Unreal Engine 5.1 Archicad Workflow

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hello everyone is SB Architect's here and in  today's tutorial I've decided to share with   you something special because this tutorial is  our 200 video story of Unreal Engine 5.1 has   been published there are so many new features and  of course we can use this with Archicad in order   to use unreal with Architects we are going  to use datasmith export plugins to download   this you can search this in Google and in the  official website we will see this page and if   we go bottom of the window we will see our  exporters and here we can see our Archicad   exporter too. you can download it from here  and install in your Archicad once you have   done this if you haven't already you need to  sign up to Epic Games and after that you can   download your Unreal Engine into your computer  once you have install all your Unreal Engine   if you open the engine you will see this  opening window and from this window we are   going to select architecture and choose one of  the templates or simple stations I prefer using   blank and from here we are going to type  in a project name and gonna click create by the way Unreal Engine is a very deep sea an  ocean I cannot explain you all of the software   it's impossible even I haven't know all of the  details of the software but I can help you how   you can start of course this is a gaming engine  but simple architectural presentations we can   use this software very easily and we can achieve  very realistic results once your Unreal Enginer   5 has opened first I prefer opening this Quickxel  Bridge let's click it and we will see this bridge   it will have watched my tutorials previously you  can know easily but it is is a library which you   can use with Unreal Engine 5 and Twinmotion in  the Twinmotion library we were using this Quixel   Bridge library and of course is in the Twinmotion  before using this we are going to sign in and we click sign in with epic games   and once you have signed in the Quixel  page you can reach the 3D access plants surface Metahumans but  our first target will be surfaces let's minimize this window for now and here we are  in the perspective view you can rotate the camera   with WASD you can select your perspective top  bottom left right here you can add your objects   and their list but for this tutorial we are going  to import our project into this perspective View let's delete this plane and let's go to Archicad  all right here we are in our hit and you all   know this project I recorded how it is made with  architect you can watch tutorial later but now we   are going to export this file to Unreal Engine 5.1  from the file and we will click save as from the   opening window we will select this datasmith file  and save now we can go back to the Unreal Engine and we are going to click this plus  go to datasmith and click file import and then we are going to locate  our folder and open our file we can use this main content let's click Ok  We're Gonna import geometry yes materials and   textures yes no lights no cameras no animations  from advanced from static mesh options we can   use this generate light Maps UVS we can use this  one but for this story we are going to use Unreal   Engine 5.1 Lumen rendering engine so be no need  to use this this let's uncheck and click import there we go as you can see  rendering started preparing   mesh cards it means it's rendering the project foreign as you can see here it's nearly finished and we can see our textures  assigned from The Architects   but of course this isn't enough we will  make some changes let's go to pixel Bridge and place a concrete material let's click is roof and for instance we can  try this one let's download and click export as you can see here it emerged  from the content browser   under the surface we can see this  pole and we can just drag and drop if you want to change the material  settings you can double click this   and you can change styling for instance 0.5 here now it looks more elegant and for instance we can  assign a stock white material let's close this one go to Village here we can go to plaster got fresh and we have a  buy stock opposite here let's download it and use click our new service and drag if you want to click a new Surface it's  hard to copy that but mainly you can right   click the panel here and click material  for instance we can type in boot here and double click and here we can see  a material editing window like 3ds Max   and firstly from your computer you can drag  and drop your wood material into the browser   just like that and from here  you can drag and drop again   and you will see this RGB note and connect  to base colors if you want to change other   attributes for instance roughness you can just  right click it and click promote to parameter now it's completely shiny this input  here one and it's gonna be rough and once you have completed your  material I knob is not easy you   can search Google how you can do it but  firstly we are going to save this asset   and after that we are going to drag  and drop our wood material to here or instead of this once we have downloaded  imported your project into the Unreal Engine   you can click your foot here from here and  from the right of the window you will see   this materials element 0 double click  it and here we can see our diffuse map   let's clicked it and we have already imported our  new textures this would Point green horizontal   and with this way you can change  all of the textures of your projects because by this way we can use additional  settings for instance UV offset tiling   specular and of course you can improve this  material as we did before from the parents and right click here to roughness click the save and we can go back to the our previously  instance material and we will see our roughness   and if we just zoom inside we can see the  regulation effects and we can tweak our setting just like that all right let's change some settings from  the outliner we can minimize these folders   and we can reach our sun sky and we can change  the sunscreen settings for instance the type is 13. and now it's 70. and we  can rotate the north offset and if you want to change the  clouds we can click volumetric cloud   and you can do it with these settings in the settings we will see this  material let's double click it   and we will see more detailed options by these settings you can create  which Cloud you want to create   for instance we have this exponential height block  sometimes this is annoying you can close this one   or open or you can change the intensity of this yeah I think it's better now if you want to get  rid of these icons temporarily you can just hit G   and you can see your project better by the way  our floor is too much polished let's fix it   that will create the material by the way roughness  is zero because we have changed the setting   so let's fix it from the parent   this roughness parameter default value  will be one and click epsil and Save now it's floath and of course from the instance  material we can decrease some roughness value and   we will see a nice repetition or instead of that  list just place a crystal material for instance   this download a marble where visits we are going  to locate the marble here here we go marble tile and maybe this one let's download  it and Export our project   it's been downloaded just  click this Arrow to export and yeah there it is this one let's  just drag and drop it's very nice let's change the tile setting double click  that click The Styling offset I want to   multiply this double for the  size so I'm gonna input here 0.5 and if you want to change more settings here we  have more settings here and good luck with that now for instance we can plant some  grass from the qixel bridge of course from the 3D plants go to grass got long and we try this first one first  download and Export to projects all right from the mega scan to the  plans we have this reborned grass folder   and in the folder we have this material instance  and our models if you hover our models you can see   its static mesh you can see the text which is lld  lod0 means maximum quality and lod1 is one level   lower not true but we can use this static mesh  why this is lod1 we can change it from the bridge   but for now we are going to leave it as  is and from the update of the window we   will see this selection mode we  are going to change it to foliage   and we will see this spoilage menu with  this menu we are going to paint our grass and by the way as you can see here this grass  has been already uploaded to this browser   and now we will only paint our grass  but if you don't see this grass into   your browser it's easy you can just  drag and drop here and use this access   anyway we are going to click this One  Import the shoot and select all of them and price size I don't know let's try but before  that we will click this check to activate and it's preparing shaders we can increase density from this angle we can see very detailed grass foreign for instance you can change  scale value minimum and maximum let's try to use this field yeah it's better if you want to delete the glass you can click  the place and you can just erase remove of course I want to decrease the size of the glass now it looks way more better you can just with the  settings and use more quality glass for instance   lod0 and you will get photo realistic results if  you want to place trees unfortunately we don't   have any trees in the Crystal Bridge in order to  place in order to place trees into your project   you will go to your epic games yeah this one  you will go to Unreal Engine and go to market   from the market you can search any kind of  three three assets and for this project I   have already downloaded this Mega scans trees  European and I have added this project and as you can see here we have black Elder here   and as we did before we can use painting or  we can just drag and drop into our project just like that as you can see  it's very photoreal Stitch   as we can see here I placed one more three as  you can see this push has been placed and of   course you can place as much as you can but  once you achieve your final scene it's time   to take in render in order to take render  you need to place a camera of course for   instance you like this angle and bound to place  a camera here you are going to click this icon   and create camera here click this cine  camera actor once you have done that you   can switch to your camera actor and click this  perspective view click this newly placed camera   this is your camera and this is what it's see  for this camera I want to change some settings   we have click this camera and from its settings  you can just play around with the settings they   are very useful settings like Photoshop and  also you can increase your Global illumination   strengths you can make Photoshop effect things  add boom exposure and much more but before that   I prefer changing focal length I want to zoom  to building something like this and go back away from the building and I'm  gonna take render like this   by the way those architect plantings  looks very ugly we can't lead them let's click yes maybe we can select from here  I think starting from a few Bill to the trick y as fold there we go now  instead of time you can place Mega scan Library   anyway now it's time to render in order  to take render from the processor panel   we are going to right click here and from  cinematics we're gonna click level seconds once you created this open date and we  are going to drag and drop our camera here this is an animation if you want  to take the animation you can use these   settings and add some keys but I want  to make a still render so I want to   change the timeline to one it's gonna  be one three plus we have done this we   are going to go to window cinematic  and gonna click movie render queue and we are going to click this plus  and click our new level sequence we are going to click settings and here  we can change our output resolution   and output directory but before that it's  very important to adding anti-aliasing   increasing these values to 4 will be enough for  the most cases and we are gonna click overwrite you can also play around with your jpeg settings  or instead of that you can just export as PNG let's click accept and that's all for  now now we are going to click render there we go it's very fast   and this is our render of course you can play  around with the settings and get more realistic   results that's it this is how you can use Unreal  Engine 5.1 with your arch set you can export your   architect project to Unreal Engine and you can  work with real-time experience alright guys this   audit for the tutorial I hope you have enjoyed  with this one if so please do not forget to hit   the like button and of course do not forget to  subscribe thanks for watching have a nice day foreign foreign
Views: 40,632
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Keywords: tutorial, archicad tutorial, design, parametric, Architecture, BIM, Building Information Modeling. Building, Archicad Turorials, Archicad Graphisoft, Archicad Favorites, AutoCAD, How to model in Archicad, learn Archicad, Archicad Beginner tutorial, Archicad tutorial for Beginner, multible, story, level, stairs, stair, gutter, downspout, soffit, facias, section, 3d model, D5, D5 RENDER, RENDER, cornish, roman, temple, pillar, archicad 25, archicad 25 tutorial, twinmotion 2022
Id: hJTtRrpnJhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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