Unite The Magic - LEGO Elves - Mini Movie (High Res)

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grandma wanted you to have this emily that way she'll always be close i miss her too honey you know exploring her garden may help thanks mom i'll give it a try ah who are you i i'm emily jones who are you how did i get here whoa one question at a time emily jones i'm azari fire elf and you're an elven deal you don't look anything like me i mean those ears what about your ears they're like out of a comic book you seem cool and um sad wow that's okay we'll go see farren who's farren farron leaf shade earth health front animals general buzzkill i'm farin and i think we need to use common sense yes i stink i'm sure he's a great guy elf uh earth creature type thing well he talks a lot but he's good at taking care of lost things and you seem a little lost baron how's it going ah one day you're gonna freak me out so bad i'll step on these guys it's adorable how you refer to random acorns as these guys and by adorable i mean hilarious come here i want you to meet emily jones she's super cool i love meeting new what is with those ears wow that was rude sorry but how did they get like that is it a costume uh i'm sorry super inappropriate but they're weird sorry again oh little ears emily needs our help yeah i seem to have stumbled into elvendale from my own world she burst through a tree portal can't get back and we gotta help you've come to the right elf emily hey we should call ira too since where are you farren i tweeted her while you were blessed i wanted to tweet her wait you guys tweet of course we do hi guys what's up i got is there a suite oh oh wow you must be emily psyched to meet you i know you're trying to get home where's home i guess home is earth but i'm not an earth elf like fahren not with those ears no way can you even hear do you live underwater or in the sky oh oh oh do you have dragons we 100 do not have dragons no dragons like none zero okay focus if emily arrived here through a tree it was a portal wait a portal the only portal i know is from this legend about a castle and it's crazy hard to get to and we'll need keys geez what do you mean it's the mystery of the five sisters each one belonged to her own element with its own magic but the fifth sister had no magic so she lived in a different world boring oh not your story the idea of a world without magic the elves built two portals one to enter and one to leave which is in the castle to protect it they made keys and you need all four sisters and their keys to use it where do we find these keys ira the fifth sister visited less and less grew mortal and old without her the four sisters who lived here grew apart the keys were lost that story isn't sad it's amazing it's a little cheesy it's an adventure we gotta get those keys that could be dangerous i agree other than the cheesy part it will be dangerous but we have to do something or i may never get home let's do this where do we start how about visiting nida she has lots of maps maybe she could help yes i know that legend sorry delphia it's just not your day okay we've got maps here one will show us where to find the keys emily why don't you open this one well at least there's a castle a castle to me it looks like a key only one key though wait i think i see yes there's a second key now look greetings for elements that's us and girl from another world em that's you you will need each other to claim the legacy of the sisters now more than ever we must unite to help emily on her journey even if it means leaving our homes and where'd everybody go we all kind of left a board night as boat but your speech was awesome now come on let's go um guys are we moving of course we are am we're going so fast you can't feel it no actually we've stopped yo naida can you move you're blocking my race uh okay this'll sound crazy but i don't think we're moving ugh farron we need wind oh i'll make a windmill or no a super-sized sail or maybe some wings yeah yeah yeah wings ira don't you control the wind she's desperate to build something i can tell but em's right this must be the place but where all i see is a bunch of ocean sorry the map wouldn't lead us astray oh what you seek rests next to the mermaid's tears hmm emily what do you think of all this does it make sense i can barely believe i'm on a boat with elves in a land with mermaids but okay um i remember my grandmother used to tell me that mermaid's tears were pearls of course yes emily that's it i knew it see oysters the keys inside an oyster cool but wait how are we gonna get it i can try i'll go down to the bottom of the ocean yes and i will get that key i promise you guys so that was incredible nida we have our first key thanks to you i like to go to sleep with a song my grandmother used to sing to me it's about never being alone and it always made me feel safe earth moves the air and the wind feeds the fire magic is here if you dare to believe sail out to sea on an ocean of mystery and bring your heart to the ones that you meet the second key must be nearby the earth's pockets are never empty yet they can be hard to dig into hmm you think i know what that means yeah who's that oh hello squirrel i'm oh oh excuse me hello miss bry i'm faring earth elf we would like your assistance too this furball thinks it can scare us squirrel please miss bry if we could just whoa there's no need for that kind of language guys i think she's protecting something i bet it's the key oh i bet it's a pocket of earth that's never empty right you're right em baron ask her face about her storage facilities does she look like she wants to talk let's all run in different directions whoever missed sprite confronts is closest to the key great idea one two three go figures you're welcome the keys in that cave but the ground is full of rocks just like your head that must be the hard to dig into part of the clue if a squirrel can get into a cave so can i an elf has magic you know now cover your eyes this is gonna get messy dangerous and a little bit let's do it i am doing it now run miss fry come on we're not the enemy here we'll give you some food and help rebuild your home just let us have that key oh look at that little bakery fox wait why is there a bakery in the middle of the forest hey flamie how's it going the third key is right around here hey tried the cinnamon buns i've baked them myself the icing's icing e priorities johnny baker we have to find a key before we can eat but you're eating now no time for arguments here comes the riddle look a curtain of gold falls between you and what you need there's no curtains in this place i'm more of a blinds guy myself curtains catch fire nobody's got time for that but something gold is falling what where lava that's not really falling it's more ah i'm sorry this is the place you were right again em i need my powers to keep the lava curtain open what do we do i don't know none of us can even get close ira build the heat resistant fireproof key grabber thing guys wait could we maybe just get the fox to help that's awesome emily and i think azari's already on it he still needs to cool down right of course well thanks flamie you're the best yes we have three out of four of the keys now this is great one more then off to the castle nobody tried my cinnamon buns you don't know what you're missing i told you about the icing tonight buttercream the key keeps moving and so crazy fast look sparks are flying off the map it's no use we'll never catch up wow i don't know if you have pegasus in your world emily but they're rare even in elvendale they're beautiful what are you called to pegasus pegasus is says no pegasus pegasi silly ira could you talk to them the way naida talked to delphia and azari talked to flamey and the way i chatted up miss spry huh remember that pretty cool i've only ever tweeted birds before even then it was mostly forest gossip you would not believe what some of the owls get up to i'm sure you could do it ira you totally could and rufus and they want to help two pegasi can't carry four elves and a girl up a mountain she's desperate to build something i can tell we'll use wood from that windmill do you really think it'll fly it might but it won't be safe well i just want to say yeah yeah that i'm too cautious no that you're right see you always have to argue with what i'm right bad idea really bad idea this is great ira whew it's so much too late to change but look at the map the keys all over the place again the key is a mouthful all i plan to put in my mouth are these cookies dragon i think the fourth key is in the dragon's mouth that's the answer to the map's riddle ira can you make cookies fly i just got a couple of pegasi to fly so sure give me some cookies not all of them aha save the chocolate chip ones come on there it is there's the key oh no it's bowing oh where's ira what what do you mean where's ira what's happening we have all four keys now off to the magic castle it looks sad i got this so ah this is golden glow she here says is the portal you guys i am skyra guardian of the portal i'm surprised you made it this far but the portal won't work without me and i'll never help you but madame guardian please we don't silence that portal was built for one special person since she is gone it will never be used again you'll have to go back and the girl can stay in elvendale forever what a horrible woman no can't you see she's heartbroken skyra i understand what it's like to lose someone you love it hurts in a way you didn't think was possible but maybe if you help us it will heal your heart just a little you feel like you'll be lonely forever right like it'll always be this bad i know my grandmother gave me this medallion so i'd never feel alone earth moves the air and the wind feeds the fire is here if you dare to believe sail out to sea on an ocean of mystery and bring your heart to the ones that you meet your grandmother was the fifth sister in the legend yes she chose to live in another world where elves become mortal but her magic was the greatest of all she had love you have shown that same love in your courage and your ability to unite the elves of the four elements on this quest you are now free to walk between the worlds you are now the guardian of the portal well thank you for your amazing kindness i'll never forget it that's right you won't because you'll be back before you know it for sure you will emily i knew you were special when i saw those ears just picture the place you want to be with all your heart emily time for dinner is mystery me you
Channel: LEGO
Views: 4,484,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LEGO, LEGO Toys, LEGO Group, Legos, Lego 2015, lego elves, official lego, elves, unite the magic, elvendale, emily jones, new lego series, lego series, magic, fairies, girls, lego girls, girls legos, new lego, magic portal, portal, lego elf, elf, farran, naida, azari, aira
Id: 1xwEZT0U9pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2015
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