Unlocking every secret, character, weapon and achievement in Vampire Survivors (Part 1)

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[Music] a internet this is Nate and welcome to the stream that you've all been waiting for the new version of Rags to Riches AKA unlocking every single thing in Vampire survivors in a single stream um should be pretty hype uh that is that actually technically going to be a single stream it's going to be several streams but they're going to be consecutive so we'll be streaming uh from now until roughly lunch time I'll take a quick break for lunch then we'll go to part two where we'll stream until roughly around when I eat dinner 's tamed and then we'll take another break for dinner and then we'll uh finish things off um hopefully before we start Blood on the clock tower later tonight we're not gonna do a death counter but I will be updating with every single achievement as they get achieved or every single unlock as I unlock them as we go through yeah yeah we got the garlic Survivor shirt so thank you again to uh punkle or uh yeah providing me with a random random assortment of really funny and cool uh stuff all right so with that enough of this intro garbage let's start things off so we have hold on let me pull up my uh my thing here we're starting run number one at roughly what one minute or two minutes in run one and then I'll list what we unlock after every time we unlock something all right here we go you guys ready for the very first run let's do it [Music] [Music] so the goal here is uh we want to level up whip as quickly as possible and then we want to get uh oh my gosh the music is like super loud [Music] we gotta we gotta turn down this music it's way too loud hold on there we go it's true look how slow he is that's right it's also interesting because now we're playing with um Antonio with the new skin and it definitely looks a little bit higher quality than like the first time you play vampire survivors in the original release uh I think as a second item magic wands probably the most effective hard to say I mean we're gonna get every single item like this is this is going to be a thing also we're not in hurry mode anymore so we're gonna we're gonna go slowly but the goal is we want to get the um we want to kill as many things as possible early so that we can level up as quickly as possible because we need to get whipped to level eight and then grab the hollow heart [Music] yeah we're starting from a brand new save file nothing unlocked we're gonna unlock everything all secrets all characters all maps all arcanas [Music] should be big hype I think we can do it in roughly my estimate because the there's um there's not that much that got added with the most recent update I take ax here um so I'm gonna I'm gonna guess that we probably finished the entire uh set in like 13 14 hours once we unlock Curry mode you can't skip the first chests Okay so ax not really what I wanted but it's fine uh we do not want to grab those yet we want to keep leveling what we have uh the this the first run you ever do in Vampire survivors um if you want to win it which you don't always have to win it uh but if you want to win it you absolutely have to like be Precision perfect with your decisions and with your timing so right now we're just focusing on leveling as quickly as possible trying to get uh keep ourselves at like relatively High Health so we're not in any danger um but the thing is we need to scale our damage as fast as possible because that's what's going to get you is uh it's not gonna be oh hello all those bats are stuck that's uh nerve-wracking it's not gonna be um oh my gosh Bros bros Bros relax we have no luck so the bats just keep coming and they don't stop coming um so we have to get Hollow heart that's mandatory we have to get um the healing from uh bloody tear otherwise it's impossible to survive and you really have to get up by 10 minutes you have to get it before you get to the uh 11 minute wave that's the real killer now we don't have to win this run but it'd be nice if we did oh my gosh there's already an nft that's crazy and some chicken and some money you'll love to see it we want to get enough chicken that we can get the uh unlock I can't remember what it exactly unlocks it's all kind of hazy but I just know we need a lot of chicken nft unfortunately does not unlock anything but that's okay okay we have another chest here I believe this is the three chest the first uh five chests are scripted [Music] it goes one three one five at least I got chicken that's right and apologies if I'm not reading chat as like vigorously as I sometimes can it is a very stressful run this first run again we're just trying to get whip to level eight that's the uh that's the number one goal we want to get whipped to level eight so that we can guarantee getting bloody tear as early as possible oh no it's one one one one three one I can't remember exactly nft unlocks bankruptcy and divorce okay um we're gonna go Bible here again as much offense as possible is uh ideal now we'd love to get a magnet so we could unlock a track door um we want to unlock as many things as possible so that we can get as many Evolutions as possible Evolutions are a great way to get quick cash it's 500 coins for every evolution and early on it's tough it's tough to get a lot of cash very quickly okay but one of the first things we have to do is unlock as many levels as possible in particular we need the dairy plant because the dairy plant has the map we also need to unlock hurry mode from Gallo Tower as quickly as possible because uh if we're gonna do this at all it's going to have to be through hurry mode so we want hyper mode we want hurry mode I mean hyper we get by beating the levels but hurry mode we need as soon as possible that's like super critical okay we need to start heading north keep going magic wand we need to start heading up towards the uh Hollow heart okay some more money don't mind that okay this is the this is the wave when we can really move uh because the enemies don't really there's not really tons of enemies that get generated so we're not missing out if we don't kill them right away and we're just gonna go it's uh I believe four segments North to get to it so there's one the six minute and seven minute are both like the perfect time to just migrate and grab this get a little bit of XP while we're going oh okay we can't get all the XP though we actually do need to move it's very important there we go another chest so the triple again these are all scripted then there's another one and then there's a five chest okay that's also why we're not getting any accessories we want to level our weapons as quickly as possible also in particular we want to level a whip oh yeah I forgot there's one Quirk about your first run you can't see any of the levels of your weapons for some reason which can get a little annoying I have to just remember not that it really matters it only matters for whip but it's still kind of annoying okay now we start getting a few more enemies hyper mode should be called normal [Laughter] okay we have one more and then we're at the hollow heart Hollow heart's really critical again uh because it's the only way to evolve in the first run um because none of the standard accessories can evolve your weapons that's right we've made Runner Runner again it's actually still Lita but they uh they agreed to change the name there we are this hollow heart fantastic okay now I don't want to get it yet I just want to be near it Bruce I don't want to get it as I don't want it to be something that's distracting me from other levels okay this is a little bit of a spicy wave sometimes but I think we'll be okay um but yeah this is looking really really good so far and then uh we have a choice of whether we want to go for the crit uh if we can get the crit or sorry if we can go we have a choice of whether we want to go for um extra luck with the Clover it's usually a pretty good idea uh because then it increases your chances of critting which ends up being pretty relevant now there's a chance that like around 14 15 minutes we're just gonna get punked and there's nothing we can do about it the waves get incredibly difficult for uh no power-ups and like very limited weapon and accessory selection foreign I didn't realize they changed the base soundtrack for the uh mad Forest okay there we go there's level eight whip so now we can grab the hollow heart uh basically as soon as we want I'm gonna still focus on leveling weapons for now but uh yeah that'll be really good besides level 8 whip is just really strong in general anyway for killing things now we could go for spinach but it's like not like that high of a chance of getting it we're gonna do some counting soon no we haven't grabbed it yet it's still on the ground so it's right up here we're waiting until uh until we absolutely need it because I want to level the weapons before I level the hollow heart okay uh keep going ax for now we'll get knife later acts a little bit more useful for uh survivability as we get to like some of the heavier waves because of the um the the piercing that it gets very early on and it's the damage that it does highest damage weapon in your first run apart from bloody tier when it crits okay so far this has been a very smooth uh run number one [Music] oh [ __ ] don't die right away Nate get some chicken nice still would love to get um an attract orb or a vacuum I should say we're living Laurel's the last thing we're gonna get we need to get defenses soon or we need to get defense as a last resort but uh we're gonna go full Cobra Kai which is that the best defense is more offense and we're just gonna we're gonna do one lap and then I might walk through the flowers depending on how dire we feel we're in hello welcome guy perfect we're on our very first run all right so far so good well it turns out if I don't start right when I wake up I probably won't have enough time to get every achievement in a single stream it's just science guys it's just science yeah we really need to kill this guy now we can grab this chest [Music] there we go uh keep going ax we gotta kill this boss like now like yesterday we're gonna grab the hollow heart so that the moment he dies oh [ __ ] we died all right that's fine so run number one we unlocked hold on uh garlic bracer duplicator crown wings Hollow hearts peachen and fire wand okay very cool and let's go to run number two run number two is starting right around [Music] 16 30 looks like 16 15. run number two all right we ready for round number two let's do it so we're gonna do the same map we now have a little bit of money to spend on power ups we don't have enough to get some of the better ones uh in my opinion in your first runs magnet is super important uh we could go magnet we can get um areas also pretty important we could also just go for greed early if we think we can win kind of a tough call um I think I might just go full magnet with some area bonus to start things off foreign and you know what let's change it up let's go Imelda no you know what let's let's keep it with Antonio for now because we want to do a Melda later now second Run's much better because now we can actually get Hollow heart and we can focus on getting pumarola so that we can level up the garlic garlic is going to be extremely valuable for us in the second run especially if we can get it to level um level like five or six before the uh 11 minute wave because that's always a scary one is the 11 minute wave [Music] I think Mag I think growth is too expensive for the value that it brings early uh I will max out oh let me move the cursor sir I guess uh I will max out all of my stats or all of my weapons and stuff like that's not going to be the issue at all um but magnet is very very important because it's often difficult to just get um all the experience that you're dropping if everybody did the hardcore challenge guys and I wasn't allowed to die man that was brutal [Music] it's been a long time though okay uh um magic wand still probably the most useful out of those right now we just want things that are guaranteed to kill stuff magnet how do it work well these uh gems are clearly made of metal and uh by having a bigger electromagnet we can pull these gems to us from farther distances as long as these uh metals have an electric electromagnetic charge duplicator okay easy duplicator grab they're magic rocks and I have a magic magnet that pulls magic to me okay there we go no chest this time unfortunately second duplicator it's just science guys exactly so again we're not going to go for the hollow heart this time we're gonna go for the pumarola so that we can evolve the garlic between uh evolved garlic and evolved whip we should be in a really great spot I don't believe we can um I don't think we have what we need to uh evolve anything else right now keep going magic one we still have not gone garlic though that's disappointing so garlic is what you get from getting all the food or yeah for picking up food off the ground that makes sense because the food is Bland until you can get garlic speaking of garlic reminder that I got this super cool plushie [Music] I'll have it nearby increase my garlic odds um we can also get oh we can actually uh we can do knife now yeah yeah I forgot that we can uh we got bracer so we can actually evolve uh you can evolve knife uh uh let's go ax We're not gonna get Laurel this time now that we've unlocked oh we could get fire one that's actually true as well fire one could also evolve so fire wand bracer garlic and um whip can all evolve in this run now still really hard to evolve them all because you have to survive that long and you also have to pick them up and we have no re-rolls or skips or banishes no you don't need po why would you need po what kind of ridiculous question is that Rhona it's yeah it's on the ground below us from beneath [Music] I haven't unlocked pumarola you unlock pumarola by uh playing with uh what's his name that has the knives I can't think of his name right now I can never remember his name actually okay we want bracer so that we can evolve the knives and the knives would not be a terrible first evolution uh I don't know if it'd be as good as the whip but it would be it would be okay foreign because it helps us to sustain which is nice now we could technically uh get more items than we can carry if we want or sorry we can like we can get more accessories above six if we want I'm not gonna try that I think it's too difficult to make that work uh in these early runs we'll just get what we need so we can evolve stuff a thousand Edge is really good so is um I mean bloody tier is probably one of the best Evolutions in the game but apart from it's a fuolufalu which gets even more hype I'm not gonna get crowned yet I don't think Crown is going to add enough value well that's what that's what's so funny is that like both magic wand or holy wand and thousand Edge both say that they have no cooldown but they actually do have a cool down it's just really really really low so getting like getting Tome still helps both of those weapons but when if when the game first came out and people were still trying to like figure stuff out there was like this like hey tome's not useful if you're just getting knife and holy one but actually it still was because there still was a cooldown okay we've got above average viewers you guys have been upgraded congratulations let's do uh Hollow heart so that we can evolve the Whip and now we can actually see our weapon levels which is great it's not impossible though it's not impossible to get Holy One or a holy one without there's one character that starts with it and uh now that you can get candy boxes um you can get uh an evolved super candy box and get it for free without ever having to take it home who will be the 100th viewer the hundredth viewer gets nothing why did you take so long to get here let's continue to level knife I'd like to have something that can evolve oh there's a uh nft that's good I need something to invest into just don't tell Lara that I'm investing in nfts oh that's a great time for the nft you'll go leave and come back to be number 100 foreign this is the spicy wave hey a triple by the way I will be skipping every chest apologies in advance but the reality is I'm on a timer ain't got time to watch animations I mean we're not gonna go crazy here with the speed run but we are gonna try to actually finish it which is not easy don't try this at home yeah now we can skip the Pena chest which is nice that'd be like five minutes by itself of just watching pennant chests every run okay uh more ax unfortunately we don't have candle Labrador so we can't evolve the ax but it's still really really good especially with duplicator um and the extra Pierce at level eight like it's really strong when we have those like really really thick waves we still have not picked up Garlic though it hasn't shown up at all in the shop thank you crt77 yeah the gold from chess is increased were you a penny chest every it's it's called Uh streamer luck maybe you haven't heard of it before clearly as I uh got super lucky on that first run and didn't die like a chump it 11 minutes but we are gonna get level 20 which is good that means we'll unlock the library and we're gonna we're gonna you're gonna see a lot of Library guys libraries like one of the best maps to grind out so we will be doing a lot of it on fortunately or unfortunately foreign we gotta do some dodging here mild dodging ahead okay whip is ready to evolve it's really really good we just need to kill the the jerk when he appears in a few minutes excuse me I believe I ordered a chest thank you knife not quite ready that's okay all right chump hey a tractor fantastic so now we have or sorry that's a vacuum but now we have a track door as an option hey punks get out of the way I'm trying to hit this praying mantis more like pray for Mercy mantis from my many axes knives and whips and also like little blue magic balls foreign bro just die bro I need your chest or reasons okay just do me a solid and die yeah we gotta we gotta get out of these flowers real quick praying mantis prying mantis okay we have the chest we just have to get through all these uh jerks to get to it hey hey jerks you know what whatever screw it we're gonna get healed anyway bloody tear time let's go more magic wand it seems like a good moment to head south after the 11 minute wave but things will slow down a little bit later too we could probably we do want to have enough time to get luck though because now the uh knife will also crit oh there was garlic Nate you fool you absolute buffoon how did you not pick up the garlic now we're gonna have to get a freaking bird what have you done now we want to level the bird because that's the only way to get ebony Wings you think it's a level eight so it unlocks 70 wings and then we can get uh vandalier vandalier Industries still hard we have like magnet and a little bit of area let's we're not like pumping at all cylinders here Rona I know there's a clover yeah there's a clover uh there's a clover there's a pumarola there's a hollow heart and then there's the spinach will Evolve three things if we can get garlic we'll evolve a third yeah we're doing a zero to 100 run all right here is a level of knife because I can't count we are now at level seven knife it's fine everything's fine we could also go fire wand if we don't want to go garlic that's another option foreign we don't want any of that garbage if it can't evolve I don't want to see it expect me to read the style of the stream I clicked on uh just don't die Nate just don't die just don't die we're heading south towards pumarola oh my gosh don't die Nate don't die heal healing we're healing we're healing there's a chicken down here chicken for extra healing this is save me axes save me ah I mean we even have two extra whips from the duplicator okay let's do a quick uh clean up here we have a lot of gems on the ground there's a red gem that's what we're talking about boom knife garlic we got it mission mission successful even if we die now we're still winners uh we gotta get garlic upgraded so we can evolve it as well uh next chest is at 15 minutes foreign can we get a death counter the real death is the friends we made along the way uh no I'm not gonna do a death counter because sometimes I'll intentionally quit runs in order to uh speed up the unlock process oh I actually want to get this so we can unlock um clock lancement uh uh spinach okay there's the uh there's the knife evolve pretty important [ __ ] [ __ ] don't die Nate don't die okay 15 minutes things relax a little bit if we can just live for a minute get out of there get out of there oh we lived holy crap more spinach do we have all of our weapons evolved why are you not letting me level my weapons game quitting is the next big adventure okay we've got two guys with chests I need one of them to die I need I need knives to be evolved gross just die Bros just die bro there we go okay grab it thousand inch yeah we gotta like knife our way out we're good everybody die get out of here death and destruction befall all who oppose me okay we gotta go get that pumarola though okay that guy didn't even have a chest what a jerk hot damn there's so many enemies can I just go south for a minute uh more access police big ax damage that's what we're talking about there's a red gem over here with my name on it more garlic or spinach let's go now before we get pumarola we are going to greet for an extra thing hey there we go on that cross Don't Mind If I Do the only thing we've missed is a uh there's a clover for um unlocking the Clover um we can grab armor now I want to make sure we have a full set of items before we get pumarola this is a good time to walk it's the mummy wave mummy wave is slow so you've played knife he's spoony before ouch yeah the early game is very very slow because we haven't unlocked hyper mode yet and we also have not unlocked hurry mode yet those are going to be two big priorities for us some might say it's a waste of time for me to actually complete uh the first run but whatevs we're gonna do it anyway it does give me a whole bunch of evolutions nice we're gonna get quite a few unlocks this run several from on-ground items will evolve a few weapons we've already evolved to we'll probably have all the Third we're gonna unlock ebony Wings if we can max out pigeon we'll have unlocked the library will have unlocked it's quite a few things we'll unlock here the point of Pride but there are going to be runs just I need you to give you fair warning there will absolutely be runs where I don't complete it and you're just gonna have to accept this accept it embrace it I don't want anybody crying because I didn't complete a certain run you can't get garlic first run this is our second run don't ask me how we got to this point I certainly did not die like a chump in my first attempt well DK I'm glad the videos have been helpful and I'm glad you've been enjoying them welcome to the live stream foreign it's funny I found the developer on LinkedIn and I almost uh I almost uh did a link request with him but I didn't I thought that would be weird so I didn't do it we're waiting to get pumarola until we have one more accessory or until we get garlic to level eight no first run the only thing you can evolve is uh whip and only if you know that there's an on ground item all right time to watch the world burn ow we still have not gotten a clover keep in mind though that it's really really unlikely to get clovers in general ouch please stop there are children present this level of violence too much the common common Folk we gotta work our way around to get the pumarola now um we can also go get the Clover in a minute uh garlic the nice thing is garlic plus whip is a fantastic combo because you can scale up really easily because you have inbuilt healing I kill these fools there should be a ton of experience on the ground if you know where to look um more spinach let me just say is the best character uh outside of the secret characters it's probably pagnala because uh she starts with guns and get strength per level so she would like literally be the strongest character but all this most the secret characters are better than pugnala your characters are all overpowered though so they're not really a good example of fair value I robbed the Developers oh how'd I get the vampire survivor's goodies uh by having the most watched how to kill the reaper video basically it turns out if you make a video that has more than half a million views the developers might give you [ __ ] but it's really cool [ __ ] so we take it Lara's really happy she loves she loves the stuff we got pignal is being at it this is correct although Bayonetta won't be Bayonetta I don't know if you've seen that big controversy #support your local voice actors yeah we're gonna do everything we're gonna unlock everything I believe I put everything in the title besides the secrets are all very easy to unlock you can do uh Secrets while doing other runs so it works out don't support your voice actors when they lie do you think she lied I mean it's possible I don't know I'm just reporting the news guys you can't fact check me I can't even read it's 4K per session uh okay yeah but Jennifer Hale is a household item the actress that the voice actress that does Bayonetta is only known for Bayonetta not household because like only people that play video games know who Jennifer Hale is Jennifer Hale has done like a ton of Voice work she can't show the contract if she's under an NDA she can't show the contract she was offered I know I work in that Realm uh okay I mean she could have I'm not saying she didn't lie I'm just saying show me the contract is not the correct way to find out what really happened setting the screens for Sprint you know it's funny though like despite the fact that Chris Pratt's voice is like really jarring in that trailer uh dude freaking Jack Black sounds incredible as Bowser I want my nfts please now we can evolve our garlic oh no we can't Nate you [ __ ] because you didn't pick up the pumarola uh still works Rona still works [Music] that garlic is the king the game knows dude pumarola is so tiny that's the smallest pumarella Circle I've ever seen and I even have extra area what the heck okay we need to level the freaking pigeon also we're gonna go look for uh we're gonna go scavenge for extra luck pigeon what is my favorite character weapon in stage uh my favorite character is uh probably still Porta just because Porta has the most ridiculous passive that's hilarious and also because the immortal Porta challenge was like the Bane in my existence for so long when I finally completed it a whole new world of possibilities were awoken um also map probably still the library I think it's very classic it still looks nice um but Gallow Tower is also really cool too hello Harris botic no you will always be Harris botic and there's so apparently I'm on the uh the wrong end of the controversy then we'll also talking about it if she did uh misrepresent that's obviously really really bad and kind of a really weird thing to do excuse me holy crap she woke up the house man humble brag there yeah I spent more time in the bone Zone than anywhere else [Music] all right anyway let's keep going okay we gotta not die here from these guys it does look weird without all the other options that's true foreign more armor hey Cod razio welcome it's been a while pigeon well welcome Phoenix I'm also very hyped foreign oh I don't know Rona we're still smacking fools we will always be smacking fools some things might change over time but somewhere in the world Nate will be smacking fools grab the chest how can you reset vampire survivors I need to make an updated video guide because it's like a lot more complicated now than it used to be also we get six items that allow us to get I believe it's tome for getting all six items so we're gonna get a lot of unlocks after this hey second run Victory is always a good uh good start but now we gotta focus on getting to uh I'm gonna focus on getting to um Dairy plant as soon as possible and then uh okay hold on oh [ __ ] lightning ring [Music] hyper mad Forest cross attract orb clock Lancet [Music] ebony wings po empty tome inlaid Library pentagram okay evolved with evolved knife evolved garlic hyper ill millise okay let me just make sure I didn't miss anything foreign [Music] we're good got it save that now we're on to run number three uh run number three is at fifty one we're probably like 52. run three okay by the way we are at currently 22 of 111 so averaging 11 unlocks per run we only have to do 10 runs and then we're done uh-huh all right let's grab now with all of our money I think we get an amount is always good uh we can grab another magnet grab another area uh grab one greed and one movement speed okay let's go and we're gonna take uh Imelda into the library let's go I believe okay um let's go Birds I know it's insane but now that we can get both Birds we want to try to level them as uh in this run and melt is a good one for it anyway because she has extra XP that she gets ebony Wings you love to see it games like I got you man let's do it we'll do it together we can also unlock uh I believe it's cat lady here too if we want hello vicarus the timing of the birds is like kind of hilarious we can get Santa water as well because we can evolve um we can now evolve to uh labora we're gonna have a lot of good upgrades here and then we want lightning ring as well [ __ ] don't die though Nate like a chump you can unlock move the cursor it's just a cursor guys get over it get get get get get over it all right um we cannot unlock Bible yet let's go more pigeons oh no we did get spellbinder didn't we maybe we didn't I don't know what unlocks spellbinder I think it might be uh there's a Melda unlocked spellbinder I cannot remember uh more magic wands we don't get Rune Tracer until we've played uh as um notice with a P what's her name all the names evade me guys I know some of them have any wings I'll Rune Tracer to level seven okay got it or by picking it up on the ground in Gallo Tower but pasqualina that's right ouch more whips a little bit nervous right now because we haven't got a ton of damage um Birds aren't adding tons of value they're doing okay but in a couple of minutes things are about to get real spicy and I don't know that we have the damage to handle it we can go fire wand as well we're getting like all the Obscure things but they all can evolve now so we should get them if we can ouch more magic wand are we doing against the mummies okay it looks like Birds aren't risky in this run it's fine by the way we will not walk and get Tome we will just get to him if it shows up I can't afford to wait the only one we want now is lightning ring labora will be will protect us if we can get labora we're good like that's basically it labora and we win ouch um more fire wand or magic wand more pigeon [Music] uh lightning ring perfect so we have all the weapons we want to get now we just need to level them up and we need to get tome and we need to not die while doing all those things um probably birds are gonna be better right now than uh Santa water foreign good stuff good stuff nice still have not gotten an on-ground Clover yet too by the way that'd be pretty hype so we can actually have the real clover duplicator fan for contastic love it uh I'm gonna grab a tractorb here we're going very wide yeah but the problem is walking means less experience right now we just have to level like more than anything else I just need a level quickly as humanly possible I'm going to grab spinach here because that will evolve the fire one we're going very wide but luckily it's actually okay like we're still killing things at a pretty good pace magic wand is almost fully leveled then we'll be able to get uh Tome and evolve it at 10 minutes which would be great okay here's where we migrate slow waves we're actually doing a lot of damage with fire wand and magic wand is no slouch either I think the dragon's supposed to be a Pokemon or maybe a Yu-Gi-Oh I don't know something like that if you can get to the tomes We're not gonna be able to get to the tomes during the six and seven minute segments but we're gonna get pretty far banshees are a freaking nightmare ouch foreign there's a lot of enemies on the ground or on the oh don't you have my Banshees that dragon is Derpy you do be a derp come on we're almost there just don't get punked by any freaking Banshees I think it's the next one should be oh my gosh right here are we there yet we're not there yet give me some chicken backdoorb is fantastic I love it uh oh we get the free we get the thing now that's awesome we got the Grim grimoire very cool [ __ ] don't die though don't die from the Lancet Witch is the Lancet sisters okay we've now maxed uh the magic wand we just need a tome and not the Grim grimoire a real tome bro don't slow me down I'm on a roll okay we killed it but it only dropped a red gem like a jerk ah we're almost there where's the tome there's some chicken grab the chicken grab the chicken is witches though they're being real jerks okay keep it going does it only show me it only shows me things that I have that's interesting dodging dodging the lancets okay more have any wings we just gotta get through tome where's my toe gosh dang it where's the tomb can I get you flask uh dude Home Star Runner man that was the greatest website Circa the year 2000. um um let's keep leveling Birds gonna check sign me a man oh my gosh what what do you mean there's no tome what do you mean how have we not found a tome culus I disagree not with you you're right sometimes only the farthest home spawns but I disagree with what happened am I gonna agreed a little bit we have a couple of weapons that could evolve theoretically if we got all the right stuff it is very scary not having Tome right now though just get home just get it freaking heck okay fine we'll get fire wand evolved whatever game gosh so demanding should I walk and then come back if it's not in the next one all right we'll go one more there's two chests on the ground We're not gonna go anywhere we're gonna stay here until we can evolve something and then we'll go buy our wand we only need two more levels of fire wand and it can evolve I guess I could just walk one and then walk back all right fine we're gonna do it but I'm not happy about it spinach lightning Santa uh just give me give me a tome oh [ __ ] don't die though don't die trying to get the tome there it is we found it holy crap thank goodness kill this bat kill this bat kill him murder him thank you all right now we're good whoo no we still don't have multiple file saves unfortunately okay we gotta level up fire wand which is the closest and then I think it's Santa water next no I think it might be lightning ring actually no they're tied either one Kill Them All and bring me a goblet of something cold and refreshing oh this is very true I have to walk the uh a mile that's right I need to get the stone mask you know what we're just gonna grab the chests here we got a flask if we can if we can break 200 you will officially be superior viewers so I mean there's life goals you're right on the cusp yeah but we should try to unlock everything as early as possible we take tome in this house we leveled home is fire one ready no we need one more level we didn't get a thing anyway pigeon so birds are almost ready to evolve as well and then we can get a sixth weapon I don't know what it's gonna be cross can't evolve getting a lot of kills though for a third run with oh we're at level 40. I was like why are we leveling so slowly because we're freaking level 40. library library library is good for grinding but keep in mind we have to beat every level and I think we have to beat it twice um we can grab armor it's fine okay now we level at a normal speed again which is nice Santa Waters should eventually kill this boss another pigeon okay we're one away on both pigeon and fire one okay we gotta get it now we're gonna wait until one of them levels we have plenty of time we still have 15 minutes left what's the best map for gold grinding uh Phone Zone typically because it's all you're gonna ever get from torches freaking heck game ouch vandalier or fire wand either one would be great probably right now I'd prefer fire wand but I'll take I'll take it man I'll take it we got both porque no Los Dos okay we're just gonna level everything now now we have three things that can evolve that's great which one do we get which one do we get we get vandalier nice hey we got the Clover let's grab crown thank you I think one of the problems that I have is I don't click bait nearly enough but I'm also like I don't want to click bait I don't want an audience that will come for click baits and I don't uh I have the luxury of not needing to care for my audience apart from my ego but I want to grow it the way that I want to grow it this is all from a brand new save file um none of these can evolve except for knife but I believe that there's something around getting Bible to level four that we want to do pay for your pizza watch your mouth speaking of which we got dominoes again last night some of you saw it because some of you were here others of you don't know the legacy of dominoes or Legacy the tale of dominoes legend the legend of dominoes foreign ERS hate this one trick die or not whatever we hit 200. wow look at you guys coming in hot with the 200 live viewers this is not the vampire you're looking for it never really is honestly even if we found the vampire it doesn't mean it's the one we were looking for and I still haven't found the vampire I'm looking for it's just like my third save file fourth save file more if you count the uh all the times I was trying to do the hardcore challenge one went through like six or seven save files don't assume we're all live viewers foreign mask and then we're good we all have time to get Bible leveled up so we can unlock whatever the hell it is that Bible unlocks I can't remember honestly are we gonna kill death old school style probably not it would be nice if we have time I still think we're gonna have time and you can't do it on hurry mode uh uh more Bibles and it's very risky so it could be a huge waste of time so I think we're gonna have to do it As Time efficiently as possible foreign yeah it is too RNG dependent once upon a time it was awesome but now it's like it's been outshined by other runs give me all the levels I don't need a level vandalier I want to level everything else first and then if we have time well oh [ __ ] stop getting hit there we go that's what I'm talking about give me that chicken I've gotten old and Rusty yeah the plan is to unlock everything in roughly 12 hours we'll see if it gets too late and I have to do blood on the clock tower uh we'll take a break and finish it tomorrow morning but I think we can do it all in one it's my I feel like we can if we do hurry mode on everything and we don't have any bad runs there's a lot of caveats there but uh if all those caveats come out where it will be fine next videos to other people playing the game for fun I don't know if that'd be interesting for you guys I like the one I did for asman gold but I haven't done any others I would do like find different streamers who are playing it for the first time when it's officially released and react to their first runs yeah Gold's much easier to come by these days too which helps a lot I think I would do a mix of entertaining and educational okay it's edutainment it doesn't work with YouTube unfortunately because it's based on your Twitch handle so it doesn't it doesn't light up with my YouTube uh why am I even still going right I don't think there's anything to the right right now we have to go to the upside down world to unlock the other Secret and I don't believe we can unlock coffins yet until we get the map kill these fools dude these are the tiniest little hellfires itty bitty hellfires you know what I think one of these unlocks Kanda Labrador or I can't remember which one but we should unlock that this time too I can't remember which one it is that unlocks it though as I said if we unlock everything and we still have time then I'll do it if we don't then I probably won't do it it really depends on how quickly I can do it the biggest the biggest grind is going to be arcanas our condos are going to take a long time because I have to get a lot of characters to level 99 that part will take the most time ouch and my guess is it's going to take around 20 minutes per run to get through uh hurry mode hurry hyper mode runs later um let's go more Crown we got to be a little safe here this is our third run in the save so far Santa water unlocks candle Labrador okay well there you go now we unlocked it Bible unlocks something but I can't remember what it is more XP gain or attract orb again we're gonna level everything else first and then we'll then we'll max out vandalier we already have Racer oh do we we did Bible earlier you're right you're totally right we did Bible earlier that's why we have bracer probably unlock Stone mask because it'll get us a little bit more gold before the end speaking of we just got some Gold bags there's at least two more chests one from this Joker we lost the wizard lizard for you you jerk never forget hashtag [Music] wizard lizard release the wizard lizard I'm still mad about it I'll never forgive them for taking out the wizard lizard is one of my favorite Sprites in the entire game okay this is getting a little spicy a little bit spicy are we maxed out on Stone we are okay [Music] boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom nice okay so we're maxed we got a thousand gold there we actually might get the Mario skip it we can skip it later we have to at least do one that was our first one we're gonna get coins every time Justice for Wizard lizard I'm not a coward we don't need food we need money isn't it 5 000 coins in a single run to unlock the Mario now we can skip five chess now I just want to listen to that one to irritate people oh that's right because we get the 500 at the end so we're good we can start taking food now or we just get food from the ground like a farmer we'll take more money I want to get 5 000 now I don't want to wait Dairy plant Demario no thanks uh uh let's go more money because I'm not a coward food is for suckers money is forever okay we're almost there guys one weapon to Mario challenge I can't even pick one weapon yet I can't change my weapon count until I unlock of that other items you should banish every time you can win with everything yes there are like better and worse builds but you can win the game with basically everything so don't stress about it except for the damn cats cats are the worst not real cats my cats are amazing but the cats in the game are the absolute worst hit to 100 for the fans I mean we might I don't know I don't know how much we're gonna level we gotta find there is a red gem somewhere I don't know where it is uh they're already almost full health anyway we just can't get punked in the last wave that's the only concern that I have foreign okay it wasn't that way it's the other way let's go get the red gem I promise all the gems are red now we're painting the blue gems red we're painting the blue gems red yeah we've got to live now today is the time to live oh my gosh don't die Nate don't die just don't die don't die don't die don't die don't die don't die it's really scary for me now please just do not die don't die don't die oh my gosh vandalier chicken Felipe thank you for the membership appreciate that enjoy your piece of pizza and emotes check in Get Wrecked hey crowbacks welcome hey Ludwig thank you and yes lots of chicken chicken for the win laughs we're about to get punked by the other one though [Laughter] that's so good that's so good I think it's an Arcana unfortunately so we're not gonna unlock it but that's so funny there is an achievement but it's an achievement for a narcana so we can't get it now we have to get arcanas first oh my gosh it's so funny are we gonna die in 32 minutes yep all right guys hold on I gotta get my edit up we're gonna go through a lot of unlocks here hyper inlaid Library uh Grim grimoire uh clover Stone mask ARCA candle Labrador Porta clarichi Demario Dairy plant evolved magic wand evolved Santa water evolved lightning ring evolved fire wand [Music] evolved Birds Piper oh uh what was the last one hyper um it's not illness is it Green Acres I didn't catch that last one also did I spell candle Labrador right and a labrador yes oh I think it's hyper Green Acres you know I should probably replace these with their actual names instead of evolves we'll say vandalier bandolier Hellfire labora I'll get those in a second hyper Green Acres okay I was right and quickly go into the collection and make sure that I'm doing these right so it's a bloody tear thousand Edge Soul Eater okay and then we got labora [Music] Thunder Loop I started out fresh and holy wand [Music] okay saved now let's check um also we have a lot of money uh next one's probably gonna start at what would you say hello cartoon Hong uh this one's gonna start at 134 I think roughly 134. Run four okay well shall we unlock all right um um I don't want I don't think we need a Revival yet I think we just need more stats let's get cool down area magnet speed kind of like damage as well maybe levels I think we just get these these ones though we definitely want at least one rank each of these and then [Music] get an armor luck would have also been good but I think we're good here for now okay awesome so uh let's do a start we can unlock pasqualina probably makes the most sense escalina should do okay in Dairy plant yeah she should be okay in Dairy plant race was pretty good and we get armor for free we're definitely not doing the birds I don't have the map yet I need to go get the map that's right we'll get the map a little bit later we have to do everything um garlic Bible could Keep Us Alive yeah I don't hate it and then if we get labora as well that'd be very solid now we don't need to win this run we just need to get um oh do we dare go pentagram I'm gonna do cross first cross is much safer like I'm gonna wait for pentagram until there's a much safer run to do it foreign [Music] more garlic now we can just pick what's good I think Bible plus garlic will help us stay alive in the later waves especially if we can add in labora now we can get canned a labrador oh we can get uh ax level or X evolved we should definitely go for that that's another good one anyway um I'm gonna even wait on a Bible until after we get ax pentagram's too scary I'm gonna stay near this cart just in case the green reaper comes being discarded to death and get the extra stuff okay there's ax there's also Clover which we should get but ax is fantastic but so far this has been really good we've gotten roughly 12 achievements per run now it's going to slow down a lot once we start getting later but like this has been really good so far well so this was what was weird the other day I played and it wasn't deleting chests but it was deleting the experience I don't know if it got changed or if there was a bug keep going more uh axes we need to get kind of Labrador and I will just get candle Labrador I'm not going to wait for it to pick it up off the ground more cross but so far this has been pretty good we have ax we have cross garlic Rune Tracer all like pretty good weapons to have early on in the dairy plant [Music] Nate was braver on Twitch okay that's fair what what coward strats are you talking about what do you mean coward strats none of what I have is a coward Strat I disagree with this assessment I used to be a Gambling Man Oh you mean about pentagram that's fair we're on run number four by the way do you guys if you refresh some of you guys test for me refresh oh we need to get armor uh but I'm gonna duplicator we can always get armor armor is one I'll get from the ground um can you guys refresh and tell me if the chapters are working there should be chapters for the earlier runs already with descriptions about what I unlocked during those chapters foreign tracer all right good luck with your garden vicarus not for you dang it maybe they'll come later when the video publishes hope so yeah I don't know if they're if they're visible when you're live they're probably not when you're live the only chapter that works is zero zero well dang [Music] maybe the chapters are too long but they are in the descriptions do they work in the descriptions with the time stamps [Music] now we could try to evolve something early like the ax or the Rune tracer I know they added the native twitch mode it's a little bit sad but at the same time I'm still very happy that I switched from twitch only the zero zero timestamp works I must be doing something wrong with the timestamp somehow oh I know what I know what I did wrong no I've done I've done uh timestamps and live videos before I think I did my time stamps wrong okay we're already above average we're not quite exceptional but we are above average with viewers well the problem with twitch ads too is they just like they consume the content because you can't watch live while you're watching an ad but on YouTube you can always like rewind fast forward it's very easy to catch up so you can just rewind go on 1.5 speed and then catch back up I could get six of all weapons yes I don't know if I'm going to but I can congrats nice uh um sure we'll get magic wand why not well welcome Jake but you could join us okay I'm gonna start getting chests now [Music] cross we still have not gotten we need to get if we want to evolve everything we need to get uh okay eight minutes is when the reaper or the yeah the reaper comes we gotta be a little cautious of that but we can probably start migrating towards the stuff now oh we got the running of the bulls I was wondering what it spawned uh um I mean if I have to choose I'll take spinach if I didn't love any of those options means I probably have to take fire wand which is not great actually not necessarily because I'm going to be picking up armor off the ground most likely you're grabbing more chests yeah I have to unlock x dash first before I can unlock toasty and I for life of me can't remember what the in-game non-code x dash unlock is so I'm gonna wait until we get the secrets and then look it up from the secrets foreign there is a way to get to get X Dash without typing in the code but yeah I can't remember what it is we can get Santa water I think that's probably it oh there's the green reaper let's kill him goodbye sir thank you appreciate your donation ooh it's a good donation too garlic is almost maxed already which is great oh really oh that's garbage luckily garlic also prevents us from ever getting punked by Shooters maybe we'll get them right now wait I heard something it made a sound when I picked up that clover did that mean anything or would I hear the the unlock sound there's no way right there's no way I mean I could just do this and get six involved weapons I'm gonna go with a magic wand here it made a sound it made a little sound there's Clover I need Clover for the cross this means I can't get all of them unfortunately um we can go lighting ring that's fine I think we have enough damage to destroy these guys we're not we don't have curse we're not in hyper mode I think we'll be fine get um got him that would be very insane if we actually got it right I can't I don't have a map keep looking for my map I'm like how close are we I don't know we don't have the map yet Nate farting on the balls uh uh more axes I think Rune Tracer is Max garlic is Max garlic will unfortunately not evolve bad times we had to get that Hollow heart which kind of ruined things for us we might have actually unlocked x dash well there you go that's so funny I mean we'll know in a minute that would be absolutely hilarious though that means that uh Luca's watching and he pushed the big button give Nate x dash boom oh that's right I had to unlock it with Gennaro you're totally right I wouldn't have been able to get it anyway keep going there it is there's the map it's the map it's the map it's the map it's the map they're gonna come at me and they're not gonna be happy let's get the other one as well oh nice oh yeah this is a great one to get gives me so much experience okay we still have nothing evolved yet but on the other hand we're living really really well right now okay cross is ready to evolve our escuda which I think is the music one right wrong about that handle all the ghosts are pretty fun I think and in the way of like wow this is really hard but also kind of fun oh Magic Banger you're right and you get that in Green Acres now I think or maybe not Green Acres maybe it's in Gallatin I can't remember where you get the magic banger Rune Tracer is a good weapon in general especially with the evolution no future is really strong at keeping you alive permanently allowed to access oh this is just the uh the bestiary yeah shoot me I dare you just try try and shoot me at home all right let's go grab uh we have to go get armor that's the big one oh there's a chest there so we can uh evolve something lightning ring I think oh no uh swords don't die though Nate you've come so far axes nice no the new engine's not released yet [Music] foreign I think I've gotten 38 achievements maybe more than that no 38 achievements I think is right so we still have a lot we still have a lot there's 140 achievements you mean like Spaceballs when was this this is now when did it happen just a second ago you just missed it yeah I can't remember the lines I haven't watched Baseballs in a long time sorry guys some things I can quote really well some things I cannot quote very well Quantum Computing but that would only show you what might happen in the future that won't show you what will happen we may or may not have a good stream or both yeah we're going to be here for almost the entire day with breaks for lunch and dinner but otherwise we're here I already had some Honey Nut Cheerios so we're ready to go yeah that's the film with pizza the Hutt we got trapped in his limousine and ate himself we got a cruise if we're gonna get the uh armor we need to go a lot faster I don't think we need the speed I think we just need the armor want to get too many things because it'll take up levels yeah we're able to kill those things pretty well it's unfortunate that we have uh Clover Without Really any other uh crit items because ax doesn't create without um Zach's maxed it's not ax doesn't create without uh arcanas duplicator wow that's when we got leveled up duplicated the second time I thought we did that ages ago I'm just winging it I know in general what I want to do hurry mode is at the top of my list so once we're done here we'll go straight into Gallo Tower and try to unlock hurry mode immediately and arcanas because once we unlock the hurry mode in arcanas then we can actually start grinding out all of the more lengthy achievements which is like getting characters to level 99 and stuff foreign is evolving all weapons and um unlocking all the characters is not too difficult it's really just the arcanas that takes a long time to get crochet we have to heal a certain amount across runs right not a ton of healing in this run how much healing is it like 3 000 HP across all runs I can't remember uh I had to do a lot of tricks I'm gonna make a video on how to reset your progress it's more involved now than it used to be a little bit there's just one extra save file I wasn't aware of and missing no unlock is legit that's also really nice for sure still don't have anything that can evolve a closer to the armor we're like halfway there now we make good progress but I gotta get uh I gotta get this guy killed and I gotta get freaking something ready to I guess I won't fight him until I have okay well never mind do we chill here until we have something to evolve we're about to get to level 40 though is the problem so if we don't get two levels right in a row of what we want that's going to be not too great for us okay there's ax if we get ax for level 39 we're good if we don't it's gonna take forever because we're gonna be at level 40. kill a hundred thousand enemies we actually might hit that it's possible it's possible we've killed a lot of enemies especially in that Library run ax we got it holy crap let's go [Music] oh I can't skip it yet I'm trying to skip they won't skip I don't know when we're able to skip the uh five chest I think we have to unlock that ability or something I can't skip it Mega chest man do you remember when to do the uh Immortal Porta we had to get a super or a mega chest yeah so I think it's a lot of fun to start games fresh and like grind through it as quickly as you can like 25 or 30 of them to skip them and ridiculous I have an entire video about why not to skip the chess from a long time ago and a galaxy far far away before I had like hours and hours of monster train or vampire survivors content oh there's a chest I missed well the first five chests you have to watch the whole animation in the game but uh I think you have to get a certain amount of five chests to be able to okay you know what we're gonna take this I don't even care I didn't finish my first save file on Binding of Isaac I didn't love the game as much as everybody else I think I just came to it way too late handle magic wand magic wand spinach candle lightning oh wow we had a ton of levels saved up oh my gosh is it clarichi that's from healing a certain amount I think it might be clarichi now I don't need any of these levels we're maxed apart from the I guess we don't have the armor yet and then if we have time we can go get the wings we might as well and attract orb now we need chess because we have one two almost three items that can evolve El 1000 HP we should probably hit that this time once I unlock limit break yes but you unlock limit break pretty far into the uh into the game because again we're not trying to play most challenging we're trying to unlock everything in a single stream did they make Harry plant a little bit easier it has seemed a little bit easier did I get clarichi already oh never mind then that's right that makes sense because I would have healed a lot during that run we need to also save out money so that we can get the uh uh what's it called the when we unlock um or not elmolese um Moon Galo or mungalow then we need to be able to get the uh let's put on the guides we need to be able to pay to get trouser unlocked permanently hey we have exceptional viewers Welcome All You exceptional viewers you have been upgraded from above average viewers congratulations to all of you you all did it you earned it by being here at this time this critical moment all right let's keep going towards the wings thank you sorry about that I don't know how the cursor keeps getting there again I'm not even using the mouse that's not true I am using the mouse I'm using the mouse so that I can hover or uh type in my my time stamp so I don't miss them well welcome to the live part of the live stream it's a joke when I was going for twitch partnership uh the average you would need to maintain is 75 viewers and so whenever we whenever we said we were above 75 we said we were above average so the viewers went from being average viewers or below average viewers to uh I could do that but sometimes I like the cursor so it's gonna stick around um there was the joke that like when we get to 75 or above then we're above average viewers since we got over 200 you're now exceptional this 200 is like a lot for my YouTube streams being an exceptional viewer no you didn't break the Stream you're good we now have a thunder Loop we need to get no future so what are my new ones uh I think it's cross and Rune Tracer are my new evolves get out of here jerk there we go yeah I need a I need to change them I think I have them set up wrong for links oh and axes you're totally right so we have three three achievements from there we get the dairy plant achievements I'm hoping we get the kill enough dudes achievements we should we're gonna get 20 000 already we only have to get to 100 000 to unlock crochet we also to make sure we maintain enough money to be able to buy another character to play yeah I haven't I've only done one 24-hour stream and that was brutal brutal um but I've done several 12-hour streams they're pretty fun Lara and the kids and I actually did a charity stream back in I think end of 2020 that was really fun gotta be able to buy XS wait excess doesn't cost money does he toasty for sure doesn't cost money I didn't think x- costs money uh we might do some one weapon stuff I don't know we'll see you wouldn't know what to talk about 24 hours straight what do you think about for 24 hours can you think for 24 hours straight you don't think he does well dang I put the thing in there because I knew it belonged um 777 okay you can barely think for two seconds straight that's fair a part of me wants to stay like not level up again but we're going to I'm not putting in any secret codes we're unlocking everything the legitimate way secret codes are for suckers no cowards we unlock everything the hard way including x dash a 24-hour event would ruin you now I feel that I have uh I can get pretty bad insomnia those that follow on Discord will occasionally see me crop up at like two in the morning playing Omega Strikers due to insomnia if the universe is expanding what is it expanding into it's like a balloon there's a giant clown who is shaping the universe into a giant balloon animal but he hasn't finished inflating it yet and then it'll start to twist in on itself is there anything that can only be done via codes no holy [ __ ] General G with the 10 gifted memberships thank you if you just got a gifted membership please express your thanks in chat to General G all right nice nice I think we're good here rip weapon slot attract orb is really good but there's also just like knowing that eventually you'll either get a vacuum or you'll just find the red Gem of ultimate power and then a track door loses a little bit of its value speaking of we just got the red Gem of ultimate power yeah tractor foreign how we looking uh I think we're good we can chill now I think we're gonna be fine for the later waves the beef nugget do you remember when there wasn't a map and you had to just remember where all the on-ground items were that was exciting especially for the forest that was a freaking nightmare having to navigate that did we kill enough enemies I think so there's no dodging in a minute 29 either you die or you die well win loss counter doesn't matter because I'm going to be abandoning some of the later runs um we could get a death counter it's one I guess we could do a I don't know it's in the description I'm maintaining everything in the description of the video you can dodge if we yeah but the enemies get too thick there's nowhere to dodge to what's my favorite enemy the lizard Wizard and he's gone I Cry Sometimes I Cry in the shower um where would be the would be the other enemy the currently existing ones that I like a lot um that's a good question I'm not really sure are we going to survive this is the question the answer might surprise you hey hey stop hitting me oh we're dead we're dead yo we gotta get oh my gosh chicken save me chicken save me chicken chicken holy crap we're gonna live because of the chicken holy crap wow wow look at that no arcanas yet we're still pretty early on okay hold on I need a hyper Dairy plant bestiary uh uh map spellbinder Gallo Tower Rune tracer uh character customization we'll get the weapons in a minute and Hyper bone Zone foreign so we unlocked death spiral um the unlocked Heaven sword and no future okay now I'm going to double check how to do time stamps in YouTube not helping all right time stamps maybe I don't need to put these dashes in so what if I just do time stamps like this and just do a space does that work now someone check if the time stamps are now working tight we've got 49 of 111 that's not bad the time stamps are now working they show the chapters and stuff one what are we at now time stamps are still not working okay probably around two hours and 13 minutes is run five dang only the first one is working okay that's fair I think it's probably just that it won't work until uh we're done streaming all right so now what do you want to do next let's check but we're gonna do Gallo Tower we don't have uh crochet yet unfortunately uh which character are we gonna play as we could do Gennaro is easy enough plus we can get a free thing for him I cannot change weapons yet but I can change the way they look you just click on their character you can't do it with a I don't believe you can do oh you can do it with this as well I can change Max weapons look at that I can already change it that's cool no x dash you're right no x dash dang wait let's do uh let's do some upgrades now uh probably honestly luck is pretty good I'm gonna grab it let's get some growth going and we can grab another spinach I think or greed let's grab another spinach or you know what let's do one each of these and let's go okay we're gonna go to Gallup Tower with Gennaro we should be good uh we will be able to upgrade now Bible grab one level of curse we'll get cursed later okay now I need to go uh up first and then we'll go down we're gonna take the free bracer and the free spellbinder we absolutely need to take Bible so we're going to evolve Bible now uh um oh dare we this is maybe okay to do since we got full luck and it's like one of the first weapons we got I don't know if we're gonna get Lita I think we need to get uh a faster character for me to get Lita and I still need to get the Arcanos unlocked so now we have to get Crown um I'm gonna get candel Labrador okay more [Music] yeah we're gonna get Tower I might even get garlic as well but we'll see we gotta get the crown though for gorgeous moon and we gotta level up the pentagram soon um we could take ax as well do we want to take X here I think I want to level what I have first so I want to get knife leveled up and I want to get Bible leveled up stop hitting me and I want to get um whip would not be bad here as well Tome 100 okay nice so I need to get crowned still need to get more pentagram upgrades we'll get bracer for free at the top we don't need to get it now uh uh more knives I think still yeah we need to get hurry mode as well so we have to get arcana's in hurry mode crap luckily it wasn't a boss yet so we didn't lose a chest I wonder if it's that it will erase bosses but it won't erase the chests the bosses have already dropped if that makes sense get more Bibles oh no the Bots are coming guys they found us more knives still have not gotten another level of pentagram I really would like to get at least a couple more levels before we get to uh three minutes if possible but we'll see ouch okay more Bibles foreign so far so good [ __ ] kill him kill him damn it I knew that was gonna happen I could feel it the appraiser is also good with Bible so is duration obviously but yeah neither goes well with pentagram but nothing goes with pentagram except for cooldown reduction and actually at First it's a negative to have pull down reduction on it we did kill him but uh unfortunately uh we're probably good it's one chest it's annoying but it's not the end of the world and these guys are just super tanky for us right now this is a little nerve-wracking hey more Bibles definitely helps the bibles are also really good for helping us against the shooters same with a knife actually because as long as we can face the bullets uh we should be okay more knives crap oh there's a big gold bag we can grab that yeah sorry I'm not focusing on uh that kind of stuff right now I'm trying to like level up as quickly as I can uh tome I'll grab it though just in case so it doesn't get erased we can get uh Tome maxed out soon as well then I think we're in a really good spot we'd have to get pentagram leveled up before we start getting to more bosses and one's coming right up we gotta level it now freaking heck game boss is gonna come in immediately get eaten by pentagram I'm trying to get out of range the boss doesn't actually show up on screen there's a fire wait a minute kill the boss kill the boss Kill Boss all right we're back after that nonsense dude my office is freaking driving me crazy it happened twice in a row by the way I literally came back up was ready to start and then it crashed again so we lost that last run unfortunately but we'll have to we'll have to restart that one let me quickly update the time stamps uh to be now what uh uh does not tell me how long the video is about 220 now is the correct time I think um um so let's do run number five two twenty zero zero run five that's so frustrating going so well it's going so well guys and then uh then we lost it all all right let's jump into that could do it also we lost like all of our viewers that's frustrating all right let's go start it again run it again uh same thing Bible and we just gotta hope the power doesn't go out again I really don't know what to do about that other than paying an electrician to come and fix my breaker um I don't really want to get birds you can go magic wand again it's pretty good with more projectiles might be that we don't get pentagram this time I was just to confirm you guys can like it's streaming again right you guys are hearing again I'm not seeing any of chat that's why I'm asking timestamp still not working yeah uh let's go with candle Labrador okay cool there we go they're coming back that was so fresh it's been so frustrating it happens like pretty regularly right now ah [ __ ] we're gonna try it let's hope it doesn't crash again I mean we made it four runs without it not crashing but without the power going out again it's because of my freaking uh what's it called um [Music] what is it called it's my uh Power strip keeps triggering the breaker foreign PC is too powerful exactly need a downgrade it's the only solution yeah exactly my my uh power supply keeps triggering the breaker and there's nothing I can do about it apart from like massively upgrading my breaker which is going to be freaking expensive so I haven't been doing that and uh it means that every once in a while my office will just lose power entirely UPS does not stand for Universal power supply stands for United States Postal Service no that's USPS United Postal Service what is UPS like is this United Postal Service uninterruptible power supply ah okay [Music] oh okay I could do that actually that sounds good I'll look that up that would make a lot of sense to have a battery so that it doesn't go down so the idea is that you plug in the you plug in the Y you plug in like your power supply on your computer into a giant battery that charges when the grid is on and then when it goes down it's still going until the power comes back on right how do I know when that thing is getting low on battery luck I guess it'll keep you going for like an hour so then I could finish a run quickly do it yeah that makes sense I will order one of those that would actually be really nice most have an alarm yours is a meter okay that is a good idea a good investment I will look that up later today and possibly order one okay we're gonna do a pentagram now before the boss comes then we'll kill the boss hopefully get pentagram up quickly and then we'll be good yours does for 48 hours wow that's got to be expensive though right to have a battery that big okay double pentagrams gonna erase everything that's okay it means the pentagram now has actually a pretty good chance and we have full luck in Thailand you need it okay that makes sense go with pure sine wave okay I'll look it up on uh the Googles later I order it soon I could even get same day delivery and the last stream might not get interrupted holy crap that's actually really awful luck because it's over 50 right now an extra 30 would put it at almost 60 percent APC is a good brand I think somewhere between 30 minutes and an hour is right I can finish what I'm doing and then quickly go turn on the or flip the breaker foreign s again we go full weapons early and we need to start moving though we cannot stay down here forever we need to go up and get stuff I mean that is something that would be considered a business expense so I would use stream money to pay for that foreign I have separate budgets for the stream and for regular life I did win five euros today that's true I spend it all on pizza some of it on Pizza this is true okay we gotta kill this guy before pentagram ruins our day get him get him there we go okay now pentagram can hit and it's not the end of the world we need to get uh Crown though crown and tome and we're gonna get spellbinder and the other so we have two Flex picks here and they made knife twin stick yet no they have not unfortunately would be nice uh let's get full-sized weapons not a terrible time for it to hit OHP how close are we oh we could have gotten a clover that would have helped it's fine now well there's only really one directional weapon oh no there's also there's two actually just thought about it there's a what's it called the one that okay the one that uh you point after you're done you'd grab wings I don't think we need that much time I think we're gonna be fine the enemies are slow okay we actually got a good hit there what is pentagram at it's level six so one more level and it's gonna hit most of the time foreign I'm gonna take Tom even though I could have leveled the pentagram again tell them too important for the build it's too important for every build unfortunately it's the one item that I think you kind of have to have for almost every single build it's better than duplicator it's better than all the others foreign we can get inside the mirror already yes we will do that while we go up as well but first priority is the arcanas and hurry mode uh um this is not good I don't really want the birds I don't think I'm gonna level enough you know what we're just gonna grab spellbinder now it does we lose a little bit of flexibility but we can still get bracer we just need to get Crown now we could get ax though and then like we would basically be fine okay we're almost up to the bracer magic wand I don't even know why I thought for that long that was a very easy straightforward decision hey the pentagram can't delete the bracer that's correct it can't delete on ground items really Nate just run into these guys for no reason seems like a bad decision in my opinion okay more knives just need crown or two accessories well I guess that would be one of them we need crown and another accessory uh we could get lightning ring yeah we can get lightning ring and now we just need one other weapon that goes along with uh our accessories here and then get Crown is that could be ax ax would be an easy pick uh pentagram nice now it actually hits pretty regularly which is nice now it has a low cooldown which is nice what's our luck at 30 percent so it's going to be doing an extra 18 percent a little over 18 so that puts it at 83 84 total crap if I take this I have to take ax if I take this I have to take a tractorb I think I'll do this and we have stick ax now [Music] okay there we go [Music] still can't Skip by the way [Music] you can't get Lita outside of hurry mode Oh you mean hyper or hurry I'm pretty sure you can get Lita outside of hurry mode you might not be able to get outside of hyper mode let's grab this since we already have it it'll just add another one Lita always spawns that's what I thought too but I've been wrong about things before I think it's hyper mode hyper is not required okay now we can just go up and get these because they don't have requirements we just need to get the crown like we need to get Crown now so we can get all six of all weapons and also so we don't have pentagrams still ruining our lives and eating all of our steak I guess the only other get I would choose other than a crown would be Clover because then we can get the percentage to 100 chance and it'd also be good for the crits on the thousand Edge how close are we we're pretty close to the arcanas and then we just gotta book it to get down to hurry mode okay now we have to get ax if we want to get all six evolved which I'd like to do because there is I think a thing for evolving all six of your weapons no I always use hyper mode once I've unlocked it but you have to play every map apart from the special Maps you have to play every original map on regular mode before you can play it on hyper mode hyper Mode's always better I think much more enjoyable and you get much higher levels thank you double heels whoa let's go now we're going slowly we have to kill these guys got one now two hyper mode is just winning the boss I think we're killing the boss at 20 yeah 25 minute boss exactly okay now we can evolve a couple different things we need to get a chest though we should have to kill all these freaking Mages though but once they once they're pinned they're pretty easy to kill and they can't shoot you because of uh the knives as long as you're aiming at them [ __ ] did we just erase the boss we did erase the boss what a jerk dang we still have so many of these guys there's another one dead another one bites the dust and another one's gone another one's gone get um other ones gone another one nice Crown no Crown yet racer there's the character let's kill these things first we'll get the character and then we'll run for it Gennaro 100 would like unlock Iron blue will we would absolutely have to get Crown in that case though or we're never going to get enough levels and even then it'll be tight because we're not in hyper mode okay we've killed all the things let's go do this real quick boom easy unlock [Music] now we can't get back for a while though was the only issue let me out let me out how long do we have to wait here oh there we go we're good we're back now we go south crap well I guess we're not gonna evolve the uh pentagram this time ax goddamn Crown never came keep going Tom we should get crochet this time for sure though let's play one more normal speed level capella Magna and then all the rest will be hyper for the rest of the time okay let's keep going lightning ring we got to get weapons leveled this is a fresh save exactly we're on run number five well 5.5 take two just die gallo took your [ __ ] there we go goodbye gallo foreign level 80. I don't know how high it will go I guess another evolve no just kidding just more levels that's fine we gotta run we gotta get hurry mode more cooldown reduction foreign s the problem with leveling up wings now is that we might not be able to kill things fast enough magic wand can now evolve we're going we're going no fear just go yeah I think we'll be able to get hurry mode I think that's not gonna be a problem I think it's can we get deleted I think the answer is probably no we have to go pretty far south to get Lita but and there's no sense in not trying Crown is an automatic pickup at the next level because uh capella magnet has it on the ground well I need to focus on killing the boss right now oh there's the Clover we missed earlier now at 40 percent it's an extra 20 far so it's 24. it's almost 90 now it's actually 26 it's 91 chance to uh leave items on the ground now hello Ox you know welcome it is an early stream I gotta started early if we're gonna go all day grab this real quick I don't think we can evolve anything yet no no we can evolve holy wand that's right well good news Ox you know the stream's going to go all day we could do that with pugnola now that we have arcanas as well the level 99 becomes more relevant foreign I don't see us getting to level 99 with Gennaro here though we'll be back in a few hours then what's your opinion on this to your character it's fine he looks really cool I think his passives fine they lowered it what's it now why did they lower it it was already easy to get to level 99 foreign level 50 are you kidding me what there's no way it's 50 that's ridiculous you get level 50 in your sleep vampire survivors is casual now I don't think there's going to be a vampire I think that's the joke yeah 41 at 20 minutes in without Crown without power-ups and in normal mode and we're still gonna get level 50 100 also we've got like at least 15 levels in a red gem above us we've been killing things going south for a very long time if I get a vacuum and or just go up a little bit we'll get like 15 levels should probably do that too because we don't have anything to evolve yet yeah let's go back and grab the uh the red gem real quick and just hopefully don't erase it with uh let's head back down again now the red gem should be to the South somewhere there it is oh no that's the wrong red gem let's go back up sorry we're just generating the red gem right now then we'll keep going far farther south surprise I haven't seen it yet go back down there's a red gem is that it nope well the real red gem please stand up did it get erased by pentagram at some point that would suck is that it there we go found it I didn't even feel like you had to grind that much to get it to level 99 the lore for the enemies are really funny okay we gotta go down and get the sorcerer's tears very very very important for future runs it's actually pretty good because I was hoping that I would get hurry mode within the first three hours and we're right on track for that uh apparently we'll be able to unlock the level 50 Arcana already for Gennaro I mean we'll go for Lita I don't think we're gonna be able to get there but we'll try I think the best entries are funny I like them a lot I've read through all of them yet for the ones I read through last night were hilarious foreign there we go okay that's everything maxed out now we have two more spellbinder levels yeah Dairy plant's not nearly as hard as it was I mean the last wave was still scary we almost died but it didn't seem the earlier waves were as hard it's starting to get darker it's gonna get dark and scary soon so we will use the code for xdash if we don't get it as we get closer to like all the end stuff because we'll need to unlock x dash uh before we can do um toasty and we need to unlock toasty before we can get Smith so we're gonna have to at least do those runs um so that would be the only one we'd have to type in would be to get toasty or to get x dash rather than having to do all the nonsense with the uh clovers giant crab jumps Mr Krabs I'm not worried about Mr Krabs we'll just uh Hard Target Mr Krabs and take him out excuse me Can you feel it now Mr Krabs oh foreign there we go 65 nice 70. foreign have you played with Garcia's mirror on gracia's mirror yes let's go straight down we'll try there is some scary waves coming up though like this wave it's kind of scary the robot wave oh [ __ ] don't die to the robot wave Nate we don't want to get punked by robots right at the end heal we're definitely gonna unlock uh Croce though that's good foreign it's not possible to do your first run without upgrades unless you specifically know that there is the hollowed heart on the map it's impossible you cannot win because you will not do enough damage and you will not be able to sustain so if you just like buy the game and play the first run you will never win it's impossible you don't have enough damage to sustain have you unlocked the first two uh a lot we've unlocked a lot in the first couple of hours so the only way you would ever win your very very first run is if you literally knew that there's a hollow heart on the map you picked it up and evolved your whip that's the only way otherwise it's it's actually impossible you can't do it the enemy waves will overwhelm you and you have you don't have enough healing and you don't have enough damage to kill them either you need the crits from the Whip and you need to heal from the whip as well yeah we are close it's not a time-based stream gosh I thought I saw someone asking if you could do it in your first run that's a bad click bait no friends I think I also went on my third try that seems about right I could go back and check the videos I think it was my third run as well the first one I were I won but I also think winning the game without curse is kind of like the first game and then winning the game with curse is the second game and then winning the game with curse and toasty is the third game they're all fun in their own unique sort of way we're not gonna reach Leta yeah we wouldn't be able to kill uh him in time anyway for it I don't even know what it is it's vaguely gendered but we are going to win the Run that's good doing all of that on bone zone is the fourth game Smith is just better toasty Smith is better x dash and better toasty goodbye oh okay we did it we unlocked crochet oh I didn't even have my uh thing open edit run number five we unlocked crochet hurry mode arcanas conchetta Christine Sarah band of healing iron blue will kumarola banish one uh uh hyper Moon Galo what's my second one hyper Gallow Tower make sure I spelled everything correctly here six and seven is what I've unlocked [Music] vespers Moon Galo okay vespers okay I think we got everything excellent next our next one will be uh roughly at let's say the last one was that if I go live again almost at three hours we can put we can put like three hours here and we'll chill for a second run six okay looking good let me just refresh this real quick there we go Waltz of pearls is pretty good we could go get leader right away but I actually want to finish um getting all the hyper modes unlocked okay who do we want to play as here we could play as ARCA arca's a little bit tough Ford is pretty easy post pretty good I guess we could go get Lita but like I'd rather go back to the forest and get some stuff let's take ARCA into the forest what is arcas let's go to the unlocks let's hide the complete ones we've done 61 of the 133 that we can do right now uh ARCA gives us is it fire explosions is that what ARCA does what's the best one for us to get right now Boogaloo of Illusions would be really good I'm gonna do Conchita we're gonna go with Conchita so we can do Boogaloo and we'll go to the forest in hyper and hurry mode with arcanas let's start with this we'll get knives and axes I think oh I didn't use my gold that's okay who needs to ax is great foreign other characters as well here because we have yeah we have the coffin we also need to go back to the library and unlock papia uh um what else will bounce we could go Rune tracer we already have minebender Wings love it uh candle yes if you have any other weapons we have not evolved yet I don't think so have we down or wrong we've not done a run with six evolves though this should be one that we can do that in easily uh more Rune tracers we have not evolved pentagram yet this is true but I would rather do that with Christine than try to do it in one of these runs we could take whip whip would be an easy one to evolve for free I probably should take it next time if I have the option okay there's armor so now we can evolve Rune Tracer as well I'm not worrying about speed right now because we have wings like we'll we'll have plenty of time yeah we could do gorgeous moon it's actually not a bad if we get Crown I will get it but I want to get crowned first tell future exactly I'm not gonna get bracer yet that's how I roll I like to have everything aesthetically pleasing now the problem will be when we have all of them it will ruin it whip now it's gonna break because I'm not gonna get Hollow heart naturally uh whip love it cross is an easy one it's guaranteed buyer one is also guaranteed let's get crossed though I guess we want knives right with bracer or we get crown and pentagram Valkyrie Turner does not suck Valkyrie Turner is actually very strong the unevolved one is not that great but actually I like the upgrade Turner a lot after it's buff it started doing a lot better I believe it's a respiratory infection that's funny well we're back to 160 viewers so we went down for a little bit but we bounce back guys that's what I'm about we don't stay down we bounce back dude give me a freaking good bro I mean it's fine we'll just keep leveling what we have got him there we go [Music] Crown okay so now we can get pentagram if we want I still would like Tolman uh Tome and uh duplicator if we can get them but everything can evolve right now this is the good news the Rune tracer everything can evolve ouch that opinion is now evolvable it's just to make the unevolved versions uh less crap like if you get one part of the gun but not the other you can at least add something to it so it's not just crap that's the idea same with the bird stuff and things like that yeah I love playing this game with uh gamepad I can play with a keyboard but I don't like it nearly as much do a little freeze here get a little freezy on you grab this popped Dex plays with a keyboard Ah that's so weird why would you play with the keyboard if you have the option this game is like designed for gamepad I don't play Sidewinder I play with uh um XBox 360 controllers I've got like four of them with varying degrees of still having the soft part of the thumb sticks this one does not have any soft part of the thumbsticks it's my most used one how old is that thing no you can still buy them you can still buy Xbox 360 controllers in case you're not aware foreign X pentagram where are you pentagram uh let's go Crown ax tome ax you know we can do knife oh no we don't have bracer [ __ ] what do we do we hold out for bracer now I guess we hold out for bracer means we can't get um hey arcanas that's right we can get arcanas in this game Sarah band of healing let's go I could also play with my PS4 controllers but I haven't said oh we got bracer we can evolve everything it's a Christmas miracle okay now we need to start start getting items let's go we're good bounce My Pretties plus the knives are good because they bounce play on keyboards man you keyboard players you don't know what you're missing I guess you probably do I think most people that have keyboards have also played on a controller before holy [ __ ] don't die no dynate uh cross don't die don't die survive the wave survive the wave there we go now things open up a bit I still need to get the uh the chest though the chest ah foreign kinda want to get the hollow heart though I'm gonna is there two chests now on the ground no it's still the only the one get through there we go uh more whips let's go get the hollow heart find Hollow heart also some HP would be nice there's the hollow heart okay we're good so now we can get the guy to drop the chest we will get uh evolved Whip and our healing shall commence grab it [ __ ] that was frustrating we did unlock mortasio though let's edit this uh run six martachio uh um Valkyrie Turner or uh I guess Shadow opinion first Valkyrie Turner right let me double check the name there Valkyrie Turner yeah we're good okay save what are we at now in terms of time three I was only like 10 minutes so we're like 10 minutes later or 12 minutes later probably 11. run seven let's go okay let's go we're gonna swap it up a little bit let's get uh we can do crochet and get Lita and also unlock awake that seems okay yeah we're good let's go Tower oh [ __ ] I didn't spend gold you're right gold yes I know I know hold on and get a banish which is pretty good and do that do that get a little bit of that and some HP okay we're good oh wait do we get more gold oh we can't okay we're good let's go um garlic foreign [Music] garlic so I can easily Run for the first little while if I get garlic high enough I can actually just run for a really long time here we go uh keep going for Lita plus the uh Arcana awake [Music] foreign [Laughter] garlic levels hey more cross nice uh candle is great give me a bigger garlic area oh awesome we have another wave we can just run through a little bit uh more crosses here we go again we go again uh more garlic uh did we grab the spellbinder here I don't think we uh I think we want spellbinder really need more garlic levels we can one shot these guys foreign like this I'm gonna wait until we can get the um I'm gonna wait until we can get the uh spellbinder here I think we'll have plenty of time we can get wings as well and just go all out I think I want to get Bible as well garlic plus Bible would be really good for defense and we're not getting great upgrades [Music] it's about double regions okay uh there's wings I mean I just keep going across right now though get everything maxed and then we'll start picking stuff really no garlic levels yet garlic there we go um could go bracer it's good with the uh the cross means we'll have to take knife it's fine because we have the iron blue whatever it is the one that allows it to bounce so we picked knives now and acts knives and ax if they come up and Bible are all weapons we can pick nice would be good anyway to kill Lita with none of those things are those so we're just gonna banish oh wait hold on we could get Shadow opinion if we're gonna get wings but I think I'm just gonna banish fire wand the thing we have two banishes especially bouncing ones it's really good in this map where my garlic levels at okay more cross garlic thank you it's the only thing we can evolve right now garlic now we're talking big garlic damage here we go we can one shot all these guys this is fantastic don't accidentally run into the item that would be stupid knife you'll have to see it fantastic okay so we just need ax get some ax body spray ouch okay fully maxed crosses [Music] foreign okay Foley Max garlic we're not taking pentagram here it doesn't help with the fight more knives that's great more candle Labradors note to self there is still a banish available in case you get a really crappy uh drop or level up uh Bible now we just need X and then something else I think right now we have will be able to evolve well except for cross we don't have uh we don't have luck yet excuse me thank you biscuit time all the biscuits belong to me also wouldn't be bad to get a whip because we had the double healing more Bibles thank you if we could get labora but I think we're okay without it I don't remember if labora I guess labora would be really strong against Leta as well uh there's Clover let's take that over duplicator right now [Music] okay we're gonna have to do a big run and not too much longer do we have anything that we can evolve yet no I don't have time we just take every oh let's see Arcana anyway it doesn't matter there we go uh uh more candles cross can evolve cross can evolve yeah we're good so I think we just take the spellbinder at this point we go for ax hopefully get it and if we don't then life's tough we gotta go I got time for this um duplicator would take lightning ring final final gets are lightning ring and ax if we can get them we still have one vanish we've already banished one weapon so it's like a decent chance 10 of those [Music] really want to get more knives Bible [Music] easiest our kind of pick ever this is true [Music] there we go I can't skip it you're not allowed to skip it until did you see that guys it's done it's over we are six for six every single weapon goes with every single Arcana or every single accessory I mean we crushed it there let's go pre-recorded is there a chest up there there's not okay we keep going Gallo's gonna be a real jerk we'll have to get over that uh keep going more Bibles the only thing we don't have is a home but we got time time is on our side and then we'll be able to pick a wake every time that should make it much easier for us to not get punked holy [ __ ] we almost got punked but we gotta get uh we gotta get something evolved here what is ready to be evolved knives is yeah knives super important to evolve that makes our downward movement much less scary still we can't just go like straight down we can go roughly straight down freaking Gallo just die Gallo there we go foreign so we have to have lots of damage we can't just rely on like defense now when we get to the Mr Krabs wave we can really move and there's so there's a couple waves before that too where we can move very quickly but even now we're okay and Croce's already normally much faster red gem missed I did miss it and I'll suck we'll get it and grab the knife really quick but let's kill a bunch of stuff we have time I think okay uh more lightning ring no I know but if you kill Mr Krabs then the drowner dies and then we can immediately take advantage okay this is actually a fantastic wave to move on so we're gonna just go now we go because they won't reappear as fast as we can kill him we go we go descend descend into madness let's go we are zooming we gotta go south it's it's getting way too cold up here oh there's a chest um I'm gonna grab a red gem we have to like we have to grab one really soon otherwise uh We're not gonna be able to evolve anything we probably have at least seven or eight levels worth in a single gym keep trying to reset it oh these guys though we do heal a lot though every time it procs which is good the proc base uh healing must have increased because it used to only heal one right now it's healing five which even a double that'd still be two and a half per proc there's a red gem where is the red gem no we have to generate it we have to force it to move down so we go in circles until we can force we kill enough enemies that is forced to move down foreign let's go back down we should have killed enough now there it is got it there's one almost two there we go there's no Arcana chest we're just gonna grab this now and then we're gonna run we gotta go we gotta go go go go go now we're gonna kill Lita we're gonna kill her kill me Seymour heal me Seymour let's go ax finding Ring crap we need one more level of ax so we can upgrade it there we go okay kill you grab the chest oh you didn't drop it ah what a jerk keep going there it is [Music] oh that's weird you sure you're on Gallow s should not have negative stats or maybe the final stage does some weird stuff I don't know keep in mind that the final stage does remove all your power ups we're not no it doesn't remove your power ups it doesn't really take our condos never mind I'm wrong you can still keep your power ups but maybe it does some weird stuff with your stats I don't really know okay we gotta go fast oh a freeze you love to see it it's a Mr Krabs wave too just gotta kill him kill Mr Krabs kill him really quickly this is a fantastic wave to move if we can kill them and not have the uh thing die Mr Krabs come on get him come on there we go got him [Music] move oh crap we got we got robots down the edge stay on the edges grab this hello got two minutes left let's go get down there come on crouchy I don't know if we're gonna make it we have to go pretty far down still oh your egg stats are inverted for the final stage that would be it foreign I don't play with eggs so I wouldn't have ever seen that faster and move come on I don't think we're gonna get there I think we took too long at the spellbinder if I just take it spellbinder and ran we would have been fine but I lingered and now I'm paying the price foreign which is good we'll have to just kill uh with a pugnaller or somebody else instead which is fine other chest that we don't need luckily these guys have really really low knockback resistance so we can just push them back but I don't think we're gonna make it to lead a name if he did we couldn't kill her at this point keep going Hammer dead okay we unlocked Corona's box okay so we got a bit thrown his box rona's box awake and tiragisu all right done run we are now at hold on we'll run that run number eight we are at oh excuse me that was me playing uh on myself we'll do 332 we'll say it's the next one run number eight [Music] okay let's go let's take we could do mortassio we can take martachio into the forest let's use our power-ups first though uh uh should we now get the revive we could just get a revive that's probably safe retachio into the forest we start with awake let's go we'll get cursed later it's not urgent no we want to do Moon Galo oh that's true we actually should probably do moongalo uh we could go pentagram for once wow we actually hit pentagram that's incredible curse does open slash this is true because then we can get llama yeah that's fair that's fair uh Rune tracer yeah we probably should do moongalo soon so that we can do uh there's a couple of good things you can get in moongalo do we have enough money how much does uh how much does trouser cost I can't remember open them up to every other map um bracer seems good [Music] when golly leads to limit break oh that's true it's 10K so we'd have enough after this run we can get him unlock limit break there's crown plus we have Rune Tracer and Bone like obviously it's garbage with pentagram but whatever pentagram's doing its own thing get the grab this for a pentagram does uh I'm gonna actually grab pentagram oh you know what no we're gonna do this first yeah we'll oh excuse me let's just do it I know we're gonna erase stuff but we gotta level it we gotta level it and then when you start replaying maps to unlock everybody else because we have to kill a certain amount of every enemy uh uh more bones we don't need Thrones box at all yet uh we'll do Toronto's box once we have the weapons that actually need it foreign tracer [Music] oh Toronto's box does unlock I totally forgot it does unlock the stats though you did lose that yeah if I forgot about Omni yeah we do want to get Omni [Music] I forgot about Omni um okay we'll get it for Omni uh bone okay we gotta start heading up towards the let's go get the uh coffin I don't know I mean just he's pretty good martachio is a pretty good character to go a lot of curse into I don't even know that we need labora I think uh by itself bones would do enough and even right now it's already doing a lot we could get luck we're gonna get it anyway though let's just go more racer really just want to get bones maxed out our pentagram maxed out quickly I can't survive until 31 minutes unless I get uh I mean that's an easy one to do later as well uh I mean we might as well get nice since we have bracer there was Toronto's box again I know you can do it but I don't want to get Lance fit and Laurel with specifically him I'd rather do that with like a Christine run or something like that we have low cooldown and we're gonna die anyway if we get hit um let's risk it [ __ ] I think we've erased a couple of chests so far unfortunately and we have not been leveling our other stuff is the problem we just need bone leveled up like if we get bone leveled up we're fine or Rune tracer or just mortacio himself garbage the only thing we have to get during this run is get to uh here we go more bone another thing we have to do is unlock the coffin like everything else is secondary because that'll unlock pagnala hey more luck oh we actually got a hit crazy and we got it again well we'll get the extra luck later though it's on ground okay more bones pentagram is relatively close to getting leveled but we're not gonna do it now alternatively we could sack [Music] because we have a wake what if we sack get our stats up a ton so we kill things faster and level faster [Music] what are we at now we still have one more let's keep one but uh the rest I'm super happy to sack them get rid of them and then go get ax Arcana and we want the bouncies more bones everything bounces except for pentagram everything bounces asterisk phone is now maxed pentagram is now maxed and a Labrador armor this is looking great uh uh we could get a track door but maybe get labora as our last one we have two banishes you'd love to see it now we just want to get a cooldown reduction food me kill you before pentagram does so we can evolve you into gorgeous moon there we go gorgeous move let's go now we can go get uh the coffin foreign Santa we're actually gonna have big laborers now or big herbivores they are generally smaller than before but we're gonna be big-ish laborers [Music] let's move it let's move it now yeah duplicator is probably a good one but I think I'm gonna get tomes still over duplicator Tom with bones would be so much more valuable how about was the Nerf to holy water it's area its area was pretty significantly nerfed okay no future uh um axes knives knives candle [Music] racer axes we could just get thrown his box and try it let's go for it let's do it it's good with everything anyway oh since we're over here I guess we might as well grab the uh spinaches on the way up where's the fire there we are take the fire all the way to the spinach grab this for fun do you have anything else ready to evolve uh ax and knife are kind of even you drop a chest anywhere we did not oh we missed the spinach there it is knife nice still can't skip oh I think we'll get the levels with martachio here though I feel like we will what is his if he gets a high enough level he unlocks a re-roll right he doesn't unlock it on Arcana skip it anyway apparently Albert Einstein died 42 years ago hell we'll get him anyway see you next week folks one of Will Ferrell's all-time greatest performances Harry Carey with Jeff Goldblum incredible incredible We're not gonna get the other spinach can't take too long we've got coffins to open foreign get some money on the way though foreign we missed the chest okay we'll go back and get it after we get the coffin the coffin's right here don't die to the coffin Nate pugnala [Music] nice thank you mortasio [Music] let's go back and get the chest level 56 I think we have to get to 80 is that right now is that 100 anymore it's level 80. we'll probably get to 100 to be honest with full crown that last minute we're gonna get so many levels well I don't know if I've seen the out skin on puddinella we can look at it I forgotten pagnella also got one oh there's a chest up here Maybe [Music] thank you for labora it's now uh it's now 80 instead is that a chest right here this is a new save file yep there's axes let's go with the bounces we should be good I'm gonna still level at last but we have we're gonna have tons of armor we're gonna have tons of HP just do we ever find that other chest oh we got it we're good flowers are real jerks if you have anything else to evolve nope just get oh Arcana yeah we have tons of armor we have plus six armor we still gonna get three more we're gonna have nine armor let's go grab the uh Hollow heart well keep in mind we did intentionally lose some of our revives but I think it was worth it Toronto Toronto Serrano I would really like to get the luck for the increased crit chance on uh knives but there we go all right it's at level eight we're right on the cusp of greatness here we go the big scary time can we survive the one nice thing about the forest is that the final wave is extremely low damage wave if the bats hit you they don't do very much damage at all especially with this one with this much armor now you can get Chris on knives no matter what it just increases the crit damage foreign double healed chicken I mean they're going to be less slow because of all of our curse but that's okay foreign there we go highway to the danger zone yeah we're gonna unlock uh llama as well that's the goal full curse Thrones does not unlock llama I don't think or is it 100 curse I think it might just be finished the run with uh with 100 curse right keep it going we're at level 87 right now we're definitely gonna head over to 100. foreign curse oh that's lame gotta grab the skull okay I'm trusting you Rhona why didn't the school level up there that was weird level the skull because it's not ah it's not unlocked that's hilarious I can only get the 10 from having the skull that's it because it's not officially unlocked and I didn't have any other upgrades left okay we're to bats can we get down all the way I don't think we can it's a little too far but we're gonna try oh my gosh there's a hundred there's no oh where's the cape from last night it's over here I'm just not gonna wear it let's go and we got the always amazing you have to wear it every stream until Halloween well I'm gonna for Halloween stream I'm gonna be using my actual Halloween costume so will Lara we'll be doing some Ocarina of Time in costume it's gonna be great nice oh I should have picked money you're totally right my bad we got Omni hold on I gotta be writing these down Omni re-roll One you got llama uh pagnala and last one was gorgeous moon [Music] excellent okay so Let's uh quickly check our unlocks so we're about halfway through because there's actually 140 unlocks in total uh pretty good though pretty good um we're gonna take about a 30 minute break so I can eat some lunch it's gonna be pugnala I don't care what it is actually called which is who we're going to immediately unlock and then let's get some power-ups and we're gonna go back into Gallo Tower and get Elita uh let's get Omni maxed as much as we can get some greed and we're good all right so we'll be back in about 30 minutes for part two hope you guys have been enjoying so far uh been good apart from uh having the power go out been really good so far see you in a little bit 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Channel: Never Nathaniel
Views: 164,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kobS9bEwfoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 235min 10sec (14110 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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