Unstoppable Trash Talker vs. Immovable Trash Talker! Boston Mike vs Brooklyn Dave

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[Music] I couldn't eat and play but Mike I can handle that you know what's good this is on film what color you games over what kind one finding you this a lot love you won't you take life for joy the handicapped very good choice ready got a pulling his hair out I thought that means anything go to sleep now oh my goodness gracious did I do this yes you did you playing with the big boys now but what what do you want to do this is already a terrible game it's already a flawed game you're playing to your maximum I can cast a long way maybe they're gonna go you're gonna go to it I think so just right there [Music] I don't think so I don't like that oh you don't like no I want my piece you're what I work Breezies not give it away jacket what it's my first game of the game day what can I say my personal life my fans are gonna be nice on developing move that's okay I like it say whatever you want at the end of it I actually say and I son developing you're standing up you'll remember that album when I'm standing up yeah you think I'm gonna be standing up you're gonna be running in the reverse minute just like this that's good thank acetal oh you can do that too without hesitation he who hesitates is lost those the one thing where do you come up with that stuff I'm just talented I can't help it the special book I'm just out that I have talent where I'm really not warmed up this is not fair Mike setting up for one of his cheapos aren't you now Mike aren't you setting up 20 you do the cheapo aren't you setting up on eg well you know something I only set up for a full double fall for it Wow well you notice he's going forwards yeah that's what he's he go forwards don't worry about told him you shouldn't have never told them there's something I'm done disappointed with my play this game I really am I'm every disappointed in the way employees yeah really now your father - oh if I was you Dave but that's just me but that's just me i you know like a stink egyptian step shop whatever the stinky sceptile's you know yeah that thing not the one that got away by the good stone yeah what the hell is going on on board 25 who wants get off lunch belly really you go dear is it my turn yet no so here you go here yeah you got it for it so that was not a different level - yeah you can't backward she's everything not what happens I'm just curious no that's a powerful move - I didn't saw it after I did not saw that move no angle here you go there okay can you go away now good what he seems like a pretty decent move that's it I must confess that's right they call you the decent one yes thank you very much for recognizing that it makes them more random moves is he making random moves again he is making random moves again so I'm just curious what's he what type of development does he have I'm not sure oh boy this game what I would time that Shore King over I wouldn't knock the King over those rumors are totally false tersh of that Oh No but and what the hell has he done to what he said this guy's trying to do me in the language what the hell I'm getting dizzy and in frizzing about Lizzy you know wait a second though I'm waiting oh yeah you're in big trouble kid just talking about you look do you know what happened all right now you're in I think the hynek's somewhere that's all I know empty table over there car stop baby you see what I have to put up with I try to be nice he's gonna win this game of course I am he's actually gonna win this game gonna happen he's gonna win this game what did you think was gonna happen you'll play me yeah I know that's why he thought he could get away with everything nice check these what but give me what that is a nice what do you need to know do you think you should be nice Dave just remember when I taught you Jay I'm gonna die on a Shack I'm gonna try no that isn't good enough that's another check yeah that's another check wait a second so now if we go here for check that's not yet so what it maybe it was embarrassing I wouldn't do this to my dog I'll take a draw no no why I went to a different it doesn't matter to draw no it's not okay you get to play but it's a draw did you say the beginning about ice cream you want to stay here and run me away happy second yes Brian here hope you enjoyed the game another entertaining game between these two brothers from another mother man and I'm glad again like the clocks are they're invisible because they give context to the game and you know if you've watched enough of Boston Mike's games you can kind of see the pattern he has for his style it's basically kind of turtle up in the beginning and make your opponent burnt I'm looking for an attack and also throwing you know Boston Mike's trash talk to distract your opponent which burns a lot of you know your opponent's time when he's trying to figure out the attack and that's pretty much Dave's um that's why you see Dave kind of had trouble with time it's just because to think of Anik really creative attack while someone's trash like it takes a lot a lot of time and we saw Dave going into time trouble there at the end and I think they've probably made the right call going from the draw even though there was a win for white and I'll explain why I think that was the way to go in the analysis so but I but a really really fun game continues to and you know boston mike has it's a pretty good strategy man you know just turtle up trash talk and then kind of use the time pressure to win or at least get a draw here and and getting a draw as black is um yeah you know technically a win I guess since white gets up so fun getting by these two man I hope you enjoyed it limited game that counts below if you want to get Boston like a cup of coffee he's linked in the video description as well as Dave's you guys know the rest of the drill by now so let's get to it alright so Dave bringing his King out here in this position and it is a mighty king and we get to here and in the game Queen check was play let's go move back pause video white can win this game and he has many chances after this but it's all kind of the same pattern pause the video see if you can find it as white what is the win here alright if you said d6 Congrats yes that is the win pawn push but here's why I think dave was right to go for the draw given the time constraints you guys know how precarious endgame is like one move and it's you can be toast right and not only that kind of the board is a bit open here so you have to spend a lot of time calculating different lines different checks by your opponent and it's just too much too much when you have such a little time left so let me go show you a couple lines to see how a while this can get so let's say Queen check King gobbles up a pawn queen goes behind the pass pawn check King up check King h8 King c6 wanted to escort the pawn and night and I heard comes the checks and you got the Queen check here and in this position what would you do as white passed pawns must be pushed right so if you said d7 sorry man that's the wrong move that is the wrong move it went front it goes from thirteen point forward to a draw because the king is not shelter from any check sir so now here comes the Queen and checking here and if you're not careful if you really want the win as white and and know that you're under time pressure right if you make the mistake of popping out here then guess what you get checkmated so that's what I'm talking about see it's not as easy as it looks so going back here what you want to do is bring the Queen out first to provide shelter from checks and kind of tuck the Queen the King away and notice this move is if you push you drop the Queen with check so maybe this could be one way to go here and now black has run out of checks Queen guarding all the checking squares and you will get the second Queen here and there it is no more checks and white will win the game so yeah I mean the winning line was there but again it's very very hard to calculate too many too much stuff going on your opponent's trash-talking you all in all I think they've made the right call going for the jaw but uh but yeah interesting strategies played by both you know Dave always it's it's trade-offs you know if you're going for the glorious attack when you when you find it and when you deliver it it's glorious but you run the risk of losing on time and on the flip side you know if you just can't total up and trash talk then you you lose the glory you lose you lose the chance of a glorious attacks it just depends on which way you want to go but I really really find game by these two man hope you enjoyed it let me know what you thought when it comes below don't forget to Like share comment and subscribe at that valve kitchen and things I'll see you guys tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Coffee Chess
Views: 97,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess hustler, chess hustling, chess hustlers, chess trash talk, blitz chess, chess endgame, chess tactics, chess openings, chess middlegame, chess opening, friends playing chess, chess with friends, chess trash talking, chess trash talkers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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