upcycling clothes i donโ€™t like until im OBSESSED with them | how to DIY clothes into something new

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hey what's up and welcome or welcome back to my channel my name is Taylor this is my assistant Shadow and today we are diying my clothes until I am obsessed with them right so in the most recently uploaded video of mine I attempted to wear Pinterest outfits out for a week and within that video I kind of discovered I hate all of my clothes there's nothing I can do about it but what I can't do is DIY my clothes until I'm obsessed with them and that's what we're going to do today so without further Ado let's get into the video so our first order of business is this lovely crochet cardigan thing I don't know there's buttons on it but the buttons are not functional I thrifted this in a thrift With Me video and I did show it off recently now you may be asking Taylor you just got this why are you diying it because I like it but she's too long I have a very short turo and I just find sometimes when I have too long of top on it just doesn't look right what I'm thinking which I'm scared to do is cut it it kind of around the lace but what I'm scared about is will this unravel when it's done so I am a little scared I won't lie but for the sake of science I must I'm just really scared to cut this if you couldn't tell which is why I am procrastinating let us all please pray to the crochet Gods as I don't want this to unravel as soon as I cut it so everyone say it with me please crochet Gods um I don't know I don't pray keep this together I guess let's hope that that worked right I have this on it's still at its full length so about here is where I was going to cut it and I think I'm going to right in between these little things so welcome to the floor I have my rotary cutter instead of some scissors but if you don't have that this is fine you can just use scissors but I figured since I am worried about like fraying and stuff this will just do one clean slice and what I'm going to do is try my best to cut but right between these little plus signs is kind of what they look like is that the technical term probably not this is the scariest thing I've ever had to do now well there's no turning back now as there's a giant slit in the back so I don't have a choice we did it on one side I would be 100% lying to you right now if I said I wasn't nervous that this is all 100% going to fall apart after a wash I don't think I could run this through my machine so I think I'm going to give myself the horrible task of hand finishing this hem okay so just so you can all see the vision now that we are cropped this is going to be so much cuter I think where it sits because I can wear it in the summer now this is the piece that we just cut off now it's definitely not long enough to be a skirt but I do think that this could make a really cute like cover up piece so I'm just going to pit it to my mannequin to see kind of how it would look look I might try to flip the Hem and use the bottom piece as like the top and just leave like this loose part but we'll see I'm going to mess around as you can see I just pinned it on it's really nothing crazy and I mean it's not like lifechanging it's not shocking it's not a revelation but she has some potential I think it's a little short so I might come back to this but I'm going to definitely finish my hems off camera with a little uh threaded needle basically I'm just going to probably take all these little bits and kind of stitch them back together how they were I I don't think it'll get unraveled but I'm just scared so so I've been working at this for about 2 hours and we've gotten as far as here as you can see here's my needle and thread so as you can see I reconnected the pieces that were dangling like how these are so these will get reconnected eventually when we get over there same with this one it's a very tedious project but it'll be worth it in the end because it won't fall apart I'm going to keep working at this until I have to go to work then I'll probably work on it and you'll see the finished product at the very end so it's a new day this is majority done I do just need to finish this side but I did want to just show how it looks now so as you can see the edges are basically as finished as can be and when you turn her around the whole back is done I got all the way to this front corner I got all the way to this one right here where these are connected so I just got to do the last little bit of this and this is a done deal so I'm going to just finish this off camera and we'll move on to the next project now so before we go outside and start to do what we're doing to this this is another cardigan I recently thrifted I don't know if it made it in any recent video I don't think it did honestly yeah this is going to end up in a collective Thrift hauls so I have here this white cottonon branded cardigan it has like a small lettuce hem on the sleeves and the bottom it's not super severe which I'm kind of glad about now you might be like Taylor there's there's nothing wrong with this and I mean to you there isn't but to me there's two things wrong with it for one I me and white clothes we don't do well together we just don't I there's nothing I can do about that and also whoever owned this before me God damn was she a sweater because there's some crazy staining on the pits which is fine it's a white clothing item what do you expect you kind of can't not expect it to eventually get Saed so what we're going to be doing is dyeing this I don't believe I have a video on my channel doing this before because it was like when I was like in a weird Hiatus period but I did post a shorts doing that so we're basically going to do that to this um and instead of dyeing It Black I pulled out a cherry red and a purple I figured maybe we can like mix it a little bit and get something interesting and if I hate it it's just going to get dyed black all right welcome so we are currently outside I have this lovely new table courtesy of my friend Keith thank you Keith for this table it's going to hold this bucket which we're going to do our dying in right now I have water on the pot boiling and that is going to get ready for this but while we wait for that I figured I get this soap and the salt in here cuz you have to put a cup of salt and then a teaspoon of soap in the dye now I'm not going to lie I'm just going to guesstimate sure that's a cup and that's a teaspoon first pot of hot water okay pot number two that should be plenty so now I'm going to add my dye I'm going to do little bit of this and a lot of bit of this cuz I do want it more purple than [Music] anything now stirring our concoction of purple and red going to add a hint more of purple I was pcing to off respectfully it's time to dye not literally um so if this doesn't work we are just going to redy it black oh wait that's a cute color okay we're going in using my lovely stick here I won't lie I'm a little worried that this color isn't going to be the color I want it to be but we're going to just hope do our best I'm going to let this sit out here and soak for a bit and we'll come check on it in an hour or so so it's probably been like maybe 45 minutes almost an hour since we started this and I have it to a pretty okay color I know when I wash it it's probably going to fade and I'm probably going have to redy it but that's okay I just want to not forget about this outside I'm going to dump it and squeeze it out the best I can let's show you the color here I have my little bucket Contraption color is pretty good it's not super like pastel like it was earlier it looks looks like it's an even soak throughout the entire fabric I think that it was stitched with synthetic thread I should say cuz that did not take the color but that's okay this is what we are currently left with the color looks really great in person so let's hope it stays like this cuz if it does I would not be mad um I'm going to pop this in my washing machine and we're going to see how the color looks after the wash welcome to the dungeon that is my laundry room right here is my washing machine here's the cardigan that you can see it actually looks really good it is still wet I squeezed out as much excess as I can like I said I think that the thread is synthetic because it did not take any of the dye I'm just going to put the iiest bit of detergent we're just going to do this on a quick wash cycle and I always have my machine on second rinse and spin because I don't know maybe it's just me but I feel like sometimes I I can feel that there's soap on my clothes still I don't know second rinse and spin ites plus it'll get any extra dye out and it's being washed by itself so it doesn't um you know ruin anything so welcome back and today we are attacking this slip dress that I'm going to probably turn into a tank top because it has some God awful staining at the bottom and then I think someone either tried to clean it and it just yeah it just won't come out so basically what I'm thinking is that you can kind of see this oh no you can't the standing is right here off camera but there is like some demarcation like it looks like this got stuck on something but I'm thinking I could just crop it and it would be a very very very cute tank top I am not going to lie I'm a little scared to cut it because here if I hold this up you can see some of this standing maybe maybe you can't see it can you see that I don't know but there's some awful staining like something got spilled on it like coffee but there's the littlest babiest rolled hem and I'm a little worried that I'm not going to be able to achieve that there's no time like the present than attempting to just cut it and going for it I'm not going to lie to you I am a little scared to just cut it I think I want to cut it like right here I think I want to cut on the mannequin cuz I think it'll be easier to cut a little straight so I guess let's start this is the scariest part you guys okay feeling actually extremely confident I think I've watched enough Project Runway by now to feel comfortable just doing this because I've watched so many people do it and I think I'm going to let this back go a little bit longer just a little bit to me this already is looking a lot cuter and then I'm going to start to curve it back wow wait this is already cuter is it not is it giving bedar though I hope it's not I know that this is so n but like I wonder if I should just like hack the bow like is this weird looking maybe I should sleep on this decision maybe I should sleep on that but I do think it helps like look a little bit more purposeful I could also shorten this but I'm going to probably hem it first and then decide on shortening the strap but this is not already look 10 times better it'll be cute and I really just love this lace detail I just think it's so beautiful which is the original reason why I bought this lip dress regardless of that disgustingly large stain I just took the time to attempt a bottom hem on this so everything is clipped and in order for me to do this roll hem I can't remember if I've done this on video or not before but I flipped all of this once I'm going to sew as close to the edge as possible cut off my excess fold it over again and sew over it again so that's what we're going to do now I'm going to try to show this the best that I can as you can see oh God this is going to be a little shaky I'm going like as close to this Edge as possible so yeah I'm sewing as close to this Edge as possible all righty so I just finished clipping all of the little little extra so now I'm going to fold this over once more clip it all and then sew again and then this will be done when we last spoke I was working on this tank top and it is done but I have a few issues with it when I went to try it on I forgot that since this was a dress the silhouette is literally like that so I do need to take in the sides but before I do that I also forgot that it is just slightly too tight on my rib cage so I'm thinking with the extra fabric I can cut triangle pieces to attempt to put in here I will probably try to face them like how this is so it looks like these pieces were sewn together and then flipped over and then top stitched on one side with the seam down so I'm going to try to do that with the triangles and hopefully I don't ruin this entirely because it would be really very much upset cuz it looks really cute right now I have decided I am going to tack the bow as well but I want to wait and make sure I get the fit right before I do anything fun I'm going to sadly seam rip open the sides and figure out what the heck I'm going to going to do okay I've been working on seam ripping and we've gotten to the point at the bottom of the bust and I'm going to just zigzag Stitch along these cuz as you can see it is fraying like crazy and I would surge it but I just don't feel like yanking it out from Storage right now so we're just going to zigzag it really quick on both sides then we'll hit the other side and then we'll worry about adding in the triangles welcome to the floor again so I just cut out the least stained looking squares and I'm going to cut four triangles total two out of each fabric I'm a math ND so I'm about to say some words that some of you might not have heard since middle school or high school or maybe if you are younger you're learning about it now so what I am going to cut out right now are two isoceles triangles Yes you heard that right isoceles if you don't know what that is it means that your triangle two sides are the exact same length and then the there's one base so it's close to an equilateral where there's three equal length sides but there's only two equal length sides instead of three so I'm going to do a tall skinny piece I'll probably fold this in half in order to cut it out because I don't need that wide of a piece and I'm trying my best to keep it like with the grain of the fabric I can't guarantee that this is going to work 100% so I am also going to pin it just so my fabric doesn't slip on me so instead of pulling out my cutting mat I'm just going to use this plastic folder and just hope that I don't cut it um and then I'm going to use my rotary [Music] cutter I was trying to avoid cutting it but I guess I did anyways it's fine what we're going to do now that this is a triangle I'm going to cut one more set the same size with the right sides facing together like the currently are pinned I'm I'm going to sew across the top so then I can flip it over and the nice sides of the fabric will be sticking out so I just sewn them across one side so now I'm going to cut off the excess first with my pinking shears which are like zigzag cutting then I'm going to flip everything over like this so it's right side's facing out okay I actually did not end up top stitching so what I ended up doing was just opening it up like this and then sewing this extra piece down so you see it's here and then this actually makes folding this over so much easier without all that extra bulk and then for now I'm just going to clip it with my Clips so I would be 100% lying to you right now if I wasn't scared that this is going to completely destroy the top but we've already started so it's too late to turn back now and we're just going to go with it so with my triangle pieces right now they're just kind of top Stitch and being held together I'm thinking I'm really worried cuz I'm worried that this is really going to ruin everything and I'll be upset because I really really like how this is looking so anyways here is one of my lovely triangles it has been a lot um it has been shortened very much since you last Saw and I'm hoping that if I add it in like this oh yeah that'll work perfect so you see the idea we're basically just adding a little bit more Fabric in this area cuz right here is where it's tight on my ribs this might take a little bit of trial and error so I'm probably going to base Stitch everything which means it's just going to be a very long straight Stitch so if I need to seam rip it it's not going to take me 10,000 years to do so so to Me sewing this other side of the triangle is going to be the most stressful I'm not going to lie to you uh it's proving to be difficult because lining everything up challenging I clipped one piece and I honestly think I'm just going to Blind sew it and pray that it doesn't slip on me I'm going to do that for real and really quick just to um get rid of some of the exercise I just cut off the tip of the triangle and we'll clip everything later I finished up the final details off camera and now the final reveal starting with the crochet top this has been worn so many times since I've altered it I'm actually So Satisfied and and I can't believe it the purple cardigan again amazing I wore it actually my senior portraits just another 10 out of 10 and finally the slip tank top definitely a little bit of tribulations but she's done and once again thank you guys all so much for watching my videos I really appreciate it and I'll catch you all in the next one bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: m0rethanahandful
Views: 6,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Bpnd7ePYeGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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