Unpacking my 40L backpack after 4 months | What I regret bringing & what I wish Iโ€™d brought ๐ŸŽ’๐ŸŒŽ

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hello everyone welcome back to my channel for those of you who don't know me my name is chelsea and i have just got back from central america so i am going to be unpacking my bag um just to sort of let you know like what i actually used what i didn't use uh what i like about the bags that i took what i didn't like about the bags that i took um and just things like that so i was actually in central america for just under four months i left at the end of july i went to mexico uh utila in honduras and then also guatemala as well so it was a bit of a slow traveler i'd plan to do every country in central america but i decided to take my time instead okay so in total i had three bags i had this is my big bag this is a 40 litre one this is from eagle creek it's the global companion 40 litre backpack so i absolutely love this backpack i love how it opens up like a suitcase so you can see everything that you have in it i love that it has all these extra little compartments however i was a little bit disappointed with the quality of it compared like considering how much i paid for it it was 126 pounds and that was discounted from its full price as well the quality being of these side pouches it ripped i used these mainly the whole time just for my water bottle and they were amazing for that but um oh sorry i need to remember that i have a microphone on um yeah so i was a little bit disappointed in the quality of these side pouches i mainly used it for this water bottle and it was amazing for that but towards the end of the trip i went on a hike up a volcano in guatemala brought some baby wipes there were no small packs so i had a big pack they kept leaking um because they were like squashed in my bag so they kept leaking on things so i put them in the outside pocket and then when i was packing up my bag to leave guatemala i don't know what happened but maybe when i was closing the bag the baby wipes ripped the pocket um so you can see it here like there's like a big hole in it um i mean i'm just gonna sew it and like continue using it like i'm not going to get rid of this bag because there's a hole in the mesh pocket and freaking love this bag but i was a little bit just disappointed in that and then also on this mesh pocket it has started to get a little bit of a hole like i've only used this for four months in the grand scheme of things it's not that long um but it is also already getting a slight hole in this pocket as well um and then just some of the stitching is actually like coming under where is it i can't even find it now um i think it was my fault because i was over packing my bag at some points but the okay it's just miraculously fixed itself what i'm so confused anyway i noticed at some point that there was like a bit of the stitching that looked like it was coming undone i can't find it anymore anyway it seems to be a great quality now uh but yeah anyway i just i noticed that and i was like really like i paid 100 and nearly 30 pounds for this bag i wouldn't expect it to be ripping in like the first like that was while i was in mexico that i noticed that so like in the first month of use so i'm not gonna unpack that bag first i'm gonna do my little bum bag first uh so this is the bum bag that i have and i love this it's so dirty now because i rarely took it off so even when i was eating uh and if i dropped a bit of food it went straight onto this um yes i freaking love this bun bag so much i got it from backpacking bananas i actually got a lot of ideas from her packing video um things to bring so you might if you have seen her video notice that there's a lot of similarities because i just loved all the stuff and i was like she's she's got it down so i got some bits as well but anyway yes she has fun bags that she sells um i'll leave the link in the description for them it's really good quality it's got lots of little pockets as well so i absolutely love it um but in the main section i have a lot of receipts that i need to get rid of my goodness i got so many receipts okay i've got two purses a pen and a dime so this was my purse that i took traveling uh it's very old looking now it became very uh rugged looking while i was away so i bought a new purse from guatemala and i love this i think it's so cute and pretty um i don't know if it's hand woven or whatever but like a lot of the stools had these very similar purses i really liked the colors of this one so i got this in the little front pocket i have a lot of stuff in here um i have headphones with the adapter for the iphone i only had one adapter for the iphone and i kept losing it luckily i kept finding it um but i actually have another one at home i kind of wish that i brought with me just for when i lose one i have a spare so i'm going to do that on my next trip another pair of headphones these ones have a microphone on them so they're really good for when i'm video calling and teaching a lip balm that i got from utila a tampon just in case i have my menstrual cup bag but not the actual cup tissue because um often you don't get toilet paper in the toilets sometimes so often sometimes makes sense uh so i kept a spare bit of tissue in my bag which i can now get rid of oh this is sad uh this is my fork slash spoon it's not a spork it's a spoon on one end and a fork on the other end if you watch my packing video you'll see it but they took it away from me at security in guatemala guatemala were not impressed with my fork but yes so now i have the bag just to just remember i have some tic tacs i have a very dirty straw uh i forgot the straw cleaner to this so um it's not actually that bad and then i just have some more receipts rubbish and a pasta just in case because you never know there is also this little tiny pocket here which is perfect for keeping hair grips in and hair bands and then it also has this little back pocket here uh which is perfect for your passport um boarding passes which can now go in the bin and masks and that's everything from the band bag so now i'm going to move on to my like personal item bag so on the outside i have this little neck cushion which was just amazing i never used to like neck cushions because when you're sitting on a plane like often i find plane seats so uncomfortable like i'm like being pushed forward like my head is like this i'm like uh oh this is not comfy um so adding a neck cushion just made that even worse really i was like hate this um but actually i sleep often like this so this is perfect um to just stop my neck from hurting and i can like wear it in different positions or just actually put it up on the wall of the plane and lean on it like this and it just comes in a little bag i leave that on the outside i have my water bottle which i almost didn't take this i don't even know if this was in my packing video i just decided to take this last minute and thank goodness because i used it all the time so then on the outside i have a half-eaten bag of nuts while i say half-eaten i ate a few but i hate nuts i don't know why i had those really it was for the volcano hike i was like yeah yeah i'm gonna get my protein but i hate nuts so i didn't eat them i have this collapsible coffee cup this is absolutely amazing i love this so you just pull it out like this pop this a little bit around here to protect you from the heat and then it has the lid it also has this bit which is great so if you're like walking around then you can just pop that in the hole and your coffee won't spill i will link this cup in the description i also have some microwavable popcorn i brought this in utila for our movie night and then i've also got some hand sanitizer which i brought in utila barely used it and it leaked all over my stuff so that was fun smells good though so this is actually a foldable backpack so it's very thin it's not the most comfortable straps because it's foldable it's supposed to be really lightweight so it's not the most comfortable bag but i would recommend it it has had very heavy things in it so this bag has been eight kilograms and normally i would have it about that full unless i was just using it for like a day trip bag um but like normally i would use this bag when i'm moving around between places um so it would be about like seven or eight kilograms and it held together really well like there's no signs of wear on it at all i recommend this bag so in the front i just have toothpaste and toothbrush airports don't seem to care about liquids anymore like i didn't have to get my liquids out once on my journey home and i went through four airports and none of them made my made me get my liquids out of my bag i also kept the toothpaste in front of the bag so it wasn't even in the bag with my liquids my liquids weren't in one of those small square bags it was in a bigger one because i was going to change it when i got to the airport but they didn't mean me so it was fine and my toothbrush little bamboo toothbrush that i got from rethink in utila highly recommend that cafe if you find yourself in utila i'd got my sunglasses this case is amazing these glasses are not from cheyenne but the case is from shen it came with some random glasses that i brought off shen but it's great because it's like kind of a hard case so your glasses don't get crushed and it also has a glasses cleaner which i don't use but it's there some dirty socks they need to go in the wash i have a mask lovely okay with a wash a pen uh some glasses that are all scratched up from mexico but oh and broken apparently didn't even realize that so they're going in the bin then a coin and a sim card okay so then i always lock up this bag because this is where i put all my valuables in when i'm traveling so the last thing i want is for someone to just stick their hand in these are the padlocks that i have and they are absolutely amazing they're like a wire one so it fits on like pretty much any locker i have my uh what is this called extension lead i'm so happy that i had this because i often have multiple things i want to charge and i just need one adapter for it um the only issue with this is i wish i had taken one with a longer lead because often uh the plug wasn't so close to where i was sitting and i needed a little bit more lead than what i have here so i'm going to put my phone on styling because that keeps going off i swear i'm not normally this popular i had an eye mask this it's fabulous let me just tell you it's amazing um i will link this below it blocks out like all of the light it's so soft to wear and it's comfy to wear and it just blocks out everything it's so soft and as soon as i put it on i'm just like passed out and it also came with some earplugs and from somewhere i've got another pair of earplugs i'm pretty sure it only came with one pair i don't use earplugs i wear my headphones and listen to music but i sleep on planes and buses but if you are an earplug person then it comes with earplugs i have my gorillapod so this is the bag of liquids i have like i knew that there were way too many liquids in here for the plane but like i took it anyway and had absolutely no issues so i had this self tan mist i only actually used this while i was in mexico because i wasn't planning on tanning my face while i was abroad because i want nice skin when i'm older well that didn't happen when i got to utila but in mexico this was amazing because my body was more tan than my face so i could just spray this on and my face would match the rest of me in utila however i decided that it was great i did stop wearing sun cream stop moisturizing and go out in the sun every day so yeah my face tanned um and it looked great i love having its hat on my face however i know that it's very bad for my skin um and yeah i really should have been wearing sun cream but i will tell you before you have a go with me in the comments sun cream is not appropriate for scuba diving i was scuba diving for two months in utila and you just can't wear sun cream on your face because it will run into your eyes as soon as you get in the ocean and like you'll have your mask on and you'll just be like i can't see because the sun cream is in my eyes um but also like it gets on your mask and it makes your mask really dirty so i know that between the dives on our surface interval i probably should have stayed in the shade rather than sunbathing up on the roof with no sun cream on but so this little pot is um a decliior face mask it's amazing it starts off as like a cream then you rub it in more and it becomes an oil and i love it it has an amazing smell i've had it for years so it's probably gone off by now but whatever i use gone off face products all the time probably shouldn't that's probably why i have bad skin but it is what it is um this was expensive i'm not gonna throw it away i do love this for flying because it keeps your face really moisturized i have in here four tubes of crest toothpaste um you can't get this toothpaste in the uk so unless you order it off amazon where it's like 20 or 30 pounds for like three or four tubes this size and my friend got it for eight canadian dollars from home because she went home while i was in utila and then she came back two weeks later uh so she brought me some crest toothpaste yay um so i now have a good uh good stock of the crest toothpaste um i have some sun cream i also as i say stopped moisturizing so these are actually the two little moisturizer pots that i started with this is my liquid deodorant in a in a pot that is not the liquid deodorant pot i took this just in case i ran out of my wild deodorant or in case it melted and just i had something but actually i think i used this once so yes i mean i do like this deodorant i just prefer my other one so i used that while i had it but yes this is just a liquid deodorant i have a small tube of savalan we brought an eyeliner actually i didn't even pay for this i'm sorry megan i stole the eyeliner i'm sorry um it's not great quality anyway so i probably won't even use it again so i'm sorry megan you could have kept this um but yes eyeliner we brought that for halloween so that we could do makeup nicely um because i didn't take much makeup at all and then also some nail varnishes which i did not use at all i did not even consider using the color one and i did try and use this one once uh while i was in mexico but the sun cream and the bug spray made it like sticky and then like peel off so i never used it again so no point in bringing those on future trips i've got my hair brush in here love this tangle t-6 it has this little case to stop again squashed uh my canon g7x um my snorkel i brought a snorkel while i was in nutilla i miss diving this bag i brought with me on the plane just so i could use all the stuff in it if i needed it or not all the stuff in it mainly just my deodorant which is this i am in love with this deodorant this is the wild deodorant this flavor is just the coconut one smells just like coconut it's amazing i don't even like coconut but i love the smell of coconut and i had also the fresh cotton and sea salt i think it was smell which was just so ah beautiful um and then i've also ordered or ordered i also have like the orange zest one which is upstairs i didn't take that with me i only took two refills for the whole four months and i still have some left let's see how much of this one i have left so you have to wind it all the way down to open it um i have like a decent amount like a good third of that left so that would have lasted me probably another month uh maybe just a month so literally like i use just the recommended amount which is two swipes on each armpit and it says on the website that one refill is meant to last four weeks but obviously it lasts a lot longer if you actually use the recommended amount obviously i've had these for four months and still have a third left of my second one freaking love this deodorant it's amazing it lasts me a long time because i use the recommended amount i highly recommend so then i have these little soap sheets uh these really did actually come in handy um for washing my period underwear because i would obviously have to wash that in the sink between days so i had two pairs with me so i would wear one wash it where the other wash it you know how it works and these came in really handy you would just need like one sheet per pair um i think if i was washing anything bigger i would need more than one sheet but for the underwear just need one sheet it's absolutely fine um so yeah they really came in handy glad i had those floss eraser which doesn't have the cover on it that's not good um my soap saver just so that my soaps could dry out this is my face wash love that one it's like a tea tree one that's good for your skin uh if you have acne uh this is my conditioner bar i will never be bringing this with me anywhere again i hate it i'm gonna throw it away this is the shampoo bar case i am one of those people in hostels that if you leave your shampoo in the shower i will use it um so i still have the same shampoo bar that i left with and it was already half used so the fact that i still have this tiny little amount is pretty impressive for four months of use for months of use i use other people's shampoos if the hostel provides soap or shampoo i will use it i had these face halos i barely used these because i didn't wear makeup much so i think next time i only really need to bring one uh they're very dirty so they are going in the wash i had this little pot of soda creme didn't use it i have these reusable cotton buds love those some nail files another mayan monkey bracelet because i stayed there so many times um eye drops which only ever really needed on the plane oh they should have been in my liquids bag my bad didn't matter anyway i have some nail clippers and tweezers these were actually the wrong tweezers that i picked up i only ever kept these for putting on fake eyelashes but i have not worn fake eyelashes in so long i forgot that these are not good tweezers so i could not tweeze my eyebrows properly for like the whole four months my sewing kit which is a right old mess now uh what else is in here one seasickness tablet that i have left because fun story i was sick on my first day on the boat uh it was kind of my fault because i was hungover because stupidly i decided to drink a bottle of wine and a couple of beers the night before my first open water dive and unfortunately that next day it was very rocky i obviously wasn't used to being on boats it just was not a fun experience and i threw up so i got seasickness tablets didn't need them in the end because i obviously got used to the movement of the boat and actually i never felt seasick again even when i didn't use them and it was rocky i think a i got used to it but also b i wasn't hungover all the time so yeah that was my own stupid fault and then i also have in here this little uh like electronics bag this is so handy so yes i just have for some reason my gopro charging thing is in here uh but also this little uh adapter which i plugged into my adapter sometimes i had like usb slots my little adapter for charging my apple pencil um some adapters that go from like usb or memory card to lightning and then some memory cards which actually two of them stopped working my one terabyte one and my two terabyte one which was acting which were acting as my hard drives both of them stopped working so that sucked don't buy those if you see a one terabyte or two terabyte memory stick on amazon it's gonna be crap don't buy it i made that mistake um so then i had these shoes which i regretted bringing with me i love these shoes but i didn't really have much that they went with and i hardly wore them my plan was to throw them away when they became completely ruined but i didn't wear them enough to make them completely ruined so yeah unfortunately i regret bringing those i have my dive mask which i just love it so much i miss diving but like i can see so much in this mask i love it so much you could like you just have the best vision and it just fits my face perfectly well when i'm breathing in not breathing out through my nose it does stay on my face um it hardly leaks as well it only ever leaks when i let it leak if that makes sense um yeah it's just freaking love it um if you're interested in how much these cost the mask and the snorkel together were 78 u.s i have my ipad in here and then in the front of my ipad case i just keep another pair of headphones i have oh a charging cable interesting didn't realize that some mexican pesos another memory stick which has all my like teaching materials on it and then my apple pencil this was the best purchase i've ever made of 2021 um and then i have in this folder like all of my important documents so like my vaccine certificate that you need for traveling i've got my like negative covered test that i took in guatemala um my yellow fever exemption card which obviously wasn't needed because i did not make it to panama i picked a copy of my passport and then a record of the travel vaccines that i had i know that i didn't really need to bring that but i wanted to just in case it was necessary like if something happened i had to go to the doctors i wanted to be able to show them what i've had also got my gopros so i have the hero9 oh my goodness i love it it's amazing like the quality is insane and yes i love it so in here i have like two spare batteries so i have three batteries in total i have sim cards in here um and then just like a couple of like the little adapters not adapters uh like things for the gopro i don't know the charging cable for the gopro the actual gopro and the silicon case for it i love the silicon case i do also have i don't know where it is right now um but a lens cover for the gopro i've got glass screen protectors on it at the moment which are absolutely fine it still fits in the dive casing perfectly dive casing is this um so it still fits in that perfectly with the glass screen protectors but sometimes it's nice just have that lens cover on as well but you can't use the lens cover while it has the silicon screen thing on it i actually got the lens cover along with the glass screen protectors from amazon and so i will link those below because they have been amazing and then the shorty stick and then i also have in here my memory cards and so all of my spare memory cards and sim cards in here i have sim cards all over these bags like they're just all over the place um i don't throw them away just in case for some reason i go back to that country or whatever um i will probably throw them away now that i'm home um and then i have this little ipad holder stand thing uh you can use it for your phone as well it just goes on like that um and then you can also do it like so while it's charging uh or you have headphones in coming out the bottom you can have it stood up right so then finally moving on to my big backpack i have this grail bottle this did come in handy quite a few times and any hostels that didn't have clean drinking water i could just fill it up from the tap and know that i'm not going to get ill but yes i highly recommend this bottle i did not get ill when i drunk from the taps so yes it doesn't change the flavor of the water though i will say this hot water tasted disgusting however it was clean so water's water at the end of the day if you need it it's better than nothing okay so this bag um i do padlock this bag but i don't leave anything valuable in it so actually there's a zip at the top that you can just undo and get straight into the top from uh which is so handy i absolutely love that it has this but it kind of defeats purpose of having the padlock on the top because you should have two padlocks there is a loop for a padlock i just don't bother so let's actually let's start with the outside of this bag so these little pockets were fabulous i had all my medications in here which came very handy so this pocket at the bottom i just kept my raincoat in so i'm just gonna go through the clothes really quickly this playsuit i don't know why i didn't throw it away already but it ripped it's absolutely the worst quality pleasure ever like that's going in the bin i have this sporty top which looks pink now why does that look oh no it got dyed in the wash i love this top so i'm kind of guided about that just throwing all my clothes on the floor these tops i had four of these love love love them they're from chen highly recommend i will link them below if you want them assuming that they're still on the website this was my underwear bag so yeah just masks i stopped wearing masks towards the end because in utila we didn't need them and then i started wearing them in guatemala again obvious just underwear bikinis these shorts i love if they're still on shane i will link them in the description uh hats now i rarely wore these hats i wore this one like two times i think i love this hat but it just doesn't go with many of the things that i had packed and this one i only wore in mexico it came really in handy when i was wearing it in mexico so i don't regret bringing it but i did stop wearing it yes needs a bit of a wash now um bra some dirty leggings this top love this top i'm just gonna wash everything uh this play suit i regret bringing because actually i don't like it anymore i don't feel good when i wear it this top i am so proud to wear however it has ruined my white top which i am now mad about because it's red and i know it was this because nothing else dyed it um but i'm so proud to wear this because i am now a dive master that'll probably become pajamas but whatever these shorts i have no idea how these are still white but they are still white i wore them for my snorkel test which is the graduation thing that you do at the end of your dive master which if you go back and watch my video from utila you will be able to see some clips from that and understand a bit more what it is i will link that up in the corner now but yes i wore these for my snorkel test and i had like fruit punch mixed with the vodka that they were making me drink it was disgusting that fruit punch drink is disgusting but um i don't know how these are still white like i wore them on nights out these are my night out shorts i brought them because i don't like them but actually they're still white i don't know how this top uh also got this top did get stained from the fruit punch drink unfortunately but with a with a good wash and stain remover that should be fine these shorts love these shorts they're just they're just fabulous my pajamas this is a holder for my water bottle i only used this a couple of times but when i did use it i was thankful that i had it so i don't regret bringing this some dirty socks lovely so i've got my period underwear here very thankful that i had this it comes in handy so much because uh if you're like cups aren't completely foolproof for me at least i'm pretty bad at putting them in all the time sometimes they're amazing and i rarely have leakages but obviously sometimes i do um so these are great for the first couple of days of your period and yes i kind of wish i did have three pairs though um i thought the two pairs would be enough but just in some places like where there's a lot of humidity things don't dry overnight um so yeah three pairs would have been better but two pairs were enough this is something that i made so this was a white t-shirt and then in utila um there's a place called the brewery which actually has changed its name now it's called the pub and they have tie-dye nights on wednesdays and they also have burger nights if you're in utila go for the burger knights at the brewery or the pub because they're amazing the veggie burgers ask for extra pickles as well they give you extra pickles but anyway uh yes i made this top and then i wore it as my pajamas and i love it it's a really soft good quality top i have this towel these are the lightweight towels this one is disgustingly stained now um yeah the boat paradise divers stained it and then the final clothes bag i have this top i absolutely love wearing this top with my flowery shorts which i don't know where they are at the moment uh but for a night out like casual night outlook these are great absolutely love love love this dress um i always wore it with this bralette which i almost didn't bring um i didn't bring my orange bralette which i regretted because i probably would have gone better with this but whatever i always wore it with this bralette because it is just a little bit big for me to not wear anything underneath because if i lean forward at all you can see down it so yes i do need to wear a bralette of some sort with it all the time i absolutely love that dress um this one someone actually gave to me while i was away i only set a picture of me wearing it but i love it it is beautiful um it's just a stunning dress and she didn't have space in her suitcase she actually got given it by someone in costa rica and then she gave it to me and i have kept it because i freaking love it it's difficult to know when to wear it because it's a long dress so it's kind of that little bit more fancy but i don't care like if i want to wear a nice dress i'm going to wear a nice dress bikini bottoms bikinis some more of those little crop tops this i love this i wore this a lot in mexico but actually it shows every little bit of sweat that you have so if you don't care about that this is great but if you do care about sweat patches don't buy this but i love it anyway and it's great for like covering up bikini this top as well then i also have my post office card which was just like a backup just in case i absolutely needed it which i did not thank goodness that is that packing cube empty as well okay so then on the other side these are the black flowery shorts that i was talking about love these for every occasion i wear these on nights now i wear these during the day i wear these to cover up at the beach they're just fabulous and i need another pair but i do not have another pair um this string did actually break on them so i just tied it on hopefully they will survive for as long as i need them because i love these shorts wear them all the time uh in this bag i just have my haviana flip-flops this pink towel is the one that i use as a bath towel i have some more pajamas this white top also got stained uh a pinky color from my paradise divers t-shirt i have a bag to put wet things in or liquids this bag i used for like taking laundry to the laundry place food shopping everything beach bag should probably have had more than one for those different kind of things but i didn't another crop top uh b12 i had this cup me and my friends all brought like the same cup but different patterns so like there was a frog one a bear one and a cat one and then i have the panda it's just the cutest little cup that we would use for ladies night um which is like for an hour in utility if you go to a place like a bar called vinyl uh they have ladies night between six and seven and you have to bring your own cup so we got these but then also they came in handy for just like other places if we ever went somewhere where we needed a cup they came in handy love that cup um a sponge because i needed to clean my own things and i did not want to use the sponges that are in hostels because they are disgusting another adapter just in case the other one broke my floaty hand grip my canon g7x charger another sim card my apple pencil case i probably won't bring this next time i go away because i found somewhere to put the adapter and the pencil so i don't actually need the box it was just in there this bum bag i didn't use i gave it to someone else who used it because she didn't have a bun bag and she wanted one but i myself did not use it uh so it was a bit of a waste bringing it i planned to put it like underneath clothes so that i could hide my money but i never really felt like i needed to be honest but i will always take this away with me just in case um because you never know when you're gonna need to use that i have another one of these clip things this little glitter palette i did bring home because i was like that's gonna come in handy for like halloween makeup and whatever um yeah i used it on halloween because i was think about my friend was wendy so she used the silver and blue and i used the green ones i have this wamos air covered protection kit which i did not use because i had my own masks but it has got like masks and stuff in it i've got colour catchers which i should have given to the last place that did my laundry which normally i always gave them to the laundry people but i just forgot that one time but yes i brought colour catchers my diver's logbook this was what i used when i was doing paddy but then i moved over to ssi for my rescue and dive master i did paddy for open water in advance um so i was writing my dive log in here moved it all onto my phone so it's all digital now which i love glass screen protectors came in handy because i did actually need to change my phone one at one point i didn't need to change the gopro ones though so yep still have some of those another sim card i don't know what i've been doing with the sim cards i don't know why i have so many uh these came in handy for going out shoes but nutella i did not wear shoes so they were only handy while i was in mexico and then finally i had this bag which has a bronzer again i only use that in mexico stopped using it when i actually had a tan plasters mascara i lost my concealer i have a makeup brush in here did not use any of these classes or blister plasters i used this oversold when i had a cold which was handy did not use any of the hate fever tablets um powdered sunshine i think i used like once or twice i still have so much in this and i've had it for years like it's great but i just rarely use it um i forget to use it to be honest so yes that's that i also had this hoodie with me and this long sleeve top i had another pair of leggings which i wore on the plane my trainers that was so scary i just accidentally knocked something off the bed which hooked on the cable of the microphone which then pulled the camera to its death also i thought luckily the lens or screen or anything has not broken or cracked that was scary okay yeah on the whole i don't regret bringing near enough anything other than what i've mentioned i am very very happy with this backpack and the size of the backpack because it means i can't over pack and i will definitely be using this backpack again in the future um but yes i did also bring as i was saying this jumper and this jumper which did not really come in handy until the end of my time in utila when it started to get cold and rainy cold and then also in guatemala but until that point i was like do i regret bringing them but then i was like actually no i don't because i get so cold on airplanes that like i will not regret bringing them because even if i do did only use them for the aeroplanes like it was worth it that's it for this video i hope you enjoyed it um i hope it helped uh for if you're packing for a trip then you can see kind of what you do and don't necessarily need thank you for watching i hope you enjoyed it if you did enjoy it make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to see more videos i will see you next time bye everyone [Music] you
Channel: Chelsea Addams
Views: 18,055
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Keywords: Unpacking my backpack after 4 months, What I regret bringing, What I wish Iโ€™d brought travelling, Travel packing list, What to pack for Central America, What to pack for a backpacking trip, Unpacking my backpack, What do I need for Central America, What do I need to pack for Mexico, Backpacking in 2022, Backpacking Central America, What I took to Central America, How to pack for long term travel with only a carry on
Id: EF4h2i3cBDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 14sec (2234 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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