Unusual Problem: How The Airbus A380's Quietness Actually Made Sleeping Harder For Pilots

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The Airbus A380 is a great aircraft – one  that pushes aviation technical achievements   to another level. Unfortunately, for the  type, four engines have fallen out of favor,   as has the hub and spoke  operating model to some extent.   However, there’s another problem too. It’s just  too quiet… Not on the ground but for pilots. Let’s explore this… “problem” in today’s video… The A380 is regarded as having the  quietest cabin environment amongst   modern widebody commercial aircraft. The  website tinitustalk.com pulled research   figures together for several widebody aircraft  – with the A380 coming in lowest at 69.5 dB.   The Boeing 787, for comparison, was quoted  as 72.7 dB and the Airbus A350 at 74.9. Internal noise is not something that  is extensively measured or studied.   External sound and the impact of noise  pollution are usually more relevant.   As any passenger knows, though, cabin noise is an  important factor in flight - one that comes from a   combination of engine noise and airflow. How much  is transmitted into the cabin depends on both how   much external noise is created, and the ability  of the cabin to insulate. The distances and size   involved with the A380 help reduce this, as  does Airbus’ cabin engineering and insulation. Passengers may appreciate less noise.  Pilots, however, have complained. It was widely reported in 2008  that Emirates pilots found it   difficult to sleep during crew  rest periods onboard the aircraft.   They claimed that the aircraft was so  quiet that they could hear passengers   (and crying children in particular) and  flushing toilets throughout the flight. As reported by FlightGlobal,  Emirates senior vice-president,   fleet Captain Ed Davidson explained: “On our other aircraft, the  engines drown out the cabin noise.   [On the A380] the pilots sleep with earplugs,  but the cabin noise goes straight through them." With such a large A380 fleet, the problem has,  of course, been more serious for Emirates.   The airline also installs its cockpit crew rest  area in a different location from other airlines. Airbus typically places the crew area at the  front of the aircraft, right behind the cockpit.   To maximize space for first class seating,  however, Emirates opted to move the crew   area to the rear of the aircraft. This places  it closer to the noise from the economy cabin. It also, as Captain Ed Davidson also reported,   adds to the distractions with passengers  mistaking the door for a toilet. In 2008, Emirates asked Airbus for  a solution to the noise problem.   One solution would be to insulate the crew area  further. Airbus, however, was not keen to do this. According to reporting by Wired,  doing so would increase the overall   aircraft weight. The most practical solution  is the installation of low-level whitenoise   generators – but it’s not clear, however,  if Airbus and Emirates have done this. Have you flown on the A380? How do you  think the cabin noise compares to that   on other aircraft? Let us know  your thoughts in the comments.
Channel: Simple Flying
Views: 124,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a380, airbus a380, cabin noise, emirates, pilots, quiet cabin, sleeping
Id: nwbUJXbAmVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 40sec (220 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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