Unity Netcode x Ready Player Me - Multiplayer Quickstart

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hi everyone in this video we are going to cover how to use unity's OWN networking solution netcode for game objects uh with radio player me avatars now we have a sample package for this that makes your job easier when you want to work with unity net code using Ready Player avatars in your multiplayer games so I already have a empty Unity project and I imported radio player me SDK and Reddit filming Network support packages already in it so you can go to Reddit clearly GitHub organization you will see red firm Unity SDK core here you can copy the git URL and edit through clicking plus button on the package manager here and edit same goes for the netcode support so you can in the in ready to play me organization you can search for netcode and import this package the same way once you have all the packages we are ready to go click on the net cost support and in the samples tab you will see two sample projects one is Avatar control a basic Locomotion example where avatars work with wasd controls and another one is a small fighting game Prototype let's import the Avatar control and see how it works once I import it I will see a water control folder highlighted and I will go into Auto control C so you will see this scene blue floor Auto URL and start buttons in the hierarchy you can see there is this netcode setup game object with certain scripts on it we have a network manager and our player prefab attached to it we have player prefabs scriptable object for netcode added here we have Unity transport that comes with network manager and net cost setup script is a basic setup script for the UI where button or button functionality is attached and run if you go to prefabs folder we will see netcode test character this pretty much is a empty with the player Me avatar it is a single mesh of a target a transparent group included in it so we will have to use Atlas avatars for this and it has a camera inside for third person view so we have Network objects from netcode Network player controller which takes Avatar config is the main component this package provides that helps you load avatars client Network transform client Network animation and a basic movement script which helps you get the wasd controls and enables the camera if you are the owner of the Avatar I would like to go into Network claim script and show you what is going inside just like Photon you will need to prepare your prefabs for the characters in the editor and use them and instantiate them later for this purpose we created this network player component which is a network Behavior you can attach this to the default Avatar you would like to use in your game and once the Avatar URL is received on Network star so if the player is the owner of this Avatar Avatar could be loaded if it's a instantiate avatar of some other player on the value change of the network variable we can actually load this Avatar please check Unity net code for game objects documentation to learn more about the network variables and all networks Pawn is owner his host is client properties and more purchase if the player is owner or remote player we will be able to load the avatars in all the clients and run them let's take let's run let's build the scene run it and see how it works I'm pressing Ctrl B building the application all right the build is completed it's starting now and we can see example running I'm gonna go to redflair.me copy the URL of one of my avatars and bring it back to the running exam after clicking on the start button you will be asked either you want to be a host or a client since there is no dedicated server in this case one of the players will need to host the game itself so in the build application I will be host first I will see the default Avatar and then my avatar will be loaded on top of it so I can walk around control my character everything seems to be working let's go back to the engine and run it in the editor as well I'm gonna go back to Ready Player mean copy another Avatar URL [Music] and paste my avatar URL click start button this time I will join the existing game I will click on client and it will load and I can see the avatar on the other window I will walk right in front of it here let's go to the other window [Music] let's move it down here so we can see both of the authors and I can see it's moving so we transfer the auto URLs to each player we synchronize them with network variables and they can now move and they are synchronized in both of the windows if you are looking for a bit more of a challenge you can import the basic fighting game sample and play that too it is really essential that you already have knowledge on Unity net code and know the basic concepts of it so you can use this example easily and kick start your games with Ready Player me and unity netcode multiplayer thank you for watching and please don't hesitate to ask your questions
Channel: Sarge
Views: 955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity, unity tutorial, unity multiplayer tutorial, how to make multiplayer games, unity netcode, netcode multiplayer, netcode, net code, netcode multiplayer unity, netcode ready player me, multiplayer ready player me, unity ready player me, ready player me, readyplayerme, netcode readyplayerme, netcode tutorial, netcode readyplayerme tutorial, how to make multiplayer readyplayerme, multiplayer game tutorial, multiplayer unity, unity multiplayer
Id: Vam1QjSA2hA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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