Unreal Engine5 Procedural Scene Production Pipeline

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what you see now is how to quickly collect the corresponding model of the building by directly building a white box in the scene in Unreal Engine 5 after deciding the desired style we can store props on the wall in the game level production process the tutorial's solution enables level designers to quickly build buildings through white boxing achieving the architectural artistic effect closest to the design plan using traditional modular construction approach takes longer to iterate on design programmatically modular assets can be synchronized to Art department for secondary design and editing improving efficiency of game map generation after after years of procedures it's now widely used in the gaming industry many of you are likely familiar with programmatic generation or modeling the main challenge of programmatic generation is its difficulty in integrating with industrial production processes particularly in terms of speed UV materials and performance optimization due to challenges from programmatic generation during project implementation we have promoted this set of courses integrating modularity and programmability based on the core of 3D wave function collapse architecture utilizing special effects ruin and night night in Unreal Engine 5 along with the tool making ability of indeterminate Theory to Aid in breaking through procedural scene generation process note that buildings in this tutorial are composed of independent modules we teach algorithmic logic and solutions for architectural generation not limited to a specific style of architecture anyone can create Benchmark modules based on needs and combine them to achieve desired architectural Styles like Chinese Japanese European Etc a main reason why the procedural production process isn't widely implemented in the gaming industry is that it doesn't effectively link procedural models and textures in this tutorial we'll combine the two and use the same models to modify UVS for procedural textures generating three sets of materials for buildings to demonstrate the interaction between procedural textures and generation due to color space conversion natural color difference lighting differences and inconvenience creating materials in substance designer is not convenient we utilize SD to generate procedural textures and connect them with unreal engines material system enhancing convenience and intuitiveness we adjust the final effect within the engine while also creating unique masks for each set of procedural Textures in SD minimizing texture repetition issues after finishing the construction gen tool we'll start making props the neon lights you see now are different logos generated by us in the mid Journey image gen room AI then the images are passed to substance designer for power processing and finally the generated mask is input into Houdini just need to adjust parameters combined with vertex color driven animation we can obtain a richly shaped neon light font billboard is a prop generated in Houdini using specific style Japanese text created by Chad GPT AI model we can drive the direction and variation of light flow through vertex color in addition to the above two props supplying AI process production we have made many tools for the scene most are designed based on modular thinking to ensure compatibility with nanite and Achieve optimization for procedural generation of props utilize these tools enhance seene details rapidly if changes are needed modify the corresponding white box or curve of the prop to adjust its shape without requiring complex delete and add operations Terrain in scene is light wall surface procedural texture combined with procedural model process allows adjusting ground effect in engine any time to verify the effectiveness of all these tools in practice we quickly built a map similar to kill 2 to ensure that scenarios using these tools can achieve a smooth running experience by introducing the Lyra framework with modifications actual gameplay was conducted in the scene using the traditional modular process to build would take at least twice the time to complete the basic construction of dust 2 not to mention if it involves style changes and styling adjustments the main difference between this tutorial and others is that all the content was originally created to apply the technology to our own game projects therefore the production of all tools will take into account game performance and team collaboration convenience many times the tools we create are not built by The Producers themselves in the scene but are often passed on to the level designers or checkpoint planners for debugging when setting up our seam we differentiate the work in each production link we'll consider the linkage between upstream and downstream to ensure industrial production pipelines circulate effectively
Channel: H
Views: 5,406
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Id: DedZZXu6xhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 39sec (219 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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