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Hello friends for today's video I'm going to be doing the unpopular opinions book tag I have done this video in the past but I wanted to redo it as recently I was discussing the noela the fireborn blade in a new fantasy releases wrap-up and in talking about that noela I was mentioning how I thought it was exceptional I really thought that while it had its inspiration very much on its sleeve that what it did with its inspiration its blueprint being kind of classic Dragon slang fantasy what it did with it was so unique and fascinating and unlike anything I've really seen before and I liked that blend of the familiar with something different and new plus it's a bit of a genre Bender so I really loved it but when I went to see if there was going to be a sequel I saw that the average rating for an adult fantasy work was a little bit on the lower end I do find that adult fantasy Works tend to skew a little bit higher than other genres and other age ranges and so when I saw the average rating I was like oh well I guess I just have the unpopular opinion and then that made me wonder what other unpopular opinions have I had recently and I figured this tag sort of naturally facilitates the examining of what your unpopular opinions might be jumping into it I'm actually going to do question two first as it is related to the fireborn blade and that question would be a book or series that many people don't like but you love I don't know that so many people don't like the fireborn blade I think a lot of people just seem to have categorized it as familiar and that it's classic it's what you've seen before and again while I don't disagree at all that it is very much inspired by something that's already been established in fantasy I still think that what it did with those things is unlike anything I've seen before and I just want more of that question one it says uh a popular book or series that you don't like so um I recently have been putting together a video but it's going to be very very long and it's going to be the first in a new series that I'm doing and I'm tentatively calling this a fantasy fan reads and then fill in the blank where I'm going to be going through various subg genres of fantasy and really only looking at that sub genre for a period of time or entirely different genres for now I'm sticking to sub genres and one that I am starting with would be fantasy romance because like a lot of us I'm not necessarily opposed to Fantasy romance I like the idea of combining Amazing Fantasy World building with really compelling love stories I think that that sounds great I just haven't found really one that is an absolute Gem and is a favorite and is like okay this this is what I'm looking for most of what I end up tapping into is sort of Leaning into the romance side of fantasy romance and less into the fantasy and I want more of a balance but in doing this video where I'm going through a lot of fantasy romance I asked for your suggestions whether they be things you've read before or not maybe you just are curious what I am going to think of something but I picked up when the moon hatched which is blowing up currently it's new it only just recently I think traditionally came out this year I think it was previously self-published and I I have it right here so um pretty much all these tabs which you can see I only started putting tabs in uh about here and then and then everything is basically not positive I really and that book's almost 700 pages I think it made me miss fourth wi which it's I'm not trying to hate on Fourth wi but fourth wi was not for me I gave it a try I tried it Sequel and I'm like no I just don't think this is going to be my cup of tea but uh yeah I was like I would read fourth wi again if I had to right if I had to choose I'd obviously rather read other things but oh my gosh um it was I think the best way to put it is that it's basically like what if Selena from Throne of Glass had reand as her love interest but in a slightly more modern fantasy world which I haven't read Crescent City but I know some about Crescent City so that's basically what that book was had a lot of the tropes that I'm personally trying to avoid at this point and that I don't care about but hey lots of people seem to really like it because it's only come out this year and I think it already has almost 45,000 ratings and a very high average rating and again comparing something like that which I get that they're completely different despite the fact that they both fall under the umbrella of fantasy comparing something like that to the fireborn blade where I'm like oh this this is what I mean by why I want to do this unpopular opinions book tag cuz people seem to be loving when the moon hatched and then the fireborne blade it's like oh it's been there done that and I'm like so is this what why I'm just it's fine it's fine uh it just didn't work for me next question a love triangle where the main character ended up with a person that you didn't want them to end up with or a one true pairing that you don't like okay so many of you know that over on my side Channel full analysis I watched through for the very first time avatar the Last air bender and I thought it was fantastic I really loved it I I completely understand all the hype and Nostalgia that people have for that and I recently did a video where I went through all of your unpopular Avatar opinions which oh my gosh that video turned out to be so long but I wanted to get through as many as possible and I really enjoyed seeing your thoughts but I am not of the mindset that I and I'm not going to say the character names cuz if you like me have never watched the show and you want to I don't want to spoil anything but I'm not saying I don't like who ends up with who and that I would have rather had two other characters end up together it's just that I would have preferred nobody in the ships that are commonly discussed I don't really I wish neither had been a thing established by the end I wish it was kind of just like maybe up in the air or everybody's friend and maybe some people have crushes but that's that so it's less that I hate the resulting couple it's more that I wish nobody was a couple I guess um but and and that's in large part because they're so young that I I don't know I just and it it I didn't love how it was executed either I'm trying to be vague if you would like to hear more thoughts though a lot of people have a lot of thoughts about this so I'll have that Avatar video linked um but yeah I would just say it's not that I would preferred someone else in this potential triangle which I don't even feel like it doesn't matter anyway I'm going to move on you understand next question a popular genre that you hardly reach for I guess mystery and thrillers I am considering when I do this video series I've been talking about called you know a fantasy fan reads and I read through various sub genres and other genres while I want to probably focus on sub genres initially of fantasy when I do Branch out into other genres I'm considering starting with mystery and Thriller because it does seem like a really fun genre and it seems like one that sometimes fantasy has elements of and that could be really fun to do that kind of Jos and comparison but in general it's just for the most part very different from what what I usually read I don't know that too many fantasy books have the Thriller component I think they do tend to have mystery components to them but the Thriller element I feel like less than perhaps unless getting into fantasy horror but even then horror and Thriller are not exactly the same thing so that could just be a really fun palette cleanser and also just exploring a different genre but that is my answer I don't tend to read those genres very much question five a popular or beloved character that you don't like okay I'm not going to pick a book character because I don't know that there's too many that I don't like that lots of people really love I've said someone from Stormlight in the past but I'm I'm not going to say that character again um I'm going to actually mention somebody from a a film and that would be Pono I don't like Pono I some people are like oh Pono she's so cute when she's like ham I want ham or whatever she says about ham and I'm like why do we like her you know I don't I don't know I think calcifer is kind of cute and funny and I like I like um Gigi from Kiki livery service that I get I get the little shape I forgetting what they're called the like little weird things from Princess monoke I get those but I I don't get the Pono love now if somebody said they didn't like Ashi taka I would be like excuse me like that would be a really I would be like hey come on now Ashi taga is the best uh but yeah Pono I I'm confused by the love for Pono I I don't I don't I don't really get it and I don't really like Pono there's nothing there anyway moving on uh six an author that you can't seem to get into so I wrote Adrian Young Who is the author of The unmaking of June pharoh and a lot of other works as well I have read three books by this author and I have not disliked anything that I have read I like the the premise of a lot of the works I actually like the writing style but something about the way that the stories are told never ends up really sitting with me I don't dwell on them I don't think about them all the time I don't think about the characters it's sort of like I read the books and then as soon as I'm done they're out I don't know what it is and I want to like these works because I I do like the writing and I do find that the synopsis always seem to sound pretty interesting but it's three times now and it might just be the style and the authorial voice that is not clicking but I don't actually think that there's anything wrong with it question seven a popular book Trope your tired of seeing H okay I'm going to say because this is applicable in so many different genres but it's the usually it's the it's the hetero couple uh where one of them is a doormat and they have no substance they are not interesting whatsoever there's nothing to them besides they're the love interest and they exist to serve the main character and this happens both directions right I think in a lot of older fantasy you'd have this hero's journey and you'd have this character that throughout the course of the story you're getting to know more about and then some lady appears and that's their love interest and she just kind of exists to be a love interest to the main character and there's nothing really there and then in I would say more modern fantasy we almost have a reversal of that where you have in the previous example I just gave that tends to be more focused on like the male characters who is this hero during a hero's journey I'm being of course uh I'm giving examples but this is not I'm generalizing this is not how it always is but then in modern works it seems like what I was saying before we're getting a reversal where now you have a female protagonist who is complex is dealing with a lot of trauma there's a lot to um to unveil and discover about them and then they usually it's a male love interest will just be there to love them through any anything they have no personality of their own they have no motivations they don't get to be flawed they only get to exist to support the female character and both instances reduce a character to nothing they end up being so empty and it's so aggravating and it still happens and I just want characters who feel like real people I just want the characters all around to have substance I understand sometimes time does not permit us to get to know everything there is to know about the love interest but if the main character gets to be flawed and they end up exhibiting certain behaviors sometimes that are a result of anger frustration trauma they have not really worked through and dissected and understood like why am I reacting the way I'm reacting in this moment and maybe they're actually hurting another person their feelings not physically cuz that would be a different story but if they're doing something to push a person away or to be manipulative toward another person and it's rooted in something they haven't been introspective toward I feel like that other character needs to not just be like anything you need I will be here through the ages always you and I'm just like no they have every right to be like why are you acting like this why are you being like this I don't deserve this they get they get to be their own person too I don't like when it's one-sided and it seems very one-sided it seems like it's been a thing for a long time we're just kind of reversing the roles but I just want characters to not do anyway that's my answer that's what I'm tired of question eight is a popular book or series you have no interest in Reading Crescent City I uh I don't have any interest in that it seems like it is not a lot of people's most loved Sarah J massw work in general I've read a decent amount of Throne of Glass I read some of acatar and it seems like a lot of people like those two series more than Crescent City and I'm like yeah I'm good nine it says the saying goes that the book is always better than the movie but what movie or TV show adaptation is better than the book in the past I would have said the wild Hunt Witcher video game I personally think is the strongest version of The Witcher series however uh I have since the last time I did this I have read house moving castle and while charming and cute and fun I do like the movie more I love the movie it's so it's so cute and it's so charming and it's so eccentric and weird and borderline nonsensical at times but it's just precious I adore it so I'm going to say how's Moving Castle for my answer to this one but that's it for the unpopular opinions book tag I would love to know what would your answers to these questions be and if you have anything to add to anything I mentioned during this video If you feel free to do so in the comments down below thanks so much for watching though I hope you have a great rest of your day and I'll see you later bye [Music]
Channel: Elliot Brooks
Views: 12,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elliot brooks, elliot, brooks, booktube, booktuber, fantasy, fantasy books, adult fantasy
Id: dp6WAzLj3KQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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