Unplug with Sadhguru: The secret of Ramanujan’s genius

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[Music] these were created of a specific purpose if you want intelligence you go to one kind of dating if you have fear problems you go to another kind of deity certain Sciences are still alive an active which could produce Ramanujan Ramanujan spoke about black poems nearly 100 years ago or more than hundred years ago when there was no concept of black hawks he made mathematics for black holes when there was no concept of black holes people asked where is this coming from what is this he said my baby needs mathematics so guru the next question which we have I'll just read it out for you it is believed that Srinivasa Ramanujan could write mathematical equation as this he had access to the whole universe he also says that God has dictate dictates him those mathematical ideas how can I reach to that state that is the question first you must find a goddess all of you do you use a phone why why do you use the phone why did you first of all make a telephone because we can speak if we had no ability to speak would we manufacture a microphone a telephone any of these things hello why did we come up with a bicycle because we can walk but we wanted to walk faster so we ran we ran and we knew there's a limit we wanted to go faster than that so we came up with a bicycle suppose we were made like a tree rooted to one place would we have invented a bicycle no so a telephone a telescope a microscope bicycle automobiles airplanes everything what what faculties we already have we want to enhance that we have not come up with any machine for which we had no faculty and suddenly we came up with something because we don't even know what those things are yes the faculties that we do not have we have no way to perceive that whether it exists or it doesn't exist only faculties that we have we are trying to take it for so in this effort we came up with many machines all machines here are only enhancing our existing faculties they have not come up with any absolutely new faculty in the same contexts right from ancient times in this culture we came up with machines not made of material not made of mechanical process but an energetic process what are the machine with an energetic process mean see suppose somebody is dead you've seen any dead people hello where did you see I never saw you so dead people are dead bodies ah dead body means what let us say no accident happened no murder happened no nothing happened or let's say somebody is suffocated and died if somebody suffocated and died heart is in the right heart is doing well maybe not beating but it's fit liver kidney damn everything is all ok only thing is the person is not alive all the mechanical parts are ok only thing is that life energy is missing so this is also an energy machine on one level isn't it so yes or no this is also an energy machine on top of it we put mechanical parts to it even if all the mechanical parts are intact if there is no energy this will not fall so from looking deep inside we understood we could create an energetic machine without mechanical parts because if mechanical parts come they need a certain level of maintenance and servicing and works but if you just create an energy machine it will simply function day and night suppose your motorcycle or your car or whatever you use let's say your phone was just an energy machine without mechanical part see it's happening from such a big phone it's slowly becoming smaller smaller with less and less mechanical parts it's becoming more and more efficient why do you think slowly it is moving towards the space where it is becoming more energetic than mechanical isn't it so do you remember what James Bond movies such a big phone I was looking like I just born baby but today he's become this much as they're expecting in another probably 10-15 years your phone can be just imprinted on your hand simply like this you can speak or you don't even have to do this if you simply do that it will say what you want it to say so from being mechanical now we are going towards energy based machine from a huge or to mover to a computer this is the big difference that it's more energetic and less mechanical so we created energy machines which in this culture we call as deities of the English word is dating generally we call them as mortis that means a form a form which has a certain ability to do certain things energetic forms so some different forms are like windows to the existence you could open up different dimensions all this is forgotten made into absolute nonsense today in the form of superstitions but otherwise it was clearly prescribed because today people get identified with this or that they think they their gods are about belonging to them now these deities God is the wrong word for this these are deities or mortise these were created of a specific purpose if you want intelligence you go to one kind of dating if you have fear problems you go to another kind of deity you have love issues you go to another kind of deity you have prosperity issues you go to another kind of deity like this they made energetic forms which you must learn to use these are not places of Prayer these are not places of worship these are places where you learn how to use the machine for your benefit they were built in various forms and various capacities they were also connected to people's genetic information which we called as Kula divers we're only for that genetic pool it will work this is a very complex process so Ramanujan comes from the south why I'm specially mentioning the South East if these things were there everywhere in the country but the northern belt of this nation has taken too many innovations too much disruption South we you know south of India's we've been very well protected even today we maintain many things we never had major disruptions as the North had because of this certain Sciences are still alive and active which could produce era money Ramanujan Ramanujan spoke about black holes nearly a hundred years ago or more than hundred years ago when there was no concept of black holes he made mathematics for black holes when there was no concept of black holes science always progresses like this first the concept then the theory and then the mathematics but he made the mathematics first before there was a concept before there was a theory and when when they asked him he was sitting on his deathbed and simply pouring out mathematics not books and notebooks of mathematics simply pouring out people asked where is this coming from what is this he said my daily bleeds mathematics [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Economic Times
Views: 45,020
Rating: 4.7377543 out of 5
Keywords: business news, economy news, economic times, ET Markets, Sadhguru unplugged, unplug with sadhguru, Ramanujam’s genius, Srinivasa Ramanujan, ramanujan mathematician, Sadhguru, Youth and truth, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Sadhguru LSR College
Id: GIN73gg8nbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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