UniFi Network Application 8.1.113: Big Update! UI Changes, OSPF, Switch ACLs & More!

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it is March of 2024 and the UniFi controller 8.1.1 13 has been released now this is actually a really nice update we get 7 support we have a lot of UI enhancement new firewall rule updates also firewall UI enhancements so that's actually something I'm really looking forward to is making that a little bit simpler we'll show you how that works we get some updated ACL rules for layer 3 OSF and more so let's get [Music] started [Music] are you an individual or Forward Thinking company looking for expert assistance with network engineering storage or virtualization projects perhaps you're an internal it team seeking help to proactively manage monitor or secure your systems we offer comprehensive Consulting Services tailored to meet your specific project needs whether you require fully managed or co-managed IT services our experienced team is ready to step in and help we specialize in supporting businesses that need it Administration or it team seeking an extra layer of support to enhance their operations to learn more about any of our services head over to our website and fill out the hire us form at laurren systems.com let us start crafting the perfect it solution for you if you want to show some extra love for our Channel check out our swag store and affiliate links down below that will lead you to discounts and deals for products and services we discuss on this channel with the ad read out of the way let's get you back to the content that you really came here for now I'll be leaving a link down below if you want to go through all the details of the release notes but too long didn't read all these yes it's a good update and I've already updated my self-hosted controller didn't have any problems at all matter of fact it actually solved a weird pausing problem I had whenever I was starting up or shutting down my other controller it came with the last update but I don't reboot my controller often so waiting a few extra seconds for it to pause wasn't a big deal but that is fixed if you were running into that issue and I only seen it on on the self-hosted controllers I didn't see this the actual systems itself that we're running it such as the dream machine or other devices but in this overview we have the network viewer we have a lot of other things that like I said I'll leave a link to on here I may do a future video let me know in the comments Down Below on the interpace system but there's more updates to that I think it's pretty cool they have that on there and there's just a ton of little things that they've accomplished here but let's jump in to the actual UI and talk about it obviously the 7 is in this list which I think is great but the I is where you're going to really see the enhancements on there and the first one I want to talk about I think has been a long time coming and that's going to be the topology here this never made a lot of sense to display it like this it's just difficult unless guess unless you turn your monitor the other way so now we have the rotate option as simple as that is I'm just thinking this is a better way to view this when you have a lot of devices of course you could still go here and filter so you have not all the clients and maybe just these devices that are actual devices is attached to it or maybe just the 2.4 clients but nonetheless I think this is a much better way to view this having it on this mode right here where it's rotated but if you want to it still defaults to this way so you can still view it the old way if it's your preference next thing I want to talk about here is the settings system then we go over to Advanced and it's this side panel tabs option what this allows you to do is when you're looking at the UniFi devices we can click on a device click on another device click on another device click on another device and be able to tab through them here this is simple and it was a little bit easier in the old UI and then when they came up with a new UI I didn't really care for the way you can only see one device at a time so you're trying to compare two devices and look at different settings or what's connected to them I just think this is a much easier way to do it to put these in little tabs and of course they got a little X so we can close them all just as simple now the next enhancement is this networks tab right here they have the AI detections they have clearly jumped on the AI bandwagon cuz we need AI in here really it's just a detection to see if there's some problems like if it notices there's a loop in network it will have that information displayed here I think this is a pretty neat feature we'll see how good it actually is when I use it a little bit more but most time if we're setting up the networks we're not running into a lot of problems now this is on my self-hosted controller we'll go over here to my LTS lab UniFi dream machine and you can see what it looks like when you have a full uity setup so now you have even the bpn server internet settings network settings Etc in here uh even if you have the site to site VPN policy routing all those are in here I think this is a nice tab so you can get an overview of what's going on with the system matter of fact I think it's even more useful than the dashboard itself and could probably default as the new dashboard in my opinion now while I'm in the UniFi dream machine let's go to settings let's go to security and look at the traffic rules they now have the simple versus Advanced to display all the rules or just do these simple rules the other nice thing is we can do mouse over and see IP addresses that are in a rule this is a big enhancement I actually didn't update one of my other UniFi systems so I can switch over and show you how the rules looked before for example I have to actually click and go into this rule to see any IP addresses on there this is not ideal in one of the complaints I had before about how their rules look so this actually makes it better because this is not the best rule layout and being able to look at it this way is a much enhanced rule layout with a new version I definitely like this I think this is going to keep improving as they move along and those little UI enhancements matter a lot when you have to manage a lot of devices or set things up for clients now let's go over here to networks and we want to create a new virtual Network and we want to choose my lab wall mounted 24 this gives us the option now to go here and we have the isolate Network ACL option so we can turn it on and this will create isolated hosts on this particular Network it actually has some enhanced options that will also allow you to choose which networks but there's not a lot of other fine grain control but my understanding from some posts in the forums that that is coming in the future so once that becomes available I'll probably do an updated video on it but it's good to see that they're taking advantage of some of this existing Hardware that has these features built in but does not have the controls via the software to actually enable them so that will be a future video that will come out once this feature gets ironed out by the folks over at UniFi now I'm back on my UniFi dream machine if we go to routing and we go to OPF well we have OPF here and I think that's really interesting this is not a feature that I've seen requested at least not with most of the clients that we've talked to when people need these more advanced options we aren't steering them towards UniFi but I guess that's because UniFi never had these features in the past so I'm happy to see that this type of advanced routing feature is coming to UniFi and I'm looking forward to the updates around it now I will be taking a more deeper look at the UniFi firewalls here in 20124 because well these are all the things that I complained about in my previous firewall reviews that are videos that have now been addressed which makes me really happy the things that are still missing that I'm hoping to see UniFi come out with here in 2024 is going to be high availability this is something that I was just talking to a client today they wanted an ha setup and I can't recommend UniFi for that even though that's what they had and they've also had some experience with some of the back and forth way on failover which I know has been buggy in the past with some of the unified firewalls they just don't give you enough fine grain control over some of those things but I think these are things that they are able to work through I like seeing all these enhancement to it but hey let me know what you think is your favorite feature that came out of this release of the UniFi update and I've always love hearing from you and your use cases and I love Consulting with people who use a lot of UniFi because I still love their switches and access points and I'm really happy to see all the progress they've made around that I like all the new devices coming out so yeah I'm still definitely a fan of the UniFi product line despite my misgivings I have occasionally about business use cases for their firewalls I still think they're one of the absolute best ones you can have for a consumer firewall for setting things up I've talked about like the UniFi Express I still think that is one of the really Innovative products they've came out with and released that just works well auto updates and checks a lot of boxes for people that are looking for just a good firewall for home use that's a lot better than a garbage provided by your ISP or even some of the generalized things you can find at the big box stores like And subscribe to see more content from the channel links down below as I mentioned to the full release note so you can go through all the details on there if you want to connect with me on this topic or other topics you've seen on my channel forums. laoren systems.com is the place to do it and [Music] thanks
Channel: Lawrence Systems
Views: 47,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LawrenceSystems, ubiquiti networks, ubiquiti unifi, unifi network, udm pro, unifi controller, unifi network 8.1.113, unifi network setup, unifi network application, unifi network server, unifi network controller, unifi network 8, unifi network update, udm se, ubiquiti networks unifi dream machine pro
Id: mftYYgJYlhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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