Unifi Access Reader G2 Professional

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everyone Cody from Mac Telecom networks in this video we're going to be looking at the new axis reader G2 professional by ubiquity networks this just came out of the Early Access store a few days ago and one thing to mention ubiquity did send this to me and I thank them for it right off the bat I could tell you that this reader is 1 000 times better than the old professional reader the camera is a lot better in the keypad you could actually use it so in this video we're going to take a look at what comes inside the box with the g2 professional we'll get it mounted on a piece of drywall in my basement and we'll see the viewing angle differences between the new G2 reader and then the old reader if you'd like to hire me for Network consulting or unify access Consulting visit my website at Mac telecomnetworks.com we do have a Discord Channel and I have affiliate links Down Below in the description before we take a look at what comes in the Box I'll show you how to find this reader on their new website as it's changed a lot so we can see I'm on the main dashboard of the website and at the top we have cameras in security we're going to want to click on that from there we can see door axis on the right hand side we have the starter kit and then we have our readers this reader is the first one that shows up the access reader G2 which would be like their light reader is also out of Early Access I don't have one of those yet but I will pick one up when I can now let's go see what comes in the box with the access reader G2 professional and this is the G2 professional reader it has this 4.7 inch touchscreen which is really nice at the top we have two microphones we have a tof sensor and then we have our camera the camera is a 12 megapixel camera and it does 30 frames per second on the bottom this is where we're going to have our status like indicator so if it's adopted or not once it's adopted you will see a blue light and then there is this little flashlight on the bottom of it there's going to be multiple ways that we could open the door with this reader we could use NFC cards we could use the new access pocket key fobs we could use unify uid or we could use a pin pad if you look at the side of the device this is where there's a speaker built in and then we have our one gigabit Port under the reader this is one of the mounting brackets and it feels like it is metal and it's really good quality they give us a grommet to weatherproof it and to keep dust out and then we just have our normal anchors and screws on the very bottom of the box we have this Gang Box mounting cover so let's take a look at what comes in that first we have our template for mounting and then we have the bracket that we'll be using this is the one I'll use to put onto the drywall and then we have this cover so I think this will look really good on indoor applications now before I install this I'm going to adopt it into the Access Controller so that we could take a look at what the pin pad looks like now we're inside of my unify Access Controller and we could see that we have one Hub hooked up if we go over to the readers we're going to see the UA Pro is offline but we will put that online so we could bear them at the top we have the UA G2 Pro and we're going to click to adopt now the reader is online let's click on it and see some of the settings so we have our overview it's going to show us which door it's connected to and then if we hit this little play icon it will show us the video so let's do that all right and this is the live view from the reader as of right now and we can click to unlock we could have our microphone and we could listen in obviously this isn't the best viewing angle because it's just sitting on my desk but we will look at the viewing angles between this reader and then the first generation this one is Ada height client now under our settings we could change the door name we could change the direction if it's an entry or it's an exit and then we have our access methods so we could do NFC card and we can do pin I'm going to select the pin and then under Advanced we have show doorbell on screen so there's a little doorbell icon that we could swipe up and then it will call us to let the person in and this will have our display brightness volume and detection sensitivity now a few more settings within unify access if we wanted to record our video we need to select that so we need to go to our settings and then to system under the system we have recordings and this is door unlock recording I have video and audio you could do only video or you could disable it all together and I have it for a duration of 10 seconds now there's a couple different options that we could do for our pin pads we could either do it for four digits six digits or eight digits we could also allow a simple pin which we're not going to want to do another thing that's really cool about this pin pad is we could randomize the keypad layout and we will take a look at that but for now I'm going to have it just on its default so I'm going to bring the camera back over to look at the reader and check out the pin PAD as well as the doorbell and here is the display after it's been adopted and at the top it's telling us the time the door name and then we have this swipe up to ring so this would ring your phone or whoever is managing your access you could have a bunch of different door guards you could also see that there's NFC and then we have an unlock pin so let's swipe up on the doorbell and we should see this call my cell phone foreign and you can see that we have a notification from UniFi access so that's great we can click on that notification and then open the door now let's take a look at the pin pad so I'm going to unlock with the pin and you could see just how big these numbers are we'll take a look at the old reader and how small they are but right now they're just in order one two three four five six seven eight nine and zero so what we want to do if you want to have more security you could randomize these numbers so if somebody's looking over your shoulder they won't be able to guess what you're doing so I'm going to click on the randomization and then we'll take a look and this is what the randomized numbers look like which is great for security it can be a bit of a pain in the butt but security should be the most important to you now I'm going to hook up the other one and we'll compare the different sizes of the pin pad and this is the first generation reader let's click on the pin and you can see that the pin is a little bit smaller on this reader I do prefer it on the new professional reader Instead This reader also is an ADA Compliant and we will see that so if you are capturing video and you're walking towards it this really just captures your chest whereas the new one will capture your face there were also multiple issues with this reader and Screen tearing if you're using it Outdoors I'm hoping that they fixed it with this one but I won't be able to let you know until I test this extensively now I'm gonna go get this installed in my basement and we'll take a look at the video of the different heights to see if it does actually capture my face alright and this is how I installed it I just had a piece of drywall in my basement hanging in between my door but we could see the new reader on the left and then the old reader on the right I do like the look of the new reader a lot better it is though quite a bit bigger than the old reader as you could tell so I did fob in a couple times on both of the readers so let's take a look at the footage to see which video is better and this video is from the new G2 professional and I am fobbing in with my NFC card so let's take a look at the video we'd tell here that we could see my full face and pretty much my whole body and my ugly rack which I need to redo but now let's look at the old reader and this is the video footage from the old reader we can't even see my face at all all we could see is my chest which does us no good for the video capture for our security now that's gonna be it for this video on the axis reader G2 professional and what do I think about it well I really do like it that new camera makes it worth the extra money the access reader G2 professional is 359 USD and the original one is 2.99. the one thing that I'm gonna have to test out more is this reader outside to make sure that it doesn't have any issues with the screen and I will follow up with another video or a short about that later on if you have any questions about this video please leave it in the comments below if you like this video hit the Thumbs Up Button if you're new here please subscribe and hit the Bell icon alright thanks
Channel: Mactelecom Networks
Views: 46,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unifi access, unifi access reader pro, unifi door access, ubiquiti networks, unifi door access system, unifi access reader g2 pro
Id: LsOq1DX70zI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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