Unreal Engine 5 | JS Placement Displacement Tutorial

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hey this is nessa and today we're going to be doing a quick tutorial using the displacement map in unreal 5 and the displacement mounts that could be used are from js placements um i haven't seen anyone do a tutorial using it in the real five so hopefully this helps somebody out um so let's just get into it what would you love all right so this is gonna be a quick tutorial on how to do displacements with js placements so first you're going to need the program um you're going to download it by googling js placements it's going to be the first option um just click on that and uh whatever system you have just download it i already have it installed um i'm not gonna go into detail how to install a program um so yeah so we're going to do that part and we'll close that out all right so we have js placements opened here um we're going to click these little squares and then you have your options of which ones you'd like to use we have the dot grid we have the wire and we have velvet we have classic and this is what i like to use for making a little city real quick because you have little options to change and remove whatever you'd like um yeah you can just fiddle with that so what we're going to use here because this is my favorite it's going to be um jesus j spiceman's two and they have other subcategories in here as well we have the classic set let's click on here this is what the classic set looks like we have the crap pack which is we're going to be using today and then we have big data which is also pretty cool looking as well we have aggro max um which is also pretty nice as well and then we have custom smarts i don't know this always seems to take forever to load my computer but um yeah so we're going to be using crap pack and you can adjust it as you can see all of these have their own settings you have the background iterations i have the sprite scaling i'm not gonna mess with that because this is ak and it's a pretty huge file so um and i do try to go up too high it does like run up my cpu and then we have the iterations yeah so there's lots of options we can do just gonna keep it simple today i'm gonna make the background dark this will be well loads up there we go um they lower this a little bit there we go not too much going on let's see [Music] oh i like this one i like this one all right so it's fairly simple you're going to save the height which is going to be our height map of course um and once again you can save anywhere you'd like i personally am saving on the desktop um just because we're doing a tutorial and i'm just going to be dragging and dropping so i'm saving them on the desktop so i have my height map sorry let me save that again i just messed it up there we go so i saved my height map i'm going to save my normal and i'm going to save my color so to get the color you're going to go to toggle colorizer and they have these options they're all pretty cool um use whatever you'd like my personal favorite is this one um the red one the green one and the black one today we're going to be using this little red one it's like red purple dark grays bluish i really like that one i'm gonna save the color and you can save any amount of the same color as long as you don't click the screen if you click the screen it's going to reset yeah so just still click the screen just click the colors you want and then you change what you like you change if you want different variations but just don't click the screen until you know you're done because then you can't get back that variation of crap packs hey guys so quickly um just in case somebody doesn't have the modeling mode already loaded in it is beta so you are gonna have to go into your plugins you're gonna have to type modeling and you're gonna have to check it because once again it is in beta so it doesn't automatically come with unreal five um you are gonna have to restart unreal for it to load up and work all right guys all right guys so i have unreal opened here and um this is just a new level has lights and the floor and that's all that's all we need for this tutorial um all right let's look let's get into it so we have the content browser i usually hit mines up at the tab um instead of having it down here because once you click it it disappears and i don't like docking it here because it takes up too much space and that's just personal preference for me and how i work alright so i already made a folder called gs placements i'm gonna grab the [Music] assets here in the strugglement unreal um you can import it i just like to dragon girl it works best for me um so awesome we have them imported here i'm going to save it ctrl shift s is how you save all um okay for the second to save your system might be faster than mine um but mine's just a little tiny tiny bit slow so bear with me okay so what we're going to do first is actually create the material um let me change the thumbnail stays too huge because i i can't see well so what we're gonna need is all of these i'm thinking i'm going to use this color because i really like the brightness of it i usually like this kind of color but that's fine i did both just in case all right so we're going to i'm sorry i didn't do that first so we're going to actually create a material so we're going to right click and click on material or you can do it from here but this is just easier and we're just going to name it i'm using the name function that unreal uses m underscore and then whatever your name is i'm just going to put js placements to keep it simple simple don't mind me all right so we got that made and once i open that up um it's going to tab for me i guess it knows but usually you know just put it where you want um so we have empty material now we're gonna drag and drop our colors i use control to click on the ones i need so since i'm not using all of them all right it already makes a texture sample for you so that's one last thing you need to do so i have my color which is going to go into my base color we have the height map which i'm going to use for the roughness and then i have my normal map so we're going to use a constant so you can either right click and type in constant or the shortcut is hold the one and then left click up to you i like doing one left click or you could just duplicate it ctrl d all right so you're gonna need to multiply as well i don't know if there's a shortcut for this one yet um but yeah just right click and search and duplicating that ctrl d all right so we're just going to be connecting these nodes nothing to serious um the constant is what gives you the control and the multiply is what makes you connect two things into one so we're going to connect that to the normal we're gonna connect this to a b this is gonna be roughness so roughness if you hover over some of them they tell you the um it actually tells you the ratios or the values so zero is smooth one is rough i'm gonna put it one for off this is going to be one as well for default and normal doesn't really matter too much in this situation so yeah you see that yeah yeah all right then the base color we're just heating that inside all right so we have our texture that we have our material sweet um so roughness one one blah blah blah so i like to keep things neat i'm gonna hide the unused connectors you see that yeah it's nice it's nice so it's all neat it's so neat um oops just ignore this part i just like the way it looks um yeah so don't mind me but yeah if you want to keep things neat you could do that um hide and use connectors um also home brings you all the way here somehow if you're like editing you're somehow way out here that'll be wild you hit home and it gets you back here right all right um and stats i don't need the stats right now at the moment for what i'm doing so i usually hide it um hide unrelated will have anything there either um and then this is all set all right so we have our material i'm not going to make a material instance for this you know i am um making a material instance so it can update live so once we work on it we need to update something it like it it instantly updates um so let me open it so yeah and then we have um we didn't create in parameters parameters for this um but if you wanted to you can create parameters by right clicking on the constant convert to a parameter let's say this is roughness like suppose if you know you want to edit it after the fact the roughness or shiny um i didn't put metallic i probably should have but now i don't think any i need that right now convert to parameter this is normal um you know what let's actually use the metallic just for the hell of it i'm going to duplicate this node for the metallic and the one for metallic it doesn't it's still zero one um but it doesn't really show you but yeah you see that it's nice okay i'm lying it's nice that does look nice all right cool so we have our metallic we have our roughness and we have our normal oh cool that works guys that works um pull that a little closer we're gonna save it there's some roughness it's gonna be one metallic up that's metallic there we go let me switch that to metallic italic all right now i'm gonna save it again so once we do that we have all the parameters they're going to show up in our material instance so we just have to click it to enable it it's going to say grow global and then it's going to pop up here so yeah that looks i think that looks good oh it's a full moon all right so we are going to start modeling so we're going to create the mesh so we're going to go up to here um we're gonna do modeling it's just shift five for the shortcut or you just come up here and click it all right so we're gonna make a plane we're not gonna use a rectangle um there's no height if we use that unfortunately so we have to make a plan using the box which is super easy um you have all your edits right here that you can customize so the width is going to be a thousand and this is just for the demo for the tutorial you can make it whatever height you want to or with um yeah with height whatever you want it could be all up to you and we're going to do the height at 20 just so we can see what's going on when we're editing in it editing it in a displacement so here's our plane sorry guys and the important part here guys is the subdivisions these all have to be maxed out 100 they'll go up to 100. so subdivisions are important because they add smoothness to your mesh and it actually adds details so the details would be looking sharp and fancy um but um yeah it just makes the details a lot more better and smoother um because no one wants a raggedy mesh with no details um so yeah um so i have everything set here i am going to add my materials here as well just to you know do it all in one step so i'm going to drag my material instance over here let's plop it in did i not do it let me do that again i think i might have missed it yeah there we go there we go all right so we have our material and you could see the edits we did and the materials are showing which looks really good gotta added the metallic it really adds some dimensions to it and we're gonna hit complete and before i do that the scale i left it at one because if you bring it up the scale gets smaller i could show you just in case let me accidentally do that you're like what did i do so yeah it's getting smaller if you can see that let me just do it a little harsher she's comfortable comfy with oh there we go so you see that it's a little bit smaller so the higher the scale the smaller it's going to get so depending on what you're doing you could change it but right now we're not and now we're going to hit complete awesome so now we're done with shapes i'm going to close out everything else just so no one gets confused about where we're working at we're going to be using the deform tool i'm going to close all of these so we're not using it i know i get confused easily so help somebody out out there who works like that i'm going to actually put my box into the mesh that i made the mesh folder i'm going to rename it as well so f2 is for renaming i'm just going to name it js placements just to keep it simple all right and you can drag and drop or you can right click and move to folder once again it's up to you i'm not going to nitpick how you work all right so gonna make sure we're clicking our mesh and then we're gonna hit displacement and let me zoom it a little bit more there we go see what i'm doing all right so once you open up the displacement you're going to see purlin noise we're gonna click here for the displacement type and it's gonna be textured to the map and let me move this out a little bit more so you can see more there we go i'm so sorry my throat all right so we are gonna change the subdivision type to flat because the triangles we don't need that doesn't look great um the subdivisions um i'm gonna add six more because i think it looks a little bit better you can leave that four but i think it looks better if i add six more divisions and for me to add six more um i need to click disable size warning and you see here desired number of divisions 10 exceeds maximum number so to get rid of that disabled warning just click here under advanced if it's not showing it's under advanced disable size warning and i can put it up to 10 and i personally think it looks better once again it's up to you how you want your mesh to look so or your model do what you do what you please all right so now we have that my computer's still running give me a second she's comfortable come better than my skin i love myself god damn cozy i'm cozy okay yes awesome all right so we are going to i'm actually going to enable the filter and edit this after we add the displacement map just so you can see what happens when we don't edit those files those values all right so we're gonna go into our folder that you've made with your height map and all of your other um assets we're gonna drag and drop again and drag our displacement map into the displacement map section it's fairly simple did i drop it in yes it did okay so you're gonna see the displacement show up immediately um it's loading so give it a second awesome all right so as you can see the displacement worked um if you guys can see the sides here you can see that it's jutting out from the sides for this tutorial we're not using that we don't need that we're using just a plane and we just want this top i guess the z-axis or the top the flat top to be displaced not sides nothing else so to get rid of that and let me just zoom in so you can really see because it's it's a little bit crusty all right so you see the little sides we're going to get rid of that as well because we don't need that all right so the first thing we're going to do is enable the filter this is going to get rid of those sides that are jutting out oops yeah let's click on that and give it a second so it can do its thing and also depending on how fast your computer is just give it a second so you're gonna see the sides get smoothed out we're smoothed out all right awesome so you see it disappeared so now we have to get rid of the excess x i'm sorry the z-axis like it's um giving some displacement here that we don't want on the z-axis so we're going to click here the displacement map base value and it tells you what it does if you hover over it if you're ever concerned about what does what or um what values it should be at sometimes it does give it to you or you have to go into the unreal five user manual so it really depends on what is there so we're going to switch this to zero to get rid of that extra height at the side so everything is smoothed out and once again it's going to be a minute just give it a second depending on your computer i'm stinging with my love oh baby i'm sorry i'm obsessed with the new beyonce album all right awesome so it got removed and we have a smooth beautiful displacement and once again if you needed those options on you can but for this tutorial we don't need it we just need a smooth plain with some displacement on here and it looks freaking great i love it it looks great awesome so yeah um and this is what you get so for me i think this looks okay but i want to like make it a little higher so probably like 25 let's see displacement does intensity and this is what gives it the height if you want it smaller um or higher i'm sorry shorter or higher you just edit the displacement intensity so it is loading up so give it one second awesome so as you can see there's more height here and everything is detailed so once i accept it it's gonna finalize everything so let's do that let's do that guys let's redo that i don't know why it doesn't if you do it ahead of time it's like no we're not going to do it and let's add some more subdivisions awesome it looks perfect yeah all right so we're gonna hit accept and cross our fingers this doesn't crash again did it do it oh yes awesome awesome awesome all right so we have our mesh completely finished and i did want to show you guys the side just for the hell of it i don't know but yeah um but yeah this is it um you can edit it how you like add lights emissions and all of that movement whatever you may like um but this is the finished product let me just put my little guy up here [Music] oh my god i swear if this crashes where is my guy at where'd he go that was weird play from here there we go so yeah you can see all the detail yeah it looks great i know this is a little bit noxious but that's the only way you can see the detail like i don't know like see that it's actually pretty good but yeah um if you like this tutorial um don't hesitate to put a like or leave a comment or both um or subscribe um yeah thank you for your patience and i'll see you in the next video you
Channel: Kephalos
Views: 2,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ue5, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, displacement maps, js placements, height maps, 3D modeling, greeble, scifi
Id: t49B32zYfX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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