Unsolved Mystery | Lindsay Buziak

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hello everyone and welcome back to the mystery theory podcast today we're going to talk about Lindsay Busey AK this was somewhat of a recent request by John Dorian and I decided to start digging in this case that was kind of confusing in the beginning because there is a lot of information out there but there is also a lot of conflicting theories some of them I mean I don't know where they came from they have no backup they have no nothing to prove that it's true and there are some others that do so I'm gonna kind of jump in and share with you the case and also the latest updates because this is something that it's unsolved but it's not a cold case and the police is working on it and they have an idea then they probably know what happened in their heads but they need that person who can open up and really will solve this crazy case that has no physical evidence no fingerprints no nothing that really they can go with and if you know about this case you probably know about the theory is so I'm gonna explore a few of those unfunded Furies I'm gonna share them with you but I'm not going to dwell on them because I think there is more information today out there that is based on the authorities and based on some police statements that are a little bit more I don't know they make a little bit more sense in my head so that's what we're gonna do today I am assuming this is going to be a pretty long podcast so just bear with me and know that in order to make up your own mind or trying to figure things out in this case you probably have to listen to the entire podcast and understand the different details that I'm gonna share with you today so I hope that you join me and I hope that if you have a completely different belief if you think you know that that you believe in one of those theories that today are not based on any reliable source and but you absolutely believe in it and that I hoped I don't I hope you don't see me as trying to change your mind I'm just sharing with you things that I found about this case and some of the most reliable sources I could find so let's talk about Lindsay briefly she was born November 2nd 1983 so she was one year in two days younger than me so it's kind of an interesting thing they over there and kind of something that I tried to find in every case so I can relate dates birthdays the date that they had when they died so all the things that I tried to relate somehow so I can understand that Lindsey you know today we see her she was a beautiful girl and you know it's now Lindsey it's a picture to us people of you who didn't get to know her but once I tried to find that connection Lindsey becomes a real human being in my head I don't know if I can explain that to you but really that's pretty much it I do that relation in order to they think well she'll be you know 36 years old this year or should be and kind of relate to a real human being who lost her life in a horrible way now her mom is Evelyn and her dad is Jeff muziek she had one sister her name is Sarah and we're not gonna dwell too much in her childhood because it's pretty normal and had nothing to do with what happened to her but if we fast forward to 2008 she was 25 24 years old and she now is a real estate agent she is a rookie at the office that she's working at but she was described as ambitious and driven with a promising start to her career and you know she was dating this guy his name is Jason say hello who happened to me in the business - and who was coming from a family who was doing very well um was very successful real estate they had a very successful real estate business and surely a Linc's manager happened to be Jason's mom as far as her personal life she was seeing a pretty popular girl she had lots of friends that she kept in contact with all the time she was very outgoing just always fun she was the kind of person that you look for when you want to have fun she had a really great relationship with her family with her sister and with both mom and dad even though they got divorced when she was very young in late January 2008 Lyndsey received a call that because every real estate agent wishes for this call right there was this was this lady who said that she had a budget of 1 million dollars and that she needed a house pretty fast they were going to be in Victoria British Columbia which didn't mention in the beginning but that's where Lindsay lived and they were going to be in the area for three days to find the home that they were going to move to and they kind of had those three days to find the house and try to close the deal something that was very interesting in this goal is that they were very specific that we're looking for a three-bedroom home with three bathrooms pretty close to downtown and they wanted a nanny suite which it is not unheard of but it's not one of the most popular and demands for in a home at least that is something that well I'm having a million dollar budget for a home I mean there's people that do have that budget but this was kind of a specific request that she got now she felt a little bit uneasy with this call itself she mentioned to one of her friends that gee this lady had a what she thought was a fake accent something that sounded Spanish but not really and so why fake the accent I was kind of weird but Lindsay also I mean she didn't know why the lady didn't call the office that was also something very interesting this lady called her personal cellphone and by the way their cell phone was still listed as hers and it was published everywhere but it was kind of interesting and totally relate to Lindsay here I guess because we're both born in November and I don't know I have that kind of wandering mind but she wonder why her you know why specifically call her and she doesn't have much experience they're going to buy a million-dollar home why not call the listing agent of a specific house that according to some theories they even mentioned the house they wanted to go to the they briefly told her about this place that it was in the Sousa and this was a coldest shock even though I mean they could have called the listing agent it was very very weird let's just put it like that so Lindsay again totally relate to this she asked the lady where did he come in them from in a very kind way and the lady said well a previous client of yours gave me your a cell phone soon Lindsay after ending the conversation decided to call the client and find out who this lady was and you know if in fact this client shared her phone number with them and anyways the client never picks up sound of town I don't know if it's a lady or a guy or a guy abut mm-hmm whoever didn't pick up now there are some conflicting young I don't know speculation is that it's not even a speculation I don't know some people say that she told Jason that adjacent her boyfriend that she was a little bit uneasy about this whole thing and it could have been that she felt uneasy with the idea of this lady calling her and she not maybe she thought that there was some kind of a scam where we don't know why she was so uneasy with the whole situation but according to some sources when she told Jason about this he reassured her that she'll be fine dad would be a great Commission and she should totally start looking for houses for this couple there is also it was also said that she called her dad and told him about it we don't know if this just happened in a normal conversation we're like oh by the way I got called by this lady who wants to buy a house for $1,000,000 but he kind of fishy because I don't know her or what the deal was but sources say that the dad did hear about her an easiness with this couple some sources say that Jason even said you know what don't worry I can even stop by and wait for you outside it will be fine you know it's kind of crazy to think that she had that little an easiness inside of her because if you're a real-estate agent correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that you know then you're going to meet people more than likely not everyone that you're gonna sell a house to will be your friend your neighbor or your coworker more than likely you're going to try to find strangers that want to buy a house with you so she was new maybe that's why she felt uneasy or don't you think it's very interesting to know that she felt and easy even though her job description kind of tells you that she was supposed to meet with strangers all the time anyways just the thought now between the first conversation and the time that they met to see the first house they exchanged six different calls they finally set up a time 5:30 on Saturday for very the second now this was a nap scale suburb in Victoria and Lindsey had a list of other houses that she found in the budget to show them but this was the first house and the house had allegedly this couple mentioned that they wanted to see it also interestingly enough this was the one house that met every single request that the couple had coincidence I don't think so it was almost like they were in my head it was almost like they were making an appointment to meet with her there which has absolutely makes absolutely no sense because if I knew a house okay I saw the house I know I like it I know it has everything I have I'm gonna call the listing agent and try to not involve so much commission in two different real estate agents that's my thought but again now we're looking back yeah I was a little bit suspicious and she had that feeling now at some point it was reported that in one of those calls Lindsey and the new clients the lady told Lindsay again we have no name for this lady that she was going to go alone because something happened to her husband and yeah she was going to take a look at the house by herself now this is not a hundred percent confirmed and it was a conversation between two people one of them were trying to find out who she is and the other one is not alive anymore so it's kind of hard to say that that actually happened but it is said that maybe there was some record maybe there was that you know some kind of a note that Lindsey wrote down saying she called she's gonna come by herself maybe that's that but I can't really tell you where that information is coming from but it's very well-known and it's part of her case so it was February 2nd 2008 this was a Saturday afternoon and Lindsey had lunch with her boyfriend Jason and left the place at 4:24 p.m. this was in a restaurant they left separately she took her car because she needed to go home to change to go to her appointment at 5:30 and Jason had to go to another shop to pick up a colleague now it is sad and confirmed that this colleague was a hockey player they were not professional soccer well hockey players but they they he played together it is also confirmed that is in this auto shop Jason went for business purposes and I'm not meaning button by that that he was going to take his car to get it fixed I'm saying that the guy was selling and so he was the listing agent for his self okay now Jason got there and after around 5:30 so he went to the auto shop pick up his friend and the one that was going to go with him to the hockey game that they had that night so he said well let's go but before that I need to stop by Lindsey's appointment so he texted her and say you know they were texting back and forth but he eventually texted and say I'm gonna be a little bit late you know this house was a new build and it's very important that you know all this information because in the end it ties to different stories it wasn't 1702 the Sosa place this is a private and awkward to park pull the sack I should know I lived in one for 14 years and it's kind of weird how you have to park your cars if you are invited to a house it's just weird you know it's um it's kind of a circle but then you have a little bit of space on people Park like parallel some other people Park it's kind of weird to park in a cul-de-sac with all the driveways and all the craziness okay I know that it makes sense but the side of the property and the back of the property was kind of was parallel to Torquay drive the let's call it a busier Street okay and the side of the house and the back of the house it was all fenced in this was a new build again and it has been sitting for a year not buy now for 960 so it was kind of a little bit less than a million dollars but it fit perfectly in the budget now remember that I told you that the husband was not meant to come well he ended up being there with the wife and there was a neighbor walking by she was walking her dog and she said that she saw the couple shaking hands introducing themselves outside the home to Lindsay now the man was described as a white man with dark hair and the lady was blond in between 35 and 45 about 35 and 45 years old and she had some kind of a very distinctive dress some people called it ugly some other people call it sophisticated it was just a different pattern was black it had pink kind of a reddish tone I'll talk about more about the dress later on but just so you know that's what the neighbors saw at the time now at that point the neighbor was still looking and she saw Lindsay walking towards the parks to get the key since his car was parked in the driveway by the way she got the key she unlocked the home and got inside with a couple there was no car but Lindsay's there and again this was easily blamed on the idea that it was not easy to park in this cul-de-sac so that's it that's all the neighbors saw at that point Jason and his colleague and friend were going to this hockey game arrived at the homeowner around 5:40 there are some other time lines that say 5:45 but remember that the appointment started at 5:30 that's when they met now as soon as they get there Jason and his buddy they saw a couple coming out of the front door but then they saw them just walk right by inside I mean it seemed like they wanted to leave then all of a sudden they turn around I went back inside I have to admit that's kind of weird and maybe that was me I would have done something called do something he felt that it was weird but he still felt okay to wait for another 10 minutes maybe they were not completely done and Jason at this point was not parked properly again let's come back to the coldest hug craziness for not calling a different name I mean there is not a proper way to park in a cul-de-sac if there's no broom like in between the driveways so he decided to go around and park on the busy road but it's on the side of the house remember the one that we talked about previously he later said that he didn't want to seem like he was being nosy or been a weird maybe even jealous boyfriend interrupting so he decided to wait for another 10 minutes before he actually started to worry he finally texted Lynsey are you okay she never opened the text now ah hey I'm not sure that one kind of formed a heart but I'm assuming it was an iPhone that tells you when people open your messages or not I have all the time well I had an iPhone I could see a short sentence on the top so I wouldn't even open it so it's just assuming that she never opened the actual message we're not sure if she saw um in the beginning because of course then we have the timeline on when she died he finally at that point gets worried and goes to the house and tries to open the front door but it was locked he then looked through the glass and off the front door and he sees that these issues are there which is something completely normal if you're a real estate agent are you been looking around to buy your house probably know that most people want you to take off your shoes before you enter the house especially if it's a new build with new carpets and stuff like that so he didn't worry about that but he worried that he couldn't see anybody inside so he started knocking and nobody opens know what he's moving so at that point he was just too worried and decided to call 9-1-1 in the meantime his colleague and bunny just found a gap in the fence and he decided to get in he sought the patio door that it was wide open and told the Chasen it's open we can get in this way Jason being worried he told the operator I'm gonna go in and he hung up the phone now Jason's but he came through the property and unlocked the front door for Jason Jason immediately with no hesitation run upstairs and found Lindsay lying in a pool of blood in the master bedroom once you got up it was easily it was visible that she was there and a lot of people wonder why he wanted mmediately upstairs I'm assuming that maybe since the friend went through the house to go to the front door maybe he said something that's something that we don't know but when he's found Lindsay that bla bla and he called a No and they were already on their way so they got there pretty fast Vince he was pronounced dead when the paramedics arrived speculation say let me put it that way that she was stabbed over 40 times with no defensive wounds and initially people said that you know she was probably stabbed from behind and didn't see it coming nothing was missing nothing was stolen Jason and his buddy were handcuffed and taken to the station I mean a crime happened and they were there eventually it was confirmed that they were not near the house by surveillance cameras and their testimony in witnesses of course in of course they led them Co because they couldn't have been at the property when Lindsay was being murdered Jason even passed a polygraph test just so you know the police confirmed that he was has always cooperated with the police but one of the things that really made him look bad is that he always refused to give a DNA sample by the way if you're thinking well that's Shanee because they could have compared they should have required him to give a DNA sample listen he wasn't there he was God in surveillance cameras footage and at the scene there was no DNA no fingerprints so what were they going to match Jason's DNA - and by the way Jesus DNA would have been all over Lindsay they live together boyfriend and girlfriend kind of makes sense now one of the things that is very well-known in this case is that Lindsay talked about the couple as the Mexicans she referred to them as the Mexicans and not their actual names um it was kind of interesting to know that she even when she talked to her dad allegedly and talked to people she referred to them as Mexicans and after doing the research and everything apparently she didn't even wrote down their names in her personal planner or whatever she used to work now let's go back to the text jason's text a couple of minutes away was never open as I mentioned before maybe she saw it on the table but she didn't open it at 5:41 didn't see apparently called a friend that she hasn't called in a long time but she didn't speak or all you could hear some muffled sounds and after a while they concluded that this was a pocket call and probably what's going on as she was being murdered no let's talk about some speculations okay this is not something that was revealing the autopsy or anything but let me tell you about some of the things that are known in this case and then I'll go back to what I found about them okay now some people speculate that and even the dad mentioned this in the dr. Phil show then happened somewhat recently that she was stabbed over 40 times in especially on her new breast implants that maybe they were even aiming for it if some speculations I'm not saying the dad said that but some is speculation and some others say that she was nearly decapitated hmm and all this recently has been denied by people who got insiders information about the autopsy even though the findings of the autopsy were never revealed so not the dad not anybody should have the information to tell you this happened or this didn't happen now according to reliable sources connected to the police the amount of stab wounds were about between between 10 to 15 and she was not not nearly decapitated this was not an overkill this is something that was confirmed by the police in a statement somewhat confirmed it's not like they came out and say that straightforward but they do believe that she was walking to show the master bathroom when she got attacked from behind she didn't see it coming and they also believe that it was a large knife and part of this new discovery is that at least they shared that her spinal cord was severed now it can be maybe not but this latest findings kind of override the idea that I was a 40 stab wounds no sex assault or no robbery no forensic evidence no trail to follow the murder weapon because it's not a gun and they do know that the weapon was brought with the people in not inside the house now you have to understand that Jason and his buddy they Cohen he was they were they were investigated thoroughly and they even have to give a timeline they put in perspective the text they told them exactly how they got in who got in first and everything they did until the police showed up the police used this information to create a timeline and they also used it to confirm that everything matches in there no there's no life there in later on Jason even reenact at the scene with his lawyer present now why he had a lawyer well I'm pretty sure that if you witness what he witnessed and then were maybe if you were handcuffed and taken to jail and you have the means to hire somebody I'm pretty sure you would have gotten one a lot of people gave him a lot of garbage because of it but I'm pretty sure that he was pretty scared when he was handcuffed and instead of believing that he was just there to see his girlfriend and I'll go why he was there too okay because there are some deeper um things that were going on on her then she was an easy no when he did the reenactment everything matched again he never added anything he never took away anything he always said the same thing and this is according and confirmed by the police now some people question the idea why he went straight upstairs how did he know she was upstairs and did he look around did he have a feeling or think he know that she was going to be up there no friends and colleagues are saying that you know just she had this about feeling about this people and she asked him to be there so why did he take so long to be there for her but the other side of course says it was her job to meet strangers and this was not our out of the ordinary now I'm gonna tell you what Jason told the police okay as I mentioned in the beginning Jason went to visit a customer where he was going to meet his buddy and then go to their hockey game Jason was delivering some papers to Lindsay that night too she could have been uneasy and he said I'll be there for you the main point of him going there straight there after being on his clients place is that he had that listing he was the listing agent for that cell analyst Lindsay was representing the buyers so the buyers made an offer in Jason's client made a counteroffer so he wanted to deliver it to Lindsay to close the deal the cell as soon as possible some people say that this was not a counteroffer this was just the offer initially yeah I am not sure what it is and it really it's irrelevant to the point that I'm trying to make here but so he was going to be there for her outside but he was actually waiting for her to sign those papers as well and close the deal all this was confirmed it could have been a lie I mean an elaborate lie but everything was matched everything matched the police could confirm that the cell was going on that he was a listing agent for the seller that she was the the agent that was helping the buyers and that the offer was going on and that yeah he needed that signature some theories say well that she didn't even tell Jason that she was worried about this whole thing only took her dad and her friends I personally don't think so I think she was pretty and easy with the whole thing but she was probably also trying to get used to the idea of the disorder now and maybe that part of it was meeting with strangers right I would have done that it maybe that's why it makes sense to me that even though she was an easy with the idea of talking to these people and yeah but an easy feeling that she had maybe she was trying to overcome it which makes totally sense in my book now it was it was business and maybe a kind of peace of mind kind of thing that maybe was Jason outside you must understand that when the police got there they were probably wondering what the heck are you doing here listen she's a big girl pretty sure she can take care of herself it would have sounded a little bit weird that he was waiting no sign you know if she was really worried why wasn't him inside with her he gave the police this this timeline of events and what really he was doing there and he never changed his story according to the police Jason according to the police again never changed the story and sometimes the police don't release the whole thing so some people believe that he did change his story along the way but it was just because the information that the police was releasing was just in pieces he never added it was just from the beginning the same story Jason was found with no motive either I mean why and what did he have to win with this they did find sock and nylon impression body ones kind of a trail that led to where they left their shoes by the front door and they were confirmed that there was a male in a female set of footprints it was also infirmed that they left from the back and that they could have had a third person as a getaway driver barked in the busier Street either on the back of the house or the side now it is also interesting to know that there was this kind of a gap in the fence that they could and most more than likely knew about it but there's also possibility that they were really in fact planning to live the house from the front door and they were interrupted by Jason and his buddy at the front door so they began they walk to the cul-de-sac so they had no car park out front and everyone assumed that they parked on the side because of the inconvenient parking experience in a cul-de-sac no the police believe that the people she met show in to show the house were the ones who killed her this white guy with dark hair 6 feet tall I mean blonde lady with a reddish pink and black patterned dress they pump that the dress was not really as unique or as exclusive as people thought in the beginning this was a very popular dress that was sold in a department store and I mean it was kind of busy pattern and unique but maybe this was something to distract people from looking at her face and that is one of the theories out there they still did a sketch of her not of the guy but they did get a sketch of her but no leads on it the cell phone used by the couple to get in contact with Lindsay was purchased in Vancouver on November 2007 so a few months prior to the meeting and it was activated the first time that the couple contacted Lindsay so is easily confirmed that they purchased this with the sole purpose of using it on Lindsay's murder it was also tracked back to where it was purchased but the surveillance footage was erased because it had been so long ago that they really didn't keep it for that long at least you know the surveillance footage it was registered under the name Paola Reyes in with an address in Vancouver that is not related or involved at all and this whole thing the phone was purchased for the murder that is what the police believe and it was never used after Lindsay's murder but why Lindsey nobody gets it she was a low-risk lifestyle that's how she was described by authorities she had credit she was not using drugs she actually hated drugs and what they did to people she lived a happy life with her boyfriend and she was doing pretty well in life eventually they continue to investigate Jason but he they had to rule him out as a suspect and that is when Lindsay's dad Jeff has started to tell another story completely different of what Jason was telling the police Jeff said that Lindsay told him that Jason was being controlling controlling and possessive and that he doesn't believe that he did it himself but that he plotted to kill her and he's referring to Jason of course the boyfriend also Linc's dad says dad Lindsay visit him and told him and that she saw something she shouldn't have apparently the conversation ended there and she said I'll tell you later but she never did and this is what happened so let me let me stop for a minute there because because of that statement a lot of people have been creating some kind of crazy theories Jeff Lynn says dad never said that Lindsay said dad I saw something with Jason or about Jason or about his family that I shouldn't have no he never she never said that Jeff said that Lindsay said or told him that she saw something that she shouldn't have period so this doesn't mean that she's referring to JSON or Jason's family also I don't know how we're heard though it was the situation where she told him but it's kind of interesting to know but you know Jeff didn't push hard enough to know what she saw it's kind of interesting right I mean maybe it was a conversation like no and maybe he took it Michael saw something that was scarring and not really you know scary but scarring kind of thing I shouldn't have seen that I can't get that out of my head I don't know but she never told him no there are some Jason theories based on what Jeff shared about Jason okay some people speculated that Jason was selling steroids and then she wanted out so a lot of crazy and not really proof theories the police investigated Jason he's completely clean he's never been selling steroids or there's no evidence that he had another theory is that Jason made sure he was caught in camera so he could have an alibi I mean why was Jason there I mean did he just go there just to make sure that she was dead but got an eyeful finale' by with the surveillance camera so he wouldn't be pointed to did he move the card to signal the killers but think it was time to leave why did Jason bring his somebody like a so whiteness Jason wanted apparently according to this theories he had a friend who was a low-grade drug dealer too but all these things really we're not able to prove anything the police was not able to prove anything there was no trace there was nothing nothing and they thoroughly investigated Jason he even passed a polygraph for some people it not a big deal for some other ones yeah it's a big deal you reenacted the whole thing he cooperated he was there every single time the police asked to talk to him so it actually didn't make sense all those theories at least not to the authorities so now it let's explore his mom Shirley Jason's mom the theories are that Jason and Lynn cement through well we know that Jason and Lindsay met through Jason's brother who went to school with Lindsay so Jason introduced Lindsay to his mom and that's how she got the job at the office she was a junior agent and Shirley was her manager as some people say but she hated Shirley some other people say that she loves Shirley because you know it was like I mentor a good person to look up to successful in the business that she was starting some people say that Shirley was too involved one of the things that it said is that Shirley bought the house that Lindsay and Jason shared which by the way is not true that house has always been Shirley's house it's in Lake and it's kind of far away or a distance a good distance from Victoria where they worked and so they stayed there for a while but this was kind of a vacation home for Jason's mom okay another one crazy theory out there is that Shirley paid for her breast implants and according to this is something that it was proven it's not something that you know parents had or anything like that but things he paid for the implants herself there's always a mother a theory that says that Shirley was involved with drug dealers and that is why she had so much money but according to the investigation by the authorities they couldn't find any links to anything illegal everything was in the best and she had money because she was a very successful businesswoman who knew what she was doing and invested wisely so what's the other theory well they say that Lindsay found out about the family corruption and got rid of her the investigation shows that there was no drug involvement on Jason's family side or Lindsay herself you know it's it's kind of crazy because there's this theory then the couple actually was Shirley and Jason's brother the actual friend before she even met Jason so why don't they introduce themselves outside and you know Lindsay would have recognized the people I mean you gotta be kidding me they also have verified alibis I mean this is another thing that it's very well-known in this case and I thought I shouldn't mention it later on Nikki which is one of Lindsay's friend she was hooking up in the middle of the night by a telephone call on the other side it was so blini with a thick accent she doesn't remember well it was while she was sleeping so she doesn't know what the lady was saying but she got so scared because she remember what happened to Lindsay when you know she was called and you know she started calling this number back I mean for somebody who was pretty scared I mean she sure though it's a pretty gutsy move she call about 20 to 30 times according to Nikki and eventually Shirley say hello picked up the phone so Nikki asked why did you call me and Shirley said well I don't know who you are but I was trying to call my assistant yeah assistant Nicki or secretary I think it was and maybe Jason added your name Nicki here and that's why I called you I'm so sorry that's what I think he says but surely she was asked it's a real time about this incident and she's always been denying it and the authorities we're not able to confirm that this happened it would have been easy come on cell phone pins tracing nothing so I don't know if this girl Nikki made Bettis up or if something weird is going on but surely was some somewhat involved in the theories why well her family was connected to the Builder the Builder of the house were then she was murdered remember we talked about the Sosa was the name of the street and the Builder was Jo de Sousa and he was not only the Builder about a family friend and a business associate of surely part of the cul-de-sac and again that's why his name was brought in was still in their construction so the Builder himself Joel de Sousa was there an hour before Lindsay arrived he was supervising but he was also cleared along with se los with an enrollment in this case think I happened to be there in the field you know an hour before she got there but he had nothing to do with it finally there was a daylight episode it was called dream house murder and it was revealed in that episode that eight weeks prior to Lindsay's murder she tried to contact her ex-boyfriend while on a visit to Calgary to see her dad that's what the dad kind of grabbed and mentioned that she was having trouble with Jason and probably that's why she was contacting this ex-boyfriend by the way the ex-boyfriend already had a new girlfriend and you know I don't know if he was married or if he was you know I'm not sure if it was his fiancee or whatever maybe engaged and you must also know that this ex-boyfriend also had a few calls from Lindsay to the police for some kind of abuse and I don't know what kind but just just so you know so that is when Lynn supposedly told her that she was having problems with Jason so that dad maybe put two and two together and assume that she wanted to talk to the sky because she wanted to come back with him mind you she never told anything like this to her mother to her sister or to any of her friends back home according to her mom and according to her sister she was happy as she could be with Jason and according to her friends that was the true she was having a great time with Jason and they don't know that we're gonna get married but they knew that they were happy together so it's kind of interesting to see that she reached out to the sky where she didn't have great time with in according to the dad she was thinking about coming back with him now let's talk about this other guy and there there is an entire I mean name and two last names yes this case it's getting crazier by the second but she also contacted at this um old friend I'm gonna call him Eric again there's a whole lot of information on this guy this was approved by her social media so there is traces so that G contacted this guy while she was in Calgary but the police would what they don't know is if she was actually trying to reach for him or family member because she in in the things that they can find on her social media were not as specific as they would have liked this guy Eric that I'm gonna call Eric used to live in Victoria and now um he was in Calgary he was known as a mid-level cocaine trafficker that moved to Calgary this friend was eventually busted when she returned to Victoria so as soon as she left there was this big operation called High Noon where 14 people are was arrested and charged in a combined value of over two million dollars of drugs that were off the streets it was a complete success they also got weapons body armors and vehicles with secret storage compartments but guess what this guy Eric I was caught and he asked for a bail but it was denied the the day before Lindsey was murdered so he was in jail police eventually confirmed that Lindsey was not directly involved in the cocaine ring or as a police informant but they do believe that maybe she was mistakenly or intentionally identified as the real informant in High Noon let me explain because when I read that at first I was lying with that what do you mean by mistakenly or intentionally and it makes sense I guess you have to have a detective head to make sense in your head uh-huh so please believe that whoever took the significant loss of money you know the over two million dollars in this operation he order a hit on her to set us an example now the informant that he this is what the police believe again this is their theory is that they believe that he thought it was Lindsey the informant now why could have been mistakenly or intentionally identify let me explain it could have been because she was mistakenly identified by somebody who felt the need to throw a name out there or it could have been intentionally identified so they were trying to distract this quote-unquote big guy from the real informant who was more than likely part of the whole thing and afraid for his own life so means it was a solution for their problem some people said that Jason's family was connected to this organization and I just want to mention that in case that you already heard about this and you're thinking I'm excluding it no but the only thing that tied him to anybody was involved in this thing is because Shirley was renting an apartment to a guy who was one at what point I was friends with her sons and this was a guy that was renting an apartment from her she kept an eye on him he seemed like he was doing okay because he was a good tenant and paid his rent on time and that was the only tie that the authorities found connecting this operation to Jason's family another theory claims that the people who threw Lindsay under the bus was Shirley and Jason because they were involved as informants or just decided to somebody ratted them out and so they needed somebody to lame and they ended up blaming Lyndsay in order to save Jason that they reacted out of fear now the authorities have not been okay the authorities did all the research and everything investigation and they confirmed that they've never been informants to the police and even though this theory was explored by the authorities it really didn't take them anywhere because they're not involved with any type of drug dealers or cartels period but I mean this is a good theory is it him J let's get Jason out of the picture and his family what if this was somebody else according to this website then I was reading this morning just kind of recapping everything that I learned about this case the police believe that it could have been somebody else maybe with an addiction or somebody trying to protect himself or his family or her family now there are even some names here so these people are always afraid of getting busted you know or worse being busted by someone in power in the organization that they are in so if somebody was trying to protect his family in that person was the one responsible for what happened and the loss of money they are not going to take the blame they're gonna try to find somebody who can they they can blame for this so no money in the world nor a word it's gonna make them talk because they know that if they say something that means that they can be killed or their family can be killed so really if they say something and maybe point to the idea that this girl happened to be at the place where you know they got busted and that she knew this people in whatever the theory the latest theory is not a lot of people know what happened to Lindsay but for self-protection and fear that they are going to be killed or their families they're not saying anything according to this website the police is waiting for a weak link especially and now that you know they have something and they're investigating they're trying to crack somebody to say something because the first person who says something are going to be the one that will have better chances in court maybe they can even go in witness protection program maybe the police is working on the weak link they believe that whoever set up Lindsay's murder or pointed to her Direction was in the real estate community though they believe that this person the person that through Lindsay under the bus according to their Theory gave this couple her cellphone number that person knew she was not experienced and would try to take this cell even if it was a little bit Shady to begin with how the do buyers knew about the house that was for sale well this person the one that threw Lindsay under the bus let's call her like that probably gave them that information it was pretty specific as I said in the beginning they wanted a nanny suite they wanted a house with three bedrooms three bathrooms no more than 20 minutes away from downtown they even knew the floorplan they knew the house had a realtor box but they use when it has another name interestingly enough all this information must be put into the computer into the Remax the listing database and who did that well Rihanna who happened to be a Spanish girl who was friends with Lindsey she was a close friend actually to Lindsey and she also had a lot of connections including the guy who got busted in Calgary and a lot more people involved in the drug business big names bosses so this rayon worked inside the Remax office and she was the one to input the information about the disso house she entered it into the system she had access to all the information that this quote/unquote Mexicans had now to make things a little bit more fishy she and then I'm quitting her job today after Lindsey's murder she came no reasons and she haven't cooperated with the police since then not even a polygraph she she has denied that the police consider her a person of interest and maybe a weak link all her claims it was a sacrificial slaughter and that she messed with the wrong guy and the Masons that rule the local police are the ones behind it and that is why the police is blaming the whole drug operation in this now I am sure that a lot of this information stuff that you already know but I know that there is a lot of this information that people still don't know about and some people are still believing some crazy theories they're of what could have happened the police know that this was specifically for Lindsay this was planned in advance this was something that was done by professionals even though it wasn't done in a way that they do when you're somewhat involved in a hotel like you know shot to the head this was more personal and whoever whoever planned this whole thing knew her personally know her schedule know the kind of person she was and it only makes sense that whoever knew that information works at their Remax office at the time it's this girl Rianne the one that is doing all that we don't know and in fact I have her last name and everything and I'm not going to put her out in the open like that I think that calling her by her first name it's it's enough information does the police think that she was the one who planned the whole thing no not really but they believed that she was the one who helped and so they want to talk to her she refuses I don't know if they know where she is but according to this website that I was reading this morning there's a picture of her with this guy who was involved in the whole thing I'm not even gonna say his name but you know there was a guy involved in the whole operation who you know came down in the operation now all of a sudden they're together and they're taking pictures and it's just such a interesting theory because that's all it is if the police had enough information to say hey this Arianna girl did it they would have arrested her or at least they would have had some kind of warrant for her arrest but they don't so they are looking for something to help her say something maybe she has nothing to do with this maybe this is just what the police believe in but not really they're not a hundred percent sure but now it makes sense who would want to do this to Lindsay there it doesn't make sense that somebody like Lindsay was involved in all this so now looking into everything that we went through today this theory does make sense but I'm sure that they don't have enough to do anything about it so yes they're waiting for that weak link but to be honest in that kind of world but I think it's hard to try to get people to talk about something that it's not fair I want something that shouldn't have happened because it's like the self-preservation instinct that we have that were like okay she's not here anymore if I say something you know I can only imagine that maybe she's thinking or whoever is thinking you know if I say something I'm not gonna bring her back and I'm gonna put my life in serious danger and so I can only hope and pray that this is something that eventually will we saw to give the peace not her parents need that her sister needs that her boyfriend at the time but the people that knew her need but this is not a regular case this is not your typical case where you're like well it could have been this person it could have been that person now this is this is much much bigger than ourselves and much much bigger than any other true crime case that I've covered here and you guys know I don't like to point fingers that's why I don't give a last names I don't I don't tell me about organizations that are being pointed out because in the end do you know I don't know if that's helping I don't know if that's that's something that's helping the investigation or maybe even just being a pain in the butt for people that do have the power to do something about it so I don't know if this rien has anything to do with that but he certainly looks bad it certainly does maybe she has nothing to do with it but at the same time maybe she needs the protection maybe she needs or her family or somebody she loves the police is confident that somebody eventually is gonna say something but I suffer right now we end up with a 24 year old who happened to be wonderful I happened to be a good friend a good daughter a successful who was supposed to have a great life who according to her closest people the people that live close to her like her mom and like her sister and her friends and colleagues she was having the time of her life she was not going through a hard time and if in fact she was thrown under the bus for knowing somebody who was involved with the wrong people it really sucks but I hope that eventually people can find the peace and knowing what really happened here this seems like a horrible movie that every time I think it's gonna end something else happens there's a new name thrown in the mix and there's a new in the end I can only feel for her family and parents were raised a great person who's doing everything right and ended up being in the crossfire of something that gosh that just sucks it sucks it sucks think about it for just a second I have a 20 year old boy boy and you don't take the time you give a good example you you take the time not only to teach them but to love them and to spend time with them and teach them how much they're worth it and you know give them a good education and then all of a sudden you know something like this happens in your like what why she was not involved in all this didn't deserve this I can only put myself in the family's shoes and it's just not fair so I know it's not gonna bring her back and I know I know that it's chances are people involved in this whole thing are not gonna say anything and but this is like a bad movie bad movie that you don't want to watch what do you think I'm gonna leave a link down below or their pocket is gonna be at and maybe you can leave your thoughts there the mystery theory dot Lisbon calm the mystery viri dot oh I s B as an Boyd why n.com go there and tell me because I really am lost and all this I'd like to know what you think about it I hope you have a wonderful week and until next time talk to you guys soon bye
Channel: The Mystery Theory
Views: 4,961
Rating: 4.5505619 out of 5
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Length: 73min 54sec (4434 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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