Until it Pops - 2 Bar Electric Fire

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The way this guy laughs creeps me out.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/shitterplug 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2017 🗫︎ replies

This guy creeps the hell out of me.. I love it

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

I feel when it went from red to orange that it started burning the oxygen or something and working like a light bulb to produce light.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JayTh3King 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

Ahhhh, he zooms out and loses focus just as it gets good! Still good, but a shame we didn't get to see it in detail.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Tuhjik 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2017 🗫︎ replies
I have been looking for sure in this video all week as discussed on a previous video this thing today is going to get in I elated so whatever little looking like this thing and then we're going to turn that power supply on behind us and I think we ought to give it ed with an unfilial pot to start we alter and we find that it's extra loot minutes before it starts tearing bits of metal everywhere hopefully I'm going to be sensible today and because it's not raining I will do it outside simply soak the carpet for another day so let's crack on with this one and see what happens what do you think is going to pop at it's rays at 1600 Watts so 900 watt per bar yeah in the old days if it's out in Watford on but as usual just like chocolate smoking our folks cut things down to make things cheaper which is a ripoff but I'll still get rid of wire I'm absolutely sure but maybe we'll get three maybe four would you reckon guys right let's crack on I've opened this fire very carefully you can see it's extremely cheap in its manufacture these are the two neutral terminals which are linked out that wire there officially goes to the neutral so now when you plug this straight into the main one ball will come on and if you hit that switch down the other bar will come on and it has a very crude safety device at least it has something here so if the fire gets tipped over to little weight there relies on gravity to cut the power off snow thermostat is literally simply on and that's it there's no thermal regulation at all so let's quickly reassemble it there's the power of the unit which is slightly under for what I really want but it will do and a simple one bar or two bar switch these things are basically just high-power wirewound resistors you can in fact use these as potential dividers I wouldn't recommend it but somewhere I've got some old footage where I did exactly that [Music] it works on it for any Bellevue [Music] turn this thing on then shall we I think well at the front office we can see what's going on better now we can flag it outside and do it now let's crank it right up like show you about the windows but hopefully won't be too bad mr. Lee both are selected Russia's removing zone bloody dogs in the background only I alright that's how to avoid us what's meant for it's slightly air called out if they're probably not looking at right what it should do I'm going to get a close-up on that you can see by the doors on this that it's not exactly wound tight but it's there all right now then usual thing applies we don't do to put me on this channel do we boy let's give it free hungry that's now more than 1600 watts in fact it's more than a 2 bar for a now two point seven kilowatts much better the decline shows out that bit of plastic pipe down a minute sorry about this wind all right push it to the law that's now 4000 watt it's actually lighting the price up Wow and much as I can I take mm-hmm mouthwash especially high morale has to look at that five thousand watts only meant for 1,600 we're doing good I can feel the heat in his face is it going to pop full certainly smells and it's very bright moon I think we will keep bringing it up I want to see them bars black down let's go for it 460 volts and it's still not pops Wow yeah well let's give it some more shall we 6000 what I never in it [Music] [Music] doesn't look so heavy now does it hmm 500 bucks laptop which was more run into Evans wellness 500 volts on it I think so [Music] okay I think we killed it there's 500 volts transferring it we have killed it luckily we're on an isolation transformer so walking electricity is no object I popped it [Music] the strength for my widget in the kitchen doubles the voltage and it sounds a very nice not even one plenty of power well [Music] turn this thing off good ol pal to buy them weld in there there we go well there is molten metal on the garment but fortunately cold there's a perfect ball it's Charlie welcome man I've got to honestly say I don't think I've seen one of these quite this bad they are annihilated but of arcing and cracking down on that sign with this one that must have been stupid off oh well destroyed there's a bit of a splash there on this aluminium was like I assume an aluminium almost milky firatli reckon that go off haha hi I'm um miss Martha hmm [Music] maybe I should uh hello the grandmother this better than smoking learning so ladies and gents thanks again for all your kind comments or your suggestions or your contributions thank you for being there I will see very soon on the next video which I already have plans so GA ba ba
Channel: Photonicinduction
Views: 400,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: high voltage, electrical, overload, test, extreme transformer capacitor flames volts amps
Id: zi6IM5gy734
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2017
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