Unluckiest Golf Shots of the Year | Best of 2020

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oh how good was that very no it's a deep bunker i couldn't see it land couldn't see it bounce almost trapped between flag completely buried one dimple that's all i could see as a walk around really bad mistake at this time i do want to get this on the green that may be the worst plug i have seen well that is the worst plug i've seen in years that was horrendous tony absolutely horrendous i mean one dimple maximum honestly no it says peters at the 16th on a little downslope not a lot of green to work with oh now i mean that is unbelievably unlucky the golfing gods are testing his patience here that was beautifully played that was going to dig in on the next bounce it's got some spin it's the front lip and ricochets it yeah most definitely and one that one it by the way did i say that you did say one yes you did this is stephen brown from 190 yards get in oh oh both of rolex series tournaments with those huge pride funds and lots of race to dubai points wearing for birdie i know exactly how it feels i mean that was perfect that was a classic that hey we can laugh at it as well they're hot swinger possibly oh what a great effort right at the end it did yes right across and around the hole and then back out again very unlucky in the end look at that second shot into the six for zander lombard oh that's unlucky right first pitch straight into the flag does happen every now and then it doesn't happen that often but it's certainly doesn't make it any less painful does it it's very painful right that was going to be really close from the rough to here 81 yards left for the spaniard good number you can certainly put a bit of spin on it from this range if you choose to six inches from the cup we've got a tee shot that marcus arbiter just hit down 16 nothing more than a sand wedge oh so close to the eagle two oh it's just hop right over the hole look at this one bounce and oh that's how close robert rock second into the fifth beautiful oh no oh no no no oh that is absolutely robbery that is probably this this should have found the bottom of the cup shot for justin harding well that's the second one we've seen like that we saw robert rock's balls stay out by the flag stick earlier on today that one hits square on how did that not go in it's an excellent question mr humphries of course i think they'd be a great combination oh my word lip out more lip than mick jagger that just came straight back at him almost paul wearing we're all thinking the same thing yes go on it's got a long way to go here at the ninth hole he's short of that bunker on the right hand side he's got to keep it right of that front right bunker that you can see down at the green oh don't go left oh that's okay oh now stop now stop now stop stop no what a bounce oh dear what a balance that was horrendous you do see second shot into the path four sixteenths one of them definitely difficult fantastic shot he's definitely got a backstop roger absolutely if you can hit it a little right of the hole and pass the hole i think that would be ideal and he flighted it down a little bit which i think is wise there stick yep about right at it that's a bad break happens all too often you hit it exactly where you're aiming don't get rewarded something that most players do is walk round the back and they they see a line straight through the ball it just helps your alignment get a clear picture of what you're aiming at as you can see all the lines square if you draw a line across the the toes the knees the hips and the shoulders are all in the same line it's a beautiful posture i don't think the hair in perfect numbers it's just a glorious rhythm and well it's a golf swing that's been helped styled by robert rock now i think he's hit one of the wires that run across this hole from the pylon so he would have to play that again which can be quite annoying when you pick a good one five fives are punishable and i suppose we're going to see some tough pins this week they're going to have to put top fins to oh to keep the scoring sense well that's unlucky that's accelerated backwards off the flag the 14th garrick higo is on the green but not close this is mcintyre trying to swing it in from left to right oh you are joking i mean i cannot believe this it's the second one we've seen do just about exactly the same thing yes your normal week well restrained that is such such bad luck i mean really sometimes this can go straight into the hole as well i mean where does it hit it hits about 10 inches 12 inches up on the flag dead center well pepperell's reward for flushing one down this ninth fairway is winding up in the middle of a huge divot that has not been repaired in the middle of this fairway that's all you can do so you can do we're getting a close-up view of that eunice just remind us of the technique for playing out of a deepish divot in the fairway yeah well it's probably the last job in the golf course you want to have this as well so eddie's going to put this back in his stance aim it a little bit to the right try and catch the ball first hit a little trap drawer in oh there sensational i had to aim a little right and sort of hit it down the direction of the divot that was beautifully played plucky it's the third shot of carl burke with the flag out [Music] to watch another european tour video click here and to subscribe click here you
Channel: European Tour
Views: 213,210
Rating: 4.8711061 out of 5
Keywords: golf, european tour, golf highlights, golf best shots, golf shots, golf 2020, golf highlights 2020, best of 2020, unluckiest, shots, year, best, 2020, bad luck, unlucky, worst moments, bad luck golf, unlucky golf, golfing
Id: RznKYHrHpIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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