Building Unique End Grain Cutting Boards

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[Music] oh [Music] [Music] and there's a 20-second summary of what the next half hour looks like for those of you that have been here before welcome back to another one i'm really happy to see you and if you're here for the first time welcome to the channel i'm really happy to see you as well and i kind of laugh when i say that because we all know i can't see you but i know that you're there and that's what counts i'm honored that you chose to click on a cutting board video that's nearly half an hour long you might be asking yourself why is it half an hour long i know i would be if i saw a thumbnail on youtube of a cutting board that's 30 minutes long and i'm going to explain that in just a minute but first i want to let you know who i am my name is ryan and i'm a woodworker based on vancouver island up here in canada canada and when it comes down to it i just really enjoy working with wood uh so much in fact that earlier this year in the spring of 2021 time stamp i decided to leave my full-time day job behind to free up more time to be in the shop and to do more woodworking instead of just the evenings and weekends that i was spending out there and what i've been doing for the last couple years is building and selling custom mostly custom end grain cutting boards and i added mostly in there because i have built the odd piece of furniture here and there that table was definitely the most challenging project i've done to date i shot everything i've got a video on that coming up a little later on this month so stay tuned for that so what you're watching me do right now in this video is taking all the lumber that i grabbed from my stash for the board that you came here to watch me build and i'm just putting it through the milling process and since i've got so many bits and pieces this process is going to go on for a few minutes as is me talking i put timestamps in the description below if you want to get to a certain part of the video feel free go ahead skip ahead um but i'm going to keep talking so this board was a commission from a repeat client of mine who very kindly gave me full creative freedom on this project we agreed on a size and the rest was up to me and that's super exciting i had a really good idea uh right from the get-go of what i was gonna do not so clear on what it was gonna look like in the end but i knew the woods i wanted to use i knew the process i was gonna go through and the end result was gonna be the end result and i guess that's the beauty of the creative freedom you kind of just get what you get and what i got was something that i was super happy with and you know i've built quite a few custom boards over the last couple years and it's hard to pick a favorite but i think this one has moved into my number one spot so far with that being said i'm going to get a little personal here uh while the milling process continues to go on in the background there this is a pretty special moment in time and i've got a few things i want to talk about the first of which is at the time of me recording this my wife and i are expecting our first child to arrive at literally any moment the whole time i've been editing and putting this video together we've been hanging out at home bags packed ready to head to the hospital at the drop of a hat uh it's it's been a fun little game to see what's gonna happen first me getting this video done and up on the channel or dropping everything i'm working on to head out the door and i'm really looking forward to watching this in the future and reminiscing on the cozy and peaceful days we had at home leading up to our new adventure and if me and my family from the future are watching this i just want to say hey what's up future family thank you for giving me the motivation to take the leap that i did this year and for always being a constant source of inspiration to me the life that you have now was but a vision at the time of this video being made and it's that vision that drove your mother and i to make the choices in the decisions that we did in 2021 to create the life that we knew we wanted for us life tends to go by faster than one realizes and i really think it's important to spend your time doing what you love with the ones you love if you can nail those two things on the head i believe everything else will fall into place and i really do believe that all right so why is this video half an hour long why are some of my other videos almost half an hour long well a couple reasons and i think the first reason is i am a completely amateur videographer and i'm pretty sure i'm doing things backwards i think and i could be wrong that the right way to make a movie is to first write a script create a shot list shoot those shots and then organize it all together in a nice neat little video instead what i do is i get a build idea get real excited about it and then shoot absolutely everything usually from two angles then i organize and edit all those clips together and lastly i try to overlay subtitles and narration which typically results in a longer than average video because i have a hard time cutting out footage that i filmed and reason number two is we are living in a pretty crazy world right now we've all got bits of information just whizzing past our heads faster than we can comprehend clickbait's the name of the game flashy colors flashy titles people's faces with shock expressions on them all designed to hook and draw us in and what i hope to do with my woodworking videos is to provide perhaps a slight reprieve from all that you know you come into one of my videos you know you can just kind of kick back and relax watch the detailed process of how i put what i'm putting together together and maybe learn something maybe feel inspired to go build something of your own but if nothing else just a slight break from the craziness of it all because you see the main reason that i did start this channel was to film my process to share uh with others when i first started making cutting boards back in the fall of 2019 and then into early 2020 and posting my work to instagram i started getting messages consistently from people asking if i've ever thought about filming them process if i've ever thought about starting a youtube channel you know because they love to learn how to do what i was doing and i'd jokingly reply back and say huh maybe one day because at the time i was still working a full-time day job and i just right away didn't think i had the time to do that so i never really put any serious thought into it until earlier this spring and so it was in the spring of this year 2021 time stamp and the decision to leave my day job that i started to seriously consider firing up a channel one of my biggest excuses for not starting sooner was again i didn't have the time but i had just freed up 40 hours a week and i couldn't use that as an excuse anymore so naturally i came up with another excuse and i said well i just don't have the right equipment which again is another silly excuse people have done a lot more with a lot less than me and one of my favorite quotes is from a napoleon hill book and it goes along the lines of start with what you have and where you stand and you'll acquire better tools along the way i know that's not exactly how it goes but something like that anyways as you watch me you will see that i don't have all the best tools i mean i have some nice tools and i like my tools but they're not my dream tools and you'll even notice that i don't even have all the tools you're going to see some scenes where you're like this guy seriously needs a drum sander why doesn't he have a drum sander like what is his deal you should probably get a drum sander anyways so i committed and i fumbled my way into the youtube world at the same time that i left my day job behind and at the same time that i moved into a much bigger shop and those are what my first videos are just me moving out of my old shop into my new shop and after capturing that process my next goal was to start giving out what people had been asking for the last couple years on instagram and which was some videos on some of the 3d patterns that i built and even though i really know nothing about filming and probably even less about teaching my main focus was to give out as much information in as organized of a manner as i possibly could with the intent to help others work through their own projects now i knew beforehand that you can make a little bit of money off of youtube and i'd be lying if i said that wasn't in the back of my mind when i started my channel but when i put out that first video back around the end of july and i saw the criteria i had to meet to monetize my channel it seemed like a mountain i had to climb and like right away i was like it's i'm not even going to worry about it you know it's going to happen when it happens and i don't think it's going to happen until well into next year 2022 so right now i'm just going to focus on just creating the best woodworking content i can around the projects that i've got on the go but it's funny what happens when you decide not to focus on something and i want to talk a little bit about my last video so the video i put out before this one was how my process behind how i do the 3d zigzag and i put probably 40 hours like a full-time week worth of hours into just editing and putting that video together with the intent to just try and make it as organized as possible and as helpful as possible to those that you know want to go and try and build that board you know i even wrote a blog that it's on my website right now that goes hand in hand with that video so it's been about 10 days since i put that video out and it's it's my number one video already i mean i don't have a lot of videos out there but it's number one it's approaching 30 000 views at the time of recording this which in the big picture of the youtube world is nothing 30 000 views is nothing to call home about but in my world it's a really big deal and just like that it propelled me to the criteria that i had to meet to monetize my channel i hit the 1000 subs and i hit the 4 000 hours watch time and just like that i was getting an email from youtube saying you're eligible for monetization something i thought wouldn't happen for a really long time like at least months away still and again like well into the next year 2022 happened just like that um so hitting that little milestone is such a big help such a big motivator to me to continue down this path of building and filming the process behind what i build and i think now is a really appropriate time to say thank you to you the viewer um i make the videos and i put them out there but they're not going to go anywhere if nobody watches them and so it's the fact that you're here watching that video you're watching this video uh that it's just such a huge support to me in this journey so thank you thank you for every watch minute that you have given me in this channel so far and if you decide to keep watching the stuff that i make i thank you in advance for that i i take time very seriously once we spend time we don't get it back it's a limited resource so for you to be here spending your time watching stuff that i've made that means a lot to me and i my main priority always will be am i creating something that provides you the most amount of value that i think it possibly can while i got you here i figure i'll cover the rest of my bases before i sign off turn the music up and leave you to enjoy the rest of the video if you aren't subscribed already please go ahead and hit that subscribe button and right beside it is a little bell if you click that bell that's the notification bell that'll let you know when my next video goes live and right above those buttons you have an option to give me a thumbs up or a thumbs down i'd appreciate the thumbs up but i'm also open to honest feedback so go ahead hit whichever one you feel is right and lastly beside those is the share button if you find value in this video please go ahead and share it with a friend and if you do all those things that will make the algorithm quite happy and it will lift my content up to be seen by more people which ultimately results in me being able to continue doing what i'm doing but just just a little bit easier in my description below i've got links to my amazon shop to pretty much everything i use in this video so if you see me using something that you think you might want to buy for your shop just please go through those links it's another small way that you can support me in building up this channel i do earn a small commission on qualifying purchases through there and every little bit helps and if you have instagram and you don't follow me go on to instagram and follow me although today of all days this is across the globe instagram facebook and whatsapp has been down it's crazy maybe we'll look back on this time and remember the great facebook outage of 2021 i don't know i don't know what's going on it's crazy world uh if you have any questions or comments after everything i've said please feel free to drop them below and i'll get back to you um with that i'm going to sign off i'm going to turn the music up going to let the subtitles do their thing and i wish you peace and happiness wherever you are in this crazy world of ours [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] um [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh me [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Ryan Hawkins
Views: 157,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wood cutting board, cutting board, end grain cutting board, custom cutting board, how to cutting board, how to make a wood cutting board, how to make an end grain cutting board, build cutting board, make cutting board, cutting boards, build an end grain cutting board, custom woodworking, woodworking, wood art, woodworking art, custom woodworking projects, 3d cutting board, purpleheart wood, walnut wood, reclaimed wood, repurposed wood, oak wood, whisky barrel, woodworker
Id: KosnqVMrSBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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