Update On The Jersey Giants

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[Music] hey guys welcome to Moore's family Outdoors um it's gray and Josh Josh is behind the camera hi and today we're going to talk a little bit about the Jersey white Giants he's become one of our favorite breeds um I'm gonna give you a little update on them these guys we ordered uh from Ms Maria Hall um from Indiana she's a jersey's giant breeder she's been breeding Jersey Giants for I think 20 plus years and yeah I highly recommend her if you want to get some really good breeding stock or just some good Bloodlines uh get them from her she's she does a great job with them she has the whites the blues just the Blues in the splash and um these guys are about nine months old I think I'm I have to go back and look at my records um I got them toward the end of the summer last year and they are I'm sure in the nine eight nine months rain range um the hens have just started laying probably about a month ago um they're laying a nice big brown egg in fact I'll show you let me follow me I'll show you the egg thank you here's an egg oh today I got today and it's a heavy egg it's would be considered a large to extra large um and I have quite a few of these already in the incubator we're trying to increase our flock of Jersey Giants uh whites and blacks so um we uh we're so we're trying to hatch as many as we can and we will we will have some to sell also so if you want some from us in the future uh in the near future contact us through the channel we'll be glad to uh get you some we'll have whites and blacks and hopefully down the road we'll have some blues um these guys are not through growing they have put on their frame and they um probably or about three four five more pounds to put on they're probably in the nine to ten pound range right now the roosters and they could get up there in the 12 to 15 pound range at some point um the hens are probably in the I'm guessing seven eight pound range and they'll eventually get uh to the 9 10 pound range um let's see what else as you can Josh and span um go over there you can see the hens the hens are really nice big have to me they have an old-fashioned look to them which I really like um they're not skinny flighty birds they're plump uh heavy set birds that are real calm um which I like um there's the other rooster that's Maximus and this is uh buddy uh Josh's pet that I'm holding and uh in some ways he's the better looking rooster but when I'm holding but he's not the big he's not the biggest rooster and he's not the dominant rooster the other rooster has a bigger cone and but he has more if I had to keep one on the other it'd be the one on the ground it'll be Maximus just because he has more dominant traits even though we don't have much of a tail he um he has more of a dominant trait as far as a bigger comb he's just um more aggressive toward you know as far as breeding and just he controls the plot he's not aggressive toward us but he is aggressive probably the wrong word to use he's more he takes control of the Flop put it that way he also warns the hens when Polk slide over he did that yesterday when we were right here you can tell that they still have a lot of growing to do um his Spurs are just starting to come out right here in fact Mac the other one Maximus his Spurs are not even as big as this one um so they have a lot of growing left to do I'm gonna put him down he wants to get down but uh you want anything to it Josh um do you want to show the difference between the factory and the Maria Hall um we can we can there's a good example right here the hen the further seeing back toward the woods is a is a hatchery version of the Jersey Giant we bought a few this past year from Tractor Supply just I want to see what the difference was and then in front right here the one in the middle between the rooster and the one in the back that's a hint from Maria Hall as you can see um she's bigger heavier and you can't tell from the video but she's calmer too um her Tail's not as pointy as the one in the back the factory or hatchery in there's some definitely some differences um I like Maria Hall's bloodline's a lot better um I think I might they're a great breed and a great Dual Purpose breed you can expect them to lay 180 to 200 eggs a year um I mean they're not gonna break any records but they you know with everything considered them being calm just nice to look at laying you know three four hands away more than enough eggs for your family um being a rare breed you know all those things considered I would highly recommend that um you know someone were to take these on and raise them um I don't think you can go wrong with him um anything else that's pretty much it but our Americana and our one Oliver just started laying too and they're nice eggs yeah we have um yeah I'll get some make some compartments [Applause] this is the uh there's a giant egg from Maria Hall this is the Olive Egger from uh I think it was cackle Hatcher which we got through uh Tractor Supply as you can see they still lay a decent egg but the Maria Hall Jersey John egg is just a lot bigger heavier too I of course I can't show that in the video but um it's a it's definitely an extra large egg um but like I said if y'all are interested in some Jersey Giants um contact us we will be offering chicks here in the near future next month or so um anyway hope to see y'all soon join us on the next video uh remember God and Jesus loves you and uh and we love you too anyway thanks bye foreign
Channel: Moore Family Outdoors
Views: 10,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LTLyxiWu0g0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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