Unlock The Power Of Secure SD-WAN! - Fortinet Webinar

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you hello everyone thanks for taking time out of your day to join our exclusive networks webinar my name is Chris Benares and I'm the marketing manager here at exclusive networks as you already know today we'll be talking to you about how you can unlock the power of ordinates secure SD LAN solution but before we get into that like always I want to take a couple of minutes to inform any newcomers joining us today about how exclusive networks can add value to your business what makes exclusive networks unique is that we specialize in cyber security and cloud market space maintaining specialization within a narrow set of vendors exclusive networks assist the channel community with vendor specific and generic training sales design implementation and of course supply chain logistics our offering is filling the void by helping value-add resellers and managed service providers supply relevant multi vendor solutions to their end users for the month of March we've been hosting quizzes focused on our awesome vendor for Dannette these quizzes consist of 10 questions some of which are answered in our TGIF webinars and this webinar as well you can answer all ten questions correctly and you could win $100 Amazon gift card the first one is concluded but the second one is still available if you want to try your luck the third quiz will be available on Monday March 30th so make sure you are following us on LinkedIn and Twitter so you don't miss out when the quiz is made available and our speaker today is Juan Quintero he is one of our sail engineers here at exclusive Networks and he is based out of our beautiful Miami sales office so now it's time to unlock in the power of SD way take it away one you Chris and thank you everybody for joining us today in this unprecedented time that we are experiencing so today's episode comes to you from an office entirely empty I'm the only one here in the Miami office and we're gonna talk about SD win so this is a bunker cast edition of TGIF so this is the agenda when I do these these presentations I kind of like to do them as a story so I like to begin from you know as from the very bottom so some of this context may be already very well known to I expect actually for it to be very well known for most of you guys so I apologize if it's a little redundant at the beginning but I do want to hit on some of these points because this event is also going to be recorded and it's going to be referenced and leveraged by maybe folks that are not as experienced as some of the people in our audience after the slides we have about 15 of those we're gonna have a walkthrough of the st1 configuration on the 48 the very first portion of it is actually pre-recorded because while doing that there is a chance you may lose the connection so I don't want to do that live and then after that short video then we'll pick it up life and go through some of the steps together so this is kind of how everything came to be so you know we start with Sdn or Software Defined Networking essentially I'm not gonna read everything that's here the context is also here so that you know different reasons number one again because it's these events are recorded and people can watch it later and pause and actually read the content and also because we make the slides available to our partners so that then you can make it available to your customers if you wish and they can also read the content but essentially Software Defined Networking like the picture illustrates down at the bottom it decouples the data from the control so in the very very old days you essentially had to have people on site where the appliance was to configure and manage those appliance a lot of the times one at a time through the introduction of API is essentially you have now where you can manage appliances from anywhere and you can set up rules and configurations that affect not just one appliance but multiple appliances and you can push them out at the same time so before we get to the next slide about Sdn and and management I do want to talk about MPLS because MPLS is a huge player in and a huge topic when you are talking about su n a lot of people when su wine was first introduced they say oh this is gonna replace MPLS no we're not gonna have MPLS in a few years personally I think that they're both going to play a role for the foreseeable future but each of these offerings drastically affects the other one and what I mean by that is that when there was just MPLS and that's illustrated by the this little capture here essentially when you're the only player in the space you can pretty much set your own market right so MPLS is traditionally pretty expensive also when MPLS was at the height of his might the way that things were configured it was for hubs or branches to funnel traffic to a main location where all the services were hosted and therefore it made sense to have a dedicated line that would be able to offer you a really high service level agreement for availability and then that way all the hubs could communicate with the central location so did you guys know that MPLS is actually a technique another service but because MPLS is costly it was adopted by the ISPs and then it is now sold as a service and then I have this this little sentence here about for those of you who may not be familiar which I doubt there are many with MPLS I have the analogy about ordering a package online back in the day you would order something and you would go in there and track the status of where it is and you would see that the package originated from New York and next thing you know two days later halfway through the package is in Texas on its way to Miami and you're saying well why is it doing in Texas that's not the best way well before MPLS essentially each of the points and by points I mean the networking appliances in a path from source and destination they don't really know the entire route they just knew the next point so when when traffic packets arrived at that networking appliance that appliance had to make a decision usually a router on the fly or wood to send it next so then you would get a scenario kind of like the one in the analogy about ordering something from the mail and then MPLS basically established a predetermined route a highly efficient route so essentially it says if you are ordering something from New York and you're in Miami the package is coming down i-95 because that's the best way now move forward a few years and now everybody is moving to SAFF Services and SAS applications so the model on the left is no longer true you're accessing cloud applications directly and look at what's happening now everybody is working from home and a lot of us are accessing things like office 365 NetSuite Salesforce and things like that so it is no longer feasible and is very expensive to funnel that traffic from not on not only just a branch but from from the remote workers location to a central hub chest so that it can go out to the internet I mean I can understand if your accidents in corporate data that it's hosted in the corporate location but if you're just accessing the internet that is you know very counterproductive and very expensive so that's why I said that while I don't feel that this t1 is going to replace MPLS it's going to drastically affect the the playing field because essentially what's happening is that organizations are rethinking what they're doing and saying okay what do we really need to send through the MPLS circuit let's do that and then do we need a backup MPLS circuit or can we just get s t1 because it's a backup the backup is there in case of an emergency at work and we're probably not really going to send critical applications through that circuit anyway so why not save on cost and and use and deploy Sdn and also and that goes into the next slide there is a lot of flexibility and and your ability to get up and running with SD when it's a lot better than with traditional MPLS dedicated circuits because usually dedicated circuits would need dedicated hardware and you know you you couldn't centrally manage those dedicated hard works because they were essentially different whereas with SD when particularly with 14 at st when you can have one device that is multi-purpose that can be managed from the cloud if you have a multi location project you can have something like 40 manager where you can manage and we'll see that later multiple locations in reference to not only just histogram but general-purpose management from one single pane of glass so the ability to get up and running quicker the flexibility is much better with SD when also there is another aspect of a which is that because MPLS is controlled by the isp when there is a problem you rely on the isp to fix it you don't have the ability to change customizations to get an optimum - to fix things you just gotta open up and take it with the ISP and hope that they make true on the SLA that they sold you when you sign the contract so here are some of the advantages of SD when I'm not gonna read the whole paragraph but obviously the first one is very apparent I again I'm not gonna write something like replacing MPLS no but it definitely drastically changes the way that you think about MPLS so you can definitely reduce MPLS costs with SD when simplification of branch office networks and we're gonna see about the advantages of putting SD one at the edge of your network with putting it and and it speaks directly to this but essentially and generally going back to the previous slides it's a lot easier to get up and running because you don't need dedicated hardware for different circuits especially you know with with 14:8 improving performance with SD win so personally it boggles my mind that in some areas of the u.s. we're still talking about 25 megabits 50 megabits per second so if you're a business and you're trying to offer some services and you want to reach out to your clients it's gonna be very difficult for you to do that when you're working with those speeds right so what do you do well you go to the cloud and the cloud is great and it's scalable and it's flexible and it's always available but the cloud is expensive and some of the businesses may not have the budget to do that so an alternative would be in those areas you can aggregate multiple ISPs and get enough bandwidth so that you can now host services that your clients can leverage and that's definitely a map worth doing and the final piece and that's one that we're gonna kind of talk more about as we progress to this to this webinar is security and security is a big I want to say obstacle with some of the pure sd1 vendors because they just they're dedicated to st Wetzel security is not in their nature so if you're not doing security with Estevan then you have to either reduce SD when internally so only a portion of your network benefits from it or you expose your SD one appliance which is that's not the best case and to illustrate that I have this slide and now I've had this slide in every webinar that I'd done for the past three weeks and I get the question about you know what is putting its play in SD when will Holden explain as to n is very simple consolidated technologies and offer secure SD when withholding it and you know if we look at the the what's happening here on the left you have two scenarios you have the scenario where you know I first had one is P so I have one security device and then I decided to get an SD one appliance because I'm at the edge I cannot expose the SD when appliance so I'm gonna get a second security appliance for the second ISP and then I have the st1 appliance after that and then in this scenario yes all the network behind that will benefit from the SD one solution but this is very cost prohibitive you're dealing probably or possibly with three different technology vendors and from a management perspective you now may not be able to have a single pane of glass because everybody has their own cloud so scenario here number two in the bottom is the opposite so you say okay I'm going to expose my SD one appliance so wait wait I can't do that that's that's not gonna work so okay rethink that let me just pick and choose what are the most critical applications that need SD when and then I'm going to deploy us to win internally so essentially you have a data center and 1/10 or 1/5 of your network benefits from SD when whereas the rest of your network does not so 14 it comes along and says no don't do that because that both of those scenarios in the long run they're they're counterproductive they're counterintuitive they're just not cost-effective so why not do secured Estevan so you're doing SD which by the way s t1 has nothing to do with security s t1 is a quality of service and it's a wine optimization feature but if you're doing it on the same box where you're also filtering and securing your traffic you're now dealing with one technology vendor you're dealing with one single parent class management so and you can put it at the edge so now your entire network benefits from SD when so this table I got from the one of the 40 net latest presentations about the SD when playing field and by all means you know take this for the grain of salt like I do because the minute you put a table like this out there one of your competitors releases a new feature that makes this table you know no longer 100% accurate right so but it does illustrate some of the pain points that I was talking about a lot of the pure SD when vendors they are purist event vendors but they don't offer any security features so you need to couple that with a security solution this is actually one of my favorite slides for this presentation and I'm sure that a lot of you looked at Gartner you know those who are decision-makers in my experience they leverage Gartner quite a lot but have you looked at these two magic quadrants together so I recently was looking at them separately and then you know I started looking at it and I realized this is the the next-gen firewall and the other one is the when edge so that's where the SD when players would be if you look at here and the leaders and challenges you have Huawei and again I don't know how much business Huawei is going to get in North America for the in the foreseeable future but you do have your established players palo 14 at cisco and check point and then you come over here to the SD when and well first of all where is Paulo where is checkpoint the only two outside of Huawei that I already talked about that are in here is 40 net and Cisco and if you actually look at the publications that come with these slides you're going to see that there is one main difference between those two um you know aside from the obvious that Orden is a little higher in the ability to execute ah but what cisco submitted for one is not what they submitted for the other whereas with 40 net they're using the same boxes and that to me is a story worth telling that's very important that speaks to their ability to be a true multi-purpose device and do it well the second of this type of slides that I have is from NSS Labs and this is about TCO now TCO should be something that is very important to your customers and also very important to you because the lower TCO means that you can offer your services and you know hopefully make no good money from the services that you offered when you're leveraging whatever technology solutions you like to offer in those services and look at the TCO per megabit per second or fortunate compared to the rest and also while you're doing that look at the quality of experience of both VoIP and video now for the net is right up there with everybody else a lot higher than some of the other ones when it comes to Keowee and look at the TCO that's that's not even remotely close there is a huge gap between for Annette and the rest of the players all right so that is how many slides we have so we are going to take the rest of the time to have a walkthrough of the sd1 configuration on a 48 so just bear with me for just a moment alright so this first part I actually pre-recorded because I was afraid that I may mess it up and actually lost connectivity so I am gonna actually talk over it while the video is playing so this is a 48 100 F is the model that we have in our lab and essentially this is a very simple out-of-the-box configuration where you have both of the Wayner interfaces at this time are already connected I have a static IP s in a real worst scenario this probably would be really different now in my lab I don't really have true SD win what I did is I put a switch in front of the firewall to kind of trick it into thinking that we have SD when we actually do have an SD one lab in San Jose so for some of our if you guys have questions you want to take a look at some configuration or or do some troubleshooting of different things we can definitely leverage that lab for that the very first thing you need to do when you're configuring su and obviously login in a second if you're gonna do to write the second is P and then you need to as you're gonna see here you need to remove the references to any interfaces that are going to form the team in the st1 team and you do that in the way that I've done it here now in a production environment where you have a lot of rules that are referenced in that interface and is your thing that you can do in the possibility a little bit is to find a couple of interfaces that are not in use on the photogate because every interface in the photogate is configurable and configure the team with those two interfaces and then move the ran one at a time to those interfaces so that you don't lose connectivity another very important thing if you're going to configure a Savannah you're going to do some Sdn rules you are going to need to enable both application control and certificate SSL certificate inspection so as you can see here I remove the reference to one one so then I'm going to go back to interfaces now there is no reference go to sd when you and these are things that you should know okay about your network and again they may be completely different because of the ISPs as soon as you set that up you're gonna get those pie charts there and when the interface is actually come up or the interface actually comes up those are going to dynamically change as you're as you're doing that the second thing oops I kind of go back is you need to set up a static route all you need to really configure there is you need to put st when in the interface so you did that then you go back to your policy and then it's select the sty interface and then I think at this point I was taking a water break so I say we're gonna forward a little bit all right the interest of time so you get the routing table information and then you're gonna see the static route with the interface team and then we're going to ping Google Public DNS yes and alright we are connected so setting up SD when I mean again if you have a production environment you may take a little bit more time actually removing interface references but how long was that two minutes and 28 seconds two minutes and 28 seconds and we have sty and setup okay so I am going to close this okay all right so you're gonna get this morning whenever your footing it is actually managed by koreana 40 manager and I have that for the very last part so we're gonna take a look at that but that's okay for the purpose of this demo we can just log in then you also get this and all that means is if I make changes now it's going to be out of configuration with 40 manager so essentially then I have to go back to 40 manager and you know rien port everything so we have SD we're in configured if you look at what's happening now this is the breakdown of bandwidth volume and sessions so the next thing is to configure Sdn rules and look at performance essays so before you do anything here these are all things that I have configured you're gonna have this implicit rule here and this implicit rule is going to have five algorithms usually for my purpose the best one is source destination IP and that essentially means that if I'm going to one IP and then I'm going to another IP and again you think of eyepiece in terms of you know when I'm putting stuff in the browser that all translates to eyepiece it's low balancing all that stuff because since I'm the only one generating traffic in this demo and that's the best way to showcase that but you also have source IP load balancing so that essentially means YouTube goes one way Twitter goes another way you have sessions and essentially with sessions it uses an integer value to assign the weight to each interface so that means that if I do this see it changes the pi so it's very intuitive you always know what you're doing 10 - so right I think the maximum values on these are 255 and the minimum value is 1 on a lot of these spillover for ingress or egress or download upload essentially this is like having two glasses of water and you say okay I'm going to pour water on glass number one when I get to the glass is 8 ounces when I get to 6 ounces I'm going to start pouring water in the second glass that's what that is and then you also have volume which is a weight and then I am actually not using this but I have it here to show you the maximum and minimum value so if I put this back to one it works in this very similar to session so them 1 in 1 means 50/50 so essentially any traffic that is not governed by these rules will be governed by the implicit rule in the bottom all right so next thing you would do is you would do performance as lace so performance SLA is allow you to really it's like set it up health checks and then applying those health checks to interfaces and then you apply those in turn those SL A's to the sto and rules that we saw in the previous screen so there are some out-of-the-box that you can choose to leverage or not and then there is some that you can create like for example this one for normal traffic we are paying and I believe this is the level three DNS Public DNS and the participant is one one and this is my target that means that for this interface under this SLA to be labeled as okay to use these three things need to be under this numbers and then these are the check intervals in milliseconds yes so essentially after five bad checks it's down after five good checks is good to go and then by enabling this it means that you would change the static routes take the bad route out of the table then we have another one for YouTube very similar but here we actually have two participants and then the target is a little different and again all of this are for purpose of demonstrations just to see what you know the different things that you can change some of these rules may actually you know in a real environment may be configured totally different but I just want you guys to see number one how to go about configuring some of these things number two that is not that hard it's not hard at all so then you take these performance essays and you go back to your rules and you create new and then we have a YouTube group and this one here by the way in ast1 rule whatever you don't need you can leave a blank okay so we have all of YouTube here and by the way the way that you do this when you click on here you're gonna see a bunch of stuff so just type YouTube and then you have all the YouTube in there and then you just add them and then you're gonna come down here and you're gonna you can set up an interface preference if you put both in there and they both qualified and the traffic is going to be round-robin amongst those two and then you set up your strategy so there are different strategies you have manual and manual is pretty self-explanatory if I say manual I put went to the traffic is gonna go down one two on this one - it's not it's not there if I do best quality right then you put an SLA and all the interfaces that you're gonna put there are going to be compared to that SLA and whatever interface has the best metrics is chosen right and usually if they're both equal which is very difficult then the primary one I think the first one that you put in there is is chosen and then the other one is lowest cost essentially that means that again it's a different way that to look at the the SLA but it looks at all the metrics and it looks at even if you're both good it looks at the one that has the very very lowest cost and and it looks at the numbers that we set up when we set up the performance SLA in your targets and it chooses that link so then we have a different rule for Twitter here we've chosen manual and again you know just typing Twitter and it gives you all the things that you want and a team rule for Microsoft teams so what does this give you this gives you the ability to steer traffic and essentially any way that you want you can have a primary circuit where you can be a dedicated circuit and you will be steering your critical applications through that circuit and then everything else through a different interface and it went in the st1 team you can aggregate for those scenarios where one ISP alone doesn't give you the bandwidth and the throughput that you need you can aggregate multiple and get you know a PI and virtual pipe essentially that is large enough to handle all the water that needs to pass through you can do other things that you can limit the ability for you know limit the speed so that certain applications like YouTube for example don't really take over your network and we're going to see that we're going to see that we're actually traffic shaping so here we have traffic shapers and there are some that already pre-built so this is a very simple traffic shaper priority bandwidth you can select if you want to do it in megabits per second or another metric maximum guarantee and then you can see that this is referenced all right can access that from here but if we look to the policies we're gonna go to the limit YouTube policy and then again we have all the applications there and here you can select a source so that can be customized the destination can also be customized the time so during working hours if you want to limit YouTube you can do it the application obviously is there apply traffic shaper to the Argo and interface and the shaper is that one that we just created in Reverse you have to put it in bold the other thing that we can do is we can create a traffic shaping profile so essentially you can make a profile and you know where this pie represents all your bandwidth and then you can have groups where you can guarantee bandwidth to certain types of traffic and then you can take this profile and you can create a rule where you can say okay I want to apply that profile to HTTP traffic and I'm going to give HTTP traffic the group 4 value and if we go back let me go back cause I think I was a little too fast on that guru for guaranteed bandwidth is 10 maximum 25 so that's what we gave that group so then we take that profile right and we are going to assign it to an interface so I'm just gonna pick one at random I don't have this dump because this would significantly affect the performance of this webcast but essentially you turn this on you select the profile and then you have to turn this on and specify the outbound bandwidth so those are some of the ways that you can customize the FortiGate to essentially steer the traffic in any way that you want check the health of the links dynamically you know sd1 is all about essentially you're constantly checking all the avenues that your packages are taking when you're you know if you're UPS and on the fly if one of those routes becomes unavailable or you find out that is full of potholes you start automatically rerouting stuff the other way and with the newer generation with the f-series of the 48 49 recognizes that more and more of the traffic is encrypted so the new trips that they have are all about being able to perform faster and being able to inspect encrypted traffic faster in an st wayne environment so the last thing i want to show you is the sd1 management from 40 manager and by the way for those of you guys who have a lot of customers that are sending people to work remote for the net is a great technology for remote workforce this is the SSL web portal and essentially what's happening here is that I'm going out to the Internet through 140k going back right back to the other one because the rest of the network is behind that other 48 so this is my SSL VPN portal and here I have some short cuts including OD manager so I'm gonna log in to log into that strong passwords okay so if you guys are familiar with 40 manager you know some of these some of these tabs these ones however are here because I don't know if you guys know but 40 manager also has 40 analyzer features so if you come to settings and you turn this on then now you're 40 manager is also a fully analyzer essentially means that you can do logging and reporting now you are going to have significantly lower amounts of logging allowed than a dedicated fully analyzer but if you have an opportunity an environment where management is more important but you still like to have some centralized logging you can certainly do that with booty manager so let's go to device management and what I want to show you here is the st1 management so essentially and imagine I only have one but you could have 10 20 50 100 40 gates and they would always showed up in the sink opener class so essentially when you click on here you see all the screens that we saw on the 40 gate as I was taking you through the interface part then the performance escalates and then the rules all that stuff is here you have your interface members health check service and those are essentially just the performance as lace and then the monitor and the monitor you know think about a multi-site project your ability to just log into this thing and see okay I have 90 sites everything is green I'm good to go so you know just that simple I mean there's more to it than that but but the first thing to just have peace of mind is logging in here's a everything is green so then here you would have all your different ones again I just have one down here in my in my bunker in Miami so if you hover over this you're gonna get the metrics on your performance essays that are applied to that interface then went to same thing you can go to the table view and then you're also going to get by application so green means you're good to go why is this gray if you guys were paying attention and I know that sometimes I go a little fast because I don't want to go over but the Twitter rule was menu so when it's manual you don't really have an SLA because you chose the manual sd1 rule so that's why this is great it's not applicable so then I'm going to click on this and then I'm going to see ten minutes worth of data about the traffic summary bandwidth traffic obviously why are these empty because I'm not using the 40 guard the Gmail the Google the office but these I'm using so you can see the metrics for latency jitter and packet loss and then on the YouTube SLA same thing and if we go to the reports so you would get this if you have doing this where you enabled the 40 analyzer features in 40 manager or if you have a dedicated phony manager for the analyzer it's the same thing for the analyzer is all about analysis and reporting so this is the securest UN report these are all the metrics then you can get information about and you know I apologize ahead of time my report is now going to be very extensive because you know this is not a real corporate environment but you do have metrics with regards to your Sdn rules well there's a lot of YouTube I watch a lot of YouTube there's a lot of really good for unit videos on YouTube especially the ones from this company called exclusive networks they have a really nice YouTube channel so as to when rules service utilization application session and then again it repeats for all the applications where I have rules so this reports are fully-customizable but out of the box it gives you a ton of data that you can send to your customer to the administrators so that they can look at what's going on and obviously you can do this for one device or for a multitude of devices all the ones that you have under 40 manager remote management ok so I am going to actually go back to the slides so 14 dead as a service if you have talked to us in the past few months obviously you know we are really driving home the point of hardware as a service with 4914 it has a really good program especially for those partners that are like for example I know that they changed the partnership level names but I am going to continue to call it forgive me porting it continue to call it silver partners you know in order for you guys to compete and get higher discounts you can leverage putting it as a service and then this slide we were at an event not long ago and we had this slide showing and you know a lot of the people that came over they kept repeating essentially the same thing was like oh I didn't know that footing it had so many things it's true that you know people think about footing it and still to this point to the state then think about the FortiGate well yes the FortiGate is the backbone of 40 net so when I talk about footing it are used in new england patriots as a comparison because a new england patriots have a had a really strong backbone and that was Tom Brady and then after that they had a team around it that if you look at those players individually at their positions some of them were probably not the best but together New England was the playoffs every year and in the Super Bowl almost every year so I I have actually played team sports and you know through my formerly I was in the military so that was probably one of the best team experiences I anybody could ever had what really makes a team and not just a bunch of guys running around is the ability for the pieces of that team to communicate and if you've seen some of the other webinars that we have shown and if you've been in conversations with me and another members of our team you know we really drive that point home about how the fabric components they talk to each other to telemetry and you can do automation stitches so that if any component seen something it screams to everybody and you can enforce rules and another device that is really what sets foot in it apart from other vendors that have a bunch of technologies that they're doing their own thing they're not talking to one another so essentially mean that means that you have holes and that's why they have this graphic every time you you see any four in a publication you know go to a website they have this it's kind of like a web because what sets them apart is how well they communicate and they integrate with one another I mean the FortiGate is a switch controller is an AP controller so any of that that's plugged in behind it can be controlled and then you can filter that traffic from the podium if you are offering any kind of security managed services and you're thinking about even if you are or you are not thinking about hardware as a service you should be seriously considering a four Donette because I promise you that if you do you will be successful and that is all I have I'm gonna hang it over hand it over back to Chris thanks for longevity so as one mentioned I encourage everyone to take advantage of those Fortinet resources harder portal has a wealth of knowledge on all four the net products and solutions and if you don't quite find what you're looking for please contact us and we'll help you any way we can and for our vendors as you may know we are coordinates number one worldwide distributor but we do offer products and solutions from our other vendors and they all integrate me 4minute quite well so that's basically it for this webinar thank you everyone for joining us on this sty and webinar and we look forward to speaking to you soon and have a great weekend thank you yes take care everyone they say please and if you're bored just call me I'm here we can talk about footing it right he's got him he's got a bucketful that he needs to use so yes I don't know have a good weekend everybody take care everyone thank you
Channel: Exclusive Networks NA
Views: 1,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: exclusive networks, cybersecurity, cyber security, distribution, Fortinet, Vade Secure, network security, secure sd-wan, fortinet security fabric, sd-wan explained, secure sd-wan fortinet, sd-wan fortinet, sd-wan for dummies, sd-wan fortigate 6.2, sd-wan basics, sd-wan bgp fortigate, sd-wan bgp
Id: D6L2x3iBSNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 27sec (2847 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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