UNLIMITED POWER! Lightning Storm Druid Build Guide for Season 3 Diablo 4

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okay right about [Music] now me look at it unlimited power okay I think the DPS should be insane now yep pretty good he just melt dude I think there was even an 18 million that's pretty good definitely can okay but now I need to get good well first try lth can be done very easily as well with this build like you just okay he moved I can still reach him down there zoom zoom hey everybody it's Rob here as you may have seen by the intro we've been playing the lightning storm Tesla Druid and this one is incredible um it's very good in single Target and it's insane in AOE because you just like hit your lightning storm and literally hits the entire screen um and kills all the monsters so um I want to talk you uh over the basics of the build we're going to do like a nightmare dungeon like 100 run here you guys have seen a bunch of Boss kills already and then we're going to talk about Paragon board skill three and all that stuff so the basic idea of the build is this lightning storm that got buffed this patch we got the uh new gloves here that drop from the Beast and ice so if you're looking for those beast and Ice um they're not that easy to get I don't have a perfect pair here I can still do a lot of upgrades and and farming in general like my my druid gear is is not the best here like I'm missing some rolls and stuff and we recently just got the new Mad Wolf's gleed chest here that we've been trying around with as well like with this I think our lightning storm in the end is going to hit like rank 16 already which is pretty cool but yeah the builds like pretty simple and uh it revolves just around lightning storm basically killing everything and we are using the Pet Companion version here with have the Shepherds multiplier um in com in combination with the Stampede and that's why we have the triple pets on the bar um um but yeah then we also have uh tyot willll and our Earth and bullwark that makes us Unstoppable and we can reset this with our symbiotic uh chest in combination with our Nature's Fury passive so this is the way we get fortified this is the way we get Unstoppable to proc tet will and this is also the way we get resources you see here if I press this button it gives me resources because of tet will and that's really insane and we can combine this all with the starless skying um this one is pretty good for the build because gives you a 1.4 multipler and it also gives you a bunch of resource cost reduction so you see we don't have a generator in this build we just rely on our um on our lightning storm basically and then our bull work which again the cool down can be reseted here with uh the symbiotic chest and the nature F ultimate and this is a pretty cool combination in the end um which allows for some pretty crazy combinations and I don't really have that great gear like my ulet here could be a lot better you can also get movement speed here um for The Gauntlet later with madwolf because this one has like the full AOE clear it's going to be a pretty cool build for that as well I think and we're taking a bunch of clothes and this but more on that later um yeah I don't have my pots fully upgraded right now but we can just like jump into a run here and uh see like you want to hit like the armor cap while you're in werewolf 13k is is what I have right now and you can see it right away like it basically one shots everything and this is the hardest dungeon in the game right like even with blood blisters here and stuff it uh it goes pretty smooth let's say like we can just so what you want to do is like Stack Up uh your um lightning storm and then only tap the button like literally like only tap it because uh that's going to reset I can't see it here right now see that's going to reset your Earth and B work here whenever it's on of cool on and you like just tap your button it's going to reset it but if you hold it it's not resetting it so holding is not good you want to like just tab your lightning storm every now and then uh just to blast everything down basically that's how we rule so yeah tap don't Channel basically it'll be like pretty obvious here and then right now we have so you want to like Channel at the start to get all your lightning balls you see now whenever I tap there's like five balls or something coming down from the sky but if I don't stack it up like if I let it run out just see like letting it run out so basically you can just keep this up by just like tapping tapping but you need to channel it once at the very start I'll show this to you here in a second so here if I just just tap it now like from the start it's only doing one ball right but if I Channel it for a little longer like 4 seconds or something and then tap it and keep this up here basically tap it before it runs out uh you're going to keep up all your uh all your Buffs and it's going to be uh really insane oh yeah we have a conduit I should have not taken that we can chill for a sec yeah conduit Pilon um obviously we have a lot of shrine buff duration and this might be really cool later on with the aarion for the gauntlet I was thinking maybe is going to be pretty uh pretty nice uh especially when we have all the oh God sorry especially when we have all the movement speed Buffs because like whenever we have a cond like we can for example just uh like equip our movement speed stuff right that's Prett cool let me go the other side here now because we just used that conduit it's pretty lame I didn't meant to click it so yeah we like we start the fight again here by just channeling and we stack up and then boom we just like one tap like one tap One Tap and that's basically the build like you just one tap one tap the blister One Tap as long as you have it stacked you're going to be completely fine and you can just like keep keep hitting the button here and it just just kills the entire screen basically see when there's a lot of monsters you can uh use your ultimate it stuns them it also gives you like a bunch of multipliers basically uh for this and you can use like other skills here like trample or something on on the ultimate button instead of petrify but petrify gives you this cool multiplayer and it it helps to build even more against single Target but like we we can kill like four player dual uh and things like that very easy already so now we would start the rotation again we would hold down the button for a sec and then tap tap I'm actually going into the wrong direction here I got to go like up here let's tap the button again and uh the beauty thing is Earth and Bak also gives us movement speed thanks to our boots here where we get the Unstoppable um duration and here whenever we have a okay it is actually perfect so this is also one of the strongest builds for doing these kind of uh dungeon events because now I can just stand here and just like keep tapping the bottom and you and you see how how crazy it the resets are so what all I do is like I just keep tapping right click and I just stand here in the middle and everything will just die and every now and then you can press your Earth and BW work you don't even need the ultimate here this is just like going to destroy everything that spawns like you can just move your mouse and and right click tap tap tap yeah canro the blood blister that one can actually kill you but you have infinite um barrier you have infinite fortify as well because you just keep resetting uh your Earth and B work which is so insane oh there you go this is like how you do the curse world it's the hardest here and like you can literally just stand here and completely chill I mean I don't even have to press the B work it helps because it also gives you more damage because you get Unstoppable and stuff but yeah here we just do the entire dungeon the entire uh well here and yeah everything's dead and uh there's all your loot right here like you just stand there and you go like this unlimited power you see here like you just stand there like this zoom zoom zo zo zoom zoom it's a super cool build man lots of fun and obviously this is a nightmare 100 so all this gear here is all 925 like all of them 925 925 925 everything which is pretty cool okay and then we get to the boss you've already seen it in the intro like this is also a crazy boss killer if you do it right okay I I didn't even do it right here on this guy you want to like rock around a bit um I didn't expect him to spawn that early but what you usually want to do and what I do on Dual I'm going to quickly uh I this way surprised me a bit like he spawns so fast while I was still talking but what you usually want to do against dual is before he even spawns you want to Stack up your lightning storm right so you can like the you can just tap right like you stack it up like this so whenever you tap you have four and it also procs you hideen melis you see here now it's already gone need you need to time it right then when the boss spawns you you press your petrify you press your petrify for the crit multiplier you press your Ravens for the crit chance multiplier and then you press your Earth and BW work um to get back your resources let's say the boss would spawn right now I would do this this and then buw work and blast and then the boss just immediately melts basically immediately melts and then yeah we're getting some glyphs up here okay so that's basically the principle um let's get into uh some of the specifics so first of all we go over the entire gear so we have tempus Roar what Tempest roar Does it transforms our storm skill into a werewolf skill this allows us to basically shape shift and cast uh lightning storm which is normally uh human it doesn't have the werewolf Tech normally so if this is gone it's not a werewolf skill right so if I just cast lightning storm now like nothing happens my my my little Lumberjack here how do you rate this trans Smoke by the way let me know in the description just costs uh the stuff normally right but if I do it with Tempest Roar he will transform into a wolf and the Wolf just gives us a bunch of multipliers it gives us shape shifting damage reduction shape shifting damage multipliers the LW like has to access a whole other like sort of stats on the glyphs and on on different variants of our game so tapest 4 also helps you a lot with getting Spirit lot of people ask me oh I maintain my spirit and the way you do it is you play Tempest Roar which whenever you lucky hit and lightning has a decent lucky hit chance 18% per strike um whenever you and there's a lot of strikes whenever you lucky hit you have a chance to gain spirit and you also have it in your Boons um whenever you lucky hit you have a 15% chance to retor stand Spirit as well and then again you also have the battery here from your Earth and B work that you reset Fon gets reseted and uh then you have Tabet will to get those resources so very easy to maintain and right now I even have resources cost reduction on my amulet ideally I want movement speed I just uh didn't uh wasn't able to hit the roll yet and if you have movement speed on the amulet you can also consider um spending five more Paragon points up here that's why the Bard is set up like this for the last of cornage cuz now with Tempest SC our lightning storm is a werewolf skill and also gives us two spirit on crit which is pretty insane so that's also an option but that's why we definitely use Tempest for um you can also play a human version with like Harin CR or something but I definitely recommend the temp St version it's more tanky and also does more damage um then we have the chest and the chest you have many options I chose the cool down resets with nature Fury you don't necessarily have to do this um on the BOS kill version for example we are rocking uh Lupin ferocity for the extra DPS you've seen me I actually um on the BOS kill version I'm going to have both the planers in the description on the boscul version we're actually hitting dual here for up to 18 million per tick I've seen even like 20 million um but this is like basically me just go normal speed whenever you do the rotation right on the boss like he just melts like this and this is in a four player party like alone this boss would have died right now like alone the boss has 25% HP you'll be dead in like less than a second and yeah in a four player party it also doesn't really take much longer right so this is like the kind of Boss killing speed that you can expect with this cuz lot of people say this is like bad single Target but no like it's insane single Target it's going to melt every single Target but yeah right now we're playing edes Fury for the resets it makes it more safe more consistent um but you can also do is play Mad wolves Glee here this one gives you another three ranks for your lightning storm and also gives you a bunch of movement speed so you can actually move pretty fast uh like this I actually don't know how much movement speed we're going to have but I think it's quite a lot uh because we also have the ghost walker here which gives us another 25 and then 24 again and then if you have the ulet you should be kept and that's most likely going to be the gaet setup because it's going to it's looking to be a lot about speed right there um let me see here my movement speed these are my stats by the way like uh all rest is maxed with the Paragon board um crit chance is very important um if you if you have enough armor like if I have a perfect roll on my chest and stuff like on this one here I would have had enough armor without Amor Elixir then you want to use critchance Elixir as well right now I'm using armor but critchance will be the best in the end if you have perfect gear uh because it's going to give you uh about 70% crit chance which is very very good so yeah the the chest amors there's definitely some options I wanted to check the movement speed uh so right now we have 124 so when we uh put this and then we transform okay we have 158 and then with this this we have 171 so if we have another 26 on the EM we actually have Max movement speed which is going to be very nice and what what you want as well well then we're playing the new bracers here or gloves again these on are found at uh beast and Ice if you want a chest you can Farm usually Varan is the best for this then T will this one drops on Dual lots of uniques um then we have the ghost walker here uh you can also decide to uh put the Nature's fury on the boots and then um go with the medad wolf's chest anyways or even go with another chest like if you like to have the armor chest Armor after evate is also an option um it's pretty cool to have many options um then we are playing the Shepherds here on the weapon and this is just the highest multiplier in the end because we have three pets total so you see here we have three wolves we have um four Ravens so that makes it it seven and then we have one poison creeper makes it eight and then we get another one additional companion from each so I think we're rocking about 10 companions which makes this 10 * 20% right we're getting 10 * 20% damage so that means we're getting 200% damage from this so that's actually a triple multiplier right we're getting three times damage just from this and this combination which is the best you can do in two slots for this build so you're tripling your damage with this we're also stacking a bunch of close and distant damage and we're doing this to um you might know it from the Bob we have blood rage on Bob and on Druid we have thunder struck and this one basically behaves the same as blood r on Bob um it gives you a bunch of damage and it's a separate multiplier to everything else like CLA and distant already works for you we usually a distant because you know lightning storm has a pretty like long AOE but on the boss usually you want to be in mlie range because you just have more multipliers against Mill you just want to be a bit careful to not die but yeah that's why we stack distant and close and what you can also do if you want to try hard I have a ring here and you guys know the snapshot methods on The Bob um you could also snapshot your um retaliation or a two-hander but you can also just snapshot your ring you will just simply switch out your sty of Sky ring against uh a close and distant ring and you see here how the multiplier goes from from what was it before 52 or something to 66 this ring essentially gives me 10% damage and we can yeah from 52 we get from 52 every time I my inventory lags 52 to 66 so we're actually going from uh 1.66 oh you can't see it uh divided by 1.52 so we're actually gaining 9% damage by doing this snapshot here and then then we just simply switch back at the start of the run but like this is very try hard I don't think we will need it but it also only takes like half a second and the people that have been snapshotting on the bar might be like super used to it already um but yeah this one basically is a 10% damage for free because it snapshots the close and distance on area entry yeah so we have the stus guy this one finally works with channeling skills you can see here it's 12 per strike but if we use our lightning storm it goes down to eight so this is also like one of the ways we keep our resources star sky is definitely the best in slot for this one I like it a lot there's also Alternatives uh to keep your spirit or your spare with a play with a generator if you don't have starless guy but this build really starts shining uh with the starless guy and then yeah there sted we already talked about here the stats close distance as well and maximum life this one is also pretty cool now because you see this one is only a th000 life right but if I take it off I actually lose more than 2,000 life uh because it's now a separate multiplayer with all your life percent noes and and we have a lot in our Paragon and then on the amulet here we have reation I don't have a good role here and you can also snapshot this on a two-hander um so it would give you another 1.6 multiplier total um it's pretty good uh pretty good aspect in the end there's also some people that play the uh this one here the uh Natural Balance this one is also kind of okay for extra crit uh damage and crit chance but reation in the end if you keep your fortify with your um Earth bwar is a lot better so that's pretty much the gear guys resistance is super fine you can just I don't even know if I need uh three diamonds right now I'm using the potion anyways but in the end you can min max and you can probably get away with one or two uh scals in here and then you can get to the 13.2 armor cap without drinking your armor potion and then you can drink a crit chance potion because crit chance triggers a lot of things for example on the boons here it triggers the energize for more uh for more spirit so on the Boon here we play oh actually I have the wrong one here I mean you can play maximum Spirit but usually you want to take damage reduction from Elites here uh then we have crit chance and crit damage you can also take life if you want to be defensive but this uh crit damage here is also multiplicative so it's really good it's basically like a full St rank six in venom which by the way we play as well I only have two ranks to in venom on my amulet but yeah Venom is a separate multiplier to your crit I think they even updated the tool tip then we play energize and we play overload here uh you can also play healing um generally for most people I think healing is the best deck this is just a minor DPS increase but yeah this also is healing on Lucky hit which helps you a lot then we have the skill tree here we just take two points to unlock the next section we don't use any of this uh full lightning storm with another lightning strike and then wild impulse is here uh we also rocking the movement speed and we are rocking the crit chance against close enemies this is also one of the reasons why at least against bosses you want to be like close up in Millie then we're rocking Ur bwar here fortify unable pretty insane um ancest fortitude if you have enough rest actually let me see if I take one off I might still be kept or almost kept yeah I'm still kept so I I can definitely um get one skull in here already so I'm pretty close to um be able to not drink the armor potion but yeah you you want to Max this and rather add a couple sculls to get to get your armor so there's still a lot to Min mechs on this Druid like I'm I'm pretty good like the the guide is pretty good but like I need I definitely need some better gear like uh my chest kind of sucks my amulet kind of sucks like there's there's definitely a lot of room here uh to improve before the gauntlet starts and stuff um but this is already super strong super solid and let's talk about the rest of the skill tree so we have three points here three points here for defense then we want the pets we just need one point we don't have Sho so we just need to put hard points in here and on Ravens you need the upgrade so you get the two additional Ravens and then you are maxing Nature's reach here distant enemies um and you are basically slowing them you're slowing everything with neurotoxin which whenever you uh poison enemies which you do automatically whenever you crit with werewolf skills with toxic claws so you're critting we have like 70% crit chance with crit elixir critting then they're getting poisoned and whenever they are poisoned they are slowed so this triple bonus here this double bonus always prox this is 80% damage um The Only Exception is bosses that's why on bosses you want to be in Millie range to get your uh close close damage and there's also in the Paragon not a lot of stuff against clo you're also playing territorial then we have an Venom here unfortunately I only have five ranks um you can have six if you have better amul than me um Defiance here more damage to Elites this one is also buffed by your gloves more DPS here nature magic and again it has the nature magic tag right here so this one is pretty cool and uh yeah if you want more healing you can put more points in circle of life but uh don't think I need it um quick shift here you transform whenever you cast your um B work so you see uh usually we are blasting like this but then whenever we press bu work like see all the Buffs here from the shape shifting are getting active cuz we are transforming uh whenever we cast bu work or even um our ultimate we are transforming into human so there's a lot of human stuff going on if you don't like uh playing the um petrify here the ultimate you can also play trample this is another source of Unstoppable it could help us in speedruns and it also gives you more fortify uh so that's pretty cool as well so yeah then we have quick shift and Titan uh senses for damage reduction and then we are playing natur FY again on the boss killer build if you're just killing dual with this build I would play this one because you you don't really like the fight is over in one second so you don't need nature for you're not going to get any resets so just play the looping ferocity and equip the Mad wolves GLE chest for more DPS I have the the boss killer version here there's not many difference there's some stuff in the Paragon but like on the in the general scheme of things like you're literally only switching your um chest armor to Mad wolves and again you can also play Mad wolves in in the in the nightmare Dungeons and in the open world if you want because it just gives you more movement speed and we want to be quick right like the game is pretty easy so having a lot of movement speed helps a lot but yeah that's the SP Boons that's the skills then let's come to the Paragon this one is there's a lot of options here so uh right off the bat we we rather take defense than offense if you have enough points you can also spec into here cuz it's pretty good life and damage um and contrary to Bar additive damage actually helps you because you don't have as much overpower so it's still pretty good but yeah we're rocking Spirit here and again this one is pretty beefed out here on the dexterity notes because we're getting a lot of crit damage from this and our crit damage is multiplied by our Boon and by our en Venom so this one is pretty insane and also gives you a multiplier basically whenever we crit and we we have a lot of frequent small hits like we hitting for 10 million like three times a second basically right so it's it's pretty crazy like that then we have the keeper here gives you a 10% X and also gives you a nice multiplayer here for some extra armor and stuff like that um then up here we just spe into Nimble on the right side here we have the hi and melis again uh thunder strike and this one again can snapshot we don't play height melas like the Paragon that gives you damage from uh I even have it yeah up here the Paragon gives you damage to poison enemies if you just want to be AOE clear and you're never fighting a single Target this one is your best bet because again we are poisoning and uh poisoning everything with toxic Claws by just critting with where wolf skills so this would be a 50% damage buff uh but we mostly need single Target damage and even there we are pretty good but like if you feel like for whatever reason you need more AOE you can spec into this one but we don't really need it cuz we have like thunder strke and this one is already giving us 50% X 66% X if you are snapshotting it um we have fulminate here we're playing lightning so this one is very good against healthy enemies and usually we are one-shotting everything or like at least two shotting it so damage against healthy is pretty good and lightning damage helps us in general as well we have some crit damage multipliers here that's why we also play an ax because healthy damage we just do one zap and the enemy might be dead or it should be dead most of them so that one's pretty good um then here in the constru tles board we are just rocking territorial territorial you can also snapshot and territorial you see is a multiplier uh to thunder strick so if I were to let's say uh want to increase this further I could put two more points here and then you see boom it goes up by 2% right and you can do the same with the snapshotting stuff like you can basically just put all the points and then remove them but is is very try hard and you don't need it you can probably get up to like 1.75 like 75% X damage from thunder struck if you like fully snapshot territorial you juice it all uh but again it's not really needed for this and then you have a bunch of life ndes here pretty cool you can also remove these life nodes if you feel like pretty tanky and get more damage like you can remove these here uh and then remove this one here and get uh spec into Prime basically if you want this is one of the options um but I recommend it like this it's more mixed then we have the next one here ancestral guidance when we spend Spirit we get another 1.3x this one is very easy to trigger we spend a lot of spirit then we have a b bunch of like Spirit on kill and stuff this further helps with our Resource Management here we have Fang and Claw very like Optimal while in we wolf or wew form we get 1.12 against close enemies um this one is really cool helps a lot it also gives a bonus here to the magic notes I should actually uh put these in here right now forgot that I didn't have this one skilled there's just a bunch of like things to swap around everywhere basically um many options and then up here I'm playing exploit this is um how I make things vable at the at the start at least you don't have to do this you can also rely on your pet which this is the setup here right now so your pet can go with breaking support on Tempest I was actually doing this here so um this is not 100% the correct setup so if you are playing Breaking support uh what you can do is you're putting instead of exploit which makes everything vulnerable but your pet can make exra vable so then you can put werewolf here and that allows for some more efficient pathing yeah I think it's this I see and then you only need like four points to go up here uh actually like we only need three more points and you can get up here if you want so that's also a very cool option here to put werewolf um I think in the end I always like the offensive setup because yeah like what would you need why what do you need toughness for like if you're just killing everything right um so we're going back to exploit I just like it to be super consistent but again with your pet it's pretty good um as well probably for most people the werewolf one because it gives you damage reduction is going to be better um but I just like to play a more offensive build and rather like you know sometimes like Dodge something but yeah if you want to play a build um and you don't want to die at all oh there we go and you don't want to die at all you can uh just uh just say like this and if you need more rest um you can also get this rest point here because it's multiplied so you can get another three .7 rest but yeah that's pretty much the Paragon um lots of options here as well but that's always cool to have multiple options I have like the the board like the way I mostly played it or I think it's like good on average uh right here but again you can do a lot of modifications to this uh according to like you know if you want uh the live notes or not if you want damage um just lots of options basically I just think like the legendary notes especially thunder struck uh and height me and ancestral guidance are really good iten melas is an option and also if you're lacking resource or if you don't have stal Sky yet last for carage is also an option but yeah then on the pets like we're rocking the flashh of adrenaline this is the crazy buff I don't have Genesis right now um so cool down reduction and tactical support Sly to found this one and ever Knight is also pretty cool on Tempest and then efficiency for extra crit chance so this is actually going to put us from 70 I think we have so now we have like 60% we have 56 and then we get another 15 and another another 15 from The Elixir and another 15 from the pet we're actually rocking 86% crit chance if we want um so that's pretty cool but yeah that's basically the options and um yeah efficiency is insanely good and resources helps you a lot as well if you're struggling um but yeah breaking is also good for the vulnerable stuff whichever one you want like I have the planner like uh what I recommend but again it really depends on your play style and I like to play very offensively you can also play a lot more defensively um that's completely up to you but yeah that's the Druid guys I hope you enjoyed this overview and this build guide um I'll probably do a shred Druid next I'll see maybe wado also looks pretty cool uh next days we'll see but this lightning D like you can do everything man you can easy do nightmare dungeons you can easy kill any boss you want like dual even in a form and party like dies in like 2 seconds less than two seconds if you have decent gear um and yeah it's a pretty cool build and it gets all the style man like it has the infinite energy super charged and unlimited power hope you guys enjoyed this overview my friends take care GG if you like this video make sure to subscribe leave a like or a comment I'm also live on Twitch almost every day so come and say hi
Channel: Rob2628
Views: 174,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Diablo, Games, Diablo 4, Rob, Rob2628, Diablo IV, Diablo4, Season, Barbarian, Druid, Necro, Build, Guides, Best Build, Best Guide, D4, BuildGuides, LevelStrategy, BestClass, BestGuides, Necromancer, Diablo 4 Guides, Diablo4Build, D4Build, Gear, 100, NMD, Nightmare, Speed, Leveling, BestBuild, Duriel, Uber, Unique, Farming, Grandfather, Shako, DPS, Endgame, Season3, S3, season 3, Leaderboards, Construct, Runes, Stones, New, diablo 4 season 3 best build, Diablo 4 druid build, barbarian guide, Lightning, Storm, power
Id: skafdt_ZiU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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