Unity VFX Graph - Spawn Effect Tutorial

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welcome back guys today we have a Sci-Fi spawn effect [Music] hi everyone I'm Gabriel Aguirre currently developing Rabbit's Tale links below for more and I'm going to show you how to create these neat spout or wristbound effect for objects characters anything and if you want to get your hands on this project on these effects and many others they are all available on my patrons page links below so without further Ado let's jump right into this [Music] and this is the main focus of this tutorial we are going to see how to create this effect and then how to combine it with the materialized tutorial that I did a while back and in the end you will have a great spawn effect and as you can imagine this is mostly 3D objects in fact it's only two 3D objects and they are super easy to create we are going to use blender because it's free and it's easy to pick up I am using blender version 3.1.2 and as usual we can select everything with a and press delete so we can have a clean scene from there we want to add with shift a and cylinder and on this left bottom corner in the add cylinder panel we want to say that the cap fill type is nothing we don't need the top and bottom faces let's smooth these faces by going to object and select shade smooth and that's it we have our first object we only need now to adjust the pivot because if we are going to scale this from the bottom to the top we want this to grow well from the bottom to the top so let's enter this mode with Tab and select with a and while holding shift and ALT you can click on the mouse button to select this ring of vertices and with this selection we can use shift s to choose cursor to select it let's go back to object mode by pressing Tab and now with Ctrl shift alt C we can say origin to 3D cursor and that's it now our pivot is at the bottom of this cylinder cool the second mesh actually we already have it right here we simply need to duplicate this one with shift d and press Escape so it stays in the same position and with s you can then press Z to lock it in the Z axis and scale it down to a value of 0.15 and press enter and now we just need to Arc these a little bit so with tab let's enter an edit mode Let's select the bottom vertices scale them with s a little bit like this and now with Ctrl R we are going to add an edge Loop and now with s we are going to shrink it as you can see and we are going to add again another Edge loop with the Ctrl R and shrink it a tiny little bit until we have a nice curvature in this ring and that's it we can press tab to go to object mode and let's call it ring 0 2 because I already have one in my project and we are good to go with B let's select both of these meshes and in file we can select export and choose fbx we can rename this to spawn effects underscore models 0 2 and make sure to turn on selected objects so we make sure to export only the Sounder and the ring now if we go back to Unity we are ready to start working on this effect in VFX graph so we'll right click let's create a visual effect graph I'm going to rename it to VFX graph underscore spawn effect and double click to open this up rearrange my workspace and drag and drop the VFX graph to the scene I'm gonna leave it in the zero position at the center of the world exactly and as you can imagine we have created 3D objects right so we need to feed the effects graph actually object and mesh so let's drag a line from the update particle and select the output particle mesh delete the output quad and in the mesh input we want to select the sound that we just created we not see anything because it's probably very small but with the set size we can say it's 100 the size and here we go we have a bunch of Sanders being spawned as a matter of fact we can take care of that up here it is bound block and instead of a constant spawn rate we want to use the burst of only one particle we also don't want this to move so let's remove the set velocity and lifetime is going to be constant let's turn off random and say it's going to be controlled by float property call it duration with a default value of 2. I'm not going to create a lot of properties but you should create because they are super useful to control in the inspector now if you play this as you can see we have our cylinder we don't see much of it mostly because of the normals we only see the front of the object if we select the output particle mesh in the inspector you will be able to control that it's called the call mode it's set to default but if we turn this off it will render the front and the back faces of our object as you can see great let's fix the rotation we want this to go up with a set angle in the initialized particle we can rotate 90 degrees in X actually minus 90 because it's going below the ground as you can see all right if you are wondering why the pivot is at the center of the mesh that's because in unity the pivot is set to center of the selection instead of Vivo another coffee we can already do is rotate this throughout time throughout lifetime in the update particle we can do it by adding an angle every tick small value like one or two we will see another useful thing is to control the scale of this depending of the size of your object you may need to make this taller thinner flatter I don't know set scale down here not put particle mesh to control exactly that you should create a property for this by the way now a very important block for this effect is the set scale over lifetime but instead of set instead of overwriting any previous value we want this to be multiplied in the composition and as you can see the curves are creating this kind of Animation this kind of motion in our specific case we want the X and Y to be static we want this to grow simply in the Z axis so I'm going to go to the scale X and select this line which stays at one it doesn't move and do the same for the scale Y and now the scale Z I'm going to select this diagonal line which goes from 0 to 1 basically over the lifetime it has over the direction it as it will grow until it reaches its maximum size right so at this point it's also useful to fade these out fade in and Fade Out let's use a set color of our life just going to adjust the gradient a little bit so this key is at maximum of the alpha push it more or less around here and push the first key to more or less around here as well okay very nice it's fading in and fading out we are taking care of the motion it's very important what we can do now is create a group so we can use the ring mesh we created earlier we can call this the cylinder and select this group with Ctrl C and Ctrl V create a duplicate and rename this to bottom mesh and for the mesh well we are going to use the ring that we created you may not see it but it's there it's just a little bit too big and it's covering the sander so I'm gonna make it larger 1.3 for the X and Y and smaller for the Z like 0.3 here we go now we can see it it's at the bottom great and they are growing both well that was easy right now let's do the same but for the mesh at the top of the sander we can basically Ctrl C and Ctrl VDS and call it the top mesh the biggest difference is that it's going to move up it's going to follow the top of the sander we can do that with a set position over life in the update particle and instead of the X and my X is going to be static in this case we want the X and the z-axis going to be static it's going to go up in the y-axis so for the X we can select this line delete the last key and we right click on the first key we can say the value is zero you can copy this with right click and paste it to the Z it will not change visually that's a bug from Unity from this version 2021.3.9 but now for the Y curve we can say that it goes from 0 to 1. for now we will see if we need to increase this yes we need but at least it's going up as you can see and it's following the sander almost basically now we need to adjust the last key for example oh and as you can see we need to mirror this instead of rotating minus 90 degrees in X we can say 90 degrees in the X just like this wonderful so for the position y curve the last key with right click we can say something like 2.5 for example oh perfect it follows really nice the top of the sander you made to adjust this if your sander is bigger to scale cool but as you can see it's rotating on opposite direction so in the add angle instead of one we can say -1 I'm actually going to create a property for this there's a bunch of properties you can and you should create but this one float rotation speed value of 2. let's see how it goes with that I just want to show that if you want negative values from a float you can use the negate node and that's it let's connect this as well to the bottom mesh in the angle Z and we will also add this to the center let's move on to the next part which is improve this visually we are using the default particle for now and we are going to create two textures very simple Textures in krita because it's free and anyone can pick this up so I'm going to create a new file in creator with 2048 by 2048 and oh I already have the brush selected but let's select brush B for shortcut and hap here you need to go all the way down we have a very useful brush called the stamp water brush we want to select this one and then increase the size to around 2000 pixels more or less make sure it's white you can press shift W to enter in wrap mode so it creates a seamless texture and we are not going to use the brush we are going to use a line and while holding shift I'm going to go to the opposite side and here we go we have created a pattern and that's it press shift W to turn off wrap mode we have our texture it's ready to be exported we only need to add the black background and export in file as a PNG to our project now back to our project we can add this to the sender drag and drop let's see how it is well for my taste it's a little bit too intense we could create shaders for these and play with shaders but for this tutorial it's quicker to create a texture I'm going to go back to Creator now and basically with the erase tool I'm going to remove some parts that I think that are too excessive and once I have removed enough in wrap mode by the way I'm gonna get out of the wrap mode shift W hide black background and Export again to replace the existing texture on my project okay that's a little bit better not so intense okay let's create another texture now for the Rings it's a very simple one as well in krita we can create a new file with 2048 by 2048 and this time the pixels are important because we are going to use a very specific brush make sure it's white by the way and now and make sure you have the brush tool selected and we want to go ahead and select the basic five brush let's enter the brush editor and to create a dashed line in the brush tip we can turn off spacing and increase the space to two you can literally type 2 and then press enter and instead of circles we want squares because this is a Sci-Fi respawn in this case and the diameter 256 pixels that's why the size of the file is also important because now we are going to select the line and while holding shift to create a straight line you can go to more or less around here and as you can see we have a seamless dashed line another thing we can do now is with Ctrl t Center this in the tool options say the Y is 10 24. and then we are going to stretch this vertically otherwise the dashed line is going to be very small on the Rings now we can add the black background and Export this as a PNG to our project and let's test it out in our Rings mesh by simply dragging and dropping to the main texture of the bottom and the top mesh part consistent and here we go very interesting result we may need to adjust the scale 1.1 for the X and Y of both meshes of the top and bottom yeah looking better and rotation speed a little bit faster 2.5 okay let's create two colors one for the cylinder and another for the Rings color we can use them before the set color of a life with the set color block just make sure the set color of a life is in multiply the composition and the alpha composition choose additive for the blend mode by the way it will look a little bit brighter and do the same for the cylinder this cylinder should have a not so bright color we are not going to increase the intensity but for the Rings we can increase a little bit the intensity to 2.2 for example there we go looking nice we got a Sci-Fi respawn we got a Sci-Fi spawn effect going on we just need to fill this with something and I highly recommend to check out the materialize tutorial that I did a while back we also used VFX graph and both tutors will complement each other very well as you can see this is the end result I got from combining both all I had to do was adjust the timings the scale other flare and some vertical particles but at least you got a very good base where you can build from so I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial this effect and many other effects there's a lot of assets are available on my patrons page links below by the way and by supporting me you keep the channel alive I want to say a big thank you to each Patron that supported me and as usual a quick shout out to Top Tire patrons which are 3D sorcery alperarichai Achilles Benitez Avia tobali Aya pranayanda krupidoby Doo Danielle Schmidt the egg Mark Duke Williams deutron effect yellow El Cherry Federico Gabrielle oriolevsky gills Walter Goblin plague guillerm trindad Casey Miller Cannon and cell markan Martin Michael Gan minazuki mograph Tech Nicola piatkov that seems oh it's pradeepsen contagiono radioactive bullfrog revnet games save food 25 Val verisuta Victor Roman wilhoots will poison Zips Champion myON glaxon and Ingo Das your sport is super much appreciated guys you guys rock I hope you have enjoyed this video and to anyone watch this I hope to see you in the next one thank you bye [Music]
Channel: Gabriel Aguiar Prod.
Views: 28,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unity tutorial, vfx, vfx graph, vfx graph tutorial, unity, visual effect graph, unity visual effect graph, unity vfx graph, unity visual effect, tutorial, shader, fx, visual effect graph unity, unity tutorial, power up, unity power up, unity effect, unity vfx tutorial, unity visual effects, visual effect graph tutorial, materialize, effect, spawn effect, spawn fx, unity spawn, unity spawn effect, unity respawn effect, respawn, respawn effect, materialize objects, unity respawn
Id: we8D7AgkgVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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