right now okay so here's going to be an example of the single to rotation over here is going to be where the casts are you can see I'm going to do the frost bolb flurry opener um I am using trinkets here so you can see my bail fire was activated you play double on uses Frost so I have another on use here which is Bellos which I'm going to use when the 20 seconds is up um and you want to use that inside of a gcd so anyway I'm doing my frostbolt flurry Icy Veins next obviously we want to see see a common storm ice Lance Ray which is what's going to happen I didn't get any splintering ice procs I only have three icicles so I do two ice lances glacial Spike flurry and two orb I used one Iceland so I hopefully would overcap FR Frost but I got some uh procs so anyway see use BOS like during a nice G just casting glacial Spike as soon as I get it there got a Spong gold proc overcapped IES a little bit can happen GLA like flurry Comet storm Iceland Ray and it doesn't matter that some of the ray is going to be out of the uh wi chill just cuz there there's not really a better way to use it I first as soon as it's off cool down help need build my icle so I don't need to waste this flurry until I do the pre-cast caal could have been good for me if F Frost have flurry there at four I schs but uh yeah sometimes you got head your PS so yeah hopefully you're seeing you know Common threads of what I showed you um just throughout this you can see there I delayed my frostbolt flurry until I was at three icicles um that was actually incorrect a bit what I did so when it says three icicles what it really means is this I'm at two icicles and I'm casting Frost bow this is three IES in in my mind all right because this Frost Bol is going to give me a third I schle so here I would use this flurry even if it's not brain fre okay and that brought me to five but the point is if you're at two icicles then when you're casting frostbolt you're technically at three because your Frost Bolt's going to give you one um so I just did was a bit of mistake so yeah anyway I think that gives you a good idea of the single Target rotation um and next we're going to move on to two target you might be asking yourself what are our two target talents they're the exact same as our single Target talents we don't change them moving on let's talk about two target priority so the only difference with our two Targets is here um when we're at two flurry charges we're going to want to use our flurries on separate targets to make sure both are glacial spikes crit okay so for instance at four icicles you would flurry the off Target and then you would glacial Spike and then you would flurry the main Target and then you would just you know play like normal or if you at three I SKS you would flurry the off Target into an ice Lance into a glacial Spike into a flurry um ideally you know you're flurrying whoever you're ice Lancing first or whoever you're Frost buting first I'll show you with the one flurry charge there's a minor difference in that we always hold our flurry till three icicles and we never use it because for instance in single Target if we don't have if we have brain freeze we just cast it however in two target we ignore that we always hold it till three that essentially caus us to almost always be able to do this two target flurry thing uh the reason why it's so important to to do this is because of our tier set where glacial Spike explodes when CH is a frozen enemy doing 20% damage to nearby enemies this doesn't hit the main target but this does trigger off Splinter uh splinting ice so if I glacial Spike these two people and I freeze them then this guy's explosion is going to hit that guy and that guy's explosion is going to hit this guy so big damage increase also Glacier Spike just does a lot more damage crits because it has this crit damage modifier and then also we have a crit damage modifier here as well as well um so yeah you really want to crit your glacial Spike which is why we're doing this weird Target swapping based on win chill and obviously if your winner is chilling multiple mobs you want to make sure that you're consuming all the winners Chill on all mobs so you know if I flurry this guy and then I flurry this guy um but this person still has one wi's chill left you know I would still want to consume it most of the time it doesn't matter because if for instance I'm going built a four icles here um so let's say I do a frostbolt flurry ice Lance now I'm a glacial Spike and I'm going to flurry this other guy this wi sh was just consumed by the glacial Spike this guy still has two wi chill so I'm end up iceing twice okay that's kind of the the thing I watch out for so it's nice to have like name play it's like pler that show you when wear shows on but I think this will look a lot less complicated when I show you a gameplay example okay here's going to be a two- tar example you know cast time over here you do your single tar opener here I actually proc two splintering colds so I'm going to just swap targets and glacial Spike flurry like normal um normally when you don't proc sprinting cold you know you have your period where you have to build to five icicles you should replace your fourth to fifth icicle with a flurry but you'll see that later on so I'm going shifting power I'm at ice Lance here I have four ice SKS and I have F Frost if this was single Target I would ice Lance into Glacier Spike this is two target however and I have two flurry charges so I'm going to flurry to go from four to five icicles on this guy then I'm going to glacial Spike and flurry this guy okay so that way I'm shattering both glacial spikes so you'll see me do that here glacial Spike flurry and then I spin my f Frost use my Bellos when I'm in a gcd here I'm going to Target Swap and flurry because I already had flurry on the other Target a lot of time you're going to have to react to getting a flurry crck um like after your Winter's chill combo or like during your Winter's chill combo I mean cuz of like water jet and things so yeah it's like here water jet so I got one Midway through my wi CH combo so I was able to still do this I should have com storm before the uh GLA Spike but it doesn't matter too much and then I'm just doing my single turret cuz I only W flurry charge so no matter what I do here it's going to be single turret okay only one flurry charge so just single tarting and yeah pretty simple just needs practice so this is what your standard Mythic plus Talent Tre is going to look like um notice my recommendation is a little bit different from last year now just instead of chain reaction being the base one I have as Ray Frost Chain Reaction falls off a lot in theic plus uh so and Ray Frost is really really valuable in single Target though you only ever use it in one and two target it's never used in AOE so let's just talk about some of the options for AOE though this is a standard build you can run this every situation never change it be totally fine however you might find there's situations like Bracken height last tier where three of the bosses you're spending a lot of time not necessarily doing the single Target rotation since you're not doing single T rotation there's not really as much room for you to use R Frost so in that case you might elect to just go Chain Reaction okay if you're not finding much use for R Frost chain reaction is a great option to go there's also the kind of pad AOE build um which is still quite strong and that is where you drop sping cold and you take Subzero you drop rare Frost and you take frostbite this is only effective against freezable mobs all right so mobs can be either freezable or unfreezable It generally has to do with whether they're cable um so bosses and raid are unfreezable just bosses in general are unfreezable so that's why you know you never hear anyone telling you to use ice Nova in single Target cuz ice Nova does nothing in single Target however if I'm hitting some puny mob um like a Target dummy and I ice no it this actually makes it so I can shatter an ability okay cuz it it freezes them uh which is the same thing that Winter Chill does it's just for a much shorter period of time so it's harder to capitalize on it um but you can cheat about that because you can cue Frozen's spells after your cast spells like frost bow and glacial Spike if I cue um a freeze after it like this it's guaranteed to shatter right so that's a primary part of your AOE when you know enemies are are able to be Frozen and in that scenario Subzero and Frostbite are by far your best AOE talents but you lose a lot of uh single Target damage like here's an example of single Target damage You' lose if you went from the standard Ray build to the Subzero and Frostbite build okay you lose 7% single Target damage when you're fighting freezable mobs in five targets for instance you would gain 6.2% damage of your array build um and this just increases the more targets you add so this is a a 60-minute composite Sim that kind of looks to try and aggregate the the amount of time you spend on each set of mobs in Mythic plus it was made by norer I didn't make this this is too big brain for me um so for instance you spend like 15% of your time on single Target and like you know 5% of your time on like seven Target and you know 15% of your time on two target things like that um it just runs all those Sims and then kind of combines them together which why 60 minutes so this is kind of a good idea of how overall talents could affect your Mythic plus overall damage in this case I think even the single Target mobs are actually freezable which is why Frost Bay and Subzero winning out here but this is a very strong AOE Talent you can see it's just even still barely above Ray so Ray overall in a dungeon is very strong Subzero and Frostbite is also very strong it really just depends on the situation so Bracken hey for instance was a a common time where I would go Subzero and Frostbite because the main thing that you give up for subzero that causes you to lose so much single Target aside from R Frost is splintering cult and in AOE you're not Frost bolting and you don't really need sping cold CU you're flurrying a lot less so yeah this just does kind of nothing as I mentioned before in Bracken Hy like three of the four bosses you're spending a lot of time aoeing so this is a perfect time where you'd want to go this that or if there's just bunch of freezable mobs um I don't have an answer for you right now for like each of the dungeons I haven't done them enough and again I recommend the uh the ray frost build as a standard build so yeah we'll see how it progresses as The Meta kind of shines but generally people tend to shy away from the Subzero Frost fite build because it loses so much single Target damage but you can make that decision for yourself here is our AOE priority it has not changed since last season the only thing that has has changed is there's a more concrete um rotation when you're dealing with a mix of unfreezable and freezable mobs but we'll get to that in a bit so with your AOE rotation in a as Frost what you're mainly playing around is coldest snap which is just you have a really long CD K of cold when K of cold hits AOE mobs it resets the cool down of Frozen orb and comat storm and it also applies Winter Chill which if you remember is the thing that flurry applies that causes your target to be treated as if it's frozen by any spells okay but Cold's an AOE ability so unlike flurry it'll apply it to everyone it hits so this gives us free AOE shatters so we often do or we always do with K of cold a combo where we Comet storm into con of cold this causes the comet storm to be shattered this also since we just K of CED with this Talent resets the cool down com storm so then we comat storm again and this comat storm is also shattered because this is winner's chill and it persists for 6 seconds um if you didn't know single Target abilities generally consume win chill right you can see I have two stacks now I have one stack now I have zero Stacks uh AOE abilities don't consume win chill but they do benefit from it so if I have win Chill on enemy and I comment St it's most of them are going to crit because it's benefiting from the win shill even if it doesn't consume it so in AOE your critical wi is just going to kind of last forever uh until it runs out after 6 seconds and that's the the primary combo that we have to be concerned with in AOE but our base rotation is really just around keeping up Frozen Orban blizzard and then we generate uh icicles mainly with icelands we have a lot of fingers of frost due to freezing winds since we have frozen or almost out always and then we glacial Spike and then we want to shatter that glacial Spike this is where knowing whether mobs are freezable or not comes into place play um if a mob is freezable your priority is to shatter it with a root like Freeze Ice Nova or Frost NOA okay because that will shatter against both targets right cuz these are all AOE routes uh if a target's unfreezable then you use flurry to shatter it just like single Target um we don't worry at all about the two target thing if flurry in multiple mobs don't don't worry about that we just flurry to shatter our glacial spikes if against freeable mobs all right and you shifting power just you know on cool down so let's give you an example of the AOE rotation all right let's watch this so we do our opener the pre-cast blizzard into frozen orb into Icy Veins Comet storm kind of gold Frozen orb Comet storm here I refresh my blizzard and then I'm going into shifting power Blizzard after it build some I use frozen orb as soon as possible build some I SK use blizzard then I made glacial Spike here if this was unfreezable mobs or sorry yeah unfreezable mobs I would flurry after this glacial Spike however they're freezable in that case I'm going to refer to the priority of how I'm going to root so I want to use Freeze first which is the water Elemental route uh it's off gcd which is really nice and then otherwise I would want to use ice Nova or Frost Nova in that priority and so in this case uh I'm going to use freeze since this is off gcd I want to use it you know near the end of my glacial Spike normally you queue it after glacial Spike and then I can just do another action this case will be IC Lance so I freeze and then ice Lance re blizzard and I'm going to Comet storm CU it came back up Frozen orb when it's come back up blizzard again I have five uh icicles you can see that now I'm going to shatter it with an ice NOA cuz I don't have freeze uh again if this was unfreezable I would just press flurry after this then refresh blizzard refresh orb and now I don't have ice Nova so I'm going to frost NOA okay and you can see we're just following the same pattern U my K of cold is back up so I'm going to wait for Comet storm so we have orb here I actually decided to wait for my blizzard as well and that Comet storm kind of cold then use the comet storm first orb after K of cold doesn't matter which order you use in really here shifting power it's good to make sure that you have um you know like more than 3 seconds of of Blizzard cool down left I do not worry about shattering the comet storm I use between con Golds just doesn't matter at all you just send it dry we need to save all our shatters for glacial Spike because it's very important that glit Spike crits so there you have it that's AOE doesn't look too bad does it um again you would just replace all those roots with a flurry if this was unfreezable for those of you that have done with the Plus in the past season uh you might know there's a bit of a bridge between the unfreezable mobs and the freezable mobs and that is when you have one unfreezable mobs and multiple freezable ones right so you got like the shout people in freeold surrounded by dogs or something or like the monkeys and the Giant and Freehold um and in that case we actually do change our AE rotation a little bit um we treat it a lot like our two target where we flurry from four to five I schols and then we glacial Spike and follow that glacial Spike with the freeze um this does have like some unique interactions because uh ice NOA consumes winers chill so you can see I have two stacks here and I have one this we cor doesn't work with ice Nova but ice Nova consumes one Winter's chill here um so we need to be careful about how we flurry because of that that's why when you're ice NOA and you're limited to flurry glacial Spike icea uh however that's not a limitation the other freezes share so if I flurry and then Frost NOA it still has two winners chill there's reason for this but it doesn't matter um so in this case if I ever need to flurry at free ICL say flurry icance glacial Spike then I just skip ice Nova and use Frost Nova um but other than that your freeze priority Remains the Same so ideally you'll freeze which is off gcd so no considerations except you can even Glacier Spike into flurry with freeze um or you can flurry from four to 5 doesn't matter with freeze without ice Nova it has to be flurry glacial Spike ice Nova with frost Nova it just you need a flurry before your glacial spike it can either be at three or four icicles and I have a gameplay example to show you what this would look like it's really not as unintuitive or complicated as it sounds um I think that you'll pick it up pretty quickly and this is going to be a common thing you'll find in Mythic P I think I mentioned this earlier but I am planning to create a player profile that shows unfreezable and freezable Mobs with with like a color on their HP bar so you know maybe I'll make a video when I finish that and you can look out for it let's talk gearing first trinkets our best trinkets are Bellos from The Raid and bail fire from wakr Manor um that's double on use our best weapon is the very rare weapon off of nimway so now we have triple on use if you can't get this Aral or Idol the onuse execute weapon from uh the large imp plus dungeon is uh our second best one though I level might you know beat it out too i hav s that specifically um so now we have you know three on uses next patch that's a bit bit annoying kind of getting raw dogged on that um so yeah and if you're like oh but manther I don't raid so what trinket am I supposed to use instead of Bellos with balefire well I'm glad you asked it's it's still dub on use you use use Mir in that case uh M fractured torments also from the dawn of the infinite like irll so congrats it's a triple on Youth Season oh my God we love that we love that ah so yeah that's that's our life um if you can't get the very rare weapon off nimway and raid then the irod doll weapon is the best if I didn't mention that already uh otherwise any high level weapon will do yeah your trink weapon priority compared to you know all your other abilities um if you have dream binder which is a very rare nimway staff you just use it on your first gcd of the fight after you flurry uh and then for your other combos you know with bale fire and mirrors you use baale fire first the major thing you want you just want like the int buff for Ray Frost Mirror On CD um but you'll hold bail fire till Rays up or has 5 seconds left nothing crazy about that um if you're using bail fire Bellos that's what I showed you in the single Target thing so you just use Bale fire with the same rules is here is you use Bellos during instant gcd 20 seconds later you use mirors of Bellos you just use Mir on CD and use Bellos whenev and uh these are your three best trinket combinations this one's the best this is the second best this is the third best um after that you can use it get balefire and vessel is the next best one so yeah baale fire and vessel this is a little bit out of date so this is actually a bit better um I might rerun the Sim but yeah B fireing vessel is almost 2% worse if you want to use a passive trinket cuz nimway is an active trinket so good luck good luck trying to use a passive this uh season the only two weak Wars I recommend is one is instant Winter Chill I use that the snowflake Edition that's what these snowflakes are shows you your wear's chill stacks and they get removed when you cast a spell right so when I cast icel if you try and make a normal Winner's CH we or it won't remove the stack until your ice Lance like hits the target which can be a bit disorienting when you're really far away from the Target or at high haste so I really recommend getting an instant win chill uh add-on or rora and this one has both these options which is either the bar form the icon form and then it also has the snowflake option so I'll let you get that and then there's also uh freezing winds is really useful for AOE just to see when you're getting your fingers cross procs each of these white ticks is a fingers cross proc so I highly recommend picking up this as well to miscellaneous stuff our stat priority is crit /my generally you stop your crit at around like 23 to 27% because we run corrupting rage but yeah crit /my then haste first um highly recommend you just Sim your gear instead doing vague approximations by percentage numbers but you'll have it your way we use corrupting rage as our file the Rune depends on your current stats uh and then to break your tier 304 piece you'll just whenever you get two-piece you'll start wearing two-piece no matter what uh from tier 31 unless it's LR but that's not going to be relevant until you've already gotten two piece anyway from other means so yep okay that's all I will link the we oras in the description if you have any questions comments concerns thr in the comment section um if I have any APL changes that have happened after this video goes live I will update the pinned comment personally I don't anticipate any in like the next week or two unless there's balance changes uh but you never know you never know so good luck have fun in 10.2 I don't know what other specs I will make a guide for might do an Arcane one cuz that one's pretty easy uh but I don't know about fire again if you want a fire guide check out forgy is my suggestion
Channel: Manather
Views: 158,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WoW, World of Warcraft, Mage, Frost Mage, Fire Mage, Arcane Mage, High Keys, Mythic, Mythic+, Alliance, Manather, Horde, Dragonflight
Id: sXnVsO91s2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 10sec (2170 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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