Unreal Engine Compositing Tutorial - UNREAL ENGINE FOR FILMMAKERS [Course Link in Description]

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what's going on guys sam here again and i apologize for the long break between videos i've been working really hard on the unreal engine course for filmmakers as well as my new film gemini which i've made a lot of progress on and i'm really excited to share with you guys everything that i've learned on that so there's going to be a lot of new content coming up soon and also i'm going to be finally releasing gemiini sometime in the next few months so stay tuned for that as well but in today's video i want to go over how to composite media textures and layers inside of unreal engine so this technique is going to be useful for integrating any sort of media textures or layers that you want to put into your unreal engine projects so this is going to be useful for creating fog cards green screen compositing or any sort of other video layer that you want to integrate into your unreal engine project so in this particular tutorial i'm going to go over how to make fog cards inside of unreal engine and then how to composite those into your scene get them to play back properly in the sequencer and any other details that might come up along the way so before we get into the video i just want to let you guys know that i am migrating all of my content over to a new channel called balance entertainment 2. i'll put a link on the screen right now so you guys can go over and check that out subscribe to it i'm not going to be posting on this channel anymore in the future i will keep posting a few videos until i have everybody migrated to the new channel but just so you guys know if you are interested in subscribing to boundless entertainment head over to that new channel and make sure you click the subscribe button there i'd really appreciate it so without any further introduction let's get into the video so the first thing that we want to do is we want to import our atmosphere into our project and this is just an mp4 h.264 file that i've rendered out of after effects and all we're going to do is right click in here and we're going to go in here to media and then we're going to click on media player and we're going to check video output media texture asset click ok and we're just going to name this something that's going to create a media texture and we're also going to have this media player so if we double click on our media player it's going to open this window and what we want to do is go and find our atmosphere01 file and it's going to be this one we're going to double click that and we're going to hit save okay and we can close out of this so now we're going to do we have our texture here we can create a plane so i'm going to go up here and search plane and we just drag one into our scene here and then what we're going to do is we're going to take our scale we're going to unclick this and we're going to do 16 and then hit tab and click nine and what that's going to do is just going to set our aspect ratio for us we want our aspect ratio of this plane to match the aspect ratio of our footage which is 16 by nine so what i'm going to do is just uh rotate this and we have our plane okay so i'm just going to take this and drag it onto our plane that's going to create a material for us we can double click on this material go into it and i'm going to maximize this window make it bigger and what we want to do here is we're going to map our opacity and we're going to just set up our texture for this video material so we want to do since we wanted to have its transparency this video doesn't actually have transparency yet so we need to create that so we're going to do is go to our blend mode and we're going to click that and click on translucent and we can alt click on the base color here so that we get rid of that and we're going to take our texture sample and drag out the rgb and we're going to go into a multiply node we're going to do we're going to multiply by a scalar parameter so we're going to hold s on the keyboard and click it's going to create a scalar parameter and we're just going to call this strength the setting here will determine the strength or opacity of our fog layer so we're going to do is take this multiply node and drag it into our emissive color alright and then what we're going to do is go down here and create another scalar parameter and we're going to call this one opacity so this is going to be the actual opacity of of our fog layer and we can set our default value and what i like to do when i'm doing these fog layers in order to create transparency i like to set the multiply value strength for the emissive color to be really high and the opacity to be really low and that what that's going to do is it's just going to have the bright areas of our image which is the fog is going to be brighter and the dark images are going to go away so i set this opacity down to 0.01 and then i'm going to set the strength value up to something like 70 for example and that's going to create a pretty good level of opacity for our fog asset i'm going to click save on this and now we can see we just have this white layer and that's because we have to set up so that it will actually play in our sequence so if i go up to our cinematics and i go to our camera move to here that's our sequence just ignore all these other fog layers that i have in here so we're going to do is go and we're going to add a media track so that our media player can actually play this when we play through our sequence so we go up here to track and i'm going to do media track and then i'm going to click this little plus sign on the media and we're going to click on atmosphere01 which is what we just created and then the last thing that we have to do is right click on our media track and go up here to edit section we can click on our media texture and we need to do is set up our media texture so that it plays properly so we're going to click on this atm 01 tutorial video because that's the one we just created and now we can do is just drag this out and we want to drag this all the way to the end we can always reposition this so at the start here that is the start of our clip playing and this will be the end of our clip playing uh it's not an infinite clip so it's not going to play forever i've faded it out so that it organically dissolves into the background so you can see that our fog clip is actually playing which is what we want so the other thing we need to do real quick is go into our material and you can see now we're seeing our our actual fog showing up on this material display i'm going to set this a little higher to something like 100. it depends on your scene so your your settings may vary but the other thing that i want to do is go into our material here and set this to two sided and that way we can rotate this around to any side and it's going to properly display so now if we go if we flip this around for example we can flip it to the other side and see the opposite side and it's still going to display if you don't check two-sided it's not going to display on both sides so that's an important thing to do and then the last thing that we want to do just to make sure that uh everything is uh is is as it should be is go down to our plane here and if you move this down you're gonna see that it's actually going to be casting a shadow on our ground and we don't want that because it's just gonna cast the shadow of a plane if we had an actual opacity or alpha mask for this layer we could have the shadow and properly cast a shadow but we don't have that for this material so what we're going to do is go into our details here and just turn off our cast shadow and that's not going to give us that weird shadow anymore so that's all going to be fixed up then but that is essentially how you set up these fog cards and that's going to allow you to really add a lot of movement to your scene you can also use this to composite using video clips if you want to as well so that's a really useful technique so that about wraps it up for this video guys thank you for watching and i hope it was helpful to you so if you guys like this video it is actually a bit of an excerpt from the unreal engine course that i'm working on it's almost done and i'm really excited to share with you guys so if you're interested in that stay tuned subscribe to the new channel and i can't wait to hear what you guys think i do want to say that i've started moving all of my content over to a new channel it's currently called boundless entertainment 2 so there's not confusion but i am going to be migrating all of my videos to that new channel and soon i'm only going to be posting my videos to that channel so this current channel is not going to exist anymore make sure you head over and subscribe to that new channel i'm going to put a link in the description and i'll also put a link on the screen right here so don't forget to do that i would greatly appreciate it and it'll really help me out especially in the long run and also a special thank you to everybody who has already migrated to the new channel i appreciate it so once again thanks for watching and have a good one guys you
Channel: Boundless Entertainment
Views: 32,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, video copilot, vfx, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, unreal engine 4.27, path tracing, unreal engine for filmmakers, film, filmmaking, filmmaking in unreal engine, virtual production, compositing, unreal engine compositing tutorial, how to, fog cards, fog, atmosphere, realistic fog, realistic fog in unreal engine, niagara, particle simulation, lighting, ue5, lumen, unreal engine 5 tutorial, cinematics, cinematic, green screen compositing, green screen unreal engine, nanite
Id: 39nmue2lIdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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