絕世高手夜闖少林寺奪寶,不料和尚使出失傳掌法一掌震飛他 🥇 Chinese film 功夫 Kung Fu

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Wait Amitabha Why are you so stubborn? Abbot Tianjing You know the thing you do are wrong Why are you being compulsive? 大帅 Master Nothing can stop me from doing what is righteous Compulsiveness 只有使增天念 gains nothing but delusion Iwill listen to you teaching for sure But this time 非吴享剀叉见大帅 I have to get the thing Master Wenkuan Ieft Whatever it takes? Yes lt's about the humankind Sin, sin Chief Chief, are you OK? Shaolin Kungfu is extraordinary indeed I apologize for being offensive, excuse us Chief Are you OK? Chief Who are you? You just took advantage on us Dad Tong Let s go, Tong There is always a man better than you everywhere Now you believe it Master, let's go to see what happened there Yuanzhi. don't intervene in this matter Yuanzhi Stop Okay, stop now Not funny at all Follow me if you are brave Who are you Huo Qingtong from west I ask you, we never intervene each other Why did you help Biaoju Mess it up Different people care about different things I just want to intervene this matter You can fight with me again if you're not satisfied Master Master, she wants to kill me You junk Useless man only need to mind his own business I touch it, i can marry you at worst Lady Lady Look at you You almost kill someone Kneel Kneel Little girl Is your master named Ma or Lu? Ma How do you know? You tell me Why don't you kneel and kowtow to your uncle? Are you my Uncle Zhang San? Your master mentioned me to you? Among we three brothers He was the most talented but well, forget it You are well- known How couldn't I know? How do I be well- known? Uncle, let her go She is my friend She is your friend? Then do you know who I am? You're my 3rd Uncle Did Ma Zhen tell you these all? He also told me You're roaming around the country lt's my honor to meet you here Roaming around? Ma Zhen is good at talking after becoming the leader Didn't he tell you I was a traitor of Wu Dang? Girl Do you know among we three brothers My Kung Fu is better than him 2nd Brother is more honest than him lt was him who became the leader at last My Master told me of the three of them you were the most talented lf 2nd Brother said this l believe lf it was said by him lt is my greatest honor today to to have a lesson from you The sky is getting dark Uncle, how about you go back to have a rest early? Next time I'd like to hear the story of yours See you next time Master lt is still rainy lt seems we can't set off today Yuan Zhi Tell me again what happened last night The man let you ask him Uncle How did he remind your Leader Uncle? He thought he was my master and then he asked about him What did he ask? He asked what Leader Uncle said when he was mentioned I praised him a lot on behalf of Leader Uncle but he didn't trust me He said he was a traitor of Wu Dang Andand And what? He said Leader Uncle"s Kung Fu is less than him and less honest than you while he became the leader lt's him He must be your Uncle Master From what he said trifles in Wu Dang are really complicated When I was abcent I didn't know what happened clearly Was my brother serving the government? My guest Do you want food or room? Some food please This way Master I knew you must be here Let's have a Iook first Please sit Please Move! Out! Move away AII of you Move. Waiter Coming My guests Some food and wine Okay The spies of Red Flower Gang haven't left yet We must watch out Master Will they come upstairs? Should we take action? Stay calm Follow my order Understand? He's playing Tian Jingsha Who's that? Take a look Fellow, we're sent here by the government Get out of my way Don't disturb us I haven't finished yet You mysterious man What are you playing? lt is a song called Tian Jingsha lt's a pity if you miss it Get him l'd rather use my tongue than my fists I beg your pardon Why are you kneeling to me? He is the spy Move, hurry They're fighting Look You fool, fighting You°re not the waste You're Golden Flute Man Yes, it's me Yuan Zhi 4th Sister- in- law 14th Brother, are you ok? lm ok Where is 4th brother? Follow me Sir Zhang What happened? The spies got some help We. How many? One You were beaten by one person lt was him who robbed my package last night Yuan Zhi You Iead him away The further the better lf I am not here when you come back You can set off I'Il catch up with you Master Don't fight with him Just lead him away Hey, yo How could you be a member of Wu Dang? You couldn"t even keep a little package My Uncle? You naughty Who's here? Are you Luo Yuantong? Afriend of 5th Luo? A friend of 5th Luo? I have something to tell May I know your name? l'm Lu Feiqing Are you a student of my brother Ma Zhen? l"m really a student from Wu Dang May I ask how you prove your words? l will Nice to meet you, Uncle Unnecessary, my nephew I've got something to do Mr. Thank you for your help lt's not the right place Let's talk somewhere else I'm YuTong, glad to see you, 2nd Uncle Me too I'm Luo Bing, thank you for your help Whats the relationship between you and 5th Luo? He's my father 兀通弟 Yuan Tong My best friend how could you pass away before me? Mrhe is my husband, Wen Tailai Sir lm sorry I can't stand up You're welcome We're friends My nephew My nephew You're a student of my brother How is he recently? Thank you Thank you He's in good health amd he missed you very much lt has been more than 10 years he didn't know where you were and he worried about you I miss your master too Nephew Your another uncle is also here Zhang Zhaochong He betrayed our master He is a traitor I can't imagine he chooses this way lf our Master knew this He must be sorrowful Zhang Zhaochong came to Bei Jing far away from here He must have backups We can"t stay here You're right lt is the reason come here You know Mr Chou You know Mr. Chou Which one? Chou Zhongying Is Mr. Chou of Irongut Manor here? He Iives in Irongut Manor rongut Manor is about 20 to 30 miles away from here 20 to 30 miles away from here l've never seen him before but I heard about him He is generous and a tough man Nephew I hope you can go there 无云邂一 to take a shelter At the same time we can send a message to your friends and tell them your location Whats your opinion just tell us Your suggestion is the best one To be honest I am wanted by the government I am a dangerous man Senior Chou is the Ieader of northwest place lf the government knows this he will be involved How could incriminate the others? Nephew You don't want to do that means you're an aboveboard man but I feel it is a pity Of what? You don't want to go to the manor How could we three leave you behind? You're wounded and can't fight lf any of the government killer comes I don't want to lie and to be honest lf my 3rd Brother comes None of us can win I beg your pardon l know Friendship is more important than life lf we lose We can t abandon you My life is not that cherish but how about theirs Just because of your impulsivity they would like to Iose their lives? 4th Brother 4th Brother You're right was impulsive Thank you for reminding me Thank you for reminding me Take that letter well Where do you want to send the message? When will your backups be here? 14 branch Ieaders except we three will gather at An Xi will gather at An Xi This time we follow the order of Chief Leader Yu to invite Young Leader Chen Jialuo An Xi is not far from here and Kungfu masters are standing by lf we ask them to go to Irongut Manor We will not afraid although there are two Zhang Zhaochongs Exactly Sure That's it You three take a shelter at Irongut Manor Sending message to An Xi is my responsibility is my responsibility l would never forget your generosity forget your generosity Don't be like this Don't waste time You'd better set off Senior When you arrive at An Xi Please stick this on your coat My brothers will contact with you Master Yuan Zhi l have something emergency to do You go with your mother slowly After I finish it I'II catch up with you and go to the South together Master You won't take me with you? lt's good if I go with you You should stay to protect your mother She has general Zeng Well you don't Iisten to me? Yuan Zhi This time I may have some dangers have some dangers Remember what I taught you Don't be impulsive Think and observe more before you do it You can t deal with everything randomly You're smart but. Master l got it Master, don't you really take me with you? No Well, l have to go Master You really leave me behind, don't you? Master , Well- done You've practiced this Baihua Fists well There is no more fan to teach you I've taught you what I have You can go and I won"t catch you back No matter where you go l can find you lf you don t catch me why sliould I run away? I decide not to run Bad boy You always disobey me Whatever You Young Leader Brother Wei, how could you be here? Nice to meet you, senior Yuan Am Iold, you called me senior? I'm a Iittle older than you guys Look at you Yes Senior He is... Young Leader Senior He is 12th branch Ieader Shi Shuangying Brother Shi Glad to meet you, Chief Leader What? Chief Leader? Who are you calling? The old Chief Leader has a will AII Leaders of the Red Flower Society are coming to pick you up to the South to inherit the Chief Leader of RFS A will? What will? What happened to my adoptive father? Brother Wei Your adoptive father was killed by the government What? lt's impossible How could it be? lt's impossible Jia Luo, there is another thing You must be strong Your mother What? What happened to her? She caught a heavy sick and passed away Brother Wei You're kidding Tell me you were kidding Tell me Please restrain your grief, Chief What Chief ! I don't understand you I don't want to be the Chief Chief The Iast will of the old Chief Yu was to handle the Red Flower Society over to you or he wouldn't be satisfied Chief Every brother is waiting for you to go back and avenge the old Chief Please consider about this carefully Mother Adoptive father Jia Luo Go with them To sweep the tombs of your mother and adoptive father lf you want to be the Chief Leader or not Let s discuss it later Just go Your Majesty, Bai Zhen is waiting outside Bring him in Yes Your Majesty is good at playing chess I lose it We haven t finished it yet Why did you give up? I must gain the shame if I continue playing According to the situation Your Majesty will win in 5 steps You're good You can see through 5 steps 5 steps are my best but Your Majesty can see through the whole world He Shen From your head to your feet Your mouth is my favorite Tell me what reward do you want? How can I ask for a reward as I lose it lt's easy to win a game but it's difficult to be happy Moreover l know you Each time when you say something nice you must want something good from me Tell me, lm happy today must afford you beg your pardon I hope to take a Iook at the Plum Blossom Chess Manual You really want my treasure Listen I can show you the chess manual but I can't give it to you Thank you Your Majesty, he is here Glad to meet you Your Majesty Stand up Thank you Take Mr. He to Shang Shufang and show him my Plum Blossom Chess Manual Don'tforget the IOU Yes Thank you, Your Majesty Go This way What news? Your Majesty From our deep investigation Yu was dead already Really? How about Wen Tailai? l'm sorry He is in pursuit and l have prepared well Don't miss him Don"t disturb the others Understand? Yes, Your Majesty Bai Zhen Yes, Your Majesty Do you know Chen Shiguan in Hai Ning from the south? I know a little Who is Ieft in his family? Who is left in his family? lt seems there is a young man but we don t have his address Search him Report to me if you have any information Keep it in us Yes Chen Family from Hai Ning? My good student Kid, no one can beat you except me in the world You're awesome You're awesome Don't you happy as you're the second master? Tell me What s your decision to be the Chief Leader? l don't know l'm vexed I can't come up with anything I must avenge my adoptive father lt doesn't matter if accept to be the Chief Leader or not
Channel: 小君影视汇
Views: 81,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Xiao Jun Movie Clips, 武侠 电影, 中国电视剧, 出色中国电视剧, 玄幻, 功夫小子, 特種兵, Chinese drama, action movies, 高難度動作, 功夫, 字幕, 特效, martial arts fight, 中国功夫, fight scene, 电影, 刺激, 悬疑, 打斗, 功夫大师, new action movies, 打戲, 逆襲, movie action, 动作, 格斗, 拳击, Kung Fu, Kung Fu Action film, 功夫动作电影, 武侠片, 小君影视汇, masterSamurai, 特种兵, 武术, 战地枪王, english movies, 2023 full movie, 少林功夫, Chinese television dramas, action, kung fu movie, MMA, 武侠打斗片, 功夫片, best fight, kungfu movie, action movie, 空手道, best action movie, 監獄, 擂台, 功夫大師, 仙侠片, Chinese Kungfu
Id: o0gfi87o5cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 44sec (5624 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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