UNM Lobos vs. Texas Tech Sept 12, 2004

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the last time the new mexico lobos beat texas technic football well ronald reagan was president and many of the current lobos hadn't even been born yet that was 1984. now 20 years later new mexico believes it will end the red raider jinx will it happen we're about to find out texas tech against new mexico next from university stadium in albuquerque it's time for lobo football tonight it's the texas tech university red raiders against the university of new mexico lobos [Music] good evening and welcome everyone i'm mike powers glad you're with us as we kick off our 14th straight year of lobo football right here of course a lot of positive changes has happened since we started but there's been one negative constant texas tech always seems to beat the lobos let me bring in my broadcast partner van tate and van 10 losses in a row in this series for new mexico can they end the jinx tonight well maybe the levels are saving the best for last you know this is the end of what a five game contract so maybe they're saving the best for last they definitely have the talent to get the job done this time so let's see what happens all right well three native new mexicans on the offensive side of the ball need to play well tonight to make that happen cole mckamey dontrell moore as well as hank baskett all three grew up closer to lubbock than they did to albuquerque and it's a surprise that those guys didn't end up in that program but texas tech lost as far as getting that talent as new mexico's game like you said they're big contributors here at new mexico one year ago tonight father for shola the outstanding linebacker for new mexico hurt his knee at texas tech well he's back in action and off to a great start in his sixth year at new mexico and i expect him to continue to play well mike because one thing that happened to him you know he lost his health for a while as far as not being able to use that knee and his love for football and all that wrap that all into one and you have a guy who appreciates just being out there texas tech always has a great offense and a new quarterback is leading the way this year sonny cumbie had a very good game in the win over smu last week just plug him in mike leitch's system works just plug him in like all the other guys he's been waiting for his turn finally gets his turn gets plugged into the offense 470 yards great game against smu lobos have got to get to him to have some success well we have a terrific crowd here not quite a sellout that's why we will be tape delayed here tonight but to give us a sense of what's going on on the field we've added a third member to our team and that's alana land alana all right mike the lobos had a great pre-game full of energy i mean it was insane they were ready they're ready to beat texas tech one thing that is a factor though is the heat it is pretty hot down here logos brought in these big coolers though trainers are making sure everybody gets enough liquid gets stretched out and you know we'll just keep an eye on to see how the early heat that it plays a factor later on in the game mike all right alana of course college football a great american tradition and on this beautiful day in new mexico we certainly want to remember and honor those who perished three years ago on 9 11. we'll be back with the opening kickoff right after this mexico against texas tech the lobos 0-1 after their loss last week to washington state texas tech 1-0 after their victory at smu everett todd getting the special teams ready new mexico getting set to kick off to the red raiders and there's a look at head coach rocky long in his second or seventh season rather at the university of new mexico my correction the lobos will be receiving the opening kickoff here texas tech won the toss deferred to the second half fans still coming in at university stadium which is kind of a tradition here late arriving crowd many of them enjoying the tailgating on the parking lot i'm surprised some of them waiting this late to come in after last week a lot of them got in but deep into the second quarter because they came in late [Applause] getting ready to tee it up and kick it off for the texas tech red raiders getting his first action of the season his first start to be more precise is red shirt freshman five eleven hundred seventy five pounds number thirty alex lika who will kick it off again he wears number 30. the officials say we are ready to go and so are we and the lobos receiving it but this one is deep into the end zone and new mexico will bring it out to the 20 on a very hot day here at university stadium anthony carter caught the ball in the end zone but did not bring it out wisely about 10 yards deep and so we'll get a look at cole mcgamey sophomore redshirt from artesia new mexico who had the coaches say they were certainly pleased with his performance in game one although far from satisfied especially with those three interceptions the interceptions of course mike something uh rookie quarterback would normally do i mean it was his first start and uh you can imagine what kind of pressure he was under and considering all that he held his own pretty well mckamey where's number 12. lobos go with four wide receivers to start the game from the shotgun dontrell moore in motion empty backfield bounded away the right end got his arm up big number 92 seth nishman from corpus christi put the right arm up and batted the ball away mike that's what they teach you on that defensive line whenever you see the quarterback drop back and his if his arm is cocked back your hand goes up that's what happens so it'll be second down and 10 for new mexico at the 20. new mexico now with the eye formation [Applause] tight end to the right two wide receivers texas tech in its 4-3 base defense short drop left side hank baskett with the catch and he'll pick up enough well just shy of the first down before he's brought down by khalid readin who is the right cornerback for the red raiders and i think that's great to get hank baskett involved immediately because you know that he's a big factor as far as he's a big part of this offense as far as receivers go and lobos had some concern about maybe him getting double covered early and stuff like that so they go to him right away to straight nine catches 160 plus yards last week how about that for a coming out party third down and two for new mexico at the 28th short drop going to the left again and this one was off the mark so three straight attempts to pass the ball three straight to the left side dontrell moore did not get a hand on the ball on that drive and so new mexico will punt it away three and out to start the game well tech is obviously showing new mexico something that they don't like as far as the option is concerned i thought they'd come out right away and start with that option it was so successful against washington state but they're dropping back and throwing those quick passes because those safeties are coming up to fill pretty quick on that line good luck there tyler goss the new mexico punter the junior averaged 41 yards per punt last week the deep receiver nehemiah glover for the red raiders glover has some jets mike this guy can really run the punt not bad at about the 20. right through the hands ball is loose and new mexico recovers that's marcus smith doing a great job on specialty and that is key because texas tech had a game last week where they had no turnovers lobos of course experienced their their own turnovers last week as we watch the replay coming up i think glover probably thought about running before he really caught that ball all the way went right through his legs and rubble's able to pounce on that ball right away great field position give markets marcus smith a lot of credit he was down there early he was new mexico's scout team mvp last year that play had me all choked up here van let's see if we can get it together new mexico in business at the 16. now the dontre board's got a hole just tripped up and did you see dr moore did have a whole ryan cook blew his man off the ball big time in dontrell all he had to do was just keep going of course losing his footing there dontrell probably couldn't believe how big the hole was also you get kind of ahead of yourself there and slip a little bit second down and a long six at the 12. [Applause] anthony carter brought the play and he wears number 87. two tight end set [Applause] option mckamey with some room can you get a block and touchdown right there mike you just saw the speed of cole mckamey when he got around the corner he did get a block a little bit of a block but a lot of that give cole mckamey credit for coming off the end and coming with some explosiveness as far as getting all the way to the end zone paul mccain says don't call me a running quarterback but he looked pretty good right there to get his first rushing touchdown as a lobo west zunker on to attempt the extra point mckamey the holder and that one right down the middle and so new mexico makes the red raiders pay after the turnover and the lobos jump in front seven nothing here's the replay on the touchdown once again you'll see cole come out running the option play and then watch him look around the corner knowing that he doesn't have to pitch to dontrell because he has a little daylight and watch the speed as he just gets around got a good block there on the side to spring him blocks couple of good blocks fan one by adrian bird the fullback watch number 44. and a nice little nifty move by cole right there faking inside going back out and just keeping an angle to the end zone and so new mexico led by cole mcgamey on the board first 7-0 score 12 yards on the touchdown run that's the season best for cole mckamey you see he's having a artesa flash back there mckamey beat out taliana for the starting job and that was a pretty good race as far as for the starting quarterback job but i think in the end it was it was probably pretty much decided even in the spring because of uh what you just saw there mccamey's athleticism and his feet as far as his speed he's able to uh he's really effective running something like the option because you can't really fight down on him too hard or you got dontrell to worry about then you know just like what just happened right and there's a look at tiffany skaglia former lobo basketball player and and former uh krqe intern yeah which do you think she puts first on her resume of course krqe intern come on did you ask me that mike i did [Applause] texas tech has a very good return team from kickoffs and we'll see what they do here tonight the guy we were talking about earlier when they when they were punting the nehemiah glover guy i mean that guy as far as having speed that that has a lot of speed well glover is not in there right now vincent peaks number one is back and there's the guy you want to watch johnny mack number four third best in the country last year averaging 28 and a half yards per return and he's got the jet grid thank god right [Music] [Applause] let's see what new mexico's coverage can do high kick this is returnable johnny mack inside the five up the middle good move there trying to find some room on the sideline flags come flying in he's out of bounds at the 30. but this one will be coming back i think there's a push in the back [Music] once again marcus smith on the coverage for new mexico but this one will come back in all likelihood inside the 15-yard line there's the signal from our officiating crew here tonight coach rocky long looking and enjoying what he's seeing still has that stoic look rocky's always got that stoic look on the sidelines number 42 of the return team 10 yards from the spot of the foul first down all right mike you can see the hole coming up here looking on the left side of the screen number 42 white holding right there holding global's uh number 16 that is for lobos being held as mack was coming around the corner there fletcher session the linebacker for texas tech guilty of the hold and you'll notice they are now announcing the number of the guilty party this season liberal setting up in a 2-6 mike on defense very odd formation check that out they're going with six defensive backs there's the quick pass to the far sideline and going over the top of the sign never really brought down except by that sign was hicks for texas tech and that's jared hicks and he picks up five and i would guess that that two six would keep tech in check as far as you're gonna see a lot of those pick routes all day and some of those can go for big plays a lot of explosion afterwards depending on if somebody is screened off of that play so i'm guessing that's why they're doing this 2-6 two-down lineman kyle coulter and marcus parker three linebackers and six defensive backs lobos will blitz with that package they do there in the pocket for the running back coming out of the back backfield and that will be good enough for the first hand that's nehemiah glover and these are these are scat backs for texas tech these are not big bulky fullback type ball carrier so they are terrific catching the ball and that's an example of that glover had five receptions last week and watch out comedy just sits there and watch it happen and this is the danger of these plays these short little short passes mike because sometimes those shorts passes go for 80 yards that's the danger in those plays you got to get a lot of pressure up on the line very quickly against an offense like that come be under center running flight by the red raiders out of the backfield going forward is taurian henderson from gatesville texas victorian henderson also likes to catch the ball too if you can't catch the ball you can't play at texas tech henderson leading russia for the red raiders last week with 54 yards brought down by brandon payne number 28 for new mexico had a great game last week on that left corner spot with two interceptions second and seven at the 26 from the shotgun now tight end on the field for the red raiders handoff again up the middle bugging forward near the yardstick as the ball loses loose it's loose was it blown dead running it into the end zone is our hands will it be a touchdown the referee says yes but we're gonna have to wait and see [Applause] [Music] it looks like they'll discuss it back near the 34-yard line and the booze that you may be able to hear may be an indication of what they're finally going to decide the runner was rolled down prior to the ball coming out third down fumble but after he was ruled down and so that will bring up third down and one and let's take a look at it right here that ball was coming out ball was coming out hit the ground texas tech looks like they may have caught a break on that ball's already look at that well out by there and we'll talk more about it when we come back lobos leads seven nothing but red raiders got a break there this unm lobo football telecast brought to you in part by your albuquerque toyota dealers and the fans continue to boo after that questionable call by the officials ruled the knee was down before the fumble but once again no definitive decision from the officials as it happened and that's what makes fans upset when they don't make the call right away third down play for texas tech about one yard to go they'll throw for it and they get it [Applause] [Music] and we're gonna take a look one more time at the fumble you can see clearly mike before henderson is even before his knees are anywhere near the ground that ball starts to come out and that has when it's a fumble when the ball is already starting the runner doesn't have possession of the ball as he's going down second first down for texas tech come be from the shotgun now lobo defense spread out all over the field to try to cover the red raider receivers ball bobbled but caught and now they're saying it's an incomplete pass coming out of the backfield was glover and also over there henderson for the red raiders but an incomplete pass kind of uncharacteristic of texas tech as far as uh jittery with the ball and stuff i know these these guys are young and usually they have they're missing welker and francis and those guys from last year but you could see the inexperience showing a little bit and maybe some of the physicalness of the lobos getting to some of these red raiders receivers a little bit that was company's first misfire he's three or four 18 yards changing the plane [Applause] gets the playoff good hit nice stick by the lobo defensive back coming up [Applause] [Music] pass complete to cody fuller and putting the hit on was ken west he's a transfer out of midwest city oklahoma and watch this hit mike this is just basic textbook hitting wrap up your man and he has nowhere to go no forward momentum nothing he's going down third down play for the red raiders terrific crowd on hand here tonight hoping to see new mexico end a 10-game losing streak to tech play clock down to one and and the red raiders have to use a time-out and i think that lobo defense that with so many defensive backs in there has got to be confusing texas tech we're going to take a timeout as the red raiders talk things over new mexico in front 7-0 [Music] by the new mexico lottery so far the new mexico lottery has raised nearly 220 million dollars for lottery success scholarships for students throughout new mexico the new mexico lottery benefiting new mexico's future today well a big third down play coming up for the lobo defense of course we're just underway on this beautiful day in albuquerque 10 45 to go in the first quarter with new mexico up 7-0 red raiders one for one on third down tries trip set to the top of your screen lone receiver to the bottom with time now out of the pocket gets rid of it caught for the first down just shy of the 50 and making the catch is cody fuller company came very close to uh suffering a sack on that play as the pocket was starting to break down around him global speed coming around and but he just hung in there and stuck stayed in the pocket and this happens downfield when you do that somebody's going to get open look at the pocket start to collapse around him and cumbie just rolls out to the right finds his receiver downfield fuller makes the grab and there you go well there was a penalty on brandon payne i believe holding no i was wondering why they'd move it down the field unholy it's a personal foul on brandon payne that's unfortunate too mike the lobos don't want to start shooting themselves in the foot doing things like that penalties to help the drive continue when they have the momentum in this game you don't need that against texas tech that's for sure boy does this look like type of football you'd play in your backyard when you were a kid inside street setup nice tackle coming over to making this nick spiegel nehemiah glover on the inside screen and you've got to watch him when he gets the ball out there the guy has jets that's a you know that that you know going back to your question it does look like the type of playground stuff football yeah and you know what and i can see what they're trying to do with that the pressure is getting closer and closer to the quarterback when if they do get pressure on him to stop him to start hitting him and start making him think about when he's in back there throwing that's going to be success for the lobos but this is high risk no question about it [Applause] pressure again up the middle and gabriel fulbright comes over to make the sack or wait no paula fischola number 33 with the sack and again it's so good to see him come back after that acl injury to his left knee one year ago and watch the speed follow just goes around his man and makes the play on cumby now texas tech they only allowed what like a couple of sacks last season i mean they're they have those big offensive linemen there they got two book bans there one guy on the on one side of the line as far as the tackle 6-6 the other guy's a 6-7 tackle so they have those bookends and they don't allow a lot of that well it's all about getting rid of the ball and cumby and other tech quarterbacks have done a great job of that over the years second shot zach for fashola getting rid of it and making a great catch at the 20 for texas tech is hicks who turned around joey hicks from hearst texas had to go back the opposite way and he made it he turned around and the lobo defender on that play lost his footing and that could have been six easy mike because the louisville defender on that play turned around right with hicks lost his footing at that time trying to get over to him actually and another penalty against new mexico [Applause] and we'll find out what it is personal fall contact to the helmet of the quarterback half the distance first down on the blitz there was definitely contact as cumby let the ball go a hard collision but you know without having seen the replay it is hard to guess exactly whether that was intentional but it's the second personal foul on this drive and tech is at the 9. pressure again screen set up room not quite into the end zone henderson just a little bit shy of the goal line fishola brought him down you can you can see where the lobos they have they seem to have a little bit more speed up front there but at the same time that's such high risk there's always going to be somebody open like the little screen you can see the little screen forming to the right side of the screen right when the quarterback stepped back and you knew something was developing there and that's what was what i say is such high risk when you glitch like that second down and goal at the one gumby sneaks and no signal yet looks like he's in and now they say he is [Music] 222 pounds gets his first rushing touchdown [Applause] when you get that close nothing you can do sometime in those cases when you have those big guys just pushing forward and it looked almost like a half foot he had to go he just leaned forward to gas 6'4 layover in the end zone he's in extra point try on its way and just through the left side and we're tied at 7-0 so new mexico's first lead against texas tech since 2001 in the first quarter is now gone we've got a whale of a game developing tied at one tied at seminole in the first the horns to your local dodge dealers now and go lobos texas tech seven new mexico seven 7 51 to go first quarter [Applause] red raiders 89-yard drive 13 plays aided by two personal foul penalties and a fumble that was called back a drive to forget for the lobo defense back deep anthony carter at the five trying to find the wedge knocked down hard and he'll be stopped at the 18. [Music] and making the hard hit sylvester brinkley for the red raider special teams and boy he got all the carter on that hit 13-yard return that time for the young man not exactly what you would hope for your special teams he was he was headed for the scene mike but uh on his way there he ran into a little traffic jam third drive of the game for new mexico third possession the first one was three and a half the second one resulted in a touchdown after a turnover by the red raiders now at the 18. bank basket in motion now one thing about texas tech you don't think of them as a ball control type team but when you have those short passes you can move the ball down the field you can maintain possession and eat up some clock too you can eat a lot of clock and you will have some success with that kind of offense just because there's always someone open you just can't there's screens and there's so many disguises in that offense you just can't stop you can't stop it completely dontrell moore goes to the sidelines now four wide receivers on the fly pattern number 87 anthony carter and that one was a slow play developing it's got to be much quicker than that chad johnson came up from shreveport louisiana to make the tackle the fly play was it was a a big gainer for new mexico last year when they used to run it that adrian bird last year carter that played slow and developing and as soon as he got around the corner there were guys in texas tech jerseys waiting for him third down and four high formation now [Applause] [Applause] it's an awesome catch by hank basket looks like what happened was littles like they were getting set to run the option and saw something that they didn't like mccaimie steps back to throw the ball and oh he did not catch it he didn't oh my goodness incompletion yeah [Applause] thought it was good let's see where the ball came out mike or did he ever have it and he came down he lost it when he came down looks like it even looks like he didn't even have it when he came down no never had it looked good i was wondering why i wasn't celebrating more lobos three and out again punt short punt but it may take a good bounce and does here comes glover and he brings it out to about the 36-yard line and that's where texas tech and sunny company will take over the tackle made by joe sealander from rio rancho high school a walk-on who's getting some playing time for the new mexico lobos former walk-on now this is what you don't want if you're in new mexico if your tactics is working out fine for you you want to get your offense back on the field as soon as possible but if you're new mexico you want to keep that particular kind of offense off the field because those short plays it's just like running running a gassers or something like that running up to the line touching and going again running touching going again because of those short routes here come the red raiders again long drive 89 yards the last time they touched the ball and it wasn't very long ago a minute 30 on the clock [Applause] quick little pass this one to henderson sniffed that play out just came right up and and kept with the uh the running back coming out of the backfield didn't let him go anywhere good stop for the low balls that could have ended up being something like officially a loss of two kyle coulter along with marcus parker the only experienced defensive lineman for new mexico and i bet when that player was developing some of the fans probably gasped because with the pursuit was coming from on the other side of the line tech was going away from that there was a guy open on the side to running back 9 of 10 now 58 yards shotgun uncorks it again he is 10 for 11 now as they get back some of the lost yardage the quick route and the look to cody fuller who's brought down by gabriel fulbright clock continues to move here in the first quarter give comey credit for just cubby seems to know how to find the right guy to throw it to you know the same offense i remember coach long talking earlier some quarterbacks throw it to the wrong guys in this offense but apparently he doesn't give cuny some credit for that gumby goes over to his tight end and gives some instructions now changing the play and we're going to have a stoppage in play time out texas tech for the second time the clock play clock was winding down so cumby has to burn his second timeout [Music] well the lobos do need to stop here mike they need to get this offense off the field all right we'll see if they can do it when we come back [Music] this portion of the lobos football game is brought to you by premier nissan of santa fe better prices better service better selection premier nissan better than ever third down play red raiders and they convert it cumby is acting like a professional moving the yardsticks down the field right now speaking of the field let's go down in the field to our own alana land alana all right mike it is really really loud down here it could account for texas tech's two timeouts and already you know five minutes left in the in the game the first half five minutes left in the quarter and they've already had to use two of their timeouts because they couldn't get a playoff and no official attendance as of yet but definitely a tremendous crowd here tonight not a sellout but probably in the mid 30 round four for four on third down conversions texas tech the lobo defense hasn't made it happen ball got it down they do right there coming up from the linebacker spot to get his hand on that ball it looks like mike mahorick the young man out of highland high school right when you called it don't queue mike watch mike mahorick gets his big mitts up to knock this ball down cumbie looking to his left and muhoric there good read by mahor just to stay with the the quarterback to watch his eyes in the jump up when he saw him back what a terrific player he was for judge chavez and highland high school two-way player now a linebacker for the lobos second down and 10. going for the money far sidelines and it's clocked inside the 15 yard line and making the catches jared hicks who burned brandon payne on the far side and you know jerrell malone might remember such a set from last year now they're working on brandon payne payne just out run that's the advantage belongs to the offensive guy because he knows where the ball is going the defender has to read his eyes and to be able to turn back and make a play when the ball gets there so brandon if he had another step on him would have been able to block that ball give the texas tech receiver credit for sticking with it and making a great catch at the end one-handed catch down there ball right on the 15-yard line [Applause] and a whistle the flag flies in perhaps encroachments a little discussion and [Music] rocky long nothing too happy with that rocky 01-4 against texas tech trying to end that drought this offense is going to just keep marching down the field until the rebels are able to get some legitimate questions not for just one time but they need to hit them a couple of times as we watch the big gain or we'll know actually this is the encroachment from the low balls you see and you could see the left tackle moved and the right guard it looked like and tech has a first down at the rather first and five at the 10. across the middle terrific catch again those short passes are just eating new mexico up glover with the catch art haynes on the coverage that's something like a little shuttle pass on that play lobos making some changes now on defense now look at all the well he has just a little time to get rid of that ball and that's actually a dangerous play place to throw the ball but if the lobos can't make a play on those balls like that they're gonna they're gonna just keep doing it first and goal at the five looping it into the end zone a little bit too strong once again hicks was the intended receiver and jarrell malone was there on the coverage pretty good coverage that time great coverage i'm sure like i said earlier jarel malone remembers the texas tech game because they really picked on him last year well he was a newcomer to the team at that time kind of getting his baptism under fire and that's the one thing about this high-risk lobos defense i mean you're out on an island as a corner so you have to be with your man well that's six try to run for it henderson up the middle and again touchdown and texas tech in front for the first time tonight for henderson that's his first touchdown of the season now global offense if they're gonna keep up with this team global offense they have to do better than three and out because tech will drive they're gonna have big plays they're gonna drive up and down the field all night until you stop them that's just how their offense works for lika's kick slides on through and the red raiders 1400 unanswered points now to lead new mexico 14-7 with 3 45 to go in the first quarter of play look at the replay on the touchdown mike you just watch henderson gets the ball a little stutter step following his blocking just heading straight for the end zone speaker had gotten there a step earlier that would have been stopped nice second direction as he like i said he's looking where the blocks were being made for him following his blocking on the sidelines rocky long extremely unhappy well you know that that's uh we have the benefit of instant replay here and i can understand why coach might be a little bit frustrated first of all there was the fumble that was clearly not a fumble and it was returned for a touchdown then there was that movement on the line there so he's probably he he hadn't even seen the replay so when he sees that he's going to be even more bad anthony carter d.d cox back deep for new mexico this lobo offense really has done nothing here in the first quarter they have a touchdown but that was after a turnover the penalties doesn't seem like there's a big disparity lobos have three for 30 yards tech has one for 10 yards but it's always the timing of those that uh is often the most painful now the kick here's carter at the two trying to come out he's gonna be wild short of the 20-yard line he had a nice wall opening up for him to his left mike and he decided to go the other way went right and ran right into the traffic and i know on the field it's a different story when you're just running straight ahead but he would have would have gotten at least maybe five more yards going to the left first time it was a 13-yard return second time a 15-yard return and when your offense is struggling you hope you can get a little bit of a boost from your special teams [Applause] [Music] here comes new mexico again cole mckamey understand just two carries so far for dontrell moore [Applause] one of his best runs of the night i think he had a four yard carry and this will be about three of course dontrell like most running backs the good ones anyway they get better as the game goes on they get their rhythm and fully expect that to happen tonight to dontrell moore if new mexico doesn't get too far behind or they need to start falling i know you talked about rhythm it seems like tech has established its rhythm on offense which is making it could make a very long day for new mexico the new mexico's offense needs to try to do the same thing right here lobos with just one first down second and seven [Applause] and that's well short i'm not sure if it was tipped at the line of scrimmage or not he was looking for carter but that one fell well short fell a little bit shorter i don't don't know if he could have met that ball a little bit the ball was tipped as we could see on the replay here mike the ball was tipped texas tech lyman actually tipped that ball and that's why connor couldn't get to it [Applause] well cole mckamie a slow start one for five only eight yards in the lobos row of two on third down tries they need seven yards need to get through the 28. that's right on the quarterback draw and that's not going to work the linebackers stayed home for texas tech [Applause] john saldi the junior from south lake texas was there to make the stop yeah they they really didn't have tech fooled at all on that play mike if they were thinking that they were gonna back out you know that draw that's what that draw is good for as far as making the the guys on the line the linebackers and the defensive lineman decided whether to continue to pass rush or even drop back and cover the linebackers dropping back in coverage and the linebackers invite on it at all tyler goss is ready to punt it away had two punts averaging 52 yards nehemiah glover awaits at about the 25. [Applause] this will be a low liner but it's another deep one right out the 25 for glover up the middle to about the 31 before he swarmed on nick spiegel there along with number 45 for new mexico and and that is joe sealander again doing a good job a couple of area products on the specialty [Music] well texas tech known for their passing attack as well they should but they have two rushing touchdowns tonight for a total of five yards rushing in this game i was just getting ready to say they have two rushing touchdowns from with the half foot line pass all the way down the field run it in very frustrated rocky long there's mike leach in his fifth year at texas tech [Applause] gotta stop cumby down the middle open again is glover wide open was glover he beat art haynes there and now cumbie four of 17 tonight for over 130 yards look at combi just he looks all over the field mike and he knows where his guys are going to be and the lobos can make this is going to start turning into a very long evening if they let just drive down the field and keep doing this because the defense is going to get tired after so many times they can only take so many reps no sacks only a couple of hurries cumbie has just looked like he's a veteran out there rather than a first year starter now to hand off up the middle spinning and gaining one or two is johnny mack it sounds like it's like his nickname johnny back i know it does his name young man from lakeland florida you know i think it's something to be said about uh being an understudy standing on the sideline watching the game from a different point of view playing scout team and all that because texas tech system is just set up like that i mean these guys come in they wait their turn to play when they get in they don't miss a beat gumby 14 of 17 144 yards gets out of trouble has some room and it's complete spreading the ball around to trey haverty who made the catch you know after first starting out with a couple of drops and stuff like that the texas tech receiver the sievers have now started hanging on to the ball big time as we watch harvard he makes this grab here just good concentration knew he was getting hit from two sides from the back and from the side still watched the ball and brought it in earlier this week rocky long said he didn't know if cumby could scramble as we get a flag here maybe an illegal substitution too many men on the field perhaps for texas tech at any rate it will be a five-yard penalty but coach long didn't know if company could scramble because he didn't really have to last week against smu illegal substitution they broke the huddle with 12 players five yards still first down number 11. but i am impressed with the way cumbie has managed to sidestep a tackler here or there yeah he's not real nimble but he's good enough he's able to do it when he has to [Applause] and now it's first in 15. winding down here in the first quarter of play [Applause] in the pocket down the field picked off new mexico gets a break and that's gabe fulbright making the interception of maybe maybe that's what the lobo defense needs gabe fulbright was strive for stride with his man and just broke on the ball at the perfect time to make the catch right into the basket it looked like the pass was for him it was such a well thrown ball and it went right to him he broke right in front of his man at the right time mike as we look at the replay comfy is looking gabe fulbright running stride for stride with his man just came zipped right in front of him right when the ball was going to get there that's the fifth career interception for gabe fulbright had three of them last year at san diego state he's been in the doghouse of the unm coaches we'll tell you why as we move along here but certainly getting out of it right now option pitch dangerous pitch on the ground and the red raiders get the ball right back and now the defense has to go back on the field what a crusher ball is still loose and it's picked up and clearly there didn't look to be any problems with that and the runner stepped out of bounds prior to the ball coming loose therefore new mexico retains the ball well that frankly looked to be a terrible call but it's going to go new mexico's favor he wasn't anywhere near texas tech fall first and ten at that spot what is going on this is unbelievable mike now i i do believe that's the right call but come on guys let's get it together down there dead ball personal foul on texas tech 15 yards back from the end of the play first and ten well the referee tonight is tom ollers that's who you've been hearing from yeah this this now let's see if he's out of out of bounds to win this ball let's see what dontrell should have probably had that ball that's a bad effort by dontrell oh look at that he never had positions never had possession of the ball never had possession of the ball that's two breaks for texas tech that's 14 points right there now the only thing i would say is did somebody from texas tech recover it after he fumbled it he was already out of bounds mike but if he was out of bounds and he didn't have possession of the ball at that time and but the ball went out with him well if that's the case then it should be new mexico yeah that's that's bad [Applause] down the middle and out of the hands of number 24 for texas tech and that's a young man who's had a big night cody fuller all right maybe if we can that last replay was a good one to see exactly what happened as the flag flies again all right here it is here's the pitch to dontrell kind of high but he could have had it still doesn't have it still doesn't have it still doesn't it's on the ground and that's what i'm saying maybe the ball should is should be ruled dead with 45 making the fumble recovery right straight they really so so you know it's a blow it's blown one way or the other that's the conclusion this is a blown car 19 of the offense 10 yards in the previous spot still first down anderson the running back with the hold [Applause] and of course part of being a good official is the game management and making the right calls to the to the official and making the right calls even if it takes a while and and of course there was uh much confusion right there right after that sequence [Applause] [Music] embarrassing mike first down at 20. time for cumby gets rid of the short run [Applause] and that will bring up a second down and long with the short pass to henderson right there and you can see henderson coming out of the backfield and he was waiting to see what was going to happen as far as waiting to see what kind of trouble his quarterback was going to be in just kind of sat back there like he was in the zone almost like he was going to settle for screen almost and just came running out let's go back to the previous play a couple of things could have happened it the ball was loose there or the fumble on the on the fumble on the fumble all right well let's talk about it when we come back i can gather my thoughts and try to explain what i saw a band can do the same we'll do that with new mexico trailing 14-7 at the end of the first quarter [Music] all right let's see if we can explain what happened on that fumble by new mexico let's take a look at it now nazi reardon is number 26 coming up here and the question is he never had possession of the ball van but was he stepped out did he step out of bounds while he had at least partial control of it still loose still loses he steps out of bounds steps out of bounds and so texas tech stratton picks it up right there as you saw there so maybe ultimately it should have been texas tech's ball but we never had any explanation from the officials and number 26 if he was out of bounds even when he didn't have control of it it still should have been out at that point right it's just that that's two plays right there i mean those three of them you can think of and i know those guys are trying to do the best that they can do but boy that that one that one was one of the wackiest ones i've seen in quite a while very wacky of course then they topped it off by saying it was new mexico's ball which of course got everybody all excited here right and then took it back all right second down 17 to go for the red raiders inside screen and there was confusion by the red raider lineman as the ball hits the turf and speaking of getting hit how about glover holding his right side he took a real shot by nick speaker yeah i look like the lobos are really coming off the line i mean that they look like maybe that play fired him up a little bit because they're they're coming off the ball a little bit harder there and nehemiah glover did take a big shot all right we're just starting the second quarter four seconds in texas tech leads 14-7 [Applause] lobos answered first but then the offense has done nothing since red raiders four for four on third down this is a little trickier yeah they're running bunch here on the left side mike what was coming with the blitz picked up cumby has some room gets rid of it crossed the field it's batted away terrific job coming over from his safety spot josh bassinet and that is one of the rare times that they've stopped is this the first time they stopped him this is the first time on aside from the turnover early in the game josh bazzanetti former west faces star great wrestler there coming over to make the defensive play and now texas tech will attempt a long field goal about 49 yards and their kicking game has been good through the years mike so they're very capable of attacking on these three points [Music] [Applause] good snap the hole is good on its way and the kick will be wide right so the lobo defense stops the texas tech offense just a little bit wide right last week keith two good was the place kicker against smu missed a field goal an extra point i didn't think he made the trip this week they made the immediate change it looked like i just saw just for very brief a smile on rocky's face and new mexico's offense will have its best field position outside of that turnover drive and d.d cox is in the game mike deancox had 187 yards against tech last year yes he did went in for the injured dontrell moore in the second quarter and had a great game one of the best ever for a running back against texas tech basket in motion now cox has it up the middle and he gets through the hole but then goes sideline and sideline and makes uh maybe a gain of one before adele duckett makes the tackle and that's a typical dd cox run but deedy has a lot of explosives explosiveness in his speed dee is one of those runners he's more of a power runner gets the line can make stuff happen and if you don't if you don't wrap him up he can get about 40 or 50 yards on you young man transferred from oklahoma state second year in the program he's a senior cole mckamey one of five for eight yards [Applause] fly series end around reverse here comes basket he needs some help and didn't get much there maybe a yard or two and that will bring up third down john saldine with the tackle there and and really that's not a bad play whether you gain anything or not because you get texas tech thinking you can put that in in early in the game and at least show your hands a little bit right you know as we watch the replay that that kind of that keeps the defense on their toes as far as they got to start thinking about like what you just said they got to think about there might be some gadget plays as we watch hang come around the end they're coming up and you know this is just going to set up some other players later some of the basic plays that the levels run maybe you set up an option player something like that later new mexico has struggled on third down o for three mcamee steps up has some room and he's going to get the first down and more up to the 50 inside texas tech territory mike smith of lovett pushed him out of bounds and that's the athleticism that cole mckinney can bring to the table and i think mike what the important thing he did as we watched the replay here cole looked down field saw his men recovered saw hank his main guy was covered looked like his tight end was free dragging the middle there but he needed to first down he looked something to make something happen in double coverage it's a great decision by cole mckamey right there mike mccamey has the touchdown for new mexico on the ground that was a career-long 15-yard run for mccamey cox the lone setback fake to him time down the middle open is hank baskett and he makes the catch and that's why you love to have a seven foot high jumper on your receiving team great play action pass a fake to dd cox some of the linebackers stayed up and watched for it they did not drop back in coverage stayed up trying to honor that hank going down field open ball laid right up in his hands and like you said that's why you got a guy who can jump seven feet going out there for a receiving pass you know this was this could have easily had turned into six points if if if the defender for texas tech didn't get up immediately and make the play on hank all right lobo offense in business we'll find out what they can do when we come back [Music] sandia casino over casino over 1700 loose reasons to visit i-25 and tramway the place to play when the lobo game is over and i've seen the pictures this is reminiscent of advanced punk rock days oh yeah look at that man who does that guy's hair i'm sure the person who did it does not want us to mention it because they would lose business [Music] [Applause] great shot right there beautiful night for football lobos in the red zone at the 14. and last season new mexico converted on 90 percent of their tries 46-51 and 32 of those were touchdowns back in weasels his way down to about the 12-yard line maybe to the 11. [Music] and again this offense has done very little tonight especially the running game and we always want to point to the running backs but this line needs to move some players off the ball and they have not done it yet tonight you know they started out a couple times they started out with a couple plays up the middle where it looked like they were getting some some movement off the ball but after that it just all closed up second down play more the lone setback two tight ends basket in motion the fake the pump and wide left as again he was looking for the young man anthony carter the junior college transfer from scottsdale community college that pass became a little dangerous after that fake and pump because they detect defenders were onto it the guy right behind carter could have come up and made the play on that ball long time in developing [Applause] and now third and eight dan dodd the offensive coordinator let's see what he can come up with here this time mckamey's under center pitch back this way here's dontrell moore and he's going to be short of the first down and i got to be honest with you didn't look like you ran very hard on that play he looked like he's like he was slowing down trying to trying to cut back looked like he was going to go to his left let's see where he he started stutter stepping he turned the corner see he's not running that hard he's looking downfield see right there maybe maybe you just run hard instead of shaking and bacon and you got the first down and what is going on now some discussion out on the field and new mexico on fourth down and three may have been some confusion down there about what play it was or what down and the officials are going to take a time out here to sort things out wow this is turning into the game official tape of shame man we're going to put this one what is going on in this game and you see claude terrell there talking to the the referee ollers and claude is one of the co-captains for new mexico trying to get an explanation of what's going on wow fred threat looking on there number 97 for texas tech now you think this is what they'll show you at the seminar like if you're going to be a game official this is another explanation i think no we're not going to get one now new mexico may have taken the time out here but i don't think that was ever indicated on the scoreboard it says unm has two left texas tech was zero and i'm not sure if either one of those is right well new mexico will go for it on fourth down of one last week against washington state they need to get to the four looking for basket who does he make the catch yes hank baskett with the catch from paul mccamey and right there mike is one of those plays that the lobos would have got eaten alive we'll talk great on sports radio after the game if they didn't make that play and if this game turns out funny because that's that was a big risk right there hank baskett guy can jump out of the gym you throw it to the corner and i don't think they ever have been unsuccessful on that particular play hank baskett hauls it in makes the catch his first touchdown of the year and his sixth touchdown of his career extra point and after all of this folks after all of the confusion and all of the offense that goes awry new mexico has tied it up at 14 all 11 47 to go second quarter we'll be back after this [Music] [Applause] this portion of lobo football is brought to you by rbc mortgage company rbc mortgage company is a proud sponsor of lobo athletics and there's hank baskett jr from clovis and he has turned into a remarkable story obviously a great athlete but you know he was almost he was paralyzed for a while about two years ago and he came back to develop into a great wide receiver and he just out muscled the corner for the football sure did both guys fight for position on that ball and hank the bigger and the stronger guy of the two wins the battle almost caught it between his thighs right there and a great job on the coverage guys that was wonderful ready to kick it away and back deep vincent meeks and johnny mack kenny bird will do the place kicking here now young man from saint pius will try to get the ball into the end zone it's on its way to matt stuttering and hit hard by nick spiegel well they credited nick with only three tackles last week and that's hard to believe because the young man plays a heck of a football game and he's already had two or three tackles on special teams tonight only a nine-yard return kind of reminds you of a guy who used to wear 44 as we watch the replay coming up here guy used to wear 44 and play for the lobos that stick now watch watch this isil on him and he just blows up the runner at the end oh my god watch this nowhere to go actually has some assists coming in from some of his other teammates too how about number 54 chad hill he just said get out of my way glover in motion but before the play develops we have a whistle and a flag look like somebody moves on offensive line there mike but i don't want to say that that might not be the case well could be anything because this has been a strange snap false start number 75 on the offense remains first down e.j whitley from texas city with the uh little motion and i bet those players love it that their numbers are going to be called out now how do you feel about that rule getting their numbers called out that's that's embarrassing it'll make you be more disciplined i mean you won't jump the gun you'll be exposed mike for all to see first and 15 now at the 19 yard line changing the play now going down field the sidelines looks like he has his man and does what a beautiful pass and catch and hicks beat his man on the corner right there looked like brandon payne was the initial man that was supposed to be there along with josh bazanet but hicks beat them both and you know some of you know payne and bassinet were both looking at this guy's eyes and going oh here comes the ball because they see him coming back and cutting to his left and that's just that's that's where you want the ball at actually that ball could have been on the other side of the shoulder would have been well no that was that's right where you want it we're not getting picky about that one are you that was nice 30 yards on the pass play hicks four catches 89 yards oh another stick by spiegel art haines was there first to make the tackle but it was spiegel it was putting the hurt on him spiegel's just spiegel must he's got some attitude tonight not not to say that he doesn't always play with attitude now watch the receiver just get blown up that had to hurt mike i know that stung a gain of just two second and eight at the 47 just shy of the 50. cumbie pressure bassinet looking to get to him and cumby throws it away fans here i think wanted intentional grounding but there were a lot of red raiders over there that's the beauty of that offense when you got guys running all running for uh i mean the way that offense worked like they're almost like kind of like zone pattern for receivers just running all over the place and he just throws it over there and it's going to look like it they're going to call roughing on that uh josh basonette because at the end of the play well he probably should have stopped right there well i still haven't seen a flag yet i've seen a discussion [Applause] i believe they're going to call it on him well texas tech isn't aware of any penalty [Applause] looks like they're talking about it now these guys these guys really need to get control of this game this is getting to be oh here comes the flag oh let's hear what it is [Applause] intentional grounding by the quarterback the ball did not get back to the line of scrimmage then the lobos catch a break did look like intentional ground but let's let's see here and you heard him say the ball did not get back to the line of scrimmage sure didn't ball just dropped right there but you can see it in the back of the lineman it's almost like you threw at their ankles well what happens if the intended receiver is in the backfield and you throw it at his feet is that intentional grounding no that wouldn't be well that's sort of what that play was but those guys the guys uh who were running around there they weren't eligible for no there was number 19. did you see that yeah tory anderson was right in the middle of that okay and texas tech wasting no time they want to get a play off here there's a lot of confusion as to where the ball should be spotted and what down it is it should be a loss of down officially they're saying it's second down and what is that almost 20 18 yards now it's a third down play downfield and batted away by new mexico [Applause] great coverage by the lobos corners and safety coming up helping each other out to get that done it wasn't charles brown was the excuse me man the defensive player who came on over you can watch him come over mike for help on the replay here a little pushing a shelving going on early texas tech receiver looking back and that nearly that that ball could have been easily picked off mike [Music] well linus and lucy were not there but charlie brown was i think charlie brown has been at the game the whole time and i'm how's the stop dontrell moore back deep to receive the punt first texas tech punt and they're not going to get this off but oh somehow they do and the ball will be touch dead at the 36. how was that not blocked bassinette was in there in fact i think he was waiting for the punter to put his foot on the ball or maybe he should have just made a tackle i think well you know maybe his hands aren't he doesn't have those big hands like you might we know your hands are your hands are bigger than mine and i'm 6'6 and you're a little shorter just a little bit let's see if we can see what happened on this [Music] ball skirts the ground and [Music] wow looks like he was going to you know what he just ran right by it he could he could not stop and put his hand in place of the ball ran right by it it looks like he was trying to pick up the fumble too though didn't it well i'm not exactly sure but the lobos have the ball with 10 44 left they'll try the drop back off the option downfield to hank basket first down to mexico at the 47-yard line of texas tech now it seems like the locals are trying to establish a little momentum of their own now the offense is finally starting to work a little bit and tech's defense is starting to stay out on the field just a little bit longer maybe they're tiring just a bit as we watch the replay hank baskett running just a nice route [Music] and making the grab cole mccaine standing there and just throwing the ball he had great protection had plenty of time to throw the ball mckamey was one for five at one point he's now four of his last four basket in motion goes back the other way now dontrell moore no hole there that offensive line having trouble against the red raiders and now a flag flies and we're going to get a personal foul on somebody that looked like was that claw turtle well claude was in on it but i'm not sure if if he's going to be the guilty party or not i just saw a tech guy get pushed dead ball personal fall 36 to the defense 15 yards automatic first down all right mike let's try to figure out what happened here 36 on the defense let's see what happened oh okay oh he's claude was just protecting himself antonio offman the guilty party there you know easily you could have easily let that one go too because both of those guys were hitting each other in all fairness to attack well if you if you looks like you throw a punch he started it yeah and you know you got to be careful about that and i think that was the case there well claude may have been pushing late if there's a difference between pushing and throwing a punch as we saw there he did we saw the shot to the helmet what's going on now there's another discussion mike and now the referee will go on over to the texas tech sidelines and try to give an explanation this may end up being the longest game in the university of new mexico history you know what this reminds me of the three stooges episode with mo larry and curly and i'll stop right there all right i'll let you 14-14 our score rocky long over to talk to the defensive backs for new mexico of course rocky was a quarterback here at unm and went on to play defensive back professionally in the canadian football league and world football league and he's developed into a terrific defensive coach yeah he was a tough tough quarterback too you know now he's a tough coach look at that mike look look at rocky's all when jim rome had his tour stop here he was talking about how buffed rocky is if if you had all the coaches in college football and you had him like in a smackdown or something i'm taking rocky even with those bad knees i think he'll be all right though rocky spends a lot of time in the white robe yes he does wow this game this is all right now we're going to get an explanation to rocky long i hope he gives us an explanation [Applause] are they going to call it offsetting penalties somebody has called a timeout here and i'm not sure who it is and now he's motioning for texas tech to come on over let's see if we can get this thing started and then there's one here and that's it that's all there is left all the way back there those i don't think i've ever have you seen a game like this i haven't i no i really haven't i mean we're only a quarter old a little better than a quarter apparently what has happened is the officials have warned both benches to quit tell their players to quit being so chippy no more cheap shots no more personal fouls let's get it together and that may have been what's happened here but it's back to the game and dontre moore had a little bit of a seam and he'll gain about four yards takes it to the 30. [Music] brought down by fletcher sessions sophomore from tyler texas every time dontrell gets to carry he's getting stronger because i mean that's just how he runs i don't know you know like you said a good running backs i mean you started when he started getting around his eighth and ninth carry you'll start seeing him exploding and that's just the way it is now so far seven carries 22 yards for more he needs to get 28 more yards to become the all-time leading rusher in mountain west conference history now mckamey scrambling out hanging on to the ball you better tuck that ball away yeah he is he got back to the line of scrimmage before he was pushed out by mike smith adele duckett was there to help out as well so mckamey doing a good job of scrambling but not picking up any yardage now that will bring up a third down and six that's better than last their last timeout mike against washington state when he forced a couple of those bars right exactly double coverage you know you want to hang on to at least you still have the football even if you're on your own line of scrimmage you're back on your same line of scrimmage third down for new mexico will the red raiders bring the heat mckamey sets up the screen to dontrell moore he's got some room cuts back stumbles and is brought down at the six wow one hand away from getting into the end zone and that was vincent beats who put the paw out and you saw the speed of dontre moore as that play set itself up beautifully nice screenplay as we see the replay here dontrell cole pulling out and dontrell coming over thousand one thousand two thousand three there's the dump blockers are out in front dontrell all he has to do is run nothing but green grass in front of him takes a cut inside and just he lost his footing he lost his footing he may have got tangled with one of the defensive players at any rate new mexico first and goal at the 5. mckamey and he's into the end zone and the lobos are back in front nice tough spot by cole mckamey decided to keep the ball in the option instead of the pitch that would have been a dangerous pitch if he decided to do it because tech had already come up to the line safety should fill the holes up took it into the end zone now the levels and join advantage again second rushing touchdown tonight for cole mccamey good lead block again this time by land rick brody the fullback and he's alone yes he is wes sucker on to add the extra point and he does [Applause] and really after a disastrous in large part tail end of the first quarter first part of the second the lobos have regrouped nicely to take the lead 21-14 [Music] those two running touchdowns might have to wait [Applause] lobo football is brought to you by cross-country auto sales cross-country auto sales is new mexico's number one independent used car dealer cross country says go lobos [Applause] cole mccamey took it in from short yardage on the option his second touchdown of the night he did a good job of reading this once you can see how fast nowhere really for him to go but up the middle like that well through the side mike dantro running like he was going to take a pitch but cole knew it was going to happen right away [Applause] that scoring drive six plays 64 yards minute 51 you can really see cold speed once again like the first touchdown once he turns that corner he has he has some acceleration back deep for texas tech johnny mack along with number 21 ryan bishop kenny bird's kick will be taken by bishop at the 10. 20 25 and brought down at around the 28-yard line 8 47 to go first half of play it has been an interesting game to say the least lobos scored right out of the gate after a turnover but then the offense couldn't do anything and now a nice rally in the second quarter to make it 21-14 let's go down on the sidelines now with our alana lynn alana all right mike after that last touchdown coach looper came over and said we need one more score before the before half one more score and as a little note hank baskett yelled at cole i love you man [Applause] i'll tell you you don't get that type of insight on every telecast that's good all right i love you man down the field tipped in the air no now that was good defense good coverage by new mexico secondary great coverage by the secondary and and it looks like maybe maybe i don't want to say it prematurely but maybe some of the pressure levels aren't getting a whole lot of pressure on company but they are getting back there making them hurry a little bit and starting to affect what's going on downfield along with the good coverage too again new mexico is playing a defense they have not played at least in recent memory with six defensive backs two down linemen let's see what is that and three linebackers and six db's second down play they'll try to run for it and spinning his way down field is nehemiah glover but he is tripped up by charles brown again but there's spiegel trying to force his way up he gets rid of it it's completed isn't it yes it is glover with the grab and again he's not very big 5 8 182 pounds and he took a shot from josh bassinet tough guy lover just like the energizer bunny man keeps going and going takes a hard shot gets right back up and look at this mike watch the shot he takes wants to get right back up right away because bassinet just levels him right on the side there glover gets back up to let him know hey look i can do this all day but he's probably seeing stars right now it's just a mind game that's all it is first down play off the corner bassinet's picked up gumby has some room and he'll get back to the line of scrimmage and pick up one maybe two yards before he's brought down ken west was there oh here we go again flag just came up personal foul i'm sure well this new mexico team has had a tendency in recent years to pick up those personal fouls those dead ball penalties dead ball personal foul on the defense number 23 followed by ejection oh my goodness gabriel fulbright the starting corner picks up the foul and is thrown out of the game and maybe we can see it here there's fulbright off to the left there he's number 23 and maybe we'll get a chance to look at it [Applause] he's giving him a year for yes he is so fulbright is done and rocky just moves on to the next thing which is calling the defensive play and maybe we'll get a chance to look at that replay to see if we know what happened find out what happened and rocky talking to the linesman on the near sidelines ball at the 35 now it is the texas tech first down gumby is thrown for more than 200 yards here in the first half handoff up the middle on the draw play not much going there my beagle is there first of all to bring down taurian henderson and maybe we can see the play watch for 11 and 23 off to the left you see it right there and now the push and the ejection [Applause] i well it should have been both of them well i don't see what the ejection was for the game official told them that if there's another personal foul there's going to be the foul and the injection so the players knew that no no well i gotta be honest with you brandon as brandon payne almost picked that off i think that's horrible but for a little push and a little look in the face you're kicked out of the game don't like it i think it's consistent with the way the game's going can you argue with me no you can't see that fulbright that he looks i know what he's thinking look at his face right now oh man he feels he feels like a stupid nut yeah it feels bad that's it's football out there and certainly we've seen a lot worse than that but that's only me bassinet putting pressure on and the ball is incomplete on third down you know comfy is starting to get hit a little bit and and after a while we'll get to see if he's as tough as simmons in kingsbury kingsbury of simmons especially simmons he could get hit and it didn't matter right let's see how this guy is [Applause] glover is the injured player for texas tech downfield at about the 17-yard line and you know that shot he took from that josh bassinet just starts starting to kick in mike looked like he's trying to get his win back hopefully it's nothing more than that it looks like he'll be all right yeah or maybe a crap is he limping a little bit a little bit there yeah [Applause] [Music] now fourth down eight yards to go as glover slowly heads to the far sideline fourth and eight six eleven to go second quarter let's see what texas tech decides to do now i don't see the kicker out there last week they went for fourth down seven times against smu there were three of seven oh yeah they're gonna go four they need to get right on the 25-yard line changing the play clock down to five they get it off pressure up the middle cumbie overthrows his man it was a little bit high maybe catchable but it looked to me that that that jared hicks probably was going to be out of bounds anyway well that's what happens when you start getting hit a little bit you put a little bit extra on the ball and then and you or you either over under throw the ball and right now as we watch the ball go in flight he's getting it up a little bit too high there yeah looked like it he would if he could have got his hands on it would have been inbounds but it was a bad and now new mexico trying to add to its lead 21-14 lobo coaches were calling for one more score before half and the lobos are going to get that opportunity right here [Applause] more is the tailback basket in motion mccaimie down the sidelines one on one deep ball and overthrow wow that that came close to being an interference like there was contact on that play mike a little bit of contact anthony carter was going for it and khalid nazarutin was also over there defending that looked like contact all the way down that's one of those tough ones to call right uh in part because you don't know the ball may not have been catchable and plus you know you don't uh your viewpoint from up here is different than on the field the contact could have been minimal it could have been shoulder pass hitting second down play metro moore was looking over to the left a moment ago now he gets the ball on the draw up the middle and just grabbed by the ankles and brought down by mike smith nice tackle mike smith making a great play on dontrell after dontrell was able to get some good yardage but mike smith wrapping up like that i mean there's something to be said about wrapping up mike and you see it right there you don't have your legs you can't go you can't pump if both of your legs are being held it's kind of a lost art isn't it a little bit yes it is guys like to put the big hits on but they forget about wrapping up trail now 30 yards on eight carries third down and two [Applause] fake the basket will try the screen more if you can turn around good move there and he'll get the first down looked a little slow developing but dontrell made that little juke to the right and came back and shook the would-be tackler yeah you know when he when he's slowing down like that and trying to get that shake and bait going when he has the room to do it he can really make you miss [Applause] and now the clock stopped momentarily at 5 14 to go now it's moving mckamey has seemed to be more relaxed here in the last three or four series he does he seems to be coming into his own a little bit there as far as so things are probably going better than what he anticipated little butterflies to start i'm sure more again short yardage gain [Music] line also seems to be you know it's amazing how when one area of the game starts to do better somebody else looks better if the line's doing their job then mckamey looks better and dontrell and all vice versa and [Music] the heat is on to perform on your other teams yes it is more on the sidelines now adrian byrd the fullback fake to him mckamey will keep it off guard and maybe two yards we'll see where they spot it seven carries now over 30 yards and he's got the two touchdowns looks like they don't want to do anything foolish and put that ball in harm's way moore comes back in with the play dan dodd the offensive coordinator up in the booth near us are actually below us clock moves 3 45 and counting left in the first half he gets rid of it good move to dontrell moore by don trell to get the first down and you know the lobos are giving tech a little bit of his own medicine running back out of the backfield passing plays i mean that's the tech is we're used to seeing that from tech we're used to seeing more option and stuff like that from the lobos and not not a throw to the running back i know you can throw on the option you could opt to throw or or pitch or run it but but uh we're starting to see a little bit of that you know throwing to the running back lobos now four of eight on third downs so that percentage is now up to 50 percent dontrell with three catches tonight and with one second left on the play clock cole mccain had just saw it and wisely called the timeout with 3 10 to go second quarter of play we'll find out what the coaches decide to do on this first down play when we come back [Applause] welcome back glad you're with us tonight it's not a sellout but we've got a great crowd on here and here at university stadium as the lobos try to end the 10-game losing streak against texas down [Applause] back passing looking into the end zone and incomplete hank baskett says i was in i was in oh look we got to look at the reason well i don't know how he clocked i don't either there were three defenders there i'm just amazed that he caught it [Music] unbelievable mike is he turning into a player oh my goodness this is a guy who didn't play receiver until midway through his senior season at clovis high school look at that oh he's in he's in that's two touchdowns now let's see it one more time one more time and his shoulder landed well inside now the only thing you could say is did he double the ball yeah possession that would be the only thing did the ball hit the turf but he caught the ball but whether he was in or not remains to be seen as as we come back to live action a very nifty run from d.d cox d.d cox say this is my team man i run well against these guys get me in i had 187 yards last year now what's going on well they're just booing the officials because they could see the replay on the big screen here at the stadium and you know it's always dangerous to show a replace of a controversial point well these guys have gotten it wrong a couple times you know you you they have a hard job and you don't want to get on to these guys but you know let's be honest about it it's been wrong to continue that thought in a moment on fourth down up the middle cox needs to run hard and he's not gonna get it he's gonna be short on fourth down and new mexico will turn the ball over fletcher session was there to turn him away [Applause] i don't know mike they might have to measure well they needed to get to the 28th and and they're saying no dd cox says what no measurement nothing and the officials are out there or rather the lobo coaches say wait a minute are you sure about that spot wow this game is crazy this is unbelievable okay now now lobo some of the lobo players are happy i'm not sure why [Applause] now what we are getting is that maybe it wasn't fourth down i thought fourth down came up awfully quick i did too that's why i also when you say it fourth and one i was surprised i looked at the far side marker and it said fourth down on the board it said fourth down and now they're going to come over and talk to somebody upstairs wow and the near side marker has said third down [Applause] and rocky's talking to the to the the man holding the marker over here [Applause] [Music] and the official i'm not sure where he went he's over you see him right there and i'm sure he's getting a load of grief from the fans yes he's on the phone he's talking upstairs he'll talk to the official scorer let's see if we can get this straightened out this guy's head over his head mike you know out of fairness to him it's very hard to officiate a game but i have never ever in my life pro college gaffel anything pop warner i've never seen a game like this well it you know keeping track of the downs is is the number one thing you got to do as an official and you're you're going to get messed up but it just adds on to everything we have seen in the first half i mean this is this is like four games rolled into one with all the controversial plays [Applause] this should be fourth down coming up they've counted plays in our in our truck and they'd say that this should be fourth down the production truck [Applause] now well now what we're told there was a pass yeah basket basket with the catch two runs right no two with didi two with duty okay [Music] so i but i don't you know this should be a fairly simple thing unless they can't get through on that phone now they don't know if the phone is working down well if the referee is he able to talk to the guys on the phone or not they've been down there for quite some time folks we hope you're having fun at home we're glad you're with us tonight hope you enjoyed the us open tennis earlier this evening on these stations kbim krez and krqe now they're using a cell phone mike they're using a cell phone yeah they're scott dodson operations manager using cell phone now i guess he got through handed it to their game official now what we understand is a pass to hank baskett income right the one in the end zone is that correct that's correct okay d.d cox a nine-yard run remember he was just a yard short exactly okay while we were watching the replay he had that nine yard run and then cox the no gain or that might have been dontrell was that dontrell no that was dvd on those two runs stopped short so those should be the three plays bringing up fourth down [Music] [Applause] and we're still awaiting word the crowd is getting restless mike you know this this guy you know southwest airlines is going to they're going to call this guy want to get away after after the game they're going to call this guy mike i know it's going to happen they're going to get his name to call him wow again folks it if you're just joining us new mexico leads 21-14 against texas tech but we have had controversial fumble calls we've had controversial no touchdown calls on past completions and we've had players thrown out of the game gabriel fulbright was thrown out to me very questionable as to whether he should but you know but so but it has been from the beginning of this game there has been one thing after another and now is it third down or should it be fourth down let's go on the field to alana linda all right mike we finally got ward uh they had to use a cell phone but it is now fourth down so the referee called up top and it is now fourth down for the level after reviewing this series with the official score the play coming up right now is fourth down okay now alana i don't know if you can still still hear me a lot but could you hear at all what the official the referee was saying in that phone conversation were you close enough to get anything as to what was going on of course i was close enough mike he was uh he was just talking about they were going through the downs first down was an incomplete pass just just running through the things with um you know the different plays the different downs to determine what down it actually was did he say anything about i got to get out of here is what's the quickest way out of town anything like that you know what i'll tell you what his hand was shaking very bad well it's been a you know it's a team effort by the officiating crew and of course it's the referee's job to keep everything together but you know we don't know exactly who's making mistakes down there my hunch is that the linesman on one side said it was fourth down the linesman on the other side had it right at third down all right it's fourth down everybody fourth and one for new mexico and they're going for [Applause] it movement by tech no whistle and now the time out trying to get texas tech to jump offside they did not did at franconia yep new mexico has taken their last time out of this half all right so now they'll talk about it and this would not be unreasonable for a rocky long coach team to go for it anyway now if you can get a cheapie on it on an offside call go ahead but if the ball and i do see west zunker coming onto the field so this would be spotted at about the 36 yard line [Applause] and that would make it about a 46 yard kick if i'm if i'm looking at it right i think you're looking at it right mike all righty actually it'll be yes there we go and zunker is on all-conference kicker one for two last week and now cole mckamey will spot the ball the deep snapper is john o'brien [Applause] you can see it's a difficult angle on its way no good wide lefts had the distance just hooked it a little bit and so with 154 to go texas tech with that high-powered offense will have an opportunity at the 29. i don't know about that one well you know what if regardless of what they had done people would say something because if they had gone for it and not got the first down and they said what did they well what do you say well i'd say this late you maybe you go for it and try to get the first down and continue to run out the clock get another shot at the end zone sonny come cumby now has a long way to go with no timeouts and they'll start things off with the run up the middle and that's johnny mack for six or seven yards [Music] that middle is going to be somewhere with if they run the ball they're going to keep going through the middle just because of the formation that the lobos are using for the record these are big 12 officials which is often the case you get the visiting team's officials on the road kumbi short screen oh look at the coverage that time wonderful job by mike mahorick mike mahorox just bringing it made having highland high flashbacks coming up and and sticking with his man and and max is the recipient of a big blow up at the end that play was going well that wasn't maharaj that's 58 not 56 the six and eight look the same michael cahuley quick making the great cage uh play the defensive end third down play steps up and oh that's going to be very close to the first down marker wonderful catch that time by texas tech's number 24 cody fuller they got a great spot that's going to be a first down ken west was the defensive back who made the play and it is a first down yeah they got a really good spot all right at the 40. company sets up across the middle short pass that's exactly what new mexico doesn't want to do you do not want to miss a tackle second catch by trey haverty finally art haynes brought him down but the clock continues well it stops momentarily as they move the chains now it's going again oh i'm my mistake it is not a first down pressure coming whoa again down downfield haverty has it inside the 10. with 19 seconds to go he beat charles brown speakman has to get his helmet off the field mike he said people so hard he lost his hat on that play oh my goodness haverty did not have a catch coming in and he's got a couple of big ones tonight no timeouts left so the lobos got to hold right here all right just inside the 10. clock is moving into the end zone one on one the coverage is there well done by brandon payne as he went one-on-one with bristol ulamuah al-amir isn't that the guy who uh went to byu yeah just transferred in after his two-year mission that's exactly right he hasn't played he hasn't played in like four years yeah what is it 25 20 i'm not sure of his age and of course new mexico has some uh uh players who went on more missions as well yeah ten seconds left here comes the second half play at the eighth now they go the other way wide open touchdown texas tech jarrod hicks tiptoed on the sidelines to make the catch now it was very close his feet were very close to that sideline but the official was right there and immediately signaled touchdowns so now this is where the fourth and one comes back up do you go for the fourth and one and keep the ball run out the clock jarrell malone was on the coverage there and hicks got to him flag flies it'll be offside against new mexico the kick is good to tie it up and now of course texas tech has an option of declining the point and technically maybe moving it closer and going for two but texas tech apparently says nope and the point is good with five seconds left now look at the feet just need one in you got both of them man well the second one was on the left but you can't really tell can you from there uh he's down on the first one i think that's inconclusive maybe i mean obviously the official was right there down there it is you're right you're right the right one was down yeah good call by the officials i was looking at the left one i had a question about that but the right one was in the right one and we're tied at 21-0 and now with five seconds left texas tech will kick off to new mexico that scoring drive seven plays 71 yards and a minute 49. [Music] that just shows you how that offense works like as far as if you have any time on the clock that type of offense you can eat up a good chunk of yardage in just a minute or even under a minute squib kick new mexico finally picks it up [Applause] that's adrian brody and there's one second left on the clock i'm sorry landrick brody got the two fullbacks combined their names do you take a knee or do you hit this is a crazy enough game where something weird can happen what do you do um i don't know i don't know this game you know it's not easy is it it's not easy just because it's not a normal game these guys have been so horrible they might jeopardize something you know the officials and they will take a knee yeah that's a safe thing to do and new mexico [Music] will go into the locker room tied with texas tech after that late touchdown by the red raiders in a very interesting first half of play 21 21 cole mccamey and you can see that the coaches and the officials are not letting the lobos cross where texas tech is going into the locker room and i think after this half i think that's a wise decision i would agree we don't want any funny business to end the half i think the players after that one spot had been pretty much well behaved and there's a look at coach rocky long as he heads into the locker room and i know what's on his mind what a brother got to do to get a fair shake around here and right now i think we want to go down in the field and maybe we can get a thought from alana from coach rocky lock coach all right coach it was an intense half what do you do at halftime well i don't know we got to see if we there's some things we can do on defense to prevent giving up the ball and then we got to hold on the ball on offense and make some plays when we got a chance to make plays all right thanks a lot coach good luck all right thank you alana head coach rocky long you can see by his face what he thought of that first half yeah that that that was a difficult first half and you know since i've been doing this with you i don't say anything on the broadcast about officiating because that's a hard job but i've never seen like a touch a clear touchdown taken away twice that's bad mike i mean and then the the way the game has been slowed up by all this indecisive decisiveness you know nobody knows what's going on uh you know miss of downs what is going where where you know what's going on in this hey the second half will be better all right things will flow smoother in the second half and we will have that for you right after this texas tech 21 new mexico 21. we are tied at the half texas tech 21 and new mexico 21. [Music] and let's take a look at some of the first half highlights now texas tech scored three touchdowns two of them on the ground and that's surprising mike but what they did was they passed all the way until they got there and then it had at least one through the air new mexico getting in on the ground too nicole mccamey this was the very first touchdown of the game mckamey took it in after a turnover and then a beautiful pass and catch to hank basket right here and that brought us to 21 21 at the half steps i i guess you'd give texas tech the edge but but fairly even and then you look at the time of possession and uh new mexico has done a good job hanging in there and you know that time of possession is a little deceiving too because tech has had the ball quite a few times and they get they score quickly yeah it's like just a touchdown before the half to tie it up at 21. i mean that that type of offense you only need a minute and you get up and down the field well a lot of weird things happened in the first half of play if we had an hour we'd tell you all about it but hopefully you got that first half and we'll see what's in store for the second half of tonight's football game where it's tied at 21-0 college football and ready to start the third quarter between new mexico and texas tech 21-21 the score lobos have not beaten texas tech in football since 1984. that was here at university stadium and new mexico in position to pull off the victory tonight although 21-14 would have looked better if they could have held texas tech in the final minute and a half of the game of the first half rather maybe the 28-14 the hank baskett pass looked like a touchdown all right well let's see what kind of second half we can have here let's see if everybody's going to bring their a game that's what i mean everybody yeah you said that i kind of knew what you meant by that johnny mack brings it out slicing back and he's brought down nice job that time by new mexico's number 91 and this is quincy black who just came into the program this summer and uh is just kind of getting used to playing college football here and held the texas tech red raiders to just a seven yard return [Music] all right here we go everyone with texas tech and new mexico tied at 21 all after a wild first half of play let's see what the second half has in store for us hopefully he'll be decided by the players mike you bet that first half more than two hours long sunny cumbia overthrows his man and that hasn't happened very much he has been extremely sharp well let's once again reintroduce to you the third member of our broadcast team on the sidelines alana land all right mike i talked to some of the coaches as they were coming back from halftime they said you know what the mood in the locker room we're fine we're ready to go let's get it done anybody angry down there about the way the first half went with all the confusion and that no you know what everybody i mean nobody really commented on anything and i don't know if you noticed but as the lobos were running off the field the coaches kind of all made a barrier as so the players didn't go near the officials or the texas tech players so emotions are running pretty high though down here all right very good thank you alana come beyond the night 24 38 264 yards and that's henderson on the far sidelines the second down play and nick spiegel trying to bury that his tackles from last week where he was officially given three he is probably pushing in double figures so far tonight nick spiegel all over the field tonight just running stringing the play out and trying to keep containment as uh anderson was trying to get around the corner there good job by dick spiegel not to allow henderson to break one we do know that guy has some afterburners also all right third down play third and three gumby in the shotgun lobos going with six defensive backs outlet pass good coverage by new mexico and that's key for new mexico as far as slowing down this texas tech offense cal coulter coming from his tackle spot to make that play coulter running up and stopping what could have been another first down for the red raiders instead the red raiders are three and out opening series in the second half mike all right so they've got to punt the ball away their first punt was only 32 yards and now they'll try it again alex reyes from allen texas will attempt to put one to dontrell more and dontrell never even had a chance to return the last one good snap kick on its way far side of the field and for a second time no chance of a return so the lobos there's a flag well i was about to say the levels will start in good field position jack might be enjoying the first first down [Music] discussion at the 20. hold against texas tech so rocky long may make him kick it over they they'd have to move it back to about the 10-yard line and that was only a 33-yard kick but if you move it closer to the end zone i'll tell you what it it's tough for the punter to boot it from the end zone you get a little bit nervous and so there's a rush coming i think these guys just move slow you know polling on the kicking team number 58 10 yards from the previous spot still fourth down all right so the movement it looks like it'll be at the 13 yard line [Applause] and so the punter reyes will catch it about three yards deep and looks like he'll punt it about uh right in the end zone lobos had one blocked last week can they return the favor nearly blocked but this is his best punt of the night it's going to go over the head of dontrell moore and now he picks it up stays on his feet but he'll go down and that ended up being a not a poor decision but a tough decision for new mexico because they lose yardage on the exchange you know i think dontrell had to pick up all up because i think his hands actually touched that ball and uh he had to go back and get it then probably should have let it bounce but then again you know that's like everything it was a wild first half and if you missed it or if you didn't see it here's a recap of some of the more bizarre stuff fumble here loose ball [Applause] blew the whistle and then they gave the ball to texas tech then there was an ejection there on a play that really didn't look that harmful controversial play looked like hank baskett caught it for a touchdown they said he was out of bounds now we're back to live action that's just a sampling of what happened in the first half as dontrell moore scurries forward then of course there was the fourth down play that was in the fourth down play in the confusion and the ten minute delay as they tried to straighten out was it a fourth down or or was it not so once again mike never i you know i spoke to a lot of people around i went and got a soda and a couple of drinks for us at the uh at the break and spoke to some of the people downstairs they've never seen a game like this they're in agreement second down play for new mexico dontrell moore a slow night for him 10 carries 38 yards and he'll go forward picks up three more of course with dontrell he had a 61-yard run last week on his way to uh 116 and he went five yards rushing and of course he can break one at any time yeah he's he you know how dontrell i mean the more he gets the ball like he's like you said you look at his numbers later it'll all add up he'll have a big production i guess they're trying to get him to a certain number of carries so he could have his typical night the defensive front is very good mike third down play they need a yard and the ball is bounded down well done by texas tech's adele duckett 6-4 271 pounds looks bigger than that he's a great player yeah from mineral wells texas look at duncan just gets his big bit up there saw cole getting ready to throw the ball did what the defensive lineman should do his from his defensive end spot i mean that guy was uh what he led the big 12 in sacks last year [Music] there's a look at the punt returner for texas tech danny amendola [Applause] tyler goss nearly blocked there on its way onodola at the 10. slicing through out to the 20 in the 22-yard line that was a booming punt tyler 21-21 both teams unable to do anything with the ball the first time out here in the third quarter we'll be back with more in a moment how about the crowd here tonight 38 746 that's the third highest in unm history boy remember the days when if you got 17 or 18 you were lucky you're happy with that right nice play by brandon payne to slide on over to put the hit on the running back for texas looks like the adjustments are working we're seeing the defense tighten up on the offenses on both sides of the ball getting a little bit more difficult to get up and down the field and now with that said anything can happen just with this play right here but but it did look like that i mean both teams come out three and out get a great look at the crowd here at university stadium this evening couldn't ask for a better night and that attendance with the state fair going on too oh yeah that's right across the field getting free and getting the first down and more is trey haverty who's had three big catches tonight and charles brown seven on seven there the numbers of each player it was brown getting haverty down finally and that goes back to what you call the lost art mike as we look at the replay averaging makes a good strong run but after this play right here haverty should be down but brown is unable to bring him down he didn't wrap him up trying to stand up with him and bring him down you have to wrap up mike all right first down at the 40. pressure up the middle but company's doing well how about that clear out pattern and another first down and tech loves the block i'll tell you there was a great block throat uh thrown that time but amendola [Applause] the catch in the first bound uh first down joel fulani i thought i saw the block thrown and also saw a little extra curricular activity after the play if you watch here and watch the block on the side the left side of your screen and that is a serious block right there somebody brandon payne yeah brandon playing playing uh going airborne on that play at the 45 in new mexico territory now cumby changing the plane barking it out he's a senior but he's played very little is made good surge that time by the offensive line for texas tech allowing henderson really to be unchallenged for five yards mark haynes was there to help knock the helmet off of him that's like the whole line swung out with him so he had great protection to get those five yards like like you say a great surge by the offensive line mobile defense getting pushed back a little bit but once again they're not putting that many guys up front anyway second and five two tight ends in for the red raiders straight drop across the middle finds one of those tight ends for the catch and the first down [Music] and it's like tech has got their rhythm back once they get in the rhythm they're very hard to stop mike they're just still just driving down the field little short passes come be looking finding his tight end dragging across the middle [Music] nice little pick up first catch of the evening for clay mcguire 10-yard gain tech very efficient on this five [Applause] his receiver sidesteps one man makes the catch gets the first down and this time it's the uh the hvac bristol olympua byu transfer at the 20 make that the 19-yard line of new mexico in a lot of ways this is the best drive we've seen tonight by either team that's consistent and it's been on their own let me get rid of it another open receiver five yard gain a couple of lobos surrounded including josh bassnet cody fuller with the catch [Music] tech now has van six players with at least two receptions tonight spreading the wealth that's the difference between company and like uh what coach long said earlier in the week it's just he knows who to throw it to i mean here's a guy who's been sitting back really to study in this offense this new mexico defense could use a big play have not sacked the quarterback tonight here's henderson trying to find the corner and black comes over to ride him out of bounds good job by or rather brown charles brown came over and it said i had an opportunity to fling him into that sign over there but wisely held up charles brown just trying to do his part out there mike and keeping henderson from turning that corner because turn henderson if he had turned that corner that was six again new mexico going with a lot of inexperience in the secondary anyway and then you throw in the fact that gabriel fulbright was thrown out of this game third down and three [Applause] direct snap to cumby gets rid of it first down they seem to find those holes time and time again no matter whether it's cody fuller here or one of the backs coming out of the backfield like henderson well that's that's that's the uh way that offense is set up it's so successful because as a quarterback and as the guys running routes you know where all the everything is going globals are trying to figure this out as it comes along and so the defense is at a disadvantage so to speak especially on short routes like that fuller with six catches tonight looking to his right going in the end zone and overflowing his man cumby had his eyes set on joel fulani but that one was uh clearly overthrown from the get-go that will bring up second down well texas you know rocky has a little bit of a theory about texas tech they they they start the season very well then when they get into the big 12 season they kind of come out flat obviously the big 12. those big they're great teams there but the other thing is they don't have the depth and by the time they get to the meat of their schedule they're all beat up they've got great skill players but up and down not quite the depth as some of the other big 12 schools pressure oh it nearly picked off that have been a huge breakthrough [Music] up the middle good coverage in the secondary and now it's a third down play texas tech tonight seven of 11 on third down and that's because i mean all they're gonna do is just throw a little quick pass i'm sure this time he's probably gonna just look to this corner of the corner somewhere and lob it up or 36 000 strong on their feet for new mexico third down and goal at the five [Applause] company looks left now across the middle and it's just out of the outstretched hands that time with the intended receiver fuller who was trying to haul it in and fuller running at full speed and that ball that ball looked like he had a lot on it but yes it did and i think what happened was as we look at the replay fuller's trying to make the grab on this ball but that ball zipped through so quickly he just he just couldn't get it he may have been going with the receiver at the back of the end zone fuller may not have even been the intended receiver there and one of the coaches talking to him about that potentially alex trelika on to try to give tech the lead on its way and the red raiders are in front so the red raiders down 7-0 at one point 21-14 and now they have taken the lead 24-20 let's see if the levels can answer in a moment [Music] life by the horns see your local dodge dealers now and go lobos and every time those regulator cheerleaders come out of the field with their flags lobo pants and let them have it with their reign of booze [Applause] hard job tearing the flag around well i'll tell you what things have calmed down here in this football game everybody seems to have settled in here in the third quarter after the wild first half and that's a good thing that's a good thing it was just kidding it was getting very frustrating and after a while it's just like the game was out of control 24-21 texas tech in front [Applause] d.d cox is back deep along with marcus smith there's a look at marcus who made a big fumble recovery on the special teams earlier in the game and marcus will have a chance to catch this but i don't think he'll bring it out and he wisely keeps it [Music] [Laughter] some of the other scores tonight you may be interested in air force beat eastern washington 42 to 20. it was california 13th ranked over new mexico state 41-14 and let's see uh texas a m and dennis franconi beat wyoming 31 to nothing those are some of the scores that you may find of interest today all those games under six hours [Applause] new mexico starts this drive with basically nothing a short gain by dontrell moore maybe maybe uh six inches or so dontrell just of course dontrell has a little bit of a tendency to look like he's hurt on every play anyway but he seems to be moving slow tonight and and just hasn't had an opportunity to to pull off a big run right i wonder [Music] and a whistle will stop play here and new mexico will take a timeout that seems like an unusual time to take a timeout but the lobos will use their first of the second half trailing 24-21 sandia casino come celebrate a lobo's victory in style tonight at sandia casino now we're ready to go ball is ready for play new mexico down three paul mccamey tries to set up running to his left good throw and a great catch wonderful catch by hank baskett and you know one thing man i think it's a big time concern that you don't have another receiver stepping up the wide receivers aside from hank baskett last week with just one catch and i don't know if they have any catches here tonight but when hank is playing this well you try to get it to him just a down and out by hank baskett going out towards the sideline making the grab nice catch [Applause] basket is the only receiver or tight end to have a catch tonight there's more loses the ball it's on the turf on the ground and tech has it wow [Music] [Applause] dontrell moore had it stripped away and texas tech was able to come up with it that could be a big turning point right there mike antonio huffman watch here watch the hand come in [Applause] and there it is yeah antonio huffman i think got his hand on it he pulled his arm and 97 pulled his arm still loose i lost it yeah it wasn't huffman it was huffman who recovered it but somebody put a hand in there big number 97 okay it was fred threat forcing the fumble and again that has been a little bit of a problem for dontrell in his career at new mexico you don't want to give tech an opportunity like this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they'll run henderson cutting back up the middle maybe two good job by that lobo defense there including number 94 adam garde and mike mahorick global defense playing relatively hard i mean they've been on the field quite a bit i mean in the time of possession we look in the first half was only a minutes difference but but they're they've been playing tough well last week they they gave up what three touchdowns against washington state but only one long sustained drive right coming back that will be a texas tech first down the short pass to hicks jared hicks with another catch and those guys i mean you got to give it to tech i mean they make it look easy on offense after so many guys just running curl outs and all kind of stuff button hooks whatever getting open they're just i just know they're open finding a way to get open and it is a first down for tech 5 48 to go third quarter of play it was 21 all at the half this is tech's third drive they had a field goal the last time out and new mexico has yet to score here in the third period sonny cumby guns it wide open avery again inside the five-yard line trey haverty wide open and new mexico has forgot about him a couple of times trey haverty is earning himself a position a nice position on the depth chart mike having a great game as we watch the replay here [Music] obviously something busted coverage somewhere because like you said the lobos did forget about him but that's an assignment missed when somebody said open somebody missed an assignment mike well you could see ken west leave haverty and start to go upfield and i'm not sure why there he has five receptions 95 yards didn't have any last week off the five-yard line in new mexico anderson maybe back to the line of scrimmage well what a big boost if new mexico could hold tech to a field goal here or force a turnover i think he's a great story given a sixth year of eligibility by the ncaa after his knee injury in the second game last year against texas dead he's a tough guy look at the passing yards now mike 352 117 that's where the game is being won right there fans getting into it here gumby being pressured and he goes down for the first time josh basinette came in from the far side and got to cumby very quickly but that's just the first sack of the night was a big one trying to make something look funny that's the game plan tonight watch bassinet just blow by and come in and right there he did the right thing as far as not to make any you know extra curricular activity afterwards you can see him hold up his hand what a wrestler that man was my goodness first sack of the night second of the career of josh baszenet it's a third down play at the 12. third and goal from there picked up we've got room brandon payne he's got a convoy he lost the ball is it out of bounds [Applause] let's wait for the official signal and yes it is new mexico's ball brandon payne with his third interception of the season that's what brandon payne somebody needed to do that for the lobos all those passes being thrown around somebody just needed to make a timing on the ball and make a break on the ball to get that interception that's a big break for the lobos because tax offenses i mean they were in rhythm and they were they were heading for the off the end zone mike comey saw somebody right there as soon as he let that ball go brandon payne made a good break on that ball waiting for he was patient patient lost the ball there and obviously cumby just didn't see him or he wouldn't have thrown that head i bet he as soon as he saw it looked up i bet he wish he had that one back 40 yards on the interception return paul mccamey almost sacked trying to get out of trouble and pick up a yard or two and he does [Applause] cole's got a little bit of an awkward running style but he managed to escape there before brock stratton tackled him as he approached maybe three four yard gain yeah he's got an awkward running style he's pretty fast mike he he he ran track for our teacher also numb and i remember seeing him run i think he was also on the relay team and he had some speed of course artesia the great 4a football program in new mexico went up to rio rancho last night and beat the rams in a very hard-fought football game yeah that game was hard 30-13 [Applause] fake now the go with the strain the far side that's next to hank baskett nearly lost it at the 40 inside the 40-yard line nice gain there of just about 20 yards vincent meeks has had a nice night made the tackle hank baskett is really turning into a big time player mike trying to see if i didn't know if we were going to get a replay here now i watch the play develop but i can't see the what the backers are doing i think they committed to cole the little screen there hank following his blocks just picking up a nice gainer i think what you saw when you thought he nearly lost it i think he was just tucking it in maybe putting it on the other side there just inside the 40 yard line here's the option to dd cox and he is scott nice solid hit by khalid nazarutin with the stop there and i thought for a moment there we were going to see another chris williams play from last night uh dede his knee hadn't hit the ground yet or his elbow and he was laying on the player roll off of him in the run referring to a play in the rio rancho high school game as for hank baskett six catches 99 yards he's about to go over the 100 yard mark for the second straight game [Applause] cox with a gain of four they'll get another opportunity here boy not quite a yard gain on that play nothing there mike so third down and long five coming up new mexico trails it by three a little momentum though after the interception return by brandon payne takes defensive front they're not easy to push around like that i mean those guys they've done well against the run like even you were mentioning when they get the conference they're beat up but their front has done pretty well against the run this year last year they had trouble against him third down play shopkin paul mckamey adds a seam decided to pass it complete first down new mexico lobos move those chains and dontrell moore comes out of the backfield to make the catch and that's his fourth reception of the evening looking for a redemption and you know he feels bad when he fumbles watch dontrell it's another one of those plays where he just runs out actually runs the curl out just like he's a receiver dontrell taking off and bringing the ball in and helping the lobos get that first down i'm sure that does something for him after the fumble earlier [Applause] [Music] all spotted the 28-yard line [Applause] paul mccamey has really done a rock solid job tonight handoff to moore makes one man miss hangs onto the ball picks up four or five brought down from behind duckett and meeks tag team for the tackle you know what we were talking about him getting stronger as the game looks like he's trying to pick up a little bit of a rhythm there dontrell is because this time he made a guy miss and he actually got some yards behind it i mean he made a couple of guys miss earlier in the game and the next the second guy was there to make the stop dontrell moore leaves the field 51 yards tonight he is now the all-time leading rusher in mountain west conference history passing larry ned of san diego state of course the league is still an infant but that's quite an accomplishment for the junior from roswell mckamey with the pitch good hands by d.d cox does a little juking just to get back to the line of scrimmage but vincent meeks did a nice job number one to bring him down had a lot of success against that texas tech defense last year like i said texas tech struggled against the run last year so that might be a little deceiving a lot of those guys were young as you know red shirt freshmen and sophomores last year and uh they were thrown into the fire i mean new mexico being one of their first games all right let's see what dan dodd has in store here third down and a long five they need to get to about the 18. basket in motion fake to him the pitch dontrell more tech has that one snuffed out nothing doing there that time adele duckett was the first player and and now dontrell is no longer the leading rusher in mountain west conference history after that loss that'll bring up a fourth down play [Music] and we will pick it up when we come back for the fourth quarter 15 minutes of regulation left with texas tech leading new mexico 24-21 [Music] [Applause] unm logo football is brought to you in part tonight for your albuquerque toyota dealers and now west zunker is on to try to tie this football game up first play of the fourth quarter cole mccamey looks like he'll spot it right at about the 35-yard line which would make it a 45-yard attempt [Music] [Applause] sunker missed earlier from about 46 yards hooked a wide left [Applause] [Music] there is a win down there it's been a nice night but maybe directly into the wind but let's check it out okay puts it down the kick on its way it's going to be close and it's good it looked like it was going to slice to the left but it came back to the right and new mexico ties it up on the field goal by west zunker boy did that kick ever look like it was going to go to the left you're right about that mike when i matter of fact i wasn't even sure that it was it was good until the officials raised their arms well the young man from new bruns texas ties this football game up 24 a piece all right wes zunker has tied this football game up and this game is brought to you in part by the new mexico lottery so far the new mexico lottery has raised nearly 220 million dollars for lottery success scholarships for students throughout new mexico the new mexico lottery benefiting new mexico's future today terrific look at that behemoth for new mexico adam garde 6-2 253-pound line but actually rather light for a defensive lineman these days but new mexico just is not particularly deep at that spot this year but i think the defense has done a real good job in this football game to give the offense a chance to win right well they rely on speed and speed can really help you in a game adventures right brian bishop johnny mack back deep it'll be mack at the 7. out past the 30-yard line [Applause] that had a head of steam that probably looked scary for a little while to some of the fans jerrell malone in there see nick spiegel again and now 24-24 after the 24-yard return [Applause] that's the number of choice right now yes it is very impressed with sonny comby yeah guy has done a terrific job he's the real deal mike snyder texas senior sixth floor 222 pounds now the lobos go with three downline time nearly picked off and now a late flag what is that all about perhaps a hold you can see that hicks was applauding there and now the little smile let's see if we can see it yeah obviously a whole pass interference number 56 to the defense spot foul first down maharick with it keep an eye on number 56. timing is not particularly good on that number 11 attendant receiver number 56. oh i don't know one more time there's definitely collision there and i don't know whether he could have caught the ball but he mahorik did wipe him out and that is a brandon douglas who has played very little tonight and i'm not sure what this little session is all about i think he might want somebody to get off the sidelines but i'm not sure i'm convinced that guy just wants attention to himself [Laughter] he's stolen the show for sure first and ten at the 33 time now throw it away good pressure you get a little pressure there and obviously it makes things a lot more difficult just one sack tonight but the pressure has been much better in the second half pressure has been much better and you start hurting some of those passes and you don't want to get in a dangerous situation where you underthrow your receiver so sonny comby doing the other the best thing as far as if he's trying to get it to him it's better to probably sail a little high throw it a little high than underthrown because that's when you risk getting picked off 33 of 53 tonight 352 yards and a touchdown the numbers for cumby correct snap gets rid of it good luck to hicks hit hard first down spins away whose football might are they going to call it down it should be down i believe and now the officials will come in and say yes the ball was down let's see if the ball is down [Music] looks like that might be another one let's see back judge came in now i thought he was down and i looked away and then there was all the fuss but let's see [Applause] hicks makes the grab what a move that's a great move [Music] yeah he was down angle at it now did he lose control of it right up there we're going to be able to see for sure i think right here oh wow he lost control of it yeah another bad call that's the third fumble that's been given back now the past trying to set up the screen to henderson has some room and a little guy races to the far sideline before he's pushed out of bounds michael de huey with the tackle there had a good game tonight [Music] you know that last one in the defense of the officials i'm not so sure if that uh the ball was starting to come out then he hit the ground and then it came out let's check it out let's see let's see what happens the ball okay let's see he's got possessions guys losing possession right there knee is not down yet but he still has it there and then it comes out as he's down so i i don't have any problem with that one we'll agree to disagree there 13 50 to go second down play we are tied at 24 off across the middle short of the first down good coverage by new mexico as alaba is brought down after the game it was the game ken west was on the coverage and that'll bring up a third down and one alamo is a low didn't he he most certainly is and now when you when you see third and one with tech or fourth and one for that matter it's just you just think they're gonna get it because their offense has been so efficient well if you wanted to sneak it he probably could quick pass paverty with it and that'll be a first down a gain of about one [Applause] and it's it's so difficult to cover because if you come up in a situation like that and maybe get uh you know right up to the yard line where haverty is he puts a little move on you everybody reads it and he's gone and a lot of these guys you know they have a linebacker on it or or somebody like bassinet who's a safety and maybe doesn't match up very well with some of this these guys so it's a difficult difficult offense to defend against yeah plus you don't want to come up too soon and and get beat deep sets up a screen in the middle flag flies there's going to be a hole and this one's coming back and it looks like the center is standing about the 50-yard line he knows it and he he held off his arms like who me it's like my bad and so this one will come back but getting back to something rocky long said that why tech has some trouble in the big 12. he says the big 12 defensive backs and the linebackers are as fast as their receivers and you just don't have that out of new mexico holding 75 of the offense 10 yards in the previous spot remains first down e.j whitley the guilty party there and we might be able to see it he's he's he's the left tackle to the right he doesn't dj doesn't believe it there he is there's a hold and that was a situation where you really didn't need to hold no nine penalties tonight for texas tech 95 yards first down and 20. [Applause] [Music] keeps moving we approach 12 minutes left in the fourth quarter see that's another good thing about that offense mike i mean there's a guy that stays home to block one of the running backs helping out for the pass protection then he just takes off runs sits in the sits right there at the end of the uh he runs a little four yard curl out just sits right there waiting for the ball make an initial block and then and then go and then go gain a 7 second and 13. tech has five receivers with at least six catches pressure coming shuttle pass to henderson lobo defense breaks down nicely to make the tackle a couple of the safeties there and there's uh flash fascia or rather a fall of fishola somebody's getting up slow coming up yeah tough name isn't it for yeah looks like he's okay he's another one of these texas kids marshall texas got a little stinger there he's limping a little bit yeah we hope he's all right third down and four nobody's left here tonight 38 000 plus he's changing this play alana told us earlier it's extremely hard to hear down there don't try to run for it henderson he's going to be close and he's going to be a little bit shy they're going to go for i would think so [Applause] [Music] anderson on the little bit of a delay and alana linda's on the sidelines pretty loud down there alana all right well frisco is just sitting down here he's trying to test his right ankle it looks like trying to walk it off he's up and moving now so it looks like he kind of just tweaked it a little bit but not too concerned about it because he's getting ready to get back out there all right fourth down play this is going to be very close extremely close the quarterback sneaked by cumby and boy no guess from me no i'm going to say he got it all right i'll be the contrary person that i am i'll put water on myself he's going to be short by about two inches okay we'll see all right they'll bring the chains from the far sideline now you can see the ball is spotted smack dab in the middle of the 30. [Applause] oh got it by two inches told you an unpopular decision here [Music] you can hear one fan from right below and say that was a horrible mark and one disgruntled fan who sounds like they might want to keep him a watch on that guy he's going to have a sore throat tomorrow that was pretty loud at the 30-yard line under 10 minutes to go fourth quarter we're tied at 24 off mike powers van taylor lynn with you tonight comey stays in haverty with another catch trey haverty brought down by charles brown and they like going in the middle you know they're fine in the middle to be soft because they're going they're going there plenty of time right over the top right there haverty comes in cuts in running that inside down and in you know second down play gain of just four seven catches 101 yards now for trey having new mexico forced the turnover a key turnover in the third quarter now the pitch here's johnny mack down from behind and that's nick spiegel who's having a whale of a football game you know that was almost a very dangerous pitch to to make i mean those dangerous plays as we watch the replay here nick spiegel coming up and he's not fooled at all that pitch i mean spiegel was almost there to take the pitch mack really had didn't have a chance on that play looks like nick could be a pretty good bulldogger i wonder if he's thought of getting on that rodeo circuit [Applause] oh my nfl doesn't work out oh man a little confusion in the backfield for texas tech on third down and eight quick release flags fly we might have offsides it's going to be short of the first down but perhaps the lobos jumped and let's see what the call is the officials have had more huddles tonight than texas tech believe for shoulder jumped a little bit now and there you go [Applause] rocky long flabbergasted and i hope on the defense five yards in the previous spot still third down [Applause] rocky working the officials i think he felt like his players were drawn offsides and now he gets back into his coaching mode it's a third down play third and three at the 23. no flags this time incomplete pass that was a good stain right there by payne payne just coming up putting some contact when doug was like he got him in his gluteus maximus which would make you drop the ball well the pass was a little bit off that time watch the receiver have a kind of double back contort himself a little bit yeah he sure did have to contort himself just a bit he almost made that catch as far as uh you know he was he was in the vicinity to make it i mean he's those guys they're very focused out there the tech receivers are good like they always are alex trelika from 40 yards out to put the red raiders ahead on its way no good wide rice [Music] wide right from 40 yards out and now new mexico will have a chance to take the lead with 7 45 to go we'll be right back to see if they can do it there's a look at the press box at university stadium as well as some of the uh zia suites and and the luxury boxes as well and 38 000 fans have shown up tonight the third biggest crowd in unm history lobos open the season with two home games and go on the road next week to oregon state and that's the game we'll have for you tape delayed next week at five o'clock because of the pac-10 window they will not let us telecast that game live but we'll have it for you at five o'clock [Music] 24 24 7 45 to go fourth quarter hank baskett a big game tonight oh big time hits going nowhere it's dontrell moore last two carries he's gone backwards adele ducking one of the players in on the tackle for the middle of that line i mean i mean there was absolutely nothing there local offensive lineman did not get any kind of surge on that play right there the texas tech in front met dontrell before he even got a chance to get up to the line of scrimmage claude darrell robert turner ryan cook fred tucker terence pennington the right side is the is the new look side for new mexico second down and 11. [Applause] first down it's not basket by golly i guess i assumed that's marcus smith with the catch the first receiver other than dontrell moore and hank baskett to make a catch tonight well done let's go on the field now well before we do that let's take a look at this replay as we see smith go to the sideline marcus smith finally getting his chance to get a part of the lobo offense first time the ball is thrown to him really in this game just i think the tech defenders just left him open because they didn't everybody's worried about hank they said who is this guy first down setting up the screen mckamey unloads it throws it away no flag and now let's go down to a lot of land all right mike when the defense came off the field the coaches went up to them said let's take this personal let's get the job done let's play some of your best football then josh bassinet uh crowded around the team and said it's up to us let's get this done and they'll have an opportunity depends on whether new mexico will have the lead at that point or we're still in a tie game mckamey your impressions of cole tonight 11 of 20 159 yards i think cole has been solid i mean for this to be his second game as a starter i think he's he's got a very bright future ahead of him i mean they're not playing slouch teams either okay the underkeeper bounces outside gets about four before he's brought down by vincent meeks that was about this time against washington state where he fell apart a little bit last week and again it's a maturation process here with with a quarterback physically he's got the tools and you know you say he fell apart and that's you know the maturation process that did show his age i mean because here's a guy who wanted to win so bad he's on national tv he's playing a big school like washington state the mistakes to start coming because he tried to force it third down six yards to go new mexico needs to keep the ball and they won't do it a little bit short on the pass across the middle of the basket basket was open the pass just wasn't there well cole got hit as he threw the ball i think that took a little bit off of that ball and so it was ended up being underthrown hank trying to do his best to salvage that throw and almost came away with a great reception mike it might have been catchable but that's if that's a mistake it's the only one hank's made in two games [Applause] danny amendola is back deep to receive this punt on its way it's not that deep but it's very very high that's going to take a good bounce will it stop new mexico stops [Music] [Applause] and that may have been john o'brien the long snapper down there first look at him he's just shaking his head like [Music] let's take a look here the ball hits it about the 18. that ball almost hit the texas tech player number three well done stopped inside the five yard line with 5 35 to go glad you're with us up late tonight we're tied at 24. welcome back tech with the ball at the two come be changing the play he'll try to pass out of there down field and a little bit too much this is a dangerous spot for this offense because they just don't run it out very well they don't have a full back to give you three or four yards and a little cushion you know one mistake by throwing that ball in the middle completes the sixth of the way [Applause] grumpy now 40 of 61. 399 yards it's also dangerous for the local defense too because one mistake could end up breaking for uh you don't want to play soft here but you have to be careful they'll try to pass again a little bit short company hasn't been quite as sharp here i think the pressure's starting to get to him a little just a little bit and i might be wrong but i mean in a sense this is a rookie for hi he's a rookie too you know because he didn't play he just watched he played behind some good quarterbacks and he's just watching he's got plugged into the system he hasn't been in a situation like this time out on the field tech wants to talk things over actually there's an injury timeout and we don't have a number just yet one of the down linemen and that's dylan gandy 6-3 300-pound senior he's the center and judging by what they're doing looks like he's got a crane it's been a beautiful day but it's been hot and if you don't stay hydrated you're going to have problems like that looks like he's going to be okay he'll stay in the game unless they have to make they'll make him go off for the play because of the injury he wants to stay in but they're going to make him come out there's too much there's too much at stake here and sometimes when you get a cramp or whatever and you're thinking about that you can make a mistake with that football he's got to make the snap so it's best for him to come out if your texas tag what a second half after that wild first half six touchdowns in the first half two field goals here in the second half the defenses have done a great job can the lobos hold here [Applause] third down and ten bassinet pressuring him wide open first down texas tech somehow hicks got wide wide open somehow is a missed assignment mike i mean when you have guys that open somebody missed missed an assignment jerrell malone was over there and again he was the closest lobo but you don't know if it's his fault let's try to see what happens i don't think look lost track of him he lost track of him because he broke it out to the outside instead of going in and i don't even think if i don't think malone knew that he had broken it to the outside first down play big for the red raiders pressure poverty again bassinet gets away from him the bassinet will get the tackle his 14th of the night but not before the big gain of 17 yards out to the 37. there's a lobo down look at the effort coming up by haverty with that crossing pattern again number seven not the first choice second or the third choice [Applause] and you know the one thing that's been with haverty he's been good after the catch right he has been he's been good after the catch he's not just making the catch and going down immediately when there's contact he's making the lobo defenders work wrap him up and bring him down that injured player for new mexico was charles brown went to the sidelines now looks like he hurt his shoulder you could see him coming in late on that play hitting his helmet and perhaps his shoulder on haverty as he went down and that may have caused the injury 435 left in the fourth quarter tie game he hands it off to henderson and who's there to make the tackle yes marcus parker [Applause] he's working chris brown uh charlie brown who just went out uh he's getting his hand worked on mike so maybe he did something he's coming back trying to yell to somebody oh right now he's going back but it looks like he'll be ready to play but it looks like he's holding either that the left side but anyway good job by parker parker's just able to knife through you know tech they have these gaps in their line usually they're a lot wider than that but since they play a new mexico a blitzing team they bring their gaps in a little bit closer and parker finally gets through one of those gaps tonight [Applause] second down at 12. [Music] time time time incomplete good coverage out of the backfield by nick spiegel who was uh staying stride for stride with henderson great coverage by the local secondary just you see uh late in the game like this a guy like comey he's not gonna i don't think he's gonna try to force anything because he's seen veterans play ahead of him and he's a senior upperclass guy so i mean he's a senior he's got that on the as far as being mature he's got that so i don't think he's gonna do that new mexico has not beaten texas tech since 1984. they've lost 10 in a row to the red raiders third down from behind the pass caught what a beautiful play although it's going to be shy of the first down marker beautiful stretch out and catch by jared hicks out of houston and he's a little bit disappointed here because he thought he had enough but they'll be a yard and a half shot all right mike leach what are you gonna do with three minutes and five seconds to go look how close cumby came to being sacked on this play as you you well you can't see him now but the lobo coverage was pretty good he just said the ball was [Applause] oh i think you got it he did it he got it new mexico's defense wasn't ready for that quarterback sneak they got up there too late and tech converts the fourth down play for the second time tonight this is like their longest drive i mean usually they get down and get in quick but they're eating a lot of clock time they just need a field goal trelika missed the last time out from 40 yards this new mexico defense needs to hold him right now without a first down back to pass across the middle flag flies we may have a face mask i think you're right we may have a face mask and that will put tech almost into field goal range yeah face mask my goodness and new mexico is getting to the point now where tech may have an opportunity to kick that game-winning field goal potential field goal with no time on number 16 of the defense five yards first down well it's a five yard penalty which is which is better and there's the face mask right there that could have been a 15 yarder hung on a long time west is trying to get him down [Music] at the 42. in the pocket getting rid of it not that time cumbie took a big shot right there on that play i mean he got hit he he was drilled and he gets back up and he's fine but he took he paid for that play i believe that was mike mahorick dropping in on company like that look at that 449 yards 44 for 67. well his attempts have been more than smu he had 60 attempts against smu 470 yards more attempts and less yards here but that's still a big stat second down play clock stops with 203 to go fourth quarter cumby wants to change things up now some confusion and tech will take a timeout yeah they had to because the gang the clock had wound down in two seconds 24-24 we'll take a timeout as both teams talk it over we go second down and 10 for texas tech we're tied at 24 all two minutes three seconds to go fourth quarter field goal might win this for texas tech [Applause] gumby steps up downfield overthrows his man that time he was looking for one of his favorite targets cody fuller fuller's only six feet 199 pounds now it's third down can this lobo defense stop texas tech texas tech is not in field goal range yet well if they get in field goal range their kicker remembers freshmen so that should be a lot of big-time pressure on a freshman who's never been in this situation in a d1 college football game and we'll see how he does with that third down and ten probably two down territory for the red raiders lobos jump off sides they better keep playing now the lobos say they were forced off and it looked like it was marcus parker who jumped and let's see if they can get this right now cody campbell the left guard may have been the guilty party prior to the snap false start number 60 of the offense five yards remains third down they'll say it was daniel loper the left tackle daniel that's a big play that is a big play now you can see the movement there it is right there he raised up now lobos may have gotten a break because parker started to go across that neutral zone yeah he got back though he backed up third and 15. [Applause] pressure up the middle incomplete marcus parker came barreling through the middle now i'm going to test my memory folks and you don't like to bring up bad things if you're a lobo fan but there was one game against texas tech where it was fourth and like 35 and texas tech completed it and went on to win in the final seconds back in the mid 80s but this time we're not going to see that type of situation because the defense held and tech has decided to punt the ball away i think this is a fake punt fake punt on fourth down and 15. yeah let's see new mexico has no one back with a minute 55 left hunt is good on its way the lobos would love to see this get in the end zone and it does [Applause] and so new mexico has 80 yards to go with a minute 47 left and we have had a most entertaining game a two tale of two halves all the wild stuff that went on in the first half and then a very traditional conservative second half and well played second half but not a lot of points yeah well played not a lot of points but we took the other element out of that game as far as the first half was so confusing with all the the weird things going on with the officials and all that i mean it just made it made it just very it was just a strange first half and the second half has been nice because it's been a defensive battle some of the drives have been you know the one team will get something going another team to gets something going only to be stopped so it's been a great second half time out on the field right now there's an injured texas tech player i believe it's trey haverty who was the texas tech player who raced down to try to down the ball but he was pushed as it got close to it and it looks like he's going to be okay right there and you can watch the lobo player right there give him a shove and probably not illegal play but no call there and i think haverty is okay i think he twisted his knee mike oh no it looks it looks like maybe he's got some kind of tightness down there right right yeah well he'll get it off the field in a moment and maybe uh cramping up a little bit and he'll be back if texas tech gets another opportunity with the ball new mexico needs to go 80 yards they need to take care of the ball but they need to get it down so that wes zunker will have an opportunity to kick the field goal and i'm sure zunker's thinking about that right now he better be the crowd seems to be wondering what's going on also but they see haverty leaving the field now we went off slowly that guy's a good player good enough it's like they've kept them a secret for four years and now they decided to unveil him for new mexico well you know i think the bar is so high as far as their receiving core at texas tech i think the bar is so high that these guys just come into the system and they're they're good because they've been waiting for their chance and all the other guys ahead of them are good haverty is technically an h-back but all that means is he starts in the backfield and then goes out to catch the ball first down to mexico at the 20. long way to go we're tied at 24. now they'll try the option some room for cole mckinney and he'll get out of bounds first down mckamey may end up being the leading rusher in this game tonight for new mexico when it's all said and done it looks like it [Applause] and they are saying it's a first down [Applause] looking ahead with zunker his career long is 51 yards against utep back in 0-1 he's an attempt he's attempted a field goal from 54 yards out that's his longest attempt at the 30. try the option again good catch by moore cutting back and he'll pick up eight or nine now dontrell knows how what's on the line here he made the grab this time you know that one pitch that he missed it seemed like he was a little tentative about it maybe even a little nervous and uh that was a great catch by him though when i watched the replay ball's pitched kind of high and he grabbed it and i mean it's not like writing the numbers but i guess sometimes that's where you want it because it can bounce off your equipment too clock continued to move lobos taking a lot of time getting this play off much longer than they needed second down mckamey looking downfield looking for his man and goes right between the hands of marcus smith he made the move to come back but he did not make the play antonio hoffman was there on the coverage you know i wonder if marcus smith was wondering if he was out of bounds when he turned around it looked like maybe he had thought about it because he made the adjustment but he looked back took a glance real quick and we can see if we can see that if he's wondering where he's at he just he just got away he just moved his body out from the ball probably trying to keep a deflection off of the shoulder pads looked very awkward there and went right through the wicket sure did it's a third down play with 54 seconds to go be smart here take care of the football handoff to moore and spinning getting the first down staying on his feet just shy of the 50-yard line it's late in the game dontrell has more carries he's starting to run hard mike that was that was extra effort on this part he was really stopped if you look at this play it looked like don trail was going to be a little bit stopped a little bit of the first down but the spinning move right there got him down to the first down i'll tell you what i love the block you can see number 62 right there fred tucker but there was also another block there's the ryan cook the the center doing a great job and also the tight end curtis pino the young man from saint pius who comes down a two tight end situations made a great block downfield a timeout on the field now the numbers for dontrell moore 18 carriage 55 yards that's going to be updated here in a moment he's now the mountain west leading rusher for now eight yes well he's he now has 65 yards so i don't think he's going to lose that title dontrell in his career has 14 100 yard games he's approaching the record of 16 set by winslow oliver [Applause] and what a fine running back winslow oliver was boy was he ever [Music] need about 15 more yards mike to get in range for uh zunker his his longest is about 51 yards so there was a timeout charged to new mexico they have one left [Applause] it's a first down 48 seconds to go ball at the 49. just shy of the 50. nicole mccamey getting a little hair on his chest running the show for new mexico lots of time now looking for the tight end downfield and he's just going to throw this one away great pass protection for cole mckamey that pocket starts to break down on him and you can see his speed that's one thing that's keeping cole from getting sacked is that because of his speed he's able to run and make something out of nothing in this case making the wise choice and throwing the ball out of bounds so that you don't lose yardage and you've taken even further back is trying to get into field goal range well to be safe let's see need to get down probably inside the 35 yard line probably closer to the 30 to give west zunker a realistic shot at it made one from 44. he also missed one tech dontrell moore up the middle inside the 40-yard line clock will stop as they move the chains new mexico needs to hustle up lots of time you might consider spiking the ball here [Applause] now the clock moves and they'll spike it this is just what you call it done you bet and now new mexico will regroup there's a look at wes on the sidelines new braunfels texas i believe is fairly close to lubbock i don't know my texas geography as well as i should you know i don't i'm not sure i don't think that i don't think it is no all right of course everywhere in texas you're a long ways from some place right yeah well there's so many cities around there you it's close to brownville oh isn't it yeah all right i think that's what you're thinking of i don't know what i'm thinking 32 seconds left basket in motion fake to moore downfield open smith hangs on to the ball at the 25. marcus smith hauls that one in the lobos are finding out they have a second receiver and marcus smith two big catches for marcus smith to keep drives alive i'd spike this one too all right coach powers we'll see clock moving 24-23 of course that's the easiest call i've made all night two for two mike's getting a big head right now if we get ready to look at the replay of marcus smith smith running himself a nice little route there got his man his man didn't want to commit too much to get up too close to him i think once again the tech defenders are playing off of him just a little bit because smith doesn't command the same respect as a hank basket right now and that's been to the lobos advantage [Music] romo is now at the 25 yard line of course do they go do they try to get closer for the field goal or do they try to go for the outright win with 23 seconds left four wide receivers in they'll give it to moore and he barely gets back to the line of scrimmage in fact does not and now new mexico probably will use the timeout still moving the clock 13. and now it stops boy is this a dangerous situation 12 seconds to go out of timeouts new mexico is out of timeouts now i don't know why they restarted the clock it was at 12 and then a second just went off now another couple of seconds so are they aware of that well i think rocky is if you can see the look on his face they really need to reset that clock if in fact there was a time-out call [Applause] here we go again there's another meeting well let's make sure you get it right that's the thing at this point yeah well you know this is just consistent mike it began this way we shall end this way when the play was dropped dead when dontrell moore was tackled i looked up and they were i was watching the clock and it went down and it stopped i thought at 13. then i looked away and now they're starting the clock and now new mexico will call a timeout so rocky long has decided i've had enough we wanted the clock to spin down for one last try to win it on a field goal out of the game but the clock stops when it shouldn't have right and then it sputtered along from 13 seconds to 12 and then it went to 11 and then down to 9. which surprises you how in this game right at any rate new mexico has the timeout they wanted with four seconds left west zunker is on the field [Applause] getting ready to get the potential game winning field goal you know you said something earlier and i don't know if you remember but it's almost like you were alluding to overtime yes i've been saying left in the regulation or left in the fourth yeah exactly okay there you go you could see this game developing that way yeah new mexico came into this game about a four-point underdog and the lobos just don't beat bcs schools they're like one for 25 and the last one was against baylor zunker's career he's 10 of 19 from 30 yards out three of five from between 30 and 39 yards and the ball right now is at the 26. seven or eight yards back so we're talking what are we talking there about a 43-44 yard field goal attempt yeah cole mckamey is the spotter he was the spotter all of last year the holder there's a look at the loneliest man in the place yeah 39 000 of us what sunker is all by himself [Music] counting the players making sure he has 10 teammates on the field this to end a 20-year losing streak against texas tech 0-10 against the red raiders who say we'll take a time out here they want to i sunk i think they've got one left and they'll probably use that too they want to ice him they want to play every mental game they can play right now because this is a game rocky looks a little nervous on the sidelines this would be a huge win for the program rocky was asked earlier in this week why texas tech has had the streak and he says it's hard to figure we've had good players and good coaches but he said they must have some advantages they have a bigger budget they have wonderful facilities unm's is coming along but it's not near what texas tech has and they get better players he said in the seven years he's been at new mexico texas tech and new mexico have recruited the same player 25 times and they've gotten one of them and that was dontrell moore wow that's a big stat to lose lose that many players you know so he's i'm sure a lot of those players are very familiar with rocky then since he he's been recruiting over in that area i know they recruit texas new mexico again i mentioned earlier they had a punt block last week you want to make sure that everybody's assignment is solid up front you don't want a black punt where texas tech has an opportunity here we go and now tech will take its final timeout zunker on ice you know what what i've thought of if i was a coach in this situation you had one more time out to take to freeze the opposing kicker i wouldn't take it because that kicker is thinking they're going to call a timeout okay i would go ahead and let it go at that point because the kicker to me is just anticipating one more time out and now he knows there's no more timeouts and so he can focus in on what he has to do but we'll see how wes handles it here he seems a little a little nervous like he's thinking about it a little bit well we want him thinking about the kick not that he's going to the mall tomorrow morning or something else i keep thinking about ace ventura you know laces out laces in whatever you say all right here we go for the win or perhaps overtime at the 38-yard line about a 48-yard attempt on its way it's up and it's good oh wow rocky long and new mexico have ended the jinx on west super's field goal from about 43 yards out and look at the lobos head to the north end zone to the red men it's the red menace right now new mexico has finally finally defeated texas tech unbelievable jubilation you noticed all the policemen were there around the goal post because you know how the fans get crazy and want to tear down the goalpost i think they would have tried look no they're not coming out the police made a line right away in front of both goals rudy davolos doesn't want to have to pay for another goal post rather pay for the extra security and the lobos win at 27-24 let's go down in the field to atlanta with a very happy head coach [Music] [Applause] go ahead a lot if you can hear [Applause] coach can i get a me word [Applause] hey coach how sweet was that hey i got rocky i got rocky all right go ahead all right hey coach how sweet was that win for you that's pretty nice i want to get in the locker room right now all right thanks coach coach is a play in whatever event you find
Channel: Roger Holien
Views: 1,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2GDDjW9BaB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 47sec (11927 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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