Unironically I'm going pro in this game (Big Brain Academy: Brain vs Brain)

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bb1 maybe we'll just call it big brain one okay first thing we're gonna do in big brain two we're gonna take the test we're gonna see where we stand let's start the test okay we'll start with identify let's see where we rank here in the world what is this looks like a bird what is this looks like a polar bear i'm my brain is so ready for this i think it's a butterfly that's uh some kind of fish it's a fish really don't want to get anything wrong as a seal it's got whiskers i don't know i don't know i think it's an ostrich this feels like a grasshopper or a frog just due to color selection i think i'm gonna say grasshopper this [ __ ] is literally impossible hold on i see something i think it's an owl holy crap i think it's a snail but i'm not picking i'm not picking i'm not freaking leaving okay i think we did pretty well and identify there analyze how many cubes i can do this just use your brain it's three cubes two cubes three cubes six cubes i mean there's five cubes on this okay there's one was implied fair enough seven cubes six cubes so this is going to be nine plus five there's 14 cubes that's going to be 8 plus 5 is 13 cubes that's going to be 8 plus 8 16 18 18 cubes that is going to be eight plus six that's 14 cubes that's gonna be holy crap um 11 plus six seven that's 19 cubes that's going to be 12 plus 8 that's 24 cubes that's not i'm not doing that i'm not doing that one would have rushed myself into despair i think okay computes here we go mallet math whack the blocks you don't need sum the four sum to four sub-optimal sub to 13. sum to 15. some the 14. some the 15. summon the 15. i that's just a control issue on my end give me 21 plus 8. beautiful give me 13. nine plus two plus two give me 25 13 well let's go okay i'm lost we'll go 14 21 4 11 plus 13. i lost it okay thank you thank i really appreciate that one 25 14 plus 10 plus okay i kind of threw on that one a little bit kind of threw on that one we should get one extra answer for control based reasons but that's okay okay my my actual cracked game unexpected cracked game green green yellow blue dumpy frontier blue with everything on the right tank coming towards us oh that was almost screwed that one up leaning away good pipe obviously beautiful blue coming towards that one's tough good job brain you gotta admit his brain is actually kind of big i deserve that no take me back back back back back back back we made it that's it's not so bad memorize it's the one memory game that could screw me good faster good you don't have to speed up too much here acceptable acceptable wonderful thank you so much we got so lucky like they're just they're they're not changing anything one more give me one more i had it it was the far right [Music] if you go a little bit faster i'm gonna get you the higher your score the more impressive your performance you may be interested to know my big brain score is around 3 300. an average person who has in practice will be around 1500. without further ado let's take a look at the test results well there's average wow honestly professor i just beat your ass i practiced for 20 minutes what's this train magnifica big brain sobrani is surpassing my own i think i may need some time to come to grips with this development get ratio dummy you idiot you're not smart i'm smarter than you s minus that's pretty good congratulations this is your brain grade for the time being but you're just getting started let's aim for even higher heights together let's take a closer look at the test results i mean we got we made some mistakes there look your best category was memorized no surprise there we actually broke the the scale on memorize have you considered memorizing all your friends birthdays furthermore there's room for improvement in visual eyes surprise surprise also focus on the activities magnificent what's my i want to see my brain type please i want to see my brain type it's time to announce your brain type which is based on your big brain bronze score this is your brain type memorize identify i kind of thought it would be cooler than that but sure you beat an s minus get seven gold sci-fi glasses honestly kind of sick but i'm i'm happy where i stand honestly okay well having done that i do want to take a look at the rankings there's nobody else is there like i hate when nintendo like doesn't allow you to see global rankings for [ __ ] because they're like worried it'll create toxicity so they only let you see what your friends have done like that's so annoying but take me to ghost clash man i'm i'm actually ready so this is like chip described it this is like super auto pets you don't go up against other people live unless you i think if you're friends you can set up those matches but when you go up against other people's results from the test and the practice okay go and select an opponent i don't think i have chip on my friends list just just being honest but i will i guess i could search him by ghost id in the future [Music] sure sure sure um i'm just going to be honest man like you really want me to go up against people whose big brain brawn score is like 200 were we not in the 3000s age 26 college student from canada memorize these as they flip okay and it's rapid fire rounds you got to be fast come on almost got me jesus christ this is what we're sending to university these days embarrassing embarrassing let me guess you must be a student at western oh man okay that literally they gave me three coins that's just charity i didn't even do anything kingly robes i could embrace that i could become the villain i've so wanted to be for my whole life sure seven thousand huh new greeting let's call this a win-win shall we that's fine i'll just maybe later on that one um how about compute with a 232 the ad agency okay 39 from japan it's all about the chase 39 okay boomer oops oops tough luck oh a little bit of a mistake there mon freyr great game it was a god that's a tough one that's a tough you had to add two numbers that would sum the six that's a tough one i don't blame you for getting that one wrong okay i gotta i gotta move my camera to somewhere i don't know exactly where yet but maybe we'll try here for the time being thanks for the three coins what else i mean we're gonna say visualize for last obviously i'm ready for anything that's all right we'll put that in the maybe later category identify292 frame filler okay 39 year old office worker the ghost could not be found okay can i have my points please visualize age zero office worker sorry my brain is so brawny okay i can do this come on [Laughter] my cheeseburger whoa okay okay i didn't realize there were gonna be two that's my bad that's my bed i it won't move oh you're the joy-con's not moving man owns owens okay get back in there we're almost there [Music] one more not even one more not even one just chill [Music] frankenstein almost lost due to the nintendo joy cons nice try age question mark yeah yeah honestly me got my adrenaline pumping a little bit just for a second there you got my adrenaline pumping a little bit you're gonna be scary next year so you think you can beat me i saw i'll tell maybe later analyze age 40 manager with a with the power scouter cube game this is one where the nerves can get the better of you maybe tough luck oh tough luck oh tough luck just a little too slow oh hate to see it oh lost by a total of half of a second but it was point one second uh per guess so that's uh what like 100 versus 30 or something like that no no last thank you so much really appreciate that oh how do you do you know what sure let's try that one on for size how do you do okay i mean i i'm i'm like stun locked like i can't play against i can't move up a level because of the fact that this ghost doesn't exist oh change okay guys age nine grade schooler i don't believe you i don't believe you but we'll try okay i'm a little i'm a little scared this is like the age of my niece that's not a nine-year-old man that's not a nine-year-old they're lying to you they're lying to you i don't know what i was saying i didn't even look i just guessed man take your time that's what you get your hacker your hacker holy crap [Laughter] you got me sweating a little bit you had me sweating a little bit i even ran over my my headphone cord you're gonna be scary next year have fun in the fifth grade you're freaking liar but honestly like this makes sense to me because i was talking about it in in shibley's chat like i actually think that the average nine-year-old is smarter than like the average 30 year old and i mean just in terms of like doing tasks obviously a 30 year old is wiser but like if you ever want to fear for the future of humanity ask someone who's 30 how they do a task um you just uh you take this thing that i'm not even going to say the name of and you just put it on top on top of what i'm not going to specify i do like they try to teach a 50 year old how to print from a pdf and then tell me that like a nine-year-old is an easy win in this game i don't think so [Music] disguise ooh i like that i'm not gonna put it on but i like it all right we move up a tier that was a little scary man losing isn't my thing that's a little too on the nose for me you beat everyone dude please absolutely well done can i go again yes okay let's just start on identify species spotlight i just want to learn a thing or two a grade schooler okay i can do this scary we'll start with the highest level competition turtles you're done you're you're done come on it's not even close this is an actual nine nine-year-old lions oh they're getting better pigs i love switch online man it's so good it's for yourself oh man gorillas [Applause] oh i needed that after a week like this man i needed this this is a damn dream come true nintendo you gotta like finance and release a game where like all you do is parallel park like i would play this for two and a half hours i would do reverse parking simulator against eight-year-olds online for two and a half hours i would have a smile on my face the whole time 33 year old part-time worker that that scares me a little bit just gonna be honest a little bit just a little bit fellow 33 year old my fear was misplaced actually didn't even remember just trust in my gut didn't even stand a chance it was like instantaneous yes thanks now if you could just speed up this process so i don't have to like watch it happen over and over thank you thank you congrats oh that's that's the kind of bm i could get into analyze [Music] i'm scared we gotta win these early ones that's once it gets more advanced i got no shot oh oh maybe i got a shot one more just one more at the sprout level please keep me at sprouts let's go not even close i haven't even done i've done visual and shapes we haven't even started the arithmetic ones yet [Music] i mean chip was like rank 300 oh god it's perfect yeah i'll try that on for size 53 year old free agent nice to meet you yeah shut up close you're lucky i fell asleep for a second two times in a row come on man a challenge maybe just to at least get me sweating a little bit every game being 140 like it's metrics poison here the future is now old man hawaiian shirt no ain't nothing casual about this i don't give up that won't be necessary i guess i'll put it on because i hit the button you almost lost to a nine-year-old i told you dude these kids they spend literally eight hours a day working their brain adults think like two times a day i'm way more scared about going up against children in this game adults spend way more time like destroying their game than rebuilding it kids are always on man oh he's fast he's fast you got me you got me on that one not on that one though [Music] it's a tough one let's go let's go get it wrong oh little slow a little slow kind of blew all your uh energy on those easy ones you didn't pace yourself nice try though you're gonna be scary next year you're gonna be scary next year actually you're probably this is as good as you're ever going to get 28 it's about hey that's about to start with thing you know of the decline but you know what enjoy it while last top hat that's okay i'm 28 sad sad okay get over i'm 33. you want a shoulder to cry on ready to go this will be your third round today i'll find some especially brawny ghosts for you to take on okay all right i mean this is those are much higher scores year old spanish social worker frame filler i almost lost to a nine year old at this game that was i i got a little scared she's quick man she's quick wait like a millisecond huge huge huge keep that lead going what oh thank god thank god okay just a little more just a little more not even scared not even scared latency tried to take me out not even scared [Music] thanks for the thanks for the extra coins you brownie ghost ye brawny ghost okay memorize show me what you got maybe later please memorize 41 year old middle schooler with the memo randoms every time the memo random's never the sequence man close never even had your car close you're going head-to-head with billy mattis intermediate class come on come on [Music] i mean now i with memorize i always feel pretty good just being honest the other ones anything can happen don't get me wrong but with memorize i feel pretty solid thanks wow that's that's the ultimate bm man analyze relax just relax just relax keep it going keep it going just relax not possible no that one was not possible i am so bad don't know yes one more just just complete it just complete it we can we can still do this yes we tie we tied good game a real player good game oh we still get the coins we don't get any trophies oh they still give us the points for beating a brownie ghost that that's a real gamer right there okay compute age 22 all right it's a little scary this is kind of like when the brain is at its peak maybe not well just remember not all peaks are the same size some people are mount mckinley some people are mount everest you know i'm not saying i i might be more like mount baker almost had me on that one a little scary that was a little scarier [Music] thank you so much we'll take that one okay visualize i don't do guesswork that's just not true it's just not true okay visualize train turn okay this guy looks more like a cyclist than a driver so i feel like i'm in a good spot straight oh my god i almost moved off of it for some reason left straight come on man you're going to eat your own tail ghibli you don't even want to i'm [ __ ] overclocked i'm i'm actually on the next level when i did the super test i beat the professor and he basically told me to kill myself he was like my score is 3 300 then he calculated mine and it was like 3 500 and he pulled out a gun and said are you sure in minecraft in minecraft yeah yeah okay [Laughter] you completed battle in all five categories wonderful [Music] done okay run it back i suppose they're getting stronger you gotta admit they're getting stronger 46 year old australian homebody chip is this your account be honest okay just unlock your brain that's a fish that's a turtle that's some kind of fish yeah yeah got it got it got it got it got it that's a monkey man you tell just by the nose come on come on dude i know and seal is a fish it lives in the water that's an eye of the tiger that's an owl that's my bad i could have gotten that faster but we're doing great anyway just just chill mouse literally just get some answers right here you're feeling good that looks like a fish to me or a sheep was a fish man look at those scales come on okay i gotta admit they're they're sending a higher level of competition there's no doubt about that [Music] a couple of those were a little tough but feeling good feeling good a toga that's all right i'm it won't be necessary memorize we got a 4.99 this won't take long okay sure try it out try it on for size 5 41 in the compute that's a little scary okay reverse retention i'm not bad at this but it has been a while me though no emotion cat horse they're so fast two four one i hit two four two i hit two four two cause i'm so i'm rattled by his speed saw horn scissors get back get back get back one four one three we're back hammer scissors hammer clock i literally my left hand stopped working my left hand stopped working i got so nervous lafa rifa though [Music] so mimi ray-ray [Music] you may have just woken up a sleeping giant i i dug deep i found something i didn't know existed and now i'm gonna hold on to it forever analyze super cube game what the hell is super cube game it's ten plus six plus 3 19. oh no no no 4 8 12 16. we're back we're back we're back we're back that's 11 plus 11. oh that would have been a huge one 12 plus four brain is broken there you go there you go keep it get get those points back 25 they're so good dude this is 12 minus 2 it's ten minus three seven twenty one respect i'm on the outs here man the calculation oh that's where the ghost recording ends your ghost opponent didn't finish the winner is you well well well you know some people they got high speed but very low endurance a very small gas tank i consider myself to be at like pretty much the perfect intersection of uh both performance and reliability so i win again thanks so much okay this is the scary one though dude look at this compute mallet math 33 year old office worker he's just like me for real okay think um really he's just nervous got a little scared there [Laughter] that's fine i'm slow i was a little too slow on that one acceptable i can't believe we had a tie like a frame perfect time love how seriously you're taking this this is my call of duty basically and they only release like one game like this every [ __ ] 70 years they release a thousand games a year that are like real esports they only release one game that actually like makes you a better person i mean a smarter person okay just pay attention pay attention i can do this thank you thank you that one's impossible thank you this is the same one again [Laughter] oh come on hmm almost had me [Music] dude the ghosts keep getting harder and harder though there's no there's no joke in there i always get the instant dumpy i mean i know what i'm looking at that that doesn't even have to go through the part of your brain where you have to do any processing that's like just animal instinct it goes straight down the the base of your spine graduation cap no that's all right i i'm in many ways i think i'm still in school right now you know what let's run it back i love that you guys now can go up against my uh my ghost id as well because there's no place for me to hide 19 year old college student okay i'm scared this is not my strong suit but let's take a deep breath and try advanced fair enough fair enough i actually still don't know i think it's that one oh my god there's they're they're too good they're too good green leaf moving let's go get back in there get back in there let's go it's not over until it's over bring me back bring me back no i knew it too okay good well played well played you taught me something that's the first time i feel like i learned something there finally i've been given a lesson instead of just free dopamine reverse retention 502. this this one almost got us last time too rado [Music] i'm dumb scissors horn definitely need to win the next two one two four we're back we're back [Music] baby horse pig rafa remake i don't know that's the words [Music] mido mirei we're back we're back super advanced [Music] dolfafa raido well can't win them all free agent question mark [Music] maybe sherlock holmes could uh maybe your maybe your sherlock holmes hat could teach you how to um uh um how to learn the uh the scales of um the sound of music doe rey me do a deer a female deer ray a golden ray of sun yeah i can dare lick my own balls okay at least it's not a super cube game i'll go up against any 37 year old in arithmetic and i i think is that worse than 50 50. just i was late but i was fast on the on the pivot that's not fair i'm faster on the controls sometimes stun lock stun locked just take your time goat it on the sticks that's six plus six plus three that's fifteen i should have just copied her answer that is 12 15 plus five [Music] honestly that shouldn't be a tie given how long you took to solve the final answer but sure fair enough fair enough enjoy your tie oh son of uh how am i gonna play mario party with low battery joy cons man you got i forgot you hit the a button just chill nobody beats me in this oh oh oh oh oh oh shouldn't have bought the madcatz controller tough luck probably trying to use the pro controller isn't food the best tiara i'm sorry i'm okay okay visualize just gonna visualize here a little bit it's getting it's getting much harder for sure chip what's your rank today because i know you were 300 yesterday but it's kind of unfair it was only out in asia pacific where people are smarter than they are in america i mean myself included there we go we needed that one more gear oh it's tight it's tight ears mickey mouse all right still feeling good i flawless performance yet again [Music] 1204 working on it i like our dynamic already you completed battles in all five categories dude i'm i'm running through the game right now look at this got unlike the white bow and everything but it gets i'm getting like ladder anxiety dude like the 650 computer i guess i did lose the first one there you're right you're right wouldn't it be faster using the touchscreen on the switch i suppose and i could just like hold the screen up to the webcam so you guys could see what was happening uh okay whack match i'm good at being a bad influence i like that that's it's a very samantha thing to say what tv garden oh man this close one there's a cherry we both okay we're both we're too fast we're too fast oh my god dude it's so evenly matched let's go let's go that was big get some distance oh he's so good he beat me fair and square you beat me fair and sweat we we had the space minus five yeah he's two years older he's had more more chance okay reverse i'm good on reverse i'm not sweating this i'm good on reverse just chill that was a good match that was a good match one two we're you're done you should resign scissor horn resign resign it's already over dog baby lion give up [Music] fado ray ray resign i just resign like you're wasting both of our time [Music] radio me right [Music] good game [Music] congrats dude thought i would just give my mom the switch for a minute oh that's a pretty good one business is booming let's put that one on well okay this is a tough one hey hey hey we gotta win the early ones it is a must-win early game late game we fall apart oh my god i got so lucky i literally just guessed i'm so smart we just got to get one more we're both ass he won shapes oh clean shape victory that feels good moving back up those rankings hey now go easy on me with a song this guy looks like a damn psycho i'm a little scared it's the most toxic game on the market dude it's brain v brain you can't blame the patch you know you can't blame the metagame it's just who's faster who's quicker who's smarter there's nowhere to hide you can't blame the joy cons for sure [Music] probably put those on right away where are we moving top thousand top thousand incoming if we could just win visualize sorry if i kept you waiting true view i can do this true view i can do this close keep it going that's fast that was quick you did great great work shake out those shoulders one more one more just focus one more fair enough you could even get this you could take your time on this one you don't have to though it is a little bit like warioware for sure i can see the warioware uh similarities top thousand yo so why are you aware for big nerds i'm a big fan of that a crown we're not ready for that maybe top 100 we could consider that for now absolutely not the one moment please i just got i mean they're getting stronger and stronger we're supposed to play some mario party here let me let me just look okay like just one moment please i'm in mal said he can't okay i i don't know what's okay we're ready we're ready for mario party ins in seven minutes is that correct that seems to be correct it's an easy pivot we already got the switch ready to go let's play some super whack match i need to click on the screen though i'm playing through the preview window in case you weren't already impressed enough i'm playing through the preview window super whack match okay this is this one's one of the highest pressure games in the pack someone literally 50 percent younger than me let's go let's go that i fought for that man okay take your time it's bm thanks for the 20 points with age comes wisdom need the plus i'll take it i'll take it i'll take those eight points i'll take those eight points all day elite class this [ __ ] is impossible nice try take your time take your time these young bucks they come in all full of piss and vinegar they got all this enthusiasm i'm so quick i'm so quick yeah sometimes restraint is the order of the day that's a big win moving me up a little bit here moving me up a little bit hold on i'm on top of my headphone cord like a thousand times again ghost from december 4th my man was living in the future i'm in the top of my class maybe later memorize 30 year old business owner covered cages okay i mean early game is not even close you got to hold the button you absolutely have to hold the button he doesn't know about the button that's a big helper for us very quick not not as fast as if you held the button though one more let's go [Music] [Laughter] own this business you peace i mean good game that's what i meant to say sorry something you got to trick your brain into thinking like it's a life or death battle you know then it you got to peel off that aggression afterwards otherwise people will accuse you of being toxic accidentally sorry my brain is so brawny all right just try we won this last time just try this is like if survivor if i was on survivor and they gave me a balance question i would just or a balanced challenge i would just accept i'm going home oh thank god get back in there get back in there get back in there let's go yes more more i should have had that i just didn't trust myself are you kidding me so fast he's so fast just just get there get there first not intermediate ty i got i salvaged the tie out of that you know complete disaster i'll i'll take it that's honestly like a tie is like a win in in shapes for me no cubes okay my instincts are almost never wrong because we're scaling exactly that was good that was good that was good that was good i'm stupid i'm stupid i'm simply dumb okay this is not good needed that one let's get another one real quick wait wait since when is 40 bigger than 30 or smaller than 31 bring it back bring it back he only gets eight eight is all he gets i committed a classic mistake i committed a classic mistake i thought there i thought there couldn't possibly be a number that was like lower than this one and i just picked it get this one right you get 40 points unfortunately you got me there we could have won we could have won if i just hadn't played on tilt there for sure nothing but respect for you my controller's low battery but nothing but respect for you you beat me fair and square i'm just not like really feeling this game anymore you beat me fair and square my batteries are pretty low as well so like their controls are a little sticky but whatever we win this one we win this one why why always you gotta pivot once why why why not bad not bad [Music] that's that's going to be enough to get one more gotcha free win hibiscus that's all right i'm feeling pretty good where we stand all right so that's gonna do it for big brain academy for today at least or or for at least the next couple of hours while we uh i'm starving at least the next couple of hours while we play some mario party but it will return i mean come on man it will return slash marker big
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 219,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: k7yqTeRJwWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 33sec (3513 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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