Unlock the Secret to KDP Success: From Start to Finish in Two Steps!

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have you ever wondered why some content creators on KDP make a fortune and others barely break even I spent some time studying researching watching videos reading the membership boards all the comments about how to be successful on KDP and I'm here to tell you it can be done I found a lot of successful people and authors that are doing it and I've summarized everything into a before and after step for Success let's dive in the main point here to explain about what I learned is that it is 100% possible to be successful on KDP there is a strategy though I've watched tons of videos like I said I spend a lot of time on the comment section on where the members of KDP the Publishers the self-published authors are expressing their concerns asking their questions and sharing about what's been successful for them some of these comments are from authors who've written like novels and things like that but there were several comments from people who've done low and medium content books and what they've done to be successful yes you can do it I've also watched some videos I really like this guy um he's got some great tips about how to be successful on KDP and I'll dive into what he did first let me show you what I created o present um this is I've I've got about 150 or 200 books right now on KDP um I made all of these with book bolt and you can get them on KDP right now and I'm going to walk through what I'm doing to promote them um how they've been successful which ones are already selling and I'm having a lot of fun doing it so first of all this is a coupon book that I made um obviously this is not a low content book I would say this is more of a medium content book I've already sold a few copies of that um these are very popular you know these are the mandala books where you're doing some coloring this is a really hard Market to break into it is possible to do it but I'm going to talk about how to do that and what the process is oh here we go this is my favorite this is my book Maze that I've done this is a dinosaur kids coloring book in maze each maze is unique and different and you have here the solve puzzle at the bottom on the back page it gives each kid a variety of skill levels beginning to advance and then a little surprise reward coloring thing on each page also this is an example of our low or medium content books I would say this is low content because it's just blank Staff Pages okay with a different color if you saw my video on how I made 25 books in 25 minutes then I'll post it here you'll see how I've been able to make probably a hundred of these of blank sketchbooks journals these staff books a couple of them have sold not many but with the new strategy I've discovered I'm confident that I'm going to be able to sell more this was a lot of fun and like again all done on book bolt um but I'll tell you why I've decided to concentrate on the maze coloring book okay strategy number one this is the before part this is when you're deciding what to create and what to do right so I'm going to use my examples of what to do and what not to do obviously the low content books the ones that are just blank pages and the journals and I've done tons of those yes super easy to do these but that's just it they're super easy to do everyone can do them and everyone does it's like coloring pages right if you just do a plain coloring page and you go to canva don't get me wrong I love my canva I do so much on canva with other projects but if you can find it really easy on canva so can a million other people find it easy on canva and that's what they're doing actually you make a good point so that's the mistake that I made on the I've done several coloring books and they're not selling um I'm going to talk about that strategy to sell later but really your key here for the before the development of these KDP books and to be successful is to create medium content books so a medium content book is something like a maze a word search a word find so Sudoku is that how you pronounce it it's that's because it's Unique um you're not copying something that you found on canva that everyone else can find you truly are creating a unique item every time you make the book and you've got to be thinking well Renee how do you make all those mazes that's just it book bolt did it all for me I am an affiliate for them because I love them so if you click on the link below and you get 20% off if you use my coupon code Clancy 20 it's there because I love them and I use them every day that's why I'm promoting them so this is my plan I've decided to concentrate on maze books I tried word searches and in book bolt it's all formatted for you what you do is you enter an Excel spreadsheet and you just have to format a certain way it's a little bit more work when you you're moving pages around and you want to put a design if you want to do something fancier than just the word search if you want to add a little bit of graphic design or something like that in there which you can do all that in the book bolt system um you can do that I just found it wasn't for me it wasn't that interesting for me but the mazes I thought were a lot of fun so all you have to do is describe how difficult or how thick you want the Maze and where you want the result of the maze or the key to be posted and it generates as many as you need so this particular book has 100 mazes and so here is like one Maze and then on the back down here is the result and I got a lot of these little Graphics in book bolt also it gives you access to pixels.com and some other free websites some I did get on canva but very few there really wasn't a need anymore but I was able to design it all in book bolt so that was awesome okay so first why did iite on mazes I wanted something that was going to be popular and doing really well and something that was already available in the book bolt system so I went and I searched in book bolt to see what temp templates they had to offer and as you see here there are things like blank Staff Pages uh dot metric's you can get the Sudoku you can get uh the word searches the math finds all of those things here and I decided to concentrate on The Mazes so what I did was I took the word Maze My keyword and I went into the keyword search on book bolt typed it in typed in kids Maze and then it popped up it generated all of the most popular maze kids books and I personally wanted to find one that was popular or wanted to see if it popular lately because if it has you know thousands of of reviews and it's done really well but it was posted in 2018 that could have been successful you know 3 or four years ago but I want something that's hot right now and so as I searched I found that kid mazes were doing very well in this last year and kind of this mix of coloring and kids Pages was doing very well and it looked like fun so I thought that's what I would do so that's your step number one concentrate on medium content formats find in book bolt which format works for you which one you want to try and try a little bit of everything even though this tip is to concentrate on one Niche one particular thing try a few different things see what you like see what's fun um like I said I've made a little bit of everything I did some great sermon notebooks and I did some journals and and I did lots of things it's been a lot of fun I did some ABC coloring books and Trace books and that's okay to explore and to try fill out what works but I decided to land on this because that is our tip number one concentrate on medium content books and one particular Niche because then you will become to be known for that particular Niche and if someone buys your book and they like it they're going to come back to you over and over to get your next book and the next one and the next one here we are to the second part of being successful we talked about the before part the how to create a medium content book the best resource for you and really concentrating on one particular Niche our second step to success now this is the idea that you cannot just set it and forget it and walk away you need to promote the book but you might be thinking well how do I do that how do I how do I promote a book there are several different ways one particular suggestion people have and I got it from this guy he's pretty awesome um is to run Amazon ads now I never thought I would have to run an Amazon ad but he has a really good um reasoning about why to do this he says do it at the beginning to really push your book out there get some reviews get some feedback and then Amazon algorithm will almost find it pick it up and then carry it after that you know have you ever purchased something on Amazon or wanted to purchase something and you won't purchase it because there aren't any reviews on it yeah I have too I'm going to go to someone who has more reviews than someone who doesn't have any so we've got to get those reviews on there so I started an Amazon app on a few books honestly I don't think I'm going to go this route I'm going to try the other suggestion I spent about 20 bucks and I made about $25 I sold a few books but honestly I think it's because of this second way I tried it why I ended up selling them so utilizing social media and your network to sell books and you might be thinking but Renee I don't have a social media neither do I I really don't have like there's this channel but I don't have I just started my Instagram for this channel last week the really is not a following on there um but what I did was I shared my books on my personal social media I shared it with my family and my friends I shared my CP my date night coupon book with them and they went on and bought some and so that's your number one thing really I get it my family and friends are buying some of these right now but that's okay because they will put some reviews on there and that'll get it going and then other people will see positive reviews if my family leaves positive reviews I'm sure that they will I love them very much here's the next strategy for promotion let's say if you're like I don't want to do anything on social media totally fine so this is what the author said to do in the member forums they said to buy a whole bunch of author copies so what it is is when you publish the book on KDP you can buy an author copy that's basically the price of just the print of the book so this one was like $4 this one was like $2 buy a whole bunch of copies they said buy like 20 copies and gift them to people and say hey please review my book and someone on there said but isn't that like bribing them saying hey I'm going to give you a free book if you Give me a review so what's wrong with that and someone replied and said no you're not requiring the review you're just asking if you like the book please review it and so they said that right there you know if you're going to spend 20 or 30 bucks do that instead of an Amazon ad and then when you give it to somebody they're going to probably write a review especially if it's a friend or a neighbor or something like that so what I've done is I've purchased about 20 of these and I'm going to go give them to my friends my girlfriends who have younger kids and ask them if their kids like them to please write a review I feel more comfortable with that than doing an Amazon ad um and I'll let you know how that goes now I'll be honest I have I've made $25 total that's it but I only started this a few weeks ago and everything's going to take 3 to 6 months no matter what side hustle you try it's going to take 3 to 6 months so just remember that I will let you know how this goes in the update remember step number one concentrate on medium content books and pick a niche narrow it down step number two promote it promote it on your social media share it with friends and family gift it gift your books to people ask them politely not requiring ask them to write a review and I want to ask you if you are enjoying this content I would really appreciate it if you would subscribe and like this video it really means a lot to me to grow my channel and I'm having a lot of fun doing this so thank you so much if KDP is not you know the side hustle for you that's okay you can go ahead and go on over to my website I've got a free download that will help you deter determine which side hustle is best for you if you go to Rene Clancy decom then you can get the free download and really determine what's going to make you happy I want you to be happy whether that's with a side hustle or not have some fun and let me know how it goes
Channel: Renee Clancy
Views: 19,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: side hustle, entrepreneur, side gig, financial independence, skill development, hustle mindset
Id: bMGhW8v27cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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