Unity Shader Graph - Fire Wings Effect Tutorial

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fire wings or any kind of magic wing effect is an effect that has been used in many games as something nice part of the character as an ability or as a way of transforming or evolving the character into something majestic and really powerful and since it has been requested quite a few times in the channel that's what I'm going to show you today I'm going to show you the steps I took to achieve this cool effect in unity with shader graph with a mesh that a model in blender and a few particles and as always this project is a veil my patron page in case you're interested I left a link in description and you will get access to this entire project as well as many other shaders of visual effects that you can use in your game so with that being said let's see how we can do this and this time actually started by creating a few sketches so I could find a good shape for the wings once I add the sketch done I moved on to blender so I could start modeling the first pair of wings it's nothing too fancy I basically started with a plane with a mirror modifier and kept on modeling the backbone of the wings now the important thing for this tutorial add wings themselves and those are made with a plane as you can see they have only a few phases in the beginning and they have no fitness they are really simple and flat because we are going to use the shader with double-sided the UVs are also very important for the shader to work well so since I only have the few quads and no triangles at all I can use this simple trick where I select everything and with you I choose light map pack then I select one face before selecting everything again and choose follow active quads I get these straight faces and the straight rectangle which is great and I'm gonna make sure that the beginning of the feather is at the bottom of the UV area and this is important because the rest of the feathers will have to follow this orientation otherwise some of them will have the shadows crawling in the opposite direction now since I was using image constraints I could easily extend to these and Phil do all UV area next with a live unwrapped turn on I can add a few more edge loops so the shader gets properly mapped to this object and it will have a better aspect in the end and I press to do the same for the remaining feathers which is basically getting straight to uv-map have the correct UV orientation so it matches the first feather make sure the UV map fills the wall area and add a few more edges as well okay so with the first prototype wings done I exported these as an FBX and moved on to unity here I have this guy which has an animator it has the character controller and a movement input script that enables me to move around in a third-person view and in case you want to learn more about this setup I made it to row a while back that will teach how to set up the camera and character controller as well I left a link in description in case you're interested now I'm gonna temporarily drag and drop these wings to my character so I can create the shedder and see how it's behaving directly in the fathoms okay so I started by creating an unlit graph and I am in a reversal render pipeline by the way but this could be done with another random pipeline and with another shader as well and the first thing I'm gonna do is either called property defaulted to white and full opacity since I know I'm gonna need this color which is also going to be in HDR mode by the way next I needed a scroll mechanism so I can control the distortion speed because basically we will have a main texture that is going to be animated by a distortion and this is the scroll Makris a time note multiplied by a vector to connected to a tiling offsets and now connected to a gradient noise or any other kind of noise and I also added a distortion scale to control the size of the distortion so like I said it's going to distort a main texture so I added a main texture connected these directly to the UV of the sample texture it would distort too much which means I needed alert note control the amount of distortion it will have right and the a option of the lerp it's going to be the UV without distortion and the B option it's going to be the UV totally distorted and now I need the vector one to control the amount of the distortion these amount right here cool next so we can have a really cool effect I also decided to add a dissolve effect to the main texture and I used the Voronoi note for that and I'm also going to the same setup for the scroll mechanism so I also added a vector to for the dissolve speed and a vector one for the dissolve scale right now if I multiply the main text directly with the Voronoi note I get this more or less dissolve the text now a cool trick that we can do is use a power node if I connect the Voronoi to a power as you can see if I start increasing the power value we get this very dissolve the texture in the right so this time I'm actually going to use these to control disease all the mountains which I think it gives a really cool effect and it's enough I don't need a lot this time now the rest of the shed is really simple how that was left to do who has multiplied the collar with this output and then in case I want to control this with a particle system I can multiply this with a vertex color note and then in the end all I gotta do is connect this to the color input and to the Alpha and just make sure that the Alpha clip threshold is at zero otherwise in case you are following this you will have the end image really clip it another thing that is missing is setting the surface to transparent and the blend to additive for now and I also turn on two-sided so the wings can be visible from both sides now back to unity I created the material out of the new shader and then I selected only the feathers so I could assign the material now all I had to do is play around with the valise to get something pretty cool like increasing just a little bit the distortion as well as the dissolve amount and then adding a fiery orange and also increase the intensity of the HDR color and I quickly got this pretty cool effect going on so it's all a matter of finding the right values and get something proportional as well with a good randomness and at this point I was only using default particle texture so if I start to play around with texture I can get really different feelings too so that's what I did I went to photoshop and started painting these strokes that goes from thick to thin and start from the bottom to the top and I had a problem with my recording but basically after the first four of five big strokes I added a few thin ones and started shaping them with the eraser tool and I also added a few ones with very low opacity in the back and finished by increasing the white area at the bottom and this is how it looked when I applied the text to the material it's looking pretty cool but I noticed that I needed something to contrast with so I added a dark red in the back after all just like an initial sketch Morales at least the colors and since the active shader cannot reproduce dark colors I had to modify the original one so I duplicated it first and then all I need to do is connect the alpha like these with a split node and I also had to change the blend mode to alpha so I could use the dark colors I created a new material out of this second shader and apply it to a few wings a really nice contrast to the feathers at the end I decided to wreak the wings instead of using vertex animation which could also be done with vertex animation but it would look very different so basically I added bones to the feathers then I also create some inverse kinematics just to facilitate and speed up the animation process and also corrected the weights now it was time to animate so I created a very simple idle animation after having quite a few problems importing the animations to unity I finally end up with this the only thing that I added was a few more particles and the trail and that's it and I think it turned out pretty cool even the blue one this is open to a lot of possibilities into a lot of uses but that's mainly it and I hope you have enjoyed this video and that you have learned something new and all of this is available my patreon page by the way the entire project as well as many other projects that I've shown on my channel and I want to thank every pattern that's supporting me and a special thank you goes to the super mega patterns which are a lie Andrew fort era Gamescom goblin plaque James Finley James Ramsey Jeff Cardenas graham ideale Ken Lee Scott wells foster so lava Raza female yo Steven Melton Barban studios Martin Jim and Choji Koch I can I'm sorry if I pronounced at any of your names wrong you guys are really awesome and your support is really very much appreciated so that's it guys thanks for watching I hope you have enjoyed and see you in the next video you
Channel: Gabriel Aguiar Prod.
Views: 26,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unity tutorial, unity effects, unity special effects, game effects, unity particle tutorial, unity game effect, unity vfx, unity shader graph tutorial, unity shader graph, shader graph, shader graph tutorial, unity shader tutorial, unity shaders, shader graph fire, unity fire effect tutorial, unity fire tutorial, fire shader, fire effect, unity fire shader, fire tutorial, unity fire, wings shader, fire wings effect, unity fire wings, unity wings, vfx, wing
Id: k79imESSLzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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