Uniformation GKTWO Ultrasonic Wash & Cure Station Review

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hi greedy 3ders welcome to today's episode now you know how much I love my gk2 it is my go-to printer it is my besti well uniformation have very kindly sent me a wash and a cure station to test and review for you guys today so that's exactly what we're going to do if you want to see how I get on with these brand new bits of kit that I've never used before stay tuned now as you would expect with uniformation the packaging process was wonderfully wonderfully packed everything was in there everything I needed it was all securely packed in nice thick foam and I've just unpacked everything quickly here so you can see everything that's included you've got two Pham pads and a metal bracket you've got a replacement had for the top you've got a cage a tube a spare valv bit the books and an electricity lead that for me in the UK was the wrong lead come on uniformation send the right leads to the right people please let's have a little closer look at the tray it's a nice big tray with some feet at the bottom to keep it off the bottom very very handy and inside there you can see there is no impeller propeller it is all done with sound waves all very clever we'll come to that in a bit it's got a lift up metal lid that has got a little pad around it to stop any of the smells emanating out when the lid is closed and it's got two handles one either side that makes it really good considering the 7 l in this stuff when it's it's full gets a bit heavy so you can carry it easily this tube here is another great Innovative idea how to empty you're not going to empty this thing out by tipping it over so it gives you this tube here and on the back of the cleaner you will see this valve this little thread here and a valve and on off valve very very clever let's look at how we drain this machine you get your said tube and you screw it all the way in until it is nice and tight and all you need to do then is when you want to empty is you turn the little valve and it will empty the solution wonderful what do we do with that tube and we're not using it or he you ask well there's a handy little bracket that you can leave it on so we haven't got to worry about it dangling at the back now you will need a little bit of clearance at the back when you put this in it does stick out a little bit but what a great idea for emptying now just just put the assembly together you just put one of those foam pads inside take the little metallic bracket that also comes with it and lay that in and that is it done you are ready to go with your first clean it's really really simple really really easy the good thing I like about this is when you at the unification uh build plate from your gk2 it fits perfectly as you can see what a perfect idea the two go together they marry together wonderfully now if you want to use this with a model in situ you're obviously going to need to have it filled to the brim with all of its seven lers because you want it to dip into the solution there and we'll we'll come back to seeing it in action later but what a great idea that it actually all fits together marvelously I like the fact that it comes with this nice big tray as well if you want to clean some bigger items you can just drop them in the tray and Away you go that's really really helpful to have and you don't need to use it and we'll come to again how we're going to use it in a moment I think it's worth taking a moment just to explain how the uniformation ultrasound cleaner works now normal cleaners that you see all the time use a propeller on a magnetic basis at the bottom of the vat and that spins around it agitates the liquid in the vat which then removes moves the surface dirty layer of resin that sits on the top of your model and gets rid of it that way now uniformation have gone a different way they're using Ultrasonics now Ultrasonics uses sound waves to vibrate the dirt off it has a little sound generator built into it the ultrasonic sound vibrates your model A at a microscopic level almost you can see the water moving very very slightly and this by default shakes the dirt away from it it's a different approach it's not a new approach ultrasonic cleaners have been used for years and years and years I use them 30 odd years ago and I was a silver smith they use mostly now for cleaning jewelry but what a great way of cleaning your resin 3D prints with ultrasonic cleaning vibrations now before we go any further we really do need to address the elephant in the room and that is the big question at the moment is it safe or not to use IPA in an ultrasonic cleaner well there are potentially inherent risks to using uh IPI because of its flammable nature and a risk of combustion so I asked uniformation directly the question can I use safely IPA in your ultrasonic cleaning station and this is what they said it is safe to put alcohol into the wash station but please note that you need to place the wash station in a ventilated environment and the power supply needs the ground wire to prevent static electricity in addition to alcohol isopropyl alcohol and water is okay to put into the wash station now a search on the mighty Google however gives us very different answers and as I say this is something that could split a room let's have a look what Crest ultrasonic say using flammable solvents in an ultrasonic cleaner can pose several risks the most immediate risk is the potential for a fire solvents can ignite from a spark or any form of heat explosion risk if the solvent Vapors reach a specific concentration they can cause an explosion now I am no expert in this field so I'm going to say just this do your own research and make your own decisions do your own risk assessments before you decide whether to or whether not to and leave in the comments below what experience you've had using or not using IPA now I've decided not to use IPA in here I'm going to use some of this sunlu resin detergent that sunlu very kindly sent me and some of this ultrasonic Pro that I got from Amazon and I will put a link in the description where I got this from this is dilutable 10 to one and all I'm going to do is add simple tap water not distilled water tap water and I'm going to put three lers of tap water in there and once the three lers of just PL our water in there I'm going to use that 1 liter of the detergent get all of that in there and then I'm going to use around about 10% of that makes so about 40 to 50 Ms of this cleaning solution just in there and now Mrs greedy has very kindly donated a couple of rings to me to clean F and what I'm going to do is I'm going to pop them in a bag put some solution in the bag I don't want any of the diamonds to fall out and if they did fall out then I'm going to catch him in that bag she would kill me if I lost her Diamond so that solution is in the bag the Rings are in there and you can see them fizzing along nicely and getting all that crime and dirt off her wonderful diamond rings God I am a fantastic husband aren't I and there they are on the wonderful Mrs greedy's fingers and they're looking beautiful and clean and all the uh the prob be dirty bits that get ingrained in rings has all been cleaned out but you haven't come here to see Rings you want to see 3D prints cleaned and you want to see things and use alcohol to clean some IPA so I'm going to take one of these zip bags and I'll put a link in the description where I got this from and then I'm going to take some just simple IPA and I'm going to pour it into the zip bag and what this does is it gives you a closed environment for the IPA so that no fumes can escape and it absolutely diminishes any risk of fire so I'm still giving it an IPA clean and I'm going to use these RoboCop legs as a little bit of an example that I've not long printed and not cleaned yet and I'm putting them into the IPI I'm going to squeeze all of the air out as much as I can seal the Ziplock bags so now I've got a sealed container a sealed unit with some prints in there there are resin prints that need IPA cleaning and I'm just going to pop that into the IPA and make sure that the solution is well under the solution that I put in there turn on the ultrasonic cleaner and there we go you can see a bag within the cleaner getting exactly the same treatment don't forget the ultrasonic waves will go through the bag into the solution the IPA inside the bag and give it a clean make sure you keep that lid closed at all times really important and a few seconds later well about 3 minutes to be precise there's the noise we're waiting for and I'm going to get them out and have a little look at them so I'm just going to pull the bag out now remember it's going to be a little bit wet so just pull that out carefully and pop it on some kitchen roll and then all I'm going to do is open up the bag get the parts out and have a look at them so what do I think of this Ultrasonic Cleaner well so far everything that I've thrown at it seems to be working absolutely fine you've got the debate of course you have with the IPA and whether you're going to put that in there or not and again like I said right the way through this is going to be a decision you're going to have to make but if you're happy using a bag putting your IPA in the bag and let's be honest it is really really simple cleaning IPA prints will not be a problem if you're using water washable prints even easier to just put them straight into the basket and clean them so yep there's the print all cleaned this was a normal resin print it did need IPA to clean and I'm happy to say it cleaned it it's not sticky it's not gunky everything's done as I would expected to now that's done that in 3 minutes now what I suggest you do and you don't have to do this you want to leave it in the bags up to you but I'm not leaving IPA lying around in a bag so I'm going to pour it back into the bottle and I'm going to be able to reuse that for another day yes it's a little bit of a fath yes some of the propeller cleaning solutions that you can get uh any cubic elu there's a whole host out of there you just literally drop it in press it and put the IPA and it cleans it but for me I'm quite impressed with the way that this Ultrasonic Cleaner cleans it and here I'm just going to put two water washable pieces straight into the basket into the solution yes before anybody says I know I should have had gloves on naughty or greedy and I'm going to turn it on and that is now cleaning in the solution that you saw me make up earlier it's a water washable resin and it's cleaning it wonderful so and I'm happy to say that when I got them out I was really really pleased with the cleanliness of them they weren't sticky they weren't messy getting the basket out was really easy I just left it on the side to drain a little bit pulled those things out yes I've got my gloves on now let them drain like you would normally let them drain I left them overnight to drain that's what I would Norm normally do for purposes today though of course I'm not going to just going to dry them off and as I say they're not sticky they're not Mankey I like this Ultrasonic Cleaner I think it's a really really good idea and I'm really really pleased with it yeah little bit of a fath with the IPA but for me it's not a major fath and and I've worked with ultrasonic cleaners since I was a lad so I'm happy with using it now when we look at the curing side of the the deal here the packing was exactly the same everything was good the only thing they sent me again was a non UK plug just frustrates me so much and I don't know why they can't get it right to send the right plugs to the right places but hey ho here is the unit it's a top loading unit it looks like a microwave but it's not got a front door on it so you have to load your models into the top but you know what this there's enough room in there sideways but if you've got a really tall model you may find that you can't close the lid on it and if you can't close a lid on it you can't turn it on so if you if you make really really tall models and you can't lie them down in here just check the measurements um it might not be for you if particularly tall prints of your bag there is a turntable in the center of it and a little screw that comes with it and you pop the opaque side up you just pop it in and you turn it down now the surface area of that is not bad at all that's a fairly big curing station the other ones that I used to have the elu and uh the any cubic weren't that Big And for those of you that love the old stuff coming off there we go a little bit of peeling action for you you peros you now as I say it's a top loading unit make sure that it's flat and there's some little legs underneath so you can get it nice and flat and when it's all flat and ready to go I'm going to pop in a couple of models this is some RoboCop models from Wicked turn it on and uh I've got to be honest I find this quite hypnotic I think it is a beautiful thing to see it's lovely I just wish it had a door on the front the hey gears curing station has got a door on the front and that's probably my favorite curing station at the moment but if you want to get your hands on this uniformation version or the cleaning station you're looking at about $149 50 for the curing station and $260 approximately for the wash station which are not horrendous prices in comparison now if we look at the evidence here this is the RoboCop after he's been all cured and I'm happy to say everything's cured as I'd expect it to be it doesn't feel tacky it doesn't feel sticky I'm really really happy with the end result of this and yet I can certainly recommend this uniformation wash and cure station I guess if I'm being a little bit picky um some of the components the hinges seem a little bit cheap but they haven't broken on me and they're doing the job the surface area inside the Cure station could be a bit taller but I am being really picky they've done pretty much everything that they needed to do I hope you've enjoyed that greedy 3D I hope you found that useful um I know it's kind of going to split a room a little bit with the comments that I've made regarding the IPA or not IPA my personal thoughts on it are I'm not going to risk it personally I don't think I need to I think I can make it work absolutely fine the way that I've showed you how I did it today but what again what you guys do is a bit of a disclaimer is totally up to you after you've done your own research your own risk assessment and you make your own decisions so I hope you've enjoyed this video today hope you found it useful if you want to support the channel there's a number of ways you can do that please subscribe to the channel it's free quick and easy just press that button down below there if you want to join the greedy 3D Pat all the information that you need will be in the description you can join from as little as free to a couple of quid that just helps me carry on do stuff like this if you want to buy anything such as anything like this there'll be a link in the uh Channel Down Below for you and a little will kick back as it will be an affiliate link but only a little bit will kick back to me and it won't cost you guys a penny more I promise you that so I hope you've enjoyed these reviews today let me know in the comments below what you think I really do on this one want to hear your views whether you agree with me whether you don't agree with me have you had problems with IPA have you not had problems with it am I just being over precautious let me know what you guys think and I'll see you real real soon on greedy 3D n
Channel: Greedy 3D
Views: 2,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zGrm6Ht3CK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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