UPDATE! ADVENTURES Are Here And We Beat The First in Vampire Survivors

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welcome back to vampire survivors and we are on the beta to check out the content early it's the adventure update but where's the adventure button let's take a look at the unlocks and there we go obtain the atlas gate in Boss rash um so I guess we have to play boss rash do we take this seriously he you know me you know what's my attack speed hello what is my cool down um [Music] okay my my movement is inverted I don't want to check out the stats yet I have no HP okay so we have a huge amount of damage as we can see um we may have negative luck because we didn't get a single chest there though I don't know if they give chest now at some point here we'll get a relic and I say some point because otherwise it would already be here wait is it on the stage somewhere no yeah so we have to wait um I'm not leveling up I just noticed look at my what is my experience oh you got to be kidding me it's exactly negative 100% yeah okay this is totally fine don't worry about it so if I don't level up uh do I want to get the bone um wait wait wait what is my cool down oh my God that is horrible okay uh huh since when can't you buy them yeah this is fine guys don't worry about it is there a boss that spawned over there why do you spawn that far out I don't I got this i got this easy peasy lemon squeezy there's a CH I don't even have items a chest is worthless no it's not technically speaking technically speaking I could get a Penta chest which gives me a oh which gives me a box what is my luck luck is actually High okay how unlucky can you be to it exactly netive 00 it's not like you have any value between negative 00 and a positive value like I'm just really unlucky it could have also been negative 200 you know and then it's fine because it's like yeah okay it's far into the negative like it is what it is no I'm I just got really unlucky what oh so I have to press upwards to shoot upwards but I walk downwards because my movements is inversed because it's below negative 100 oh this character is so stupid Oh what my duration though oh that's a really long one that's what she said uh wait let me check out my duration a moment because it should be 10 seconds but this is definitely more than 10 seconds as you can see uh oh another chance and a new weapon okay what the hell is the duration 200% so it's 30 seconds jeez Louise yeah there we go I just realized if you actually have to win this I have no chance of doing that like no not at all the good thing is I have a lot of healing look at this 0.6 that's 0.1 more than normal never mind it's not a lot of healing I just don't have a lot of HP so it looks like I'm healing a lot wait we can time skip yeah because there's no reason to farm this up right so every 30 seconds I'll just time skip guys will do this how long is this Stage 15 minutes or how do I be beat the Death the huh so the only positive that we have is most bosses scale up with our level okay so they have a base HP that is Multiplied with our level and since we are level one that means they are super weak and because we have a very powerful weapon they die very easily the only issues would be bosses that have set HP and enemies with set HP uh there's another time skip let's go nice so do we just one shot them um that was yeah two hits there okay oh that was a lot of hits you give me a p don't need it either way am I actually doing this okay I just lost a huge amount of HP aren wait wait wait wait wait wait I know what we go for I know what we go not crit we don't need that we just need more coverage and you know what gives a lot of coverage uh okay actually I should have taken the Wake yeah that would have been good but let's let's go for coverage I could have went for boo we don't level up so boo Illusions as worthless never mind wait I was so sure I would lose this maybe we can actually do it like look at this now we have a decent amount of coverage because they go back and forth and back and forth and back and forth yeah oh it's insane well that's that's a true gamer moment here look at it um H I would assume that the Ender that is the the the death combination is probably the one dropping it maybe uh okay like the issue is some of them they spawn stuff that damages you and you can't really Dodge that so oh oh hey there oh hey Mark Atlas gate yeah there we go enable space at a game Adventures okay and what does it look like oh o maxy I like it okay so welcome to Advengers each Adventure is a self-contained story or a series of Daring side quests composed I mean I'm the expert here I'll never die oh there's the tree composed of remix content from the base game your base game is disconnected from adventures and isn't affected by progress you make in them only your unlocked relics carry over to adventurers we got all of them boldly take on new challenges with these limitations sure let's do it uh hide unavailable okay that's good I guess that's for the future uh oh oh oh oh okay um oh it's that's sexy that's its entire own mode yeah comment I took I took a mount are you kidding me oh I have oh that's that's maybe bad no garlic can carry me don't worry about it we'll go for let's just go for old po okay old met Forest we will go for limit break uh we'll go for hyper mode do we go for inverse mode mod you know what I just want to see what this really is so let's not go for inverse mode H sure sure sure I didn't go for inverse mode yeah okay uh garlic level two that looks so fancy oh my God I love that um so what do we have there's nothing wait there's nothing at all didn't we see like previews with items I guess those were for certain challenges you know with spinach on the floor and usually met Forest has stuff on here do we go really old school let's go really old school let's go for Pon and eony wings almost feel like we've seen the same stuff multiple times in a row I wonder if you have DLC stuff and things here or if it's like carefully selected what kind of weapons you can have that would be interesting to see if we see like unique weapons clock Lancer well clock Lancer is probably in there why thank you oh the curse yeah uh this could be a problem okay let's just run away from them the moment the curse stops it should be somewhat fine actually no only for the new ones that spawn yeah uh yeah this was a mistake I just realized we don't have revivals why did I do what I did um no we got this don't worry about it [Laughter] oh oh I got touched okay what else do I take instead of a mount right I just got unlucky with the things that I got right no well okay so armor is actually insane it's highly underestimated how good it is growth it's it's nothing that's not worth it um we can go for this we can go for this we can go spinach is huge value area is okay you know you don't really get a lot but it's okay this is not worth it on its own I think what I'll do is we'll go for a little bit more of a defensive build like this um because like we don't have revivals right and you need to keep that in mind it's a huge difference uh what did I take here honestly a smart person would just take a wake right like that makes the most sense because awake makes it very secure that you don't die or well if you die then you just get all of your well you get your have revivals but you get bonus stats which is insane that's why we didn't go for wake in case you didn't see that we went for Google utions oh look at my balls growing and getting smaller again ah I guess I'm stepping into cold water P there we go this feels so old school though I really have a feeling that they carefully selected what weapons you can have that you get forced into certain ones and I kind of love that right now but it also means we want to have a track why is this even in there like you this shouldn't be a thing this this weapon is a mistake we can't take that here it will kill me guaranteed I just realized we could have easily done a garlic only run oh that would have been amazing and we have that in the video we don't need that here again uh what I need mostly is spinach spinachio uh a trct op is decent but honestly I just want to make sure that I hit the enemies from further way since for some reason like level two garlic seems to be the max or something where's the level three what is this this is a sick choke or something I wonder if on this mode the items and weapons that you get in the selection screen may be tied to your in-game progression like how far you got in like for example right now the max level we can get in stuff is level two so let's check this out right these are all level two let's see if we get a level three offered um oh I only have one birdie but both of them and this chest if we get it if this is like the Met Forest then this can evolve so technically speaking I could keep it around but I don't think I max out anything before minute 10 so I'll just pick it up there we go well that's a birdie though so it's level three now huh I mean level ups and chests could also work differently or I really just got super unlucky too well that's level three where's my garlic though what what is this oh oh oh do you remember back in the days when the bat spawned at first oh nice at first there were like a huge issue and then you had garlic and then you just did this give me more of those empty toone that's a thing here here out of all the things you could select you gave someone like this is broken okay empty to is like the best item in the game by far it's not even close with something else so that's ridiculous isn't a garlic so I guess I was just unlucky or maybe after 2 minutes it was unlocked or maybe after getting the the B killed huh I mean okay so the thing is in this game there are mechanics behind the level ups that you get and for example if you have a weapon at a certain level it will not show up anymore on level UPS until you reach a level yourself like I think 13 is such a milestone and stuff like this however there is another mechanic additionally that is luck based to offer you the first weapon that you have in your slot based on your luck chance okay so in other words even though the game would offer you garlic because it's too high level for your current level this luck chance can still offer it to you as long as it's like the first thing you need to upgrade right now so after garlic it will be the birdie and this is why you often see that people like they max out their first weapon the fastest just because the game offers you that very often um I don't really like this empty tone will be good because that means we attack more often I think if I stand still they honestly can't even touch me like the main issue is that I walk into about that I need chicken hey don't worry guys we have 0.2 recovery wait one level is 0.2 means on missing though we actually had negative recovery negative uh 0.4 plus one from the passives is 0.6 yeah oh right they changed that that you get more out of it because it was so bad in the past okay sure now this should be very simple this that is annoying though oh mama uh I'm looking for chickens what is it with chickens not appearing when you have low HP uh that is actually good though that is wait triple chest no so what I was thinking is when you started this game the very first time there's a locked sequence that you always get chests in so it's a normal chest normal chest triple chest normal chest normal chest Penta chest that's just how it is it's hardcoded in the game um and I thought maybe that's the case here but no the triple chest is the minute five boss and the pend chest is a minute 10 boss and we just got the triple chest right so we just got like really lucky um you know what if I were smart I wouldn't consume all of these chickens and instead keep them on the floor when I need them so let me walk over there there's a chicken in there I can okay nice so I think at this point I just want to get the track or do I want to do that um so what speaks against that is I kind of want to evolve the moment do we not have more weapons than this I kind of want to evolve the moment we at minute 10 and that means I need this maxed out and the other birdie it doesn't look like we have another weapon that we can evolve right we have seen Laurel we have seen the cats am I forced into the cats um okay you know what let's do this yep there we go maybe I should have waited for the other birds before I pick up weapons uh chests because then I could have gotten levels into them so to be fair I want to max out the empty um ATT trct op would actually be decent here but I'll go for the birdie the thing is we don't kill the enemies super far out so it's not like I'm losing any experience yeah ah but we don't kill a lot so the game will not accumulate experience meaning I actually lose it if I walk away unless I stand still for a very long time but let's be honest this will not happen with garlic you know the enemies just overrun me so ATT trct over is actually good here he you can say about met Forest what you want or rather about library right because library is by far better but the music is a banger here oh man oh man oh man I always love thinking back like the very first time I played vampire survivors and your this tune and it's just like it it felt so sleepy and then you got into the action of almost dying and it got so insane should we just buy golden eggs no that's a bad idea uh it's a really bad idea I mean you get permanent effects like permanent bonuses I think if you get a single Revival bonus you get a Revival out of that like because if you get 0.1 the game doesn't actually check if you have one Revival the game just checks if it's larger than a full value so if it's 0.01 it still counts as one Revival because it's bigger than zero same for if you have 1.01 it counts as two so just getting a random Revival would be well that's such a stupid thing to do because one egg cost 10,000 gives you random stat but you could just buy a Revival for 10,000 in upgrade shop you know but you know it's it's nice to think about stuff like that I'm I'm so dying uh I need spinach is that not a thing here I mean empty to is good this is okay but yeah I'll max out the empty to I'm actually dying oh no oh wow wait this is actually a challenge um why am I so weak where did I go wrong uh I need an nft here there's a chest I think do I wait for the second birdie I doesn't really make a difference right it could even be bad to wait for that let's just go for the eony wings here I will pick up the chest now if you're lucky it's a triple chest two birds one empty tone this will okay yeah it's it's the black bird it's fine it's okay we don't seem to have that many weapons that we can pick either way so like you know we will Max this out very fast and after that I'll go for the cats once we have lurel though I'll not pick the cats without lurel you can forget about that do I want to take on a guardian I mean we have wings a drag op and I think those are all the items we can get here so I could actually go for the ring for bonus area and duration huh is that worth it because we will never ever kill the guardian right so he would endlessly chase me but he's not very fast on its own without curs and we have wings yeah so we can e oh that's an accumulated red gem nice look at that level 20 takes ages to level up so that bump here was actually huge there's have wings do you think we can get this to eight before we Face the minute 10 boss or kill him I think we could oh it's these BS okay so the thing is at minute 11 there is a spam wave of skeletons and I'm pretty sure our garlic can oneshot them which would mean we just get a ginormous amount of experience yeah we can even one shot these so we should be fine there we just have to get to that point and I'm not really getting a lot of experience right now uh which is not good there is there Hollow heart no there's nothing on the stage sadly I would just really like to get a vacuum here that would be great that is easily one or two level ups and that would mean we could almost max out the birdies now how do we kill the boss at 10 minutes though I guess with the birds they are stronger than you would think like they're actually really really really powerful uh saying that let me just shoot at this yeah look at this okay but I take damage if I'm not careful [Music] so I don't like this oh there's the chest that is a triple chest I can smell it do you smell the smell of a triple chest oh my God okay it smelled completely different I smell rotten eggs but this was a wet fart oh my [Laughter] God I'm not a cat lady I'm a bird lady let's go uh yeah they both mix out hey well an empty to is the one that dodged everything really that's like the best one in there um uh did I see a chicken there no I thought I saw a chicken I may not pick up chickens do we even do anything with the gold that we earn because this mode has its own currency right so maybe it gets like translated uh D maxed out hey oh if that's a triple chest I wasted okay good good actually triple chest would have still been nice just to get the empty toe mix out oh look at the birdie okay one thing that is actually nice is we have limit break enabled right so that means we will still limit break the weapons that we have and we just limit break the birdies oh hey oh hey Mark oh that's good yeah there we go look at this and how much I forgot about that but the beams get bigger I love that they updated this after the update like to the new engine we went for a solo weapon limit break run on the one shot them perfect on the on the vandelier and it was insane because these beams they scale up with your area and we are obviously goal Illusions so they became ginormous logically speaking by the way it's time to go for the cats I could have just bed them I just realized banishes are very oh yeah right that's a thing banishes are very cheap right right so I could have just banished them no not get oh oh well that's us as on theing that is actually not bad because it recovers HP right oh but bloodline is also we have like no armor we have one armor point that is nothing but well we also don't have contact damage this is okay but it would go make no that's it's let's just go for the disc of gold I guess I'm not all too happy about it but it's it's fine it's okay like watch this we got a we got a clover are you kidding me that's so rare to get that is it even worth it to trigger the guardian oh hey oh nice nice nice nice in a farm wave oh perfect let's go vandelier V yeah that was a biggie um I think I will take the track up here because we are farming a lot so right now is like the best moment to make sure that we get most of the experience at least Oh what a beautiful wave isn't it yeah this is amazing and that was it okay what just happened did I walk into a boss wait what just happened wait huh I just lost all of H okay um uh huh wait huh okay I looked away for second I split second I think and then I just almost died okay that there wasn't a cat right like I just bumped into an enemy and was stupid I think yeah yeah that must have been it the issue is the beams are very big and it's hard to see when an enemy is like on top of you also cats can you just grab this please here let's spawn more cats they're so big they're bigger than me imagine they would actually start a fight with each other that would be great you know protect me to protect me guys guys they don't even want the chickens do they is it possible that they change the cats just for this mode that they don't attack you but also don't eat chickens but that would make them so horrible that's the only thing that makes them really good okay you know what don't eat my chickens don't eat my chickens I need them actually yeah um this this is fine this is totally fine I need to upgrade Laurel I need multi-layers and the best part about Laurel is the higher you get it is it is that supposed to [Music] happen you idiot I wased a level up it's so stupid I was like oh my God we'll get like the most insane stuff here you could have had holy wand we could have had death spiral you know we could have had any that makes me pretty much like broken oh that's a meme oh that's a meme I got trolled by the game I can't believe it oh what I could actually do is I could stand still and then eventually there's so much experience on this okay like these cats are totally useless can they even fight oh they scratch me I think oh okay they may be able to fight based on that uh or was it an enemy taking my shield there could have also been an enemy I just don't understand what the cats are doing like I haven't seen them fight a single time is it just because usually you have so many passives that help them out like luck you know which makes it more likely for them to do an interaction and stuff like that like a mount right also helps because the more cats you have the more likely they cross paths yeah I don't know huh Wings nice okay they can fight they were just really lazy okay so I can stand inside of the but I pick up all the experience though it doesn't really help me a lot oh that's a big fight oh that's a really big fight nice so what I want to do is I want to have enough experience on the floor that it reaches the cap of like 400 to 500 gems roughly I actually don't know that the real value I oh wow uh that is that normal I don't remember that um okay huh this could be a little bit harder than I thought it would be did a CAT just scatch me this will be like three level UPS okay one hello where's the rest of you hello guys that was Z it that was old experience I had on the floor um okay I didn't expect this to be actually tough but yeah this could be really tough do I even want to trigger the guardian a problem being the guardian is not slow and he will always try to put but it's 40% area but the toughest part so the thing is if I move up then I ignore all these breakables that spawn and also the cats fighting will not matter anymore because I keep SP walking all the the time right so we just do it honestly I think I'll just do it the downside is also that it like it slows down the limit break and limit break will actually be insane because think about it we currently have three weapons that can limit break because L has no limit breaks and that makes it very easy to bump up the damage and the area of the cats as well as a mount so does it really benefit us to get 40% area and the Rion not really right huh it would be way better to just stay here and fight farm and 40% area what is that on one yeah no no no no I don't care well 40% Orion is actually insane because we have no duration bonus so it is really 40% and it affects the cats and the vandelier and especially on the vandelier would be insane but also the cat fight uh strength yeah length why is this so complicated there's a regem over there do I even want them to pick up chickens the reason why I say that is like even when I'm at full HP I may pick up chickens just that the cats are not more likely over time to this kind of sucks that the cats don't become more likely to eat chickens you know so once I need them and they ate like 50 chickens it would suck if they immediately snatch them away and I can't heal um I'm just thinking way too much about this I think yeah honestly uh this is such a bad wave I could just walk up and get the yeah let me do that right now let's walk up I'll I'll get it we are really fast with the wings and while it I will waste wait a second wait a second chests are useless right now and I don't need to wait around because the enemies barely give any experience here so if I wait next to the ring until I have like three chests down I will just be able to get a huge amount of level UPS into it for free which usually would have just given me gold like only gold right and that would be good yeah and if I get One Singular NF I can oneshot this dude because we're not playing on the on the uh inverse mode where he has triple the amount of HP so he only in quotation marks did I just get threee gold from the gold P but he only has 25,000 HP no that sounds like a really good plan as long as I don't randomly pick up chest because I forget about it like this oh that was close to kill it I think right probably speed for the cats is good but might on vandelier is insane because we shoot so many bullets okay so I want to trigger him right now right because this means we have a long time to get an nft um but okay I don't want to do it right now because otherwise I level up and then I'm forced to put level UPS into it well but if I want to have it I should really make it right now to these damage numbers look at this uh I mean the vandelier is just insane like the vandelier is an mental weapon what do [Laughter] [Music] and yeah honestly I think you will die very soon I will wait for one more chest and then I pick up the ring I think does it make the most sense possibly yeah because it also doesn't make sense to wait ages and then like I get the benefit super late into the game I rather want to have it right now especially additional duration is insane uh oh my God these fights are huge though now imagine it would last longer which gives them more chance to overlap that you have multiple fights on top of each other might might might on G Mari is insane like did you see that the cat fight clouds they barely did any damage yeah but this might affects it so uh that is huge and oh oh wait did we just get a Revival bonus so wait the next run should then mean we have one Revival wait how how lucky can you be let's actually check this out after this run I will go on the same stage again but we have to check if golden eggs are turned on but I want to check this if what I said in the beginning is actually true that you have revivals it used to be like this okay it always used to be like this with characters that have scaling Revival like the bird like every single level up get get 0.01 revivals and like the moment you have one level up you get just one additional Revival okay there's a boss that means now I want to pick up the ring um it is a little bit hard than I thought it would be okay there we go and Penta chest yeah that's like the worst case scenario unless this is a Penta chest like at least one triple chest is what I hope for okay okay that's four level ups that we saved there that's that's fine yeah that's no that's that's reasonable aler oh wow uh I'm actually really close to dying if they get pushed on top of me because we have no HP and no armor I'm just dead um good that we level up the ration by the way I think this was just in time because otherwise like the clouds and the shooting ends too fast and I think we may have died like un jokingly okay my Laurel is entirely broken that's also not good the good thing is at 21 minutes we'll get a new Arcana chance and hopefully I will get awake like if we get awake this run is most likely a win it's not Al it's not guaranteed but most likely and the golden neck Rec collected like it doesn't apply to the current run so don't even like think about it doing anything amount plus one perfect oh that's good that took way too long though so where's the where's the arc where is there nice let's go yeah come down in this case that could be okay that is no that's useless I will go for the silent old Sanctuary it's it's just a little bit but you know what that's actually 40% M actually no that's insane yeah that's insane but that's ridiculous that was good it's not a wake level good but it's good uh my cats are killing me I'm kidding I lost my entire Shield oh maybe I shouldn't upgrade the cats you know what maybe I'll I'll actually focus on the bandier yeah oh my God they are breaking my shield okay so I can't stand still that's it's it's too bad I think um yeah might L 0.5 which also means they deal more damage to me when they scratch me so the thing is the cats are the most powerful weapon we could possibly go for here but I think what I'll do is I'll just go for vandelier instead but I just realized the irony didn't just run the only weapons that you have is a bird and a [Laughter] cat I like that that's funny yeah so I'm skipping a little bit more because at this point our cats are insane our vandelier is insane we have a lot of level UPS meaning we have a huge amount of area boost with bugalu of Illusions there's not really anything that can go wrong unless I just get overwhelmed but I mean you will see that then but right now like that Forest is such a lazy map I'm sorry but like I I have always complained about the last 303 minutes on the stage because at first it's so much trouble and like difficulty that you have to get through and excitement and then it's only these golems and these this plant spawning it's like what what what is the point of that right like like this is a disrespect to the player that put in a lot of effort and then you just face these these chokes of a wave uh do I just I could just go for the this one here it's HP it's regeneration uh might on you not the cat HP regeneration and a golden egg I mean we want the jackpot with the golden egg but I think amount also works the same with amount I'm not sure amount could have been that you need a full value to get a bonus there oh there's a chicken there was a chicken I don't know if you saw it down there if not then just go back and you'll see it okay uh 25 minutes by the way sponsor boss this would be perfect if I could get down there oh I I can't get down there in that moment actually these PLS do like no damage at all I can just walk through them yeah as long as I don't bump into the Golems I'm fine okay damage numbers don't really help let's turn them off there we go okay no this is a lot better oh wow where is my Laurel what is wrong with that uh M on the cats I mean I don't want the M on the cats but you know it's still better than I got a rosary I huh um okay so the problem is I can't stand still because my cats will kill me but if I have to move then I move into the enemies why did I just take damage for Laurel I hit Laurel and I lost HP wait what that's that's legal oh wow uh did I mess up no never mind always bln because now we heal if we kill the yeah easy peasy lemon squeezy perfect now we can go for even more area on the cats because making them bigger is definitely not bad keep in mind if you increase area on the weapon itself it still multiplied with our area so right now we have a total of 264 area meaning if we get 5% it's actually 12.6% or so it's not 5% this is why it gets so ginormous so fast right it does make sense it's like if you play an RPG and you have if you have a weapon and then your character has a bonus like bonus damage and then you bump up the damage of the weapon itself then obviously the bonus damage if it's percentage multiplies that bump up as well so it's it's like you know it's it's uh exponential yeah is it actually exponential or is it in yeah well with the growth it's exponential because we got 1% per level up but on its own it's still linear right right because it's still a curve if you would just bump up the damage only the damage if you ignore the increase of area yeah but but it it's exponential like the actual scenario is exponential yeah yeah okay there's a chicken I don't need a chicken yeah I want the gold bag that's a lot better speed on the cats that horrible I'll do it okay I'll just how much damage do these ladies do but they probably one shot me I really want to get to this though I want the the golden egg I have a feeling there will be something amazing in there what would be amazing even you know what I think for the adventures if golden X are an option I will actually keep them on because we literally only grind like one to four golden x per run maybe even zero if I don't get to them so I think this is more than fine golden eggs on their own I think are an amazing addition and I always had this opinion that the game should have never made them buyable but like for game balance reasons okay because then I think they would have genuinely been fine it's like a reward you play your stage you kill the Guardians to get a minuscule amount of stats out of them it's it doesn't really have a big effect okay but obviously for longevity so for replay ability in the game for farming for grinding it's a lot better that you can Farm them with gold so for game play purposes I wouldn't have made them viable but obviously for how long you can actually play the game and what is the best decision overall you needed to make the gold farming a thing okay there is the guardian do I even want to have that I mean wait it's actually a bunch of bonus HP and healing yeah I'll take that that's totally fine and I will walk back up to the chest because there's a good chance it's a Penta chest which means I save five level ups and well that was easy it's one but I'm talking about the other one it's not far away oh my God it's far away where's the guardian wait what wait we got plus one HP that's actually nice wait oh that's cool random Always There You Go w we got area on garlic like the one weapon that I always avoid is to upgrade garlic immediately gets upgraded that's a meme um I guess we can still get the chest because this may convert into coins divided by 10 I would assume like if there was a conversion between gold coins and the adventure coins I would say it's divided by 10 um otherwise I guess they may have no value but I don't want to gamble on that it's not like it hurts me to take it uh there's a chicken next to us do I give this to my cats where is it there where is it oh yeah oh no the map is super uh zoomed out I forgot about that there there there it was okay 28 minutes this is where the tough boys start spawning uh they just got n completely Jesus Christ at 29 minutes there's by the way one more bed that spawns with a chest but it just looks like all the other BS and it's I think it's only a chance to drop a uh chest so let's hope for the best I guess what I want to do is I want to go up get the chest get the vacuum and then we get old experience which means we get more limit break stats oh oh at this point it would be sad to realize that gold has a value right because we went for limit break instead of bonus gold but at the same time the limit break means we are way more powerful get more kills get more level UPS so well but they don't benefit us at all I don't know wait was there actually a challenge I I was kind of expecting to get like a side quest like do this or do that or here what was the challenge here I just realized that like I really thought there would be like kill certain amount of enemies or hit a certain level something oh my God okay so here should be a chest somewhere if we are lucky I don't see oh oh oh oh look at this Dex was right Dex actually knows the game that is insane 1,400 hours in the game he knows it so unexpected but many people actually don't know about the chest because they stop playing m fors for obvious reasons it's a horrible stage compared to library right and at minute 29 in a normal beginner run you don't really kill a lot of these BS you mostly push them away I you um okay maybe I will not get the chest yeah there there's like no way I'll actually get there in time unless there's a chicken they they ate it okay do I just accept my fate yeah that there's the reaper we have Laurel wait we have Laurel you can't kill me you can kill me okay well there we go quit Okay what do we get now survive 10 minutes and old Med Forest we unlocked the rough Awakening and the Plana Bazaar okay but like did we get anything now mixy um progress oh Jesus Christ oh that's amazing oh that's really amazing survive 50 minutes in a rough Awakening oh is this a library so one my golden eggs oh okay unlock condition find the whip find the magic wand find the Rune tra that is amazing I love that oh that is that is a tree oh that is so cool okay so we have a bunch of money we'll definitely go for Mount that would have been kind of wasted I'll be honest okay no but this is good we could actually go for luck luck is insane uh movement speed is also okay to at least get around yeah but I would say okay we continue this next time obvously curse could have also been really good like un jokingly it's so good to get more weak enemies to level up fast but I guess we'll just go for duration that is usually better than nice nice okay that was it for today I hope you enjoyed it and if you did then don't forget to subscribe and give the video a like see you the next time
Channel: Dex
Views: 75,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dex, vampire survivors, vampire survivors update, vampire survivors kill reaper, vampire survivors gameplay, vampire survivors dex, vampire survivors challenge, vampire survivors kill death, vampire survivors dlc, vampire survivors guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 17sec (2597 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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