Unlocking Biblical Code: Exposing The Fear In Our Oppressors - Minister Farrakhan "Speaks"

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Oh [Music] Minister Louis Farrakhan is going to go down in history as the person who saved humanity how can you stop the killing if you don't know how to stop it's not just silly like the president will say don't do drugs say no to drugs in that a stupid and super complex problem you can tell your child don't put your hand in the fire Johnny stop that but you can't say that to drugs drugs is not the result of somebody just going out desiring to get high so deep psychological and spiritual problem and nobody wants to address the cause how then can you affect the son [Applause] there's a great fear brothers and sisters on the part of those who brought our fathers into slave all right now all right they feel that one day we would rise up against those who enslaved our fathers and get even with them that fear conscious and subconscious directs the actions the policies and the attitudes of words particularly in the government against the rise of black people in our constant cry for justice they're afraid brothers and sisters it doesn't make any difference how sweet you talk brethren how peaceful you are it doesn't make any difference how nice we smile how much we dance and singing laugh in the back of white folks my brother when they see that big strong black brother running through several white folks with a ball going to the goal line they just hope that he'll never wake up because they never want to meet him on a balancing worried every [Applause] now we got a lot of Bible readers in here we got a lot of Bible quotas in here we have a lot of quran readers and a lot of quran quotes but reading and quoting the Bible or Quran is not salvation what good is reading the Bible or the Quran if these books only mean to you that there are stories of the ancients and have no relevance to today's society in today's problems if the Bible and Quran have no relevance then they have no value but if these books were revealed yesterday with today in mind then we need to study these books and the prophecies and the principles inherent in the prophecies that our actions may be properly guided and our faults developed along proper lines I'm going to quote some scripture but I want not just to quote it I want to break it down because both the Bible and Quran put in language that is coded some of it is clear and other languages allegory and the coded part even the scholars and scientists have to know something about the mind of God in order to unlock the code it is written in the scriptures quote and the children of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly and multiplied and became exceedingly mighty and the land was filled with in the Stoppa moon now if this is just talking about some Jews that lived in Egypt under Pharaoh then we can close the book cuz that's power but if Pharaoh and the children of Israel was a sign of a great slave master a great slave Empire that would be on scene in the last days of the world then let's look around and see is there a great nation and in is a people who are in bondage and they're multiplying and growing exceedingly great and everywhere you look the land is filled with is there any such nation on earth today my brothers and sisters from the UK the United Kingdom in Britain is great worried because blacks and Indians and members of the Commonwealth are growing in here and whenever white people see a lot of black folk ruling all right now racial tension begins to map but England is not the prime time there's a lot of blacks in the army in Germany and the Europeans are upset so many blacks in the army mixing with their dogs they once were happy to see blacks in Sweden and Norway Finland and Denmark but after they began to see the brothers with the white women and half white babies they began to become concerned but nowhere on earth is there a white nation with so many blacks that are growing every day as in America in the United States black people are multiplying black people are increasing abundantly but people are becoming exceedingly money that's right in the land whew with us everywhere you go in Washington this DC with us everywhere you go in Baltimore in Philadelphia in New York in Camden New Jersey in Chester Pennsylvania in Norfolk Virginia in Alexandria you look around this Ross WIPO can't seem to run high enough Aparna [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and remembering our evil to them fight against us so get him up out of the land but the more they afflicted them the more they multiplied and grew and they were grieved because of the children of Israel isn't that something now dear brothers and sisters that's in the Quran that's in the Bible he's not there talking about Jews of yesterday that's why some Jewish people are angry with me it's because I'm singing to them and to America and to white folks and to theologians and they talking about nobody Jews of yesterday no no it's talking about you and me and us in America today under the rule of the present government and it's our how many of you can see that is talking about us raise your hands up then let's go on and get deeper look here the demographers those who study the statistical science dealing with the distribution density and final statistics of populations they have said that if the present birthrate of blacks continued and if the present birth decline of whites continues by the year twenty eighty three blacks will either be equal to or greater in population than white people in America white folk recognized that in less in 100 years we will be the majority and just think about what run Jesse run means fifty years from now sixty years from now tea nestea it's not a slogan wakeful don't talk about just today white folks think about tomorrow and they plan and they make policy today to make sure that tomorrow is theirs and not yo they also say that at the present birth decline in whites by the year 2000 whites will reach zero population growth meaning for every white child that is born a white person will die so America on the white side is becoming older and grayer while America on the black Hispanic and Native American side is experiencing an increasing growth of young people this is what Pharoah meant when he said they are mightier than we because America is getting older greater but black people right six out of every ten of us is below 30 years of age and when you've got a young population that is fighting age and working AIDS but don't have no job oh then you got trouble on your hand America - listen to what they are feeling up on black [Applause] let's go back in the Bible and see what President Bush passed but all right and I wanna warn your black people don't you ever get taken in by smile and a pat on the back because John Fitzgerald Kennedy was smiling with Martin Luther King jr. while they were tapping his phones and planning his death don't you ever forget [Applause] listen to the words come let us deal wisely with them what is meant in the word wisely wisdom denotes a skill in doing something doing it in such a skillful way that you may do it but not be discussed doing your evil so skilfully that you get the people to participate in their own destruction the fair of yesterday said let us kill the male and spare the female that's what Pharoah said yesterday it's not accidental that the jails are filled with who young black men the streets are filled with young black men the Army is filled with who young less men women on their way to college girls on their way to school see them on the trolleys on the subway where are you going Donna I'm going downtown to my job the women have jobs but the men have nothing a women upon the school getting an education but the men enough all right it brings a big strong black men to college they don't care whether you get an education you just a big piece of meat that is running a football don't give a basketball wrestling ring that's how wait for love to see their Nicholas they can smile when you knock them down I'll bet on so-and-so they love it when you don't fly through the air they like it oh when you through that hip make that move through the line get six points [Applause] shout your Blues play your horn dance see that's what they like but don't be a thinker don't challenge them INSEAD don't challenge their political thinker don't challenge them in education don't challenge them in science for that weights the mode that they are not used to they want a pop the to in puts you in a mold that they can deal with you pound a bun you don't break the mother we bring our black men to college and when you're going to college campuses the black athletes are told not to get involved in any social action of the black students they give them an apartment a little stipend and when you look around here they come with a white women on their hands we have no time for the black woman anymore they in heaven now [Applause] sisters when you go to work downtown I know how to make you feel they'll open the door for you won't it how are you miss Chile's give you that big smile then tell you that dirty joke and when you laugh all of a sudden they squeeze you where the hand shouldn't be and then you find yourself going to bed with the children of your slave master and you see a white folk is all right I got a white boyfriend he just loves me to death and that's about the size of the paper but if you look at your white lover that you're sleeping with ask the white man does he love your father does he love your front does he love your uncle and your cousin he hates the bearish shadow of your father how in the hell could he love you just bear with me brothers and sisters Farra yes and they said let us kill all the males and spare the females the Pharaoh of all used a crew methodology he deemed it wise in his day to outright kill the male but today the earth is a global village what is done is done with the whole world watching yeah so great skill and wisdom has to be employed by the modern Pharaoh to get the target group to participate in its own destruction this is what is meant by the words come let us deal wisely with them lest they multiply and shouldn't war occur they join on to our enemies what does this mean it tells us that there is a deliberate plan to stop us first from multiply that's right into the birth control pill now most of you women sorry about that sisters I'm got talked to you don't know the chemists who make the pill you just use it because it's effective but you don't know the side-effects of all number because your chemists are not dead so you're taking appear but the enemy is injecting the meat with hormones pump it up they said fatten it up so we can take it to market so why are you on the pill you feeding burgers with all of these hormones in to your children since you really don't have time to cook a decent meal you let somebody cook it in a kitchen you know nothing about put chemicals in it that you know nothing about you said yeah well a lot of white folk is giving it don't you know they're glad to get rid of some of theirs to get all of you I gotta talk to you tonight Washington and don't you get angry with me you stop a moment and stop thinking about what I'm saying now you got an eight-year-old daughter she got breasts you were 14 and 15 and 16 before you saw a breast on yourself that is but not at 8 years old you flower and 9 years old god I've got a menses she got a doll in one hand and a pad in the other hand crying because she don't know what is going on in her life and neither do you know now your daughter is brewing sexually at 89 but there's no mother around to parent the child no father around mother God the Father God the motherless child sees a hard time so 10 years old your daughter's pregnant 11 years old she don't know nothing about birth control so the babies are now having babies come on this is the society that we live in they want us to stop the killing and there's something stop killing they said isn't it awful 360 some are murders already didn't that terrible stop it on this end but how many murders have been committed in the sterile offices of these abortion clinics if you want to stop the killing on one side you ought to stop the killing of innocent life that is coming into the world stop the killing all this is not the theme you want it is [Music] here's a government that legalizes abortion legalizes killing the fruit of the womb but if you kill it after it gets here you gotta do life but there's no penalty for killing it before it gets me home [Applause] this is a crazy society they tell your children to respect the parents then they tell your children they can have an abortion and they don't have to tell me [Applause] you sick as hell and you need a doctor and the doctor is not your political leaders so the plan is decrease your numbers that make you participate in the destruction of yourself second there's a plan to keep us from uniting among ourselves never let black people come together all right I'll never let it happen keep the Catholics the Baptist the Muslim stick Jehovah's Witness keep us all divided by religious then divide us by region say it's a northern one that's a southern one this a eastern one that's a Western one this one is from the Caribbean this one's from Africa keep them all upset and divide this one's a Kappa this one's out but this was a delta this one's a keeper [Applause] [Applause] not only must you keep them divided and hating each other you must keep them from ever becoming international in their view because then if they become international they will connect with people that America considers her enemies and also they must keep us from uniting with our own kith and kin in Africa the Caribbean Central and South America and the islands of the Pacific keep them all divided this plan has to be carried out on many fronts to decrease our numbers birth control create economic hardship and family instability teach the people they are unable to care for their children how can you have a baby you can't have another you don't have the means keep them so confused that they will willingly allow doctors to sterilize them give them a birth control death plan give them things chemicals to rinse out their private parts with that they have not the knowledge of that will weaken the walls of the uterus so when they really wanna have a baby the walls of the uterus are too weak to hold a baby kill the fruit of the womb to keep us from unifying the government of the United States under Jan 2 Hoover designed a counterintelligence program designed to destroy any black group or any black leader who had the power to unite black people in this audience tonight there are men and women of every political and religious persuasion and there are men and women from every region of the world fire content is a dangerous black man hello but boy let me tell you sir I laugh at your silly plane I wanna talk to you tonight okay look brothers and sisters who would designed a plan to destroy any black leader who could unify the masses of our people and to do everything in their power to keep that black leader once identified from reaching black youth get out did you hear me they want no black leader that they identified that can unite black people to ever connect with black youth I want you to listen now that they must keep black people from unity with other oppressed people they don't want any unity between the black and the Hispanic people that's right and if they see us coming together they'll break it up they want no unity with the black and the red the need of America they don't even want to see any thought of any coalition between black groups and coal whites they are threatened by any leader any movement that can bring us together lastly black people must be kept from any philosophy or ideology that will leave them with other people of the world let us deal wisely with them y'all all right now look brothers and sisters how many of you remember Paul ropes Paul Robeson was a brilliant scholar artist human being he was more loved in Russia and in Europe than in America he connected with a socialist philosophy that made that man dangerous according to the plan of the government of the United States the moment you connect with a philosophy that they consider alien then they must come against you if you're socialists if you're communist and you tie in to what they call international socialism and communism you're a threat and you're gonna be dealt with you have to understand that so in the forties they began dealing on all socialists particularly among the black artists huh [Music] communism attracted black intellectuals and artists in the forties and fifties is that right are you all right look at Marcus Garvey Marcus Garvey came with the philosophy that was dangerous to the government Marcus Garvey said Africa for the Africans at home and abroad that's too dangerous because white folk want Africa they want the riches of effort they do not want black people all over the world to say Africa is the root of us and cling to Africa and move out the interlopers and robbers who have EB du Bois Padma in crewman pan-africanist ideology dangerous because as a black person if you think of the black people in the Caribbean in Africa in Central America South America in the Pacific as your family you are thinking dangerous now brothers and sisters if you ever begin to think of Islam now you're really dangerous when you become a Christian you don't link up with Christians throughout the world but they don't teach that you're a Christian father Solly's a Catholic is a world Catholic Church but you can go to your Catholic revelant in other parts of the world you don't feel that kids that probably loved it ain't that they don't teach you that kind of Christianity that makes all Christians the body of one Christ when you become a Muslim you get a sense of belonging to a brotherhood that is international Universal that makes Islam the most dangerous force in the world and they want no black people to accept Islam [Applause] are you listening bear with me this is not anti-christian I'm only making a statement of fact based upon its Scripture they gotta keep you there bye all right now listen brothers and sisters if you look they begin to get us to participate in very harmless looking programs that are meant for our destruction polio vaccinations measles vaccinations they tell you there's an epidemic and we have some shots for you and sat down with 45 doctors and I said doctor when you inject your patient with the vaccine do you know what is in that bottle they said no Dick Gregory who's not a comedian he's a very brilliant father of ours Dick Gregory told us that in 1961 there was a polio outbreak you remember and that folk rush to get the polio vaccination the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us take all the others leave the polio one alone we didn't know why we just obey them Dick Gregory found out that they vaccinated millions of Americans with s V father which was supposed to be a polio vaccination but it was a polio contaminant that was cancer itself before the 60s cancer was a white folk disease now cancer is eating the black community up you think brothers and sisters that these people who smile at you that you called up to this and doctor the other you think they're not experiment how many of you heard of the Tuskegee it's all right where they injected a hundred black men with the most virulent form of syphilis and made them think they were getting something else and would never treat them and let them go and have sex spreading syphilis in our community how many of you remember mr. Amherst the one that the college is named after I think this man was one of those who sent smallpox in blankets to the unions so the Indians were trying to keep warm and they were done now it's AIDS come let us deal wisely with him get their own nature to help them participate in down destruction God has given us organs of sex for us to find pleasure and procreation but when you deprive a human being of this expressing his creativity for legitimate avenues of real pleasure then he or she must find pleasure in the organs of sex so we have an inordinate sexually depraved Society we don't write the sex magazine we don't make the films that are rated 3 X 4 X 5 X they are subliminally feeding the American public making you sick sexual surah now you're like dogs in heat then they undress the woman making her a tempting treat then she walks like a dog [Music] [Music] who writes the South who influences your talents and makes you use your talent in a destructive way whose goodness degenerate fool in the black community the poorest of food with death-dealing chemicals so they're killing us through our diet killing us through our war killing us back closing down hospitals that serve our community forcing us to go into their hospitals where we are experimenting on killing us in the prisons let us feel wisely with you this is all part of the program of the government brothers and sisters and I'm suggesting to you President Nixon said Islam is the number one enemy of democracy in America not communism but fundamentalist Islam so all those of you who say Allah who asked about the enemy says they don't want you to teach the Quran to even one and those who are waking up in Christianity you're dangerous farthest college moved out I told brother a silence I defeated you to several Catholic priests and the bishop I said he is a brother who believes in Catholicism but he recognizes there's a cultural void in the black community and he desires to fill that void by adopting African cultural traffickers and incorporating it into the faith of Catholicism and they condemn him I said what you are hypocrites you have made Christ the Angels everybody what and you want us to be baptized in a white supremacy religion and if a black man says he wants to put black African culture in it you tell him he's a heretic I call them Dean I said with your weak people translation and exegesis of the scripture yes I did you want to tell me I'm black because I'm one of the children of ham you want me to believe that I'm black because I'm cursed I said don't you link me to hell I didn't come from him before he was before Ibrahim wah people from Goa and I am from no peeking I'm not late because I'm pissed back the cause I'm the first that got to be creating me black sewed it from me all human beings could have the black man could be around me no rain no yellow man oh wait [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and even though the last one the sisters you need that his brother celebrities white [Applause] like this [Music] [Music] oh Allah how do you reward a man that is curing a nation on his back 40 years acid of his father how do we show our love then to a man who has suffered and sacrificed to give us a life falling may us nothing else precise says the truth may our feet be as heavy yet his voice bringing justice and equality Dana [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] better food fallout [Applause] [Music] [Music] we are the people who are into her [Music] [Music] what you say they pause and stop [Music]
Channel: Saviours Helper
Views: 257,724
Rating: 4.750195 out of 5
Keywords: Farrakhan, Louis Farrakhan, Minister Farrakhan, Allah, Elijah Muhammad, Master Fard Muhammad, 2019, 2020, Bloods, Rakim, Trump, CNN Live, News Today, Bible Stories, scroll, archaeology, ww3, christian, jesus christ, jesus saved me, jesus songs, Bible Story, Prophet, Moses, Elijah, Noah's Ark, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Israel, Palestine, Islamic, Islam, Chritianity, Jehovah wittness, Isrealites, god's plan, god of war, god taught me, god quiz, god quotes, god's not dead, faith, scriptures, hebrew, aramaic
Id: NwuoGRf1R_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 48sec (3348 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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