Unity3D Game Development and Narcisists - Q&A

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hey what's up out there everybody let's get in focus real quick I know why my camera does not like stay in focus I should probably switch that out sometime if anybody's got good camera recommendations by the way let me know I'm using the Brio 4k one works pretty well but I have that constant issue of focus and it's not perfect so always up to ideas for new stuff today I wanted to just go over questions lots and lots of questions oh I should probably mute myself so that I don't hear myself playing in the background right but we'll just hit some questions you guys have if you got them drop them in the chat there were a couple that came in before so I'm gonna hit those and then um we'll talk about Psychopaths and a bit more there's a lot of stuff I want to cover today so let's just get going um I wanted to kick it off real quick with the first couple questions that I got and I actually wrote these down and tried to find some reasonable answers to him and the first one was just about building a game with mods so I sorry I didn't write down the names guys I should have copied him into a Google Doc and forgot about that part but the question was about if it's possible to make a game that's ready for player mods so that you can make mods for yeah the kind of game where any old player can go out mod your game and make it better it's basically like the reason that minecraft is a big giant mega hit right like if you can do that kind of thing in unity and the answer was definitely yes so I mean if you look at a couple big games like Kerbal space program built in unity does exactly that or unturned another really good example of that and there are quite a few of these out there I don't know all of them but you definitely can do it you'll need to use asset bundles you need to use interfaces I haven't done code mods in a very long time so I don't I know there were some restrictions and there was some stuff I had to do to work around that I don't remember the exact details of it though but I'd love to do a video on just that subject because I think it's interesting I mean the idea is that you give a bunch of hooks for your players to hook into or your game programming / design new players to hook into and then they make custom stuff for your game and make your game better extend it out I mean literally this is why minecraft is a multibillion-dollar game and not some little thing where you run around and hit blocks and died off instantly because of the modding you can really make a an insane game or a game that explodes into no giant awesomeness let's go on to the next question real quick do you know a way to serialize generic variables and show them in the inspector this is something I haven't actually had to do so I but when I got the question I went through did a little bit of looking it looks like there are some ways that people have hacked around it it does not seem easy and I haven't come up with a really good scenario for it so if you have what I was wondering is if you could just send me the use case like maybe a detailed example of what it is you're trying to accomplish there I just want to make sure that if I might be able to find a good way to do it I just want to make sure that it's the right solution to the problem - and then I'm not missing something else or some easy tip that I could give you that might simplify it a bit the next question was is it better to use asset store stuff for prototyping or should I make my own so I can learn more by the way people asking about psychos we'll talk about that in just a little bit so yeah it this is kind of an interesting question so it's like should I use asset store stuff or make my own to learn more it depends a lot of the time what I recommend is using a lot of art from the asset store when you're getting started because it'll make your thing a little bit more interesting it'll make it more fun and it'll kind of inspire you and give you new ideas a lot of the time when people are trying to learn how to do game development they know they want to make a game they have like a really light idea of what they'd like to do but not really any plan for it and when they start pulling in cool art from the art or the asset store kind of gives them a little bit of direction and a way to go with it now when it comes to building like game systems I wouldn't do it from the start because you don't know the quality of the code in there you don't know if they're doing really really bad things if they're doing really sloppy things really bad performance things you don't know if they're doing things that there's a new your way to do and you're not gonna know that if you're just starting out so it doesn't mean that you shouldn't grab anything from the asset store but I wouldn't just start with asset store stuff and not do any coding on your own if you want to grab asset store packs run around figure out how they work play with them maybe even build on top of them awesome but if that's all you're doing and you're not learning the code and writing your own code and building your own stuff you're eventually gonna fall behind and you're gonna find it that you can't really build games you can just kind of slap some things together but you're constantly running into problems where this thing doesn't quite work right with this thing and I don't know how to fix it and now it's a giant nightmare where if you'd built it yourself or had a slightly better understanding of how it all works it'd be a simple thing so I would say definitely use asset store stuff for prototyping with the visuals use it for systems like if you want a UI system grab it a nice asset store UI system like doozy UI or something if you want a very specific thing grab that maybe learn from it maybe implement it but don't make it like your only way that you try to learn as somebody else mentioned they had a problem with the unity editor not responding when they're using Nord VPN I didn't know about this but apparently there's an issue with Nord VPNs client and opening the unity editor and a shader compilation that opens a local socket so there's a reddit post and a github link about it they recommended using Open VPN or using this Python script though that fixed it up so if you have that problem just search for Nord VPN unity you'll see the right at thread but they really I think just use Open VPN I use Open VPN all the time with unity and I have no problems of course I'm not using Nord VPN though let's see another question that was in here was hi there how do you handle collaboration in unity using git or some other VCS they're having issues with prefab modification seeing changes and they wanted to know if there's best practice for source control in unity if you're not using source control by the way you should be so anybody out there is watching thinking like hey well I don't know what that is you should look into it you should at least get very familiar with the basics try out collaborate first it's the simplest one you don't really have to learn much or do anything you click a couple button push stuff and all of your code is there you go back and undo things you get a huge benefit now when it comes to a bigger team though where you're running into these project and these problems like prefab mods and comp like you have conflicts on your scene files or your prefabs or whatever other thing usually it's gonna be prefabs and scenes though because those are the things that multiple people are working on so what what I've seen work really well a couple things the first is with scenes is splitting the scene into multiple parts so instead of having a single scene for your level having four or five scenes that are different parts of the level that are logically separated by who would work on them so if you have one person that's doing particle effects that could be its own scene that's just loaded additively so that the particle effects are there you can do the same for terrain or placement of NPCs or know whatever objects there are you can split these all into separate layers that usually will help enough so that you don't have multiple people of different disciplines stomping on each other's changes accidentally because that's usually where that happens it's rare that you have two designers working on the same little level and they're constantly struggling and fighting back and forth it could happen but it's not nearly as common because you're usually communicating more it's usually a problem with going across disciplines so I like that the other thing is shrinking prefabs quite a bit and now using prefab variants helps helps quite a bit too so you can it's not going to shrink it help it completely right you're still gonna run into problems with with merges and merge conflicts but there's also a scene merge tool I've used it a little bit I don't normally use it though so I would say go with those shrink the prefabs if you can and definitely split the scene up I don't have any really great tip beyond that though now let me go through questions real quick let's see I'm looking in chat just to see what else we have okay what would you recommend as a way to step up to higher knowledge of programming like effective use of abstract and interfaces delegates lambdas event handlers design patterns okay so there's I guess if the question was like how to learn those things or what would i would recommend outside of my own videos on him like I've got a whole solid and design patterns series I recommend watching things like I recommend this all the time but the plural site design pattern library was really eye-opening for me it showed me a lot of design patterns that I wouldn't have even considered existing and should have known about the other things I'm trying to think of other really good places for learning about stuff I like a lot of Bob Martin videos Uncle Bob if you've heard of him it's a old programmer talks all kinds of cool stuff and I've learned a ton just from watching his stuff and trying to think of other good design pattern books I don't know I need to find another really good design pattern source as soon as I do I'll share it let's see where do you find simple assets like PNG s4 icons crosshairs in the UI that's a good question I usually search either on the asset store I'll like do a quick search for crosshair in the asset store look for free things see if there's something that'll kind of fit or I'll do a google image search or if it's something that where I need like a permanent one that I need to know that I have a license to and stuff I'll go to something like open game art or back to that asset store so Google search is great when you want to just like toss something in you're just messing around with it but a lot of time you don't know the licensing on those files with the crosshair may not end up being an issue but obviously with bigger stuff it could be a problem but yeah I usually like to go to Google open game art and in the access door let's see what else do we have here questions questions somebody said they're enjoying q and A's I'm glad you're enjoying them I have fun doing them I was wondering what your experience on ups during project development wrong assumptions missed deadlines it happened to you how do you handle them what are the consequences that's a awesome question so I seen that pretty much everywhere I almost never see anybody give correct estimates and when people ask me for estimates I really just try to avoid lying to them because when we estimate things what I've learned is that unless we've done the thing a lot of times we don't really know we're just making a guess we could be dead on we could be off by a factor of 10 if it's something that we've done a million times it's a repeated thing well we probably should have automated it right but if we couldn't automate it and we did it then sure we can estimate that there are some things that I think are very easy to estimate like how long it's gonna take to build whatever thing barring no problems like some physical thing like I'm sure the dude that built that night back there knows how long it takes him to build a night and he could estimate know the number of days or weeks that it takes to put something like that together when it comes to code it's like building the night for the first time you've never built the night you have a couple pieces of it you might have put some of those things together maybe you built a helmet but never a whole thing and then you're just guessing right you're trying to figure out what it's gonna be so I guess the point there is just that estimates are always lies I always think of them as lies and I always see people miss them I very rarely see people make their estimated dates for just about anything and it's seen this at every company I've been at in every type of industry I've seen so it's not a or every type of software industry I've seen it's not a common thing or a specific thing just to game development how are the problems that occur from that tend to be that people get frustrated people get angry people end up working too much introducing new bugs there are a lot of different problems that occur usually it ends up just with a lot of burnout and a lack of trust in the scheduling and planning so if if the planning is constantly wrong people stop to trust stop trusting it right like and eventually at almost every company I've been at that's been the case I could just kind of stop trusting the planning and always just assume that there's you know a 50% chance that the entire thing is going to change I mean I thinking like outside of game development right I went to was it like two weeks worth of meetings on this project at Qualcomm we had multiple days where there were like 10 15 people in a room all planning this big giant project that's supposed to go on for months and shortly after those like oh yeah we cancelled cancelled the whole thing because we realized that nobody actually wanted it right so and this is like the thing that had like you know good I don't know how much planning but you know months worth the planning it seemed definitely tons and tons of hours of developer time management time director time and it was not a rare thing right like people come up with ideas people start building stuff and stuff goes bad anyway let's let's go on to the next thing the next question was about Psychopaths so I did put it in the title I wanted to talk about it a little bit and it mostly just came from a really weird thing that popped up yesterday so I'm looking at YouTube yesterday like I always do and a video pops up I think it was how to tell if your wife is a psychopath or some some number of ways to tell if your wife is a psychopath and I was like that seems funny and interesting right so I clicked on it it was this guy guy dr. Grande I think that was how you pronounce his name you search for him you find ariana grande but if you look on youtube you'll see his stuff and anyway it was interesting watching he's going through this list of things that psychopathic wives do it was a relationship or a scenario where you have a non psycho husband and a Psychopaths wife from a doctor all psychoanalyzing point of view and he's just going over this list of things that they do and it was it kind of blew my mind like I was you know looking looking for patterns and things luckily I didn't really see much of that in my own wife but I'd seen a lot of it in other people so I saw a lot of the behavior that that they were talking about in other people's relationships that were relatively bad so no obviously known people who had bad relationships and seen a bit of that some obviously not the cause of all of it or all of the problems or anything but I thought it was really interesting and then the part that really blew me away was later on in the eve my wife and I were watching 90-day fiance I don't know if you've seen it but it's just a show about people that go get engaged to somebody that lives in another country and it's mostly a bunch of dysfunctional relationships there's a couple in there they're semi normal but most of them they're just kind of a little crazy but when I was watching it and after seeing that list I was just constantly like hey that's like number three oh look he's she's doing number six and just watching the behavior play out after learning about it was just really eye-opening for me and it made me kind of think hey I should learn more about psychology and other things and I just kind of want to talk about it a little bit because I thought it was an interesting insight I don't know that I've seen much of the psychopathy in the workplace but I probably need to watch a video or two and see what that actually looks like how that manifests cuz I wouldn't be surprised if someone like hey somebody's like oh and I was also looking like I wonder if I might like am i doing anything on this list and I probably need to re-evaluate a couple more times and just make sure that I'm not ready anyway if you guys have questions about psychos let me know I thought it was interesting I'd go check out his channel - it's a dr. Grande it's really cool or interesting stuff I just kind of binge watched after that let's go on to some more questions though and see if we got some unity stuff so hey there Jason I'm a unity programmer I have been for several years I want to try going into software engineering doing a remote work where do I start so if you're saying you want to do non game stuff or do you want to do I guess I'm not quite sure if you're trying to do a transition into non game development you have to can pick something a bit more specific like you want to do web stuff we're gonna do enterprise type apps a lot of the time it'll be like a company that you want to work with but if you want to do it all remote work I would find out what the opportunities are and like that but then you might also be saying that you want to do unity stuff so you can clarify that a little bit so I know the questions are probably a little old because I've been blabbing a lot but yeah any more clarification - god I'd love to hear it let's see um so somebody mentioned that that you could do scripting with Lua in unity and that is definitely true I've played with it a little bit myself I wasn't a huge fan just because I'm not super fluent in Lua and I haven't found it to be a really easy way to to make game designers useful at it if you wanted to do open modding though it might make a lot of sense though because alou is relatively straightforward but I think with c-sharp stuff and unity development it's also pretty straightforward powerful but I blue is probably a better option and you think about like yeah I think a lot of the modding systems they just make it easy so you want to make it as easy as you can let's see more questions do you think that getting unity is certified program or certification would be good for finding jobs I'm self-taught programmer uh I don't know so in my experience like at a game studio the certification isn't really that that important and it's just because they know how to check and then they kind of know what to look for at a smaller place so a smaller studio or a place that's dealing non game stuff where they don't maybe they don't have the full expertise to actually evaluate and you know trim down candidates it can come in really helpful especially for contract stuff with things like nonprofits and government for I haven't done it myself but from what I've been told by friends who do it there's a lot more emphasis on that kind of thing and it helps just kind of push it up it's also relatively cheap and from what I understand pretty pretty easy to pass if you've been doing a lot of unity stuff so I don't see any harm in it but I wouldn't expect it to like make your job prospects just skyrocket or anything so it's probably a good thing to do not probably not going to be life-changing but you never know okay let's see somebody's asking about singleton patterns I've done a couple videos on it and I always kind of flip-flop back and forth on Singleton's but I I still use them I don't particularly like them in most places because they're generally hard to test and relatively they cause other weird issues mostly with loading and unloading of them or state management or people not understanding what's going on with them and and the biggest issue that I have is just they make it harder to test you can still do it you just kind of have to do some extra work but I use them anyway hey a lot of people say they hate Singleton's hate Singleton's and you go look at their project and there's still some in there or they just switch to static variables or something like okay you're still not completely solving the problem it's a lot easier to solve that problem when you're doing web stuff because the payoff and the downside is very very obvious and apparent and if you come from a web world the idea of using Singleton's without a very specific case like you might have something that's instantiate it as a singleton because it only needs to be it's usually something stateless but having stateful Singleton's is generally a very big no-no in the web world because obviously like you're hitting a different web server possibly every time you make a request right or multiple people are at least makes it not scalable to anyway let's look at some more questions so awake start on enable on disable to get what they're for but what should I call on them for example I have a player health and a health slider where should I call them good question so awake is usually aware of set up some local state or local initialization so put in things there that don't rely on any other components now one of do awake stuff when I just don't expect to be able to find anything else or anything else to be instantiated in the game so it's usually small it could be like referencing something maybe getting a component and caching that that those kinds of things I'll do an awake in start is where I'll put actions that have to maybe interact with other components or other game objects or have some data from other objects on enable and on disable I don't use them nearly as much they're usually with something that's pooled or toggling State so like I might have multiple components on my player for the way that it moves maybe I've got a running movement controller and a swimming movement controller and I want to toggle them I may do some some stuff in the on enable and on disable of those I generally won't put much initialization type stuff that are though because that's what awake and starter generally better for there's also a non destroy that can catch the destruction of things where I'll put cleanup for that kind of thing like event handling stuff oh that's one other thing I guess I do sometimes do an on enable and disable is register and be register for events it's not something you want to do constantly like if the things enabling and disabling over and over really fast you obviously don't want to do that but if it's going in and out of a pool or something or there's some other reason that you want to stop listening to an event then that would make sense like you switch to UI thing and you're no longer showing this UI you're showing this UI want to unregister the events or whatever the object is it could be totally non UI or whatever so how to combat procrastination in game development that's a very good question any very hard one the best thing that I've found for myself that doesn't always work because I just don't always do it is writing down a list of the things that I actually want to get done in the morning so I'll put together a list of all of the important things that I definitely need to get done and get those done first just get the important stuff out of the way as early as possible it doesn't help long term because it's still very easy to fail you know and just not get around to doing it putting things up on the wall putting up the things that you want to get done listing those up if you put them right in front of your face so you're constantly seeing them it helps me a little bit too and the things that are right down by the way like they're on my desk they're just sitting here I've got it written down it's like I got my notebook right here with the stuff that I want to get done today so that it's not great not the best solution obviously but um it's the only thing I've got right yeah I guess and start off early like start for me what works best is if I not so much start the day like right when I wake up but if I just avoid jumping into video games or random videos or other stuff when I get up and just going I get up get kind of energized get motivated a lot of people like to go work out first I should probably do that and then start actually going getting on it on if it's a thing that you're doing after work though gets dramatically harder schedule a time set yourself a budget of time where you're going to just focus on that somebody asked for a better TDD toriel for unity I did do a couple videos on TV or I guess it wasn't really TDD it was unit testing so maybe I should do a DVD 1 which is just test-driven development which is the idea that you're writing tests first and the tests are kind of helping to find the code and that's somewhat what happens when I do my tests but I don't really do it in a full TDD way and I think it's partially just because I'm not good at it but it'd be interesting to do if you're interested in unit testing I have a lot of videos on that on the channel and I'll probably do more and I'll have to just blab about you know testing too so if you have questions about it feel free to ask what do you think about xamarin for creating cross-platform apps I think it's great I know a lot of guys that use xamarin day-to-day on their jobs and they build cross format cross-platform apps so they're building like iOS and Android right that's usually when people say cross-platform they mean they're making iOS and Android apps for the iphone Masek for all the phones out there 99% of the time one benefit of unity is that you can go a bit further across platform that you build it just about anything and I really just like the unity ecosystem but there's definitely some benefits to using examine if you're in an environment that already does similar type of work where you're doing something web or WinForms II or I guess WPF II or something where xamarin would really make sense I would go with that first if you're building an app that's very just data driven you're seeing lots of data digging through it entering stuff xamarin might be a good fit if you're really familiar with unity though and you're just the unity dev that makes games normally I'd go with unity instead like I mean if I was gonna build an app I would be very very unlikely to switch to xamarin of course if I was a xamarin developer day-to-day like I would be very unlikely to switch to unity both of them can do the job I just like you know any more so how would Ono sorry my chat just scrolled like a mile down let me see what do we got here for questions so how would one go about creating a DLC system for a Unity game nowadays addressable so there's an addressable system it's built on top of asset bundles it allows you to package up updates and bundles you can publish those out to an s3 bucket or whatever remote storage you want and then you give them access to download it how you want to manage the actual licensing of that I don't know cuz I had build the DLC system but I would bet that there are quite a few different ways to do it you just have to check that they have the the flag enabled and then you grab the pack and then you obviously only let them run this stuff if they have that flag enable - but it's not not a very difficult thing to do anymore with the addressable stuff I think with asset bundles and having to build a very similar system on top of it it was really kind of painful and tedious and not a lot of people did it with a new addressable system I'd be shocked if a lot of people don't get really comfortable and familiar with it fast and start doing these things it's also good for like incremental downloads you can have a small download size big project all that kind of stuff or doing updates see as a junior developer how do I politely tell us senior that is code sucks and we should rewrite it that is a very good question it's hard to tell people that their code is bad and it's even harder to tell them that their code is bad and not get a negative response so if your goal is to improve the code instead of that what I might recommend is start off with the debate is gonna depend on your on your project but I will look at ways that you can start to slowly clean it up and implement some some patterns and things that you can do to make it better incrementally instead of just trying to rewrite the whole thing just refactor small portions and slowly make it better because you really like if you go in there and say hey you we need to delete all this and rewrite it right one like it's probably not gonna happen like it's not gonna get deleted and rewritten cuz time and money and all the other things right and this sunk cost fallacy like hey we've got this thing we paid for it we can't get rid of it right it's not it's probably not gonna just get deleted and rewritten it's also going to cause serious problems with your direct relationship with those senior developers especially if you're new in the area and you're not like really good friends with right if you're really good friends with someone it's a lot easier to say hey your codes not great I mean you obviously would say it probably in a nice way so I would say start with just refactoring offer some ways to make things better and slowly push it it's not an easy thing also um try doing a little bit of if you can pair programming with them and don't know don't present to that as like hey I want a pair to try to make you better be like hey I want a pair to you know try to learn this better understand the project better and know get better at it because you're the senior dev and then as you're going through you can recommend things like if you see an opportunity for some pattern you know and recognize okay why don't do you think that this pattern would work here and if they're like yeah I'm not sure yeah it would be a lot easier way to start introducing these things and talking through them and getting their code up and better it's not really hard this thing like if you have a programmer whose code isn't great it's not extremely hard to get them to write better code most of the time the hard part is just explaining the deficiencies in the code in a way that makes sense to them and gives them an opportunity to to do it a better way I mean my codes been terrible million times tons and tons of really really bad code and you don't get better by people ignoring it right and just letting you keep doing this is one of the things that the traps that I've seen like I mentioned many times before people fall into where they work solo by themselves in a job in a corner for too long and they never really build up the skills because they're not getting any food so that's that's the path I would take at least let's say hello Jason how are you I'm doing great a little thirsty as you might be out of town keep taking drinks but if you have to choose only two skills for a game programmer what might they be um naming things right and understanding I had I don't know what the second one would be naming things right there are too many options number two but just getting down naming and maybe the single responsibility principle I think if you can get those two like that alone makes a huge difference like that's gonna make a bigger jump than anything else from the junior level and it's relatively easy to understand and to learn like you don't have to have a lot of prior knowledge to understand that important name good naming is extremely important and hard to do oh man I got to find the if anybody has the link to the stages of naming image I saw it on Twitter again yesterday Chris posted it and it's great it's just like seven stages and naming or not I forget I should have it up on my wall I have it printed out somewhere but I never put it up it's great go for that name stuff well hey Jason really nice channel learning a lot how would you organize your code so that user input can only be read by one system ah I set up some sort of an input controller set up make an interface for it and don't have anything access the input outside of that so everything will read through the user input depending on the game it could be bound to a player like you got a to play or a local game or four-player local game you could have a player rim or an input per player it's maybe bound to their controllers or something if it's just one per game I mean you still kind of have the same thing you just have one player find an input set that up and wrap all of the things that you want to read in there and then read them through some like a high player input interface and make sure if you start to follow that pattern you'll quickly find that you're not adding things and but if you see somebody go add like and put get button down in a random spot no go in there and fix it change it right away make it refactor it and make it read from your common input system it's something I highly highly recommend you generally don't want a bunch of things reading input it's fine when you're in beginning and the project is small if it gets big and expands out it becomes problematic cos of course you have problems with refactoring renaming things and just not knowing where stuff is coming from let's see what do we got here most useful design patterns for unity development oh so singleton is listed in there I mean technically singleton is often called kind of an anti-pattern I would look at the it when I say that but I mentioned before I still use them right yeah a lot of us talk crap about single things but we still still use them all the time or sometimes what I would look at is the game programming patterns book if you go to game programming patterns just google it he's got a bunch of patterns on there I did a series of videos where I converted some of his C++ examples to unity related ones but I would look at that because he does a good job of showing not just what some of those patterns are but the use cases for them where do they make sense in the game and what kind of game they make sense in because the specific pattern is going to depend a lot on the game some games it makes sense to use one pattern like some games you might want to use a command pattern other games makes no sense at all so it just depends a lot on those games in that game programming patterns book and the website the website has all the book for free you can go grab I grabbed it on Amazon too but it's it covers a lot of those and it covers them in the context of the specific games I would check that out let's see why our game developers getting paid less than other developers um it's a good question it's really for one key reason and that's that a game dev jobs just tend to be in higher demand and less availability just general supply and demand there are more people that want to be game developers than there are game to have jobs I think it's probably the opposite for normal programming jobs there are insane numbers of web developer jobs their business that if you want to go build internal business apps at some big company there are a lot of jobs for that and there's not much demand the people that are taking those jobs most of the time outside of like the top tech companies they're taking the jobs not because they're really into the tech but just because it's a job and they can do it and you know get paid and whatever and you'll see that a lot like if you watch a lot of YouTube channels about game discs I was watching Josh earlier talking about the same kind of thing like people are going there they're going there for the job they're going to the interview for the job at game companies it's not the same right like you got a lot of people go into game companies like they play the game they know the games that that company's making they are fans of the people working there because they like the work that they've done or they really just the desire to work on the projects is dramatically higher and it's it's a hobby and a passion it's less of a career so you will see that sometimes people get paid less and that's partially supply and demand like I said it's also partially because since people are so excited for the jobs they're willing to take a lot less they're less likely to negotiate and try to supercharge pop in cool things I'll read that as soon as I finish flapping about this but they're they're very excited to just go in there and work on the project I mean literally I hate say it but I remember one of the first game dev interviews that I had like how much do you want to get paid and I was like be honest I would probably do this job for free if I could and I thought that was a good answer because it was somewhat true and I was kind of stupid they're like yeah that's a problem I mean their their justification was that like you must not value your skills very high if you'd be willing to do it for free but I think that you know there are a lot of people that are kind of along that boat that kind of like would want to do the job they would really enjoy doing the job if they were independently wealthy would do the job I mean like if I you know suddenly had billions of dollars come in I would still probably just blab about game development stuff play video games and make video games right I might do it at a bigger scale but I would still do that if I'd never had to pay for anything ever again I would probably just sit around talk about video games and make video games that's kind of stuff that's fun to do not likely to happen with uh going to make webpages for some company that wants to sell something online right okay let me um pop down to that super chat question real quick and then I'll jump back up do you offer support for patreon subscribers um I wouldn't say it's any special support I just try to answer anything anybody asks me people ask me stuff on patreon or email or wherever appreciate the patreon stuff it's awesome but I try to just answer everybody's questions the what's the best feature in the lightweight render pipeline that's a good question I haven't really used much of the lightweight render pipeline I've played with it a little bit I think it's now called the universal render pipeline I actually want to dive a lot into it it's just that all of the real projects that I have don't use that because they've all kind of kicked off before that and they're using their they're using the old pipeline because the new ones still I don't even know if it's all the way out of beta so I'm not sure but I plan to do some videos on the new pipeline probably this month or next month I want to go through a lot of the 2d stuff and the 3d stuff for it now let me scroll back up and catch up some more to those questions sorry guys one of these days I'll get somebody in here managing the questions and just popping them up at me right okay let's see um going through questions build context where's a question mark ok so here's one hopefully if I'm if I am oh wait somebody asked about marketing stuff I have no idea about marketing stuff I'm really terrible at that for marketing games to be honest there are a lot of people in chat though that have good answers to the and sometimes at the meetups that we have there guys that are good at it but its marketing games is is hard if somebody is asking about ECS and making mono behaviors obsolete I don't think that that's likely to happen so it seems that the path that they're taking with ECS is integrating it in as kind of a core level and making it so that you can easily build mono behaviors and game objects just like you would normally and then convert over to e CS I wouldn't be surprised if that process even gets simpler and a lot of things just become ECSE behind the scenes of course I think that they're still gonna have tons of control so that you can really optimize and make insane things that push the limits but you also got to remember that like every game almost every game that's out there every Unity game it's out there pretty much was built without ECS so it's not like you need it to build things that exist it's more building things that we couldn't do before or improving performance dramatically so you can run on the lower profile both of those were great things to do but I wouldn't worry about ECS too much just yet I see more questions okay I was hired as a studio by a studio as a junior game designer turns out I'm the only designer and my boss wants me to be producer designer mix any tips for how to improve with that that is super common I see that a lot of the time with super small indeed teams that have enough funding to maybe like usually they're not super well-funded so they can't really afford a whole line of people to do all of the work and they'll have the designer doing a lot of the management stuff or a programmer doing the management stuff or a programmer doing the design and management stuff I would say try to embrace it and just get good at those things because I mean you got in as a junior but you're getting the opportunity I mean it's might sound weird but you really you don't have a whole lot to lose here you're getting the opportunity to kind of manage and produce and have a lot more control over a project than you normally would you're also a relatively high risk of failure because you know putting somebody who doesn't have the experience doing these things in charge of doing those things and I mean I failed that I've seen a lot of people fail it at trying to run a whole project on their own but I would say take advantage of the opportunity and just work really hard at I mean don't burn yourself out and hate it but work hard at getting good at those other things too because I hate to say it but going in as a game designer only it's a lot harder to get a job if you have production experience if you can say hey like it's a game designer and if you're the only one you're technically like the lead game designer slash producer even if it's a small company having that on their can at least get you into the door for whatever the next thing that comes along is if this doesn't blow up into an amazing opportunity you know maybe maybe it'll be like your calling you find out like hey I'm really good at production and all this stuff so yeah that's my recommendation I mean you could also just quit and go try to find another junior game design job but finding a game design job with no experience is not an easy thing to do so I wouldn't say like I would try to make it work and try to make it awesome if you can let's see what else do we got okay cool so it was asking about non game stuff do you think unity can create normal apps I mean not a game up yeah I did a live stream about it last week too and I've talked about this a couple times I think it's definitely a great way to build apps I built apps for different companies different types of industries in unity quite a few times I know a lot of people who just do it full-time they just build apps as contracts and you know charge a lot of money you can you can I mean I don't know if I should dive into numbers but I've I'm not gonna talk about any of my own I've talked to other people who make like 10 15 20 thousand dollars building apps that they can put together in two or three weeks right so they're they're relatively simple and it's not like you do it the first time right but you get in the process of building these apps you get used to it you understand and what those kinds of clients want and you can make a lot of money building those kinds of things and these are not games these are just like business apps like and you know an ad for some company to show a thing or some company wants their own VR thing or their own augmented reality app they'll pay a good amount of money and you can build the thing a lot quicker than they would probably expect it which makes them happy you don't get me wrong it's not like you're cheating them you're making them excited because they're like hey not only was this only fifteen thousand dollars but we got this awesome thing really quick so can you please do a series on play fab um yeah I will play fab something that a lot of people ask about so I'll definitely do that let me just write it down again I think I have it in my list but I'll put it on here again to make sure by the way that's a server hosting set up so that you can run logic and save data remotely without having to manage stuff as much it's pretty cool I don't have a lot of experience with it but I know a lot of guys that use it in their real projects so I'll bug them get some get some advice and then do some videos on it let's see um some people asking each other questions lots of chat uh-oh what's the best way to publish monetize games in China I have no idea the only thing I've ever had in China was lots of piracy I don't know that I've had a lot of game sales there oh I'm just thinking of like my Steam sales and I look at steam data sales in China we're always relatively low the rate that it converts down to was relatively low - and the piracy was like all in China I assume it's just cuz the games are just getting pushed up to some piracy sites in China that are popular and more popular than Steam and I don't know how to publish to China so I don't know yeah I don't know I would say unless you have a very specific reason yeah I yeah I don't know okay um let's see what else we got here questions questions is it normal it's crunch normal practicing game dev it is at some companies so I wouldn't say that it is a cross game development I know a lot of game devs some of them have crunched a good number of them have had some crunch time some of them have had insane amounts of crunch time and a lot of them just don't ever crunch or they did like a tiny bit once or twice but that's it and I would say that a lot of that comes down to project management right it's back to what we're talking about at the beginning crunch time is usually it's a factor of lack of management or believing estimates and not understanding that estimates aren't real right like it's that people over plan and underestimate how much stuff how much time things are going to take though they'll figure that we're gonna build all of these things and we'd guess that these things are going to take about this amount of time so we'll just mark it as that you've got two weeks to do this system two weeks to do that system two weeks for that two weeks for that you know and then they don't realize oh wait one of those systems is actually six weeks at work now all of those other ones are behind and they've given no time for testing it updating it iterating and fixing things or you've built this thing and then kind of get it out and realize that it needs dramatic major changes and now everything else is behind again because there's no buffer time planned in there there's no real fast adapt ation well also I have to be fair though because some of it happens and it more often happens with games that are going to console or bigger stuff where they have very set dates and they pick these dates they convince everybody to agree to these dates like who's gonna say no though right and then and then they end up having to crunch because the date and the amount of work for the date was just dramatically off and part of that is just yeah like most people and I can't exclude myself from this don't like to say no they don't say like hey can you do this this and this in this amount of time the default answer is a lot of times just yeah or probably and probably becomes definite you know yeah becomes of course we can definitely we can do that and more people don't generally pushback enough on timelines and deadlines and people try to plan stuff out way too far in advance if you've scheduled out your stuff a year in advance you're just lying to yourself right I mean it's you're wasting time lying to yourself trying to detail out all of these tasks that you're gonna do over the next year and how long they're gonna take it's just uh it's a big way to waste time and kind of justify lots of nonsense so crunching definitely not required everywhere I wouldn't go in like if you're going into an interview I'm going like hey do you guys lunch often like how bad is it but if it's if it's like a crunchy bad place you're gonna pick up on that just talking to people so I wouldn't go in there like and you also don't want to go in there being like oh yeah I'm never gonna crunch cuz we're people here then is everybody else has to work hard but I don't have to right and you got to think about it in the mind of the people that are interviewing you there are other guys that are working with you that have been doing this and have been stuck doing this so don't go in there like trying to fight back against it there if you want to fight back against crunching do it when you're in the job or don't take the job if you think that it's that kind of position and I wouldn't like if it's a position where they're constantly crunching and they're working 60 80 hours a week forced right they're not doing it because they're just obsessive don't take the job by the way um we only have 34 likes if everybody wants to hit the button that'd be cool I'm just looking at the data while I'm blabbing okay let's see next one how to reduce apk game size there I think there's some more above that but I want to answer this one real quick addressable xand asset bundles so you can make them you can have them get a small download and then they can pull in the extra data through bundles once it's loaded the other thing to do though before you do that is do a build and look at the build output so it puts all the data in the log and it will show you everything that's in your project how much space it's taking up in order from biggest to smallest you may find that you just have like one bit giant wave in there that you didn't know was there that's eating up like you know ten megabytes or something or a texture that's oversized so do that clear stuff out first and then if you still need to shrink it down a set bundles with the new addressable system built on top is what I would go with any thoughts on using Godot versus unity not really I mean I briefly looked at Godot seems kind of neat but III don't really have it use for it unity is a giant engine with decades of or at least a decade of lots of updates and lots of functionality and features tons of info out there I don't really see a benefit to switching to a new game engine yet there might be some I mean I think that a lot of people that switch to new engines just do it because they're interested and they want to see how it works they want to learn more about it and see what kind of cool stuff it could be um sometimes they end up making games but I don't think that that's gonna be the majority of them I still say that unity is gonna be by far the most popular game engine for quite a while I don't anticipate that changing and most popular makes it the easiest to use and fastest to get stuff done - and easiest to hire people right okay so let's see what other questions did we get Mirror multiplayer tutorial I might be able to do some sort of multiplayer tutorials I've been avoiding them just because I the networking stuff changes a lot but maybe I'll do a local one and a network someone sometime did you ever publish a mobile game yeah none of them ever really took off though so I don't talk about them too much it was a long time ago to you back when mobile stuff was kind of coming out hey I provided a question on unit testing in your community board you posted before the stream my message oh I think I saw that one and it was very long and I didn't get to finished reading it right before I kicked off um let me see if I can find that one what was the question I'm gonna let me do a video about that one specifically because it's very detailed actually can you send me an email because I want to go over that in detail I think that it might we make for it its own really good video so yeah yeah just said if I don't yeah send me an email I want to get your email address so I can just talk to you about it real quick because I think that that would be a really good one it's basically about interfaces and splitting things out and going towards MVC and when where you should separate stuff out and where you should peel things off and should you go into those patterns oh I'd really like to talk about it but I don't think I can do it justice right here I'll see what else do we have well I be a good developer like you someday I seem so I say anybody could become a good developer like me well anybody who can do some basic if you can understand code and you can understand logic obviously not everybody can follow things logically but if you can understand logically you can you can be a good coder and I didn't get to be a layperson I didn't get to be a good coder just magically or get to the point where I feel like I'm a decent coder I would still say like you know I'd probably rate myself like seven or an eight out of ten when it comes to coding but I would say that I got here by watching and learning a lot and asking people to tear my stuff apart right getting the the biggest thing that helped me to be honest was showing my code to friends who were better programmers showing it to them and having them tell me the truth right because it's very easy to show your friend just code and they're like yeah that's good or show you a co-worker's code and they don't want to call you out right but if you're just going there and just be like look I think that this is probably bad I think that there are probably a lot of ways that this could get better and I really want you to just tear it apart like give me give it your worst you know tell me all of the things that you would change to make this better how would you make this if you were doing it that's that's a really good way to do it to just say if you were building this here's the thing I have here's the code I have how would you do it and what you're gonna find is that if there are a lot more experienced than you it's probably completely different and this happened to me so I did this a couple times one of the times with my buddy Matt and I showed him some stuff and I was like have this problem I can't quite solve it it's getting really difficult how would you do this and his response was well I probably wouldn't code it like that I would probably do it a little bit different I was like okay can you explain elaborate right and he just started diving in and showing me more and more we started talking more about design patterns more about better separation he gave me a ton of good recommendations on videos books and other stuff to read and I just once I realized that I saw that there was this opportunity just douve right in absorbed it and just got obsessed with it so I would go that route if you want to get better at it start showing your stuff to people that you think are better than you that obviously that are gonna have the ability to just give you feedback like especially people that you're working with and just be honest with it say like hey I don't think that this is perfect I know there are problems and I want you to tear it apart and I met my daughter do this yesterday day before send me her papers and she's like literally like tear it apart don't be easy on it like go hard cuz I want it to be good right and that's the result of you if you just kind of be nice and don't tell tell them the truth like it's gonna be painful but you have to wait until they're asking for it because if you're just go in there and say hey all this is terrible you should do this the other way with and they didn't ask they're not expecting that it just feels like an attack and they're gonna feel like they don't even know what they're talking about my code works fine like I don't know why they're such a dick or whatever so don't yeah yeah hopefully that made sense and you guys all got the point I'm gonna try to keep up oh my god so much chat I'm so slow do you offer programming support with patreon subscriptions no should I just answer questions I offer programming support to just about everybody as long as I have time to read and answer the email so you got questions let me know how do you feel about unities new course on performance by default thoughts and SRP seems like a game chees um yeah I'm again still not really concerned about dots taking over yet I think that what's gonna happen is it's gonna slowly merge and morph over that dots will be ingrained in all of the code and dot says the davia oriented tech stack it's just the stuff to make it so that we can manage memory and performance and really speed things up I think that a lot of it is just that they're gonna start implementing that at lower levels and make a lot of things that we already do faster I don't think that they're gonna completely change the game design or game development paradigm for everybody and just swap it out and be like hey here you guys go like 2021 only use dots or dots is the way to go because really I mean millions and millions of users and millions of users doing it one way if you switch everything and instantly try to force everybody it would be a disaster they're they're a lot smarter than that and you can see that in what they're doing now with their conversion stuff they're they're really working on just making the engine better overall for everybody and then giving the opportunity to really go above and beyond if you really want to push the limits ok let's see I see a lot of your tutorials on unity learn premium um I don't think so dish none of my tutorial should be on the unity learn premium so if you see them they're that they're probably better not mind getting mixed up I think how do you feel okay I'm answered that one let's see what else we got what do you think what type of gamers on renew dev so they were able to finish their first project ah okay first don't make something where you're trying to design the fun the first game that you make like don't try to go in there and figure out what's fun just remake stuff right remake a couple of different games so that you can get that process down and get used to it and when it comes to actually what game to make and release once you are at that point where you think you can actually build it finish it and ship it no clue I really don't know what to recommend I would say don't build like an MMO remember the scope and scale and try to out go with something that you can build and release relatively quick and just go through that process a couple times ideally like if you can build and release a game in three months do it a couple times and just get used to it and then do your big one right fail a couple times get practice maybe one of those takes off you'll learn a lot from that process of going out there and just releasing things let's see what other somebody mentioned mob programming again highly recommended if you haven't seen the mob programming show channel on YouTube check it out it's really cool Chris does it they talk about mob programming and the benefits of it it's it's really awesome it's hard to see it hard to tell unless you've actually seen it in person though when you see it in person it's just amazing okay let's see what other questions trying to scroll down and look for question marks question marks question marks um is it not okay it just popped down to the bottom again and the bottom question was is an i5 processor good for programming or an i7 you code on anything you could code on a Core 2 Duo or just about anything if you want to do unity stuff I mean an i-5 will be totally fine obviously the faster you go the better but I would put a little bit more focus on a fast solid-state drive and making sure that you have at least 16 gigs of ram so if your options are i5 fast SSD and 16 gigs and Ram or i7 and not that and go with the i5 its its CPU heavy like they're mentioning but it's also very hard disk heavy especially if your project gets bigger so I really love the Samsung 970 evos then they keep dropping in price we're still not cheap but they're really really fast and it makes a huge difference with unity startup and importing small assets right although with the new set up that might be less of an issue because they're making the incremental the incremental loading of all the assets and importing let's see where there are other questions I think there were but I've kind of lost my place so if you got another question just drop it down below and I'll just keep going from there and try to keep up could we use scriptable objects as a single things yeah you can I've seen that quite a few times people use scriptable objects as Singleton's and then what you do is you create the scriptable object in your project view and then you reference that in your scenes and/or prefabs so that you can you're always referencing back to that one singleton and I saw a video about that two years ago from unite where they talked about basically building an entire game that way and then another guy local meetup did a really cool talk about how his just his system that he has for building games it's very similar with scriptable objects where you use it as Singleton's and other things for settings all kinds of stuff let's see um coded on a potato laptop I guess let's see I recently graduated struggling to find a job how should I proceed with getting into the industry that's a good question I highly recommend it meetups so if you have them in your area go to meetups talk to people there's always somebody hiring at meetups or at least that the ones in the area that I'm in and all pretty much all of them that I've been to I've been to a couple in different areas and they're pretty much always somebody that are hiring there are people there that know about jobs and you're gonna make contacts and build up friends don't go to one and assume hey like I went to one I didn't get a job that's it go back start building up those relationships people will refer jobs to you and that I mean I refer jobs to people that I've met at meetups non-stop a lot of the time in fact that's one of the default places I go if somebody's like hey I got this job and I know I can't do it like hey who do I know from the Meetup that's available looking for work and I think can get the job done so that's what I would recommend let's see my goodness check was fast um your course is around six months salary here then any discounts coming soon um shoot me an email well talk about I can figure that out where can we see your games there's a bunch on Steam a bunch of VR games on Steam I think they're linked on the main page too and another one of them to work on Vanguard and eq2 and Pantheon even have my old Sidwell hoodie on because I called fun stuff let's see what language should I learn to make a game c-sharp definitely is my my beard is glorious I guess I just don't like to shave really like it grows out because I don't like to if my hair is pushed back because I moved and I didn't want to drive to the old hair cutter or find a new one yet I gotta find a new barber in the area I don't know about you guys but going to the little pop-up places is like 50% chance my head's gonna be terrible so you got to find a good barber and ya get a big beard cuz shaving is a pain in the butt well and it just adds Authority right maybe I feel like it makes me look a little bit smarter okay and get some glasses next let's see what else we got here list of priorities in chronological order for unity outside unity such as vectors and math um I would say just do you just get into unity like if you want in VPN and it's trying to reconnect again hopefully that doesn't kick me off again okay let's go back where was I what was the question I lost it somebody asked what camera I'm using it's the Logitech Brio the 4k one although I would like to get it a better one because it while it looks really nice the focus is kind of a pain let's see what was the where did I end up I was blabbing about my beard Oh languages to make a game yeah a c-sharp and then how to start I said just start making games don't um don't bother too much learning about theory don't bother too much learning about other stuff just get into the actual game development eventually you're going to run into problems those problems can be solved by learning the 3d math by learning other things outside of just the actual coding but don't try to dive into those first because what happens is you learn something new and you want to find a way to use it right it happens all of us we figure out something okay I don't use this not realize that like a lot of things that you're gonna learn outside of just building games are already solved problems in the editor in the engine and you're just gonna be reintroducing or re trying to resolve problems that are already solved and you're not really focusing on what you need to do so just build the games don't worry about other stuff yet start coding right away and do that with tutorials guides go through a couple simple games first try to understand the flow and then when you have questions like I don't understand what this class means or what's the difference between public and private why am I putting this there if you don't know those things like start searching start asking the questions as you're going through it let's see how many games in Steam ever published almost like six or seven how do I know that I'm ready for a coding job you don't really like you just have to go out there and do it and a lot of the time what you'll find is once you're actually doing it you'll realize hey I was way more ready for this I could have done this you know a year ago like I'm better at this than I thought I've seen this for a lot of programmers like they get started they get a project and they're like I get it like I was able to complete it I built it like I didn't think that would be that easy and it is like because what we see like out in public and what we see for most projects is like the super advanced high-end stuff right we see the stuff that Google is doing or the games that are being made by these giant multi-billion dollar companies and we think like alright do that that's not what most most programming jobs are most programming jobs are relatively straightforward not too complicated it's hey can we get this thing to do this and not do that so I would say you never really know for sure until you're doing it so just go apply and I think that applies for everybody I've seen this a lot a lot of people are just afraid to apply for jobs because they don't feel like they're qualified enough they don't feel like they're good enough or whatever or there's a list of requirements on there and they don't meet all of them my general rule and I think the the best rule is if you look at the requirements on a job application if you think you can do about 1/3 of them and like it's the primary ones ideally apply like just just go for it cuz the worst thing that's gonna happen is somebody's gonna look at your stuff and say no thank you okay that's it they're not gonna just they're not gonna get angry nobody's gonna come burn your house down and you're not gonna get blacklisted like just they're not gonna they're not gonna take it but a lot of the time and the reason I say this is because a lot of time job requirements or nonsense like they'll list all of the things that they do now or some of the things that they knew now all of the giant lofty goals that somebody has that maybe we would like to do or the hey what do you think we should add to this stuff because they didn't feel like they had enough on that'll on their list so job requirements most of the time are pretty pretty bad right like I mean it's why you see junior developer require four years of experience type things right okay cuz people aren't thinking these things through so just apply make sure that you have a good resume though format it right don't have bad info in there don't have spelling mistakes or screwed up formatting I mean if you can't format your tabs right in a word doc I'm gonna trust you to format you know the game you I write as as simple as that like put in work to make sure that your applications or your resumes and portfolios are as good as you can make them and then submit them don't don't be afraid to apply for stuff also when you apply for things personalized stuff form so if you have a resume with a bunch of stuff on it and there are skills specific to the job maybe you're applying for a mented reality job move your augmented reality stuff near the top right get that stuff at the top of your skills focus on those things and feature them or if you have a our experience feature that more again and do that for every job because you want to make sure that you're showing them the value that you bring them and it's like sometimes I think people feel like they're lying by doing this and you're not right like your skills aren't in a like a ranked order of it I'm best at this and I bet the worst at this right they're in somewhat random order usually and what you want is to show your skills in the order that they matter to the person that's hiring you because they might not care at all that you know source control super well you know get perforce SVN and who knows what other ones they just want to know that you know the one that they have or they just want to know that you know virtual reality stuff or whatever so get those things to the top okay let's see let's go on when would you use an abstract method over a virtual method I use abstract method when you want to have a base implementation of something or you want to force yeah you want to yeah so we want to have a base implementation of it usually it when I want to have some implementation that's used across everything or I want to force them to implement it I guess I should do a video on I did a video on this I should link it because I think it'll explain it a lot better than I can in my rambly state right now do you suggest program game by AI by example book for beginners I don't think I've read that I should check it out sorry and yes somebody mentioned the unite 17 Austen talked that was for the singleton scriptable object stuff if you're interested in that check it out I played with it a lot I'd never really found to be a good set up for the stuff I was doing but I could see games and studios where it makes sense where you have more design stuff and a lot of designers doing a lot of that work it totally makes sense for those or they're probably a lot of other scenarios like I said the guy that did the talk on it his programmer and he just did it cuz he felt like it was a good way to build game so and he's probably right all right let's see what else we got recommend any channels books blogs about programming enemy AI or AI in general no I should if anybody has a recommendation for it please let me know also I just realized that chat disappeared so I need to refresh this page sorry let's see if the chat shows back up I realized I wasn't seeing any new chats because I had been disconnected from it so there's some pages more of chat sorry guys no keep it up and keep going let's see did I miss this go path person yeah we were just talking about this doctors psychos he had a video that popped up on YouTube it was a doctor grande and it was about how to tell if your wife is a psychopath or signs that your wife as a psycho it was very interesting I started binging and just going crazy on it and watching a lot of stuff about Psychopaths and recognizing some Psychopaths so I see some traits now and I'm starting to notice them and then watching some TV shows and seeing them like one after the other after the other I'm like man this this this lady like just fits every single one of the things that he listed just backed it back to back and I was like wow that's interesting like this poor kitchen run right anyway that was me watching 90 day fiancé with my wife right after all these videos but if you're interested in psychology and all that stuff I would definitely check it out another thing on that subject by the way I know this isn't game related but if you're interested in psychology type stuff which I wasn't until last week there was a video series if you look up just search for Stanford evolutionary biology you'll see it it's like a 28-piece series on evolutionary biology how it ties in to humans how your brain controls your body body controls the brain all of that stuff I thought it would bore me to sleep and knock me out so I turned it on like you know midnight and ended up staying up till like 3:00 in the morning just watching binging non-stop and I've been going through it constantly since then it's really good and interesting and another one of those things I never would have thought I'd be interested in but you know it's a Stanford a lecture with millions of views cuz it's really really good so if you're interested in that kind of stuff check it out let's go back to game code though let's see um or do we have four questions great if make a series on unity scripting advanced level because unity advanced level programs are more yeah so when you talk about making series on advanced level scripting the hardest part there is that a lot of the more advanced stuff doesn't make sense until you get into a more complex project right if you start to put together advanced systems and patterns and you do them in a smaller scenario it just it really is it's overkill right you're doing the wrong thing you're over-engineering and over building it so doing samples where you show a lot of the advanced stuff gets really hard without something that's extremely long and in-depth but I do agree like having more of that stuff is very good and showing how to get that into a project is something I'd like to do more of as well so I have knowledge of object-oriented programming how interfaces classes polymorphism work and I know unity well if I send you my project can you tell me the quality of my code um I might be able to yeah and I mean I did a series of code reviews they're still up there I'd like to do more of them eventually they just take a while but if you have something that can be released publicly the code can be shown publicly and you're okay with us let's bring back into focus let me know shoot me an email just Jason unity3d ah college and maybe we can check it out it'd be cool let's see what other questions did I have here I don't worry about my games on Steam by the way I ended up selling all those off so I don't even own them anymore but they are fun don't get me wrong like they're cool and all but don't grab them just because I made them like how to write more sophisticated code with generics delegates and stuff ah that's another thing again you want to watch out too and make sure that you're not doing it just because it's a new thing that you know how to do right like um it's a trap that I've fallen into myself where I first learned how to use events and went way overboard it over complicated and confused myself and then the same with generics I think the first time I learned about generics I got super excited went a little overboard and built things that I didn't need over complicated and Confused things so what I would do is look for problems right when you see problem that you have in your code or problems that you need to solve with your game see if those work as solutions to the problem don't necessarily grab a solution and look for the problem try to find the actual problems and then find the best solution for them now if you want to just get better at using those things do some example simple projects I put together some projects where you're gonna think in that way and just use that thing and then you one of the things you might notice is when you design yourself into a hole and start causing those problems you'll see what the problems are what they look like and you know how to avoid that and it might give you a better insight into what not to do as you're going forward - let's see what what else we got here questions questions let's see I'm just literally just scrolling down looking for question mark right huh how to reduce battery usage on mobile apps ah performance you got a profile so you need to get down your your frame time as low as possible minimize the CPU work minimize the GPU work it's really just all about optimizing that's part of what dots is there for but if you're not already past that already all the other optimization stuff dots is not the next step like first you want to optimize everything and it's not easy but you need to get familiar with the unity profiler and anybody that hasn't used the profiler check it out like just go window profiler it's there it's free it's built into unity you don't have to do anything special and it's gonna show you what's killing your game what's causing performance problems and it's gonna show you like exactly what line how long it's taking how much how many times it's getting called for the very specific details you want to turn on the deep profile option it's a little button in there so just hit that stop play again look at the data you'll see every frame how long everything's taking and exactly what's happening best way to profile and just fix stuff up let's see what else we got here yeah so I'm talking about junior devs with two to three years experience and to released games yeah that's if you've released two games you probably passed that junior part it is possible to be a junior developer with two to three years of experience usually this happens because they're a junior developer in a place where there's not a lot of mentorship going on there's not a lot of learning going on and they're just kind of left on their own to build up it's very easy to get in the scenario where you see a lot of developers who've been doing the job for a couple of years but you would still consider them junior and then there are a lot of scenarios that I've seen where I see interns that I think are senior developers too and those are more of the collaborative environments where they're doing more mob or pair programming and working together a lot more so that the the newer developers are getting good like the senior developers which is something I would highly recommend again why I recommend Chris is a mob mentality podcast so how do you recommend creating a plug-in system that's a good question so that was the one you asked earlier right so I would go with the asset bundles and addressable I know I don't know that I can go into a whole system for it but that might be a just a good video let me put that on my list too and just build like a simple plug and one um make sure enough people are interested in it but I think it could be fun it's just like a plugins and extensions type thing because it's not super complicated and it can get super complicated but I think the fundamentals of it aren't too hard I'll I'll do that or I'll cue it up at least let's see what were these other ones that scroll up a little bit is it all yeah it's probably there are very few females that watch my channel like just looking at the YouTube analytics so if you're here trying to meet a girl or something it's like 2 or 3 percent female but I think that I don't know why that is exactly but it's it's less like that in in game companies and bigger game companies from what I've seen and it could just be completely you know the little bubble that I've been into but I saw I wouldn't say a lot of female co-workers but a lot more than like what you would see represented here was a lot more than 2% is like 20 to 30% it's just still low but I don't know if that was all yeah my best guess is that a lot of when I was a kid a lot of boys grew up just playing video games and a lot of the girls didn't I think that that's totally changed now since mobile devices became more popular and just kind of ubiquitous like I think that girls are gaming just as much but I think that when when I was growing up it was pretty much all boys we were just gaming and playing games kind of made for boys at our friends house right we'd go play console you can go play Nintendo or go play Sega Genesis or Super Nintendo or whatever the thing was he's just really like a lot of the old Nintendo playing a lot of the games and I think that that kind of probably bred a lot of the excitement to make games in a generation of boys and not so much in the girls but I think that's like such ancient Rome Attica Lee and there are probably more girls playing games now and eventually I wouldn't be surprised if that switched over to more girls making games oh there's no no real reason they couldn't so can you make a video on physics limitations and unity joints um I don't know I don't I don't think I'd be qualified on that like physics joints are not something that I feel like I'm an expert level out of kind of medium maybe though maybe there's something interesting to get better at it one of the things I like to do too is find stuff that I'm not super good at and then do videos on them because it forces me to learn the stuff in detail before I do okay and somebody mentioned that a lot of girls at university that's probably true like I said I think that it's it's changed a lot just because girls are growing up playing games now there is a discord server somebody asked that I could probably post a link let me see let me find it it generally goes out automatically for everybody on patreon but I'll just drop a link and chat real quick to you just don't get the cool fancy color and stuff there we go sorry just copying the link whatever it lasts for a day so if you're here alive there you go there's the link I just dropped in chat okay I'll see what else get a couple more questions here Wow okay all kinds of stuff so should I go with HDR P if you're building a PC game or Universal if you're building a PC game and depending on the game type probably HDR P so if you want to do something super HD like you want to do realistic stuff that's probably the way to go it also depends on your art team and your just your art direction in general if I'm making a game like Frogger should I bother with a game engine at all yes definitely don't you don't use WinForms or Visual Studio go straight to a game engine you could build Frogger in unity in a day if you wanted to go build it from scratch and something else it's gonna take dramatically longer you're gonna re-implement all of the things the game engine does and it's gonna be a nightmare it wastes the time really cuz nobody cares about a game built in something else people just care about the game whether or not it's good and fun very very rare that somebody gives a damn what engine the thing was built in unless they're a game developer can you do a video on practical integration tests probably I don't do a whole lot of integration testing right now do a lot of unit tests much less on the integration tests but I would like to do one on it eventually I don't know that I'll do it soon though I probably need to spend a bit more time on them and the integration test that I would be putting together right now are like a MMORPG scale so it might be a little bit different but I think I could probably do something like that where would you publish your first game everywhere so if you if you have a game that can go to any platform put it on any platform if you're not sure what platform to go for pick one that has lower competition like where you can get in and be one of a few developers ideally or one that just makes the game that you want possible depending on the kind of game let's see somebody's asking about game dev salaries and just making a video about him in general yeah I could probably do that and to be honest like I think we talked to briefly about game devs getting paid last but not all game devs get paid less right there are a lot of game developers who make a lot of money and in general once you get past that jr. getting your foot in the door phase or you're just doing code in general your pay is not gonna be bad and it's gonna get dramatically better I know plenty of like top level game developers game programmers who are in the multiple hundred thousand dollar-a-year range so it's not like it's impossible and they're not in Silicon Valley either right there no doubt in I don't want to spoil the places but other places that are not like they're not Google type money places and there are plenty like if you're a game programmer in the United States at least and you're at a senior level easily well over a hundred thousand it's not it's not a hard job to get good salary at it's just hard to get a good salary when you're starting because you have no experience and there are a ton of other people competing that also have no experience once you've built up that experience and get a couple connections it's dramatically easier to get the jobs that that don't pay terrible and it's also not hard to come in as a junior developer making like seventy or eighty thousand dollars and it's I wouldn't say not hard but it's not unheard of like I've seen plenty of that I've also seen plenty come in at thirty thousand though so it varies a lot and I'm talking totally Southern California numbers in a very obviously dramatically from state to state and country to country so I'm talking basically West Coast United States numbers because they would be the same all the way up to Washington or Oregon or whatever well maybe not over again it's pretty empty okay let's see what else you got for questions do you have a c-sharp course I have a game dev of course it's up on game dock courses it does C sharp stuff but it's not Jesse sharp two or three percent there's no chance that was on the percent of females let's see what else we got here also if you're new to just unity development I have a free course up on YouTube just look at the it's in the playlist just scroll through there's a picture of a dragon bouncing up and down and taught it to 5th graders a lot of them were able to comprehend it and understand and expand on it some of them went beyond and added extra things to it so if you're interested in just getting started you want to do it that's what I would recommend the first video is like I'm minute long and then just kind of goes from there it's only like an hour worth but you should be able to finish the whole thing in two to three hours and have a game that you can deploy out online which is really cool what else we got here what do you think about a no man's sky like him I think that it's interesting and huge I'm not a huge fan of procedural generated games just because I really like the handmade content better most of the time and I've spent a lot of I not a lot I've spent some time building procedural generation stuff for games and I always find that it takes a lot more energy and effort to get that good than it does to just build stuff out now no man sky it's supposed to be you know endless infinite so I understand like the whole point is that but it's just not the kind of thing that I get super excited about anymore I would have a long time ago but I've seen enough procedurally generated things that like I just tend to find them less interesting than the handcrafted stuff now okay let's see what else we got here imposter syndrome it let's see if somebody mentioning the HD RP only works if you have the right video cards which yeah I guess I'd never even considered that if you have the you know depending on your system you might not even be able to use it yeah interesting I forgot that people have computers without cool video cards the bubbles right and kind of fall into so should I quit college or do I need a diploma I have no idea I know that my college degree had zero value for me I got a degree in electronic engineering so electrical and or elect I don't even remember something I learned how to make circuits and stuff I found out that the only part that I like in my entire college was the coding and I already knew how to code a bit and then I just kind of yeah I never did anything with the electronic stuff so I don't know and went straight into code and learned all the coding on my own if it's just like if it's somebody that's looking at starting a coding job with no experience in deciding whether they want to go to college though that's a I think a different scenario and I don't know the best solution for that I think you can definitely learn all of the stuff that you need without going to school and it's definitely possible to do it dramatically faster I don't know that everybody can though I mean I know that a lot of the best programmers I know happened to be self-taught and a lot of that was that they started before they would have even gotten to a point where they would go to college like by the time they got to the point where they would go to college they knew how to code they kind of they'd been building things a little bit on their own they weren't bike pros they were like junior programmers and they had the option of get a junior programming job or go to college and the ones that chose get a junior programming job or generally better program like it just this is literally just out of the small bubble the small percent of people that I have met and I think that part of that is that when you're doing the job and you're working on it you're going nonstop that's all you're doing you're just focused on coding right and you're doing it with requirements and constraints and demands when you're going to school it's very easy to get distracted you're gonna have all kinds of other classes that are unrelated and you're not going to be as focused on the program excited you're going to learn a lot of other useful things and to get some extra value there I'm sure but I think it's easier if you're 100 percent focused that may make bootcamps really good for that too I don't know I've never been to one and I don't know anybody really closely that's been to one and told me about it at least so be curious umm do I sleep yeah probably too much really well what it is I just don't get up until I ate in the morning 9:00 gonna sleep in in the morning let's see um what else somebody mentioned they're experienced developer with no pro game experience should they send their resume to dev houses um yeah send it out just get going on it don't it's funny because it's watching the was it passion of the nerd again today and the video that I talked about last week was that tool box one like don't wait until you have everything together to start applying and trying to get jobs try to get the jobs now if you run into problems and you run into blockers you know beat those blockers down if then you need a portfolio get that portfolio done I would probably put up a portfolio just cuz it's easy but if you don't have anything to show there then and that becomes a blocker and you really can't get in then do it but try to get the jobs right away don't don't wait don't delay because I mean opera like job opportunities don't last we don't have a job opening that's up for like three years it's gonna be totally different jobs when you go apply if you wait you know another six months or a year or whatever so just keep going and apply don't don't wait I mean build games while you're doing it because it's fun to build games and it's good practice and it'll give you stuff to do but don't stop yourself from applying until you've done that is I guess the point how do we give real-life AI behavior to our characters that is a very complicated thing yeah not easy that's it's there's a lot to it a lot of different ways you can do it you can set up a simple state machine a most AI really is just a simple state machine a lot of the time people overestimate what's really going on in in AI it's usually a state machine that just goes like hey when this thing happens switch to the state and go do that thing and then maybe a little bit of randomness in there to mix it up and make it seem like oh this thing has a weird personality because sometimes it goes and does this other thing so most time it's just going to be that if you want something more complicated it could you could get a lot more complex but that's what they usually tend to be machine learning stuff somebody mentioned it to it could be really cool for AI and the end I just haven't figured out a way to make it make sense yet or get good at it yet something I want to get into though what about using autonomous boots to collect statistics about game FPS I'm not sure what that means I'm gonna go on to the next question I mean clarify a little bit though be interesting be use Unni rx extensively in projects just for UI or gameplay stuff no I don't just because I I think if I'm working on a project that's using it and the whole team is using it cool if I'm working on a project that's not though I'm not gonna try to just implement it it's a pretty big paradigm shift and the developers who use it and love it tend to love it I would've shown it to other developers that don't use it in their design it doesn't make sense to them and it gets hard to mix in it is something that I think is really useful and interesting for developers coming from outside unity too though because it brings in some of those patterns and that's the unit Unni rx I think it's supposed to be like unity reactive extensions kind of adds a lot of binding and eventing type stuff in there it's pretty big and pretty cool system I'm not a pro edited by any means somebody asked if they're late yeah I'm actually getting ready to wrap this up in just probably a few minutes yeah and somebody's mentioned that a lot of time teachers aren't in the industry when you're learning and that's true I mean you it's rare that you're building games and teaching stuff which literally like why I like to do contract stuff and keep keep working on projects because I feel like if I'm trying to teach things I'm not building stuff eventually my skills are going to get out of date and I'm not gonna know about new problems and things not gonna run into those things and stay as fresh and that can definitely happen with school like you go to college it's always possible that you know the person you're learning from is teaching you what worked 20 years ago and not necessarily now or teaching you problems that you needed to solve constantly ten years ago but now are just you know pre solved and not what you're at we're going to be doing day to day yeah there's still plenty of other value there lots of other stuff you can get out of it but um that all just makes sense what else we got for questions anything else can we ask any question here yeah yep go ahead mostly unity stuff but you got something else feel free and what do you think about user-generated content in games I think it's really cool I think it's a way to make a game that would not be successful suddenly be a giant hit I think it's a way to make a game that um has a really really long lifetime and a way to make it's really just a way that a small team or even a solo developer can make a giant mega hit right you make this game and then you have all these people constantly creating content for it and making your game better but it's not an easy thing to do it's let me really have to plan for but yeah I like it I would say do it if you can if if if it fits in your game it's also possible to just fall into that trap of I want to make this game and I'm expecting my users to make everything so I'm just gonna make this boring bland thing and then expect that people are gonna build on top of it don't do that get get a core game down get it fun and then try to figure out how users gonna make that better is anybody else looking forward to unities new input system I am personally but I when I last time I dove into it I wasn't a huge fan of the set up process and the complexity it felt a little too complex I get the sense that they're making it easier to use and simplify as they get closer to the final release though so I think once it's done it'll be I mean definitely it's gonna be a dramatic improvement versus reading string inputs right so it'll be cool it's just gonna take a little bit of time for them to get it nice and smooth and easy to use I think okay working on an RTS game does it make sense to divide units into two lists selected units and unselected units not necessarily so what I think what I would do in that scenario if you have a an RTS and you've got a bunch of units the units would all be controlled in some class 'let's like a unit manager it may have a list dictionary whatever some some data structure and there probably a list that's holding all of the units in it might be a dictionary with some key that I need to look him up by though excuse me and then I would have a selection in class so a class that's dealing with selecting him and it would have its own list of the selected units it wouldn't necessarily need to know about all of the units it just needs to know about the selected ones and I would set it up that way so that I had like a selection a unit selection or unit selection controller type thing and then as I select units that thing gets notified hey go select this unit player wants to select this thing and I would do it that way instead of having two separate lists that are like selected and unselected that happen all units and then a selected list that's on a totally different class to keep that separation of concerns away it's kind of keep your code as small and clean as possible did you see their recent unity humblebundle yeah I grabbed another copy of it I had a lot of the things in there but it was 15 bucks or 20 bucks and seemed like a really good deal so I grabbed another copy and got a couple extra keys and yeah it looked good I I mean I think do zui is enough for it but there were a lot of other cool things in there are you developing a game now yeah the one I'm working on is Pantheon if you go to Pantheon MMO comm you can see that's an MMORPG though somebody said they'll send some projects could you give feedback yep just shoot them over to me at an email just Jason unity3d Zac College um somebody had a problem with their certificate I don't know let me check that out I just from the course it sounds like it bugged out there was just the I got an email a couple days ago and another one that the site did an automatic update maybe it broke something in there I'll check that out thank you when starting out how do I keep my game from turning into a big bloated laggy mess profile and test the relatively common or often so I wouldn't do it non-stop like a lot of times people get in but just profiling everything constantly and just getting obsessive about it but while you're going through things watch for issues profile a little bit look for slowdowns and see what the things are that are bad and just cut them out and constantly what you want to do is when you're going into code leave it better than when you got there right it's the Boy Scout rule you want to leave the place better than when you came there so when you get into your code don't leave it a mess when you're done with it like right right the code clean it up and if you get in there and you see an issue try to clean it up and fix it if it makes sense and also delete crap don't import a bunch of assets that you're not using this is a something that I see people do constantly and I used to do it all the time and it was just a big mess but what you want to do is only import the stuff that you're gonna use so a lot of the time if I don't know what I'm gonna use exactly in an asset pack I'll open up a new empty project I'll import the package I'll figure out the parts that I need and then export that to my own little package that I can pull it in or if it makes sense and it's easy enough for me to understand I'll just go into the other unity editor and pull in the bright files if it's if I'm if it's really complex though and I can't figure out the dependencies exporting a unity package can also find those dependencies for you you just export the parts that you want and it will auto find all the dependencies I can't find any good info about the stuff replacing unit that's because there really isn't much info about it they haven't announced a whole lot other than their fps demo that uses some UDP and a bunch of custom code I think that they're working on something and they're probably gonna announce it as a big secret but I don't really know a lot of people are using photon and bolt and other options in the meantime seem like totally fine options I mean unit came and then died faster than all of those things have had a life cycle so expecting the next thing to last who knows like just I would look at what the options that are out there now see if any of them makes sense for what you're doing how do you work shaders in the project do you have a special tech artist guy or someone just knows everything yeah usually in fact every project I've been in we have some special tech artists the person who's really good at it now on the projects where they're small enough that we don't have that somebody on the team will try to figure it out and usually reach out to one of our good tech artist friends and get advice and tips on the thing that they're missing or the problem that they're having they can't figure out the shader development is it's a somewhat different skill from general game development it's slightly different mindset and thinking so a lot of people are really good at shaders and really bad at gameplay code or really good at gameplay code and really bad at shaders I see it I'd say most people fall into one of those boats some people are really good at both but most of the time we have somebody dedicated to one just just the shader stuff at least on any bigger project what else we got here people talking about updating a game for a long time so that over time becomes a different game I don't know it happens a lot I mean it keeps games around but sometimes games change dramatically from when they come out to when they're when they die the new unity UI builder looks interesting any plans to explore it with the tutorial definitely so I'll probably do one for either twenty nineteen point three or twenty twenty point one going over the new UI changes and a bunch of the new stuff that's coming in that's in there now I've been using twenty nineteen point three I like it but we'll see see what a when you deselect do you remove them from the list oh yeah so this is back on that I RTS selection stuff so yeah when you do select let me just unselect them they get removed from the selection managers list and then when you re add them they get out it back in and probably like a hash that too so that they can't be their unique they can't be added twice if somebody asked was working on in a pantheon of all kinds of stuff mostly game play go to back-end server stuff some of the client stuff not the shader stuff a guy named Bruno does that he's really good at it I'm not so much robust a game play type stuff calm things all that see procedural textures to keep the game size small yeah I mean it makes sense it also works for really high detailed textures when you want to have big stuff that's a thing a lot of Triple A games do now I don't know that it's necessary for most games but it does make sense for some how often do you work on unity mobile very rarely now I used to do a lot of mobile stuff when I started with unity it was all mobile and I've pretty much transitioned away from that 100% occasionally I'll deploy things out to a mobile device or help somebody with an app that runs on mobile but I generally don't build many mobile apps or games I don't know I kind of I got really into them got excited about them and then kind of got over them and I just really like doing PC stuff yeah so let's see what else we got how can you learn advanced things about programming uh courses videos I don't have a good solution for that other than like taking some longer more advanced courses or just building stuff and building with other people pairing and mob programming is a great way to do it yeah I've somebody mentioned PV fortnight it initially was a PvE based building game and then they modified it morphed it and turned it into the thing that was gonna be a success so if I load a project from the asset store and it says I can't have a fault waitwait a folder with assets in it I'm not sure what the problem is it sounds like an issue with a specific asset but I don't know what that is let me clarify a little bit more just shoot me an email let you know if I can if I can help there let me put my email address in here one more time though the only beard care tips that I have are I never actually use a razor I just just use Mike I use my Clippers like every month or so and just trim it down it's about it and no I'm not working alone and oh if somebody asked to use TDD in the industry I don't use TDD which is test-driven development but I do use unit tests heavily I'm a huge fan of unit tests I used to hate them in game dev I used to struggle with them and not be able to make sense of them in game dev now I love them and I would yeah I recommend unit testing for just about everybody for any project that you're going to keep around it's a good habit to get into it's a good way to develop and a good way to end up speeding things up dramatically it's how you get I still have a beautiful little technical debt paper with my kids math on the back but it's how you stay on this green line and don't end up with the giant technical debt and slowdown of speed right you stay on the green line with unit tests clean code let's see do you have a game studio on your own you working at a company I just thought I'd do your stuff contract for other Studios now and just don't have any game ideas that I want to build and release myself I love to code them designing them and coming up with what's gonna be fun is somewhat outside of my skill set I'm realistic about it for oculus quest it's not much harder than mobile stuff I mean it's it's very much like mobile stuff and VR and then you publish to the oculus store and steam I'm sure but oculus store is probably the best best place for that you use mocks for unit testing if so yep I use n substitute and substitute all day and it makes unit testing make sense so if you're doing unit testing and you're not using and substituted in unity it's not gonna make a lot of sense you're gonna wonder why you're doing all this extra work what what the point is like you're doing a lot of extra stuff writing a lot of garbage code just to test things that aren't real once you switch to n substitute and start to see some of the value and the cool stuff that it does it simplifies that and suddenly at least for me it makes it click should you design a game on paper before you start building it definitely you should you should definitely design it I mean on paper in a Google Doc something you should have an idea of order that you're gonna build what you think is gonna be fun build that part first the part that you think is gonna be fun that core gameplay loop and then go from there don't build all the other stuff first don't build the underlying infrastructure the menu systems all that crap wait get the core stuff done and make sure that it's gonna be fun first ok scriptable objects save versus reflection method for saving data I would go with player profs generally I know some people save stuff in scriptable objects don't still feel super comfortable with that I'd go with player crafts um most of the time unless it's going into like our remote database store through some web service or something let's see anything huh somebody's asking about an Android manifest for AdMob that I don't know anything about it would be a good question for discord though somebody might huh and have you ever created an FPS game any big pros or cons for that genre um I don't know I'm a a mostly worked on third-person type games not so much first-person they the biggest cons are just that it's a it's a huge market and it's like the biggest probably a top market where it's really hard to stand out like you've got to do something really cool and really unique because all of the biggest IPs are building FPS games and they're all doing all kinds of crazy stuff and pushing the limits so being able to stand out as an FPS I think is extremely hard and like I said I don't think I'm a good game designer I think I can code not design so I can't tell you what to what to do to make that better though so best way to save data online for mobile games I would use probably some third-party service um in the past I've done it with my own setting up my own web services and dealing with all that but really it's probably not worth the effort you probably want to use a pre-built system like play fab which I have on my list to do a video about and just just go with that so that you can store the data and not have to worry too much about it if it becomes a cost problem then sure you can refactor and change and maybe adjust that out of there most of the time we just want to get the project done we want to get it working get it right and then we can worry about that stuff so I would probably not build my own if I was starting off from scratch again of course when I did mine those didn't exist theaters though at least I don't think they did if they did I didn't know about him I should have looked him up let's see um somebody else was working on those Pantheon MMO commie checks out the game I'd talked about it a couple times I just don't know go on to it too much more I'm doing use mocks for unit tests yeah I hate that one okay sorry that's kind of confusing me best way to save data I already answered that do people animate in unity or outside and import things outside I don't know anybody who does their animation in unity for characters now for object animations like recording an animation of moving a thing or a drawbridge or whatever and do plenty of those inside unity where it makes sense but for like if you're talking about character animations like you want to get them run and a walk and all that that's always every time I've seen it done it's done outside of unity and it's done by animators who have tools that they prefer and what they use somewhat varies on who the animator is and with team is let's see take a couple more unit is the unity trained editor the most RAM in GPU efficient way to create a large map I don't know so the unity terrain has changed I don't know if you guys have seen it but there's a new terrain system I think it's in the package manager now and on github and it's changed dramatically from what I can tell I haven't used it in a real project so I'm not sure I think before it was relatively limited um people used it sometimes but most games didn't use the unity terrain at least most more advanced ones because there were some serious drawbacks to it I think there were a couple of performance issues and then a lot of just things that you couldn't do with it making seamless tiled ones was relatively difficult and kind of painful putting holes and things was pretty much impossible there were a lot of just different issues like that so I don't know what what it's going to be like my guess is that with the new system they'll probably do an off job and make something really cool so I'm hopeful that that's the case but I don't know enough about it to say for sure see somebody mentioned firebase Oh interesting apparently banned in China did not know that okay but as an alternative to play favi think and then is there a best way to save and load game objects dynamically when the player is playing ah well what do you mean by save and load so what I would say normally is you want to save and load the data so you want to have like a class or data structure that's got the data for the object and then what you'll do is maybe pull an object that's that type out of a pool so you have like a pooling system that holds a bunch of like if it's NPCs or whatever a bunch of NPCs you'll pull the NPC out of that pool and then do a setup with that data that you've loaded from player preface or wherever you loaded it from so that way you're not instantiated and destroying things constantly and you're keeping it as lightweight as possible the amount or the data that you're storing somebody's asking about using an AI controlled boot to walk around a level and collect game statistics I'm not sure that's something I've done I'm not sure what kind of statistics you would grab but I'd be curious to learn a little bit more about what you're asking there um yeah I'll definitely check that out when I get when I look at I need a dick three now I've got a bunch of emails and popped up over the last day so I knew dick Grum and uh oh okay I'll take this and then maybe one more question so what do you think about building a game and selling game assets on the unity store if you're building custom art for stuff and you don't mind other people using it I highly recommend that you just prepare it clean it up and put it on the asset store because selling art on the asset store isn't I wouldn't not saying it's easy to do as a is it getting people to buy it thing but the amount of effort involved in selling the art and having people buy it is really low if it comes to a code problem though like you're building some code package expects to need to deal with support requests right you're gonna have people that have questions that don't understand the thing or they can't use it and are gonna want to ask questions and if it becomes popular or it's complicated or a big key part of a game that could add up to a lot so when you're doing code based ones or like project things give it a lot of thought and make sure that it's something that makes sense for you financially that you're gonna put it up there and it's not going to cost you way more in time to manage and maintain when it comes to art stuff if you get it clean get it packaged up in a unity set up that have a couple people go through try it out check make sure that things are in the right folders animations are all hooked up right all that stuff works do that I would put those up for sure because you don't really have to deal with it much and you can build up a nice nice passive income source that is good right I mean it's like said I've known people that made a lot of money on the asset store just passively many thousands of dollars not doing it not as a not doing anything but just continuously since they'd released things and just constantly releasing more things I hope with that Wow I said like one more in a bunch more popped up let's see Pantheon is not using a heavily modified version of unity um yeah so if somebody says they read that it's not there it's using some custom stuff for its using a lot of custom things inside there but it's not like a source code modified version of it right a lot of people assume that you need that too and you generally don't like a lot of time people want to know like hey you know you're using unity instead of unreal like you could have the source code for unreal and I could yeah but most of the time we're not going to look at that source code unless we have a problem that we cannot solve or a question that we can't figure out the answer to we don't generally go into the source code for the engine because it doesn't make sense you just you're much more likely to break things and cause problems changing that than you are to make things better if you really understand the engine sure you could make some big improvements I know at least one guy who does unreal stuff and I would trust him to make any changes to the engine totally fine most people though I wouldn't say would need to go into there so I don't even know where that came from or why I started rambling on about it but hopefully get the let's see anything else let's see oh nice comments I appreciate it thank you and a best approach for localization I would look at some of the assets that are available it's a problem that a lot of people have had to deal with and the assets I think do a relatively good job that are on the asset store but it's not something that I deal with at a massive scale and any red flags when you hire people I don't know it's a good question but I don't have a good answer for it I don't think about that I should ask people about that really I mean hired enough to come up with good red flags I mean I've seen some people that like so definitely not gonna hire them but yeah it's a good question I don't know anyway um I don't know if you guys like this stuff I have a lot of fun doing them if you do make sure you hit hit the thumbs-up button and all that stuff or subscribe if you're not I'll probably do another stream I don't know a Thursday or something there's a lot of stuff going on but I'm going to very least be doing these weekly just answering questions probably every Tuesday and maybe a couple other days if you got any questions just shoot me an email posted my email address in the chat and I guess that's it I'm gonna head out because I'm getting super thirsty and hungry and go get a bunch of stuff done so thanks again appreciated everybody again hit me an email got any questions or stuff
Channel: Jason Weimann
Views: 13,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity game devlog, game development, game dev, unity game dev, unity, unity 3d, unity devlog, game developer, unity game development, game development unity, game dev job, game devlog, gamedev, game development for beginners
Id: ldbdbebdAKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 29sec (7289 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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