Unleash Krodor: Mastering the Front-Line Tank in Watcher of Realms!

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hello and welcome I'm Mr this is Mystical gaming and we are back into watch your Realms now today we're going to do a quick summon our summoning light is on and it is to summon the limited Fusion that we've just done so there he is you in place you in place in place there we go done now have the new champion roor and we're going see what he's like there he is I don't want to review I've not I've not used him how can I do a review on him I have not used it where they I'm sure they advertiseing to be good in gear 2 gets a 4.1 normally I think these are overrated mutal codex 4.4 right so he is fully leveled up he's six St skills I'm going to leave naked for one of a better phrase and then we might try and put a random skills in with dust but I probably won't use any crystals on him and that way everyone can get to see what he's like naked and yours will be better than that go from there gear right let's go and have a look what they recommended their recommendation is two-piece Immortal Warrior three piece Guardian angle defense bonus defense HP bonus attack bonus defense bonus okay and that's all the same all the way down okay secondary tributes defense bonus defense HP okay so mostly ATT tank but focusing on defense up front first guardian and Mortal Warrior right let's see how much of that we can match okay so here we are he's geared up in accordance with their suggestion on how he should be geared up so we've gone for the immortal Warrior over there 25% HP 10% defense done you've gone for the Guardians set on this side three pieces damage sh minus 15% um some of the gear has rolled up very nicely for us other parts of the gear has rolled up atrociously for us so I'm sure most people can meet these gear requirements that we're going with so we've ended up with just under 70,000 uh HP almost 13k defense and that's about it really I don't think there's anything else we need to know about is it so skill wise so for skills damage scales off defense which is why they said build them with defense but we haven't buil with any quick rate or quick damage or anything like that it's just straight up defense increases defense by 2% for 20 seconds each time taking damage tapping at 20% defense so we can also increase his def bit further than it is basic attack deals 100% damage to one enemy and you can book that up by 5 10 15 20% his next one is passive once HP drops below 30% immediately enters a state of anger Bellows up to 10 enemies ahead inflicting attack reduction on them so attack uction attack minus 20% M unless he's facing one of him when it scales off defense or or gluttony it scales of HP okay uh the next five basic attacks change to striking at most 10 enemies ahead dealing 150% AOE damage and inflicting a stun on them and inflicting a stun I added on them may not be uh the ultimate is not available during the period of this state okay and this effect can only be Destro one time per deployment right it's not on a cool down it just happen and then that's it so damage increase damage increase uh attack and you can attack a few more okay so we can get the damage up to uh 90% to 40 and can be doing it to 12 enemies right based on the number of adjacent allies increases physical damage reduction and damage dealt the effect reaches from Maximum of 12% when there are three allies in range okay and then the max is increased by 369 12% there so his allies do need to be what did it say adjacent of adjacent allies right so his ultimate increases block by two and defense by 70% that's a massive jump in defense you can increase that defense by 100% can't you then the effect duration plus five so only last 15 seconds you can get that up to um 20 seconds and then the skill cost down by 100 so the skill cost would come down to from 1,000 to 90 then nothing about the um up in his his deployment rage he's going to deploy with up with 400 and you need 600 rage to actually get that uh we got one of these and we've made it plus 10 he's going to be good in gear r 2 apparently and Immortal codec let's test him off at this right so we won 10 hits 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 so 7,915 oh 76 76 so there it is it's a 76 that is the bottom Baseline the damage he takes 7,612 right so if we put someone up here I would say that's adjacent and his damage drop again it does that's nice the jent does seem to carry those three squares and next Square that should carry again they should drop there he has and hopefully we can keep the ads away long enough 7,4 and a 6,000 okay well that's good that works so we know how that works the 10 hits came in his damage dropped and see that just tells me about his ultimate it would be nice if there was that showed how much of that self buff he's got still getting close 50% now there we go there we go that's down on the boss that's good that definitely happened then he at his mobs and he walk straight out okay now we can block some more can't we if we hit the ultimate we're blocking a few more oh we block a whole wave there don't we then that pretty much kills him W get his ultimate back up yeah there's a load that escape through there cuz he hasn't got his ultimate up you have to wait for the bosses Inferno this time we can block loads of them stop them going through his ultimate's not quick enough to come around to do it every wave there is certainly a margin there where he blocks more and he did live as long as olac I'd have to check the gear on everyone else know you haven't got any gear CU you've just put it on someone else and looking up here top Place actually using him so definitely got space in Hellfire Emperor definitely by the looks of this the top teams are using him so that's a bonus and he's free essentially you had to do some events and things like that but essentially he was free a quick overview of him I think he's I think he's good he's perfectly acceptable as a limited time Fusion think it was a good idea if you done it he didn't require a great deal of effort to do I didn't overuse my resources I don't know to use time he was great he's absolutely solid is he the worst tank in the game no I don't think so the worst legendary tank in the game I don't know maybe others have got the uses but I think he's usable he was free to get which is essentially awesome isn't it you you get a free Legendary and he's usable in places so that's not all bad would I put skills into him as in crystals I'm not sure mean all of that testing was with none in him I'd like the random ones to all go there that would be nice if the cost was 100 cheaper and it worked for longer that might be good I definitely wouldn't like them there that would be a useless place to get them places he was usable I didn't really see it but I might try and we try and do a gear a 219 guide with with using him I think as as we buil up we'll uh try and do a guide with him in her 219 and we'll see how he works there I probably wouldn't want skills in here cuz I don't want to rely on him going low on HP I'd rather have him not get to 30% HP seems sort of a last ditch effort to try and try and live I suppose this would be awesome to get in so I would want all my skills to go in his ultimate and his Unity of strength ultimate unity of strength these two here let's go and we are going to Chuck in all the dust that's six well first one's all right oh this is going well this is going well this is probably also the kiss of death absolutely had to be there didn't I should just kept my mouth dut strength come on this one over here this one didn't know you could guide them brilliant the dust is this the last dust I can use oh yeah so now it requires me to use skill crystals and these are a lot rarer than anything else and I've got ler and KNX to level up and I may well want to use them there we've got none in basic which is good news we only got one there we pretty much got his ultimate maxed out and we got got one in here as well which is nice so I don't think he's the worst champion in the world we will try and do a garade guide on 219 using him well he goes I think he's usable there definitely usable in the um Emperor at the end because B Will hitting Trip s we using him so no harm there whether he's better in full HP as opposed to full defense I don't know maybe I might mix and match it up a little bit when we do the um 219 guide I think he's he a solid tank which is probably a good thing to have for a tank a lot of block which is nice but I don't think you can topple the likes of ol the only other thing is his Awakenings you've got the usual Awakenings from 1 to five first one when gaining Shields Shield strength increases by 20% but he's not in now whether this changes or not maybe this will change after the fusion I don't see him in here you would need need legendary Soul stones to actually book him up would I use them on him I don't think I would no I don't think you can level him up and certainly you wouldn't want to use him past you thought the Shield part was absolutely brilliant would you want a plus 200 a flat plus 200 defense whilst you're waiting to get the third one that only enhances a state of anger STS additional rage and then the A5 does it as well all you're doing is waiting till you're nearly dead as a bonus so I'm not too sure what the Awakenings are for him or whether it be added to the pool after this so I hope you found this a little bit interesting um now there are literally tens of you watching this if you've got this far please hit the thumbs up button and the Subscribe button that would help me out massively and then I could get to maybe over tens of people watching it so thank you very much for your time and and I'll see you in the video tomorrow I will be summoning because I am not that far short at tomorrow no I'm suming on Saturday because it's the OnePlus One it's a twers event and I'm quite close to pity so I'm going to get two legendaries to feel disappointed about and tomorrow we'll have a look at G 219 I might play around with that today and him and see if we can get something working on that say thank you very much for your time hit the stuff below you know what to do thank you very much stay safe I'll see you on the video tomorrow cheers [Music] goodbye
Channel: Misstical
Views: 1,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WatcherOfRealms, Krodor, TankChampion, FrontLineTank, NewHero, LimitedTimeFusion, GameGuide, GearRaidII, ImmortalCodex, TankStrategy, MobileGaming, GamingTips
Id: JWTKNIs0v3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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