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goat skiy just dropped brand new zombie Towers from the zombie cameraman all the way to the infected Titan drill man and even the super rare plague Master today sunny and I are going to try and unlock all of these units and defeat the brand new zombie mode can we do it stick around and find out no way skibby toilet Tower Defense added the infected zombie units dude these things look absolutely disgusting what is that man that's the zombie cameraman he's so cursed cursed but not as cursed as the zombie speaker man who's not as cursed as the infected Titan Trill just look at this guy he looks like Bane only disgusting yeah bro cuz he's a zombie and dude he won't just eat you he'll shred you up ew he was born in the darkness but this play guy looks pretty cool I bet you he has awesome powers agreed and now let's find out who can unlock every single new unit by getting the infected crate event bro this plague doctor is. 17% chance he's Cosmic Rarity 45,000 damage the infected drill man only does 14,000 damage and he's a Mythic this plague doctor might be the new strongest unit in the game I have to get him yeah yeah yeah well we each have 100,000 crystals melon let's see if we can open up these Cosmic rares I'm opening my first 10 oh no way I got two drills bro that's busted how I don't know bro ski what is the percent on these drills 1.3% and I got two of them dude you're so lucky I got nothing in my spin it's okay I'll give you one of my infected drills okay thank you very much sunny but we need to get that plague doctor I'm just making my hot bar look cool come on plague doctor I keep seeing so many in the wheel spinner though I know but it doesn't mean anything Sunny they just want you to buy more CRP I know but usually when you see the rare units in the wheel it means you're going to get them but not with this guy come on come on get lucky oh I was one away dang it I keep getting trash did you get an infected Titan drill yet nope I've got absolutely nothing all I've gotten is a cameraman and a speaker man dang it we need that Cosmic Rarity though and if we work hard enough we should be able to unlock it oh stop no there was three of them in a row and and I still got a camera it was never meant to be sunny soon though soon it will clutch up never mind I wonder how many crystals I have left 59,000 okay I could still get a lot more crates and let's see 0.17% there's only 485 in existence bro we're going to have one of the first 500 of them if we can unlock it yeah easier said than done though I've spent so many crystals and I haven't even gone in the drill yeah I haven't seen another drill yet either but I got two in the first crate which was insane Sunny did you hear a sweet cha-ching when you got him or was it a surprise no there was no cool sound effect I just got two drills out of nowhere it's getting really annoying Sunny I'm getting fed up with not getting anything yeah I feel like I'm going to get another drill in a second here though I got a feeling well I guess I was wrong I just got so many trash units yep you thought wrong Sunny o another drill called it bro how I haven't even gotten a single one cuz you ain't the goat like this I got three Drillers how many crystals do you have left I think I'm going to run low soon I'm at 10,000 sunny and I didn't get a single I mean a single drill oh I just got a drill let's go ah I wish you got the plague doctor oh I wish I got the plague doctor too maybe I can stop stop oh there was like five in a row and I'm all out of crystals same here Sunny should we fill up on more I think we should try battling infected town and then if the goats get this video to 5,000 likes we'll try again next time to get the plague doctor well it's time to make my God Squad scientist for money infected Titan drill man because I just got him infected Titan speaker man as well now that we've got our squads let's head to infected Town H melon this place is kind of giving me the creeps yeah dude there's going to be tons of zombies at least we started with a lot of money bro I got all my scientist placed down and upgraded I'll take him out out with the infected cameraman oh that's that's not going to be enough is it not even close it's okay on the next wave skip I'll get one of these speakers come on oh wait I don't have Auto skip turned on there we go is it going to skip I hope so I got to get paid I got to get paid oh no that is a lot of damage on the toilet core from the zombie toilets it's fine we can tank the hit and now I can afford it Place him down right here yo does he do AOE he's not that good melon does 1,000 damage every 1.75 seconds oh my goodness Sunny we need more damage than that it's okay I shall build an army of these camer zombies I think we're chilling yo we're actually taking them out zombie squads let's go don't forget to upgrade your money makers yep yep I know I know come on take out one more there we go another upgrade zombie on zombies who will win that's what I was literally about to say I think our zombies got this yeah I think so too because I'm deploying the infected Titan drill no way I'm going to get one of those guys over here too I just need a couple more kills get them let's go melon the ability is unlocked at level 10 what the heck how does this thing have 10 levels wait a second it might be based on the new unit leveling experience oh which I think transfers across games I see I think I get it sunny bro the drills level three up upgrade is insane it costs 4,500 but look at how much more damage he's going to do uh I don't even have him at level one oh yeah you should probably do that I need to upgrade M money B msh money is looking delicious Sunny oh we got problems bro we got problems what are these things mutant nerds gross we're about to take a lot of damage from mutant nerds and there's a big zombie coming in he's got a lot of Health melon if we take even one more bit of damage we're dead are you serious oh no Sunny we need money and we need it now melon we need a lot more than that we need the wave skip come on yes I didn't want to do this but I'm deploying my acid Gunner do what you got to do out here is he max level no not yet okay it's going to be fine though it's going to be fine we got an army of drills in the back I'm going to get them all upgraded and we should be chilling Sunny there's a lot of toilets coming in it's okay I got three drills we should be fine upgrade let's get another drill in here all right we're chilling we're chilling we're chilling okay I maxed up my acid Gunner I'm hoping you can destroy this zombie army but they've got a lot of HP we're not like this guy has so much health oh no hold on another drill and I'll upgrade him oh that's all I can do I got to sell Place upgrade kill this thing please Titan clock oh no it's okay revive we've got one chance at Revival though Sunny we can't do it again we're like zombies bro we come back from the dead and this time we won't mess up you know why why Sunny because this drill is upgraded no way and we need more money actually bro 40 waves how are we supposed to beat 40 waves with the power of the drill Sunny I'm just going for money upgrades right now cuz I got a bad feeling that these zombies will have too much HP oh my goodness yeah I'm putting in a lot of money on this drill okay I'm going to do that then on the wave skip hopefully I'll make a ton of money which I just did but it's not enough oh no I need $700 600 500 come on just need 500 as well and then I can get this 8K upgrade ooh on the wave if I get enough almost for a whole other upgrade right away bro for $116,000 I can double this guy's damage actually over double it are you doing it yeah but I've got to save up okay how many units have I placed let me think about it and sell off this poopy camera and I'm going to put another drill right here so these zombie lasers are scaring me how much health do they have 93,000 oh dude you're destroying them yeah but this guy's super high level it's fine we've got it under control okay so you can take care of these zombie armored toilets Maybe how much health do they have oh yeah yeah I got this i got this dude your drill Army is insane yeah it's not bad I got to get the $16,000 upgrade it is needed it's necessary for the caruse it is needed and sh I'm going to crank it up to 1.5 speed that's crazy but I like it now I'm going to bring it back down to one speed yeah I might upgrade my money is that too crazy no I upgraded them to the second highest level yeah mine are all making me a th000 yeah I think it's crazy if I try and upgrade it or is it we're actually wrecking these toilets I think I can get away with with it all right 16,000 upgrade Sunny you invest in that money I maxed out my drill dude what does this guy do how much damage melon how much damage 14,000 damage every. 5 Seconds nice let's go but still I haven't unlocked his ability I actually need to get him to level 10 yeah good luck with that I don't know if we can do that in a single game yeah I feel like you got to grind with him speaking of grinding bro I'm going to be grinding up some cash my money makers are all max level let's go I'm going to do that too actually now we just need to survive and I can pump some big upgrades there we go $8,000 invested that's huge gargantuan okay I'm going to sell off these cameras they're trash I'm going to try and fit another drill I think we could fit more than one we might be able to fit three I'm just too broke and I think we're going to really need these okay so one two three perfect the squad it grows now we might actually be able to fit more back here too I think we're crushing these toilets two times speed Mel that's a bit risky I don't think it's risky at all Sunny you just got to think quicker okay I'm going to press my buttons fast press my buttons fast H upgrade this the money is starting to come through upgrade this oh we're wrecking dude the Titan drill infected man is so weird he's like a boxer bro he punches so fast I know it's awesome okay I almost have enough cash we need the money we need the money we need the money maxing them out take out these tlets These turlet are barely making it through look at all these toilet speed run to their death it's beautiful hey Mel can you sell this cameraman right here uh where right there were you were standing you could probably fit a drill in now I didn't even sell him oh there he is I think he was attacking so many toilets I couldn't see him yeah I think that's your spot I'm maxed out on units I could sell some trash I guess boom I placed another drill let's go maxed one out the guy in the center there is now level five let's go dude that guy's going to do big Damage Big D I kind of want to move this one up let's see can I sell this o i can perfect ax level I'll put another one right here okay now we're putting in work the only problem is do these guys get any AOE or maybe some Splash damage I don't think they do but I have the acid Gunner for a little bit of AOE that's true and doesn't that slow him down I think it does slow him down a little bit that's nice Max leveled and now I just save up my cash bro these toilets don't stand a chance cloner toilet you're going down there we go I got another drill maxed out as as well okay goats melon had to go to the bathroom so I'll see if I could take out all these zombie toilets by myself but it's starting to get crazy I need more upgrades and I need them now invest in the damage oh we're still destroying these we should be chilling we should be chilling upgrade wa what are these saw blade toilets I can't even see what's happening on the track half the time cuz our drills punch so hard but these generic zombies they look creepy I'm not going to lie are the saw blades getting through they are just like a little bit but then they get stuck back here in more drills oh yeah they're they're dead I hope please tell me they die oh no they have a lot of Health left oh no they have a lot of Health left okay let's upgrade back here a little bit more oh not good not good skip wave I need the money skip skip the wave get me paid all right Sunny I'm back I'll help you take this guy out hurry come on oh we survived oh we barely tanked it pH that was close well sunny I I don't know how we're going to beat this without the plague doctor it feels like these drills aren't strong enough I know but it's also kind of weird where are the toilets is the game paused what happened did our game glitch what just happened hello toilets I can't really tell Sunny I guess our game just got infected oh no goats please press the like button and comment down below what you think just happened to our game I'm so confused and subscribe if you want to see us defeat these evil zombie toilets in the next one today nothing will stop us we're in toilet Tower Defense on Roblox to summon every single Tower in the game all on the same map versus Ohio mode will we find over 100 unique towers and defeat the toilets in this challenge stick around until the end of this video to find out and can you defeat the like And subscribe buttons click them in the next 2 seconds to get go dead one 2 let's go melon it's time for us to save toy taco and get every unit in the game let's do this thing sunny but first we're going to need some money makers yeah we know the drill now melon it's find the Santa save the world and most importantly we're going to split our responsibilities up your job is damage and defense my job is to collect every unit for us yes but we kind of both have to work together to just survive the beginning Sunny correcto now where are these Santas I haven't found one yet oh I got my first Santa let's go you lucky duck I've been seeing so many ins L powerful units but no Santas I don't even think I've seen a single Money Maker it's okay I'm searching for my other money maker don't have to rush this if I find a pumpkin farm I'll drop that too Santa got it let's go skip that wave Sunny not yet not yet or do you already have your money maker no I don't I guess we can take time here one time later okay I got speaker woman's Rose farm I'm ready to place her down she only makes you 50 on level one it's fine Sunny Santa level two perfect got him and I said level two I meant number two but he could be level two that would have been awesome bro imagine Ultra Ohio mode whenever you place a unit it summons at a random level that would be awesome sauce and a little bit crazy Sunny I've got a green laser if you want to skip I could place him down towards the front let's do it cuz I just got a third senta all right I got really good placement on that green laser nice I'm going to look for a scientist cameraman it's good that we kill these toilets in the front we make way faster money that way I have a cupid too should I place a cupid down I think I'm going to right here it's a good spot for it nicely done melon and I messed up I just skipped over a pumpkin patch I need to find another Santa yeah you desperately do come on scientists are patch and I don't want to skip it again that would be an L ooh I got Santa I got another Santa Sunny nicely done if you can wait a little bit that would be good that's fine sunny I think I'll actually get enough money this wave that's huge yeah I have 200 bucks right now pumpkin patch deployed all right skip that wave let's go okay I've deployed a Santa can find another Santa or a scientist I'll look for the scientist come on one time let's finish the money makers early how are we looking on defense we're looking chill like honestly the toilets are barely making it out of spine love to see it and I got the scientist let's go and I'm going to do some money upgrades now I got nud I love when that happens so much santa santa santa let's go third Santa deployed excellent let's skip the wave evil wave Sun we can't skip anymore we've got to take it out how does this happen to us I don't know okay I need to find a good unit a good level one unit are we going kill this stuff easily oh yeah the green Laser's got this we've got every single Money Maker right yep oh microwave man perfect and I will place the microwav right here we are chilling bro we are chilling I need to find a scientist then well we can't skip the wave so take your sweet time one sweet time later I found him sunny I found him I wonder what we get for defeating the evil wave do we get a ton of cash uh I think we get 1,000 coins like not cash but coins oh that's kind of cool plus how many people do you think beat an evil wave on Ohio mode especially when they're trying to get every unit in the game probably not that many sunny and now we've got to take out Jesse Beauty I got the badge I've never done an evil wave before wait actually Sunny yeah you get them all the time I never do yeah it's very common I don't know why it's also very annoying and I just got all my Santas to level three zero nut us were achieved let's go I need to keep focusing on money but I also want us to have a bit more Frontline damage it's okay sunny don't worry about that I got it are you sure I got uh never mind I don't got it you could skip wave when you're ready though all right I'm skipping it sunny and I got more damage right here Why didn't it place it does that bug sometimes oh that's annoying whatever upgrade this save up for that upgrade that yes I'm getting so lucky on my money upgrades no nuas I think all of these units can take down this boss but I'm not sure nice analysis melon just make sure you keep a close eye on him all right yes I am Sunny he's not going to get past me not this time and I finally got n on but it only cost me 250 at least okay they're kind of pushing through I'm going to skip wave so I can get some upgrades yep I'll help too I upgraded my firework guy I upgraded my green laser he's doing pretty good damage now all right we're back in business and I got some juicy upgrades on my money kind of not really I make an extra $100 now that's pretty good I'm ready to Skipper Dipper when you are yep skip that wave cuz I need some upgrades yes both of my1 th000 Santa upgrades went through yep soon soon it'll happen hopefully I don't get no that would really suck I'm okay to skip the wave if you want no I need $30 more sunny all right we can skip the wave let's go okay I think on the next wave I need to spend money on damage melon are you ready to skip uh yeah I'm ready oh perfect unit I said I needed some damage and I got it hey that's pretty solid yep I'm going to upgrade it one time it needs one more upgrade oh wait that doesn't even increase its range I am uh kind of dumb I put him in a bad spot but it's fine we'll just make some money it's chill Sunny he's melting these toilets skip that wave yeah skip that wave all right I got my first level seven Santa same here bro same timing as you it's good it's good we need to maximize our money potential and we just save up that cheddar cheese guap I'm just relaxing right now I might upgrade the microwave man it doubles his damage it's not a bad move not a bad move at all let's go skip that wave $2,000 upgrade there $1,500 upgrade there $600 got n well at least it was the cheapest upgrade yeah that's not too bad Sunny melon we need to be very careful with this game play we need to make sure we get the dton here because the infinite unit battle pass it expires in 5 minutes I really hope we don't get kicked out that would be cringe or it Nerfs our infinite units that would really suck both of those would be incredibly cringe I think we're chilling though I think we're chilling chilling enough to skip this wave yo you're a maniac upgrade that upgrade that upgrade that all right I put all of my my money into making more money so hopefully we don't lose yep same here I just did the exact same thing maybe we should consider investing in damage oh I'm going to invest in damage now hold on we just got to skip and I'm going to put some upgrades in my Cupid I want some good piercing damage there we go it's maxed out Sunny nice and I upgraded my Mech to level four now he does crazy damage and he can attack them at the start awesome SAU and soon melan I shall begin the deployment of every Tower in the game oh nerd I'm just trying to figure figure out the optimal way to do this we want to put good units here in the middle we could put some trash units over here this will be my trash collector are you ready to skip the wave my Sunny dude yes I am I'm just making my trash Zone this I'll put in the back actually it's summoning units they go here oh melon this is good this is what we needed our insurance manager uh the helicopter no bro look I got n on my Clover upgrade dang it oh you placed a clover down yeah that's solid that's solid yeah and then I wasted 27 $0000 why don't you place him in the middle when you max him out he covers his entire things in Lucky Blocks I'm sure he does but I figured I'd leave another spot for you to put one so that we get super fast recovery in case one of them ever goes down I'll see what you mean Sunny we don't want to repeat of last time hey I don't want to talk about what happened last time somebody wasn't paying attention somebody should have told me to pay attention how is it my responsibility you know what I'm not going to argue this and you ready to skip yes I am I'm going to make the ultimate cameraman squad over here this time finally Max out all my Santas so I'm making good guap now upgrade we've already taken significant damage melon I'm not a big fan of that once we get a Healer that'll all be gone so let's Skip and boom maximum money acquired Sunny nicely done I'm going to make this section the TV man area so we'll put a large tvman like here that way we have room for our upgraders now I'm going to look for some good solid units to do damage ooh this is a pretty good solid unit I'll Place him here Titan Sigma man deployed nice work bro I'm upgrading a money maker let's go I'm ready to skip a wave if you are yep I'm ready to skip boom almost $8,000 from that not bad heyo ultimate drill he's going to go right over here let's go and then I have not enough money for my money upgrades but that was okay cuz that unit is good to get early on so he can Chomp away at the big units exactly make sure he's targeting the strongest oh yeah don't you worry $6,000 upgrade acquired all that's left is the $5,000 scientist upgrade another trash unit goes over here another little Trash unit but we'll place them here this time oh I hate these things they're so bad but they take up space I'm not even going to let it attack I'm putting it in the background another DJ I feel like I got to just put it here with the trash for fun oh I just had a Healer and I skipped it by accident oh but I got a leprechaun that's pretty good this is another humongous siiz unit but I'm going to just get rid of him let's Place him and be done with it no it did that glitch get whatever I'm not going to I'm not going to get angry I'm just going to chill it does that glitch sometimes where you place it and it doesn't Place whatever we got a Mech cameraman we'll level him up a couple times get him the slows I'm going to max out the upgraded Mech as well I want to make sure we got damage I'm going to max out this DJ as well okay then it's back to work the laser Squad is going to be right next to your green laser aome sa sunny I need to find some good units that do damage like a hyper would be clutch This Heart speaker is garbage it belongs here with the trash okay sunny I got some more Insurance Titan Clover man not bad brother another ultimate drill I don't want that spear speaker let's put that here with the trash taking out the garbage oh a medic I'll put the medic here Minun camera woman yeah that is trash if I've ever heard of it reindeer trash hold on sun we don't have a clock man yet I'm going to place him down now we have a time stop ability and melon we have our healers finally maxed out cuz it actually does good damage ooh we got another Sigma I feel like I should place it I'll just put him up here we don't have to upgrade him but I'll just have him there sweet minds and then more trash I'm basically putting all the random units we don't play with anymore like event units Katana spear all those mid summoning units are going back here all right let me let me put in an engineer then bang upgraded Titan Cinema man Godly is not trash he shall live and Thrive right here oh perfect Tight End Cinema man that's what I wanted look at my TV lineup let's go and we put more trash over here like a speaker helicopter ooh you don't have the tight end present man yet Sunny I'm placing him down too all right good stuff good stuff have you deployed a lucky speaker man down yet I don't believe I have I shall Place him in the trash section thank you melon well played why can't I put this why can't I put this are we lagging okay that freaked me out melon for a second I thought that maybe just maybe we had reached the limit of units because of the update but we're good check it out Sunny toxic upgraded Titan cameram man that's pretty solid nice and I think you should actually upgrade it for the slows also melon look at this camera woman and cameraman on a nice date that is pretty beautiful sunny I also have a Sinister I should probably deploy that as well yes I got him Titan TV man look at my squad hold on sun let me add to this a little bit boom nice that's awesome you doing pretty good o baby drill oh I got a big boy hold on let me put the big boy right here bang Mech bunny Titan hey not too bad and check it out it didn't even stop me from doing this I got the speaker large TV man I think that's all the TVs now well do you count spider TV no I didn't get that yet to be fair you're right I have it I'll deploy it right now boom spider trying to think what's left car speaker man get rid of that scary just in case I didn't place it now I did you have the camera repair drone cheffing toon I don't want to disrespect the chef so I'm going to put him over here cuz he's actually a good unit I don't think the camera repair drone's here sunny I don't think I placed it yet either I'm deploying one there we go I got a speaker repair drone as well nice I'm going to put a camera repair drone over here or two at the spawn it's just good I'm putting a DJ speaker man so we have these boosters you have a brown suit cameraman Sunny uh just put another one in case I don't all right there you go he's been deployed upgraded tight end cameraman I'm going to put that here oh it won't let me dude why can't you place units over here this is so weird did you get the upgraded spider uh no I did not we need that bro we're collecting them all it's literally Pokémon uh SZ TV man yeah we got that jetpack mace I'll put one just in case you got the flamethrower I don't think you actually have the flamethrower no we don't have flamethrower yet this is craziness oh healer I know we don't have a Healer flashback and melon we have our healers finally maxed out cuz it actually does good damage and a flashback nice place the Healer right here she's actually solid oh no I had a Healer but I'll put a second one I thought you meant something else but I'm going to max level her cuz she does a lot of damage and she heals our base up hold on we don't have some bunny units I don't think we have this egg launcher elf camera woman placed we're getting there melon laser gun cameraman was part of the laser squad over here so we've already got him I need the red laser and the large laser still you have the normal laser gun yep I just placed it earlier oh wait laser gun or large laser gun I don't even know I don't think you have the jetpack speaker man either but it's hard to say yeah we have laser gun cameraman but we don't have large laser gun cameraman place the jetpack speaker man uh you have large firework I think yes also melon explain this to me why is the Titan speaker man bigger than the upgraded Titan speaker man don't quit question it sunny large laser cameraman excellent timing I was just chatting about you do you have the ninja Sunny yes we have ninjas but we can have more ninjas we have the shotgunner I know because I placed the shotgunner red laser yes the laser Squad is coming together nicely okay we don't have the basic Titan cameraman I'm placing that thing down very nice that's perfect do we have a secret agent anywhere yep I put him at the very back TV man oh I think I might have needed that for my squad Easter speaker man I just put the turkey speaker man I'm placing the sneaky speaker B down again I don't know if we have them or Not Here Comes the saw upgraded Titan cameraman bro we're literally Ash ketchup catching them all yep I'm placing another Titan bunny cameraman can't believe you let me call him Ash ketchup it's ketchup same thing bro doesn't make no difference I don't think we have a glitched toilet yeah we do I think you're capping I'm not capping we do all right I'll take your word for it another Clover man yeah probably not a bad idea I'll put it here do we have a Sinister I don't think we do Sinister cameraman we definitely don't have a corrupted either we don't have a corrupted that's for sure I just maxed out that Clover man to be safe this is crazy it's so hard to figure out what we have and don't have just put doubles if you have to we need a hyper Titan I'll tell you that much true we haven't even found that yet okay I'm hunting a hyper oh large laser large laser I already got one earlier and I put him with the laser Squad never mind it's okay it's okay you know I'm going to max out my Godly here just in case actually that's very expensive maybe I won't let's see anything else that we're missing do you have all the bats and everything I don't think I have all of the bats we don't have a me TV do we oh you're right I don't remember getting one I don't think I've had one either I have an Ohio cameraman so we're chilling there surveillance camera woman I don't know so I'll put another one and I think we need an announcer cameraman still too all right got him nice do we have a medic oh I skipped the medic I'll put a medic just in case oh it glitched on me so I lost placing a hunter oh I skipped over the hyper whoops we have an Ohio yeah we got an Ohio but we're running out of time melon I'm putting a bat down just put doubles if you're not sure okay okay I don't remember if this glitched on me before I'm putting another one DJ we never got one of these guys you're right and I also don't think we have a large turkey speaker man I'm deploying him yeah we definitely did cuz I put him over here with the other trash speakers my bad that's okay oh elf did we put an Elf somewhere no we did I don't think we have a tack helicopter I'm placing that down melon I actually think we need a generic speaker man no chance we need that bro how are we going to find it hyper I got him you got the hyper okay okay what else do we need do we have a camera woman yeah we do we needed the basic speaker man to join them look over here see oh you're right okay hold on we got to find this I think that's the last unit we need no way the very first unit in the game is the last one wait do we have the normal drill yeah we do bro it might actually be I'm looking through units carefully now to think to process we might need the regular large TV as well you have the car the car speaker man yeah you do oh man you have everything yeah bro I got it clogged up over here I actually think we need the generic large TV that's rare and I think we just need the speaker we might need dual bat though I didn't I don't know if I have dual bat oh flamethrower don't you have the large TV man you have him back here no but there's like a TV man sorry not large but regular TV man oh corrupted did you ever get the corrupted no I didn't oh but I just got him Sunny speak of the devil same here Broski oh and a shield cameraman no we have a shield I know I've seen him before Oh I'm going to Max this guy out cuz he looks cool Mel we're running out of time though you have dual bat I skipped over him anyways no I had a c oh wait never mind that wasn't the right one anyways just put the Dual bat I don't have him speaker man I got him join the squad let's go oh sunny I really don't know what else we're missing I think it's TV man and maybe the Dual bat it's hard to verify though I got a bat speaker man there bad speaker man anywhere there is but just put another oneing them d h NOP no not doing it me do we have the me I just got him well put him put him in put him in coach medic I don't know if we have that placing it down spider TV I'll put down just in case oh no we had one I put him earlier TV man I got him okay okay okay this is good this is good this good I think we have everything sunny I don't think there's a single thing we don't have bro the TV Squad looks awesome this is insane just look at all the units we have deployed and we could go back and Max some of them out for fun now engineer we don't have an engineer yes we do Sunny yes we do there's evidence here's his camera over okay we're good but wait melon if you don't max out the engineer we never got the tanks bro are you really going to make me max out the engineer right now yes I am okay I got to find him in your amalgamation of units Max him out there we go and then once we see that tank spawn in it's official we will have done everything or should I upgrade engineer each level and make sure I see them spawn in yeah I think I have to verify melon I got six waves left I might as well verify That's crazy dude I'm just trying to see if there's anything that we don't have yeah you should do that we actually have every single unit pretty much ooh I can double verify now see look small camera toilet acquired then we'll get the level three one and we'll even get the level four one yeah we have a jetpack mace I think we have everything I'm just putting extras on the safe side so no one can comment you're missing this Tower we're not missing nothing I really don't think so just placed a dual bat just in case yes that might have been one we forgot but now you've covered it and there it is a tank a camera toilet and a tankier camera toilet and now we'll get a level 512 I don't think we had a camera spider so I'm deploying it yeah we have like three of them just three normal camera spiders yeah oh never mind then I think we did it melon I think we acquired them all this is the ultimate Army no toilet shall ever pass this this is insanity now the next question is melon can we Max them all out no there's no chance we can Max them all out yeah there's no way that's too much money you can Max that drill out though they'd upgrade Titan drill man yeah why not oh nope I need 40,000 for that he's just suing them toilets up he took in a big old boss and now he Chomps bro it's crazy the amount of units we have I have 111 placed what about you I only have 41 placed what yeah can we break the game that's the next goal just keep spamming don't even look look at what they are just place them turn on auto skip I don't know how this isn't over yet do we even do good damage I mean we have a lot of units but like none of them are upgraded I think we do good damage bro everything is dying instantly true that ultimate drill is probably putting in work this is insane bro just look at all these units I never thought I'd see the day bro I feel like an admin I'm basically cheating son there's so much text every single time a wave ends I know we're on the last wave though this is it power up melon power up the game is so Aggy right now but you should pop your Rabbid n I'll pop my Rabbid boosting let's go freeze time melon freeze time you're right I got to do that boom Oh that's crazy oh that's insane melon 160 units in climbing hey son you're glitching our game a little bit we might actually die yes yes like it like it to smithin I'm almost at 200 Bon I'm so close to 200 units there just so many units have weird restrictions so I keep erroring out 200 units let's go I haven't even cracked triple digits Sunny bro you are a noob oh feels good dude we actually did this the Ohio ultimate Challenge you're absolutely right we spawned in every single unit from the basic cameraman all the way to the hyper and even Beyond imagine we lose though n that's not happening bro there's no chance we lose to this it's not like we have a 100 more Towers between that security guard toilet and the end yeah bro I have 82 Towers myself let see if I can crack triple digits you got time you could get in there uh here we go just keep spawning and I have spawned in 100 units there we go 101 units not too bad goats comment down below if you've ever seen the map look like this especially with just two players in the lobby let's go that could not have ended any better that was the best time I've ever had playing toilet Tower Defense now goats for every unit we placed make sure you hit that subscribe button and if you want to check out our merch shop head to Sunny and melon.com to support us goat skiy just dropped brand new zombie Towers from the zombie cameraman all the way to the infected Titan drill man and even the super rare plague Master today sunny and I are going to try and unlock all of these units and defeat the brand new zombie mode can we do it stick around and find out no way skibby toilet Tower Defense added the infected zombie units dude these things look absolutely disgusting what is that man that's the zombie cameraman he's so cursed but not as cursed as the zombie speaker man who's not as cursed as the infected Titan Trill just look at this guy he looks like Bane only disgusting yeah bro cuz he's a zombie and dude he won't just eat you he'll shred you up ew he was born in the Darkness but this play guy looks pretty cool I bet you he has awesome powers agreed and now let's find out who can unlock every single new unit by getting the infected crate event bro this plague doctor is 17% chance he's Cosmic Rarity 45,000 damage the infected drill man only does 14,000 damage and he's a Mythic this plague dogor might be the new strongest uned in the game I have to get him yeah yeah yeah well we each have 100,000 crystals melon let's see if we can open up these Cosmic rares I'm opening my first 10 oh no way I got two drills bro that's busted how I don't know bro ski what is the percent on these drills 1.3% and I got two of them dude you're so lucky I got nothing in my spin it's okay I'll give you one of my infected drills okay thank you very much Sunny we need to get that that plague doctor I'm just making my hot bar look cool come on plague doctor I keep seeing so many in the wheel spinner though I know but it doesn't mean anything Sunny they just want you to buy more crates I know but usually when you see the rare units in the wheel it means you're going to get them but not with this guy come on come on get lucky oh I was one away dang it I keep getting trash did you get an infected Titan drill yet nope I've got absolutely nothing all I've gotten is a cameraman and and the speaker man dang it we need that Cosmic Rarity though and if we work hard enough we should be able to unlock it oh stop no there was three of them in a row and then I still got a camera it was never meant to be sunny soon though soon it will clutch up never mind I wonder how many crystals I have left 59,000 okay I can still get a lot more crates and let's see 0.17% there's only 485 in existence bro we're going to have to the first 500 of them if we can unlock it yeah easier said than done though I've spent so many crystals and I haven't even gone in the drill yeah I haven't seen another drill yet either but I got two in the first crate which was insane Sunny did you hear a sweet cha-ching when you got them or was it a surprise no there was no cool sound effect I just got two drills out of nowhere it's getting really annoying Sunny I'm getting fed up with not getting anything yeah I feel like I'm going to get another drill in a second here though I got a feeling well I guess I was wrong I just C so many trash units yep you thought wrong Sunny o another drill called it bro how I haven't even gotten a single one cuz you ain't the goat like this I got three Drillers how many crystals do you have left I think I'm going to run low soon I'm at 10,000 sunny and I didn't get a single I mean a single drill oh I just got a drill let's go ah I wish you got the plague doctor oh I wish I got the plague doctor too maybe I can stop stop oh there was like five in a row and I'm all out of crystals same here Sunny should we fill up on more I think we should try battling infected town and then if the goats get this video to 5,000 likes we'll try again next time to get the plague doctor well it's time to make my God Squad scientist for money infected Titan drill man because I just got him infected tit on speaker man as well now that we've got our squads let's head to infected town oh melon this place is kind of giv me the creeps yeah dude there's going to be tons of zombies at least we started with a lot of money bro I got all my scientist place down and upgraded I'll take him out with the infected cameraman oh that's that's not going to be enough is it not even close it's okay on the next wave skip I'll get one of these speakers come on oh wait I don't have Auto skip turned on there we go is it going to skip I hope so I got to get paid I got to get paid oh no that is a lot of damage on the toilet core from the zombie toilets it's fine we can tank the hit and now I can afford it Place him down right here yo does he do AOE he's not that good melan does 1,000 damage every 1.75 seconds oh my goodness hny we need more damage than that it's okay I shall build an army of these camer zombies I think we're chilling yo we're actually taking them out zombie squads let's go don't forget to upgrade your money makers yep yep I know I I know come on take out one more there we go another upgrade zombie on zombies who will win that's what I was literally about to say I think our zombies got this yeah I think so too because I'm deploying the infected Titan drill no way I'm going to get one of those guys over here too I just need a couple more kills get them let's go melon the ability is unlocked at level 10 what the heck how does this thing have 10 levels wait a second it might be based on the new unit leveling experience oh which I think transfers across games I see I think I get it sunny bro the drills level three upgrade is insane it costs 4,500 but look at how much more damage he's going to do uh I don't even have him at level one oh yeah you should probably do that I need to upgrade MH money B MH money is looking delicious hny oh we got problems bro we got problems what are these things mutant nerds gross we're about to take a lot of damage from mutant nerds and there's a big zombie coming in he's got a lot of Health melon if we take even one more bit of damage we're dead are you serious oh no Sunny we need money and we need it now melon we need a lot more than that we need the wave skip come on yes I didn't want to do this but I'm deploying my acid Gunner do what you got to do out here is he max level no not yet okay it's going to be fine though it's going to be fine we got an army of drills in the back I'm going to get them all upgraded and we should be chilling Sunny there's a lot of toilets coming in it's okay I got three drills we should be be fine upgrade let's get another drill in here all right we're chilling we're chilling we're chilling okay I maxed up my acid Gunner I'm hoping you can destroy this zombie army but they've got a lot of HP we're not chilling this guy has so much health oh no hold on another drill and I'll upgrade him oh that's all I can do I got to sell Place upgrade kill this thing please Titan clock oh no it's okay revive we've got one chance at Revival though Sunny we can't do it again we're like zombies bro we come back from the dead and this time we won't mess up you know why why Sunny because this drill is upgraded no way and we need more money actually bro 40 waves how are we supposed to beat 40 waves with the power of the drills Sunny I'm just going for money upgrades right now cuz I got a bad feeling that these zombies will have too much HP oh my goodness yeah I'm putting in a lot of money on this drill okay I'm going to do that then on the wave skip hopefully I'll make a ton of money which I just did but it's not enough oh no I need $700 600 500 come on just need 500 as well and then I can get this 8K upgrade ooh on the wave skip I get enough almost for a whole other upgrade right away bro for $166,000 I can double this gu damage actually over double it are you doing it yeah but I've got to save up okay how many units have I placed let me think about it and sell off this poopy camera and I'm going to put another drill right here Sun these zombie lasers are scaring me how much health do they have 93,000 oh dude you're destroying them yeah but this guy's super high level it's fine we've got it under control okay so you can take care of these zombie armored toilets maybe how much health do they have oh yeah yeah I got this i got this dude your drill Army is insane yeah it's not bad I got to get the $16,000 upgrade it is needed it's necessary for the cause it is needed and shy I'm going to crank it up to 1.5 speed that's crazy but I like it now I'm going to bring it back down to one speed yeah I might upgrade my money is that too crazy no I upgraded them to the second highest level yeah mine are all making me a th000 yeah I think it's crazy if I try and upgrade it or is it we're actually wrecking these toilets I think I can get away with it all right 16,000 upgrade Sunny you invest in that money I maxed out my drill dude what does this guy do how much damage melon how much damage 14,000 damage every. 5 Seconds nice let's go but still I haven't unlocked his ability I actually need to get him to level 10 yeah good luck with that I don't know if we can do that in a single game yeah I feel like you got to grind with him speaking of grinding bro I'm going to be grinding up some cash my money makers are all max level let's go I'm going to do that too actually now we just need to survive and I can pump some big upgrades there we go $88,000 invested that's huge gargantuan okay I'm going to sell off these cameras they're trash I'm going to try and fit another drill I think we could fit more than one we might be able to fit three I'm just too broke and I think we're going to really need these Okay so one two 3 perfect the squad it grows now we might actually be able to fit more back here too I think we're crushing these toilets two times speed Mel that's a bit risky I don't think it's risky at all Sunny you just got to think quicker okay I'm going to press my buttons fast press my buttons fast uh upgrade this the money is starting to come through upgrade this oh we're wrecking dude the Titan drill infected man is so weird he's like a boxer bro punches so fast I know it's awesome okay I almost have enough cash we need the money we need the money we need the money maxing them out take out these toilets these toilets are barely making it through look at all these toilets speed run to their death it's beautiful hey Mel can you sell this cameram man right here uh where there where you were standing you could probably fit a drill in now I didn't even sell him oh there he is I think he was attacking so many toilets I couldn't see them yeah I think that's your spot I'm maxed out on units I could sell some trash I guess boom I placed another drill let's go maxed one out the guy in the center there is now level five let's go dude that guy's going to do big Damage Big D I kind of want to move this one up let's see can I sell this o i can perfect max level I'll put another one right here okay now we're putting in work the only problem is do these guys get any AOE or maybe some Splash damage I don't think they do but I have the acid Gunner for a little bit of AOE that's true and doesn't that slow him down I think it does slow him down a little bit that's nice Max leveled and now I just save up my cash bro these toilets don't stand a chance cloner toilet you're going down there we go I got another drill maxed out as well okay goats melon had to go to the bathroom so I'll see if I could take out all these zombie toilets by myself but it's starting to get crazy I need more upgrades and I need them now invest in the damage oh we're still destroying these we should be chilling we should be chilling upgrade wo what are these saw blade toilets I can't even see what's happening on the track half the time cuz our drills punch so hard but these generic zombies they look creepy I'm not going to lie are the saw blades getting through they are just a little bit but then they get stuck back here in more drills oh yeah they're they're dead I hope please tell me they die oh no they have a lot of Health left oh no they have a lot of Health left okay let's upgrade back here a little bit more oh not good not good skip wave I need the money skip skip the wave get me paid all right Sunny I'm back I'll help you take this guy out hurry come on oh we survived oh we barely tanked it pH that was close well sunny I don't know how we're going to beat this without the plague doctor it feels like these drills aren't strong enough I know but it's also kind of weird where are the toilets is the game paused what happened did our game glitch what just happened hello toilets I can't really tell Sunny I guess our game just got infected oh no goats please press the like button and com comment down below what you think just happened to our game I'm so confused and subscribe if you want to see us defeat these evil zombie toilets in the next one today in toilet Tower Defense melon's hyper Titan speaker man is back and this time he's trash talking the new astro Titan cameraman but my Astro Titan is going to have none of it let's put these talking Titans to a one versus one and find out who's really stronger comment down below what voice line battles you want to see in the next video And subscribe to to our channel in under 2 seconds to get CED 1 2 let's go ah hyper upgraded Titan speaker man you make toilet Tower Defense so easy cuz you're the strongest in the game it feels good to be at the top I am the strongest are you kidding me melon you're talking to your hyper Titan again yeah bro he's the strongest unit ever Sunny so of course I'm going to keep a connection with him BR hyper tighted you think you're top stuff huh you can't even kill a duel claw watch this he's dead oh you think you're so cool well there's a new Challenger in town the Astro Titan amateurs I am the most powerful Titan that's impossible I am the chosen one and I'm still the best you should have seen what I did to the Titan Cinema men you're right we totally destroyed that guy whatever it's time for the Astro Titan to show you how it's done let's Crush these bugs in Endless mode Sunny let's do it the challenge is on melon head into the toilet Fortress and remember as soon as you have enough money to place down your hyper you have to sell your green laser and let him solo the game yeah yeah I know sunny I know Auto skip enabled and it's time to harvest up some money by making Christmas gifts yep I'm already on it sunny placing down my sants yeah we'll see if your sants can make you as much money as my sers I bet you they'll make an equal amount as your Sant nah bro my Sant are working ogre time melon I think I found a secret spot for a tower I'm going to bury my Santa on the edge of the map what are you talking about Sunny yep I put him in a little Kos bro you actually put him on the edge of the map that's hilarious yeah I've never seen a tower do that he's lower down dude what the heck no I'm letting the toilets hit dang it it's fine though bro that's all part of the plan you've got to take a few hits in the early waves you're right Sunny you're right now I'm deploying my green laser to stop any more toilets from getting through same here and I've upgraded two Santa to level two and soon I will have even greater cash flow oh I need more money Sunny this is not funny yeah dude this is no laughing matter I'm going to destroy you and the Astro Titan is going to talk some serious trash to you dude there's no chance once I place down my hyper oh my goodness he's going to incinerate at everything yeah he's old news now the Astro Titan is going to obliterate because incineration is out of style it's all about obliteration bro whatever dude all I know is actions speak louder than words whatever broki we'll see what'll happen I'll show you I need more guage before I can even think about deploying my hyper yeah same here I'm trying to save up 800 bucks for another upgrade come on defeat the toilets and give me the cashh it's not going to happened Sunny dang it you were right whatever dude in one or two more wave skips I'm summoning the Astro and I can't wait to hear him talk smack Astro more like trash stro hilarious melon hilarious I know hyper Titan more like needs some medicine so he could focus type of Titan ha get it 8hd joke I get it I get it that's kind of not cool though I never said it was a serious thing hey I never said it would be cool I said I would be the best did you even deploy your Astro yet on the next wave skip the Astro shall reveal himself to all selling the green laser summoning the Astro and melting the toilets obliterate because as a wise man once said incineration is out of style Millan he's destroyed the boss already that is crazy sunny it's time for me to deploy my hyper boom melt everything and he's about to incinerate the large glasses toilet that's right melon because obliteration is for the plebs yeah my guy killed him faster and he's already leveled up level two acquired hyper Titan speaker shall be defeated you hear that melon the hyper Titan speakr man's going down hyper you have anything to say about that the only thing that's going down is your wave number because you are about to lose not a chance I will acquire secutor toilet wave 100 40 that's right Astro we're the best we'll get to wave 140 and show the world how it's done that's not even possible even I can't do that obviously you cannot do that because you are a noob that's it melon we need to show them who the strongest is make some money and get me upgraded you've got it hyper I won't let you down oh melon speaking of upgrades Astro level three uh I feel stronger obliterate these toilets oh I am vaporizing everything in my way now good for you Sunny once I unlock his fourth level he would be unstoppable is that the $35,000 upgrade no it's the $155,000 one when I get the $35,000 one he'll become even more Unstoppable okay well have fun with that I'm going to upgrade my Santas a little bit actually finally yeah same here bro I almost have them maxed out yeah well same here bro I have two of them maxed out dang it I only have one of them maxed out but now I have two of them maxed out oh yeah well on the next wave skip I have all three of them maxed out then one yeah same here all Santas are now producing $22,000 a wave Samy sunny and I'm melting this mutant toilet 2.0 I bet you before you do no he's dead he's he's dead on screen oh that's because you're probably like 10 seconds ahead of me a wave 22 and once the wave skips I'll get another upgrade level four online vaporizing toilets dude I am destroying these but I need a speaker repair drone pH just in time hyper Titan I've got enough money for your upgrade here you go what took you so long at last upgrade unlocked activating destruction mode yo everything's dying so fast now oh the second they get into his AOE it's over do you want to see what AOE damage really looks like upgrade me now Sunny $10,000 invested he's one off of max level and now he's vaporizing like crazy bro quit the cap you don't even have AOE on that unit he's got Splash damage it's even more powerful than AOE that's cap and we both know it the only thing that's cap is your watermelon head what what is wrong with you hyper can you please roast him back sorry I cannot think of anything right now that's right the Astro's way more clever dang it and now Astro Titan enjoy your max level upgrade it's time for you to slow down these toilets maximum level acquired destroying toilet obliterate obliterate use anti-gravity field bro I've slowed the toilets to a crawl it's over it's actually over dang it he has a slowing ability hyper you're going to have to make up for it with pure damage activate my final upgrade boom I am all powerful I use this mode to defeat the upgraded Titan Cinema man you shall be no different oh really we'll see about that I'm pretty sure the Astro Titan can handle it look at his DPS 57,000 plus a little extra cuz I maxed out my DJ and that flying du buzs Saw toilet boss from wave 30 is dead easy yep it's about to die in 3 2 1 one dead hey nice job you're keeping up 5 minutes later ah yes with my maxed out Astro upgraded Titan cameraman the toilets barely make it to this first Corner that I'm standing on yeah same here the second they get into my boys AOE they die yeah yeah yeah hilarious I bet they get way closer to the edge of the track than mine do uh I don't know about that my boy is kind of killing them all very quickly sure whatever you say I'm destroying some UFO toilets real casual like right now uh toilets are kind of pushing through I need my DJ Boost Max him out yeah you're right I might as well max out the repair drone come on hyper don't let them push through you need to be the strongest what do you mean I am the strongest melon I'm not going to cap these welder toilets they're posing a threat oh are they really yes they really are I do not like this but the splash damage is going in the splash damage is going off yeah these welder toilets are kind of pushing through lowkey wish I had a green laser right now to slow them down oh I'm destroying the claw toilets I think I got this I think I got this in the bag okay I killed the welders and now all the mutants are getting wrecked bro the ability to slow these toilets down using my anti-gravity is perfect they're not even getting close I may need to relocate my hyper to a more optimal position at some point here Sunny that is cowardice of you as long as there's only one place down at a time it's okay sell and replace him replace him Max him out let's go oh I could have had better placement if he was right here uh I might have to relocate him slightly again bro you are burning cash it's fine it's fine he acally cost me like not even that much yeah do you have $100,000 saved up though no but I have 50,000 okay I have 100,000 so if I ever have to relocate the Astro it's going to be cheap and affordable requiring relocation please relocate ASAP I got you sell Place upgrade all right that's perfect placement that's actually perfect placement I'm pretty sure mine is placed more optimally yeah I don't know about that Sunny tell you what I do know though some of these toilets are pushing through and I don't appreciate it this is concerning oh no toxic flying toilets are about to crash land yeah those toxic skull toilets are scaring me and all the buildup is not looking too good wave 44 it's clogging up the track I'm being overwhelmed overwhelmed they're about to escape actually wait my guy kind of clutched up and killed them all no he went invisible last second let's go I hope a glitch toilet kills you bro that UFO toilet escaped with 1,265 are you going to die I might actually die to that toilet I have 340 Health please tell me you can tank this relocate me I'm putting him in the back quick quick relocate him to the back I'm getting overwhelmed Sunny there's just too many toilets oh melon that smells trouble broki also I'm not going to cap the toilets are about to make it to that long part of the track on the backside this is not good they're on the final Road for me I'm about to die oh well bye Melon No the large laser scientist toilet is going to kill me are you dead I died no way I got to relocate relocate awaiting relocation cell Place upgrade kill him kill him destroying laser scientist toilet completed yes you've proven your might you're the most powerful Titan in the game I'm sorry I let you down melon it's okay bro we'll get him next time there will be no next time I am the strongest let's go I actually won this challenge I am the best thank you Astro Titan for proving it technically I am the best and goats if if you want to become the very best press that like button and subscribe to our channel to get goated today in toilet Tower Defense I've challenged melon to a one versus one on Ohio mode but this is our biggest wager ever the loser will have to pay 100,000 Roo let us know who you're cheering for in the comments and please help our YouTube channel grow by pressing that like button and subscribing now to get CED finally you paid up my 50,000 Robux for that last Ohio mode challenge which means today it's the biggest wager we've ever made 100,000 Robux Sun you're going down why don't you choose your unit that you'll use in this battle to summon your squad I'm going to bless myself up with good luck and use a Santa TV man cuz that's kind of the only unit I want to see bro I'm sticking with my camera woman she's never done me wrong uh melon you lost 50,000 Robux last time you used it I don't know what you're talking about let's head to Ohio Ohio ohler the rler w g you're going down Auto skip enable now I need to hunt myself a Santa TV absolutely or a pub kid patch would be awesome really anything come on give me some kind of money maker give me that good Gat luck right off the start scientist I'll take it I'll take it you lucky duck I got nothing o pumpkin farmer there we go I got a speaker woman's Rose too I'll take these two things can't be too greedy after all you have to get greedier later as you optimize your squadron okay green laser I'm going to place the green laser right here oh I didn't have enough money for it dang it but I got myself Cupid you're a broke one I got a speaker woman's Rose farm but I'm skipping it I'm a legend like that oh another speaker woman it's like I'm supposed to place them but I want the Santa and I won't give up on him in three spins 1 2 three a whatever I look out for Green Lasers as well o lucky speaker is actually pretty good I'll put one here I'll upgrade this farm and I got n and lost 250 what a troll I'm upgrading boom bada bing dude everything is so expansive bro the amount of speaker woman Rose Farms that I've seen is disgusting and I don't want them I know I've seen quite a few and I've yet to find myself a Santa TV got him Santa acquired dang it sunny oh but I got myself a leprechaun I'm going to save up no how I have $778 and I lost him unlucky did it glitch or did it lose your money and not place them no I just didn't get enough money in time sucks to suck sometimes I'm going to put another one of these boys they seem pretty good and if I don't find another Santa I will upgrade him actually yeah that's the Gap move right there give me to 500 get me to 500 w w nuh you got to be kidding me that's bad that is so unlucky what happen did you get n yeah on my $500 Santa upgrade which is really important early on yeah it'd be nice if I could get myself a Santa Claus yes I just did I got not on again on the 500 upgrade let's go let's not go that's game losing just keep getting nudge sunny it's what we like to see I lost a thousand beautiful it's a thing of beauty isn't it I probably deserved it cuz I did skip a Santa so there's that need myself a leprechaun that's pretty much insurance for so long yeah I'm looking for one now it's a good idea but I'll just upgrade my boy for now there we go get more money lepre corn Acquired and and it has been placed oh no oh no the units are starting to push through come on do enough damage to that jetpack police you need to do more damage okay we got him we got him that was close bro I need a lot more damage right now green laser with one upgrade spider I need this upgrade 700 bucks and I need it this should clutch this should clutch oh we're good oh we're chilling leprechaun let's go boom level two that's going to clear everything oh please kill the flying buzs saw I don't want to take this hit I don't want to take this hit okay I'm good I've got my leprechaun placed in a perfect spot so now I can just hunt myself down some more Santas that's what I'm trying to pull off here but it's not easy I should take level one patches as well I'm also going to put a muing down right here and then upgrade him give me the Santa TV I need him in my squad I'm an idiot and just skip two patches I don't like myself right now yeah I wouldn't like myself either if I did that so I'm not putting speaker Rose farm I refuse it's a trash level one and I don't want to keep it at level five anyways don't need that much money I just need the Santas I need to get my leorn to level three here bang now he should melt these toilets you know I'll just upgrade the Santa just max this one out at least I think I may lose except I got another Santi all right and zero not us I'm in business same here Sunny got my second Santa Claus and I just pumped some big upgrades in him he's already level six mine's level six as well got to put this guy right here here inside of the range bu and upgrade it once I got n and lost 1,500 this is my insurance agent Place him here I've maxed out one of my Santa Clauses just need my third Santa bro yeah that's what I'm desperately looking for one more Santa and I will be a very very happy boy no I skipped it again why do I do that you can't be going that quick you fool oh no oh no no no okay I got to Max my leprechaun that UFO toilet is sketchy oh yeah that is actually concerning you're not capping yep it's dead for me as well okay so we sell this upgrade this a little bit upgrade these boys a little bit zero not us back to searching for Santa he's an absolute myth bro he doesn't exist bro it's so hard to find the third Santa Claus and I'm at unit limit I just realized I got to sell some stuff I only have six units deployed what are you doing I have 13 how do you only have six I'm not that insane shy why do I need to play so many units I don't know seems like the right thing to do like I've hit some crazy upgrades on my boys I'm tank in these waves like they're nothing so that I can seek out the Santa Claus okay it's wave 25 it's not the worst timing ever okay I'm actually on my scientist I need to do it okay the money is getting crazy now I'm going off melon I'm popping off good for you sunny I just need to find another Santa where is he there's no way you're killing all these units so easily you're probably about to die dude the leprechaun maxed out with the green laser is a lethal combo is it really that good yeah bro I'm destroying everything might as well Place Another leprechaun though just to be safe dang it you're actually so lucky two leprechauns that should do just fine I'll even max out a Healer for fun whatever I'm running my calculations so if I were to invest this much guap it will take 10 waves to pay off is it worth it it's only wave 28 I think it may be worth it cuz at 38 it's pure profit Santa let's go I got my third Santa Claus and now I'm going to pump some levels into him spam them oh I just missed the wave skip but I did Max him out good for you my first maxed out Santa was just acquired look at him he's so handsome now I need to hunt some powerful units like a hyper Tian yeah you do that I already maxed up my scientist my pumpkin patch two Santas and the last one's almost there and my front line is already built up dude I got every unit I need now I just got to level them yeah sure sure sure goats I'm placing down a DJ TV man and I'm going to Max him out now I shall build around this circle oh melon I have maxed out cash I got paid B than good for your son now I maximize my Squadron this is my emergency unit the Titan Clover yes I have the Titan Clover deployed as well but I put him in the front line because I have balls okay you actually just have melons that's actually true I am destroying these turlet my leprechaun is the perfect decoy over here oh I don't think I need this guy anymore I can sell that freeing up some unit space I think I'll max out the sigma the sigma got nud are you joking no he's not joking shter he would never joke about something so important okay upgrade come on I will also upgrade my hyper Titan yes zero Nas were experienced feels good dang it that's just a normal upgraded Titan speaker man and I will look for more units let's see what would be powerful I just skipped an ultimate drill but I don't actually want it hyper titer let's go two of the oh he's in range good for a second I thought I put him out of the range that would have been really sad I didn't get n on the max upgrade at least but my level two hyper got n whatever ooh no way I just got another hyper that's actually clutch oh yeah you know it's stronger than another hyper wait what the heck it just got rid of my hyper I placed him down and he disappeared that's so annoying get played why do I deserve that I didn't do anything cuz you're trash thanks a lot sunny I really appreciate actually don't know I just wanted to call you trash I'll leing place a Sinister down for the Wombo Combo not a problem problem now what units do I want for my end game I think I would prefer this one me TV man here sell this one off here and level it to maximum because he can stun the enemy units and hold them in their tracks yes I got another hyper let's go not bad melon but for my final unit I shall get either a hyper or a godly he where do I want to put this guy oh here's good here's good dude oh it's cuz I'm at troop limit I'm such an idiot I lost another hyper I found the Big R but I think he's too thick the ultimate drill I think it's kind of trash I cannot believe I lost two hypers like that that is a redonkulous you know what I can believe it no I lost another hyper you're a big Noob I know I skipped over it that time that was bad dude that's like me with my Santas you keep messing up you know what I'm just going to Max them out I'm not going to sweat this I also don't need this guy anymore actually so I got room for more strong units I guess maybe I'll put the Sinister I'm running out of waves although this doesn't matter I need to save up my money for the final battle so we must find the optimal units that is optimal except my placement was poo wave 46 melon it's coming down to the wire I know and I got myself another hyper Tian now let's try and place him right here not a troop limit I got two more waves before I got to panic I'm chilling I got to find the good units where are the hypers where are the hypers come on I'm running out of time please please go high risk High reward I'm going to try and place him right here no I lost him I shouldn't have done it I shouldn't have done that that was stupid that was stupid that was stupid oo another hyper melon look at me go got to fit him in perfectly or not I guess I'll just put him here just obliterate them please maxed out bro I have $100,000 right now and I'm trying to find another hyper but soon wave 50 is coming oh no I found it though I found it hyper Max him out sell sell cell I don't know what's better here another maxed out hyper or this oh wait the rabbit's not even available I got scammed come on come on come on hyper I got another hyper Place him Max him sell everything sell everything I won game's over no no I won what's your time say uh what does your time say no no you first 17 minutes and 1 second oh you Mega lost dang it 16 minutes and 58 seconds bro I lost by 3 seconds all because I got too greedy hunting for hypers and misplacing them bro I actually can't believe I shaved 3 seconds off well I guess that means I'm goated and that you owe me 100,000 Robux all right Sunny Deal's a deal I'm sending them over now let's go pleasure doing business and if you goats want to do business press that like button and subscribe today sunny and I are spinning a wheel of C touch colors it's like the only used one color but the complete opposite if I land on the color pink I can't use units that have that pink color in their profile picture and on this wheel you could spin the color gray which means you can pretty much not use any unit the winner of this challenge gets 20,000 gems I really really need to win sunny I hope you land on the color yellow because then you'll die and explode there's no chance I'll get yellow I don't want to spontaneously combust anyways it's time for me to spin the wheel the wheel is is spinning and I'm going to unlock the color stop don't you keep going don't you do it thank goodness I can't touch the color purple oh were you close to not being able to touch yellow even worse I was about four pixels away from not being allowed to use the color gray oh you would have lost the challenge instantly I know cuz basically every Tower in the game has a little bit of gray on it well sunny it's time for my only can't touch one color your wheel is spinning and whatever it lands on will be self-destructing and melon what did you say about gray no no no no no no no no I did not get gray yes you did no touching gray Towers no that's impossible all of the towers they all have like a little bit of gray on them are you sure there's got to be something you can use actually guess the Sinister doesn't really have gray I guess there's some stuff but it's really bad most Towers I can't even use Titan clock pockman has no Gray he's all golden you're right and also I could even use the leprechaun cameraman look at his face bro his camera lens looks pretty gray that's ridiculous bro everything's going to have gray then I won't even be able to use a single unit let's see pumpkin patch okay that's not looking good speaker woman Rose farm unlucky scientist cameraman hey there's no gray that's black are you serious I have to use a scientist anyway sunny I don't want your help I'm going to mute up and make my squad time for me to build mine and I'm not allowed any purple sent a TV dang it there's purple back there speaker woman Rose farm is that purple no that is definitely pink so I'm allowed to use this money maker at least this is so stupid how am I supposed to play guess I can use the Titan clock man I going I have no money at this point I could use Titan present man and he's pretty cheap in the early game I can't use any of these any repair drone no DJ TV man M the chef TV man I actually don't think he has any gray on him that's white that's black I can use the chef ooh no purple here upgraded Mech this thing is pretty cool I think I can use the cupid too I'm not seeing any gray has a pink camera lens black arms and pink everywhere else I'm equipping her the mewing TV man the ultimate stun unit I'll unlock one of those and then I'll either use a hyper an astro or maybe the upgraded camera spider the nice thing about this Tower is it can never get stunned up yeah let's use that guy oh melon hold on I need to find my last character honestly there's probably no point so whatever let's do battle Sunny check out my squad bro that is Boston let me see what you got Chef Cupid and Titan clock yep you've actually got a decent chance I don't know about that Sunny I'm not going to be able to make any money let's head over to endless mode and put this to the test Autos skip on and let the games begin first things first is I'm going to deploy my scientist cameraman back here same here except I put a speaker woman's Rose farm which means you're actually going to get more money than me my money-making strategy might actually be superior but mine is cheaper so I will get more money more early sure about that I would deploy my Cupid camera woman right about here to make me maximum go up yeah I don't make a lot of money I'm not going to cap I got three Rose Farms and I think on the next wave skip I'll have all five oh wait I kind of missed some wave Skipper Dipper money there I got to deploy all my scientists wait I can only place four of them dang it there we go all five Rose Farms they're so pretty and up next melon I'll be deploying my first damage dealer let's go oh spider is that the upgraded spider you deployed it is the upgraded camera spider is going to destroy all of the incoming toilets dang it and then with that money I can upgrade my farms at least I have this Cupid this should kill all of the toilets for the next three or four waves and then I just have to upgrade it once B Bing sco yeah I'm upgrading my money money too sunny don't worry I do worry about you though melon why because I don't want you to lose two bad sadly it would be embarrassing Sunny I'm going to win too harshly yeah I can't even use the color gray and I'm still going to destroy you yeah melon I just don't really see that happening cuz I got a level two on my upgraded camer spider which gives it double the attack speed and a little bit more damage $11,000 per upgrade and it takes 10 waves to pay it off sounds about right and I'm currently taking out the large glasses toilet with no effort required it's dead $2,000 for an extra $200 per wave you want to know what's awesome speaker woman Rose farm is really cheap to get upgrades look at this level four is 600 bucks level five is 1,000 two of them are maxed out I get it sunny you got the second best Money Maker in the game yep technically you have the second best but it's really expensive it is definitely not the second best it's probably the worst one you could have ah debatable to be fair though the Santa is just so busted that nothing else matters that is true and soon you will have to agree upon my power because I have maxed out my money and I make $33,000 a wave upgrade oh no they're pushed through my Cupid I need to put some levels on her don't let them through okay yeah she's melting now all of those toilets have been destroyed melan you don't know what real power is until you've seen my level four upgraded camera spider I'm literally killing them off a spawn yeah good for you I get it that spider's absolutely busted I've just got my Cupid who's a affordable and okay yeah well guess what my next upgrade costs 14,500 bucks and I'll have it in just a few moments no way you saved that much goop up already bro did you max out all your money oh yeah like four waves ago I make 3,000 a wave I almost make 3,000 though yeah I know you're going to make more money than me actually I don't I make 2,000 a wave now I'm sorry I'm $11,000 off still you may be $1,000 off but I'm not Max out camera spider he's got the explosive damage and he's destroying mut 2.0 is going to die in less than 5 Seconds yeah I need to max out my cupid here and I should probably start focusing on a little bit more damage I probably need another Cupid back here as well all right I think my next damage dealer will be the mewing TV man I shall level it up so it stuns all the enemy toilets can you take them all out oh okay she can so I can focus on a little bit more goop right now once the me has been maxed level I shall summon an upgraded Mech cameraman boom and he's maxed out this mun toilet 2.0 is sketching me out a bit take him out Cupid take them out okay yeah we should be able to take him out I have added in an upgraded Mech cameraman if it lets me place it there it is and now I shall max level it oh now I make $500 more than you a wave oh I could actually win this your maxed out money is a th000 more than me yes and it will make a huge difference whatever helps you sleep at night I make 30 3% more money than you per wave yeah great excellent job oh no cat toilets cat toilets one got through please tell me they don't do it crazy amount of damage how much damage do they do oh 200 damage at least it didn't one shot me I got a maxed out Mech the only thing left for me to place is my Titan present man Godly and then I've maxed out every Tower I have this is getting stressful and that's a level two Titan present man if I save up $40,000 he'll be max level good news is I've maxed out my money dude it's wave 30 and you now are maxing out your money yes exactly precisely but this is not good there's a lot of units pushing down the track Place Another Cupid Max it out so we can clean all this stuff up cuz I've got to deploy Titan clock man I'm getting overwhelmed out here yeah good luck with that Titan clockman deployed blast these toilets I'm having a really chill time melon yeah I'm not having a super chill time I ain't going to cap I am just killing the toilets right out of the spawn portal I have a feeling this flying dual buz saww toilet is going to kill me I need to place another Cupid camera woman maxed out and I'm going to have to freeze time to take out this flying dual buz toilet now take it out please please yes we actually did it Well Done melon but I don't think you're going to survive these UFO toilets not the UFOs getting close now too I have $30,000 saved up I'm going to max out my Titan present man which means I will have maxed leveled my entire Squad oh bro these welder toilets I don't think you could handle this are you on 36 I'm at wave 35 oh yeah you're going to die really soon oh no I'm completely relying on my Cupids right now this is not a good long-term strategy I mean then again you probably invested a lot of money and damage while I've been saving up no I didn't Sunny no the UFO toilet it's pushing through and here it is melon level three maxed out Titan present man oh this is just GG bro this is too easy well good for you Sunny I'm dead the UFO toilets they've killed me yeah I'm just having an easy time afking here sunny I got the worst color in the game I couldn't even fill out my squad because there isn't a fifth unit that doesn't have gray in it well I don't know why don't you just get good get better at spinning random chance Wheels that's it bro I'm out of here get back here you got to send me my gems nope too late bye no me B it's 20,000 gems buy them and trade them to me now he's really left he's really not even in the Discord call anymore please press the like button subscribe to our Channel if you're new and comment down below give me the gems if you think I should get paid my gems for winning this challenge today in toilet Tower Defense we're going to mythbust which Titan cameraman is the strongest we've got a wheel that has the Mythic upgraded Titan cameraman saw toxic and new astro Titan cameraman we'll spin this wheel to unlock our unit and then see which of us can defeat nightmare mode the fat if this video can get 5,000 likes fast we'll run this challenge again with every Titan in the game let's get goed melon you know the rules we're about to spin the wheel to decide which of the upgraded Titan cameramen we get to use bro I hope I get to use the brand new astro one let's compare their DPS really fast the brand new astro upgraded Titan cameraman has 57,000 DPS plus it has AOE Splash and slowing then the toxic has 45,000 DPS so it's a little bit lower yeah bro and it doesn't even slow half as quick yeah but imagine you land on the saw only 35,000 DPS I guess the good news is it's a lot cheaper and then there's the classic upgraded Titan cameraman that do 49,000 DPS but nothing else yeah he's got AOE and I think he's got slows true he does have a little bit of slow now shut up sunny and spin that wheel let's go please let and on Astro I got it let's go I got the Astro upgraded Titan I removed the others and added a Santa to complete my squad I'll do that after you spin your Titan fine but I'm pretty sure I was supposed to get the first spin right hey you never called it so I took it dang it it's okay melon you might land on Astro as well come on come on give me that Astro toilet hey that's an interesting way to spell astro no I got the worst upgraded Titan cameraman yeah but he's the cheapest so maybe you can make some magic happen I don't think so Sunny well melon it's time for me to equip the rest of my squad I'm thinking like a little dj TV a little repair Dron ski and a speaker woman's Rose farm wa you're getting maximum gooage dang right I am there's nothing else I'm allowed to use to deal damage and sunny I've added my scientist cameraman so I can make maximum Goa well I'm glad you did that melon because you're going to need every dollar you can get to have a chance against me now head over to Palm Paradise sunny I don't need a chance I know I'm going to win and don't forget to vote for nightmare of course but of course let the games begin Autos skip enabled and it's time to make my Santa Claus party absolutely sunny and you cannot disable Autos skip I know I'm just making sure I got my Santa's at the Beach bro you can really go all the way out here my Santas are literally at the beach bro my Santas are just chilling by this rock mine are basically going for a swim right now he is soaking up the sun yeah Sunny my Santas are very dry there's not many fluids around them I don't know why you had to call the beautiful ocean a fluid that just made it sound weirdly scientific M what do you have a problem with fluids just shut up you sound weird bro you sound weird how do I sound weird dude it's just a state of matter whatever whatever I'm giving them some company with some speaker woman Rose Farms back here and that will increase my cash flow to levels that melon cannot even comprehend oh true let me place my scientist down thank you for reminding me sunny oh you're so welcome and now I have a level three cent a TV man on the next wave Skipper Dipper flipper I'm going to do my final money upgrades and then I have to hold off and save for this unit actually I'm not sure melon what do you think the strategy is when are you going to start saving up money for your Titan uh um I think I'm going to start saving up right now actually yeah I think I'm going to do one more round of upgrades you're crazy Sunny you're going to die you're going to pay dearly for that no I actually think that was optimal now I make a lot more guap and in two wave skips I would have had to wait anyways cuz I need 2,500 so now I just cross my fingers that I don't die two wave skips please two wave skips please be enough all right I'm going to place this guy optimally right here and this next wave skip let's go melt all the toilets yeah this is bad this is very bad I'm going to have to actually sell off a Santa after the skip you are an idiot sunny all right I've got my finger on the trigger back here yep sell that I have enough I just got to get in place kill them just kill them oh my God 50 Health left Sunny you fool you almost threw the game right at the beginning yeah but I didn't and now I have an astro upgraded Titan cameraman and I'm holding on for dear life his attack speed is busting bro every 0.25 I think I can hold off for a long time now yeah I need to keep pumping in some upgrades I can't be slacking out here okay that's good I'll reput the speaker Farm all right I think I'm chilling again all's good all is good or so I hope if not I'm about to die randomly 800,000 and I'm going to save up to get this guy to level two cuz I kind of need that I'm not going to cap I'm not going to K I hope I'm strong enough for this I'm going to do this and this and this like a maniac last little upgrade on my and now I'm going to AFK and hopefully this will be enough see how much damage oh he's not doing enough damage to those boss toilets I am not liking this and I can't afford him getting stunned right now so let's do this okay pumping in another upgrade on my saw yeah I'm going to need a second one right meow take out this jetpack police toilet I believe in you oh yeah he wrecked him okay we're chilling yeah I'm totally chilling I'm totally chilling good Sunny I'm happy for you I'm happy for me too totally chilling totally chill everything's cool okay take that buz out take that buz out you got to take him out saw you're saw take him out don't let him get away oh that was close oh you're right the buz saw please tell me this is enough I'm not risking it I'm not risking it just put another one maximum damage we got him I can't afford to take even one tiny bit of damage or I'm dead now I've got to prepare for this airplane toilet so I need to pump in some massive levels I clutched up on that Sanda upgrade I put my units so far away I made the game a lot harder for myself okay I've got to skip another wave cuz it's 5K for this next upgrade but it does make him twice as strong Q melan he's going to be twice as strong you're so Ved thank you sunny I know sell that oh yeah he's got his Min guns now he is Wrecking units good and I got a level two on my Astro Titan as well and I'm going to put another Astro Titan because I'm absolutely insane that dude sound like some insane activities Sunny oh no we got to kill this airplane toilet and we got to kill it now okay okay how do we kill it how do we kill it I'm going to say upgrade yes take him out saw take that airplane toilet out yep he's dead yeah he's dead we got him did you get him or did you die Sunny no we actually got him dang it I was hoping you died and I'm going to put a DJ right here feels like a pretty good idea it didn't place oh no whatever I don't care I need to upgrade my money I'm going place a DJ right here as well he's a good distraction unit I got to upgrade my damage there is a lot of chaos here this muted toilet has 880,000 but I think I'm good I think I'm good if my guy gets slipped right now it's over for me you need to take out these units all right we're chilling we're chilling 8,000 on this next upgrade but it doesn't even do that much damage I really hope it gives him like Splash damage or something melon what's the rule on Autos skip here you have to keep it enabled at all times sunny all right I'm just double checking I wasn't sure give that a little booster I think we're okay I'm going to spend this here wait are you kidding me when this guy gets slept yes I maxed him out now I've got 30,000 damage per second I'm working on big upgrades here melan I almost have a level four Astro Titan I'm focusing on that instead of money which might be a mistake yeah I'm going back for money YOLO give me this cash yeah I feel the money flowing through me it's pumping through my veins I'm going to focus on damage for a little bit here just to be safe and I'll put a repair drone right here just to be safe I upgraded my money to Crazy levels now I will only focus on damage yes I need to Max up to my Santas they're all at level seven boom one maxed out I'm about to get my second one maxed out here too two maxed out there we go come on skip the wave so I can get this huge upgrade I need it kill the UFO kill it oh it's dead easy and there we go maxed out santis is it worth pumping in some levels on my scientists I don't really know I don't know I don't know I guess it is kind of worth it they pay off in 10 waves true we are only on Wave 26 and I'm actually cooking these to toilets now I think I will max out my Santa great plan yeah bro I soon we'll be making $88,000 a wave I got to turn my sound effects off though cuz that machine gun is annoying boom two Santas at maximum level all three Santas at maximum level plus the speaker woman Farms that's it no more cash for me maximum goop possible I'm making 8K a wave now nice I make 7200 so we're kind of tied up I don't really know about that but I'm scared this UFO toilet might push through Oh no I got too greedy I got a little bit too greedy melon are you dead no no no no I can still can still kill this thing I can still kill this thing oh wait we I didn't even need to panic I we killed it all right we're chilling oh well done but I don't have Splash damage which is really concerning dude why is the saw so trash even at max level he's got no AOE no AOE no splash just single Target oh yeah that's kind of poop I'm about to get a maxed out Astro which means I'll be slowing down the enemy toilets come on Wave skip get me paid bang max level with 60% slowing there's nothing these toilets can do yeah melon it's over oh that's so annoying your Astro toilet is just too powerful these toilets might still push through my squad is Bonkers and I think I'll put an upgrade here and on the next wave skip I'll max out my DJ tvman and my speaker repair drone so that I have maximum support utility oh yeah I'm going to need to max out that repair drone that's actually needed cuz I'm getting spammed here we go max level DJ Max Level repair drone excellent I I can sell these back lines off I don't need them and now my damage shall scale boost it boost it the power bang bang can you feel the power melon I can feel it sun let it flow through me oh this is busting bro I might set a solo speedrun record wait there's a spot here I can do this I can beat this if I place a spot yes I placed him just right I got him in a clutch location not bad melon I'm happy for you what's your game timer saying 11 minutes and 42 seconds dang it I'm 11 minutes and 49 seconds I'm just ahead of you but I suspect I'll be able to defeat this in a new record you sure about that Sunny I'm quite confident cuz I'm about to have another maxed out Astro how many maxed out Astros do you have only two oh what the heck dude I have like five maxed out saws yeah your boys are way worse though yeah you're right all right will this count as being in the DJ want to see if I could squeeze it no no sadly not how about here a it's just out of the DJ again that sucks oh I got him in plus 25% damage minus 25% cool down upgrade it's actually concerning how many toilets have pushed through I might die oh are you finished on Wave 39 I don't know I'm a little bit scared I'm not going to cop well I'm not going to cop either nothing is pushing through I am destroying my enemies just need a few thousand more dollars please that's it I'm selling off this Astro level four we don't need them upgrade there we go and let's squeeze another one in the front lines excellent melon soon my power level shall be unrivaled Boom place in another saw oh no that is a lot of explosive toilets they're sleeping my boys if you really have to you can turn Autos skip off nope not doing it I refuse and I don't have to these toilets don't even make it to the first turn on the tracks shut up Sunny that's cap well it's not they barely make it out of the cave oh no Sunny they're pushing through my back line but my saws are melting yeah I don't even have a backline anymore I just have four Astros oh oh no oh no oh no this laser UFO toilet are you kidding me are you kidding me it's pushed through oh no oh no oh yeah I'm dead I am definitely dead oh you're actually fully Dead come on come on come on come on come on come on yep that lays UFO toilet dang it that means I win but I'm not quitting the game yet I'm so close to setting a new record well good luck have fun Sunny wait no no you have to watch this bro you have to suffer through it I don't want to watch it you do you really really do look at my power admire it absorb it witness my greatness oh my goodness hny and we'll put another one right here if only I had Splash damage none of the toilets would have made it through yeah I wonder if you had the toxic how well that would have done done maybe we should try that toxic versus Astro goats comment down below if you'd like to see that challenge and melon I'm about to have five maxed out Astro Titans that's all you need bro is a DJ and these boys and it's over dude that is crazy let's get goed upgrade and that last level up does insane extra damage bro everything is getting incinerated I know isn't it awesome no bro it was so hard for me and you're making this look easy yeah I sold my backline it wasn't easy early on though melon look at how close I came to death bro you almost died I was so close to the dub and now that the wave 50 has arrived I will go to the beach and sell off my Santa I'm sorry boys the vacation is over Sunny the the game's going to be over before you even get back no I can get back come on come on run the boss isn't even in yet oh here's the boss and then I can summon this and eliminate the boss even more quickly max level I'll DJ him a little bit nope he's dead well melon 16 minutes and 51 seconds isn't that the same as our two player record I think it is bro these Astro Titans are insane but not as insane as that subscribe button goats press it now today sunny and I are using the brand new OP Astro Titan to speedrun nightmare mode maybe we'll even find the brand new helmet boss 4.0 but you're going to have to stick around to find out sunny today we're going to find the brand new helmet boss toilet 4.0 let's go we're going to have to venture through nightmare mode and get to wave 45 I'm pretty sure that's where it spawns in well Sunny let's do this thing let's go pal Paradise so we can make that guacamole fetuccini Alfredo but hold on Sunny I want to swap my green laser for a hyper bro you're actually crazy let's go vote for nightmare mode with pleasure we will find the boss toilet 4.0 who has a helmet and a shield made of lasers and then melon we'll kill it first we got to make that guacamole yeah yeah yeah I know I'm going to put mine over here also melon I got a confess I don't have a green laser I added the mewing TV man instead bro you idiot whatever you're going to have to place the mewing down because all my units are super expensive don't worry about it bro we're going to be cool we're going to be fine the reason I chose this instead of the green laser is in the late game we already have a slow from the Astro Titan so I figured why not get a stun from the mewing TV man you're right Sunny you're actually a genius uh no and soon I'm going to be a rich genius upgrade my senters and on the next wave skip I'll be able to buy it yeah you better place that muu uh somewhere around here probably I was just going to put it here and let it kill the little toilets and then I'll buy another one later all right you do you I don't want us taking any damage we will flawlessly run this nightmare mode oh yeah he's destroying these toilets let's go incinerate them and then I'll upgrade my money and then melon I will place another mewing TV man right about here well you do that sunny I will continue to invest and just make more money cuz that's all I care about I'm proud of you melon you should get rich filthy stinking Rich then r i will deploy an astro upgraded Titan cameraman really you think you're going to be able to to pull that off of course I will Sunny Santa's provide so much guacamole yeah you're going to have to pull it off cuz there's a boss toilet with 31,000 a mutant with 27,000 I won't be able to kill those with my Ms you're right Sunny I'm going to have to save up then fine and I shall upgrade my me perfect he's doing more damage the minigun toilet thought he could stun him think again bro I stun you and in this next wave skip I should have enough money let's go upgrade upgrade Astro toilet deployed kill the toilets melon he got instantly slapped here let me help what it even slept him I don't understand there you go he's got a personal healer now sweet thank you very much Sunny not a problem melon as long as we eliminate these toilets I'll be happy seems he's here come on there we go two more STIs have been upgraded I'm going to need to pump some upgrades into this Astro though he is not cheap 3,5 500 to get him to level two yeah that's insane I'm going to get my mewing up to level three now though he does a lot more damage more than doubled it sunny they fixed him he finally does Splash damage now oh really so he's even stronger than earlier abely sunny and he is going to annihilate this mutant toilet that is awesome and look at this the jetpack police toilet's wasting its missiles on my Santa who cares and destroyed absolutely wrecked he does 1,400 damage every point 2 seconds it's over for this mutant yeah that's insane I'm going to sell this me off once we kill all these toilets in the back lines and I upgrade my Shone my own come on get me 300 Buckaroo skis soon all of my STIs will be standing yes two of mine are now standing up flexing on the toilets same here sunny and now three of them will be standing shortly just got to kill something here yeah Mel I'm a little nervous about these toilets in the background they look kind of tough don't worry about it my boy got it oh yeah he's melting them yep so fruitlyn I'll pump another upgrade into my Astro upgraded Titan cameraman now he does double the damage nice work and I on the other hand she'll upgrade my mewing TV man just give it a sec just give it a sec I need 5,000 bucks actually nah I think I'll just upgrade my money makers it's more economical if I do this now and on the next wave skip I might even have enough to get both of my Santas to level eight one and only $1,400 to go oh I have $113,000 let me invest that a little bit two maxed out Santas nicely done I need 9900 buckaroos can we take out a couple of these toilets in time no never mind boom maxed out Santa same here I just got to wait for this boy to wake up there it is and now melon I shall deploy the DJ and the DJ shall boost up our entire Army I think if I put it here should be good and I just got my Astro to level four and max level he's in the ring let's go but my mewing TV man is not in the ring I that's unlucky it's okay sunny we don't really need them I'm going to put a repair drone here and also level that up excellent then I'll sell the meu and place an astro toilet toilet I keep calling them toilets an astro cameraman yes annihilate them level five Astro bro you're one off of the max level yes let the power flow through us we're becoming Unstoppable I wonder if this Astro Titan can set a new speedrun world record that would be awesome probably not though I don't know I think he's capable of it there we go I've maxed out the repair drone as well melon all we need is damage no longer do we need support units boom maxed out Astro now he's got the slowing that's crazy 60% slow I thought it was only 50 bro it's probably because of the DJ TV man I don't think so bro that doesn't make any sense that's not even how math works all right I don't know shny maybe it's just that he got a buff yeah maybe they thought he was garbage even though he's kind of op bro look how much he slows down the toilets this has got to be one of the new strongest units in the game they probably buffed him up so that it'd be possible to try and reach wave 140 on endless cuz remember they added that new boss there you're right Sunny that must be it but I still don't know if wave 140 is even possible goats if you know how to get to wave 140 in toilet Tower Defense endless please comment now we need your advice because pretty soon we're going to try and set another world record run on endless mode but for now we're setting a world record run on nightmare mode check it out got a hyper up in this nice one melan that's epic I'm going to put another Astro Titan right about let's say here and then I'm going to squeeze in a me TV man right here to do some stunning oh it's perfect they're all within the Ring of of my DJ I just need $35,000 to Max him out excellent work melon truly and I shall max out the mewing there we go one more level and he'll have crazy attack range meaning toilets will get stopped in their tracks no matter what man this is satisfying soon Sunny soon destroy the toilets they never really had a chance maxed out hyper let's go bro that's crazy that's like 120k damage second that is Bon bnks and I almost have another maxed out Astro I feel like this Astro Titan is the new coolest looking unit I just love the animations on these attacks they're crazy dude because the Astro toilet was so strong and now the upgraded Titan cameraman stole his arm yeah bro because of that this is the new strongest upgraded cameraman for sure 100% oh yeah it's totally bugged by the way it says minus 40% slow but then I guess it gets buffed you're right by 25% but I'm so confused a 40% is not 20% dude don't question it sunny yeah I can't comprehend it my brain is too small so instead I'll just get more of them and power level them up bro we are melting this I don't even know if we'll see the helmet boss 4.0 true we got to keep our eyes out I want to see that new boss in action let's just save up our money I'm going to get this guy maxed out and then I'm not buying anything for a while and there we go upgrade to maximum and now we chill bro this is so loud I think I got to turn my sound effects off same here sunny and we're speed running bro we're already at wave 41 soon the helmet boss shall appear and then it will disappear bro we're magicians this is going to be a magic trick okay melon it might be happening I saw boss toilet then 2.0 then 3.0 where's the 4.0 it's got to show up sooner or later where is he he shall reveal himself and get destroyed instantaneously a trer trer hop quite except we still haven't seen him where are you helmet boss we're not afraid of you yeah now that we've got two hypers it's over it's always been ogre stay out of my swamp boom did you Max it out yeah he's maxed out Sunny that is crazy look at the toxic mutant toilet that used to be a threatening boss and now it's a little baby it has been annihilated W from existence and where is the boss we might actually set a new record here melon we are flying through this yeah this is a Bonkers where is he he should appear now keep an eye out for him we're on Wave 45 this is where the new bosses usually start to arrive I see a 3.0 where is it it should be here any moment I don't see it sunny I don't either I'm going to add a little more damage though let's get juicy max level there we go there's a boss toilet 4.0 but it's not the helmet boss toilet 4.0 yeah it's just a normal one whatever let me just max this out real quick give him his own own personal DJ maybe he's the new nightmare mode boss sunny it's possible yeah maybe you're right bro we'll see the Smooth Criminal and that new boss 4.0 let's see It'll be chilling with the buzs saw ovens yeah look security guard toilet that thing is so tanky and beefy but it's getting SCH smelted come on it's almost wave 50 where is he keep your eyes peeled also I'm going to sell my Santa so we can set a damage record oh absolutely massive buz saww oven I think that that's new but it's dead um Sunny I'm not seeing this helmet boss anywhere maybe I lied bro maybe it's only on endless mode I thought it would be on nightmare mode as well you idiot Sunny whatever we destroyed this and that's a new record for us 16 minutes and 51 seconds at least I think it's a new record I'm pretty sure that is goats comment down below if we've ever beat this before and if you're new around here subscribe to get CED
Channel: Melon and Sunny
Views: 315,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AeBD7XRPycc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 21sec (6501 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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