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hello guys welcome back to the channel my name is kwamy so do you want to migrate to Australia as an unskilled worker then watch this video to the end I'm going to share a lot of Vital Information with you and I bet you don't want to miss this disclaimer number one I'm not a migration agent I've just been living on Australia for some time now so I've researched a lot okay and I kind of know one or two of the immigration laws I'll also recommend you to also do your due diligence and do your own research to back up what I'm going to tell you without wasting much time I'm going to share my screen so we get right into the tutorial see you on the other side hello guys so welcome to this part so without wasting much time let's get straight into it so what are we going to cover today so I'll take you through all the problem and benefits are we'll look into the original migration we'll look into Dharma we'll look at what unskilled occupations um jobs you can actually apply for look at the process the requirements and look at how to search and apply we'll look at agricultural jobs we'll look at where to apply for agricultural jobs and also the next step so what is the problem so due to covid-19 pandemic Australia is going through like a work shortage crisis okay there are now over 500 000 available jobs in Australia and Australia is struggling to find both skilled and unskilled workers to fill these gaps most of these um Works shortage are also at the regional part of Australia hence that's why we're going to discuss as to how to come here as an unskilled worker and in the in my last video I spoke about um how you can come here on TSS Visa subclass 482 so again we're going to be basing this video as to 10 preschool shortage TSS Visa subclass 482 this Visa allows you to work in Australia on a temporary basis from two to four years and when you play your cards right Um this can also lead to other permanent um residency opportunities in Australia that's if you play your cards right what are the benefits to be able to come here as both skilled and unskilled okay using the Visa subclass 482 assonance skilled Visa applicants and no experience needed no higher education needed no IELTS needed um if you are lucky your employer will support you in regards to you your accommodation when you're traveling here and your employer if you're like your employer will be able to sponsor your Visa your employer also help and supports you when you are relocating as to paying your ad fees and any other bills you may incur no age limits and you'll be looking around thirty dollars per hour okay now what is regional migration so this is Australia okay so Australia is the biggest island um in the world it's also a continent on its own and it's also a country Australia got six states and two territories Okay so we've got um Tasmania Victoria New South Wales Queensland South Australia Western Australia the Northern Territory and also the Australian Capital territory okay all these states and territories also got their main and what they call it cities so what is classified as a regional area in Australia so if you're not leaving in the three biggest cities in Australia which is Sydney Melbourne and Brisbane any other part of Australia is classified as a regional area in Australia so where am I talking about Regional areas in Australia let me quickly share about websites for you guys so this is original migration okay and this is on eme.homeaffairs.gov.eu on the first paragraph here it says that the Australian government is committed to supporting Regional areas during the covid-19 pandemic see information below regarding Visa programs to attract migrants to help strengthen our economy and boost our regional areas so basically the government is prioritizing migrants that wants to work in what they call it in Regional areas because most Regional areas are facing a lot of work shortage okay works for Change and they need a lot of migrants to actually come and work in original areas so if you're wanting to come to Australia as an unskilled migrants then migrating to one of these Regional areas is going to help you a lot now when we come down here it breaks things down further and eligible Regional areas so the original definition is compromised into the following three categories category one major cities of Sydney Melbourne and Brisbane do not receive any original incentives so if we want to come here soon and skill with what you call it weka yeah if you're going to Target Sydney Melbourne and Brisbane then your chances of actually getting any incentives um it's on the lower end as compared to if you are targeting Regional areas now we have two categories of the original area so we have the category 2 and the category three if you're apply in any of this category and the government will prioritize your application if that makes sense so if Category 2 we have um cities and major regional centers of Perth Adelaide Gold Coast the Sunshine Coast Canberra Newcastle Lake McCory Wollongong ilawara Geelong and Hobart all these cities and towns are classified as category Regional areas category 2. we also have Regional areas cut Route 3 which is regional sentence and other Regional areas okay so if you want to come here someone's skilled migrants then please look at applying for jobs in Regional areas and Category 2 and also category three to read further you can click on the link here or when I go back here with a link here designated Regional areas when I click on there it still breaks things down um into details okay and again we'll be looking at the Visa subclass 4a2 so again employer sponsored Visa okay so this also covers the sort of Visa we are looking at so 10 preschool should take subclass 482 yep so you can actually work in these Regional areas on the temporary skill shortage Surplus Visa 4a2 which is more lenient as compared to the other what you call it other visas available any questions comment below and I'll be there to help you out so if you want to come out on a skilled um immigrant then please look at applying into the regional areas in Australia now what is dama again I'm going to share the exact same websites with you guys and this time around I'll go to designated area migration agreement demo so what is this basically saying is most of this of these Regional areas have a labor agreement with the government yes so they have an agreement as to the government being lenient with them to the sort of occupation list they want in their original areas yeah so most of these occupation lists um what they call it skills assessments is actually conducted by the actual region instead of it going through um assassin bodies if that makes sense so if you want to come here as an unskilled what they call it migrants the rate the sort of region you are applying your what you call it you're trying to get into or you're applying the job through will kind of assess your skills if that makes sense and you don't have to go through like the proper Channel as to an assessing body to assess your skills so this what makes what we call it um migrating to these and Regional areas more more what more easy as compared to the other path so when I click on here on the link here okay so when we go all the way down here this will give you the 12 Regional areas that are in the dhamma program okay in the dhamma program so for instance we have the Adelaide City Technology Innovation advancement in South Australia so if you want to look at the sort of occupations or the sort of um jobs you can apply in each Regional area just click on the link and do a deep dive uh quickly click on the first link here yeah so this will take me to um the South Australian what they call it Dharma um websites again I'm not going to read everything I'll just um click on the second link when we come all the way here skills assessment requirements skills and work experience and permanent residency pathway and age English language okay so when we click on this requirements okay we can go to the Dharma occupation list for South Australia and this will basically list all the sort of occupation and lists in regards to the dumb occupation list for South Australia okay so when we come down here you can search through here to make sure you have any of these skill sets Okay before applying or going to look for a job to apply for in the um in this region there are a lot of jobs here so farmers and farm managers okay so it can apply to most of these um occupation list you see here there are lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots okay so just take your time and go through and I'm sure you find something suitable for yourself yeah so what you can do is just go through all the other dama links so when you come here you can go through one by one and look at each regionals occupation list okay and find something suitable and just apply look for a job and apply so that's basically Dharma so again if you want to come your eyes on this code make sure you go and check on the damn occupation list and I'm pretty sure you find something okay suitable for you all right so if you want to come here as someone on skilled what they call it immigrant okay in these four sectors you'll be able to find um jobs that do not require you to have any skill sets or to do any skills assessments so in terms of Agriculture construction hospitality and the retail Industries is much lenient as compared to other Industries all right so if you want to come here working in the farm is a plus okay you can work in a farm as an unskilled immigrant the second on the list is fruit Pickers the government needs a lot of fruits um Pickers so if you want to work in this industry then you can come here as an unskilled immigrants and Factory workers most region areas needs a lot of factory handle process workers so if you want to work in this sort of Industry then you can come here as on unskilled immigrants the other one is the cleaner both um commercial and Industrial Cleaning okay sorry both domestic and industrial cleaning so if you have no problem um cleaning you can apply for a cleaning job in one of these Dharma Regional areas other parties um warehousing and jobs okay so you can look for a warehouse job as maybe a forklift operator or just picking and packaging um laborer okay so if you are interested in these jobs you'll be able to find jobs as an unskilled immigrant the next is kitchen help okay if you're a chef or just a kitchen helper you'll be able to find jobs in most of these Dharma regions and Dairy Farm Workers Australia needs a lot of Dairy Farm Workers okay to assist in their farm so if you have no issues working in a dairy farm then you'll be able to apply for a job as an unskilled immigrant again laborers being in in the construction industry or just a labor as a whole if you have no issues working as a labor then you'll be able to migrate to Australia as an unskilled immigrants what is the process so the process is basically as you applying on for a Visa on the visa4a2 okay visa4a210 pre-visa but just that um some you most of the jobs you apply for you don't need to go through like a skills assessments you don't need to have a certain qualification you don't need to have any what do you call it um okay English test call yeah so it's much lenient as compared to you coming in as a skilled immigrant so basically all you have to do is just check the damage occupation list if you can find something on there for you look for a job apply for it if you meet all the requirements your employer will select you you apply for your Visa then you're on your way to Australia as easy as that what is the requirement again you need a valid passport police clearance working permits if you have your driver's license from your home country it's a plus okay because most of these Regional areas um where you you live plus where the farm is it's a bit of a distance so you need to make sure you can commute to and through to work okay so if you have a driver's license it's a plus um for you as your employer will select you you need a strong resume or CV I'm going to create another tutorial to show you the standard or how to create a suitable resume so employees can um shortlist you for a vacancy again you need a strong cover letter you need to make sure you have all your health checks you need good reference and another plus if you can create a LinkedIn profile and list all your what you call it all your skills sets and your experience there is also another plus course a lot of employers wants to go and do a little bit of a background check before they can give you a job offer okay so how do you search and apply for jobs okay so it's really really easy before we get into that so what are some of the keywords or terms you can use to apply for on skilled jobs so basically you can just go into any of these Australian job platforms like seek okay and you can type in the occupation name plus Visa sponsorship okay and this will bring out all what you call it um occupations um that are being sponsored or job vacancies that the employers are ready to sponsor an applicant you can also just go straight to the point and just type in maybe cleaners housekeeping Gardener Factory hand or factory worker CNC operator Warehouse assistance fruit Pickers and dairy jobs most of all these jobs do not require to have any skill set okay so you can come here so unskilled working in all this what they call it occupations again what are the two platforms you can actually go and search for jobs is seek.com dot a u and also Workforce australia.gov.eu these are the two biggest Platforms in Australia you can actually go and search for jobs um with web forces trailer this um portal belongs to the government so hey there are lots and lots of jobs on there let me quickly demonstrate this for you guys so I'll share my other screen then I'll go on work Force australia.gov.eu again with the keywords okay so I can just key in um Farm Visa sponsorship okay so the occupation plus Visa sponsorship then I'll go search um if you want to Target like original area you can straight away go here and as you can see we have um remote and also original okay you can select one of these but since I want to what they call it diversify my options I just go leave this blank and I go search so this will bring you all jobs that are what being sponsored um that's called Visa sponsorship so this one for instance is well added today a day ago okay farm hand at Hilton nsw permanent position so when I click on here it should take me to the job description if I like it I'm just going to apply okay again we can't come here we can't keep looking okay so dairy cattle farm manager Farm harvesting work Tasmania so if I like this I'll just click on it yep so he's got all the job description description here and what it entails so I'm going to get paid 26.73 plus supernovation okay yeah which is really really good so again if you like it all you got to do is just go to reply to apply you need to make sure you uh you need to create an account with mygov okay mygov is like an Australian government portal yeah so if you don't have an account you just come down here and go create mygov account create an account and start applying for jobs it's really really easy okay so I'll just go back and you can keep searching we can also remove this and just go and maybe cleaner then go search and again this was added four hours ago this is at waranga Juan garata Victoria permanent position so we can click on this and again it's going to give you give us an information so they need someone a commercial cleaner from Monday to Friday every 2 P.M to 10 30 p.m okay cleaning in healthcare oh yeah so this looks like a really good one but I didn't add their hourly rates I would have loved to see that again they've got another one here Burwood Victoria yeah let's click on this one cleanest 30 dollars per hour so I'll click on that get paid thirty dollars per hour for regular weekly or fortnightly cleaning services you decide what jobs you accept wow this looks like a good one and you're happy to pay 30 dollars an hour again if you're happy with it just apply and if the employer is ready to sponsor you you'll be shortlisted and they'll take you through the process yeah so I hope you guys get a gist of it okay so just search you can select original area if you have any preference here or just leave it blank go search and start applying as easy as that any questions just comment below and I'll be there to help you out so you can also use seek.com dot a u again in case you don't find what you want on seek and also Workforce Australia to gather Au I've got other what you call it job portals here okay like a Zuna back pocket and job board.com you can go on all these job what you call it portals and apply for jobs I'm going to leave a link in the description section below so yep don't worry about writing them down now agricultural jobs again before we get into it let me quickly share this article with you guys so again same website you know all right so when we come here it says working in agriculture okay so the Australian government has introduced a number of temporary Visa measures to address labor shortage in the agricultural sector to assist 10 previous holders who work in agriculture Agriculture and employers looking for workers yep so again the government is given a priority to migrants that wants to work in the agricultural sector because most Regional areas are struggling okay to um field positions in the agricultural sector when we click on the link here we can read further okay so when we come down here it says Agriculture and harvest work opportunities are available across Australia across Australia for more information and to find job visit Harvest Trail okay so I'm going to click on harvest Trail so find Harvest jobs yeah so I'll just click on here to find hours jobs but when we get when we go below 1st December 2022 150 grain Harvest work as needed as soon as possible on 9th of December I'd also write 25 mango Pickers needed second look I am December 10 chili Pickers needed so they need a lot of people okay when we go find Harvest jobs again this will take me to Workforce Australia and when we come down here there's a lot of what they call it harvesting jobs here you can click on the map here to see the vacancy they've got 37 around the Brisbane what they call it um around Brisbane yeah so you can come down here and just um if you find anything that matches your skills then you apply Harvest 22 packing beans and corn 10 positions available so they need 10 people so you can come here view detail yep how to apply okay the pay rate is 26.73 and the location is small going you have ongoing you can use this job for visa application voila extra information okay so you can use this job for visa application as you see there so that's one way to look for agricultural jobs so if you want to come here someone's skilled um migrants then finding something in agricultural sector will give you a higher chance of getting your what you call it an employer to sponsor you and also getting your Visa approved as compared to the other occupationals or the other sectors so if you want to work in agriculture then this is your time okay so where do you search for agricultural jobs okay so there's two big platforms that I recommend so aggregate labor Australia then Wiki Farms Australia so these two portals you'll be able to find agricultural jobs in all the states okay so for example um let's quickly go on Agri labor okay yeah so this is like a powerful website you can actually find jobs in almost all the states so what I normally do is um so I come all the way down here you can search by the state okay so location yeah you can select the location here location you can select the location or industry you can select the sort of Industry you want to work in but what I basically do is I go all the way down here on the website and I go to find a job so click on there okay then this gives me the option to also select the sort of State I'll just go ahead and select all then I go search all right so basically they've got 47 jobs available as of now okay as of now so you can go through and see if you have anything some um Machinery maintenance they are ready to pay 30.95 cents per hour they've got production worker La Trope Tasmania this is a casual position they are ready to pay 42 dollars and six sixty cents per hour again Factory hand okay forklift operator done Tasmania 28 dollars 21 cents per hour plus shift loading pair Horticulture award okay so just come here and look for something then apply um if you don't find anything here again you can go on what they call a Workforce Australia and apply or you can also go on Wiki farmsaustralia.com and look for a suitable jobs they have other jobs agencies and also other and farm websites you can actually go and apply directly to them I've got all of them here or most of them here I'm going to leave a link in the description section below just click on them and apply to them directly okay without going through any job portal so what's next okay so I recommend um you coming out on a skilled Visa there's a lot of competition because most people don't want to go through the stress as to going through a skills assessment so most people like to apply and for an unskilled Visa okay so what I recommend is make sure you have a strong resume or strong CV make sure you have a strong cover letter okay these two are really really important if you can create a LinkedIn page just create it okay and make sure you populate your LinkedIn page with all your skills and also um your experiences most employers will want to go and do a background check on LinkedIn before actually um going ahead to review your application yeah make sure you have your passports ready you have all your health and what they call it you are you are healthy you have your police clearance ready and hey and hey you'll be on the next plane to Australia okay um I want you guys to take action it's not going to be easy though because the everyone around the world is entitled to applying for visa for A2 so it's going to be a lot of competition but um if you apply this or there's always going to be two chances it's either you get the job or you don't get a job okay if you don't get it you reapply that's my mentality okay so just go for it if only you want to migrate to Australia to work go look for a job and apply okay is either you get it or it's either you don't get it always take action and regardless of the outcome and you keep growing okay and you learn from your mistake if you find this content useful please show some love and click on the Subscribe button ring that description below so you do not miss out when I release another useful content if you want to know how to write a great cover letter and also a resume for a working Visa then please stay tuned for my next video okay I'll be releasing that really really soon to help you guys out thank you so much guys if you want to contact me I'm going to leave my contact in the description section below please feel free to email me and when I get a chance I'll reply my name is Kwame Tu Messi I'll see you in my next tutorial bye I [Music] think [Music]
Channel: Settling In Australia
Views: 304,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jobs in australia, how to find jobs in australia, it jobs in australia, work in australia, migrate to australia, work visa australia, australia work permit 2022, australia work visa, how to get a visa in australia, 482 visa, australia work permit visa 2022, australia immigration, australia work permit, how to move to australia, visa specialist australia, migration agent australia, sponsorship visa australia, move to australia, visa sponsorship jobs in australia
Id: BrYTNNb9Jq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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