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don't look metal what do you need nothing at all I need nothing at all I'm gonna run straight up mid night I was uh oh my God Instagram wait oh it's not pram oops and we go to Portuguese five stack of course we did okay the little bit is three nine three one three three three four four three this is kind of wild though but it's like they have a hundred yellow more on average there are five stack and that like this is like against losses I don't know this isn't really balanced in a way one is close in the smoke what is the blood doing yeah yeah he's coming here yeah I was just talking to my channel foreign what are they doing uh AVP on car I have apps one more one more in pool now these tears really like going banana can you Molly close second man two alive One Alive two alive One Alive yeah and then we leave meat and we hide in b side we don't fight I don't feel like this is gonna work ever I hate this threat I'm gonna go along with it I hate this [ __ ] No One's Gonna believe in a stack after five nights what do you know oh they just take a slowly yep so obvious man I don't know it's kind of obvious I'm not gonna lie yeah no it's super obvious one car thank you let's go safe wanna save yeah deploying smoke Shield you were saying I got a big gap in the smoke but I can't pick foreign and now it doesn't come unlucky no way they could be now right come on man [Music] I knew you would win so he's alone welcome back I'm giving isolator welcome back maybe I should eat McDonald's more often alerts are overlapping uh yeah it's just on the edge of how heavy it can be and while my arm concealed carried so it it Roots that's what I'm short where sure hey I got smoke City and I can Flash over City if you want pop flashes over City and you just jump through yeah sure on left side I think smoking now let's just go let's just go smoking now flashing now City too okay we just kind of never take sight ings I was really so [ __ ] comfortable with that pig man I cannot oh tomorrow yeah I've stopped killing as well which is the bigger issue for me [ __ ] me man where did the op go sorry yeah they're picking something there climbed so badly one is running down banana I don't I don't like how we're playing at all now I want us to do something very simpler get the smokes I got nades okay I want one of you but like early in the round smoke the molotov bottom mid smoke one time up mid okay just like smoke like the cities would please after I will pop flash you into banana from it okay and then we take the retake okay can you go close banana this is perfect I put flush now I pop flush now flashing behind you yeah this is a much better place okay nice what am I doing bro well yeah okay this goes over time man I just [ __ ] wild from 14 or 14-5 overtime yeah they can't cross not bad back ah you're [ __ ] with me man uh one is how to flashes they're watching that's clear ly foreign foreign [Music] [Laughter] people like ah you're streaming every day brother past two weeks I have 27 hours bro in two weeks and I'm [ __ ] on you I want to use my spawn here uh don't block metal nothing at all I need nothing at all I'm gonna run straight up mid don't flash don't do anything okay foreign out of my [ __ ] server easiest [ __ ] I've ever [ __ ] done [Music]
Channel: renyan
Views: 58,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ren, renyan, FACEIT, 4000 elo
Id: XAbptmqqt7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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