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like and subscribe if you wear a face mask so that your co-workers can't smell the alcohol on your breath mems i watch with my wife's boyfriend [Music] use the hashtag brainy comment to be featured in the next episode instead of millennials are living at home with their parents even after college try baby boomers have failed to build a society that allows their children to earn a living wage what's going on i can see through you my son told me he's transgender so that makes me transparent that's the truth random people i watch anime me what did you watched lt aot tokyo gal my hero academy me king normies how do people just have conversations with their moms like you tell her secrets you spend time with her like you don't really fight she doesn't call you an ungrateful bee someone please explain how that's possible [Music] if we are being honest 2020 is the perfect year to get rid of daylight saving time just rip the band-aid off while we are all home confused as hell anyway what you got there little man charlotte's webb will burn that pig was dope [Music] so i created tinder today i swiped like on all the women i saw and on just one guy so far then i got a match and it was from that one guy why are women this picky when you beat the other sperm cells that cold being millionaires or doctors just to come out a disappointment [Music] me the opposite of assassin is pp out a normal conversation name a sport have you ever tried to hurry out of bed to go pee and rush back so you don't lose any tired mayo hey this might seem a bit odd but i done your blood test the other day at hospital and i thought you were good looking and seemed nice so here i am shooting my shot ngl if i went to hospital and came home to find out a nurse who had taken my blood went on my record and found my full name then sifted through social media to find my account and message me telling me they are into me i would feel pretty [ __ ] violated reminder that acne doesn't make you ugly a heart full of hate does i'm sure i'd feel the same way if i was a skinny white girl with blue eyes and blonde hair this girl posted a picture featuring her cystic acne uncovered something that's extremely stigmatized in order to make a statement and spread positivity that's it that's all she did she didn't say she was the face of people with acne or act like she has it harder than other people she just shared a feature that i'm sure she's been shamed for and has struggled to love she's literally 17 years old and you're 27 stop being bad to kids when they haven't done anything wrong ninja a dolph hitler if you get rid of the ninja ninja you are left with a ad dolph to the end of this day and you will get a dolph put the word hitler after this and you get a dolph hitler you can't spell a dolph hitler or ninja without an a which proves that they are the same person and that all gamers are there for nazis bruh don't you dare compare one of the greatest gamers to ever exist with ninja was crying in school earlier today four teachers walked past two of them said something the first told me to take off my hoodie the other to roll down my skirt school really gotta get their priorities straight [Music] what exactly is the anakin special that's an extra crispy chicken with one wing and no legs [Music] we are going to freeze to death if we don't do something we only have one option left run chris's [Music] 11 year old in real life 11 year old in annan [Music] 11 year old netflix how is same-sex marriage viewed where you live in canada we just call it marriage and since it's not hockey nobody really cares which team you're playing for [Music] crazy how white people can't sit through star wars and totally understand the point of the rebellion and why the empire is bad but let that happen right in front of them and suddenly they act like violent resistance is a foreign concept when you go to a gallery and discover you've not aged in 430 years hey beauty how are you she's in the bathroom this is her boyfriend what did you want hey handsome how are you [Music] man been playing a lot of mk11 me ah i'm cassie cajun that [Music] you mean cassie that's dope me no no sorry i play her in the game man that's cool i play her sometimes too me i do her voice i mean that i do her voice man i do their voices sometimes too ahahaha korra individually punching the ice shards being shot at her instead of just bending them is the most core of thing ever today i just ordered a thin blue line flag on amazon for my boat i received tracking info today that it shipped via usbs with an estimated delivery date of september 4th to 10. what the f are they using pac mules who in their right mind would trust the usbs with delivering a ballot on time or even to the right location every republican needs to vote in person on november 3rd my teacher is asking kids did you get anything for valentine's day if a kid says no she puts candy on their desk when she got to me she didn't even ask she just put it on my desk i don't care what universe where you're from that's gotta hurt luck be in the air tonight well i definitely guessed that answer horribly wrong the world's ending in three days i heard a rumor that it's not directed by robert b weid i was just thinking how did our patter is in scotland like i bet you weld me get folk in egypt part in a road co known top a the sphinx [Music] ash after meeting a legendary mythical pokemon for the fifth time i've never met this man in my life [Music] i actually prefer wearing a mask it helps cover up my bad teeth champion inspirations then [Music] now rape has become endemic in south africa so a medical technician named sinetel has developed a product for women to fight back ella's had never forgotten a rape victim telling her for lonely if only i had teeth down there ella's created a product she called rappers it resembles a tube with barbs inside the woman inserts it like a tampon and any man who tries to rape the woman impales himself on the barbs and must go to an emergency room to have their epics removed some critics say this is a medieval punishment [Music] i'm sure he broke up with me because i'm ugly oh no don't say that you're beautiful he broke up with you because you don't think masks work melvin joined the clan melvin i hope you die from heart failure melvin has left the clan [Music] no man is worth the aggravation music intensifies [Music] i enjoy rejecting women what the title said i'm not sure why probably pent up resentment from when i was a fugly awkward nerd i get an immense amount of pleasure from rejecting women who pursue me or ask me out i usually flirt and lead them on as well i don't want to feel like this but i can't stop i've been talking to therapist about it but so far it hasn't helped store employee sir can i help you find anything op heavy breathing uh no store employee okay have a good day op that b totally wants me nestle ceo says water is not a human right please accept this special award 1pp hey check out my smiling mask i wish i had a smiling mask like yours let's get matching ones good idea on getting matching masks yeah these are really cool me after my grandma asks to fix the computer my grandma are you sure this will work me who unplugged it and plugged it back in haha i have no idea me the finger that isn't cracking the rest of my hand buying a dog hi yes i want to be absolutely devastated in like 11 years or so ben affleck finally achieves lifelong dream of not having to play batman anymore [Music] think he's going in raw i always do if i'm about to hook up with someone and she says i need a condom i just get dressed and walk out i ain't putting plastic on my pp f that those are the same people that want to shut the economy down [Music] do
Channel: undefined
Views: 52,158
Rating: 4.8811879 out of 5
Keywords: memes, dank, funny, meme, brainy memes, daily memes, minecraft memes, dank brainy memes, comedy, clean memes, clumsy, dankify, family friendly memes, dank doodle memes, clean meme, memes compilation, best memes, dank memes, dankify memes, unusual memes, unusual memes compilation, dank daily memes, family friendly, dank memes compilation
Id: fKuM5qMVD9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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