Unshakeable Trust Part 1 Joyce Meyer

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I could have been a detective seriously it's like I just love to figure it out I love the surprise and the mystery of it and so it's hard for me not to get into trying to figure out why this happened why that happened why something else happened then you know I had the privilege of being part of what is known as the word and faith movement and I've been a Christian for a long time but there was a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the church and lotta just a lot of teaching about faith and a lot of teaching about healing and you know it was wonderful it was a wonderful time but I also want to tell you and I do it respectfully some of the truths that were being taught were taken to such an extreme that they then began to be a problem even like the teaching that God wanted to bless us and he does and God wants us to have our needs met and he wants us to have an abundance of things why would he want all the sinners in the world to have all the good stuff while we sit around and just have nothing all the time God wants to bless us but he doesn't want nor will he bless us beyond our level of spiritual maturity I guess I better say that again think about a tree first when a tree is planted before any fruit comes on the branches a long time has to be taken for that tree to get deep roots in the ground otherwise when the fruit does come on the branches the good stuff that you can see when that comes on the branches it will cause the whole thing to topple over and fall if God gives any person more than they are spiritually ready to handle he's not helping them he's hurting them and so don't just pray for God to give you everything you want pray that God will give you what you can handle and pray that he will never give you more than what you can handle because stuff can take us away from God if we're not ready to handle it so the teaching was great it taught me that God wanted to bless me and I learned how to believe God for greater things than ever before and I learned how to give and I saw a lot of amazing things happening in my life but if I'm truthful I think we're still dealing with some of the results of selfishness in Christians that that time in church history caused people today are addicted to their own comfort I don't you know Watchmen is anybody ever heard of him well he's a Chinese Christian that wrote a lot of stuff that you better be ready to grow up before you try to read it if if you think I'm straightforward yoader's read a little bit of his stuff and I don't necessarily agree with his views on everything but I learned I mean really his material really helped me see some of the imbalance of some of the things that I believed because one of the other things that we were taught was that really if you had enough faith you wouldn't have to have problems well that's just not biblical and so when somebody would get sick or somebody would be having problems in their life back then we always felt like we had to find a reason for it well they must have sinned in their life they must have not had enough faith and I hate all of that hate all of that just because you're having problems that doesn't mean that you've done anything wrong the Bible says that the righteous will suffer and we can't always figure that out but there's no promise in the word that we're gonna always have everything coming up roses all the time what God does promise us is that he will do the best thing for us at the time but he also sometimes wants to use us to be a blessing to other people is anybody home today in the house you know I don't know what it is you want to hear every time you go to church but I one of the things that watchman Nee says that I really like is he said we we don't go to church to be entertained [Music] and I can tell you I can tell you from running conferences and we get in these big arenas and you have thousands and thousands of people come and not everybody but people want to show and when you're in this position you it's heartbreaking sometimes when you really want to get in deeper with somebody and teach them how to grow up in God and how to really serve God and all they want you to do is entertain them and so keep in mind every time you go to church you don't have to be entertained you don't even have to like what the preacher is saying that doesn't mean you don't need it just because you don't like it we don't go to church to be entertained we go to grow up amen I think that every time we go to church we should hear something that encourages us and convicts us something that makes us feel better and something that makes us want to grow and go on so I thank God for what I learned about faith but the thing that I'm trying to get across to you today is you can be a great man or a great woman of faith and that doesn't mean that you are never going to have problems it doesn't mean that you're always going to get everything the way that you want it I think it takes one level of faith to believe God and get what you want but this is my opinion I think it takes a greater faith to believe God for what you want and not get it and still love God just as much so let me just say if you're mad at God today you're mad at the wrong person because he is not the author and source of your problems the enemy is amen and the only way to get the devil back is to do as much good as you can possibly do every day of your life I can tell you that every time I get up on the pulpit and I open my mouth to preach a sermon I'm getting the devil back for what he did to me and my childhood and every time pastor child gets up and he ministers the word and I know you're starting a satellite church now and him and his children gonna be involved in that do you have any idea how mad it makes the devil when he throws his greatest punch and you just take it to another level we're gonna keep going on with God Trust is a belief in someone or something a belief that their reliable good honest and effective now got a whole bunch of stuff you can't get to so here's the question what if I don't get what I want hmm well I'll better have a back-up plan I guess so that's our problem sometimes we don't we don't get all the way in with God we just get in far enough that if he don't come through we can still take over and find a way to get what we want that fear of not getting what we want keeps us from totally trusting God totally trusting God well what if I totally trust God and I don't get what I want well then I guess you weren't supposed to have it you know somewhere along the line we have to realize that we don't know everything and everything we want may not be the best thing for us and another thing that I think we need to remember is we're not the only planet person on the planet that God's interested in doing anything winsome fun he doesn't make all of his decision it's just based on what I want but he makes his decisions based on a lot of things you know Jesus said father if you're willing take this cup from me he didn't want to go through what he was going to go through you know we don't have to want to do everything that we do we just have to know it's the will of God and be willing to do it father remove this cup from me nevertheless your will be done and not mine well you know what the father didn't enjoy watching his son suffer like that he may have preferred to save him from it but he didn't because that wasn't all he needed to consider when Jesus was dying on the cross you know what the father was thinking about yes he saw the suffering that his son was going through but you know what he was thinking about you and me and all the millions of people that would ever live that had to have a savior come on maybe when I was that little is ten or twelve year old girl and I was praying for God to get me out of that situation maybe he had all the other millions of women that would be sexually abused in mind and he wanted somebody that would be bold enough to get up in a pulpit and tell them why my mother didn't help me in the situation I was in was because she couldn't face the scandal nobody talked about sexual abuse nobody talked about incest in families you just didn't talk about it you didn't tell anybody and you didn't talk about it well I somebody needed to talk about it and God picked me but I had to know what I was talking about and of course now people talk about all the time it's just it's out there and people are getting the help that they need but when you're asking God to do something he doesn't just always just have you in mind there may be things involved that you just don't understand yet we live life forward but we understand it backward and what you don't understand now you may understand at some point but you may never understand and that's okay too amen Romans 11 33 and 34 oh the depths of the riches and the wisdom and the knowledge of God how unfathomable inscrutable and unsearchable are his judgments his decisions and how untraceable mysterious undiscoverable are his ways his methods his plans for who has known the mind of the Lord and who has understood his thoughts or who has ever been his counselor so if I would have walked in here today and if I would have said how many of you are in a time of confusion right now in your life that would have been a lot of hands up and you know what you can't get confused if you refuse to get into reasoning that's the only thing that confused us is when we try to figure things out that only God knows and he's not ready to tell yet so how about if we get comfortable not knowing hmm come on I already told you don't make me work hard how about if we get comfortable not knowing how about if we trust God so much that we don't have to know well I hope there's some people watching by television that you're getting this how about if you just don't have to no [Music] see I think that's what real trust is I don't have to know because God knows and I trust that he will take care of me why God why when God win how god how come on how about if we just stop all that and have a a whole bunch of people and a bunch of joy well we all need to come to the place where we can be comfortable not knowing everything in life but instead trusting God in everything Trust is something that we all want to be stronger in in our relationship with God and many of you shared your questions on trust with us we want to take some of the time right now and answer some of those questions today well ginger did anybody have a question about how to trust God so many good ones so many good ones and I want to ask you about this topic in particular because you've said that you feel this really is the topic that answers nearly all of our questions and issues in life being able to trust God why is this so important to you well somebody asked me recently how I could trust God or even expect people to trust God when there's so many things in the world and even in our own lives that don't make any sense things it's questions are things that seem unfair and unjust and first of all nobody has all those answers only God has all of them but I think I've kind of come to the conclusion that I really only have two options and I think really we all do we can either go crazy just be frustrated and upset all the time worried tormented fretting anxious or we can trust God and after trying both I've decided that trusting God is better you know whatever our lives hold we do need to try to enjoy them as much as we possibly can and when we have a problem that we cannot solve the only really viable option is to give it to the person who can solve it which is God I do want to say before I try to answer any of these questions that talking about trusting God is much easier than doing it when you're the one with the problem and what I'm gonna suggest that people do I have to do myself on a regular basis when I have things come up yeah that's a great point well here's a question from Kimberly in Philadelphia she says how do I let go of the fear associated with giving every aspect over to God I love him so much and want him to be over all aspects of my life and trust him so I decide to surrender it but that fear can be just physical well and I understand that you know fear actually does bring physical symptoms and a scripture that I go back to is where David said the psalmist David what time I am afraid I will trust in you so he didn't even say that he didn't have fear he didn't say that he didn't feel fear but he was honest with God about it and said I feel afraid you know I have to talk my way through things sometimes you know Lord I know this fear is ridiculous trusting that God is good is a big thing for me yeah you know that that God is good I mean he just he is inherently good he can't do anything that's not good yeah and so we want to control things because we want them to turn out the way we want them to but to be honest sometimes what we think we want is not even really what we want and so I don't think we have to be so concerned about I'm feeling fear as it as we do about not letting that fear control us you know I teach a lot about fear and that that that fear we're always going to feel fear from time to time but courage is doing what you know you should do when fear is present right and also your thoughts you know anytime that I mean all of our feelings are connected to our thoughts it amazes me how true that is and I find it more and more all the time so if we can I think sometimes we think about our problems too much ginger we just we get it on our mind we think about it think about it think about like a loop and it just stuck and so then it's hard to get rid of the emotions yeah and so all I can say to this lovely woman is we're all fighting the same fight together but we're not gonna let fear win yeah good okay Eric would like to know I know as head knowledge that I can trust God I believe his word to be true and I know that he has come through for me in a lot of ways but I don't always feel it I know that my feelings don't always tell me the truth but am I really trusting God when I'm still worried anyway well I think that trust in God sometimes you have to fight the good fight of faith and there's basically sometimes we all feel like two people you know we have the spiritual side of us that is trusting God and believing the word and then we have the natural side of us which our enemy Satan plays on which is done by dumping foolish things in our head that then cause our feelings to go haywire yeah so yes I think that you can have some of those issues and still be trusting God Trust is a decision and sometimes I'll just tell God you know I can I can decide to put my trust in you but I can't do anything about my feelings only you can do something about that so I have a teaching or actually a book called living beyond your feelings and you know even just myself for the last couple of weeks I've had to do that on several occasions you know you can't I think the key is to not let the way you feel control you to to believe what the word says and here again just be honest with God this is the way I feel yeah but I know my feelings don't always tell me the truth I'm putting my trust in you and I believe you're gonna work things out and you know another thing about trusting God that I think probably answers a lot of these questions is that he said I my mind tells me I can trust God but feelings tell me something different I believe that the more experience we have with God the easier it is to trust God I find it much easier now to trust God than I did 40 years when I first started my journey with God and I find that people who have been through difficult things and and you know we all find out eventually that we do come out okay on the other side when I think about the things that I've been through in the past and how frightening they were and yet I'm still here I'm still serving God he did work them out god is good and if we just don't give up we'll get to where we need to be yeah I think what you said is very reassuring that he is trusting we are trusting even when we feel these are questions like David said what time are friends I will put my trust right Trust is not something there yeah you put it in him it's a decision that you like I will trust the Lord all right well Shani says I believe in God and I know he can do all things but my trust issues are so deep that I do not wait on God I try to fix things myself even though I know better how can I learn to trust God fully well our little flesh is just so full of energy it just always wants something to do it seems like we have this little record playing about in our head what are you gonna do what are you gonna do what are you gonna do how can I think here again I think experience with God learning to be honest sometimes the more we do the more length of time we add to how long we're going to have our problem you know it's I mean I'm very my flesh is very full of energy and I'm the type of person that would always like to find something to do and and not always nearly as patient as I should be and you really can just make the mess worse and so here again it's just growing it's learning and you know how we learn mostly we learn by our mistakes I was reading the book about how to hear from God and he said the biggest question I'm always asked is how do we hear from God how do we learn to hear from God he said you learn by making mistakes and so here again the every time you get involved in something we should be leaving alone and you see that you just made the mess worse then the next time it gets a little bit easier to say you know what as hard as it is I'm gonna stay out of that and I'm gonna wait on you to do what needs to be done waiting is hard it is hard it's hard but and it's harder for some of us than others yeah my husband's let me just say for me my husband seems to love it I don't know today's mr. laid-back patient Dave he's like well we'll see and I'm like I don't want to wait and see I want to know now I want to know what's gonna happen yeah okay Sam asked this question how can you put all of your trust in the Lord when you are so full of scars especially when those scars cause you to create walls that you don't allow anyone including the Lord to break down well it takes a lot of time and it takes a lot of experience with God you know I mean I I don't know what he's gone through but I know that I was abused by my dad growing up and I had all those walls and all those issues and it takes time for the soul to be healed and the more that each time you take a chance and trust God which you're really not taking a chance when you trust God but you feel like you are you feel like you're saying well if I trust you and you don't come through then what but really I think a root of our problem is we're afraid we're not gonna get what we want what if what God wants is not what I want yeah so it really comes down to it really comes down to a control issue and people that have been hurt like I was raised by parents who obviously didn't care about me they cared more about what they wanted and what I wanted and then I'm married when I was 18 years old the first guy that showed any interest in me and he didn't you know by the time you've had a lot of years of everybody taking advantage of you even though you may want to trust this good heavenly father that you're hearing about it takes time to come to the point where you I remember God told me one time you just need to retire from self-care and throw yourself a big retirement party so we we spend so much time trying to take care of ourselves not realizing that God can do a much better job if we'll let him none of this is easy nobody has any easy answers to trusting God but like I said I've come to the point where that really is my only viable option if I want to have any peace at all is to trust God well you said that you've tried it both ways and you found that trusting is the one that really works what is it about God's character what is it about what he does in your life that makes that trust pay off well you know there's a lot of wonderful things about God's character and it's such an amazing thing to study the character of God God is good he's merciful he's kind but you know one of the things if I was going to talk about one thing that is one of my favorite things about God's character that really helps me in trusting God is that God is a God of justice and that means that he always makes wrong things right that's great don't you love that he also if somebody treats me wrong I can either try to go get them back I can try to talk them into treating me right which is useless or I can trust God to be my Vindicator and it may take a while it may not happen when I want it to it may not happen the way I want it to it may not even happen through the person I would like it to happen through but God is a God of justice and he will always take wrong things and make them right and no matter what has happened to us if we put our trust in God even though it's challenging if we put our trust in him ultimately he will vindicate us and he is our reward err that's so good that's so good thank you all for sending your questions and we appreciate that Thanks thanks for your answers well I want to encourage you to send a special gift and get a special book and they go together today we're offering you my book unshakable trust and it's going to give you an opportunity to support the television outreach ministry you know many of you have watched the TV program for a long long time and you tell me it's changed your life I'm asking you today to give to help keep the television ministry going strong all around the world and as you do that we're gonna send you this book on unshakeable trust and I'll tell you this is a book that you can read many times it's never going to get old you can read it now and be blessed you can read it five years from now and be blessed you can loan it to somebody and get it back and they'll be blessed nothing is better than learning how to trust God so remember never let any fear keep you from totally trusting God today how do I trust God when I've been disappointed over and over and over how can I have faith in God when I'm not seeing an improvement I trust God sometimes I have so many fears I don't know what youjin self questions solid answers discover a trust that is unshakable receive your copy of unshakable trust today find the joy in trusting God at all times in all things unshakable trust from Joyce Meyer use the information on your screen or go to Joyce Meyer org we hope you have enjoyed today's program please contact us or visit Joyce Meyer org to share your prayer requests see the conference schedule or partner with us and sharing Christ and people all across the globe
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Keywords: Joyce Meyer
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Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 13 2018
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