Unraveling COSMIC Enigmas and ALIEN Mysteries | Top Moments of The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (S4)

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it's a fleet flying formation what we are revealing here is about the very nature of our reality there's something in the sky above the rocket we may be looking at the anomaly for the first time my whole life I've been fascinated by the universe it led me to obtain Advanced degrees in astrophysics aerospace engineering and Optical science Travis hey Brandon how you doing Brandon Fugal four years ago I got the chance of lifetime to join an amazing team in their investigation of the Skinwalker Ranch recently some documents were released to the public about a program run by the Pentagon the unidentified aerial phenomena task force it was created about four years ago for the study of uaps and phenomena these documents also reveal that I was the chief scientist for the uaf and I helped author the official report that was presented to Congress in 2021 however I wasn't permitted to disclose any of this to the team on the ranch the Revelation came as a shock to all of us I found it to be confirmation that we are truly on to something that first summer back in 2019 there were some uh signals that we had measured that I was concerned was a national security implication this 1.6 GHz signal I went to the Pentagon to brief to find out if this was us doing it or if it was somebody else doing it for an adversaries so I had to report it to the right officials went to a room in the Pentagon and I uh a briefed and then this guy comes into the room and uh he asks everybody else but me to leave and he said I'm the director of the UAP task force what I'd like to do is invite you to uh come on on board and be the chief scientist for the task force and it wasn't until he and I both retired within the last 6 months and we were approved to re reveal that we actually were part of that that task force were they able to shed light on whether we're dealing with a foreign adversary or the nature of what we're recording here it's not us it's not anybody that we know of so what is it it was hard for me to keep information from everyone on the ranch because it's critical that we act and feel like a team but I also completely understand why the government needed me to keep some things confidential now that I've left the UAP task force there'll be no more need for Secrets thank you everyone for your continued hard work let's press onward we got a lot to do [Music] I'm going to take the color camera we're going to put it right up here we welcome bed Anderson from a company called photron cameras to help us with a new experiment at the triangle he specializes in a high-speed camera system our plan was to launch rockets up through the triangle where we've seen numerous uaps and detected what we believe to be some kind of anomaly between 305,000 Ft okay it's on yeah while berett photographed each launch at a th000 frames per second with both color and infrared cameras 3 2 [Music] 1 hey did you see that it turned before it could get to wherever the anomaly is I noticed that in midair it suddenly veered a little off course like it ran into something invisible that deflected it hey we got a light there that's moving where yeah we got it there is right there Eric we got something moving right overhead of us right now now did it look like it just sped up to y'all yes it did it just sped up I've got eyes on the adsb map you know I get aircraft as far out as 130 Mi there's nothing over us there's nothing near us it's still going look at it it just vanished one more Sparky rocket oh we got a malfunction everybody watch out oh oh oh it's on fire we got a fire we got a fire we CAU the malfunction on on the high speed oh there's something in the sky above the rocket right here yeah look at that look at the light no no way we may be looking at the anomaly for the first time guys that's crazy after 4 years of investigating Skinwalker Ranch as a team we finally got good Visual Evidence berdette Anderson captured some kind of blob likee feature on his high-speed camera that literally appeared out of nowhere and caused the rocket to explode this isn't an anomaly in the lens because it didn't move you can't make it up oh yeah my gosh helicopter helicopter coming right over I am getting no helicopter above the ranch on the adsb receiver here the helicopter back around it's coming back again Travis this aircraft is not transponding someone's taking an interest in what we're doing the only thing this could be is a military helicopter spooking us and uh pissing us off are we being spied on while we conduct our operations we couldn't wait to review the high-speed camera footage it's clearly becoming illuminated or something and it's growing in size and it looks like an object right there but there's something else going on I think y right as the rocket gets there boom could this blob likee thing that appeared just 31 ft High be the anomaly that we've been trying to pinpoint at the triangle for the last four years if so then what the heck could it be I've decided it's time to invite a colleague of mine here Jay Stratton Jay was not only a career defense intelligence official for the federal government but he was also my former boss in the unidentified aerial phenomena task force and between 2007 and 2011 he helped create and run a government program with former Skinwalker Ranch owner Robert Bigalow to investigate the bizarre phenomena happening on the property we're going to use you today as part of an experiment but I'm not going to tell you what that experiment is until afterwards because I don't want to taint the outcome of the experiment and I've heard him say many times how he strongly believes Skinwalker Ranch seemed to react to his presence Eric and I have come up with an experiment to test if the ranch reacts to Jay being back here after 11 years we should be good to go guys Eric has outfitted the Jeep after our tour with Jay we'll duplicate the exact route without him on the property that will allow us to compare the collected data sets we'll start the tour in the Eastern portion of the ranch from there we'll head to the triangle travel West past the Mesa drill site and then on to Homestead 2 where do you think the lion was in the road is at that tree I'm pretty sure that's the tree we were on the ranch it was about 11:30 at night we walked down the road towards Homestead 2 and as we made that turn there's a little tree casting a shadow uh lineing across the road I said do you guys feel that and immediately one of my teammates said yeah the hair is standing up on the back of my neck and the temperature inversion was about right here too it was a wall you could put your arm through it and you could feel the cold versus the heat on the second floor of Homestead 2 through the night vision device we saw what resembled a dark shadowy figure up in there we could see in the distance what looked like a shadow figure a dark person there is no floor there though that's kind of bizarre after we visited the last stop on our Ranch tour with Jay we finished up with him and had him leave the ranch the day after we completed the control run Eric and I processed all the data this follows all of the roads that we took uh this was without you here on the ranch now I'm going to bring up the data generated during your visit I've colored it red of course and at first glance it you know it conforms to the same path we should be seeing a lot more let we see you should be but now look where the data actually is way underground wow and if you look when you go to the next dip that's where you stopped and said this is the tree it shows that Jay went underground just after passing the Mesa drill site then once he moved closer to Homestead 2 it says he went over 1,000 ft below the surface what could just you being in the car do to a Jeep PS sensor to make it go Haywire this data strongly suggests that the ranch really does react to individuals but why some more than others this morning while we were waiting for ranch owner Brandon Fugal and his brother Cameron something really unsettling happened is this not aggression two US military shanuk helicopters flew very low over the ranch circling above the Mesa and the triangle area for several minutes and of course they don't identify themselves what were these military helicopters doing above the ranch and why now this is extraordinarily unusual obviously there's adsp data that shows military aircraft none none and there were no visible markings on the meter they were all blacked out it seems the closer that we are getting to the answers the more elevated military surveillance becomes with that Gentlemen let's let's go ahead and commence the experiment an experiment over the triangle to see if we can figure out just what in the world the blob black anomaly could be on top of the Mesa Thomas witon and I will launch rockets horizontally about 100 ft High through the anomalous Zone above the triangle you can get it right there the second station will be in the middle of the triangle where Dragon and Joe L will be launching rockets at the same time straight up through that zone as well Cameron Fugal will fly Brandon Eric and Caleb in the helicopter above and safely off to the side of the triangle oh yeah wait Thomas look right right there right there right right above the Horizon there's something moving this way it's like orange light West do you guys copy it's moving pretty fast it's moving south quickly just it just switched off like a switch we still got a lot of rockets to launch here we're getting a lot of static interference on the [Applause] radio you know I don't think I've ever seen noise like this before it's broad spectrum oh what the hell just something went by look like small orbs there's another one at the same time we're seeing these elevated levels of RF noise he's only seeing them in this night vision technology here's one right underneath I don't know whether to be terrified or excited Brandon I'm uncomfortable yeah I've got this clenched feeling in my chest I feel exactly the same pressing yeah that that's that's a good description of it yeah let's take it down Cameron made the right call I say we close up shop and then start looking through the data this is a camera on the exterior of the helicopter just above the Mesa went behind the Mesa it appears as if there's a corresponding light and illuminated area what I interpret to be directly below this thing you know where that is it's right by the petp an indigenous group known as blazing bear performed an ancient drumming ceremony in the East field right near a Petroglyph and a spiral of Boulders up on the Mesa that were made hundreds of years ago and are believed to represent an interdimensional portal a mysterious anomaly appeared on the Mesa right on the spiral of Boulders during the ritual then two large sphere-like orbs suddenly appeared and flew right into it did we stimulate the same thing last night out of the Mesa it looks just like what I was seeing in my night vision at high altitude you realize that we're talking about objects looking like they're flying into the actual stone of the Mesa and then appearing and coming back out I have to think this is going on more than we have suspected abolutely it's awful lucky for us to fly once and see this right awfully lucky yeah you ready for this let's get to moving for tonight's experiment the teams will be situated all around the triangle the guys from new salt laser will have three space cannons positioned at Each corner of the triangle projecting high power beams that will Encompass the anomalous Zone but that's just the beginning of what we're doing tonight we're also going to scan the nearby Mesa with a projection laser you're good it will be broadcasting audio that we recorded during a recent sound ritual experiment with an indigenous organization named blazing bear finally the team from Sky elements fly 250 alumin ated drones equipped with GPS sensors in pre-programmed formations hopefully it will further help us pinpoint and identify what the phenomena we've detected there actually could be all right Travis I'm set up over here Laser's up drones are armed oh hold up system just crashed malfunction guys malfunction we're having an interference issue right now we're not really sure what's doing it we're going to go ahead and let us know when you're ready all right we are going hot with the rocket 5 4 3 2 1 where the others going what's going [Music] on well that was weird did you notice none the Rockets went straight up but it looked like they were all redirected at about 31 ft High where we first saw the blob we needed to launch our next round of more powerful Rockets to see if they would make it through that zone or be deflected too okay I've got eyes on the flare three rockets went what happened to the other two oh watch out what there we go that should have been straight as an arrow but at 30 ft up major detour Travis we have all drones showing online wow look at that they're going up in uh two layers we got one that's hung out over here look at that one oh right there one of them is going nuts as the Drone swarm continued they shifted into the shape of a massive Cube to cover more volume within the anomalous Zone Preston I've got one coming down now third one's falling out what's with the blue Fellers fail set their batteries hit the critical level Show's moving home we're clear new salt is going to operate a projection scanner that will broadcast a recording of the Blazing Bear Song ritual through a modulated laser beam up we could suddenly hear a different mysterious signal interfering with it or some other modulation going on there all right this is going to be a staggered launch I got something in the Fleer right here what something in the Fleer right here it looked like a thin line up here in this area right here oh it went from a line into many Bright Lights wow the UAP that split into multiple uaps and then maneuvered in a patterned formation maybe one of the biggest developments we've documented out here what look what we got here what we got here we got something for a UAP to emit a lot of heat it really made me wonder why we couldn't see it with the naked eye was it and the ones aric and Caleb just saw being masked or cloaked by something or could they have possibly vanished into the anomalous Zone above the triangle to find out the lock Precision team prepped the most powerful rocket we've ever had on the ran we're expecting to hit about 10,000 ft and Mack 1.5 we're really hopeful that this rocket will just get the job done it went one and 1 half times the speed of sound it's gone a high-powered rocket seems to have just vanished after we launched it up through the anomalous Zone above the Triangle Well what's most incredible about this is that 10,000 ft above the triangle is right where a radar balloon scan that we conducted earlier this year detected a shift in time of a quarter of a second go for launch no it goes we lost a quarter second of time really for data like this a quarter of a second is huge and believe it or not that actually offers evidence of what many scientist including Albert Einstein have believed would be a side effect of a nearby traversable Wormhole could that be what we really just discovered high above Skinwalker Ranch after Eric spent several days reviewing the massive amounts of data we collected during our final experiment Brandon Fugal asked the team to meet at his offices in Salt Lake City for a briefing I think it's important that we dive right into the material here we see the Rockets have launched whoa explain how it would appear out of thin air now look what happens it's slowed down and changing position that's huge now there's like four or five of them I thought it was one object they broke apart it's on the thermal though it's thermal yeah no it's a fleet flying formation they are flying formation if they're being controlled from somewhere then there is a signal that would be being broadcast between them updating their information could these things have been formation flying through remote or somehow in communication with each other what's the number count four four or five I think five or six it look more of them split off and how fast are they go is the question this is one of the most fascinating uh pieces of data so far in the nearly four years that I've been coming out to the ranch this is straight from the lar you can see this is the road that makes the triangle and the there's a a black spot here so black is no data returned at all so are we seeing a wormhole or portal is it possible that the strange void detected with their lar really is an image of a wormhole above the triangle there are a lot of things that are compelling that are going to need further consideration and research we've documented so many kinds of phenomena over the last four years on Skinwalker Ranch Jim Royston and his colleagues at Omnitech believe they can outfit the entire ranch with sensors that will use artificial intelligence to help give us definitive answers in the future I'm very optimistic about the collaboration opportunity with Omnitech this is a group of individuals with Military Intelligence experience they have remarkable Technologies at their disposal we're excited it's exciting to be part of it so I appreciate that what we are really revealing here is about the very nature of our reality thank you you all for being part of this incredible journey we've heard that the ranch is an intelligent entity that it's home to a secret underground base and that it might even be a gateway to other dimensions we've documented scientific evidence that supports each one of these Legends we are dealing with powerful forces and we are finally on the precipice of getting the very answers that we've been seeking for years
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 116,872
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, documentaries, history channel documentaries, skinwalker ranch, skinwalker ranch clips, skinwalker rance full episodes, ufo alley, ufos, the secret of skinwalker ranch, strange occurrences, unexplained phenomena, skinwalker ranch triangle, watch the secret of skinwalker ranch, skinwalker ranch season 4
Id: h6pFl3m8298
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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