Unreal 5 Vertex Snapping

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hi everyone and welcome to my quick tutorial on unreal 5's vertex snapping in this video I'm going to show you the way that I get unreels vertex snapping to behave as it's somewhat temperamental to put it kindly in this very simple scene I want to snap this bottom corner of this Cube to this top corner of this Cube now if this was all grid aligned it would be quite easy to do but a lot of the time that just won't be the case so with the move tool selected if I select our Cube you can see that we can move it around as normal and in the very center the little round icon is the pivot of this object so we're going to want to move this pivot to this bottom vertex so we can then snap this object to this other Cube now the way you move a pivot is by holding down the middle Mouse button on that little circle and then moving around and you can see we can move the pivot but it's not snapping to our corners or our vertices to do that in unreal 5 while you're moving this around you have to hold down the alt and the V key and you can see it's now snapping to different vertices but it's a little bit Wayward and I can't actually get it to snap to this bottom corner no matter what I do it's actually trying to snap to the sphere behind I believe but yeah you cannot for the life of me get it to snap to that corner so that's really annoying another slight issue here is if I want to just check that I'm what I'm snapping to and I select it and I go okay yes that's definitely what I want to do and I go back to this you can see this pivot has gone back to its original position so if you just accidentally click off and click back on you've lost your pivot position so that's also pretty annoying and in all honesty trying to hold down the middle button holding down alt and pressing V all at the same time is a little bit of uh like finger yoga or gymnastics and it's easy to get that wrong so I don't like that either so let's have a look at what I do to solve some of these problems so instead of having to hold down alt and V while we're doing this move tool what we can do is actually just turn on vertex snapping permanently so if we go over to the settings button on the top right and scroll down you can see there's an option here for enable vertx snapping if I click that we go back to our scene now just by holding the middle Mouse button you can see the snapping is on by default so that's uh somewhat easier next let's get it so it doesn't keep forgetting our pivot position so if it was there for example we wanted to have our pivot if you just right click on the object now go to Pivot you can press the set as pivot offset so if I now select something else and select back you can see it's still remembering that pivot position so you can move it around or change your selection and it'll not forget and once you've done if you wanted to go back to its default one you can right click go to Pivot and select reset pivot offset and it's gone back to its original position and the last thing we need to do is to get it so that our snapping Works without selecting the wrong object so let's start with this Cube again and we want to set the pivot in this corner so I'm going to right click go to visibility and select show only selected then if we middle Mouse click you can see we can get it to this bottom corner no problem so I'll right click on there set that as pivot and right click again and go to visibility show all actors now if we were to left click on this you can see again we just can't for the life of a snap to this top right corner of this Cube again that's cuz it's trying to snap to the sphere so to fix this let's just shift select that right click again visibility show only selected select our Cube left click and there it is perfectly snapped to that top corner and to finish off we can go visibility show all actors and there we go so I hope you find that helpful it's a lot better than it was before it's it's still not perfect but I think it's the best I can get it to go uh thanks very much bye
Channel: ThePassiveAggressor
Views: 2,464
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Id: 1EyBkIKFado
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Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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