Unlock High Inbox Delivery 💯 Build SMTP Server with CyberPanel & Send Bulk Emails | CyberPanel Guide

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all right so I built an sntp from scratch and got 9.2 out of 10 after testing the inbox rate and guess what I tested with three different email providers and hit inbox I tested with Gmail Outlook and protonmail so in this video I'm going to walk you through a step-by-step guide on how you can also build yourself same SMTP to hit inbox and also send bulk emails but before we get started kindly subscribe to this channel if you're new and leave your comment down below this video if you need help now let's jump straight into the video to build an SMTP server to send bulk emails you will need a domain name and a VPS server for the domain name we are going to use namecheap so head over to namecheap.com select domains and click on domain name search now based on the emails you're going to send always choose a domain that will suit your business in my situation I want to send out cold emails to promote affiliate products so I came up with a domain name that could be used to send bulk emails across all niches so you will type your domain name and click search now make sure to choose a dot-con domain because it increases High inbox rate if you go for cheap domains ending in let's say dot XYZ or Dot online there is a high probability that your emails will land in spam because those domain extensions are not trusted so at this point I will go ahead and purchase the domain since it's available alright so I skipped those parts during the time I was purchasing the domain because I believe you can do it now as you could see from my name sheet dashboard I have purchased the domain next is getting a VPS server and for that we are going to use cantabo please note that it's not compulsory to also use cantabbo you can purchase VPS server from any website you prefer you can even purchase one from namecheap and follow same instructions I will be showing in this video now I will head over to contabo.com and purchase the VPS server if you're also going to use cantabo select VPS and click on cloud VPS scroll down and select any plan of your choice when it comes to the region you can maintain Germany without paying extra fees for it at the image choose Ubuntu at this part you will enter your VPS server password this is the password you will use to log into your server so make sure to remember it leave the rest at default and click next so here you will add your personal details and make payment to purchase the server after making the payment you will be redirected to a thank you page same as you see on the screen and it takes about one to three hours for cantabbo to send your VPS credentials in your email after a few hours of purchasing your VPS from contabo they will send you your login details so I will open my email for my login credentials and log into my contabo dashboard then we proceed now after you log into your dashboard you will see your VPS credentials we now have our domain and VPS ready so what's the next step and this is the next step since we bought the domain and the VPS from two different services or websites we need to connect the VPS IP address to the domain so both will talk to each other and to connect both the domain and the VPS together we are going to use a free service called cloudflare so open a new tab and visit cloudflare.com and sign up for an account when you log into your account click on add a site now enter the domain you bought from namecheap or anywhere you buy your domain and click add site choose freeing and continue now if you get to this point we need to delete all these records before proceeding next copy your cloudflare name servers and replace them with the ones on your domain provider in my case it's namecheap after changing the name servers you need to wait few hours to propagate now when it fully propagates you should get this message on your cloudflare dashboard we are now going to connect the domain and the VPS we bought from name and cheap and cantabo together and to do that click on DNS click on ADD record make sure it's an a record at the name field but there the its symbol at the ipv4 address field copy and paste your VPS IP address turn off proxy status and Save we need to also create what we will use as our hostname you can do Google Search on the meaning of hostname when it comes to building SMTP to create this hostname click add record leave the type as a record and at the name field enter any name of your choice I chose server so my hostname is going to be server.quicknotice.com again you can put there any name of your choice paste your server IP address at the ipv4 field turn off proxy status and Save all right we've now connected our domain and VPS together next we need to log into our VPS server and perform necessary configuration to set up the SMTP and to log into your VPS server we use a tool called putty so open a new tab and search for putty click download putty after downloading open the file and install putty has been installed now open putty and let's log into our server copy and paste your VPS IP address at the hostname field and click open type root and hit enter for the root password this is the password you chose during the time you bought the VPS server if you also choose cantabbo and if you use any other service apart from cantabbo you should get your VPS password to log in now for security reasons when typing a password it doesn't show so make sure to type the correct password so I will type my password and proceed I have now logged into my VPS server now we are going to install cyberpanel on our server and use that to configure the SMTP and these are the commands we are going to use I will leave a link to download these command in the description of this video so when you get to this point all you have to do is to copy and paste these commands on your server and hit enter so the first command is the command for changing your hostname this is the hostname I made you set up in cloudflare if you could remember first type hostname and hit enter now if you checked mine it is set to contabo's default hostname and we need to change it so to change the hostname copy and paste the First Command make sure you change where I have my hostname to your hostname in my case server.quiknotice.com is my hostname so I will copy and paste on my server now note this anytime you want to paste on the server only right click on Mouse button do not use Ctrl V because that doesn't work here when you're done hit enter on your keyboard copy and paste the next command so running the next command will open this window here all you have to do is to navigate to where we have the default hostname set up by contabo using the arrow keys on your keyboard and change to your hostname so I will type my hostname which is server.quicknotice.com when you are done press Ctrl X on your keyboard next type buy and then you hit enter key on your keyboard to exit we've now changed the host name now let's check it again by copying and pasting the hostname command and you could see that my hostname has finally changed so if you also follow same steps you should be able to change your hostname now after changing the hostname we need to also change the reverse DNS to match our hostname so copy your hostname and heard back to your contabo dashboard so you will click on reverse management and then replace the PTR records with your hostname next let's head back to the server and continue with the configuration by installing cyberpanel on our server next copy and paste the next command when it's done copy and paste the Cyber panel command to finally install cyberpanel here type 1 and hit enter type 1 again and hit enter type Y and hit enter next type in and hit enter press enter again here it's asking you whether you want to set up a password for your cyber panel admin login credentials or you want the default password if you want the default password type D and hit enter but if you want to set up your own password to log into your cyber panel dashboard Type S and hit enter in my case I like to set up my own password so I will type S and hit enter so you will enter your password please for security reasons your password will not show so make sure to type this correctly when you're done press enter on your keyboard it will then ask you to confirm your password next type Y and hit enter type buy again and press enter so we need to wait for some time for cyberpanel to install now after cyberpanel has installed you will be generated your admin login credentials so all you have to do is copy the address and paste in your browser the username is Adnan and then type your password and click sign in now before we configure the SMTP we need to do one more thing on our server now after installing cyberpanel you will see this message and it reads as if your provider has a network level firewall please make sure you have opened these posts for both in and out so what we are going to do next is to open only sntp ports which is port 25465 and 587. and to do that we are going to use these commands again you can find the download link to these commands in the description of this video so we need to close the server and log in again now let's open the ports by copying and pasting these commands now if you do everything correctly and run the last command you should be able to see this mean the sntp ports has been open in and out for sending and receiving emails we are now done with the server configuration next let's head back to the Cyber panel dashboard and configure the SMTP so the first thing is to add your website so click on websites click create website enter your domain name at the email field you can enter your personal email or even leave it blank because it's not compulsory select the latest PHP version check everything and click create website next let's create a subdomain to match your hostname so click on create new domain select your website at the domain name field enter the domain you use as your hostname in my case it is server.quicknotice.com select the latest PHP version check all the additional features and click create domain the subdomain has been successfully created next let's install SSL certificates on our SMTP to do that scroll down and click on SSL first click on manage SSL select your domain and click issue SSL has been installed next locate the SSL menu again and click hostname SSL IDE the drop down and choose the subdomain you created or your hostname and click issue SSO next let's issue the last SSL certificate for the mail server click the drop down and choose mail.yourdomain.com alright we've now issued all the SSL certificates next let's add the needed DNS records for our SMTP to get into the inbox so heard back to your cloudflare account and follow me add a new record set the name as mail point it to your VPS IP address turn off proxy status and Save here you will type www.thename you used as your subdomain next add MX record for the type choose MX at the name field enter the its symbol for the mail server enter mail.yourdomain.com set the priority to 10 and click save now let's configure the sntp DNS records the first one we are going to configure is the dkim and for that heard back to your cyber panel dashboard click on the DNS tab click add slash delete records select your main domain click on txt we are only focusing on this one so highlight and copy the default domain key without your domain heard back to cloudflare and create a txt record next copy and paste the value make sure to delete the quotation marks and then save now let's add two more records starting with SPF record so open a tab and visit SPF wizard.net enter your domain name at your domain name field at the IP addresses field put there your VPS IP address here but they're your host name followed by space Then followed by your mail server domain now scroll up and copy the SPF record without the quotation marks next heard back to cloudflare and create a txt record for it and Save we are now left with one more record and that is the dmarc record and for that open a new tab and visit this website I will leave the links in the description of this video enter your domain and follow me with the rest of the settings now if you followed everything correctly you should also get your SPF record marked as green select the dmarc and click next here copy the underscore dmarc and create a txt record in cloudflare make sure you don't copy the quotation marks we are now done with the configuration now heard back to your cyber panel dashboard and let's create an email and test the sntp inbox rate score on mail tester click on the email tab and click create email select your website and create your email the emails you create to send emails will appear under the list emails tab and this is your SMTP credentials in case you want to connect to any bulk email sender now let's access the Webmail of the email I just created and test the inbox rate of the SMTP we have created open a new tab in search mail tester copy the generated address and send any email to the address and check your inbox rate score the email has been sent now let's check the score I got 9.2 out of 10 which is good to hitting inbox now those yellow check marks tells us what we could do to increase our score so if we take this one for instance it says you are not fully authenticated so let's open it and see what we can do to get it fully authenticated below that I can see the errors at the reverse DNS saying my reverse DNS does not match with my sending domain and that's true because my sending domain is mail.mydomainame.com and my reverse DNS is server dot middlemenam.com so to fix this problem we need to change the reverse DNS from server dot my domain name.com to mail.middlemyname.com now the changes has been made if you also encounter same problem I believe you should know how to go about it the mail tester helps you figure out the errors in your sntp configuration and fixing it to get to the 10 over 10 check-in box rate score now let's test again and see after making the changes all right I still got 9.2 out of 10 after the changes which is fine but the most important thing is getting the green check mark after making the corrections now let's test the inbox rate by sending to multiple email providers if it will hit inbox so I will heard back to the webmail before that let's edit the sender name select on the account drop-down click on settings click on your email and set the name of your choice this is the name that will be shown to the recipients as the from name when you are done click update finally let's send out some emails and check the inbox rate now if you want to send to multiple emails using the Webmail click on the BCC at the BCC field copy and paste all the emails you want to send to so I'm testing four emails with three different email providers thus Gmail Outlook and protonmail next write your subject and compose your message and then send the emails have been sent now let's check the mails this is the first one and it hit inbox this one also hit the inbox this also hit inbox for Outlook I hope you enjoyed this step-by-step video please kindly subscribe for more updates and like this video to help boost the channel to make more videos like this thanks for watching
Channel: Frank Moss
Views: 32,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smtp, smtp server, smtp server setup, cyberpanel, cyberpanel install, cyberpanel tutorial, cyberpanel smtp, cyberpanel set up, cyberpanel on aws, cyberpanel mail server, inbox smtp, free smtp server for unlimited emails, free smtp, smtp protocol, how to install cyberpanel, email, how to send bulk emails, send bulk email, email server, email marketing, setup smtp server, how to build smtp server, mail server setup, mail server
Id: Q37-qeYdiYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 44sec (1844 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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