UPDATE: Dee Living on $800 a month in a Cargo Trailer

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hello everyone welcome back to my next video today we're going to meet D again one year later this is a one year update yeah and we just did an interview and we learned about your last year and and the exciting time you've had and some hard times too yeah life is full of joy and sorrow sometimes but you've managed to get into a new six by ten cargo trailer ah and done a gorgeous conversion on thank you so would you mind if we came in and took a look around sure let's do that okay I'll follow you all right so tell me all about your trailer okay well I guess to start with like I said in the last in the interview this was bare-bones when I bought it I put the insulation in and a couple months later I was visiting at my sister's house and she bought me the wall board and the linoleum so I put that in unfortunately I didn't do a lot of wiring because I didn't know what I was gonna have right so all my wiring unfortunately is on the in you know outside of death wall I think that's okay but it doesn't look too bad and it's easy to get to if I have to do something so what size is a trailer six by ten and it's plenty big for a single person or me it's plenty big my bed is almost thirty inches wide and it's just shy of the six feet in length which is plenty for you plenty and I've raised it up so that underneath I have tons and tons of storage oh that is a lot of stories I have my battery box behind the dresser the plastic here right yes sir right in my laundry area over here my port-a-potty an extra bin that I have things that I don't use all the time mm-hmm you always have a bunch of those and most people don't even think about it but I had to have drawers for things like paperwork yes for activities I have a drawer that's just for activity stuff and a drawer for the necessities like medication stuff that I use constant when you live in this tightest space organization is critical it is and there's nothing in here that doesn't have a purpose and there's and there's everything is in here it has a place right and it has to be in its place it has to be in its place I can't just let it go I know some people do I can't I'm a while I used to be a clean freak anyhow but I'm not anymore I have a television on the wall very nice although I need to give an antenna but that'll be a while so I have a thousand watt power inverter mm-hmm and a 30 amp control charger I guess you call it how much solar do you have on the roof I have 400 watts of solar and I have 380 amp hours of battery that's very very good yeah I fused I have my ice chest hardwired into well hardwired but wired to the fuse box which is hardwired to the batteries and that that's a 12-volt compressor fridge that's a 12-volt winter yeah a winter 45 court huh and I'll show you that to you in a minute mm-hmm so anyhow moving on I have a lot of storage space because I've used these pockets which I used in the car too which are wonderful yes for him and then I have another one over here with my personal care stuff this is for all my toiletries and stuff mm-hmm so I bill you have a real nice justice standard on this chair that's what it was and I wasn't sure if I was gonna be able to use it but I knew with my health situation I need to have a place comfortable to sit on you know periodically well you know it's perfect when you think about how you use a home you have a place to sleep you have a place to go the bathroom you have a place to cook and you have a place to sit comfortable exactly and I see it and I read here I eat out of this chair right I do everything okay I built this food cabinet really nice and it's nailed to the wall and it doesn't shift around when I travel and I have boards that I just put a bolt and a wingnut really good idea to keep the food from flying all over the place when they're traveling really good idea and so I have a place for everything and then I even have room for my guitar up here on top that has come down when I travel but I do have a place for it mm-hmm it was a parent sign for me even though I haven't used it not sure we all have things we have to move right put on your bed and then you drive right so over here I built a kitchen counter and I have storage shelves on both sides and then I don't know if you can see down here Bob but I have a shelf back there oh yeah very sorry that I have storage I have storage uh-huh I built a shelf here to hold my stuff that I use all the time in my kitchen and the Shelf is wide enough that plenty room for cooking for sitting things on for doing things so that's was important to me then great great little kitchen I built this drawer which is a deep deep drawer goes almost all the way back and holds all of my kitchen utensils and towels and stuff then a friend of mine who she you'll probably see her in the video Wendy had this extra table that she had that she wasn't using it's not real stable but I put that under there and we certainly can I play cards or whatever we get together you know we do things it's perfect and I just slide it in so I came up with that idea brilliant idea in then um so I have like I said the winter ice chest which is 45 port and that's my closet over there it's a really before you know this is the best ice chest I did some trial and error like I was telling you started out the ac/dc ice chest and it drained my batteries just completely everyday and I was just panicked about it so I went to a 50 quart regular ice chest in the hassle was just more than I can deal with and this has so much room it's like a refrigerator I'm just really thrilled with my ice chest and then I have the and I'll pull it out and show it to you I had to rig this up a aboard for it but I just got this um wave 3 heater oh good and thing you gotta do is stay warm oh wow that's uh perfect and so I just put it on a board mm-hmm just sits there because I couldn't get the legs they wouldn't ship them to me really yeah oh they didn't want to ship this I ended up this is a like new not new refurbished it's I don't know it just said like new and the thing about it is I was gonna order the new one which was cheaper well but they wouldn't ship it to me here well strange and I even have a physical address that I use as well as my post office box but they wouldn't ship it for some reason so and it's been in 204 that I could've got the one you put on one of your YouTube videos for 150 something but they wouldn't ship it yeah we just happened to be on sale with it yeah yeah but anyhow it's a great heater I just got it so I've only had it one day to use it but it's perfect and it's not like a blast furnace like the mr. buddy a nice mellow heat right right so um well I don't know I mean that's pretty much it I did put in a vent and I put in two lights this one and that one over there those are wired into the under the panels so at least I don't have all those wires but I really I love my trailer you sure yes it's not perfect I mean obviously I'm an amateur there's so many things that could have been done better but for me it's it's perfect and I'm not unhappy with anything about it nothing there's there's really not much I could change you live in a six by ten card right how do you shower well for now I mean I have a way to take a shower I actually have a church that I can go to and and shower anytime I want to I rigged up an inside shower knowing it was gonna be cold months but I didn't like it it just took up too much room but I had it over there where the closet area was but I also have the way where I can open my doors and I have a bar that goes across right and a shower curtain and I just put a rubber mat on the ground so that my feet aren't standing on Hard Rock's right and I have a spray shower it's great little guy hooked up to battery this sits down in the water and this here I just pushed the button over here for the power and it really has good flow yes it's a it's a great little shower video I'll be washing I'm giving Cody a bath with using that oh yeah three different ones and this was one of them yes it was so I get a lot of ideas from your videos Bob mhm and a lot of what I've done including buying this cargo trailer was thank you to your video on cargo trailers and it was the perfect solution for me and I'm grateful every day of my life for this venue for this community and for the way you help I don't mean to get emotional but you help people more than you know and some people may think you're rude and obnoxious at times some people think you go overboard with information or whatever they think but if they only knew what I meant to people like me to be able to watch your videos and Bromhead have the information that takes away the fear I mean you know you don't know what you're doing you're fearful but when you have information information is so important and you have done that forgive me I don't mean to be crazy about this but but I just I want you to know that a lot of what I've done is thank you to all the information I've received from you from your videos from from the way you go out and help people and and do things to help them to make their lives better and so ok I'm done being emotional okay thank you but it just really um I'm grateful because I can live like this without fear and I can have all my needs met without worry and I also know that if I need help I can reach out to this community yes and someone will step up and has I've received some helps and I'm so grateful any help but that's my story and I'm sticking to it it's a great story and I like I said I love my home and I don't just see it as a trailer it is my home right where are you gonna buy a home for that yeah and you can move it anywhere you anywhere I want to go yeah yeah and I don't even have to pay when I go you know it's like free I can live wherever I want to on BLM land or is real cheap for United forest land there's some even military's establishments I guess there's a lot of different ways to live it's not as widespread I think I think it's going to become less over time that you know I don't know maybe it'll expand who knows because a lot of more people are having to live like this some are choosing some have to I started out having to but I'm it's been a choice for the last year you know and yeah but but there is a way where there's a will there's a way and if people will get on and watch your videos they can do it without fear yes okay so any health and yeah but I just can't tell you thank you I really appreciate it well D thank you so much and I hope another million people watch these videos right I do it has been great so many of them their eyes will be opened another world they don't know about and some will find hope where they've never had any right I believe that yeah and some will be critical and that's okay too because everybody has their opinions so D thank you so much for sharing your whole life with us I think you're just an inspiration thank you so for those of you out there who've enjoyed this video I hope you'll like us on YouTube subscribe to the channel and we'll talk to you later bye [Music] you
Channel: CheapRVliving
Views: 979,913
Rating: 4.9461255 out of 5
Keywords: live, living, car, van, RV, Fill-time, nomad, gypsy, camper, camp, boondock, travel, Dee, $800, month, cargo, trailer, conversion, Olympian, Wave 3
Id: q7qCgNOF_M0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 01 2018
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