Unifi Cloud Gateway Ultra

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hey everyone Cody from Mac Telecom networks today I'm super excited to introduce two new products from the ubiquity Ultra line the first piece of equipment that we saw in the ultra line was the UK Ultra or the Swiss army knife access point but now that line is growing and the first one that I'll introduce is the cloud Gateway Ultra this has multi- gigabit Wan and we could do more than one W connection we could add a second one if we have the UniFi LTE that would count as a third one brand connection now the cloud Gateway Ultra only runs UniFi Network and it could do 1 gbit pers second routing with IDs and IPS turned on for the IDS and IPS we have 35 different categories that we could choose from which is the same as the udmc and the udm pro if we take for example the UDR it only has 11 different categories the cloud Gateway Ultra has 4 1 gabit RJ45 ports and one of those could be remapped to our Wan this could also hold up to 30 network devices so either switches or access points and up to 300 clients the price point on this is $129 USD the next device that we're going to be taking a look at is the UniFi switch Ultra which features 7 1 GB Poe plus ports and we could power this switch up a few different ways on the back of the switch we have an RJ45 Poe ++ input so if we use that we're going to be getting 42 wat Poe availability now we also have a 60 W power adapter which will give us 52 WTS and then we have a 210 W power adapter which will give us a 202 watt power availability for our Poe ports I'm going to be using the 210 wat power supply as I'm going to be pairing this up with the cloud Gateway Ultra now for whichever way you're going to be powering up there comes a different price point if you're just using Poe Plus+ it's $129 USD if we're using 60 W with the power adapter it's $159 and if we're using the 210 AC adapter it's $229 USD now this switch is going to pair up very nicely with the cloud Gateway Ultra I will be using this switch quite a bit like I said with cameras they will be in the future coming out with a utility box for it for the outside somewhat similar to the usw flex box also for mounting we have our standard bracket which we could mount to the wall but it is also magnetic so if we want to put it on a filing cabinet or just stick it to the side of a rack that will work perfectly fine now there are some things that the switch Ultra doesn't do and we'll go more into detail when we get it into our controller and that's what we're going to do right now now I've opened up the UniFi network controller on my phone and you could see a new device has been found and that's the cloud Gateway Ultra we're going to do the initial setup on my phone so we're going to adopt the switch and we're going to adopt the UK Ultra access point after that we're going to move to my computer so what I'm going to do I'm just going to click on set up all right now we need to go step by step and it's going to give it a name so it's saying Cloud Gateway Ultra I'm just going to leave it at that as I'm fine with it and I'm going to press next now it's testing out the speed limit and I have a 3 gbit Connection going into this currently and our speed test results come back at about 2300 megabits per second and that Wan interface is 2.5 gbits per second and we'll press next now it's setting up the UniFi OS it will maybe do a firmware update and then it will complete once that's complete we need to adopt the devices and you can see that it is doing a firmware up update so it's saying about 5 minutes and 15 seconds once that's done we'll be back the firmware update is now completed and we can see at the top that there's two devices ready to be adopted I'm going to click on adopt we could also go over to our devices and see that they're adopting in there so we have the usw ultra 210 Watt and then the Swiss army knife Ultra once these are done adopting we're going to head over to my computer and then start looking at some of the settings now I've logged into the cloud Gateway Ultra and you could see that we have the UniFi network controller and then we could install interpace on here and what interpace is it's kind of a local version of UniFi Design Center I do have another video about that and I'll put that down in the description below but let's click in the UniFi network controller first thing we're going to do we're going to go over to the settings wheel and we're going to change this to be dark mode so I'll click on settings we'll go to system and then we'll go over to dark mode and we'll apply the changes now this dashboard is going to look like any other UniFi OS dashboard we have our Cloud Gateway Ultra at the top you could see the Uplink is 2.5 gbit per second the switch is connecting at 1 gig and so is the access point if we click on the cloud Gateway Ultra we're going to see the port manager and the overview insights and then the settings clicking on the overview again if we go to the port manager and if we want to create a second Wan on here we would have to go back to our settings the port that we would put in our secondary Wan is Port 4 and I'm going to do that because we're going to do some policy based routing so let's go down over to the settings click on our internet and then we could see secondary Wan currently it's disabled but if I hit this drop down menu and we'll click on Port 4 to enable it and press apply changes now I'm going to connect my secondary Wan in there and we should see it come up I'm just going to have this failover only not distributed because that is for low balancing now I have the secondary internet connection plugged in and we could see it at 1921 16810 do10 and my primary is 192168 2.41 what we need to do we need to create a couple networks so we'll click on networks we have our default that's 192168 1.0 we're going to create a new virtual Network I'm going to call this one guest and then we'll uncheck autoscale and we'll just leave it at 3.1 and then the VLAN ID will be three and we'll check off isolation so that the guest Network can't talk to anybody else and the last Network that we're going to create is an iot Network we're going to uncheck autoscale I'll leave it at 1921 16841 and I'll put the VLAN ID of four and and then we'll press add now one thing you can't do with the usw ultra is do aggregation Port so we'll click on the switch we'll go over to the port manager and I'll click on two different ports if we scroll down and we try to go to manual in the operation mode you could see that it's grayed out we can't change it at all so we can't do aggregate links that's not a huge deal to me as I already said I'm going to be using this as a camera switch and I don't need those aggregate links now let's test out the policy based routing for this video it's going to be pretty simple this computer currently is on my main W and I'll show you that by going what is my IP now you can see here that this IP ends in 134 I'm going to go ahead and set this up as a traffic Route and I'm going to Route myself to the W 2 and we'll get another IP so all we need to do to do that is go over to our settings and then we're going to go to routing now we have traffic routes I'm going to want all of my traffic to go over it or you could specify what you want so by domain name by IP address and port or you could also do by region but we want all my traffic for this computer to go down W 2 you may want something like this if you have a VoIP Network and you want the VoIP Network going down your W 2 all the time and your data traffic going down Wan one so we're going to go to devices and network and select the device the device we're going to have pushed through is Mac Telecom which is this computer now we're going to select the interface as well and if you set up a client VPN you would see that in these interfaces so something like nordvpn if you want to route a network through it this is the way that you would do it but we're going to go to secondary Wan and I'm going to say Cody's computer through W 2 once I do that entry I'm just going to do an IP config space release and then a renew and we should be on that W 2 connection now I haven't refreshed this page but once we refresh we should see a different ending IP address there so let's go ahead and refresh and now you can see that it changed to 62 so we are going down W 2 and that was very very simple to set up now another benefit to the cloud Gateway Ultra which I talked about in the beginning is our suspicious activity so if we go over to our security and then we look under General we have our suspicious activity and we could go over to advance it's going to select the networks by default it will take all of them or you could edit which ones you want it to work on so this on the back end is running Sak cotta but we could look at the detection sensitivity and then go to customize we could see everything that we could check off right now it's 17 out of 35 and 35 is the max that's currently what's on the udm pro and the udm SE if we look at something like the UDR it only has 11 different customizations so for suspicious activity this blows the UDR out of the water now I always recommend having notify and block on and on high and we could also create some internal honeypots so I'm going to do one for each one of my networks and then we have ADD blocking which is the the exact same on any other UniFi OS console we could click on it select the networks we want it to run on and then we have DNS Shield so DNS Shield is DNS over https I'll put this on auto which will use cloudflare and it will also use Google and we'll apply the changes we can go over to the Gateway and we could see some things here so we could see the traffic that's been going through and we could see our filtering there's really not going to be anything on this network right now as I've just started using it but if we want to see where our traffic is going we could go to Geo and currently I have some stuff going to United Kingdom for some reason and then most of it is in North America if you need to block a country you could do it right from this page so we could say Iceland click on it and then we could block them right here if you want to unblock them you could do that as well but when we blocked a country you could see these little lines going through them now let's do some testing they say that we could do 1 gbit routing with IDs and IPS turned on so we'll do a speed test to see if we could get out to the internet and reach those speeds and we'll also do an internal test going through open Speed tests that I have running on my zema board but right now we have nothing turned on so suspicious activity is off let's first run a speed test with it off with the suspicious activity off we are getting 679 down and 944 up now let's try an internal test to open Speed Test we'll go ahead and press start now with open speed test I was getting 903 down and 987 up now we need to turn suspicious activity on and try that again so I'm going to click on Advanced and we're going to have this on as high as possible with notify and block and press apply the changes now bringing up the speed test again we should see similar results to what we were doing before if it is true that I could route at a gigabit now for whatever reason we are getting a much higher download when we did have suspicious activity turned on to high so we're getting 921 down and 944 up let's go ahead and we'll do that internal test with open Speed Test I'll press refresh and then we'll start the test and we were getting 924 down and we are getting 989 up which is pretty much the exact same when it was turned off now the last thing that we're going to take a look at is the vpns and this could do any single VPN that the udm pro could do as well as the udm we have our teleport we have our VPN server which we could do wire guard openvpn or l2tp we have our VPN clients where we could do wire guard or open VPN this would be used with something like nordvpn to route your traffic through there and then we have sight to site vpns but the biggest one to me is the magic site to site that is done under the site manager so let's take a look now under site manager I'm going to do site magic and this is where we could connect a couple consoles together with a few clicks I'm going to locate my udmc which has a public IP as well as this new Gateway now the next steps we need to select the subnets that we want to talk between these to for the sight tosite VPN on the cloud Gateway Ultra we'll select the default and then on the Mac Telecom SE we'll do it the 64156 once we do that we need to press connect and the VPN will be now you can see that we have these green lights that mean it's connected let's bring open a command prompt and I'm going to try to Ping the subnet of 10100101 and we should be able to now I'm going to type ping and then 10100101 and you can see that we are getting reply so this sight to sight VPN is now that's going to be it for this video on the cloud Gateway Ultra as well as the switch Ultra and would I recommend both of these products well I 100% would the cloud Gateway Ultra comes in at a great price at $129 which is really a steal if you're only looking to run UniFi network controller on it this is all you would need I could see people with a lot of remote offices taking full advantage of these with the cloud Gateway Ultras we could them all together using site magic and we have the full suspicious activity now like I said at the beginning the switch Ultra is going to be perfect when they come out with that outdoor utility box this will be my go-to camera setup for when I'm doing it for garages or for Gates or in Barns let me know what you think about both of these products down in the comments below if you like this video hit the Thumbs Up Button if you're new here please subscribe and hit the Bell icon
Channel: Mactelecom Networks
Views: 94,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ubiquiti unifi, cloud gateway ultra, Unifi cloud gateway, unifi cloud gateway ultra, Unifi switch ultra 210, Unifi switch ultra 60, Unifi switch ultra, Unifi network, mactelecom networks, ubiquiti, unifi policy based routing, unifi vpn setup, unifi vpn site to site, unifi vpn firewall rules
Id: BYREpyxigUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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