Unit testing in JavaScript Part 1 - Why unit testing?

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good Monday morning today we're going to start exploring unit testing in JavaScript's i think of unit testing as a software development technique where you divide your software up into small isolated units and then you write automated tests for those that verify that each unit works as expected my main motivation for doing unit testing is to keep complexity from overwhelming me we're going to look at how a piece of code always starts out simple but eventually grows in complexity until it is too much to keep in our hips I am mvj and you are watching fun fun function [Music] [Music] so today's video is completely focused around why we do unit testing it so we are actually not going to be writing any proper unit tests today we are not going to be at all focused on the what unit testing s or or how we do it we we're going to start with Y and I want to start in this way because unit testing can be daunting it can be daunting to learn it can be daunting to do when you're under pressure like tight deadlines you just want to get your software out or on days when you're just feeling lazy in those situations it's very important to know why we are doing unit testing and where it comes from and what we're trying to achieve with it alright so let's imagine that we are running an online pet store that specifically targets people who own small dragons in the checkout and some other places we are going to display the order total a sum of all the items that we currently have in our shopping cart somewhere in the code base we're going to have this this function called order total that function is given an order and it outputs a total amount of all the items that are contained all right success let me walk through this code for you so we have this example order here called some order this some order has an item property with an array of of dragons that have a name and they have a price the dragon cage is slightly more expensive than the dragon food it costs 800 things and here we have the star of the show order total it takes an order and it accesses the items property here and it reduces all those items down to a order total by summing them something the price together and then we call the order total with some order here and we get a result in that is 108 which is 800 here plus 808 just say 100 808 huh hello MP J your emotions here I have not seen reduced before and that makes me feel a little bit uncomfortable I would rather use something that I'm used to like a for-loop hello feelings a benefits here I it's completely normal to be afraid of new things but remember that new things become less scary the more you use them and reduce is super useful and I really urge you to learn it it will really change the way you think about things I have we have actually made an episode about that that you can find by clicking there I excuse me for chiming in here I would just like to this here like can I guess I would like to alternate yeah this this is a bit nicer now it looks like a table right that's nice okay that looks beautiful in that specific case but it would break in a linter in any real project that is just imitation that is useful in just this specific case that's how many points but this video is about unit testing can focus on that all right fine this this example to me seems very young example this order total function here it's this is already a cleanly separated you it function it's in real code things tend to be a lot more intermingled I feel like this is just a very theoretical example yes this this doesn't feel like real code to me sure this is absolutely no very simplified example but this again is an oh it's just an introduction to unit testing can we can we look at what the code looks like right now and what we could learn here all right we can do that I I feel like this code or a total it doesn't need tests doesn't feel like it need tests it's very simple even with the reduce which I'm uncomfortable with because it's new it's it doesn't feel like this is enough logic to warrant having an automated test suite that seems like shooting shooting a fly with a bazooka well sure it looks like that now but even the even the most horrifyingly complex function starts out in a simple way it's kind of like what's the expression boiling a frog what do you boil a lobster is it a lobster you put it in cold water and then you just increase the temperature until you know that's a good point let's uh let's try adding some complexity to to this code let's invent some let's add quantity [Music] okay so I've added a little bit of complexity now what can we talk about this I feel like well I'm still not afraid of this code it still seems very manageable maybe unit tests are a waste on on simple functions like this maybe that is maybe that's a good point maybe that's they could be beneficial for us to pick our battles and not do unit testing on on every single function and just save the time and not do unit testing on simple functions like order total here people people people you have to think about the old Swedish proverb you have to think longer than your nose goes that's not a good translation of that proverb my point is that complexity is going to grow over time what we see here this is just one of a hundred steps let's let's try that hypothesis and just add even more complexity that's invent let's add shipping and if the order total is about Bob above a thousand bucks then our shipping is free [Music] all right so what did we do here we extracted the total like we started filtering the items first before doing the summing so we ship we sum only items that have a that aren't shipping items and then we find the shipping items in the array and then we calculate the shipping if to be 0 if total items value is above thousand or the shipping to be the price of the shipping item otherwise then we added two together and then we eventually get the result down here now this this is what I'm talking about things are getting more complicated now now that we added a conditional statement here we our code has multiple execution paths before when we just had the price and we just had the quantity our code just had one execution path but now we have two one where order is the order is large and we waive shipping and one where the order is small and we charge shipping ok so I think I'm starting to get your point this this code definitely got a little bit scarier now that we added shipping yeah and I think I know why it's because previously before we are the chipping we could express the entire logic or like what order total did with just this with just the some order example we had one example that expressed the entirety of what the function could do but now the example call like summary can only tell half of the story which is in this case that it's it's a big order what if I changed this to be quantity 1 we are now on the only small order case so this this time it adds at shipping but the example can only express one of the forks in the robe so to speak yeah I I mean I still feel pretty confident about this code it's I hear and that's because I I kind of executed this in my head while we while we wrote it so I and it's it's only one other fork one other branch in the logic so it feels kind of manageable to keep in my head but exactly and let's say that we started adding more steps to the complexity over time like say that we added taxes or immaterial goods that require no shipping charges yes then you can probably see how this would eventually go get to a point where it's just too much for your brain to handle all right that makes sense but if our goal is to think about less things at the same time then couldn't we start breaking this thing apart into smaller functions like breaking a bigger functions into smaller isolated functions that are responsible for for for just very isolated things that's that's generally a very useful tool but I don't think it makes sense in this case all the total seems like a pretty good a good unit to me it seems like an isolated problem in order to break things up into small functions you actually have to be able to also break up the conceptual problem like if you just start extracting things out into lots of tiny functions you're not really breaking the problem up so that you can think about it separately you are you're really just spreading the problem out over multiple places so that you have to diverge your thinking even more I think that you actually have to accept that even when I software module is small and isolated and minimal it is probably still too big for you to keep it all in your noggin okay yeah but again it feels like doesn't that doesn't that mean that I'm dumb it feels like a rock star a super smart programmer would be able to keep this easily in their head I understand where that feeling is coming from but that kind of thinking yes doesn't scale if we have a software industry where the average developer can't build software of reasonable quality then we are doomed as a world to have shitty software and and and and and even if you are a software company that can afford it and is capable of hiring the very best of the best even their brains is going to get overwhelmed by complexity at some point it's like with juggling I can juggle three audience okay and maybe you are better at jumping maybe you can juggle five and the world record is 11 balls but nobody is even close to handling 15 balls alright so what did we learn here let's let's summarize code always feels very simple from the start but it doesn't stay simple it grows and grows and grows into multiple use cases too many to keep in our heads all right I I want to see what unit tests look like and now if they can help with this which is what the next episode is about you have just watched an episode of fun fun function I release these every Monday morning Oh 800 GMT if you are watching from the future you find next Monday's episode here otherwise you can subscribe here so that you don't miss it if you are forgetful you can also turn on notifications in the YouTube app I am mpj until next Monday morning stay curious
Channel: Fun Fun Function
Views: 127,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming, coding, javascript, computer science, software engineering, software, functional programming
Id: Eu35xM76kKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2017
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