Uno Funny Moments - The Ultimate Lucky Hand!

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all right okay Oh call me Nickelodeon I'm ready all right here we go boys let's do this this plate is all right let's play some uno all these vegetables I like the jam have a lady oh no no no please you go oh my goodness there's the Karis doing again Oh [ __ ] sake five cars third is a blue one and it's what a top we have to switch it up here's a fox what does the Fox say subscribe to big jiggly pen death is the most boring commentary of all time it's they're silent with the foggy speak hazard my turn and like five years okay Oh Oh he turned out to read everybody he's drying cards but weights he has hurt do I owe you bet I don't here we go here this one's like a regular card oh my god even there's a regular conference thank you just click my ass I don't know what this does I don't care I don't know what it does what's mine do mine's an alien - jiggly oh thank you - cards oh [ __ ] just got real real fast holy [ __ ] we play my alien card you know I could probably could jump in fact to see all my [ __ ] cards it's making like little stacks you came and click on yeah they're grouped by color yeah Oh [Music] yeah oh all right [Music] so you've got a fabulous let's get Evan the wind boys yeah he went Evan we're starting with this do you have this dancer lady do you have dancer dude ha no I sent it back I sent it back we still can Simon no no no invite me when you're ready okay let's reserve is a cutie now you see that he thought we've been a cutie oh yes all right then we need tea work of the highest caliber oh look at my hand Easy's [ __ ] win of our lives boys now looking good what the [ __ ] you guys are gonna get right you know what to do you see that card there yeah make it the red one why do the rabbits keep saying stuff in my ear here you go are you ready my class is filthy all right yeah [ __ ] red red skip red skip bro in it you better not have one are you missing that boom talking [ __ ] the other one okay yeah still get to draw them how [ __ ] nice I had the greatest hand ever [ __ ] unbelievable yeah that was like crazy world's fastest mom skips and three wilds world's fastest game of uno boys oh yeah I don't like my head though who's amazing isn't that made my dad that works oh [ __ ] right this time we gotta actually work for the win here head handed to us to our set me up here for there you go oh right there you know I love it do it do it do it yeah yeah what is this [ __ ] oh nice you have there make sure you guys keep it red why would you do that red okay what does that do you're gonna see more cards oh wow there we go that's what it does well at least you have a nails clutch don't forget [ __ ] is on oh no I didn't forget this time scamp again he doesn't ever green no way no way he doesn't have a green no way drawing you be don't forget yes seven that's enough I don't I don't see that you can do you want to see what I could do do it let's see don't whoa wait wait you're seven yes this is a story is so near a drawer or pasta just pasta the [ __ ] out of mine now we'll see what happens no no no you past the right oh you shouldn't have pasta because Luke why we win oh wait oh yeah oh yeah smart man jiggly we were in a pickle mess you know teaming got there so modest you weren't they owe the court on a potato or a bucket no glue that's what I do every night fresh fatal we can make this the last game if you want yeah yeah I'm finished you guys more finished just draw let's draw even we bought know who's winning on this team yes because it gives them more cards [ __ ] it always ends up giving them more Karen Center let's see oh yeah totally random guys we can't let no gonna win do the thing there you go the thing let me win Bush it you will let me win I used to do something and by me I mean me and Evan were team if you want to use the old what happened copy all over him Bruce if you draw you draw more oh you got a driving it seems to be a severe lack of tools in your guys's hand yes into a different [ __ ] color thank you oh my god well that's incredibly unfortunate no it's great Oh whoops oh he got wild blue yonder he got wild blue yonder don't plus to him because it's the only one we haven't played yet why would you my cards [ __ ] me sloshed hey I top deck that [ __ ] do a twist they do a twisty of it yeah yeah give him the twisty lucky can you okay oh nine nine nine nine nine okay you're going to win Evan you're going to win yes yeah yes yeah yeah yeah win this final we go win yeah we don't we don't know what to do do it do it do it do it oh my god again [ __ ] do you think use that thing gonna use the thing I'm doing oh he's got a ready he's got a red Evan you've got to do something he's a job draw draw draw oh come on baby oh no I do cannot posture Oni oh no he's read oh you really don't want them to win we can't pause to put no pasta I really don't want them to win say we can exit the game right now huh he's obviously changing at the read cuz he why does he get it all [ __ ] I [ __ ] up I pressed uno and now I have to use this all embroidery we could exit the game together the game crashed before you can see oh my god look we're playing blah blah [Music]
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 8,716,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vanoss, Nogla, Panda, Ohmwrecker, silly, funny, lucky, +2, flip, Uno, card game, rage, fail, team, vs
Id: aroNWw8TYMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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