Unit 2 - Creative and Innovation in Entrepreneurship

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hi students welcome to fundamentals of entrepreneurial acculturation course my name is dr tara today we'll be learning about creativity and innovation creativity is the ability to develop new ideas and to discover new ways of looking at problems and opportunities while innovation is the ability to apply creative solutions to those problems and opportunities converting it into marketable ideas thus entrepreneurial creativity leads to innovation to succeed in today's competitive markets entrepreneurs should embrace creativity and seek opportunities for further growth and innovation for example in the olden days light bulbs eliminate simple colored lights like warm or cool colored light now one bulb can eliminate different colored lights whether by using the light switch or it can be controlled by wi-fi and smartphone apps this is the creative thinking process involving critical thinking and problem solving skills it involves four stages the first stage knowledge accumulation this is the preparation stage where entrepreneurs formulate the problems and collect facts materials necessary for finding new solutions the next stage is incubation stage sometimes the solution tends to fade thinking about the problem is absent in this stage third unconsciously the thought process involving in creative thinking is at work at this stage entrepreneur may be busy doing other activities like watching tv reading driving washing the dishes while doing these activities the mind will contemplate to find a solution to the problem have you faced this kind of situation the next stage is ideas this is the illumination stage where the eureka moment happens then the next stage is evaluation and implementation this is a stage to evaluate and implement the idea thus verifying whether the solution is valid if the solution is not satisfactory the entrepreneur will go back to the beginning of the stage of the creative process if it's satisfactory entrepreneurs may accept it or make minor modifications to the solution there are 6 techniques of generating ideas for example force analogy is a method of encouraging people to see a problem differently comparing and contrasting a problem or a situation with something completely different nominal group is a structured alternative to brainstorming where individuals come up with ideas on their own rather than as a group brainstorming normally you seek solution as a group another technique as a group is the six dibono thinking hats the six thinking heads can help you look at problems from different perspectives but one at a time this allows you to get more rounded view of your situation the green hat represents creativity this is where you develop creative solutions to a problem the yellow hat helps you to think positively optimistically about a viewpoint and help you to see all the benefits of us a problem the white hat makes you focus on the available data being objective the black hat makes you think and look at certain things at a negative perspective look at things cautiously and defensively perhaps you can look at its weaknesses the red hat you look at the problems using your intuition gut reaction and emotion while the blue hat represents process control it's the head worn by people sharing meetings for example when facing difficulties because of ideas running dry you ask certain people to wear the green hat thinking creatively or wear the black eye to think the weakness of a certain problem or a certain idea
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Id: FOuQU_yRuXo
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Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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