Unreal Engine 5 - First Look

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and i think we're live okay and we are live all right welcome everyone unreal engine 5 dropped again let me know if my volume is too low or too quiet whatever let me know in the chat that's too bad i'll fix it still new to streaming uh yeah so unreal engine five dropped tonight um that was news i've you know i've been talking to a lot of people in in the industry and i had no idea this was dropping today this is as much of a surprise to me as it is for all of you even though you know i've been pretty in the loop with all the unreal engine developments and this is exciting this is pretty awesome so uh i managed to get this installed um it took a long time getting the entire world downloaded takes over like 150 gigs it's a hundred gigs alone just for the environment and then it's like another 38 or 40 gig for the engine itself i'm running really low on this space right now so you guys want to see the good stuff let's get started so when you launch unreal engine 5 for the first time this is what you see right here so to run the demo you'll need the following specs a gtx 1080 is recommended and 30 to 32 gigs of system ram now recommended specs for 30 fps is a 12 core cpu and rtx 2080 who the heck still has like a 2080 nowadays like we i can't afford a 2080 i'm running on 2060. uh and 64 gigs of system ram so nana is only supported by nvidia maxwell generation gpus and on lower system spec you can adjust the viewport screen percentage setting to get better performance so on a minimum spec we recommend 50 or lower so we can probably tweak that later so you guys want to see the environment so let's load this up yeah 64 gates of ram for this seems like a lot i don't think i've ever needed 64 gigs of ram for a game engine before this is insane come on these levels are so big it's insane it's um yeah thanks mega scan for making this whole level 100 gigabytes come on you got this so for those of you who are unaware you can get the unreal engine 5 beta or you know whatever this is on the epic launcher okay so on the epic marketplace there's gonna be a ue5 tab that you can open up you can download it from there it's accessible to everyone and then you also need to download the ancient world level which i like i said 100 gigabytes it's so heavy so yeah as you can see it's taking a lot of load i don't need to package it just uh so you guys are aware you don't need to package anything it's available on the epic launcher just so you know pro tip oh come on yeah so for the record i'm kind of in between the minimums minimum specs and the recommended specs i don't have an rtx 2080 i'm running on a 2060 super with a eight core cpu so you know it's not right i can't run this at 30fps it's running in about 20-ish anywhere between 5 frames per second and 20 fps oh yeah and compiling shaders also takes forever as always so come on almost there almost there there we go come on we're getting there is the download broken holy crap i guess i'm lucky that i downloaded it when i had the chance so uh i played around with this earlier so i may have busted uh some of the loads here so i'm going to zoom in right here and i'm going to load these things here load selected cells everything is kind of different um it feels real weird so why is this not there that's very strange that's very annoying but yeah as you can see this level is huge we've got a ton of detail moving around the engine here let's turn on the frame rate i'm running at about 28 29 fps i'm about 30 fps right now uh running on a 2060 super and streaming at the same time so with those of you who don't have top-of-the-line pcs there's still hope alright so this is looking pretty damn dope so i'm assuming all the typical shortcuts for moving to lights uh work so i'm going to move around oh and it does so control l works the same way it does in unreal engine 4 and i gotta say lumen is awesome holy crap i'm loving this gi does global illumination all this indirect lighting looks completely fantastic uh i have no word the level of detail that's here is ah this looks really good this feels really good all this gnarly like pebbles and rocks just feels so awesome uh and of course all the lighting is totally dynamic right so if you want harsh mid-day lighting i mean this looks pretty awesome i'm going to go for more of a sun it's kind of unreal engine 4.26 on steroids everything is kind of the same as 426. all the tools are the same uh net obviously nanite and lumen are new but everything else is kind of the same so you know the sky just for example i'm going to go to the outliner here and i'm going to come on move over i'm going to search for skylight the skylight here behave very much the same way as it did in 426 come on where's the search panel there's so much new windows here that it's almost confusing so scrolling down looking at the light parameters of our skylight right here we've got you know real time capture is turned on uh we've got source type you know sls captured scene or sls specified cube map these are all the same settings that we had in 426 skydiving thresholds qmap resolution all these settings are really exactly the same but now we have a few new tabs like a whole setting for you know some ray tracing stuff some atmosphere and cloud this is actually a new tab here this wasn't there before so um yeah for those of you wondering for my specs again i've got an rtx 2060 super i've got 64 gigs of ram and i'm using a ryzen 7 3700 x so it's an 8 core cpu it's not a bad cpu by any means but it's also not you know it's not a threadripper it's not like those insanely expensive ones so you know i'm running this on moderately decent specs and running at about as you can see 27 or 28 30 fps depending on where i'm looking at and this feels good guys this feels really really nice where are those volumetric clouds yes i want to move up there and see how oh these feel good oh yeah these clouds look good and this level is pretty big so i obviously haven't loaded the entire level now because i don't want to you know melt my cpu or my gpu but these clouds look pretty awesome i can totally imagine typical drone shots drone cinematic oh god this runs good and if you guys want to see the sheer amount of polygons that there are here uh let's go ahead and look right here there is should be some nanite visualization i'm gonna go to overview and let's take a look at these triangles here uh this is nuts the sheer amount of polygons that are running right now is pretty bonkers so in any overview we have a whole new tab here called nanite visualization and i'm just going to go to triangles and yeah there's a lot of polygons happening right now um so obviously guys i am totally in the dark as to all the new features here i'm i've never used lemon before i've never used nanite before i don't actually know how any of this works so this live stream is really going to be all about me [ __ ] around and playing with the new tools and having a little bit of fun so don't expect this to be a chorus type of thing because i don't know anything about the engine now but from what i can gather everything here just seems to run pretty good performance wise so i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna go play the game right here i'm gonna hit play up top and i apologize the stream just like dies because this is pretty straining on my gpu um and no i don't think there could be any displacement anymore who needs displacement when we have you know polys so okay let's see now hmm okay this is pretty cool ah there's so much gnarly detail in the rocks this feels really nice whoa so for the record i'm playing the game right now this feels uh a little bit weird the camera controls here but there's no denying that the level of detail you can achieve here is just uh amazing hit x to return i'll see what i can do and play with reflections a little bit later soon there now i'm just going to focus on moving around my god the detail is good and not too bad considering i'm running at 35 fps and streaming at the same time this is pretty good so this transition may take a while to finish is this your first time entering the dark world in the editor hang tight assets are being processed in the background and will fade back when complete so yeah i have to wait a bit not sure how this long this is going to take um i'm not sure that baked lighting is going to be a thing in here anymore i think all the lighting is completely dynamic um hopefully that we don't need a bakelite anymore because that was annoying all the gi is completely dynamic everything we've seen so far is a hundred percent dynamic lighting and i'm just really impressed with the quality of the indirect lighting here it's um obviously not this but from what we've seen just a few minutes ago um this is a total game changer now obviously like i said this really feels to me like less like unreal engine 5 and more of like an unreal engine 4.26 on steroids new ui obviously like i said nanite and lumen are new but uh damn come on load up i'm loving this frame rate 0.5 fps this is awesome there we go oh boy this looks good and again this is totally in editor i'm running this at like 40 plus fps this guy looks amazing i mean are those clouds moving i don't think this is a fully dynamic sky i think this is some kind of like animated hdri but man i don't know how they achieved that sky but this the sky looks really good wow and yes the ue5 demo is available to the public you can download it on the epic launcher apparently there are some um there's an issue downloading it now but i'm i got my hands on it early maybe i got lucky man i can't believe i'm playing this on a rtx 2060 super this is uh this is running much better than i thought it would i was fearing the worst i was afraid that if i downloaded this i would probably kill my gpu but it's running yo 30 almost 40 fps how does oh man this lighting is cool there we go so apparent so going right here my frame is going to drop so i apologize in advance if uh if the frame rate is not going to be awesome because like with this and streaming at the same time yeah the frame rate's gonna it's gonna suck and this part here is where the framer is gonna drop wait for it oh that's that's not as bad as i thought it would be that yeah this looks pretty cool yeah my ram right now i have 64 gigs of ram so that does help um now what am i supposed to do am i supposed to shoot this guy oh maybe i have to shoot this little thing up there okay and once in the face oh thanks so much jacob i really appreciate that you're the best yeah i'm also curious to see how lumen works uh with foliage and stuff because from what i've seen so far we have rocks it's just rock environment everything we've seen in the unreal engine 5 demo from last year and now it's all rocky environments and let's face it rocks are easy to light rocks are easy to do lighting with the gi works well in that but i want to see how this works with reflections clean surfaces and foliage i think everyone kind of wants to know about that and no i am not a gaming person at all so i don't even know what to do here i haven't played games in a long time ain't no who still had time to play video games man i wish i had time to play games okay so cool i mean this was this was fun now what i i think that's the end of the demo i could be wrong but uh this looked really cool let's get out of this for now let's go back to the world okay where are we okay i want to go back to that dark world because that looked really cool so i'm going to go to data layers up here and i'm going to select uncheck this don't save and i'm going to enable dark world so if you guys want to toggle between like this world and the dark world which would the other one that we just saw uh you kind of go to data layers tab up here and there we go now we've got the dark world whoa fast camera and a lot of things may be unloaded now i'm very unfamiliar with the whole map loading system that they have going on now so i'm not entirely sure what how everything is supposed to work but this is what i wanted to figure out it's really cool that you can kind of it's kind of like you for anyone who'd use uden before the map system is like it's kind of like a udem system where you can just play around and load some chunks of the map and unload chunks of the map which is really awesome and here let's see these clouds i want to see if okay the lighting system doesn't work here i'm going to go to my outliner let's close this all right so we've got sky dome yeah that's what i thought so this sky here is not dynamic clouds um it's a it's a skydome as you can see so i'm going to see what i can do open that material up maybe and see how this looks rendering lighting no it seems to be some kind of blueprint there we go okay wow i'm a total noob at this thing so now distortion strength wow there's so i have no idea what i'm doing sky texture there we go whoa cool interesting i really like what they did here desaturation change it wow okay right into the sky okay so yeah it's really just a some kind of clever material for the hdri so i'm a little bit disappointed i was really hoping that the sky would be totally dynamic clouds unfortunately it does not so that kind of sucks let me read you a chat real quick yeah so this is this is pretty awesome i'm i'm a little bit relieved that things are not too different right now um it's like i said this really feels like an unreal engine 4.26 on steroids with some new features so i'm just going to close this let's play with the lighting a little bit let's play with the lights and see how they behave in the world i want to see how lumen works in places like you know dark caves and stuff so if i search for light okay i gotta move the outliner here because i want it bigger can i do that there we go what's really interesting is that by default um the content browser is not actually locked it'll disappear by default so if you i think if you undock it is it here i think you can dock it and undock it i can't remember how to do that but by default you have to press like control and space bar to hide the content browser like this i decided to dock into my system because i just like having my content browser always there but let's play around with these settings here now play with these lights wow there is a lot of folders here and one thing i don't like about the new ui is that you it's hard to see what is hidden and what is not hidden so if i decide to hide like the lighting folders okay so everything kind of had the little close eye icon when they're hidden but when they're visible the icon disappears i kind of wish those eye icons here were always visible um for my own sake i just kind of like having that there at all times so if i can go place a new light in here i want to see lights gonna place a wrecked light or something okay man this new ui is really screwing me over everything is just different enough to the point where i have no idea what i'm doing and i feel like a total noob again okay there we go lights let's say 500 there we go some of these things are wow okay i kind of want to start lighting from scratch to be honest just to see like how everything behaves and delete this delete that and now there should be okay so we got a few other fog lights okay i want everything to be totally black i want to place my lighting myself from scratch so i'm gonna do no shadow man uh no i guess okay whatever i'm just gonna play the directional light from now on and just see how things look create man when things just change color when the ui changes like this everything's kind of in the same place but all the colors are different and all the things that you kind of are used to looking at just change and it's just hard to find your way around there we go wow okay and if i want to have a skylight in here let's see how this behaves okay real time capture and i can put maybe a sky atmosphere in here i gotta delete this guy and i'm gonna put a sky atmosphere because i want my own sky even though that sky box was really cool i i just want to play around with these settings and see what the heck is happening but it's gotta fit in here in here and go to my sunlight atmosphere so as you can see everything is kind of the same right everything behaves the same way that it did in unreal engine 4 it just looks different there we go so now we've got some gi happening here into some very subtle bounce light okay so we got some bells that come in here and i'm gonna see if i can bump this up a bit more what is this okay uh let's see light two man what is going on it's like every time i change the light the textures change too that's weird yeah you guys see that like i'm changing the light and the accord this is totally a beta release not production ready but like every time i increase the intensity of the light the textures totally change really weird but there's no denying that the level of crisp wow what is going on here it just looks like it's the wrong whoa that's very strange okay i think i'm gonna go back to the other level just because it's a little bit easier to see what's going on without all this fog going on here so i'm going to go back to data label layers hide this don't save can't fire geomotory come on there we go and campfire replace i guess and yeah i'm aware of the environment light mixer i had didn't use it because i just you know out of habit i just create my life manually come on man there is so much stuff in this outliner it's a little bit insane uh and yeah i think lumen is active by default you don't i haven't enabled anything at all um i might have made a mistake by clicking one of these things here by campfire replays i'm not sure what's actually happening here so yeah this is a learning experience um i'm making those mistakes now so that you don't have to there we go come on come on oh boy this is there we go okay now we're back now we're back now let's see now and skylight okay so now in theory there we go so as you can see guys this is you know no lumen when the scot the the sun is hidden for those of you want to see what lumen's doing let's go ahead and lift this guy up and now we've got a whole bunch of indirect lighting it works out of the box and not gonna like lumen feels and look sorry it looks just stunning and this map is huge i don't even think i have the whole thing loaded i have only have like a small part of the map loaded up here i don't dare load more of it because i'm afraid i'm just going to fry everything but that being said like this just this indirect lighting feels good now i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to create a chrome ball because i want to see how ray trade reflect reflections works i'm going to create shape sphere whoops let me do that shapes sphere bring this in here scale this up and i'm going to go create a new material hopefully creating materials works the same way chrome maybe they're all the it's a chrome material chrome no it's this one so there's no material for chrome yet i'm going to create one here color there metallic and another one for roughness metallic set this to a one and a value of let's say 0.8 now save this man i i love the new ui but i do miss the colors and the ease of finding the individual buttons with the previous ui and then religion four i'll probably get used to it because this is very new so there we go and here we have reflections rate rates reflections things feel a little bit i mean it feels right i move this up here now i think i need to create a post process volume i'm going to make this even bigger so i can see more clearly i don't know if they're the po posted volume already post process there is a lot of post browser's volumes what in the world um this is one of those times where i don't really know what's going on so i'm just gonna okay so there's evidently a lot of things here wow what are these things so these i'm guessing are decals seems to be decal yeah these are decals we can kind of see it moving here yeah okay yeah okay so d-calc i don't seem to work the same way that's great but yeah there's no denying that the the frame rate is not awesome here this is running like i said many times running on a 2060 super 64 gigs of ram and ryzen 7 3700 x so i'm not using a super high spec pc but the frame rate of course is it's much heavier than it was in unreal engine 4. but i mean there's no denying that like the the polygon count if i go back to uh nanite here the nanite visualizer what would it here net visualization triangles yeah there are a lot of polygons here this is just insane that's a lot of triangles damn and uh no guys lumen not in a post process rolling and you can see where all this indirect lighting that we're getting right here is all lumen it's all dynamic if i move the light the sun here move it straight up it's like a total midday setting we've got you know gi working correctly i'm just going to try and find a cave or something here some kind of place where we can see uh maybe something like this here with the lighting like there's no this this global elimination feels good so lumen worked out of the box there's nothing to enable you to really just download this map you play it right away and everything just kind of works it's slow but it works wow um i don't really know what these actors do either i'm trying to these are actually the cloud mask object that i've used in my volumetric cloud tutorial that i released this week um but these clearly seem to behave very differently than they did in my tutorial this week so if i move these the clouds aren't moving so something else is happening here i'm not entirely sure what and yeah from what i've noticed the lumens seems to work without rtx like you can load this with an rtx20 uh sorry a 1080. um i don't think lumen is raytraced so that's great news for everyone who doesn't who can't get their hands on a 2000 or 3000 series card man this feels awesome so i'm going to create my chrome ball again i forget where my sphere is i'm going to go find it there we go here's the bad boy so again now this is the cave i was looking for so we can very much visualize the global illumination here and notice how we're getting some nice indirect lighting here it takes a while for it to kick in but once it's kicked in it just it's totally dynamic so we're getting that nice that nice bounce light coming up from underneath bouncing off the top here and hitting the side of the rocks lumen is dope uh that's a good question i don't know if lumen actually works only on static meshes uh your guess is as good as mine i don't have any skeletal mesh to work with right now my guess is it probably will work on skeletal meshes too um but again i'm really not sure so i'm gonna hide volumetric clouds here ah see if i can hide this there we go yeah there we go this feels a bit better i want to oh my what did i do okay frame rate there we go i'm going to create a camera and i want to cinematic cine camera actor wow there's a lot of cameras in here holy crap uh what oh lordy okay so i want to play with the depth of field here and i want to see how depth of field looks and works with this geo here god that detail looks good let's see now uh cine camera actor i don't even know where my own my camera actor is how do i okay you know what i'm just gonna delete all the cameras because screw that i don't have time to figure out which one is which i'm gonna create my own camera i gotta name this bad boy wills camera there we go there we go now we're getting more there we go oh man this looks good okay there we go now we're back to where we were i want to see how depth of field plays with cameras like these yeah apparently you can guys can run lumen and nanite with like even a 900 series card so if you have like you know a 970 980 1070 1080 those are all going to work with nanite and lumen which is amazing um i can't guarantee you're going to get you know 20 plus fps performance is likely to go it's going to tank but you know it's still nice so i'm gonna wow this looks weird those reflections look very strange i'm not gonna lie okay and i want to move to depth of field will's camera and let's scroll back down i'm going to set this down to 69 good dslr and move this focals point there we go i want to get real close i want to see how the depth of field looks so from what i can see we're still getting some of those depth of field artifacts that we were getting in 426 you guys can notice like we kind of see these bad edges um maybe there's like this still have the output log does r dot temporal a a dot up sampling still work does that trick still work no okay that doesn't do anything so okay so good to know temporal up sampling zero you don't need to enable that in unreal engine five that's that's good to know so anyone who's watched my tutorials knows how annoying that console command has been to me okay so depth of field is still not perfect uh you can kind of see here we got these these weird kind of halo artifacts around edges of foliage and stuff this is probably going to may be fixed in the full release i'm not sure but this is something i really wanted to push to the test come on there we go so yeah depth of field is not perfect you can kind of see around here there it's a little bit finicky a little bit weird that's fine it's not that big of an issue there we go move this back over here but man there's no denying this this looks this feels pretty awesome so i'm so used to the outliner being up here in the top right hand corner and now that it's all over on the left it's really screwing me over oh man we're almost at a thousand concurrent viewers i don't think i've ever hit a thousand before this is exciting only okay wow now we just hit over a thousand speak of the devil damn well welcome to everyone who's new here um enjoy the ride i make unreal engine tutorials for those of you who don't know who i am um yeah i'm will i make tutorial for unreal engine happy to have you so again we're just mostly [ __ ] around here screwing around in real engine five that just dropped today and i'm playing around with the various settings to see what does what so i want to try and bump it up the skylight settings here these shadows feel a little bit dark so obviously if you it's like unreal engine 4 where if you crank up the skylight way too strong it looks like trash so sending it back down to one seems to be the way to go and you'll notice like lumen kind of slowly starts to work after you change values um so like if i set this to 10 again right you'll notice it takes a little while for lumen to kick in it's not an instant thing it takes like you know five or ten seconds to really be to settle into place obviously this looks like trash i'm gonna set it back down to 1.5 or 1.3 and as you're going to see it slowly starts to settle back down it darkens up it's a very slow thing but once it's settled in it's fine so i'm not sure if that's because of my gpu that's so slow or what i'm not sure what causes that at all let's play around with the fog a little bit there we go so this fog doesn't seem too often to me let's get her in color oh there we go why can't i okay interesting okay that's why let's see now volumetric fog man changing settings is real slow i do like the ripple i'm not sure if you guys can see in the compression of the video but um yeah there's like some kind of rippling heat haze in there which looks pretty good not gonna lie this just feels pretty cool vadim nickton from documentation the following material with the following setting cannot be assigned to nanite meshes any blend mode between besides opaque this includes math and translucent blend modes that's interesting uh yes dio this is still live i'm still just kind of enjoying the enjoying the ride playing around with the new settings man i i'm sorry i'm sorry i love indirect lighting like this you can you can kind of see that warm bounce light illuminating the underside of these rocks this is not baked this is totally dynamic so if i go ahead and kill the skylight uh you'll see right away all this soft global illumination just goes away so i'm going to set this to visible oh interesting there we go effect worlds why is this not doing anything oh interesting so the skylight's not what casting that oh cool yeah so this is as much a learning experience for me as it is for you guys and i think i just killed the engine there we go the fact that lumen takes a few seconds to kick in it's a little bit like misleading because something you're not sure if you've changed a setting or something and then like five seconds later it pops up so if i hide my directional light i'm gonna hide light whoa okay there we go okay so as you can see lumen takes care of all that indirect lighting if i hide my main directional light and turn it back on you'll see all the indirect lighting here kind of shows up into place there's a way to control the indirect lighting maybe if i exaggerate those settings so for those of you who are new here um unreal engine 5 so far at least this build is very similar to under legend 4. um there's of course there's a few key differences such as nanite and you know lumen but everything else all the tools kind of behave the same way all the settings and the lights are all the same as well it feels very much at home the ui is obviously different all the colors are there are different i mean but everything else just kind of feels like yeah this is definitely still unreal so yeah i'm going to enable my skylight again because this looks bad without it there we go so you can see reflections are weird like they're not very sharp they're not crisp and it's not because of my material and that's because i'm gonna have to check the post process volume here i've there's so many of them in this level so many post process volumes what in the world jeez let's uh let's go take a look at the static measures over here i'm gonna exit this oh wait was the reflection blurry because of my depth of field no it wasn't okay so these reflections are just really just blurry um interesting i'm going to have to play around with some of the process volume but man look at this global elimination this is this feels so good i love this nice warm bounce again here so i'm gonna hide my light again just to see what exactly is that my skylight or yeah no that's only with a single light one light we get all this nice global illumination thanks to lumen this is insane so in this stride the reflection picks up hlod depending on how far the object is if you put your chrome ball next to the ground the close rock will be high res and they are close by that makes a lot of sense thank you so much for clarifying that um like i said this is totally as new to me as it is to you guys it's really interesting that it picks up hlods as a reflection which means that it's not depending on ray tracing which is good for those of you who don't have ray trading cards but i mean rate rate reflections looked very good so it's i really hope that they give the option to choose at least god i'm not sure let me check the post process volume and see if some of the ray tracing settings are marked as deprecated so i'm going to create a volume post process volume just to kind of see what's going on here whoops scale this up maybe whoa controls are a tiny bit different than they were so it's just there we go so i'm going to make this substantially bigger so that everything in this area is there we go if i search for ray tracing i'm really not sure what's going to happen here reflections retractable inclusion i'm not even sure if rhea things enabled in this project i don't think it needs to be huh that's interesting okay so what i'm going to do now i'm going to open up one of the new levels i'm going to go uh mega skin acid zoo i kind of want to see uh all the axes individually here and kind of have like a smaller scene to work with thanks so much kim forshberg reflection option reflection option is in project setting rendering default to lumen instead of raytracing that makes a lot of sense so i didn't know that reflections was done through lumen that's pretty cool so these are some of the new rock assets that we got some of these are the typical quiksil assets that we have on the marketplace and some of these i believe are the one or like the blueprints let me see okay no these are all static meshes okay these are all scanned individual static meshes gosh i love the global elimination here this this is really cool these rocks i recognize that we have that so for the record guys this is the project that i downloaded let me see if i can pick games launcher for those of you wondering where to get this you'll notice as you launch the epic game launcher you'll see ue5 tab up here right so if you click on this you'll have you'll be able to download the early access version and if you scroll down you can get the value of the ancient level right here so if you get the sample okay you'll be able to uh download this exterior level that we just had and just be aware it's 100 gigabytes it's really heavy so um just keep that in mind if uh if you're running low on disk space i tried to install it on a separate drive so i have two disks i've got my main m.2 drive and i've got a secondary ssd for storage i tried to install it on the secondary storage and it wouldn't let me it seems to need to have 100 gigabytes available on your main drive even if you tell it to install on another drive it might have been a bug in my end but just keep that in mind that if that happens to you you're not alone so i'm gonna close this and i'm gonna go back to the other level uh ancient world yeah open this up again yeah i know you can change where your vault is but at least when it came to time to try and install the um ancient world or not the ancient world but the valley of the ancients pack it wouldn't let me install it where i wanted it to so i'm not entirely sure why this is probably an error on my part but again i just want to say that if it happens to you you're not alone and yeah it very well could be the fact that my vault is on my main disk so that's entirely possible i just want to make you guys aware hey there peter nice to see you welcome here nice to have you i'm not sure if you know movie render queue is going to be available here um let me see if i can go to window and then cinematics we do have movie render queues so does this mean that oh maybe we can render out frames i'm definitely going to be playing around with this eventually so movie render queue works unreal engine 5. that's awesome so for those of you who are new um the performance on this is okay as you can see it's 30fps i'm running on a 2060 super with 64 gigs of ram and a decent you know it's a ryzen 3700 x so it's an eight core cpu um it's not you know amazing it's not a crazy computer but it's you know it's it's all right so playing around here i'm just going to play the game for those of you who are new here i'll play through the game one more time because that was kind of fun you know what that's a good tip there uh paul daiko i will check after playing the game if the movie render queue still has the same render passes or new render passes my guess is it's going to have the same setting that we had in 426 because like i said unreal engine 5 right here this build of ue5 is pretty much just 426 on steroids i cannot get over just the level of detail that we have here it's just so much gnarly crispy pebbly deets it's just so good so so good all right i'm going to return i'm tired of this thing and i gotta move there we go you can kind of there we go i don't know if they'll allow for native anamorphic lenses i'm really curious to see you know like this is just a beta build they don't have all all the new features so they very well may allow for different you know types of depth of field different types of bokeh anamorphic lenses i would love to see like physically accurate lenses with proper film lens distortion and stuff that would be amazing i guess time will tell man this looks just so awesome i haven't played games in so long now so this is probably you know an average looking game by this point especially i don't have a ps5 or xbox series x or whatever they are called now there we go go here so for all of you who wanted to see the monster it's just bad boy right here come on i love all these like this kind of debris and stuff falling off the guide this looks pretty awesome so i think i'm supposed to hit his shoulder here there we go now i know what i'm supposed to do now oh i forgot to get hit by the laser i guess one or two guys asked to be hit by a laser i guess i'll have to do it one more time but i'm not entirely sure i think this is just the end of the demo i don't really know where to go after this so yeah i don't think i can do anything more man i just love this detail i love seeing all these you know the specular break up all the little pebbles on the ground like this it really feels awesome now i'm gonna exit the game and i'm gonna try looking for the other render passes in the movie render queue for those of you who asked moving render queue i'm just gonna add a random sequence here let's say this one whatever go to let's see oh debug options so there's a few new features here different random led lighting deferred rendering world dabs motion vectors these are default ones let's see what else we've got now i don't think we have that many new render passes unfortunately not that i can see here no nope no new render passing guys sorry about that are there any other features do you want me to test out now that we're here you know we're back in the environment here um what are some of the features like i know we've checked the reflection we've figured out that you know they're hlod-based so they're not ray trace reflections um we try to lumen what are some other things you want me to test out here i'm going to play around with lumen but just with one area light that's one thing i want to do so directional light i'm going to hide this put this and just like that i'm going to place a wrecked light right here and i don't know how this is going to behave if i yes that's exactly what i'm going to be doing 13s colossi i'm going to be testing gi with uh just some local lights see how this behaves just in spotlight so let's see how this works for like you know quote unquote interior lighting because you know we're going to be inside of a cave so this i guess this kind of counts as an interior ish so it's a little bit hard to see it's very dark in here so let's see if we got some indirect lighting settings in this light dynamic indirect lighting so we still have the light mask tab i don't know oh there we go there we go now we've got some indirect lighting so this is all just gi that we see here it's totally dynamic it's all done by lumen so i'm going to move this up to get a bit more of an extreme because it's like 500 or something there we go and now you can see we're getting a whole ton of indirect lighting with a single area light one wrecked light that's all we've got so this and it looks pretty darn good like there's no noise there's no i don't i don't know if you guys have used the ray traced indirect lighting with final gather or brute force it feels very uh what's the word very noisy and shimmery but the indirect lighting here feels pretty solid i mean it's very clean i'm impressed i i'm yeah i'm very impressed by this man i i just cannot believe how good this feels lighting has never been easier let's see and play once this is not ray traced i don't think but it's totally dynamic so you know again if i move my light back down a little bit uh let's see where's the world there we go moving just down here you'll see all this indirect lighting that we have is completely dynamic so if i move the light you know here away there's no more direct lighting and move it here we get all this indirect light and you can totally control the settings and the indirect lighting settings of your light so if i set it to zero you'll see lumen starts fading away we don't have any more indirect lighting but if i set the indirect lighting back down to back up to 10 you'll see it start fading back in so this looks pretty awesome caleb harwell do we still need to set up streaming volume for world comp i don't know i honestly don't know i'm not familiar with this whole world partition thing um you know you can kind of load and unload parts of the map so you know let's give you i'll show you guys an example so let's move the camera here i'm not sure if you guys can see but you have a big map here and we've got you know i can right click here and move the camera here now there's no light so i'm going to unhide my directional light where is there we go so now i've moved all the way to this part of the map i can kind of do this highlight some parts and oh it seems like there's nothing i can okay so i'm going to move here instead and select all these and i'm going to load the selected cells now i'm not sure what if there's anything to load here but as you can see now we've we've kind of gone across the map um and we can go across the map anywhere we want to do i can just right click move camera here and it moves it a lot according to the mini map i'm on the other side of the map now so it's kind of a cool way to navigate i kind of like it so if i want to unload these chunks here i can just right click unload selected cells and boom it just unloads those parts again for the record guys i'm running on a 2060 super with 64 gigs of ram and 8 core processor ryzen 7. the performance is obviously not awesome i don't think this is super optimized but keep in mind i'm also streaming at the same time streaming video takes a big chunk out of my gpu processing power so this is probably why but man indirect lighting is dope so let me know guys if there's anything what would you like me to try out here what are some other features that you know you've been dying to know about let me know so i can test it out for the record anyone can download this you can get it for on the epic marketplace it's free to download you'll just keep in mind it's a 40 gig install for the engine plus 100 gigabytes to download this level that we have right here okay um check the material on the monster my gosh so many so many questions let's see water that's actually not a bad i don't know if the water is enabled here let me see visual effects i don't think we've got water here maybe i'm blind and i can't i'm missing something but i'm pretty sure that water is not no i don't think we've got water guys so sorry about that no water in this pro in this builds okay let's go see if i can find the monster a lot of you guys are asking about the monster uh let's see if i can find that guy here i'm not sure what it's called though characters echo now this is just her where are the filters okay filters are here okay so let's see skeletal mesh there we go okay ancient one process so it's called ancient one so let's see let's try to find a material for that ancient one no not this characters ancient one materials okay so we've got the material here for the robot the big monster dude for those of you who are wondering this is really all it is it's actually a very simple material it's not very complicated at all so i'm guessing it's got eudens not even so this is just for the shell okay very simple material nothing complicated yeah all right nope this is nothing nothing fancy let me see if i can filter by whoa this is slow all of a sudden yeah i think that's the only material i can find for the ancient one so that's interesting yeah the ancient one definitely had uden so for those of you wondering like i can only find this one material for the ancient one if i go here and try and find yeah i can't find any other material for that guy obviously i probably just don't know where to look but oh there he is there we go i got a blueprint right here so let's see viewports we got him right here let's zoom in up close wow we got a lot of flickering here let's see i want to see this material yeah so okay chest plate ah here they are here are all the materials here all the parts okay there we go so yeah as you can see here this um this giant here is using udems which was you know it's not really a big surprise uh an asset of this size needs udems so we can tell if got uh it seems to have with the 22 udems maybe not 22 no it doesn't okay sorry one two three four five six seven eight so eight udems it's using so opening up these textures here i'm going to open one of these parts so we can kind of if you want to dissect or you know kind of tear apart and reverse engineer um the part of the giant you can find them in wow okay so in characters meshes and you'll find all the parts here so ancient battle content characters ancient one meshes meshes so i don't know why they're two message folder but yeah so if you're wondering where all the parts are that's where it is i can go to pelvis for example there we go so we got more stuff here yeah so unsurprisingly it uses udims let's open up this material just to get an idea of there we go it's a master material okay so it's just got a master material and a ton of material instances that's what it's doing not really surprised yeah that's a good question i should try out translucency but i don't think there's ray tracing here so i'm just gonna open up a simpler level just so we can try out uh the ray tracing not the radiation but some of the other material features that's a very good thing that we should test out let's say content let's see where is it maps ancient world and mega scandal i'll try this one and we're just gonna play around some materials and just dig around and see like hey what's going on how do we play with the from the ray trace not the retrace stuff but the translucency so i'm going to create a sphere shapes create a sphere right here all right and i'm going to create a new material let's see now okay called translucent i suppose oh this is brilliant so ah the base color opacity and let's see now i'm going to leave that default lit and i need to change one more thing here to volumetric surface forward shading apply um yeah i don't think translucency works very well right here one and opacity set it to one okay so yeah this uh translucency it looks like ass might need to change the roughness though yeah i uh yeah so translucently i'm not super excited about i might have to play the post process volume though for this volumes post process volume set this to unbound and i retrace the translucency that uh yeah i don't think rachel i think it's enabled in this project unfortunately so we're not getting any good translucent materials i think there's a reason why in this demo everything in rock everything is just stone there's no water there's no foliage um yeah um hazard jeffery i think has tessellation is just a bit deprecated because as we can see now um i'm just going to open up the other levels again and you'll notice that uh no i don't want to save that maps you'll notice that polygons are really not an issue anymore we have to trillion the polygons going on in the scene uh arden biliakov i do have an rtx 2060 super ray tracing works fine in 426 in unreal engine 5 you can enable ray tracing but in this particular ancient um in this particular map or this particular project i have here ray j thing doesn't work i haven't i don't think i have i have it enabled ryan miller no i this is not ray traced right now so lumen is i don't believe room lumen is retraced um but then again don't take my words for this because i'm not like i'm not a rendering guru i don't know much about what's happening under the hood here but just to give you an example the indirect lighting whoa what's all this happening here that looks weird i think i'm starting to blow my vram here so it's starting to freak out at the bottom wow oh that's interesting anyway i may have to restart the engine soon but i'm just going to go create another light here wrecked light put this here and i'm going to delete my directional light or at least hide it again i just want to show you guys the lumen stuff again just to show you guys how just how awesome lumen is so as we can see here we've got turn on the speed of my camera we've got a single light right here nothing is baked you'll see no we don't really have much indirect lighting but if we go here and type indirect and bump up these values now notice how we start getting some lighting in the under in the cave here let's see now we have some lighting showing up in the cave totally indirect lighting not raytraced not that i know of please correct me if i'm wrong but uh this this looks awesome i i love just how totally dynamic this lighting is this is a game changer look look at that indirect lighting it's so cool i i could play around with it for days just because it's just so fun to play with lighting is basically cheating now and performance wise i mean this is running pretty good i mean relatively for for unreal engine 5 at least i can have like four lights here just to kind of exaggerate the the effect i mean the life don't seem to affect performance all that much oh speak of the double okay there we go no i'm still at 27 28 29 fps right here and things feel pretty good i'm gonna place a camera at night what happens if i increase the radius of this yeah no i'm noticing like when i change values with the slider uh my performance goes down to tubes i'm going to trace this there we go that's what i wanted proper campfire um let me add a skylight in here yeah you're absolutely right pie shells we got you know unlimited polygons good lighting now back to basics and trying to get water and translucent look right i'm really looking forward to seeing how foliage works in unreal engine 5 with lumen and nanite um this is going to be some pretty exciting stuff now i what i would love to have is better indirect lighting up here so i'm going to do it i got to fake that indirect lighting i'm going to add a um i can do directional light maybe obviously i want some light man i think i need to restart this engine because uh my i think my gpu is freaking out here you can kind of see at the bottom yeah looking at my specs here it's uh i'm kind of pushing my gpu at this absolute limit my vram is constantly just like capped at the top there so rtx 2060 super with the ryzen 3700 eight core cpu everything kind of just really pushed it to its hardest limits here i'm just going to open up a new version of it and close down this skip restore there we go okay i'm gonna open up the new world again um yeah i don't have any of the other stuff i don't haven't loaded any other projects um i don't think i'm going to do that for this level for this tutorial i would like to play around with my interior scene before going live i'm just loading up this level again just to kind of give my graphic card up a bit of a break come on you got this uh simon gervais no there's not many difference in how everything is called basically everything feels very much like 426. um everything is very much identical to 426 actually the only thing that's different is lumen obviously nanite and the ui those are the main differences everything else behaves the exact same way like all the skylight features are the same uh everything else is very much identical so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna make this more of a daylight thing again where is my outliner there we go geez oh that's a good idea sanchez sure i'm gonna try and make a mess of material and see if that actually works with lumen great tip i'm gonna move this way down something like this get a bit of detail in the sky my skylight bump this up like there we go hit this no go attenuation radius something like that there we go something like that and i want to there we go so we got a bit of a bit of a nighttime scene going on here and now that's a great i'm going to try and miss a material so i'm going to create this here shapes sphere drag this here so let's create a material oh not this one create a new one call this emissive test slap this onto our sphere and whoa put this here and let's say i'm gonna make this there they go that immense of color uh let's say i gotta named it make a bright blue something like that okay yeah things do feel a little bit quite a bit laggy in ue5 so far some of the things are not quite as snappy as 426 but i mean that is to be expected it's a beta there we go save this and i want to see the emissive materials contribute light to the scene so oh no way that actually what that's amazing no okay that is cool uh yeah that's cool so i'm gonna tone this down i don't want to be a little bit less saturated oh my god i can't believe that emissive materials actually emit light dynamically that is cool um i have no words that's just fantastic i'm gonna change this to parameter and save excuse me there we go i need to make this smaller man everything is kind of laggy come on there we go i want to make this window smaller there we go now i just cannot believe that dynamically whoa lag there we go so dynamically we've got materials emissive materials cast light and gi 100 dynamically that is that's a game changer look at this i'm going to move this thing right here and you can see the sphere the emissive material on the sphere emits light that is amazing i think this is probably the thing i'm the most excited about internal engine 5 so far this and this will be lumen in general lumen is just wow uh i'm behaving like a five-year-old on christmas morning this is so fantastic i mean i don't think i'm the only one who thinks this this is pretty fan this is pretty great yeah so if i make this change the color or something yeah performance goes really down to tubes once you uh start playing around with sliders and stuff i don't know why hit okay so it seems like oh there we go there we go so the lumen takes a while to kind of kick in but damn that is cool i need to find a model let me find some a cooler shape model and see if this works better static mesh let's see now or actually the giant i want to find a giant ancient wow man this is laggy ancient battle content there we go so i'm going to apply an emissive material to let's say this thing here oh wait what that's not static mesh you may only reference acid from engine content well that's weird i can't even huh okay well apparently i can't uh do that yeah as you can see i'm kind of getting some crazy weird stuff happening at the bottom of my screen this seems to happen when my graphics card is um getting a little bit warm and i don't blame it because it's just been uh i've been pushing it to the absolute limit for the past you know what hour and a half now so yeah i think we've kind of covered all the the stuff the new stuff that's been in this engine uh but yeah just lumen the fact that we get some global elimination from emissive materials like this dynamically with no baking this is huge this is totally huge are there any other things that you guys want me to test out i i don't have any you know static meshes or any high res meshes to bring in uh right now actually i could probably launch the zbrush and just kind of make something so here's what i'm going to do i'm going to launch the brush and i'm going to try importing a super hydrostatic mesh and see how that works don't worry zebras is just launching thanks so much abdallah khatib uh i didn't know that the lumen settings were in the process volume i'll have to check that out however um yeah uh there's just so many post process volumes in that level that it's uh hard to cool i think come on zbrush i'm just trying to launch zbrush here just do your thing there we go let me just load uh just gonna load this dude bring him in i'm just gonna export this as the group export i'm going to export this to desktop and demo head okay there we go oh [ __ ] do i still have this open don't save there we go okay so now i'm going to import my demo head here uh let's see desktop and demo head uh let's see now so these are the new fbx import settings so we've got build night which i'm guessing is what we want so i'm going to click build nanite uh yeah i think that's all we need to do so i'm just going to import this and hopefully hopefully it works well so obviously i don't know what the scale of this thing is there we go now he's really really tiny so so here's my demo head that i brought in from zbrush this feels a bit weird now there's no uvs on it so huh yeah he looks a little bit wrong probably because yeah i need to experiment with this so don't take my word for it this obviously feels very bad so i i haven't experimented or read the documentation how to import stuff for nanite yet just uh yeah um so um i think i'll play the game one more time for you guys before we take off tonight and this time i'll try letting the laser from the monster at the end hit me and yeah for the record guys i am totally running on a 2000 series gpu right now so it's interesting that the game actually keeps in mind the same lighting that i had in um into level which is pretty cool there we go so it's a good play around so this is oh i just love that emissive materials cast light dynamically that's just such a big deal oh boy i'm excited there we go i'm gonna go here and i'm gonna go fight this monster dude and no ryan miller there's no water yet um as far as i'm concerned water's not supported in this build of the engine yet so just kind of keep that in mind caleb harwell does it actually run at 45 fps on the 2080 i i that's actually much better than i thought it would be yes tyrol mebadov the gi from missive material with not screen space that's lumen so it's pretty awesome i can go check back again later but yeah the material was emitting light totally awesome fully dynamic gi not screen space from what i can tell come on come on it's taking a while there we go all right so we're back here i i like that my head is still up there that that's amazing i didn't expect the head to be there at all that's that's that's funny okay so where is this there oh there no go and now here the big bad boy i turn on my frame rate oh i don't know frame rate what lyman abdullah how long does it usually take to finish their project that's a very good question i think it depends on the project some months sometimes they can take a month sometimes i can take three months sometimes it can take a week a day it really depends on the project it's uh there's no real answer to that question sorry okay so this time around i can let myself get hit by the laser oh please oh sort of it automatically dodges really i can't get hit by the laser but but i wanna come on come on hit me hit me really i i guess i can't get killed so there we go and now last in the head this guy looks so cool i love the design of this guy and that's it wow there's lots of weird i can't tell if that rainbow flickeriness of that intentional or is that my gpu panicking it might be intentional but that looks really cool i love that rainbow fl glitter effect that looks awesome i really hope it's not my gpu panicking so for those of you asking if the emissive material here was screen space i don't think it is so looking here there we go now it kicks in and now you'll see the light's still there it's not screen space so again this is totally um a totally emissive material and i'm going to apply it to my head here so mesh lights which come on there we go mesh lights with totally dynamic lighting works now so you'll see now my head here is emitting light come on lumen takes a while to update but once it does you'll see now notice how now my little my head here is emitting actual light now i'm not sure why it's not as bright as the other sphere was but let's say 200 maybe there we go so you'll see it actually emits light in your scene i'm just going to put it back on the sphere here because the sphere which is much brighter and my pc is freaking out there we go so for those of you who just joined you'll see now that this sphere with an emissive material on it casts light in your scene totally dynamically it's not screen space so if i look away you'll see it's still there uh i think this to me is probably one of the most exciting features now why it disappeared with distance it's probably a post-processing effect setting that i can change but and again i'll give it i'll be easy on it i'm not going to criticize it too much because this is totally a beta build so yeah um guys thank you so much for joining tonight i think we just hit a new record for the sheer amount of people watching i don't think we've ever crossed over to 1100 concurrent viewers this is huge thank you so much for watching guys i hope that um you're you know this has been a kind of a first first glance at unreal engine 5. this is really exciting obviously it's very very beta right now um but for those of you who want to test it out you can get it for free at the epic marketplace so if i go type here epic games launcher you can find it on epic games launcher there's a new tab up here called ue5 click on that and you can download it right there so go ahead and download this and you have to download the value of the ancient map but keep in mind that is a hundred gigabytes so it's a huge huge file make sure you have enough disk space um and go knock yourself out it feels very much at home all the settings are the same in unreal engine 5 so if you're familiar with you know all the lighting settings everything kind of works the same way now it's just with newer tools so guys again thank you so much for watching we're going to call it a night and i hope to see you next time for those of you who don't know me i'm will i make tutorials on unreal engine 5. go give me a follow um because you know i make tutorials every week every single week and i'm always open to you know suggestions of the topics you want me to cover so go check out the channel and i'll see you all next week take care guys thanks for joining
Channel: William Faucher
Views: 72,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UE4, Unreal Engine 4, Unreal Engine, Cinematics, 4.26, UE4 4.26, UE5, Realtime, realtime rendering, rendering, CGI, 3D, 3D Artist, evermotion, archviz, exterior lighting, lighting outdoors, ue4 exteriors, exteriors, how to light exteriors, how to light exteriors ue4, lighting tutorial ue4, lighting tutorial, unrealengine5, unreal engine 5, lumen demo, lumen, nanite
Id: kfPLOPa5u-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 35sec (5615 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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