Untangle 101: Untangle at Home

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all right thank you so much for joining us everyone let's get these slides started there we go all right uh once again I thank everyone for joining us today for the untangled 101 webinar series today we'll be discussing how to run untangles ng firewall solution at home my name is Jana miles and I'm part of the product marketing team here and I'll be your host today I also have with us our founder and chief product officer Dirk Morris and as well as our chief marketing officer a B AB and tango who will be assisting in today's webinar through the demonstration and answering questions so thanks you guys for joining us so just a few housekeeping rules before we get started if you have any audio issues please just make sure you're selecting the correct audio preference on the right-hand side and if you do select to dial in you will need to use the access code provided just a reminder this webinar is being recorded so you will be able to rewatch and revisit areas that you want to follow up on later and as always we'll be answering questions throughout the presentation so please just submit them through the Q&A box and we have a team of people on hand to help answer questions and as always you can send questions to sales and untangle comm all right so before we go into a demonstration we just want to kind of briefly go over untangle what we do just for those who are not not familiar with untangle and what we do and then we're going to jump straight into our newest product offering the home license and how you can utilize this to protect your home networks well then pass to Dirk and he'll provide demonstrations on certain use cases on how to set it up at home and implement some rules and policies for various scenarios like protecting your kids and guests and so on and of course we'll answer questions as I mentioned so please just submit them those in the Q&A box all right so let's just get right into it what doesn't angle do entangles next-generation firewall is a simple powerful all-in-one security firewall and unified threat management solution it's placed at the edge of your network and at the gate to the Internet ng firewall perform with deep packet analysis on all traffic from all application all applications untangles ng firewall enables you to quickly and easily create the network policies that deliver the perfect balance between security and productivity untangle combines unified threat management to address all of the key network areas and network threats with policy management tools that enable you to define access and control by teachers vs. students grade level or school-wide parents vs. kids and with industry-leading reports you have the complete visibility into and control over everything that's happening on your network our technology is designed to optimize layer 7 processing of all relevant protocols both policy management tailored specifically for real rural security and network management challenges virtual pipelining which is the simple matter of our technology ensures that each app is integrated seamlessly for optimum performance so we often get a lot of questions about implementation where do I put it what if I already have a network set up well there are a few options first you need to decide on a platform if you go with the untangle appliance offering are all of our appliances are the easiest way to get untangle it's ng firewall on your network they come pre-loaded with the software and you can simply just plug them in and get them set up to work configure to your liking and we also have you know paid apps and complete package that you can upgrade at any time the second option is going with your own hardware you may have something lying around a different router going around that you want to use untangle on that is perfectly capable I mean you can just load untangle on that the next step is choosing your apps so the best way to experience the full power of ng firewall is by selecting our complete package which contains all the apps in a single bundle as well as any future applications that we release and you can turn these apps on and off just depending on you know what you need and you network and the last step is deploying Internet work so you'll need to decide how you want to want to run untangle as you can see in this slide you can run in tangles as a router which leverages our powerful network tools or as a transparent bridge by dropping it seamlessly behind any existing router that you may have engi files that is an inline device meaning only traffic that that flows through it will be filtered so after you have it all set up you know all you need to do is pick any of the apps that you want helping to protect your network as you can see we have over 20 applications that suit very various needs um as you can see here alright so now that you understand hopefully I'm taking all kind of what we do let's get into the home license um as a IT professional we know that you strive to not only protect your organization's environment but also your home network whether it be a hobby or you work from home we know you've been asking us for a very long time for the ability to run untangles complete package at home well now you can and at a reasonable price introducing our home license we're very excited about this this licensing includes the complete package including all the apps and upgrades just at a lower price so for only $5 a month or 50 they're all $50 a year you can run the complete package at home on your own hardware a virtualized environment or on our new you 25 appliance and if you guys are asking what is the new you 25 appliance well this is our newest appliance that we just released a few months ago and it comes either in a wired or wireless version and it's perfect first smaller home office 3 inches with about 25 users it's one of the smallest firewalls on the market today measuring less than five square inches and you can find more information on our website alright so now that we kind of went over that we'll get into the use cases that demo that Dirk will be demonstrating um come on Rio's that you may want to do um you know if you're setting this up on your home network we'll go over you know you have kids you want to prevent them from accessing or searching inappropriate content you know or maybe your kid doesn't get off the internet and it doesn't go to bed well there's a way to do that too or you have you know your kids friends come over or guests come over and want access but you also want to make sure that they're protected as well also virus and ransomware protection you know it kids may be streaming and playing games all the time so there's ways to prevent that and also to see what Internet of Things devices are phoning home so with that oops I will not use your greatest can you give me the list of use cases yeah hey everybody I'm Dirk Morris founder and chief product officer here to give a couple scenarios and walk you through how to use untangle at home I'm gonna log into an example machine here how do you open a tab I'm having a little technical difficulty with my machine so I'm going to use a different machine and log into a server here so we can walk through how to configure your untangle server login as so thanks Shannon for giving us a quick rundown untangle has been and from day one focused on small business so the router is designed for business however it makes a perfectly good use case at home and we've had many many passion at home users installing untangle at home since we release our home package just a few months ago so just keep in mind as we go through this is this is designed for business so it takes a little bit more work to configure it for your home however home is becoming a very big focus for us so we're gonna make it easier for home users but I'll walk you through how to do some typical use cases today I'm suppose of you familiar with untangle you're familiar with the Iraq this is 12.0 that we're looking at here so this is a new user interface we've been changing the user interface a little bit and the four tabs are dashboard apps config and reports the dashboard is just an overall view of stuff going on your network you can put all sorts of reports here that you care about so if you care about what websites little Timmy's spending time on you put that on your dashboard if you just care about bandwidth usage you can put that on your dashboard it just kind of gives you an idea of what's going on your network at any given time the apps is where the real meat is that's where you install the quote apps so it's kind of like your phone we install apps or it's kind of like your browser we install plug-ins apps are essentially plug-ins that do different things your network so I won't go through each app in this scenario because many people are familiar with untangle oh I just want to go through how to run tangle home but you can see what the apps to this one is responsible for filtering the web you want to edit your web filter settings you click on settings and edit the web filtering policy fires blockers gonna filter viruses spam blocker is going to filter spam bandwidth controls for shaping application controls for identifying applications and shaping them or blocking them so each app has a different purpose there's a whole bunch of apps some of which may be useful at home a lot of which are designed for business so you probably won't get a lot of use out of spam blocker at home because you're not gonna be running a email server on site at least most normal people don't however if you do have any mail server on site you can use it so you can install the apps that you think are necessary for your network config and we'll go too much into that's the configuration of the server itself how your network setup and so on and then reports and we'll go into reports a little bit later so let's run through a typical use case let's say you have kids and you want to filter what they can do on the network there's a couple ways to do that the most common way is obviously just to go into web filter and control what content you think is acceptable so you can go down here and say you know what I don't want them to look at obviously a lot of things are pre checked like you never want anybody to get to phishing sites or malware sites and things like that but maybe you also want to block pornography or nudity or it depends on the age your kid are rated for example or maybe you want to just flag certain things like you want to flag when they're gaming so that in reports you can see if they're spending a lot of time game so all that can be accomplished on the categories tab you can also block specific sites specific file types all sorts of web filtering policy can be accomplished here so that's we're going to go to set up your web policy what's acceptable in your network so I can already hear some people saying but I want to allow certain things for different kids or I want to allow things for myself that are now blocked for my kids that's where policies come in so everything I've shown you so far is one single policy all these apps are in one single policy called the default rack you can actually build completely separate policies and I'll actually go through an example here let's go down to policy manager and click on settings so let's say I wanted to create a whole new policy called kids policy give it a description click done click apply so now I've got a brand new policy called kids policy now if I go back here to the drop down and I select the kids policy you'll notice that the top part of the rack is actually empty so I'm going to install a couple things I won't virus blocker and I don't care about fish blog I want to build control in one application control click done now you'll see these things installed in the kids policy so now I can go here and edit a specific policy for my kid that is not going to apply to everybody else so now I could say well I want to be much I want to block away more stuff here for my kids depending on their age you can decide what you think is appropriate or you can just block specific sites you can block everything and only allow certain sites it's a very young so now that I have the several policy set up how do I determine who goes to what policy so the way that that is done is each time basically network traffic occurs these rules are evaluated and it determines what policy covers that traffic so let me say Timmy's rule and I'm gonna say you could do a whole bunch of different things you could do it by the MAC address you could do it by the IP address of Timmy's machine you could even I mean if you're really fancy you can go username equals Timmy specify Timmy that means no matter where Tim he is on his iPad or on his machine or on his phone he's always gonna go the kids policy so that's my one and only rule I actually have a rule for the wireless people get to special bars Rach but once I save that little Timmy's gonna go little Timmy's traffic is gonna go to the kids policy so how do I associate a username I use username you could have just used IP or something you can actually go into config and go into device list here's a list of all the devices on your network this is a larger network this is not home so your network will probably be smaller but you can see in here you know the different names and what what is you know LANs iPhone and so on so you can kind of guess what's what well you can actually give it a user name so let's say this was Timmy's iPhone I want to say Timmy so now all traffic from that device is gonna be tagged with the username Timmy which is gonna match my policy rule and send Timmy's traffic to Timmy's rack and the policy that's appropriate for him is going to be enforced so hopefully that makes sense I will give another good example when you have kids another common thing we hear a lot about is people want to not necessarily control the content but the time they spend on the network so there's a couple ways to do that let's just pick an example where I want to say the Internet shut off after a certain hour so I'm gonna add a policy called no internet nope click done click apply so now I have a new policy called no internet I'm gonna go actually install in that policy hey web filter excuse me a firewall and in that firewall I'm going to add one simple rule that says block you and there's no conditions because I want to actually just block all traffic I mean you could say block all TCP or you could but this is basically going to block everything so any traffic that goes to the no Internet policy is just going to be dropped or blocked and then I'm gonna go on a policy manager again I'm gonna use rules you can read all about the different kind of rules you can create and say if the time of day is let's say I don't know I don't want them staying up super late at night so let's say from then to then everybody will be so 8:00 wow that's a little early there we go let them stay on the internet until 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. anywhere between that no internet I could say well maybe I only want to apply this to Timmy then I could say well let's only applies to Timmy in other words I want to be able to be on the internet after 10:00 and there you go so now Timmy's not allowed on the internet after 10:00 now you can also I won't go into this but you could also set up the captive portal at which point you could say I'm only gonna allow me to log in once a day and that'll be for five hours in which case you can elect for Timmy to pick and choose what hours he's allowed on the internet but he's only allowed for five hours after he hits the login button so there are a bunch of different cases you can go through there's a couple useful cases we could go through on just protecting your network this is the thing a lot of people want to do at home really not much effort is required here just like earlier you're basically is going to go through and install the apps that are going to protect your network so virus blocking virus lock or light or great candidates web filter is a great candidate because web filters going to block all sorts of access to malware and sites by default so you actually just have to install these and they're gonna filter web downloads and filter websites intrusion prevention is another good option if you install intrusion prevention you need to run through the wizard that kind of gives you some defaults that may be appropriate your network I would only run this if you're on a decently sized server so if you're on a really really small Home Server running intrusion prevention may not make a lot of sense because it uses a lot of memory so that's really that's all that's necessary to quote protect the device on your network again that's not necessarily about untangle protecting untangle untangle itself just has very little attack surface there's not much that's accessible from outside this is about protecting the devices on your network from doing something malicious or accessing malicious site or monitoring them and again I haven't gone in reports yet but you know you can look in the reports and say hey when one of my machines tried to download a virus a hundred times in a day that's kind of bad that almost certainly means it's infected and that it needs to be reformatted or cleaned up another common policy that you may want to do is let's say I only wanted to allow Internet to certain devices that I know about again I won't go through the whole policy set up but you could set up a policy and you could say my default policy is actually no internet and then you could go in and say well I'm only gonna bless certain machines and then I could say a policy to get to the default rack which actually passes traffic you need to have an own user name so in other words I would have to bless each and every single device so the way to do that would be you come in here and set the device up and give it a user name so you could set up a policy rule that says no username goes to no internet or something like that and then come in here and say every time a new device gets on your network and actually if you want one of the things I would recommend on a home network is going into reports alert rules and enabling new device discovered that means it will email you the administrator anytime a new device is discovered on the network so then you'll know ok I need to go in a device list and set the username for that and allow them on the network so I get this alerts all the time when my speakers diff I decide to phone home or my thermostat and it'll alert me hey I've found this new device and then I go set the username and I'll never get an alert again because now the device is known it's in the list so it depends on how lockdown you want your network to be obviously you can just set a password on your wireless and maybe that'll achieve the same thing but this is a little bit easier if you're you know putting a wireless password on the wall so that guests don't have to bug you every time saying what's the password which which letters capitalized no no explanation point that kind of drill that everybody's used to this allows you just put the password on the wall and then you can bless certain clients as they are discovered let me take a quick pause are there any questions and everything so far we should dig into I know you guys are if you have questions by the way just type man we've got a whole team of people answering as many questions as they can that's a great question so groups is typically done with an Active Directory server so most humans that live in a home do not have an active directory server so I won't say all of them because there are so as soon as I said that there would be somebody they know I've got an Active Directory server for my family so if you if you do have that you can configure gret root connector and it will look at your let me say user group map here and it will pull the users and groups for each user in your Active Directory server and so you can set up rules that say if Group kids go to kids rack now I won't spend a ton of time on that because most people don't have an Active Directory server but it's pretty easy to set up you just set up the attributes to log in to your ad server and it'll pull the group map and it doesn't matter where the user name comes from it'll still apply the group map I will tell you the ghetto wait do this which is a lot easier and assumes that you don't have a you don't have an active directory server I will just instead saying instead of saying username Timmy I will say kid - Timmy and then I will say kid - Amy so I got two kids now so now instead of saying I want to create a rule for Timmy I would just go over here - back to policy manager rules Timmy's rule now I'm going to change that to kids user name is star kid star and now all kids with kid and the user name will go to kids rec so that's not really a group but it will give you the same kind of functionality you can do that by the way and everywhere in firewall and bandwidth control and so on you don't have to match on the whole username you can only match on part of it and you can pick the user names as you see fit so I would go here and just name all the devices all the different kids and they all have kid in it and then maybe I would say well this is parent - me things like that so not groups but it will achieve the same effect of making managing all the different devices a lot easier so thank you for asking that question any other good questions I should jump in to you before - great - licensing so for the licensing one of the questions was how many devices does this license cover and that's a that's a great question because the small business and medium business licenses we sell are licensed by IP address for the home product we've taken a little bit of a different approach and the idea there is that we don't have a specific number of IP addresses that are licensed for the home product instead you are free to use it for non-commercial residential use at home without any sort of preset limit so we haven't had anybody run into any problems so far in terms of the number of devices if you do run into some issues please feel free to give us a call or email us at sales at untangle comm another question was whether there were any promotional offers around the you 25 home appliance and so you 25 and 25 W are really our small office branch office devices you can also run them at home if you you know wish to however they are intended for business and commercial units as such there aren't any discounts available on top of it although we are running a great promotion if you do want to pick the new 25 or 25 W up with a license for the software you can get endpoint security for 25 devices from our endpoint security product total defense we're going to walk through how to purchase a license at the end of the demonstration so you can see where exactly the home license it's on our website containing not related necessarily but one of the things you may want to look into if you go to config administration skins you can actually change the look and feel here in tangle the reason I bring this up is because we have a couple skins that are probably a little more geared towards the home user the material skin of the simple brace again I'm gonna click apply just to show you guys this different server so this is actually a slightly newer UI so this may look different than your home one but basically the apps are then arranged as little Chiclets kind of like your phone it's the same as the rack it works identically it's just a different view this is a little simpler and also it makes managing on your iPad a lot easier because it's responsive so that's what it will look like on your phone so you can still do all the same things it just means it's a little easier to manage in a home and iPad on your phone whatever the same of the dashboard by the way you can view the dashboard on your phone and you can launch in real time what little Timmy is doing on the internet or where your bandwidth is going or whatever you particularly care about untangles all about giving you the control visibility of what's going on your network all right let me just walk through another couple use cases that may be useful for people one of the things that's useful is you can always go into bandwidth control and run the oops not that one run the bandwidth monitor again you can also go into reports the bandwidth monitor is basically going to collect data for a few seconds and show you what's going on real time and how much bandwidth each one is using here you can see our code of meetings using a lot of bandwidth a lot of GoToMeeting and that's about it that's going on in this network GoToMeeting right now so nobody's watching Netflix right now Pandora or any of that stuff but you can see all that and the bandwidth monitor additionally there's about a million ways to view I won't go too much into this all the different things that are going on your network and reports you can just look at bandwidth usage over time not a ton of bandwidth on this network looks pretty idle I wish I could show you my home device it sees a lot more traffic than this but you can look at top users who's using the most thing top host names by bites and things like that to allow you to say well who's actually using the network and again there's not a lot going on the top user used 2.6 gigs on this network yesterday which is not a ton you can look at it by applications and again this is all just in bandwidth control none means it's something that we bypassed or what weren't tracking HTTP Amazon SSL a combined to Facebook so your home network will probably look a little different than this this is a business network your home that will probably be like one my home network at least this one huge slice that says Netflix another huge slices have Pandora and stuff like that games things like that so home networks are a little a little more interesting look at this is so I don't know people are actually working in this office is crazy so the reports will give you a good idea what's going on your network once you have an idea of what is going on and maybe you want to change the policy I recommend going in a bath control and run this the Merrill control setup wizard the setup wizard will walk you through kind of the general policies and actually has a home policy ten so first you have to tell it how much bandwidth you have this is absolutely critical that you get this right because the way valent control works that says here's how much bandwidth I have to work with I'm gonna prioritize all the different traffic such that it's optimized for this amount of bandwidth so what you want to do is find out how much your bandwidth you actually have you can go to a download test or something or you can just read it from your ISP paperwork and then put in slightly less number than you've tested or is on the paperwork um that way I'm taking was gonna assume this is how much man what you have from there I would just sect home homes gonna build you a policy set up for home now home is gonna be completely different policy than a business network because you actually want to prioritize at home the things that you care about which are latency sensitive so you care about YouTube and Hulu and Netflix and Pandora and things like that because those actually very sensitive to latency you don't want any eruption when you're watching TV in a business environment you don't really want to optimize this so that people can goof off and watch Netflix but at home you do you absolutely want to make sure the Netflix is priority or if they BitTorrent so that if you're downloading your torrents which of course would be very naughty of you it will not completely dominate your bandwidth such that your Netflix or twitch or u2 or whatever streaming gets interrupted so the home policy is actually pretty good you can continue to tweak it after that you can even set up quotas I won't do so now but you could say I want my kids to have you know a five get gota so that once they go over quota they get less internet speed you can give different people different policies for bandwidth different applications all this is accomplished in the rules but I would suggest just starting with the home policy which already has a whole bunch of stuff like for another example you actually want to prioritize games at home set priority high for games because games are latency sensitive in a business environment you probably don't wanna do that so just make sure you choose the home to mark the home profile when you configure balance control it'll give you a pretty good starting point and you can go from there let's see reports another thing you can do is let's say a very common thing you want to do is you want to see what a specific device or user is doing so there's a bunch of ways to do that but key way to do this is what we call conditions at the bottom so everything I showed you so far let's say I go to Web Filter might click on web usage and it's gonna show me what web usage on this network looks like now obviously nothing happens this is in the middle the night and here you can see what people came in the office and last night so people were sleeping here but this is the whole network let's say I really only care about one specific user you go and add a condition for one specific user I'll have me just so it's just so don't get anybody in trouble dee Morris laptop so obviously you could see well I wasn't even in the office yesterday slacker and then today I get in the office you could see my web usage goes way up so let's say I wanted to say top sites by request and this is going to show you all the different requests and that specific machine is making looks like a bunch of my apps we're trying to update cuz it's a bunch of security stuff Microsoft comm PC bits table total defense so it's all downloading anti-virus nothing very interesting you can do the same thing by the way for your Sonu speakers I did the same thing I don't know what it's flashing at me I did the same thing just the other day for my whiffing scale on my home network because I wanted to see what my whiffing scale was doing and it turns out it phones home with my weight every day and HTTP clear text to where things calm so they can deliver me all the app alerts and so on so you can use this functionality and just view each and every request that this device is making and you can do that for every device or user or whatever you have a whole bunch of conditions here so maybe you only care about a specific domain or as I said earlier maybe you only want to say when user name equals kids star kids if you just want to review all your kids browsing so the reports and the conditions can really allow you to drill down and see what device what user whatever is going on in your network so the reason this is take so much at home and we're excited to continue to optimize for home is because it allows you to see that visibility and control what's going on your network and protect the devices that are on your network more so than just your typical home router which is basically just gonna route traffic and not really tell you anything or do anything any questions I should jump into we had a general comment about Helen Tango plans to handle the emerging IOT trend and the number of devices that are coming into the home so we want to make a sort of a general statement on our I o T there were a couple questions on that yeah the way I view IOT personally is that what we're seeing in the home is an explosion in the number of devices so if you look five ten years ago home networks were basically maybe a router with a PC possibly two connected to the Internet if you look at your typical home router today they literally have 20 30 40 devices it's absolutely crazy everything wants to phone home you've got thermostats like I said my scale all my speaker's phone home I've got a million iPhones of guests coming in you've got all your different laptops tablets it's absolutely crazy and it's only going to get worse and that's why we see is it going to become increasingly important is controlling and protecting all those devices on your network so for us and personally we've been focused on small business for day one unfortunately small business said the same challenge for many years and we think that untangle that that puts us in a great position to help home users because they face the exact same challenges that business users do so for us here home is going to be increasingly important we're actually working on some very exciting stuff as I said we're actually working on a better UI phone apps to help you home users configure their untangle get alerts about untangle and things like that so I think IOT is going to be increasingly important as a trend for untangle and hopefully untangle will be better catered for the explosive home networks that are now exploding in complexity a couple folks were asking hey you twenty-five would be able to handle things like intrusion prevention or I'm worried about it having an atom and how many people does it scale to and I would encourage you to do two things on on the appliance but one is if you have specific questions about what do you 25 give us a call there the phone numbers on the website or email us at sales out of tangled Ofcom and we can help get the right solution to you in terms of what your needs are the second thing was a lot of people were asking what can I run at home like how do I cook up sort of a homebrew system a great place to find resources for that are is on the forums I actually built my own from some comments on the forums one before we had the things like au 25 available so it's a great resource for finding out more about what people run in in a home environment that maybe are alternatives to au 25 purchase you know people are discussing all sorts of options and again I have looked into these so I don't know how well they work but there are many enthusiasts on the forums try and figure out what device they can run on home and then the last question was just around what comes with the home license so just just to clarify again the home license is a special price for our complete package and our complete package is all of our free and paid apps so how does this differ from quote-unquote the free package the free is the free apps plus the untangle platform this is not only math but all of them paid apps but at a special price for home believes and you can find it on our website under the complete package pricing on the by tab which will walk through at the end to show you where that's at another quick tip just for the really tech enthusiasts one of things you can do is if you're totally paranoid about your traffic being sniffed on site you can set up OpenVPN full tunnel to your phone so that when you go to various places like the airport or hotels or whatnot you can actually tunnel through your home device as an encrypted tunnel which for those of you to reprise the enthusiasts that's a great thing also there's ad blocker which I didn't go into much but many motorists are very passionate about installing a blocker which will block ads for all devices on the network specific questions around things like enforcing SafeSearch and can be done with that and then people were asking you block google images can you filter on different YouTube videos I mean there are a lot of different scenarios that people are concerned about so we don't tackle everything here today be sure to jump on our forums or give us a call and we can try to address your individual questions that is a great point we absolutely can and for save searches and things like that which basically what it does is it turns on as you're searching Google things like you know Safe Search is forced on even if they try to turn it off so that if they search for something like boobs they will get you know bikini shots instead of really nude stuff which if you try it on Google you'll see what I mean it's so they do a pretty good job in it and it works for baingan Yahoo you will need SSL inspection to do full SSL if right here so I have them go into this because we don't have full time to really cover how cell inspection works but basically what it does is rips apart SSL so that you can filter it as if it was unencrypted and if you want to do full web filter and you may need to install certs on your kids devices so that you can do full SSL inspection and do full web even when they're using HTTPS we had actually a Tech Talk on SSL inspector last week so for those of you are John coffin our director of QA ran through that did the demo on that so if you guys are interested in learning how to set that up correctly you can check it out on our youtube channel as always our webinars are recorded so yep Thank You Shannon I'm just looking over some of the questions how we doing on time we're doing ok we can probably do a few more questions and I saw a question about reports again I was just breezing through reports you can go in here and there were some questions about top sites and you know when I added little Timmy you can actually export all this data and it will be the full list not just the top 10 for example this this site does not have much traffic so this list is normally like thousands and thousands of sites long where you can look at domains sometimes you only care about the domain that may is different that it is going to look at the first part of the host so dub-dub-dub google.com is gonna be the same google.com and again so export right here you can download excel you can also change the look and feel of all these and add this to your dashboard and things like that if you know you cared about it and you can create custom reports we have a couple webinars we've done on creating custom reports so I could say I want to customize this and I don't think I want to add a condition where it says you know username equals Timmy or kids or whatever so it would only be that rule apply for all the kids and then I could add that to my dashboard bring you through some of the questions real quick there was a question about how bound openvpn support specifically for privacy enthusiasts to connect to a privacy service either overseas or some other location that allows them to basically securely tunnel all device to the network out it's something we're looking into obviously the technology is there we just have to figure out who to partner with and how to do it how to implement it it's a little complicated because untangle being a business product is often built for multiple wins it has a pretty complex internet routing setup because we have lots of crazy scenarios so throw on VPN on that mix it's not necessary trivial but it's certainly something we want to do as a lot of home users have requested that obviously that does include it's gonna add latency but let's say you wanted to download your Game of Thrones tore it and you don't want to get another notice from your ISP about downloading a legal torrent then you would turn on the VPN at which it would tunnel through your service over and Sweden or wherever and you wouldn't get hassled by your ISP it's things like that or maybe you just don't want people to see what you're doing at your eyes PE or all right so see if we're done we have any more questions Iggy let's make sure we show where to find me get one of our recordings of the water so we get a lot of questions on where to find recordings we have this handy dandy little YouTube button at the bottom of our website this takes us to the YouTube channel we have all of our webinars here we have different playlists so if you want to watch the talk series version 12 support 101 series etc we've kind of organized those into various topics so this one will be in the one series and as always we'll be sending the recording out on tomorrow and if you don't want to go there we do have a webinar page so webinars and videos as you can see this is where this one is and then these are upcoming ones as well that you can register for and then our recorded ones are down here it all links back to the YouTube channel now to buy the home license is Amy mentioned you click this buy time so you go to our website click on the Buy tab and then this is where you get to you know pick and choose what you guys want to do so I'm Tim go complete if you want the full package and if you look here under license devices there's the home option so that's where you would purchase the home license now this is just a reminder the home license is for non-commercial use only meaning it is only for your home so um please be aware of that when you purchase that um and you know you can add can you know Add to Cart and add another product if you want you know continue shopping whatever you want to do so um see that and if any other questions that came in about that and no we just there are a bunch of very specific questions so again we encourage you to jump on the forums afterwards we can help you sort of learn through any other questions we didn't cover or you know if you need actual tech support kids at all or if you have some questions about you know free future purchase we can help you yeah on our website we have you know links to the forums that you know Dirk as well if his many minions are on answering questions we also have documentation which is the wiki that also has plenty of technical documentation including you know any new versions and I believe we have a home you have a home wiki page product is the same as the business part right now so all the documentation you see will so if you want to see how you configure your firewall or let's say even more complex setup I thought I was questioned about separating and other devices from other devices different networks internally that's all the same as the normal product it is the same product just a different license that's made specifically for home users so you can jump on the forums will help you with those questions as well it's basically just the same as you would configure the business product which we can help with that if you want to know how to do that there's a few questions people are sort of theorizing what the device limit is they looked at the SKU and sorry there's 75 in this view and something else is concerned about how we're gonna know whether or not a business the reality is is that we want to provide this product to our customers we trust you we want this to be offered in good faith the reason why we're not trying to name a specific device limit is because we want to intend this for home use if we see that it's getting abused or you know there are scenarios in which it's being deployed in commercial environments you reserve the right to revoke those licenses if you don't want to do that but that's why we're trying to communicate upfront what the intended use for the for the licenses are this the same way as what the license bans are for the commercial product that are used in in commercial settings you know if you go over your device license count you get alerts within the product letting you know that you know we're keeping an eye on how the home product is used out in the market and you know we'll have to titrate if there is a lot of abuse so you know that's that's kind of why we we're not trying to be evasive but that's and why we've been positioning it this way and trying to get people understand how we see it so that you can see it the same way and take advantage of the terrific price and on that wanted to Reem engine the offer that that ami mentioned earlier about the you 25 and so you go to our website and click on this special offer it takes you mentioning about are you 25 to 25 W how you add a home license right for complete um or sorry the special offer is you purchase you 25 to 25 W with the complete package and you get free 25 devices when your licenses for total things total defence antivirus solution for implements and this is $150 value so just want to really reiterate that um see what else we got um so yeah just again thank you very much for your time I know we probably didn't get to every question but again you can hit us up at the forums or email us or call us um you can always try us out with our free demo our webinars are on the website wiki forums yeah so thank you everyone for joining us today we hope to see you next time thanks doc thanks Amy and thank you team thanks everybody thank you and just as a reminder if you aren't ready to make the purchase you can always download the product and try it free for 14 days with all the fully featured paid apps from the download page on the website great all right thanks everyone you
Channel: Untangle, Inc.
Views: 22,623
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: untangle, ng firewall, untangle at home, home license, home network, complete package
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2016
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